#lucifer s5a spoilers
ariaadagio · 4 years
Things I loved about Lucifer S5A:
1. The Deckerstar ship has finally sailed! But that’s not actually what thrilled me (though don’t get me wrong, the ship sailing was great). What thrilled me is that Lucifer and Chloe are talking. so. much. And sharing. All the casual intimate touches and shared looks sent me to my happy place. Granted, Lucifer and Chloe have encountered some bumps in the road, but that’s to be expected, and I am so here for it. More grownup relationship stuff, please.
2. Speaking of Deckerstar, I’m so pleased the writers didn’t drag unpleasant things out. The Michael charade was only one episode, and Chloe saw right through it. Also, Chloe deserved some time to process the miracle thing, and she got it, but in a way that wasn’t frustrating for me to watch.
3. How great is it that the miracle card is finally on the table? I’m expecting more of that to be addressed in 5B.
4. Amenadiel for MVP this season. In terms of pep talks, the guy is on his A game, and I’m really enjoying his development.
5. Chloe Decker for the Oscar, please.
6. Chloe shooting Michael in the leg was profoundly satisfying.
7. So so so much ensemble development. I loved that almost every single character got some meaningful development this season. Linda with her other baby. Maze with Lilith. And:
8. DAN REVEAL. Eeeee! DAN REVEAL! He handled it about as well I expected him to. I feel so bad for him. I hope he and Lucifer can have a real talk about Hell now.
9. Birth of Dude Tribe. Can we watch more installments of two angels one human and a baby, please? Because that was gold.
10. Return of Fem Tribe! Loved seeing Ella, Linda, Chloe, and Maze together again.
11. All of the intensely enjoyable and interesting ensemble character dynamics. Cross pollination at its best. Maze with Chloe. Maze with Ella. Maze with Linda. Dan with Lucifer. Dan with Amenadiel. Amenadiel with Chloe. Amenadiel with Linda. Amenadiel with Lucifer. Lucifer with Ella. Lucifer with Trixie.
12. Ring backstory. The whole plot with Lilith. I have a feeling Chekhov’s Ring will be back in play for 5B.
13. Lucifer making the baby laugh with his Devil face cracked me up so bad I couldn’t breathe for a little bit.
14. The return of Mr. Said Out Bitch was lovely. I love that he got some backstory, and I loved that Lucifer was sort of playing Hellish counselor with him.
15. Michael is a great villain in a love-to-hate sense. Tom seems to be having fun. The fear schtick is really insidious when it’s employed. Neat.
16. Lauren German’s bangs. I have a crush.
17. I’m really interested in Lucifer’s fluctuating mojo and invulnerability—I think he’s on the brink of some major self-discovery re: self-actualization.
18. ANGEL FIGHT. The end of the final episode was metal. Wow. Loved the score and the action. I’m just sad Lucifer’s ILU got interrupted.
19. Honestly Lucifer fighting in general in this—routinely showing us that the dude’s actually really skilled at combat. He just usually doesn’t fight. And that’s a cool characterization choice.
20. What essentially amounted to a dirty sibling slap fight between Michael and Lucifer early on (the fight that scarred Michael for easy identification) was also great characterization.
21. Loved seeing Tricia Helfer again, however briefly.
22. Lots of fantastic camera shots and angles in this—the frequent and lingering focus on reflections was very intriguing and fits with the whole self-actualization thing. I’m also intrigued about the fluctuations in lighting at the penthouse—gone is the yellow. Now it waffles between green and blue. Just pretty? Or meaningful in some way?
23. Loved the little homage to the Shining in the first serial killer episode. The tension in that episode was fabulous. Note: real serial killer was a redshirt.
24. “You can whack me anytime.” Aww. Come on Chloe, that’s almost an ILU, right?
25. “You requested a gender balanced narrative.” Lol.
26. This season had a lot of great knee slappers—loved the humor. And of course the humor made the angsty notes really ANGST.
27. Lastly: found family. I cannot get enough of this trope, and the show really loves to roll around in it. YES.
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hiromystory · 4 years
Some Thoughts on Lucifer’s Invulnerability
I’ve seen, basically, three theories floating around on why Lucifer lost his physical vulnerability in 5x7. In any scenario, I can’t help but think learning he himself was the cause of his vulnerability around Chloe is what put in play something that’s been static since early in season 1. However, as always, it’s still a reflection of his subconscious. We know Lucifer loses his vulnerability in a narrow window of time: Between being paralyzed by the copycat killer and being shot by Dan a couple scenes later. The basic options:
(1) As Chloe surmises, it’s because Lucifer is scared and putting his walls back up.
(2) It’s because Lucifer’s realized couples can empower one another (his conversation with Pete), i.e., being vulnerable can make you stronger.
(3) It’s a reaction to his fear and powerlessness at not being able to act/protect Chloe when he’s taken down by the copycat’s paralytic.
My thoughts…
(To start, I think what we saw on screen could reasonably support any of these, so I’m not trying to say anyone’s interpretation is wrong.)
Option 3 is actually what occurred to me on the first watch, before I rewatched and listened more carefully to Pete’s speech and the themes of the episode. I think this option had a lot of visceral appeal for me, because Tom Ellis plays that moment so well. The fear and helpless are palpable. It’s a logical reaction—he just can’t afford to be vulnerable.
But, I ultimately think option 2 is what is going on here. Much of the episode is about what it means to be empowered in a relationship. This is new territory. Lucifer is scared of losing what makes himself “useful” to Chloe. He’s taken Jed’s words in the previous episode (5x6) too to heart, as they likely reflect fears he already had as a child abandoned by his family. (“So, she just changed how she felt about you without...without any warning?”/“underneath the handsome, the sexy, the fun...It's just me [and that wasn’t enough].”) He still fears he’s unworthy (the fear Michael pegged in 5x3, Lucifer’s boast to Jed notwithstanding). 
This is a kind of vulnerability, but not the kind that makes one strong.
So, yes, Lucifer spends the episode (5x7) feeling powerless (and, ultimately, literally paralyzed). But he and Chloe do take down the killer—together. Then, the conversation Lucifer has with Pete is very on point. They talk about people in a relationship empowering one another. Pete basically repeats Lucifer’s fears as his own but then talks about opening up and letting the other person in. 
Putting the power of “deciding if I'm good enough or not” in someone else’s hands is an intensely vulnerable act—but that is the kind of vulnerability that makes one strong. 
While this is undoubtedly uncomfortable territory for Lucifer, this path of realization very much follows the familiar series formula where Lucifer learns something pertinent to himself at the end of the case.
So, in becoming invulnerable again, is Lucifer panicking and throwing his walls back up, as Chloe assumes? Or, taking the lesson from his conversation with Pete that being vulnerable is empowering?
In the next scene, on the balcony, Chloe posits that her being able to mojo him is because Lucifer’s letting her in. Which is, ostensibly, the lesson he just heard from Pete. Lucifer agrees he may have let his guard down. He looks thoughtful, they kiss, and he looks thoughtful again.
Chloe’s conclusion (option 1) is not consistent with the empowerment lesson/theme. Plus, when in this show is the first conclusion a character jumps to actually the right one? So, while a reasonable conclusion and I understand why Chloe reaches it, I don’t think option 1 is what is really going on.
Option 3 has a lot of appeal for me, because it’s how I would feel, I think. But, it isn’t as smooth a fit with the episode themes/structure. Plus, Lucifer’s self-actualizations usually reflect his emotional state in complicated ways (feels emotionally vulnerable/becomes physically vulnerable; feels good about himself/gives himself wings with which he has a terribly complicated relationship; feels guilty about choices and plumbs his self-hatred/turns himself into humanity’s monstrous image of him). Becomes physically helpless/gives himself back physical invulnerability feels a little too direct/logical/utilitarian.
Could it be a little bit of (2) and (3)? Maybe? But, I think fear/helplessness and empowerment cut against each other thematically as triggers for the change. (I do think one could posit the experience of being paralyzed helped him reach his conclusions about empowerment, but to me that’s different than saying fear/powerlessness was the trigger for the invulnerability.)
So, what do you all think? Agree/disagree? Did I miss anything? Other theories?
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fluff-and-rock · 4 years
Lucifer is first and foremost a bottom and the fact that it had to be canon for me realise it is embarrassing
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icedhotkopi · 4 years
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They honestly are
Okay but did anyone in the show actually take Linda’s advice and not only, like, a part of her advice?  Genuine question
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ratabethchase · 4 years
Lucifer spoilers without context
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So I’ve been rewatching lucifer since I saw s5a and I’m up to s2 ep12
And I find it funny how for most of the show it’s lucifer kinda majorly loving chloe and chloe being...well chloe
But then toward the end of s5a chloe gets worried she loves lucifer more than lucifer loves her
But like...the whole show as been basically about him doing things for her (like dying and going to hell to save her life and things)
To b fair to chloe, she still doesn’t know a lot of the things he’s done for her (I’m guessing) but still
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Also was watching this scene and found it real beautiful how lucifer...AN ANGEL thought he wasn’t good enough for Chloe...A HUMAN
Ugh I love deckerstar
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scalesandredroses · 4 years
I used to think it was funny that Trixie loved Lucifer the way it's funny when a cat loves the only person in the room who's allergic without really thinking about it, because it's a fun trope. But like, of course she loves Lucifer. Really every kid must. If he's a reflection of a person's desire, he's going to be their favorite thing no matter who they are.
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sherokutakari · 4 years
Lucifer Spoiler but Mobile Sucks
Okay so anyway I love that when they pitched the show, Tom Ellis was going to use an American accent, bc he was supposed to be hanging out in LA, and they wanted the accent to match. We know they changed this however, bc it made him TOO obnoxious and unlikable. Just a balls to the wall asshole no one would cheer for. Use your natural accent after all please, and bam we have the Lucifer we know and love.
So of course they brought it back for Michael as a way to set him apart and I am living for how much I hate this asshole good choice team fuck American Angel Jake Dong
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nghtmrsndydrms · 4 years
My theories on the most dreaded? awaited? ending for Lucifer (Deckerstar):
So first, Immortal!Chloe and Unredeemed!Lucifer.
So how will she become immortal?
Some say the ring might help Maze with her search for a soul but I don't think so because that ring holds Lilith's Immortality and I don't think Immortality = Soul?
So if Luci gives the ring to Chloe and gives Lilith's immortality to her then Immortal!Chloe.
Some people say Chloe wouldn't be happy with it because we've already seen Pierce suffer and Lilith chose to give it up because she said and I quote, "it's knowing there is an end that makes the rest of it count" and also there's Trixie. Which is yeah, point, but humor me.
Didn't Pierce regret becoming mortal again? Charlotte died in the first place because he was going to kill Amenadiel to have his mark back he got scared of the possibility of finally having an end even tho that was what he thought he wanted in the beginning and didn't Lilith seem to regret her decision giving it up? When Maze saw her Lilith said she tried something and it didn't work out and when she died Maze presumed she died lonely & alone in her apartment. I think they actually found being immortal 'convenient' (for the lack of better word choice on my part). She's a detective, her life's always in danger, it'll be 'convenient'.
Also, if it's true that Hell doesn't really need a warden anymore (i doubt that tho i think Michael pulled that one tho I'm leaning on my gut feel that there would be changes when it comes to Hell's management soon) and Lucifer is still banned from Heaven then where else would he stay? Earth, right? Because Chloe is his home. So once Chloe dies (again, assuming that Lucifer won't get unbanned from Heaven) our dude would be a Mess™. He'd probably wage a war just to see a glimpse of her in Heaven and Chloe going to Hell wouldn't even be an option 'cause Luci would probably, again, wage a war for Heaven to open its gates for Chloe. So to avoid Unredeemed!Lucifer from waging a war have Immortal!Chloe. (With what army would he wage a war if he's not a King anymore, you ask? He alone would wage it he wouldn't care if he has an army or not the devil is in love and he would fight for her)
What about Trixie? Based on the interview with Lesley (Maze) there's a scene where it gets gory and will make Maze release her demonic side and as a mother herself she felt the pain of the scene and cried during the shoots. I think its either one of the kids dying (Trixie/Charlie) or Dan maybe (Luci drinking from his #1 Dad cup foreshadowing him being a Step-devil?) and Lesly was simply sympathizing with the pain of a parent saying goodbye to their child.
Anyways, if Trixie dies and she goes to Heaven maybe, just maybe, it'll be okay for an immortal to see the dead? Like Amenadiel can carry her to Heaven to see Trixie and still be able to spend her days with Luci on Earth as immortals. If Trixie doesn't and dies in her old age, again, take Amenadiel Airways to have them see each other once in a while. She'll see Trixie and still be together with Luci.
Okay next, Mortal!Chloe and Redeemed!Lucifer.
I think this might be the end they might go with. They might just deal with the fact that Chloe will age, grow old, and die with Lucifer (hopefully with an ageing glamour because then that would be just weird) at her side being her devil shield as long as she's in service as a detective. She'll die as a human sure but if Lucifer's redeemed what will stop them from spending their days in Heaven? Together?
Last one is tricky - Human!Lucifer.
I really can't see Lucifer giving up his 'Devilness/Angelness' to be 'with' Chloe. Some say this is a possibility because it might be a parallel with Lilith and Luci. However, we saw what happened with Lilith (regrets?) and how he reacted when he lost his desire mojo and then when he both regained his invulnerability and desire mojo. He was thrilled. He probably felt "invincible" and worthy to be at Chloe's side (see: "My mojo is the reason I'm useful to her in the first place" he's still insecure they'd probably talk and deal with those issues later on). Still, it's his identity. It wouldn't make sense for someone like Luci who struggled a lot during the entire series asking himself (subconsciously) who/what he truly is (good or evil) at his core for him to give up a very big part of himself.
"But he's in love!"
Yes, he is, but just like they said being in love is about sharing and gives-and-takes not gives-and-gives or takes-and-takes. Also, in their kind of partnership if Lucifer gives it up it would just change everything in their dynamic - no more desire mojo, no more devil shield, simply no more Lucifer's 'Luciferness'. Because, ya know if Chloe's still going to die why not go with just a Redeemed!Lucifer and be her devil shield right?
So in summary the endings might be among these three (ranked based on what I think is the most probable):
Lucifer gets redeemed stays on Earth with Chloe and when her time comes spend the rest of their lives in Heaven.
Lucifer doesn't get redeemed might or might not be the King of Hell anymore (somebody else *ahem* Michael *ahem* might take his place) gives the ring to Chloe and live as immortals on Earth.
Lucifer gets redeemed but choose to become Human!Lucifer (WHY!?) spends the rest of his days with Chloe then ascends to heaven with her when their time comes.
Final thoughts: I can see option 1 and 2 happening? Tbh I think those are the endings I can accept. I can see 1 as the most doable and acceptable (on my part). I just hope that Luci can glamour himself and make his appearance age tho 'cause if they do go on this route Chloe getting older with a constant 30s aged Luci at her side would just raise a lot of eyebrows soon the longer they're together. While 2 might be a bit hard and complicated because like what would they do? Pull off a Pierce and change their identities every 30-50 years because they don't age? Well it can be easy, maybe, since Luci has connections but yeah that's tiring. Then option 3 which some might prefer just doesn't sit right with me. We saw Luci with his issues on Chloe 'taking' his mojo, on his fear with the Silent Killer when he was incapacitated, and how happy he was when got both of his 'arsenals' back (i.e. invulnerability and desire mojo). It just won't make sense with me considering how their partnership works. Also, I think Chloe wouldn't also like Luci giving up such a big part of him just to be with her. I can only see option 3 happening if Luci's given an ultimatum of being redeemed if he lives a life of a human/mortal. But idk man I think he 'lived' as a human (vulnerability issues) enough for me and for all the actions and choices that he made throughout his journey in the series - I think he redeemed himself enough.
okay im done rambling if this gets any attention please be kind lol
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punishmentismyjob · 4 years
Season 5A Pause...
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Since Lucifer Season 5A drops early tomorrow, I’ll be on a small pause until I can watch the first half of the season to avoid any spoilers. It shouldn’t take more than the weekend, if I’m lucky enough to be left alone to binge.  Back soon, lovelies!
Wil aka Lucifer Morningstar
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sarahzwulf · 4 years
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For @sk-kasai-my-world​‘s Lucifer fanfiction S Is For Spawn and Step-Satan, a scene from chapter 3 (the one where Trixie calls Luci PAPA uwu).
From what I’ve gathered, the chapters are actually one-shots (set in the same universe), so they can be read as standalones if you want to (though if I were you, I would just read the whole thing XD).
side note: lucifer 5a was EPICCC sooo many great things but for this post i just gotta say that lucifer and trixie’s bonding episode was beautiful, till the ending kinda sorta low-key ruined it for me *cries* but hey, at least it worked out nicely plot-wise (just not so much for our fav spawn and step-devil *cries more*)
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ariaadagio · 4 years
What’s your opinion on the reveal that Micheal manipulated Lucifer to rebel against God? I feel it really breaks Lucifer’s character/his values apart, since this means he was just like every other angel and obedient until tricked into rebellion.
Hello! Sorry I didn’t answer this sooner. I’m on vacation right now. 
I actually don’t think the new Michael revelation breaks anything (assuming it’s even true). This has largely been my head canon for a while now: that Lucifer’s “rebellion” was wildly misconstrued, and the distance between reality and memory has only grown greater with time, so much so that even Lucifer himself is buying into all the negative hype at this point. I wrote as much in Castaway, and I’ve written another spin on that in For Each Ecstatic Instant.
As far as the show goes, Lucifer may have been nudged into “open rebellion” (whatever that means) by Michael’s machinations, but the show has made it clear neither Michael or Lucifer can manufacture false feelings, only stir what’s already there, simmering under the surface. The fundamental facet of Lucifer’s character, as I see it, is that, unlike other angels, he’s “questioning.” He doesn’t accept God (or anything) at face value. And whether he’s rebelling or not, that doesn’t change.
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hiromystory · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Lucifer (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Chloe Decker/Lucifer Morningstar Characters: Chloe Decker, Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV) Additional Tags: Missing Scene, One Shot, Conversations, Light Angst, a few puns, Lucifer really hates DJs, Canon Compliant, Episode: s05e06 Blueballz, introspection but not necessarily communicating Summary:
“Wait. Something you said before.”
“Hmm?” Lucifer leans in, pressing a kiss against below Chloe's ear, before pulling back, the lines of his face soft, the same as the curve of his lips. “You’ll have to be more specific.”
FORGOT to promo this! A brief conversation about thousands of years in Hell.
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fluff-and-rock · 4 years
Correct me if I'm wrong but Chloe definitely started realising Michael wasn't Lucifer when he didn't bring his hands to her cheeks while they kissed-
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aeruthien · 4 years
#12 for deckerstar?
12 things you said when you thought i was asleep
Thank you for the ask anon! Spoilers for s5a, just so you are warned.
Silence has settled over the penthouse, and the only thing Chloe hears is the soft breathing of her partner.
Her partner. Lucifer.
The Devil.
Who she slept with.
Her mind is still trying to catch up to everything that has happened. She is lying awake in the Devil's bedroom. There must be a song about that somewhere.
She smiles shyly, secretly pleased. Lucifer seemed to have enjoyed it.
Lucifer is asleep, his bare back visible, and Chloe raises her hand, hovering her fingers just above his skin. She doesn't want to wake him, but she itches to touch him again, to reassure herself that this is real.
That she has really seen Lucifer naked.
It wasn’t the first time, of course. Her mind flashes back to that night, early in their partnership.
The way he had walked out, so sure that she would throw herself at him, so confused when she didn't.
The way he had flinched when she had touched his scars.
The scars are gone now, probably disappeared when he had regained his wings.
"How am I supposed to deal with this, Lucifer?" she whispers.
She was doing better than she had, but each day was filled with mind boggling revelations. She hadn't even dared to think about their past, about all the reasons for his eccentric behaviour.
"I... I love you," she says quietly, "but there is just so much."
She sighs, biting her lips.
She remembers his desperation, his anger. My wings are back! he had shouted angrily. She hadn't believed him, not yet, not then. He had spiralled further, and she had fallen right into the arms of Marcus Pierce.
Feeling slightly sick, she pushes the thought away. Compartmentalise. One step at a time.
"How do you deal with this?"
While the supernatural had literally been Lucifer's entire existence, he certainly didn't hold all the answers. And while he had suffered, she hadn't even believed him.
"I'm sorry, Lucifer," Chloe whispers.
"Whatever for, Detective?"
Chloe freezes, startled.
Lucifer turns on his back and smiles at her.
"I should have believed you," she admits, looking away
"Well, yes, you were rather dense," Lucifer agrees. Chloe frowns, and hits him playfully on his arm, before settling back against the mattress.
Lucifer’s arm sneaks around her and she snuggles against his shoulder.
This is new for both of them, she realizes, closing her eyes.
And whatever may come their way now, she hopes that they can face it together.
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xxskycrystalxx · 4 years
My Thoughts on Lucifer S5A [Heavy Spoilers]
First off, we need to address the power Chloe Decker holds over the celestial beings, in general anyone tbh. Chloe inspires Amenadiel, Lucifer is literally IN love with her, and we have Michael who literally is shook by the epitome of Chloe Decker. Like..... we love a detective who radiates this kind of energy.
Amenadiel is the true MVP of this season, fight me on this. Amenadiel has always been pretty underrated from my pov, and I’ve always really loved his character. He really shined in this season and shown how much he’s grown and changed from the beginning (which the same can be said about Lucifer). How he was there to comfort Maze when she needed someone, how he helped Chloe understand and process being a “gift” from God, and how she IS the gift and the way he helped her realize that Lucifer is allowing himself to be vulnerable around her, and deckerstar finally getting together. I mean, he literally helped solve and defend against most of Michael’s stupid shenanigans. He deserves an award.
Charlie being the cutie he is, with literally three dads trying to take care of him and a tired but lovely mom Linda. I find it adorable that he’ll stop crying and actually laugh when he sees Lucifer’s face.
Linda & Maze’s friendship is as strong and supporting as ever, with Linda telling Maze about her daughter and trying to help Maze get through the whole Lilith situation. Which brings me to Maze’s total betrayal at the end of episode 8. I mean I get it. I understand her pains and sufferings, so it’s not weird or out of character for her to act like that, but srsly working with Michael???? Wrong choice Maze 😔 It also hurts to see her, Amenadiel, and Lucifer fighting one another, knowing the bond they share with her.
Michael is quite literally an ass. I mean just how manipulative and evil can he be? He dropped a huge bomb on Lucifer saying he’s been manipulating him from the beginning of time and I’m just like wth is wrong with him. Boi is just too immature and hell-bent on ruining Lucifer’s life. If I had one of Maze’s knives, I would stab him myself.....
I really like how everyone around Lucifer & Chloe (i.e Linda, Ella, Dan, Amenadiel) literally are the fans when deckerstar FINALLY got together. Ella’s reaction is literally me, and Linda is also me. Dan is just like we been knew, and Amenadiel is just there smiling and congratulating Luci for finally getting what he deserved. We love a supportive family 😌
About Dan, it’s hard to really hate his character honestly. He pissed me off in s4, but in s5 he was a changed man. He really tries to self-improve himself which is a huge and difficult step. I really liked the better and improved Dan and we got so much more Douchifer moments that I really loved! I was kind of expecting that Dan would do something to Lucifer after he saw his devil face but it still hurt seeing him shoot Lucifer and going through a total panic mode. Michael, you evil, cunning, manipulative person. 😡 I’m glad he woke up though and realized that Lucifer wasn’t as bad as he thoughts and that he truly TRULY loved Chloe.
About Chloe being kidnapped and Lucifer going crazy trying to find her, I’m pretty sure I read a fanfic that was VERY similar to this about two months ago. FANFIC TO REALITY GUYS ; the Lucifer fandom can predict the future 👀
Speaking of that, it was painful that Lucifer wasn’t able to say “I Love You” to Chloe before time stopped and he had to go fight Michael and God showed up. The writers had us for a second and then clowned us 🤡 I get Chloe’s insecurities though, they’re understandable and isn’t an exaggeration. Sometimes, hearing an “I love you,” from someone you love wholeheartedly is all you need. But it’s also hard to say, with the emotional meaning behind it, it may take them time to say it back but it doesn’t mean they don’t feel the same way, so it’s understandable on Lucifer’s side as well.
Really loved seeing the brotherly moments between Amenadiel & Lucifer. The way they fought, side by side, against Michael & Maze was a sight to behold. Then there’s God, who showed up at the very end to stop his three celestial children from fighting. I really hope for some bonding moments between him and Luci & Amenadiel as well. Please punish Michael..... :)
Lastly, S5A deckerstar. We finally got the content we deserved after waiting for years. The slow burn is no joke, but them getting together is amazing and everything that I hoped it to be. I mean the pure deckerstar content we got was simply heartwarming and squee worthy. Ofc there was fair share of angst, but once they got past that, it was just love in their eyes, kisses, hugs, and sweet moments. I can’t tell you guys how many times I lost it when I saw their interactions and scenes together.
With that, this will be the end of my thoughts on Lucifer S5A. I literally cannot wait for S5B!!!! Lots of things will happen and I’m hyped for them! S5 has officially become my favorite season, so please let S5B come out before 2020 ends, I beg 😭
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