#lucas rubio
lamey-amy · 1 year
Finally watching season 4 of Skam España. Amira and Dani are so cute but I really give zero shits about Lucas' storyline. I just want to skip his clips, then I feel bad cuz I'm sure he's going through something serious that I just don't know about yet.
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themetalclaws · 5 months
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dying they look so cute together
(found these pics on Pinterest btw)
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ghost-qwq · 1 month
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coughs up my red dead doodles... haiiii
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valentinbelleyh505 · 7 months
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filming for the FNAF 2 movie will begin on July 1st according to DTIA! and the animatronics are actually being made! :D
what character(s) you most waiting in the movie?, i most waiting for The Toys, Mangle, Shadow Bonnie, Shadow Freddy, especially The Puppet and The Withereds! and more things that Mike will discover about The Missing Childrens and his little brother, Garrett.
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badmovieihave · 7 months
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Bad movie I have Five Nights at Freddy's 2023
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realmadridfamily · 2 years
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Alejandra and Nacho Junior (Nacho Fernandez), Ema Modrić (Luka Modrić), Lucas Vazquez Rodriguez (Lucas Vazquez) with Sergio Junior and Marco Ramos (Sergio Ramos) in Dubai :)
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milliondollarbaby87 · 2 months
Five Nights at Freddy's (2023) Review
Mike is a very troubled security guard who crosses the line and ends up with no other choice than working the nightshift at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, and on his first night he realises it isn’t going to be easy to get through. ⭐️ Continue reading Five Nights at Freddy’s (2023) Review
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jmunneytumbler · 11 months
Are These Robot Animals Our Friends? Let's Find Out During 'Five Nights at Freddy's'
Are These Robot Animals Our Friends? Let's Find Out During 'Five Nights at Freddy's'
5, 5, Freddy’s coming for you (CREDIT: Patti Perret/Universal Pictures) Starring: Josh Hutcherson, Elizabeth Lail, Piper Rubio, Matthew Lillard, Mary Stuart Masterson, Kat Conner Sterling, Christian Stokes, Joseph Poliquin, Lucas Grant Director: Emma Tammi Running Time: 109 Minutes Rating: PG-13 for Slicing and Dicing Release Date: October 27, 2023 (Theaters and Peacock) What’s It About?: Ever…
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oceanusborealis · 11 months
Five Nights at Freddy’s - Movie Review
TL;DR – It captures the feel of the video games, though the added narrative might not work for everyone. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 3.5 out of 5. Post-Credit Scene – There is a mid-credit scene.Disclosure – I was invited to a press screening of this film. Five Nights at Freddy’s Review – In the not-so-distant past, if you heard the words ‘video game adaptation’, it would provoke a feeling of instant…
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infacundia · 1 year
veneno para perros
Esta noche, dios me perdone, armo artesanalmente veneno para perros. Lo único que necesito es meter el polvo de cinco pastillas de Paracetamol adentro de una alita de pollo cocida. Mi vieja no cree en la eutanasia. Incluso si le tirás el caso hipotético de que hay una persona en coma, con imposibilidad de recuperación y respirando de una máquina, la chabona te dice que no se la desconecta. Porque existen los milagros, te dice, y los médicos muchas veces se equivocan. Mi hermano menor piensa que eso no es vida, que eso ya es tortura. Pero sabe cuándo decirlo y no se lo discute a ella. Yo aprendí a aprender de él, y por eso también dejé de discutir abstracciones. Prefiero lo hechos. Si estoy de acuerdo con el aborto, aborto cuando tengo la oportunidad. Si estoy de acuerdo con la esterilización masculina, me hago la vasectomía. Si estoy de acuerdo con la lucha de clases, me organizo. Si estoy a favor de la eutanasia, aprendo también cuándo aplicarla.
Por eso cuando de pronto veo que la nueva vecina se instala con un perro tamaño cañón en el departamento de arriba, un poco más chico que el nuestro, tomo una decisión. El bicho se la pasa ladrando, día y noche, cada vez que uno entra y sale, cada vez que uno pone música, cada vez que una conversación subede tono, los cuerpos se desnudan y entran en contacto. El perro, incesante e insistente, ladra, con esa voz ronca y desesperada de perro grande, destinado a proteger grandes estancias y sin embargo encerrado en el mausoleo vivo de una vieja rancia con pretensiones paranoicas.
Porque eso es la vecina nueva. Te la cruzás en el pasillo y ya la notás fallada. La primera vez me preguntó quién había vivido ahí antes. Tardé en entender que no le tenía miedo a los fantasmas de antiguos inquilinos muertos, sino a que se hayan quedado con la llave y le entren a robar... ¿Quién te va a robar a vos, tarada, en ese monoambiente centenario y con ese perro plaga? Al poco tiempo andaba preguntando por qué la luz del pasillo no se prende. Porque se quemó la térmica, querida. ¿Y no se puede arreglar? Convoca a la ternura, ya. Entonces yo junto paciencia y le respondo que se tiene que hacer cargo la inmobiliaria, porque es un servicio básico, pero que viste que esas cosas no te las arreglan. ¿Por qué no? Insiste la vieja. Con esa voz achetada, la vieja. Teñida de rubio como a sus veinte ochentosos, la vieja. Luca se había muerto y ahí está todavía la rubia tarada, haciéndome de vecina.
Lo que hay que hacer era encargarnos nosotros y descontarlo del próximo alquiler, pero prefiero cambiar de tema y preguntarle por el perro, que ladra desde que ella entró a la oscuridad del pasillo. Tiene las alarmas desajustadas, pero después se tranquiliza. Ahora se le prenden ante cualquier ruido nuevo, me explicó. Pienso en gente que conozco y elijo creerle. Me armo de paciencia. Pero no me queda mucha, porque a todo esto yo vengo haciendo de sostén en varias redes. Veng manteniendo no el optimismo, sino la estabilidad entre lo que puedo y lo que siento. Un tarea difícil, pero más compleja aun cuando cada persona, amiga o pareja con la que me junto a ponerme al día está atravesando una angustia distinta. Tenés que estar bien para sostener a los que no están bien, me digo, porque cuando vos no estuviste bien ellos se mantuvieron bien y te sostuvieron. Un poco esa era la forma en que entiendo el afecto. Pero tampoco yo estoy hecho para cargar sobre mis hombros emocionales el peso de la melancolía humana en su totalidad. Hago lo que puedo, que no es poco.
Pero es difícil hacer pesas en la cuerda floja. Y en este momento lo único que yo necesito para trastabillar y derrumbarme, con todo el peso levantado encima, es el vuelo de una mosca. La leve variación de una corriente de aire. La caída de una hoja en este otoño crudo. La primera gota de llovizna necesito para perder el equilibrio, la llamada estabilidad. El ladrido cotidiano de un perro encerrado. Un perro idiota, como todos, como los humanos, al fin y al cabo. Un perro imbécil, atrapado en una estructura contraria a su naturaleza, a sus deseos, a sus necesidades más íntimas..., pero siempre amando al tarambana que lo encierra, y protegiendo su celda, como si nada más hubiera en el mundo conocido y todo el alimento fuera un ultraprocesado con los suplementos químicos fisiológicamente necesarios para una vida embrutecida. Un perro que ladra nuestra propia realidad: eso es demasiado. Nada más basta para que diga bast, hasta acá llegamos con sostener lo insostenible.
Con todo este razonamiento, no puedo sino concluir que hay que ponerle fin al sufrimiento innecesario, aplicar la eutanasia, matar al enfermo incurable. Entonces, como decía, tomo una decisión, y ya estoy, de hecho, con la alita de pollo crocando intoxicada en la plancha. Mientras se coce la carne con el Paracetamol adentro, pienso en mis redes humanas. Mis amistades quizá no lo entiendan, pero es necesario que yo mantenga a raya cierto orden en mi refugio para poder abrazarlas todo lo que necesitan. Cansado de darle vueltas, a las dos de la madrugada salgo al patio y revoleo, con precisa puntería, el anzuelo a la terraza de la vecina.
Lo que yo no sabía era que el Paracetamol no mata instantáneamente. Somete a su víctima a un sufrimiento inconfesable, mucho mayor, más tremendo que cualquier encierro. Entonces ahora qué pasa: la cagué, y no puedo parar de oír al perro retorcerse en su dolor hasta el insomnio. Oigan cómo llora, aúlla, le ladra a la vecina que de pronto se despierta sin saber qué carajo, qué mierda pasa, qué tiene ahora este perro que se queja más de lo acostumbrado de pronto y en esta hora silente. Los gritos y gemidos de desesperación siguen toda la noche, como fantasmas excitados por la miseria, y se extendien durante la mañana en un eco indistinguible del dolor del perro y de la vecina.
De pronto siento, como si yo hubiera consumido el veneno artesanal, el daño hepático como una plaga insidiosa, invadiendo el organismo canino sin piedad. Una sensación de pesadez y malestar que agobia el abdomen, mientras el hígado, un guardián traicionado, lucha por cumplir su función esencial. Las células hepáticas, destruidas y deprimidas, se desinflan de su vitalidad, y se convierten en un amargo sabor metálico en la boca. Acostado en mi cama, encontrando expresiones de horror en las manchas de mi techo a oscuras, escucho cada latido del corazón del perro como un gañido desgarrado, bombeando sangre debilitada y pálida en las venas. La fatiga se apodera de las sombras, como un abrazo interminable que se niega a soltarlas. Todos los efectos secundarios del mortal veneno orquestan este espanto eterno. Las úlceras gástricas, como volcanes en erupción, arden con una intensidad insoportable en el estómago. Cada bocado de polo se estaba convirtiendo en una afrenta, provocando un dolor punzante que se extiende por el lomo, minando aún más su resistencia. Veo u oigo cómo sus riñones, incapaces de filtrar adecuadamente los desechos, dejan que las toxinas se acumulen en el torrente sanguíneo, pudriendo cada célula y llevando consigo una agonía silenciosa. Así la debilidad, como una marea implacable, arrastraba al lastimoso perrito a un abismo de inmovilidad. Cada paso era una prueba, cada movimiento era un desafío. Su musculatura de perro grande ahora se percibe deformada, dejando solo un eco débil de su antigua fuerza.
La dificultad para respirar, como un coro de suspiros entrecortados, ahora invade los pulmones con una sensación de ahogo constante. Cada inhalación se convierte en una lucha desesperada por llenar sus pulmones de aire, mientras la opresión en su pecho se intensifica.
La ictericia, como un velo amarillento que vistiera su pelaje, tiñe de pronto la piel y los ojos con un tono enfermizo. Si alguna vez la tuvo, la belleza del perro se desvanece rápidamente dejando en su lugar una sombra de enfermedad que es imposible de ocultar.
La taquicardia, como un tambor desbocado, marca el ritmo frenético de la angustia. Cada latido era un recordatorio constante de la fragilidad del corazón, y el miedo a que un último suspiro fuera su final resonaba en los oídos.
El edema subcutáneo, como ríos de agua estancada bajo la piel, deformaba el cuerpo y lo hacía sentir como si fuera una cárcel. Cada movimiento se volvía un desafío, y la sensación de pesadez era opresiva.
La cianosis, como un manto oscuro que cubría la esperanza, teñía los labios y las extremidades con un azul mortecino. La falta de oxígeno en la sangre dejaba una huella inconfundible de sufrimiento en cada rincón del cuerpo.
Cuando por fin llega la hora, encerrado desde casa escucho cómo la vecina arrastraba al perro cómo podía al auto para llevarlo, calculé, a la primer veterinaria abierta. Quiero salir a ver qué onda, pero la culpa o la prudencia me invitan a fingir demencia, a que desde abajo nada de todo se está sintiendo.
Finalmente puedo pensar en frío. En la veterinaria va a enterar la doña del envenamiento y no sé cómo puede llegar a reaccionar si de alguna manera sospecha que fui yo el infeliz.
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evita-shelby · 9 months
To lift my spirits because I feel like shit I'm listening to "old" latin music and please, tell me modern!Eva tortures Tommy, Luca and/or Jack with these singers like Thalia. Their European/American ears could never appreciate this music, unless they're forced to 😂.
Amor a la Mexicana, Mujer latina, etc son himnos.
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Eva would unironically love pop(she is more alternative and closer to rock like Camila, Mana and Cafe Tacvba, but she loves Paulina Rubio (sorry Thalia)
Gloria Trevi would also be a great fave and Los Angeles Azules(she loves to dance and the invention of the cumbia made old eva learn a new dance)
Eva would torture them with freaking RBD, go on to Thalia, Paulina Rubio, Reik and then when they think she's calmed down with some angsty Mana or Camila, Gasolina will be blaring out on her speakers
She takes special care to torture Jack with the more anti-american imperialism songs especially pro immigration songs
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ginger-grimm · 2 years
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Full Name: Maria Carmen Bauman (formerly Navarro)
Birthdate: September 1st, 1968
Hair Color: Brown, with dirty blonde highlights
Eye Color: Brown
Species: Superpowered Human
Family: Josefa Rubio (Mother, deceased), Murray Bauman (Father), Antonia Navarro (”Adoptive” Mother), Pedro Navarro (”Adoptive” Father)
Love Interest: Jonathan Byers
Friends: Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington, Will Byers, Joyce Byers, El Hopper, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Mike Wheeler, Max Mayfield, Erica Sinclair, Jim Hopper
Likes: Plants, flowers, gardening, knitting, video games, building and fixing things, cooking, baking, soft music, food, hugs
Dislikes: Confined spaces, being patronized, winter, scary horror movies, losing control
Phobias: Claustrophobia
Style: 70s style, flowy floral blouses, flowy pants, loves walking around on bare feet but will wear sandals when out and about, either wears her hair open or tries out new hair styles, wears mostly necklaces, and then a friendship bracelett that Will makes her, likes colorful nailpolish
Speech: Slight spanish accent, soft sweet voice, likes to hum to herself
Physical Quirks/Scars: Her eyes glow green when she uses her powers, has a scar on her stomach from being cut during birth, slight limp in her right leg from a fall she took
Personality: Sweet, creative, nurturing, loving, anxious, welcoming, somewhat demure
Background: Born in a small town in Illinois, Carmen’s life had been stressful from the very first breath she took. Supposedly left in front of a firestation by an irresponsible young mother, baby Carmen was taken in by two highly religious neighbours. She grew up sheltered, rarely let outside save for going to school or going into the garden behind the house. Her parents never approved of anything they considered to be of satantic influence, which is to say they didn’t approve of anything that Carmen’s classmates liked. When Carmen turns fifteen and begins to develop powers she never knew she possesed, her parents believe her to be possesed by the Devil and lock her in the basement for an off-book exorcism. Days later, after complaints to the police by concerned neighbours, Carmen is found unresponsive and brought to the hospital. Soon after, with her parents are awaiting trial and no one else claiming the young woman, she is transferred to Pennhurst Asylum in Kerley County one state over in Indiana. There, she is kept heavily medicated around the clock, though Carmen is awake and well-aware of her surroundings. She spends a year there, before a man by the name of Murray Bauman helps her escape. Hoping to escape the state, Carmen begins to run. That same night she witnesses a young boy running away from something, and soon after she finds herself at the steps of said young boys home, hoping to find refuge during a rain storm and coming face-to-face with the young boys brother.
Faceclaim: Paulina Chávez
TAGGING: @waterloou​​ @firsthorror​​ @eddysocs​​ @ocs-supporting-ocs​​ @foxesandmagic​​ @veetlegeuse​​ @decennia​​ @hiddenqveendom​​ @arrthurpendragon​​ @luucypevensie​​ @richitozier​​ @noratilney​​ @jvstjewels​​ @oneirataxia-girl​​ @wordspin-shares​​ @booty-boggins​​  
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Some Further Thoughts: TOY STORY 5, FROZEN III, ZOOTOPIA 2
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The dust has settled for a bit…
These are some theories on who I think will be in charge of the three animated movie sequels announced by The Walt Disney Company the other day, because that’s always a concern of sorts for me when it comes to these movies… And also when they could possibly be released…
Why don’t we get the big one out of the way? That’s right… TOY STORY 5…
The announcement of TOY STORY 5 was unusual in that it didn’t give us any idea who is spearheading it. Now, TOY STORY 4 was similarly announced during an earnings call in October of 2014. It was the first official announcement of the movie’s existence following years of rumors coming from dubious sources… And on that day, we learned right away that it had a director (John Lasseter, who stepped down as director in mid-2017 prior to his prolonged ouster from the Disney company), two writers (Rashida Jones and Will McCormack, who left around that time as well), and was going to be a love story… But during that February earnings call, Bob Iger only stated that it was in the works, along with the two Disney Animation sequel films FROZEN III and ZOOTOPIA 2. No info on those, either… Just, they exist… It wasn’t too dissimilar to the March 2014 shareholder earnings call that officially confirmed that CARS 3 and INCREDIBLES 2 were in the works. Info was sparse on both…
In my previous post on the TOY STORY 5 announcement, I thought of who was part of the main crew of all four of the movies. Lasseter’s been out of Disney altogether since mid-2018, Pete Docter never directed a TOY STORY movie and is currently the Chief Creative Officer of Pixar, Andrew Stanton has been off directing live-action stuff and trying to get live-action features off the ground elsewhere, Lee Unkrich retired from the business entirely, and Josh Cooley is presumably still directing an animated TRANSFORMERS movie for Paramount… I’d imagine Docter and Stanton will at least write or contribute story material to the fifth TOY STORY, but I don’t see them being involved in other levels of the production. Does Unkrich un-retire (he’s not particularly old) and write, possibly even direct? Not sure. Perhaps another promising upstart director gets this one, much like how Josh Cooley got the TOY STORY 4 gig after years of story artist/supervisor work dating back to CARS. But who… Is the question. All the directors confirmed to make new Pixar features - Brian Fee, Kristen Lester, Rosana Sullivan, Aphton Corbin, Enrico Casarosa, and Domee Shi - are working on original stories… Maybe a short film director who has yet to get a gig - such as Brian Larsen or Bobby Rubio - will be director. Maybe someone I’ve never heard of before or even considered… After all, no one outside the walls of the studio knew that Enrico Casarosa had an original film in the works (LUCA), or that Adrian Molina was tackling a movie of his own after COCO (ELIO), or that Kelsey Mann was set to direct something, let alone an INSIDE OUT sequel. There’s a lot they don’t say, as much as they do say…
Release… Pixar currently has these dates locked for releases, post-INSIDE OUT 2:
06/13/2025 03/06/2026 06/19/2026
I’m thinking… Should production go smoothly, and not go through multiple writer changes like TOY STORY 4 did, it gets the June 2026 slot. That puts it… Seven years after TOY STORY 4. When TOY STORY 4 was announced, it was slated for summer 2017… That would’ve been seven years after TOY STORY 3, but again, those delays pushed it to summer 2019. TOY STORY 3, by contrast, took four years to come together. Development began following Disney’s acquisition of Pixar in early 2006 (erasing the old anti-sequel terms of the original contract between the two companies), was at first slated for summer 2009, but was released in summer 2010. TOY STORY 2 debuted four years after the first TOY STORY… Seven years is long, both TOY STORY 3 and TOY STORY 4 took what seemed like eons to come out.
As for those other release dates? I think those go to originals, of course. They’re the only other Pixar films we know about, and more originals is a good thing.
Now while we know what Pixar are releasing in 2024, original ELIO and sequel INSIDE OUT 2… We know next to nothing about what Walt Disney Animation Studios has on the horizon for after WISH’s holiday 2023 bow… And WISH wasn’t known to the public until this past autumn… Barely a year away from release. Outside of the two recently-announced sequels? Nothing. No hints on anything that’s cooking. We’ve known for a while - read: since November 2019 - that filmmakers Josie Trinidad, Suzi Yoonessi, and Marc Smith had original movies in production. If those are still a priority, then I’d imagine we’d be hearing about them soon. Walt Disney Animation Studios runs differently from Pixar now, what with Jennifer Lee as Chief Creative Officer, not how John Lasseter used to oversee both WDAS and Pixar… Don Hall, for example, was curiously whisked off of his STRANGE WORLD to take over RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGON from its previous directors, ditto Carlos Lopez Estrada. Estrada had an original of his own in the works at the time, until he was assigned to RAYA. He left Disney altogether after that, meaning that his original is either dead (reportedly titled FOSTER, which shared the name with a cancelled Blue Sky musical) or it was given to another director. Hall later resumed STRANGE WORLD and the movie debuted nearly two years after RAYA. (Worth noting, RAYA was originally supposed to be a fall 2020 release, with ENCANTO following fall 2021, and then STRANGE WORLD fall 2022.)
So, which movie bows first? And when?
FROZEN III was inevitable given the billion dollar success of both movies, individually. FROZEN II came out six years after the first one, in fact it wasn’t announced that it existed until a year and a half after the first FROZEN came out. FROZEN II is now 3 1/2 years old, so they took a while to even confirm that this movie exists. Do Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee return to direct? Definitely no on the latter, as Lee is busy running the studio. Chris Buck is director of WISH, so if Buck’s directing, it won’t be out for a little while then. If neither are directing, and they gave it to someone else (maybe one of the directors of the half-hour OLAF’S FROZEN ADVENTURE), then it could come sooner than later… Again, with such little information, it is hard to gauge.
Ditto ZOOTOPIA 2. Byron Howard directed the first film alongside Rich Moore, the latter left Disney a while ago. Howard, and ZOOTOPIA co-director Jared Bush, took on ENCANTO afterwards. Is Howard returning? Or is he pursuing another original project? Jared Bush is involved in ZOOTOPIA 2, and it’s possibly he could direct, or he has an original lined up for himself as well. I’d imagine they’d both at least write it or contribute story material. Josie Trinidad has an original movie lined up, but given her story work on the first ZOOTOPIA and that she directed most of ZOOTOPIA+. Trent Correy, who also directed on ZOOTOPIA+ and directed the Short Circuit short DROP, could be the director, too. Or he has an original lined up…
Release dates? Well, here is Walt Disney Animation Studio’s post-WISH slate so far…
11/20/2024 11/26/2025 11/25/2026
While Pixar has smoothly moved into doing two features every other year, WDAS still does one movie a year… And two sequels being on the boards makes thing a little complicated for the originals. Do we semi-repeat 2018-2019, where we went a whole four years without a new not-sequel Disney animated movie? Or does WDAS wrangle another movie into a doable slot?
Pixar, as said before, releases two movies in both 2024 and 2026… 2025, just one… Who’s to say Disney can’t take one of their placeholder dates for a “live-action” movie and gave it to a WDAS movie? Like, I can imagine one of those two sequels - likely ZOOTOPIA 2, since FROZEN is always more of a wintery sort of thing for obvious reasons - taking such a date… Say, March 2025? That’s the earliest feasible date, though…
FROZEN III, if it were truly coming out next year, than they’ve kept a hell of a tight lip on it… I don’t think it’ll be next year’s WDAS movie, nor ZOOTOPIA 2…
Earliest I can see either is sometime in 2025. It’s harder to gauge because originals exist, and WDAS only does one a year as of now. Again, that could change. They could surprise and say that they’re doing two in 2025 or so, and one of those two is a sequel.
As I said in the previous post on this matter… Why don’t they double up their efforts so they can get more originals out without having sequels pushing them back? In a way that doesn't put pressure on the crews, and doesn't crunch anyone... I think it can be done: That Vancouver studio they recently opened... Can that be upped the same way the defunct Orlando studio was? The Orlando unit helped on features like THE LION KING, and then whole features were made in-house there starting with MULAN. By the early 2000s, Disney Feature was able to get two features out every few years because of this. Both units seemed to work well in delivering movies without much strain. It only went kablooey because of outside circumstances, but look at Pixar. They’re doing two a year just fine despite outside hardships (COVID-19, LIGHTYEAR flopping at the box office), DreamWorks is doing that just fine, too. WDAS, from my outside perspective, could possibly get two movies out in 2025. An original and a sequel - be it ZOOTOPIA 2 or FROZEN III - and make it through unscathed.
As for what makes it first out of the two WDAS sequels? I'm definitely leaning on ZOO2PIA here. The first film will be *ten years old* in 2026, and ZOOTOPIA+ recently debuted on Disney+, so I'd imagine that one arriving sooner than latter.
Who knows, but I could see this happening…
11/20/2024 - ORIGINAL WDAS (possibly Josie Trinidad's film?)
03/07/2025 - ZOOTOPIA 2
06/13/2025 - ORIGINAL PIXAR (possibly Brian Fee’s film? He said he was writing/directing an original way back in July 2017)
11/26/2025 - ORIGINAL WDAS (possibly Suzi Yoonessi's film?)
03/06/2026 - ORIGINAL PIXAR (possibly Kristin Lester’s film? Her original movie was confirmed to exist in 2018)
06/19/2026 - TOY STORY 5
11/25/2026 - FROZEN III
2027 - ORIGINAL PIXAR (possibly Rosana Sullivan's film?)
2027 - ORIGINAL WDAS (possibly Marc Smith's film?)
This might all look silly by 2026 anyways, so… Why the heck not?
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Bartolozzi Rubio, Salvador.
Bartolozzi Rubio, Salvador. Madrid, 6.IV.1882 – Ciudad de México, 9.VII.1950. Dibujante, pintor, cartelista, escenógrafo, figurinista, escritor de literatura infantil.
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Su verdadero nombre de pila era Santos, pero se hizo llamar y firmó Salvador. Se formó artísticamente en la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, donde su padre, Lucas, procedente de Lucca (Italia), era jefe del taller de Vaciado y Reproducciones Artísticas y Conservador de la sección de Escultura; además, en 1897 ingresó en la Escuela de Bellas Artes, ubicada allí mismo. Vivió en París de 1901 a 1906, y trabajó como ilustrador a veces bajo la firma de otro artista llamado Batlle. Hizo cuadernos de apuntes del natural de tipos castizos y burgueses, tanto en París como en Madrid. En 1907 se casó con Angustias Sánchez y nacieron tres hijos: Francis (Pitti), Mari y Rafael. En el mismo año comenzó a trabajar en la Editorial Saturnino Calleja, y dibujó portadas e ilustraciones para obras de Salgari, Pelusa, del Padre Coloma, Clarafrente, La venganza del enano “Bulfstroll” [...]. En 1909 conoció a Ramón Gómez de la Serna y fundó con él la tertulia de Pombo, por lo que fue inmortalizado en el cuadro de José Gutiérrez Solana (1920).
Su firma es frecuente como ilustrador de las series La Novela de Ahora, El Libro Popular, El Cuento Semanal, Los Contemporáneos, La Novela Semanal, La Novela de Hoy, y de numerosos semanarios y revistas: La Esfera, Nuevo Mundo, España, Blanco y Negro...
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vertigosmx · 22 days
El equipo del Agua Potable trabajó durante 5 horas en la reparación de una fuga en el acueducto de 16 pulgadas de la planta desalinizadora de Cabo San Lucas
En beneficio de las colonias que dependen de la Estación de Bombeo número 2(Eb2) y para asegurar el tandeo de agua potable principalmente a las colonias Los Cangrejos l, Agua Clara, y Altamira, el equipo del Agua Potable al frente del ingeniero Ramón Rubio Apodaca trabajó durante 5 horas en la reparación de una fuga en el acueducto de 16 pulgadas de la planta desalinizadora de Cabo San Lucas a la…
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 2 months
Por cierto..Sergio RAMOS [casado con Pilar RUBIO que fue novia del cantante de HAMLET por 10 años o hasta que publicó cd LA PUTA Y EL DIABLO..entrevistandole entre tanto para SE LO QUE HICISTEIS en la disco KAPITAL=DINERO Y VITAL..antes TITANIC o la más grande de Madrid.. cuando RAMOS nacido en CAMAS fue a entrega de disco de DI_AMANTES a ANDY Y LUCAS por cd GANAS DE VIVIR..y cuyo ultimo cd es NUEVA VIDA tras cd IMPARABLE] ..llevaba el 15 en seleccion española por malogrado PUERTA que fue por 1era vez a la selección por lesión de malogrado REYES [los 3 sevillanos] y el cual tenia embarazada con 22 años a su novia de 42 años lo cual no gustó nada en su familia y la cual fue al funeral con camiseta de GSUS=JESUS
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