#lucifer and sabrina morningstar
csilis · 5 months
Children of Lucifer
Now that I have watched Hazbin Hotel and met another child of Lucifer I could imagine something like this:
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But with them instead:
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This would make a great sitcom indeed!
If there's more (because I remember Supernatural also having a child of Lucifer?) feel free to tell me so I can add them into the group🤣
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jeong-guwon · 2 years
I just think they're neat
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fanfics4all · 3 months
Request: Yes / No Thank you @badthingshappenbingo​ for my card! 
Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Lucifer Morningstar x Daughter!Reader 
Word count: 2236
Warnings: Mentions of kidnapping and manipulation  
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
Y/F/N: Your First Name
Y/M/N: Your Middle Name
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(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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*Lucifer’s POV*
Someone had the audacity to steal my daughter from me when she was just a young child. I tracked her for years, but I ended up losing her trail a few years ago. It was like she never existed in the first place. Whoever took her must be powerful in order to hide her from me. This is the only reason I had a second child with a mortal. Sabrina was an amazingly powerful witch and I knew she had amazing potential. Yet I never stopped looking for my first born. I will get my daughter back.  
*Y/N’s POV*
I woke up to my alarm and groaned. Another day, another training day… I got dressed quickly and went out into the kitchen where my Dad was cooking breakfast. He turned to look at me with a smile as I took a seat at the island. 
“Morning sunshine, hungry?” He asked and I nodded. He placed a plate of food in front of me and I quickly started eating. 
“Slow down, there’s plenty of food.” He said and I slowed a bit. 
“Your Uncle will be here in a bit.” He said as he took his own seat. 
“Which one today?” I asked after I swallowed a mouth full of food. 
“Michael, you’re gonna train with him today.” He saida and I nodded. 
“When is my training gonna be over? I’ve been working every day since I was like five.” I groaned and he chuckled. 
“When we’re sure you’re ready.” He said and I rolled my eyes. That’s the answer they always give me. 
“Ready for what? I don’t even know what I’m training for!” I said, getting annoyed again. 
“Y/N, watch your tone.” He said and I groaned, pushing my plate away. 
“I’m so sick of training! Can’t I just go to school like a normal kid?” I asked and he shook his head. 
“We’ve talked about this sunshine, you can’t go to school. Instead you train with me and your Uncles.” He said and I rested my head on the counter. 
“But what am I training for?” I asked. Before Dad could answer or reather not answer again, the front door opened and in walked my Uncle. 
“Morning everyone! Who’s ready for training?” Michael asked as he walked right into our kitchen. I looked up at him and groaned. 
“Someone slept on the wrong side of the bed.” He chuckled as he grabbed a cup of coffee. 
“She’s questioning her training again.” Dad said and I rolled my eyes. 
“Maybe if you guys told me what the hell I was training for then I wouldn’t have to question it!” I said and they both narrowed their eyes at me. 
“What have we told you about using that word?” Dad asked and I sighed. 
“Sorry…” I mumbled. 
“Listen, Y/N, you just need to do what your Dad and us Uncles say and everything will be perfect.” Michael said and I rolled my eyes again. 
“Whatever, am I actually going to be able to use my powers today or is it another pretend day?” I asked. 
“It’s still too early to use your powers.” Michael answered and I groaned. 
“Dad!” I said and he sighed. 
“Just listen to your Uncle.” He said. 
“It’s getting boring using them by myself…” I mumbled. 
“What was that?” Dad asked. I looked over at them and they both looked shocked and worried. 
“You’ve been using your powers by yourself!?” Michael shouted. 
“A little…” I sheepishly answered. 
“Y/N Y/M/N Anderson! You know you’re not allowed to use your powers unless one of us gives you the okay!” Dad scolded. 
“It’s not like anyone sees me since I’ve been locked in this stupid house forever and it’s just a little bit, what’s the big deal?” I asked. 
“The big deal is that’s it’s dangerous! There’s a reason you’re not allowed to use your powers.” Dad said. 
“Then tell me the reason! Dad I’ve been lost about this stuff my whole life! You weren’t even gonna tell me that I had powers until I did some magic by accident!” I pointed out. 
“Y/N you’re Dad and us are just trying to protect you.” Michael said and I groaned. 
“I’m so tired of that excuse!” I shouted and flung my hands back. When I did I accidently shot some magic out and broke the window and a vase. 
“Y/N, calm down.” Dad said while holding his hands up in surrender. 
“No! I want to know the truth!” I shouted. I felt my eyes change, but didn’t pay an attention to it. My Dad and Uncle looked at me with wide fearful eyes. 
“Y/N you need to relax right now.” Michael said and made his sword appear. 
“I’ll calm down when you two finally tell me why I need to do all this shit!” I hissed. There was a sudden noise behind me and I looked over. There was a portal in our livingroom and someone or something was coming out of it. 
“Y/N come here now.” Dad said in the most serious tone I’ve ever heard from him. I rushed over to him and he pushed me behind him. My Dad and Uncle stepped in front of me and Michael held his sword up, ready to fight. I tried to peek around them, but they did a really good job at blocking my view. 
“You’re not welcome here, Brother.” Michael said and I furrowed my brow. My Uncles wouldn’t show up in a portal like that.
“I should have known you were the ones that took her from me.” A voice I don’t recognize said. 
“Leave, now.” Dad growled. 
“Where is she?” The voice asked. 
“Not here.” Michael answered. Who the hell were they talking about? 
“Nonsens, I can feel her power.” The voice said and I could hear a smirk. 
“You’re not welcome here.” Michael growled and held his sword closer to the person. He lent forward to threaten the person, but he revealed me behind him a bit. The person looked past my Uncle at me and his smirk grew. 
“There she is.” He said. My Dad and Uncle both glanced back at me, but I was just staring at the strange man who seemed strangely familiar to me. 
“Come here, Y/N.” The man said and my Dad placed his arm in front of me. 
“She’s not going anywhere near you.” He growled. 
“How do you know my name?” I asked and he raised a brow at me, but kept his smirk. 
“Don’t talk to him, Y/N.” Michael said, his eyes not leaving the man. 
“So she has no memory of me?” He asked and I furrowed my brow. 
“She doesn’t need any, you’re just making our jobs harder!” Dad hissed. 
“What the hell are you guys talking about?” I asked. Dad sent me a look and I mumbled an apology. 
“Have you been keeping her in the dark on everything?” The man asked with a chuckle. 
“Get out now!” Michael growled at him. 
“Tell me darling, do you know that your so called Father and Uncles are angels?” He asked and my eyes widened. 
“What?” I asked quietly. 
“You’re ruining everything, like usual!” Dad shouted. I backed away from my Dad and Uncle. Dad looked back at me and he looked worried. 
“Y/N? Sunshine? Don’t believe a word this man says.” Dad said and I looked back at him with narrowed eyes. 
“Is it true? Are you and all my Uncles angels?” I asked and he looked over at Michael. 
“Y/N, you need to listen to your Dad.” Michael said. 
“Yes, she does.” The man said and took a step forward. Michael held his sword at the mans throat, but he didn’t look bothered by my Uncle. 
“Keep your filthy mouth shut!” Michael said through clentched teeth. 
“Why? All the girl wants to know is the truth.” He said with a smirk and my head shot over to him. 
“You know the truth?” I asked. 
“Don’t talk to him, Y/N!” Dad hissed at me. 
“I should kill you right now.” Michael hissed. 
“We both know Father wouldn’t be very happy with you if that happened.” The man’s smirk grew. His gaze found mine once again. 
“You my dear are my daughter and your so called Father and Uncles stole you from me when you were only five.” He said and my eyes widened. 
“W-What?” I whispered. 
“He’s a liar, Y/N, don’t listen to a think he says.” Michael said, glaring daggers at the man. I looked over at my Dad and he looked scared. 
“I-Is it true? Are you not my Dad?” I asked. 
“Y/N I-” 
“Don’t say a word! We can fix this as soon as we get rid of him! We’ll call the others and she’ll forget all about this! We’ll move her to another location and everything will still go as planned!” Michael said and I gasped. 
“It’s true?” I asked and my Dad couldn’t even look at me. 
“It was a valiant effort, but I’ll be taking my daughter back home now.” The man said. He took a step towards me and Michael tossed him across the room. 
“Father may have my wings if I kill you, but he won’t mind if I hurt you.” He growled at the man. 
“Get her somewhere safe.” He told the man I thought was my Dad, Gabriel. 
“No!” I shouted and I felt so much power coursing through me. I looked down and my hands had swirling red and black power around them. 
“She’s so much more powerful than you ever thought.” The man said with a smirk. 
“Y/N, stop, we don’t want to hurt you.” Gabriel said to me. 
“No! I want the truth and I want it now!” I said and my voice sounded a bit distorted. Micheal and Gabriel looked at each other giving the man time to make his way next to me. 
“They stole you away from me, my darling girl, I’m here to bring you home.” The man said, touching my shoulder. 
“I want the truth!” I shouted and my power pushed everyone away from me. 
“Okay, just calm down! We’ll tell you the truth.” Gabriel said. 
“What are you talking about! We can’t-” 
“Do you want her to lose it to her powers?” Gabriel asked, cutting Michael off. Michael shut his mouth, but he didn’t look happy. 
“Just take a seat, sunshine and I’ll tell you everything.” Gabriel said, taking a seat himself. I shook my head and crossed my arms. 
“I’m staying right here.” I said and he nodded. 
“For once he’s telling the truth. Your Uncles and I-” 
“You’re not my Dad and they’re not my Uncles.” I said with narrowed eyes. 
“You’re right, but we raised you since you were a child.” He said and I rolled my eyes. So what? 
“We took you from your real Father because he’s not a good man and you’re destined to destroy him once and for all. God told us we needed to take you from him and raise you to kill him.” He said and my eyes widened. 
“You’re the strongest being we’ve seen in centuries and God knew you’d be the one to take care of Lucifer once and for all.” He finished and I took everything in. 
“Lucifer? As in…” I trailed off. 
“The Devil, yes my darling girl.” The man said and I looked at him. 
“You’re my Dad?” I asked and he gave me a smile. 
“I’ve been looking for you for years.” He said, taking a step towards me. Micheal went to stop him, but I used my magic to push him away. The man smirked at him and made his way towards me. 
“You are very powerful, dear, I can teach you how to use all of them.” He said. 
“You’ll let me use them?” I asked and he nodded. 
“Y/N please, you need to understand that he’ll use you for evil.” Gabriel said. 
“Listen to your- Listen to Gabriel.” Micheal cut himself off. 
“Why would I listen to the people that kidnapped, manipulated, and lied to me? Lucifer is the only one that’s told me the truth!” I hissed at him. Lucifer placed his hands on my shoulders and pulled my back against him. 
“You were wrong for ever thinking you could manipulate my daughter into killing me.” He said to them. 
“Y/N, please.” Gabriel begged, but I shook my head. Lucifer moved his hand and the same portal he used to come here appeared. 
“Come, darling, it’s time you return home and meet your half sister.” He said and I smiled at him. 
“I have a sister?” I asked and he nodded, offering me his hand. I took it and both angels rushed over to us. 
“Y/N stop!” They shouted, but they were too slow. Lucifer and I jumped into the portal and he quickly closed it behind us. When we stepped through we were in what looked like a throne room. 
“Welcome home, my darling daughter.” He said and I looked around in awe. 
“I still can’t remember anything though…” I said sadly. 
“Don’t worry, dear, we’ll get whatever they did to you out of your head.” He said and hugged me. I hugged him back and everything just felt right.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @lover-of-books-and-tea @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @kmc1989 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @lover2448
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anon-s-s-k · 8 months
Me: What do you mean ? I don't have a type!
My favourite characters:
Energetic, charismatic, show-stealer, quirky sassy little shit but oh so lovely
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Acts all confident and cocky, but deep down has severe self-worth issues
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Daddy/mommy issues + childhood/past trauma
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Rough around the edges but is actually a cinnamon roll
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Badass, sexy and very, VERY QUEER
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Messes up sometimes, but owns up their shit and actually manages to make things right
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Seems like doesn't care but deep down is a big ol' softie
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Loyal af, would take a bullet for their loved ones
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Got a bit of darkness lurking around in there but always manage to come clean and do the right thing, got an AA graded moral compass there
Honourable mention: childhood crush
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Me:.......oh, oh sHIT! :0
Edit: another childhood crush that I didn't even know was my crush but by God! Was I obsessed?
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velvette-hussle · 4 months
HH Lucifer was about as disappointing as CAOS Lucifer eventually ended up being. Except, like, I wasn’t teased beforehand with a potentially better Lucifer with Hazbin, I was just instantly disappointed.
I get the creator has a type - which is obviously fine - it’s just not a character type I fancy. Stolas was enough for me, and I kind of think Blitzø is a better father than both of them but I need to inspect that claim more before I can officially co-sign it.
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billiesbabygirl · 1 month
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render-some-bitches · 8 months
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Happy Devil’s Night! Lucifer Morningstar is celebrating by spending time with his kids (Jack, Sabrina, and Adam seem to prefer this version of Lucifer much more than their own fathers, and Rory’s just glad to hang out with her multiversal siblings).
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kindaqueerngl · 27 days
when I say I love blondes I don’t just mean my boyfriend I also mean Will Solace, Billie Joe Armstrong, NOAHFINNCE, Gerard way black parade era, Annabeth Chase, Jason Grace, Draco Malfoy, Marilyn Munroe, Todd Ingram, Taylor Swift, Charlie Morningstar, Lucifer Morningstar, Sabrina Carpenter, Walker Scobell, Bakugo Katsuki, Denki Kiminari, Regina George, and many more.
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atelierlili · 1 month
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@anymorenonbinary2 requested a picture for their friends birthday so here we are. Please enjoy <3 Speedpaint is on tiktok!
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wolfdaddyalphasworld · 4 months
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Which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened four times, right??
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caossource · 1 year
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What then of my child, my ‘Stay of Execution’? My value alive.
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Sneak peak of something I’m working on atm
Let me know if I continue and publish it ?
Caos Lucifer x Reader _____________________
You were kneeled on the ground of the church in front of everyone, your hands tied together.
“You are here before us today accused of killing another witch for her power” Father Blackwood said pointing a finger at you
“Please” you begged,
“I didn’t do that, I was just taught by other witches on my travels ” you cried out
“Lies!” He yelled accusingly and slapped you across the face.
You cried out in pain
“You are here by sentence to death!” Blackwood said very dramatically
Right as he went to kill you the doors of the church burst open and there stood Lucifer with a look of upmost rage on his face.
Gasps we’re heard throughout the room and murmurs of praises to the dark lord.
“D-dark lord” Father Blackwood stuttered as Lucifer walked down the isle towards Blackwood and you.
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Lucifer / Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Rec
I know this is kind of a niche crossover, but lately I've been reading a lot of Lucifer and Sabrina fics, so I thought I'd rec my favorites. So here you go!!
Morningstar Family Values Series
By: SteerPike13713
Summary: "... how did this-- How do you have a kid?" she demanded, knowing even as she said it that Lucifer was going to make some awful "birds and the bees" joke about this. She was not disappointed. "Well, you see, Detective, when a man and a woman love each other very much, but can't conceive on their own, they summon the Devil in a complicated demonological ritual and invite him to have a threesome with them, without letting him know that pesky little detail that the ritual was designed to allow for interbreeding between celestial and mortal beings."
My Comments: Instead of linking in each work in the series, I just linked the entire series up above. And the summary above is actually from the third work in this series. That being said, I absolutely love this series. I didn't know how much I needed parent!Lucifer, until I read this series. Not to mention that I think that they got Sabrina spot on. There are eight pieces in this series, so it is sure to keep you occupied. Down below I'm going to put the word count for the entire series, and the status will have the last update on the newest addition to the series.
Status: Incomplete
Last Update: 8/25/21
Length (Whole Series): 228,275 words
Nieces and Nephews
By: Theon_Lannister
Summary: Lucifer calls Chloe after sealing away the Goddess, planning on revealing the truth. Except -- well, he gets teleported by a demonic ritual to Greendale, Mass. This is relatively good timing - because an Imposter is making a power play for Hell, with his daughter. Oh yeah, his daughter - Sabrina Spellman.
My Comments: I originally found this fic because I was aching for more after reading all of the Morningstar Family Values series. I’ll admit this series took a little while to grow on me. But once the author really picked up speed, I got swept away by it. If you love Lucifer and the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, then I recommend giving this one a read!
Status: Incomplete
Last Update: 10/15/23
Length: 69,394 words
Sabrina Morningstar I - The One in Which Sabrina’s Dark Baptism Summons Lucifer
By: HRRMeadows
Summary: Lucifer was minding his own business when he suddenly felt something. Whenever someone signed a Book of the Beast, they would borrow some of his powers; he would take notice of it but otherwise he would ignore it. This time, however, something did not feel right. This sensation was new. 
My Comments: This is another CAOS/Lucifer crossover, but it takes a bit of a different spin than the ones up above. Mainly because it starts at the beginning of the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, instead of at the end of season 2. Which I’ll admit, puts a refreshing spin on things. The author did note that this may become part of a series. Which I desperately hope it does, because it leaves you aching for more.
Status: Complete
Length: 14,398 words
This Rage is the One Thing I Get from My Father
By: keeping_up_with_the_morningstars
Summary: “After all, the Devil never left a favor ungranted. So in the end, I did give him a child.” Sabrina held her breath as the next words were softly uttered from his mouth. “I gave him mine.”
My Comments: This fic was actually suggested to me by a follower. It had been in my tbr for a while, but I finally decided to give it a go, and let me tell you that I wish I had read this sooner. It’s a brilliant fic that is a much different take than the other fics up above. I really love the direction it went with it, and I love how complicated Sabrina and Lucifer’s relationship is and how they slowly work through it. I highly recommend this fic if you love COAS/Lucifer crossovers and want something that shows the ups and downs of their relationship. I did cut the summary down a lot for the purpose of this rec list, just fyi. This fic is cross posted on ff.net, so I’ll link that down below. 
Status: Incomplete
Last Update: 9/16/23
Length: 107,917 words 
Ff.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13557772/1/This-Rage-is-the-One-Thing-I-Get-from-my-father
The Devil Didn’t Make Me Do It
By: shotgunkitten
Summary: Sabrina Spellman grew up as Lucifer Morningstar’s best kept secret. But how much longer will the devil be able to hide the fact that she’s his daughter from the supernatural world when Sabrina turns 16 and it’s time for her to fully become a part of her coven?
My Comments: This is a delightful little read about what if Lucifer raised Sabrina. It mainly goes along with the events of COAS with a little bit of the Lucifer characters thrown in there. I have to say that this is a wonderful little read and the romance between Nick and Sabrina is just amazing. You do have to have an AO3 account to read this fic, which is why it took me a little longer to find it. It has been a couple years since it was last updated so I do think it’s abandoned, which is a shame because it left off at a bit of a cliffhanger. I still recommend giving this one a chance!
Status: Incomplete
Last Update: 9/9/21
Length: 72,174 words
Fiat Lux Series
By: Nesrin
Summary: “Come now, Detective. Surely you didn’t think you were the only one with offspring? Just because mine lives across the country and can’t pester everyone for chocolate cake endlessly.”
My Comments: I shortened the summary (from the first fic) a bit, mainly because it was dialogue taken directly from the fic, which doesn’t really work for a rec list. Now, with this fic, unlike all the others above, Lucifer is not Sabrina’s dad. Rather he’s Nick’s dad. Which I thought was an interesting twist. I really like this series, especially the relationship between all the characters. I highly recommend it. 
Status: Incomplete
Last Update: 8/15/20
Length: 71,451 words
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angelicswagsummit · 1 year
Round One Section A
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thehopelessauthor · 2 years
Lucifer Morningstar(s) and their hellspawns (heirs)
1. Lucifer:
Rory Morningstar
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2. The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (CAOS):
Sabrina Morningstar
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3. Hazbin Hotel (I):
Charlie Morningstar
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dark-cold · 10 months
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My Queen 🛐♏️🕛🌓🍂🎃👹❤️‍🔥
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