#luctus's personal id
lilactester · 9 months
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FULL NAME: Full name here FACE CLAIM: ( up to player ) GENDER: Female AGE: Twenty Eight
Positive: trait here, trait here, trait here Negative: trait here, trait here, trait here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus tempor mi quis arcu semper, et ultricies orci maximus. Donec condimentum rhoncus nisi eu dignissim. Quisque consequat magna vitae orci egestas, id viverra nisi congue. Proin eget ante quis odio rutrum rutrum ac id erat. Sed sed felis eu nulla luctus mollis at at felis. Quisque non erat mi. Aenean vel tincidunt ipsum, at egestas mi. Nulla eu laoreet massa, fermentum cursus diam. Integer faucibus lorem eget enim fermentum, sit amet feugiat enim sodales. Sed rutrum lorem vel urna euismod, sit amet maximus libero efficitur. Nullam vel purus a sapien semper imperdiet at vel nibh. Etiam eget dapibus nunc, ac mattis quam. Nulla ut maximus neque, vel blandit justo. Donec dictum posuere sem, ut tincidunt nunc dapibus a. Proin eget dapibus quam. Nam ut dignissim diam. Suspendisse non dictum dui. Integer at leo laoreet, tempus ligula eu, viverra dolor. Nunc vitae bibendum nisi, a bibendum arcu. Duis euismod, sem in dapibus rhoncus, ante lectus consequat est, ac congue tellus mi id nisi. In fermentum consectetur leo, at ornare felis molestie vitae. Proin vulputate purus condimentum diam interdum, eget vehicula ante interdum. Proin venenatis tellus quis nibh luctus consequat. Suspendisse laoreet eu neque eu euismod. In convallis, ex rutrum pellentesque efficitur, mi ex pretium lorem, consequat rhoncus elit dolor nec ipsum. Sed leo massa, lobortis eu rhoncus at, porttitor non magna. Cras leo tellus, pharetra a vehicula vel, tristique ut nibh. Vestibulum rhoncus sit amet sem ut viverra. Vestibulum pulvinar, ante eu vulputate dictum, lacus nisl maximus nibh, sit amet gravida massa erat nec dolor. Quisque at neque et magna lobortis malesuada. Nullam in rutrum sem. Morbi congue sem ac libero pellentesque efficitur. In vitae elit gravida, maximus ligula ultrices, ultrices tortor. Morbi sit amet odio non neque suscipit volutpat in sed purus. Morbi mattis est at ornare sodales. Pellentesque sollicitudin, velit non ultricies euismod, libero massa ultricies arcu, eget facilisis mauris tellus non massa. Integer orci velit, luctus sed fringilla in, molestie at elit. Suspendisse porttitor ante eros, eget auctor ligula congue malesuada. Vestibulum in erat sed dui malesuada efficitur nec nec diam. Suspendisse quis tortor vestibulum, ornare ante sed, aliquet nisl. Cras volutpat velit sed erat volutpat vehicula. Donec imperdiet eget quam in rhoncus. Cras elementum eu quam ultricies dictum. Quisque rutrum arcu a diam varius, in vehicula nisi convallis.
This character is currently OPEN and their faceclaim is UP TO PLAYER
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temphairstyle · 10 months
Celebrities and Temp Fade Haircuts: Who Rocked It Best?
One hairstyle that has gained immense popularity among both men and women is the temp fade haircut.
This trendy haircut features a low taper fade gradual taper on the sides and back, blending seamlessly into longer hair on top.
Celebrities have been quick to embrace this stylish haircut, making it a prominent choice for fashion-forward individuals.
In this article, we will explore some of the celebrities who have rocked the temp fade haircut and left a lasting impression.
The Rise of Temp Fade Haircuts
Temp fade haircuts have experienced a remarkable rise in popularity in recent years. Initially popularized within African American communities, these haircuts have now transcended cultural boundaries and gained widespread appeal. The versatility of temp fade haircuts, which can be customized to suit different hair types and face shapes, has contributed to their growing popularity.
Celebrities Who Rocked the Temp Fade Haircut
Actor A: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vehicula viverra justo, ac pretium purus.
Musician B: Sed tristique mi eget efficitur ultrices. Ut accumsan dui in massa bibendum posuere.
Athlete C: Phasellus sit amet mi ut mi fermentum suscipit. Nullam posuere nulla id magna venenatis ultrices.
Actress D: Fusce pellentesque dui felis, vel lobortis urna blandit eget. Nunc nec malesuada turpis.
Model E: Curabitur vel purus sagittis, finibus nisl ut, consequat magna. Ut pharetra mauris nec leo consequat, sed lobortis lacus aliquam.
Singer F: Sed hendrerit augue non vestibulum malesuada. Ut mattis orci id felis scelerisque, ut venenatis metus pellentesque.
Comedian G: Proin id mi ac ligula malesuada ultrices. In dictum dolor ac risus elementum, ut facilisis arcu luctus.
Influencer H: Integer consectetur odio eget mauris posuere posuere. Maecenas elementum quam et neque efficitur, in vulputate dolor tempus.
Television Personality I: Nulla facilisi. Maecenas consequat purus a mauris consequat, eu efficitur tellus tempor.
Fashion Icon J: Etiam tempor lacus vitae nibh fermentum, a pulvinar risus faucibus.
Why Did Temp Fade Haircuts Become Popular Among Celebrities?
Temp fade haircuts have captured the attention of celebrities for several reasons. Firstly, these haircuts offer a fresh and modern look that can instantly enhance one's appearance. Celebrities are constantly under the public eye, and experimenting with their hairstyles allows them to stay relevant and set trends.
Furthermore, temp fade haircuts are versatile and can be customized to suit different personalities and styles. From sleek and polished to bold and edgy, these haircuts can be tailored to match the individual's fashion preferences. Celebrities often strive to stand out and make a statement, and temp fade haircuts provide them with an opportunity to do so.
How to Get a Temp Fade Haircut
Getting a temp fade haircut requires the expertise of a professional hairstylist. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this stylish look:
Consultation: Schedule a consultation with a skilled hairstylist to discuss your desired haircut and assess whether it suits your hair type and face shape.
Preparation: Before the haircut, your hairstylist will prepare your hair by washing and conditioning it to ensure a clean and manageable canvas.
Cutting the Sides: The hairstylist will start by cutting the hair on the sides and back, gradually tapering it shorter near the temples.
Blending: The hairstylist will use specialized techniques to blend the shorter sections of hair with the longer hair on top, creating a seamless transition.
Styling: Once the haircut is complete, the hairstylist will style your hair according to your preferences, using suitable products and tools.
Styling Tips for Temp Fade Haircuts
To make the most of your temp fade haircut, consider the following styling tips:
Use Quality Hair Products: Invest in high-quality hair products that suit your hair type and help maintain the desired style.
Experiment with Different Looks: Temp fade haircuts offer versatility, allowing you to try various styling options. Play with different textures, combing styles, and product applications to find what works best for you.
Regular Maintenance: Schedule regular visits to your hairstylist for touch-ups and to keep your temp fade haircut looking sharp and well-maintained.
Temp fade haircuts have become a prominent trend in the world of fashion and style, and celebrities have been at the forefront of embracing this trendy haircut. With their influence and charisma, celebrities have made the temp fade haircut a sought-after choice for many individuals seeking a modern and fashionable look. Whether it's on the red carpet or in everyday life, these celebrities have proven that the temp fade haircut can be effortlessly rocked by anyone.
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dlaurelance · 1 year
BYE, BYE, BIRDIE . Parallel universes can sometimes be two identical worlds that diverge completely when one meaningful choice differs. That is the case of Earth-2 Dinah Laurel Lance.
Like her Earth-1 counterpart, Dinah is also the daughter of Dinah Drake and Larry Lance, also discovered her powers on accident at sixteen, and trained in various martial arts with Wildcat. But instead of using those teachings to help people, she used them to get revenge on the man responsible for her father's death.
With her skills and powers utilized for personal gain, Dinah made a name for herself as the supervillain Black Siren. Even joining the Suicide Squad for a few missions.
And hey, if asked to invade the parallel Earth where she's a hero, how could a girl say no?
NOTES : Black Siren AU, based on the Arrowverse and various comics.
I'VE MADE THOSE EARS BLEED . After the Joker destroyed Metropolis, the Black Canary was one of the heroes that joined Batman's insurgence to fight Superman's growing regime. What was at first about saving the world became personal when Superman killed Dinah's husband and the father of her child, Oliver Queen.
In the battle of the Insurgency and the Green Lantern Corps versus the Regime and the Sinestro Corps, she took down Superman with her Canary Cry and a kryptonite bullet, but then he gained a Yellow Power Ring. Mortally wounded by his heat vision, the last thing she did was reveal Superman's true colors to the world.
Breaking the laws of fate, Doctor Fate decides to intervene and revive Dinah, taking her and her daughter, Olivia, to a parallel universe with another Oliver, where she gets a second chance at life.
When Superman's defeated, the Black Canary is called back to help her universe.
NOTES: Injustice AU, based on the games and comics. However, I hate how Connor Hawke was essentially replaced with Connor Lance-Queen, so instead, he and the rest of the Arrowfam exist in this universe, and Dinah and Oliver's kid is Olivia Lance-Queen, named after her late father, who has her mom's Canary Cry (with better aim) and later becomes the third Black Canary. Olivia is based on Kingdom Come.
IN A GALAXY FAR FAR AWAY . Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce interdum tincidunt vulputate. Curabitur id nisi id ex dictum dapibus vitae sed libero. Phasellus porta in eros eget lobortis. Quisque nec consectetur nisl. Ut mi magna, ultrices et aliquam at, porttitor nec quam. Praesent in arcu auctor, semper lacus ac, feugiat dolor. Suspendisse luctus iaculis lorem. Sed vel ante turpis. Curabitur gravida at risus quis ullamcorper. Praesent quis lacus ex.
NOTES: Star Wars AU.
SCREAM QUEEN . Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce interdum tincidunt vulputate. Curabitur id nisi id ex dictum dapibus vitae sed libero. Phasellus porta in eros eget lobortis. Quisque nec consectetur nisl. Ut mi magna, ultrices et aliquam at, porttitor nec quam. Praesent in arcu auctor, semper lacus ac, feugiat dolor. Suspendisse luctus iaculis lorem. Sed vel ante turpis. Curabitur gravida at risus quis ullamcorper. Praesent quis lacus ex.
NOTES: Medieval/Fantasy AU, based on various comics but it's mostly my headcanons. Since Yvonne doesn't have many period resources, the face claims of this verse are Tabrett Bethell (main fc) and Madelyn Cline (teen fc).
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memoryreviews · 2 years
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Vestibulum quis augue fringilla, porttitor elit ac, ultrices augue. Cras eget volutpat mauris. Praesent consectetur quam non facilisis consectetur. Sed tincidunt sed dolor a luctus. Curabitur feugiat tristique risus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce sodales, tellus ut ultricies mollis, augue metus vehicula quam, vitae tempor massa magna sed ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. In purus quam, efficitur id congue eget, facilisis eu odio. Mauris viverra at arcu quis tincidunt.
Sed ultrices ante augue, vel tincidunt nulla placerat a. Quisque pulvinar volutpat dolor tempus facilisis. Pellentesque lacinia vitae justo ac aliquam. Aliquam sit amet ligula non erat pretium iaculis. Nulla scelerisque tortor non sem porttitor imperdiet. Nulla tempus, arcu non malesuada volutpat, lectus urna auctor sem, quis efficitur sapien odio faucibus massa. Cras sollicitudin commodo augue quis egestas. Vestibulum at odio et nisi suscipit euismod id ut nulla. Suspendisse at sodales metus. Aliquam id massa a erat blandit tincidunt sit amet vulputate mi. Pellentesque placerat augue eget justo interdum finibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam non quam ultrices, iaculis massa ut, gravida erat. Cras a risus vel tellus maximus vulputate. Pellentesque volutpat nibh rutrum lacus varius commodo vitae scelerisque lacus. Maecenas quis orci nunc.
Overview: Living Forms is the result of erasing personal identity in public spaces. The passerby is treated as an ambiguous body that inhabits a specific time frame, in daily life situations. Considering the living dynamics of certain public spaces, in what ways can technology help disrupt our modes of perception? By removing private connotations we intend to allow the spectator to “fill in the gaps” and create a new reality, witnessing the public space from a different perspective. With these series of videographic experiments, we attempted to open the imagery to multiple interpretations, through the narrative proposed at every public encounter.
Context: The experiments were filmed in Lisbon (PT) in collaboration with the painter Xavier Ovídio. The video-art series has been installed and screened at the Eye’s Walk Digital Festival (GR); Video Art Miden (GR); Lefktron Castle Beaufort Festival (GR); AVSD Audiovisual Sem Destino (BR); Video Medeja Festival (RS); Under the Subway Video Art Night (USA, ES, BE, CU).
Video Art Series: Digital animation rotoscoping techniques, applied frame-by-frame 1. HD Video (colour, sound, 00:20) 2. HD Video (colour, sound, 02:20) 3. HD Video (colour, sound, 03:10)
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kencalloway · 2 years
𝑮𝑬𝑵𝑬𝑹𝑨𝑳 𝑰𝑵𝑭𝑶.     ⊹  ✦
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              ✧  𝙁𝙐𝙇𝙇 𝙉𝘼𝙈𝙀  ✧
              ⸻Kennedy Alan Calloway
‘Kennedy’ is derived from an Irish surname that means “helmet-headed one”. He was named after John F. Kennedy, his grandfather’s favourite American president. Friends and family started calling him by a shortened version of his last name, ‘Calloway’, which is a French surname that means “place of stones.” Cal’s middle name, ‘Alan’ is again borrowed from his grandfather. It means “little rock.”
I named him Kennedy because Cal has a big space motif in his characterisation and JFK was known for his inspiring speech about the space race— he was also very involved in the entire process. Cal’s middle name ‘Alan’ was picked because of Alan Shephard, the first American in space. 
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              ✧  𝙉𝙄𝘾𝙆𝙉𝘼𝙈𝙀(𝙎) ✧
              ⸻Cal, Ken, Kenny, Starboy, Rocket man
Cal’s nicknames, like most nicknames, are given by family and friends and those closest to him. He used to be called by his first name but somewhere along the line, his loved ones started calling him Cal and it stuck. Sometimes it catches him off guard when people refer to him as “Kennedy” and while he doesn’t mind it, he prefers to be called Cal. The nicknames ‘Starboy’ and ‘Rocket man’ are given to him by his best friend, Keegan. 
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              ✧ 𝘽𝙄𝙍𝙏𝙃 𝘾𝙀𝙍𝙏𝙄𝙁𝙄𝘾𝘼𝙏𝙀 ✧
              ⸻October 9, 20XX,12.06 a.m.
              ⸻Greeneville, Kentucky.
Cal was born a healthy baby boy just after midnight in a hospital in Frankfurt, Kentucky. The first thing his mom remembers seeing after labor is the stars, and she often recalls the story with fondness. He doesn’t feel particularly strongly about his birthday; to him it’s just another revolution around the Sun, but his family has always loved to have big birthdays for every member so he goes along with it. Cal’s favourite birthday gifts are from his grandfather, Alan, a retired pilot.
Greenville is a small town in Kentucky where his paternal grandparents own some farmland. Cal’s grown up there and knows everyone there very well— it’s easy to get in touch with neighbours and the wider community when the town only has a population of a hundred. He’s a friendly young man and is known for his kindness, always ready to lend a helping hand wherever it’s needed.
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              ✧ 𝙂𝙀𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍 ✧
Cal is biologically male and is comfortable with his gender. His maternal and paternal sides of the family are both progressive, despite living in traditional and conservative areas; Cal has luckily grown up feeling safe about his identity. He has the luxury of knowing if he ever decides to experiment with his gender expression, he’ll get nothing but love and support from those closest to him.
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              ✧ 𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙀𝙉𝙏𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉𝙎 ✧
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. vivamus id ultricies neque. morbi vitae tincidunt odio, ut ultricies erat. mauris lorem eros, mattis vel luctus semper, rutrum eget felis. praesent commodo in eros ut lobortis. suspendisse molestie diam in aliquet efficitur. aenean placerat erat non hendrerit efficitur. aliquam ullamcorper interdum sem nec lacinia. cras nec orci sed diam placerat tristique. 
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              ✧ 𝘼𝙎𝙏𝙍𝙊𝙇𝙊𝙂𝙔 𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙍𝙏 ✧
His star sign is Libra but Cal doesn’t believe in Astrology; he doesn’t see how constellations in the sky can determine someone’s personality. Cal is very much a man of science, but he’s also conscious of the fact that the stars can mean very personal things to people, so he tries his best not to get into debates about the topic. That being said, Cal has been known to go on drunk rants about the Ophiuchus constellation and how it completely changes everyone’s traditional zodiac sign. 
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              ✧ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙎 ✧
              ⸻Irish and French
Both sides of his family are descended from Irish and French immigrants. Cal is American by birth and somewhat patriotic. He likes the fireworks on July 4th because he gets to spend it with the entire community in his small town. 
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              ✧ 𝙇𝘼𝙉𝙂𝙐𝘼𝙂𝙀(𝙎) ✧
Cal only knows English, and that makes him a little gloomy sometimes, considering his family history. He wishes he could learn Irish and French but between his university studies, he doesn’t have much time to learn a new language.
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              ✧ 𝑽𝑶𝑰𝑪𝑬 ✧  
              ⸻Deep, modulated
The first thing anyone notices about Cal is his Southern drawl, especially noticeable after he moved from Kentucky to Pasadena, where the Valley Girl accent would annoy him. People mocked his accent but their way of speaking would weird him out in the early days. Despite living in Pasadena for three years now, Cal hasn’t lost his accent and hopes it stays that way.
𝑨𝑷𝑷𝑬𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑵𝑪𝑬.     ⊹  ✦
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              ✧ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙑𝙄𝙎𝘼𝙂𝙀 ✧
              ⸻light brown eyes
              ⸻pale complexion
Like his father and grandfather, Cal has close-set light brown eyes. He thinks his eyes are his best feature and though he claims not to be a massive romantic, he secretly believes eyes are the window into the soul. Cal has pale skin that tans a light brown shade when he’s exposed to sunlight for prolonged periods of time. Unlike some of his siblings, his skin doesn’t burn in excessive sunshine, but he does tend to get very uncomfortable without sunscreen because of his own anxiety about UV rays and melanoma. He watched a documentary about it once when he was a kid and hasn’t been the same since.
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              ✧ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙋𝙃𝙔𝙎𝙄𝙌𝙐𝙀 ✧
              ⸻6’6.5 or 202cm. 230lbs or 104.3kg
Cal may be tall but all the boys in his family are the same so he doesn't feel out of place. Unlike some of his brothers, he wishes he was shorter because bumping his head on door frames is getting really old now. He’s also quite heavy thanks to his height, and although he tries not to let his weight affect him so much, it subconsciously makes him want to work out more. Cal grew up slightly overweight— he blames his grandma for feeding him every chance she got— now his biggest insecurity is making sure he doesn’t retain any of that baby fat. His body shape resembles an inverted triangle; Cal has broad shoulders and a narrower waist.
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              ✧ 𝙃𝘼𝙄𝙍 ✧
              ⸻used to be light brown, now auburn
              ⸻short and buzzed
When it comes to his hair colour, Cal takes after his mother, who has gorgeous light brown waves. His hair used to be lighter when he was younger but it has darkened over the years and now looks much closer to his father’s deep auburn tresses. He has his hair buzzed because he lives in predominantly warm areas with high humidity and long hair tends to suffer in that environment, besides, it’s easier to maintain it when it’s short.
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              ✧ 𝙒𝘼𝙍𝘿𝙍𝙊𝘽𝙀 ✧
Cal isn't fussy about his clothing style and definitely doesn’t worry about buying popular brands or recognisable labels. As far as he’s concerned, clothes are just clothes— if he’s being honest, he doesn’t get the hype over dressing yourself in expensive luxury items, and though he claims not to be the judgy type, he secretly judges people who do. Through no careful planning of his own, Cal’s style is most similar to the All-American models in fashion magazines. He tends to dress in plain t-shirts and jeans or overalls typical of farm attire. Cal’s a big fan of flannel and checkered shirts, especially warm wool-lined outfits in winters.
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              ✧ 𝙈𝙊𝘿𝙄𝙁𝙄𝘾𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉𝙎 ✧
              ⸻he’s very indecisive!!
He’s wanted tattoos forever but he isn’t sure what to get. Cal has a Pinterest board filled with tattoo ideas and almost all of them are space themed in one way or another. Nothing means more to him than space; it’s a big part of his life and his grandpa Alan’s life, the man who Cal looks up to more than anyone else in the world. Cal wants to get a tattoo artist to design him a sleeve made up of his favourite cosmic phenomena.
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              ✧ 𝘼𝙍𝙊𝙈𝘼 ✧
              ⸻cut grass, burning oak, and apples
When Cal walks into a room, the scent of freshly cut grass soon follows; when he’s home in Kentucky, he tends to do everything he can to help out around the farm including mowing the lawn. He also helps set up the fire at night, the scent of burning oak and ash clinging to his overalls. As for the scent of apples, Cal’s mother makes a mean apple pie, some of which gets on his clothes because he’s a clumsy eater, unfortunately.
                            ──────   ෆ   ──────
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faegrovefawn · 3 years
xenogender: cadavergenus
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cadavergenus: a gender that feels like a rotting corpse. it can feel like it is being eaten by other genders, and has a general sense of unease and uncleanliness. it can also be related to forests, gothic castles, zombies, vampires, and skeletons (or any undead/rotting supernatural entity from within your region that you feel closer connected with).
Color meaning: the red to violet represents blood to the cold and drained corpse, the transition of violet to moss is the cadaver decomposing to become one with the forest again
It is neither feminine or masculine inherently, but if you would like to make variations for the flag you are welcome to do so, just remember to credit this blog.
sample pronouns: rot/rots/rotself, death/deaths/deathself, gore/gores/goreself, reap/reaper/reaperself, fungus/funguss/funguself, corpse/corpses/corpseself
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sntechsupport · 4 years
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sollicitudin est in lacus consequat, ac dignissim nisl feugiat. Phasellus imperdiet varius urna, ornare suscipit ligula porttitor porttitor. Maecenas dui mi, molestie id condimentum et, luctus eget lacus. In velit dui, pretium dignissim pulvinar eu, ultricies nec augue. Vestibulum nibh turpis, tempor ut efficitur sed, consequat ac diam. Nulla vitae aliquet arcu, eget tempor tellus. Ut arcu risus, gravida
Fuck your translation, google translate is not fucking backwards compatible. Just look at this abomination I got out of that paragraph...
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In the care of film photography, and soccer players eu. Boat financing various urn on your computer screen Reserved innovative airline. Maecenas dui mi, molestie id condimentum et, luctus eget lacus. In the outdoor drop, the price of soccer volleyball football, ultricies propaganda. Morbi facilisis sodales mauris turpis, tempor, that is brought about sed, consequat ac diam. There is no life aliquet arcu, eget tempor elit. To imperdie, pregnant”
What the actual fuck were you trying to say! The Eldritch court would personally turn you into a sock puppet for that shit and I’m thinking about following their examples on your ass!!!!
SN Tech Support (Clown)
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Birthdate: Birthdate ( age ) Gender and pronouns: Gender and pronouns Hometown: Hometown Occupation: Occupation Faceclaim: Faceclaim Trigger Warnings: Trigger Warnings.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam nisi lorem, pulvinar id, commodo feugiat, vehicula et, mauris. Aliquam mattis porta urna. Maecenas dui neque, rhoncus sed, vehicula vitae, auctor at, nisi. Aenean id massa ut lacus molestie porta. Curabitur sit amet quam id libero suscipit venenatis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse sed ligula. Sed volutpat odio non turpis gravida luctus. Praesent elit pede, iaculis facilisis, vehicula mattis, tempus non, arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam nisi lorem, pulvinar id, commodo feugiat, vehicula et, mauris. Aliquam mattis porta urna. Maecenas dui neque, rhoncus sed, vehicula vitae, auctor at, nisi. Aenean id massa ut lacus molestie porta. Curabitur sit amet quam id libero suscipit venenatis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse sed ligula. Sed volutpat odio non turpis gravida luctus. Praesent elit pede, iaculis facilisis, vehicula mattis, tempus non, arcu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam nisi lorem, pulvinar id, commodo feugiat, vehicula et, mauris. Aliquam mattis porta urna. Maecenas dui neque, rhoncus sed, vehicula vitae, auctor at, nisi. Aenean id massa ut lacus molestie porta. Curabitur sit amet quam id libero suscipit venenatis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse sed ligula. Sed volutpat odio non turpis gravida luctus. Praesent elit pede, iaculis facilisis, vehicula mattis, tempus non, arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam nisi lorem, pulvinar id, commodo feugiat, vehicula et, mauris. Aliquam mattis porta urna. Maecenas dui neque, rhoncus sed, vehicula vitae, auctor at, nisi. Aenean id massa ut lacus molestie porta. Curabitur sit amet quam id libero suscipit venenatis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse sed ligula. Sed volutpat odio non turpis gravida luctus. Praesent elit pede, iaculis facilisis, vehicula mattis, tempus non, arcu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam nisi lorem, pulvinar id, commodo feugiat, vehicula et, mauris. Aliquam mattis porta urna. Maecenas dui neque, rhoncus sed, vehicula vitae, auctor at, nisi. Aenean id massa ut lacus molestie porta. Curabitur sit amet quam id libero suscipit venenatis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse sed ligula. Sed volutpat odio non turpis gravida luctus. Praesent elit pede, iaculis facilisis, vehicula mattis, tempus non, arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam nisi lorem, pulvinar id, commodo feugiat, vehicula et, mauris. Aliquam mattis porta urna. Maecenas dui neque, rhoncus sed, vehicula vitae, auctor at, nisi. Aenean id massa ut lacus molestie porta. Curabitur sit amet quam id libero suscipit venenatis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse sed ligula. Sed volutpat odio non turpis gravida luctus. Praesent elit pede, iaculis facilisis, vehicula mattis, tempus non, arcu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam nisi lorem, pulvinar id, commodo feugiat, vehicula et, mauris. Aliquam mattis porta urna. Maecenas dui neque, rhoncus sed, vehicula vitae, auctor at, nisi. Aenean id massa ut lacus molestie porta. Curabitur sit amet quam id libero suscipit venenatis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse sed ligula. Sed volutpat odio non turpis gravida luctus. Praesent elit pede, iaculis facilisis, vehicula mattis, tempus non, arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam nisi lorem, pulvinar id, commodo feugiat, vehicula et, mauris. Aliquam mattis porta urna. Maecenas dui neque, rhoncus sed, vehicula vitae, auctor at, nisi. Aenean id massa ut lacus molestie porta. Curabitur sit amet quam id libero suscipit venenatis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse sed ligula. Sed volutpat odio non turpis gravida luctus. Praesent elit pede, iaculis facilisis, vehicula mattis, tempus non, arcu.
( + ) positive, positive, positive. ( - ) negative, negative, negative.
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kennedycalloway · 2 years
𝑮𝑬𝑵𝑬𝑹𝑨𝑳 𝑰𝑵𝑭𝑶.     ⊹  ✦
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               ✧  𝙁𝙐𝙇𝙇 𝙉𝘼𝙈𝙀  ✧
               ⸻Kennedy Alan Calloway
‘Kennedy’ is derived from an Irish surname that means “helmet-headed one”. He was named after John F. Kennedy, his grandfather’s favourite American president. Friends and family started calling him by a shortened version of his last name, ‘Calloway’, which is a French surname that means “place of stones.” Cal’s middle name, ‘Alan’ is again borrowed from his grandfather. It means “little rock.” 
I named him Kennedy because Cal has a big space motif in his characterisation and JFK was known for his inspiring speech about the space race— he was also very involved in the entire process. Cal’s middle name ‘Alan’ was picked because of Alan Shephard, the first American in space.
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               ✧  𝙉𝙄𝘾𝙆𝙉𝘼𝙈𝙀(𝙎) ✧ 
               ⸻Cal, Ken, Kenny, Starboy, Rocket man
Cal’s nicknames, like most nicknames, are given by family and friends and those closest to him. He used to be called by his first name but somewhere along the line, his loved ones started calling him Cal and it stuck. Sometimes it catches him off guard when people refer to him as “Kennedy” and while he doesn’t mind it, he prefers to be called Cal. The nicknames ‘Starboy’ and ‘Rocket man’ are given to him by his best friend, Keegan.
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               ✧ 𝘽𝙄𝙍𝙏𝙃 𝘾𝙀𝙍𝙏𝙄𝙁𝙄𝘾𝘼𝙏𝙀 ✧
               ⸻October 9, 20XX,12.06 a.m.
               ⸻Greeneville, Kentucky. 
Cal was born a healthy baby boy just after midnight in a hospital in Frankfurt, Kentucky. The first thing his mom remembers seeing after labor is the stars, and she often recalls the story with fondness. He doesn’t feel particularly strongly about his birthday; to him it’s just another revolution around the Sun, but his family has always loved to have big birthdays for every member so he goes along with it. Cal’s favourite birthday gifts are from his grandfather, Alan, a retired pilot.
Greenville is a small town in Kentucky where his paternal grandparents own some farmland. Cal’s grown up there and knows everyone there very well— it’s easy to get in touch with neighbours and the wider community when the town only has a population of a hundred. He’s a friendly young man and is known for his kindness, always ready to lend a helping hand wherever it’s needed.
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               ✧ 𝙂𝙀𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍 ✧ 
Cal is biologically male and is comfortable with his gender. His maternal and paternal sides of the family are both progressive, despite living in traditional and conservative areas; Cal has luckily grown up feeling safe about his identity. He has the luxury of knowing if he ever decides to experiment with his gender expression, he’ll get nothing but love and support from those closest to him.
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               ✧ 𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙀𝙉𝙏𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉𝙎 ✧
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. vivamus id ultricies neque. morbi vitae tincidunt odio, ut ultricies erat. mauris lorem eros, mattis vel luctus semper, rutrum eget felis. praesent commodo in eros ut lobortis. suspendisse molestie diam in aliquet efficitur. aenean placerat erat non hendrerit efficitur. aliquam ullamcorper interdum sem nec lacinia. cras nec orci sed diam placerat tristique.
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               ✧ 𝘼𝙎𝙏𝙍𝙊𝙇𝙊𝙂𝙔 𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙍𝙏 ✧ 
His star sign is Libra but Cal doesn’t believe in Astrology; he doesn’t see how constellations in the sky can determine someone’s personality. Cal is very much a man of science, but he’s also conscious of the fact that the stars can mean very personal things to people, so he tries his best not to get into debates about the topic. That being said, Cal has been known to go on drunk rants about the Ophiuchus constellation and how it completely changes everyone’s traditional zodiac sign. 
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               ✧ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙊𝙍𝙄𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙎 ✧ 
               ⸻Irish and French
Both sides of his family are descended from Irish and French immigrants. Cal is American by birth and somewhat patriotic. He likes the fireworks on July 4th because he gets to spend it with the entire community in his small town. 
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               ✧ 𝙇𝘼𝙉𝙂𝙐𝘼𝙂𝙀(𝙎) ✧
Cal only knows English, and that makes him a little gloomy sometimes, considering his family history. He wishes he could learn Irish and French but between his university studies, he doesn’t have much time to learn a new language. 
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               ✧ 𝑽𝑶𝑰𝑪𝑬 ✧  
               ⸻Deep, modulated
The first thing anyone notices about Cal is his Southern drawl, especially noticeable after he moved from Kentucky to Pasadena, where the Valley Girl accent would annoy him. People mocked his accent but their way of speaking would weird him out in the early days. Despite living in Pasadena for three years now, Cal hasn’t lost his accent and hopes it stays that way.
𝑨𝑷𝑷𝑬𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑵𝑪𝑬.     ⊹  ✦
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               ✧ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙑𝙄𝙎𝘼𝙂𝙀 ✧ 
               ⸻light brown eyes 
               ⸻pale complexion
 Like his father and grandfather, Cal has close-set light brown eyes. He thinks his eyes are his best feature and though he claims not to be a massive romantic, he secretly believes eyes are the window into the soul. Cal has pale skin that tans a light brown shade when he’s exposed to sunlight for prolonged periods of time. Unlike some of his siblings, his skin doesn’t burn in excessive sunshine, but he does tend to get very uncomfortable without sunscreen because of his own anxiety about UV rays and melanoma. He watched a documentary about it once when he was a kid and hasn’t been the same since.
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               ✧ 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙋𝙃𝙔𝙎𝙄𝙌𝙐𝙀 ✧ 
               ⸻6’6.5 or 202cm. 230lbs or 104.3kg
 Cal may be tall but all the boys in his family are the same so he doesn't feel out of place. Unlike some of his brothers, he wishes he was shorter because bumping his head on door frames is getting really old now. He’s also quite heavy thanks to his height, and although he tries not to let his weight affect him so much, it subconsciously makes him want to work out more. Cal grew up slightly overweight— he blames his grandma for feeding him every chance she got— now his biggest insecurity is making sure he doesn’t retain any of that baby fat. His body shape resembles an inverted triangle; Cal has broad shoulders and a narrower waist.
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               ✧ 𝙃𝘼𝙄𝙍 ✧
               ⸻used to be light brown, now auburn
    ⸻short and buzzed 
 When it comes to his hair colour, Cal takes after his mother, who has gorgeous light brown waves. His hair used to be lighter when he was younger but it has darkened over the years and now looks much closer to his father’s deep auburn tresses. He has his hair buzzed because he lives in predominantly warm areas with high humidity and long hair tends to suffer in that environment, besides, it’s easier to maintain it when it’s short.
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               ✧ 𝙒𝘼𝙍𝘿𝙍𝙊𝘽𝙀 ✧ 
 Cal isn't fussy about his clothing style and definitely doesn’t worry about buying popular brands or recognisable labels. As far as he’s concerned, clothes are just clothes— if he’s being honest, he doesn’t get the hype over dressing yourself in expensive luxury items, and though he claims not to be the judgy type, he secretly judges people who do. Through no careful planning of his own, Cal’s style is most similar to the All-American models in fashion magazines. He tends to dress in plain t-shirts and jeans or overalls typical of farm attire. Cal’s a big fan of flannel and checkered shirts, especially warm wool-lined outfits in winters. 
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               ✧ 𝙈𝙊𝘿𝙄𝙁𝙄𝘾𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉𝙎 ✧
               ⸻he’s very indecisive!!
 He’s wanted tattoos forever but he isn’t sure what to get. Cal has a Pinterest board filled with tattoo ideas and almost all of them are space themed in one way or another. Nothing means more to him than space; it’s a big part of his life and his grandpa Alan’s life, the man who Cal looks up to more than anyone else in the world. Cal wants to get a tattoo artist to design him a sleeve made up of his favourite cosmic phenomena.
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               ✧ 𝘼𝙍𝙊𝙈𝘼 ✧ 
               ⸻cut grass, burning oak, and apples
 When Cal walks into a room, the scent of freshly cut grass soon follows; when he’s home in Kentucky, he tends to do everything he can to help out around the farm including mowing the lawn. He also helps set up the fire at night, the scent of burning oak and ash clinging to his overalls. As for the scent of apples, Cal’s mother makes a mean apple pie, some of which gets on his clothes because he’s a clumsy eater, unfortunately. 
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chickenscratching · 2 years
[Character Profile Template]
Age: x Birthday: x Pronouns: x Race: x Occupation: x Looks Like: x
Personality: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vel est tempor, pretium dui et, aliquet dui. Quisque sit amet lectus fermentum, tempor ex tincidunt, pharetra justo. Vestibulum a aliquam felis, quis venenatis lacus. Praesent imperdiet placerat mollis. Sed non lorem eget ante consequat lacinia nec a velit. Etiam sed porta risus. Morbi lacus nibh, facilisis vitae nibh non, efficitur viverra est. Aliquam quis nisi lobortis felis interdum porttitor. In lacinia feugiat suscipit. Cras vehicula tincidunt leo, ut pulvinar ligula mattis vel.
Aliquam sit amet vehicula dolor, a rutrum lectus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras eu nunc vel nibh bibendum auctor ut eget dolor. Donec dictum id felis in dapibus. Maecenas molestie nulla enim. Praesent id diam ipsum. Vestibulum rhoncus condimentum est, nec sollicitudin diam tempus a. Cras id scelerisque dui. Praesent mollis faucibus urna placerat dictum. Vivamus pretium condimentum libero, fermentum volutpat augue pharetra vel.
History: Aliquam luctus ligula purus, sed vulputate diam molestie a. Morbi aliquet turpis lectus, sed semper dui laoreet ac. Curabitur et lorem ut mauris egestas bibendum. Mauris dictum erat ut elit consequat, et aliquam eros ultrices. Nulla consequat velit sed quam laoreet facilisis. Pellentesque est orci, tristique in dui eu, laoreet dictum neque. Vivamus vitae risus at felis ultricies ultricies. Integer volutpat aliquam tincidunt. Nunc tempor velit ut lacus cursus, sit amet blandit ligula tempus. Nullam facilisis facilisis mi, sed pretium eros maximus facilisis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Phasellus non justo condimentum, ultrices diam in, semper erat. Phasellus sit amet ultrices enim. Etiam at tellus quis nunc consequat rutrum vitae a mi. Cras elit augue, tempus quis nisl sed, ultricies porta leo. Mauris vitae tempor urna.
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Person Holding White Ceramic cup
Person Holding White Ceramic cup
In vestibulum tristique nulla, tempor pretium est sagittis et. Proin mi elit, varius id luctus ut, aliquet ut nunc. Morbi eu nunc lacus. Morbi id pellentesque elit. Integer gravida tempor arcu. Sed fringilla aliquet felis, sit amet eleifend nisl venenatis quis. Aenean id ligula in elit luctus varius. Integer consectetur lobortis orci, in molestie diam porta in. Sed aliquam, metus non viverra…
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whichpressurecooker · 3 years
Hard Anodized vs. Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker
Which Pressure Cooker
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Hard Anodized vs. Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker
Hard Anodized vs. Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker
Pressure cookers are one of the best investments you can make in your kitchen. They allow you to make healthy and fast meals that will save you both time and money.
A pressure cooker is useful for anyone who wants to eat a healthy home-cooked meal but may not have a lot of time to make meals from scratch. Everyone can benefit from owning a pressure cooker, and they are convenient for parents, college students, or people with demanding jobs/lifestyles.
The question on everyone’s mind when purchasing a new pressure cooker is which one they should buy?
When most people think about this question, they think about which brand or model they should buy, should they buy a stovetop pressure cooker or an electric pressure cooker, and should they buy a cheap or expensive one?
However, people should also be asking themselves whether they should buy a hard-anodized aluminum pot or a stainless steel pot?
Let’s explore some of the benefits and drawbacks of each type so you can decide which one will work best for you!
What is a hard-anodized pressure cooker?
A hard-anodized pressure cooker is a hard-anodized aluminum pot.
Anodizing is when the aluminum is coated with a layer of oxide to make it highly durable, scratch-resistant, and non-stick.
Hard anodized pots are great for pressure cooking as they conduct heat better than stainless steel and won’t chip as cheap aluminum pots can.
Hard anodized pots are the fastest cookers on the market.
One of the significant drawbacks of hard anodized cookware is that they are not dishwasher safe, so cleanup will have to be done the good old fashion way, with your hands!
How do you anodize aluminum pots?
Aluminum is a naturally occurring metal that is quite soft and reacts with acidic foods. The term anodized means that the material has been oxidized, creating a protective layer on the surface of whatever you are trying to protect.
Anodizing is done by submerging the aluminum in a chemical bath and passing electricity through it. This produces an oxide on the outer surface of the aluminum. It is this oxide that turns the aluminum into a hard, smooth, and non-reactive metal.
This process creates a very durable and scratch-resistant surface on the outside of the aluminum pot. Since there are many different types of anodized aluminum, you can choose the hardness and thickness of the outer layer to protect your pots from inevitable wear and tears.
For example, if you are looking to buy a pressure cooker that will last you for years of everyday use, then a thicker pot with a more durable coating would be a better investment than one with less thickness.
What are some benefits of hard-anodized cookware?
Hard anodized cookware is inexpensive and extremely durable. Hard anodizing means that not only will your pot be scratch-resistant and non-stick but also that it will be longer lasting than other types of cookware.
Not only is the coating on this pot scratch-resistant, but the inner metal itself is exceptionally durable and can withstand a lot of wear and tear.
You will also appreciate the minimal amount of oil or butter needed to prevent foods from sticking to your pots while pressure cooking, which means fewer calories but maximum flavor!
What is a stainless steel pressure cooker?
A stainless steel pressure cooker is a pot made from stainless steel. Stainless steel pots conduct heat well, are durable, and can be cleaned easily in the dishwasher.
Stainless steel is not very good at being non-stick, so you may find yourself spending more time scrubbing food off your dishes which will take longer than cooking in an anodized pot.
Having said that, stainless steel can be cleaned in the dishwasher, so if you don’t feel like scrubbing, you don’t have to.
In general, stainless steel pots are heavier and bulkier than hard-anodized ones, so this may be a consideration for those who have back problems or arthritis in their hands and fingers.
Also, remember when they are full of food and liquid, they are even heavier still.
What are some benefits of stainless steel pressure cookers?
Stainless steel pressure cookers are dishwasher safe, so cleanup will be a breeze if you own a dishwasher! You toss it in the dishwasher, and you’re good to go.
Stainless steel is also stain-resistant, meaning grease stains from foods like bacon won’t ruin your pots or pans. Also, since stainless steel does not scratch easily, it will last longer than a pot with a more delicate coating.
Differences between a hard-anodized aluminum and stainless steel pressure cooker?
The main difference between anodized pressure cookers and stainless steel pressure cookers is in how they conduct heat.
Hard anodized cookware will conduct heat much better than stainless steel. Hard anodized pots are the fastest pressure cooking pots on the market.
Hard-anodized aluminum pots are also durable and last for years, and they are non-stick with most foods. The downside to anodized pots is that you can’t use them in a dishwasher so that cleanup will be laborious.
Stainless steel pressure cookers are not as good at conducting heat and will take longer to cook food. Stainless steel pots are also heavier and take more time to cool down after turning off the stove.
Stainless steel pots can be cleaned easier than hard-anodized ones because you can place them in the dishwasher. Stainless steel is also much cheaper than anodized aluminum, so if you’re on a budget, this may be the way to go for you.
Which type of material is better for cooking?
Honestly, both materials have their benefits and weaknesses.
A stainless steel pressure cooker is suitable for cooking with because it’s durable and easy to clean. This means that it won’t scratch easily, and you can wash your pots in the dishwasher without having to worry about them getting damaged.
They take longer to heat up than anodized pots and will cool down more slowly after turning off the stove. This may not be a big issue for many people, but many prefer the faster cooking speeds of an anodized pot.
An anodized pressure cooker is suitable for cooking because of its non-stick properties. If you don’t like scrubbing, this is the pot for you!
For fast cooking, it’s hard-anodized all the way.
Is hard-anodized safe for cooking?
Yes, hard anodized cookware is safe for cooking.
The aluminum in anodized cookware is sealed so it will not react with acidic food or leach into food. Unprotected, lightweight aluminum pots and pans are highly reactive to acidic ingredients like tomatoes – which can cause significant problems when you’re cooking. 
Is stainless steel safe for cooking?
Yes, stainless steel is safe for cooking.
The US Food and Drug Administration considers stainless steel safe for contact with food as long as it has 16% chromium. Some people claim that it is not relatively inert, but it is more stable than other cookware that may react with food (like copper or aluminum do).
Stainless steel is also durable and will last longer than any other type of cookware, ensuring it won’t break into pieces anytime soon!
Does food taste any different if cooked in a stainless steel pot vs. an anodized pot?
Personally, the food does not taste any different whether it is cooked in a stainless steel pot or an anodized pot. Food will taste just as great no matter which material your pressure cooker is made from.
Pros & Cons of Hard Anodized Pressure Cookers
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Pros & Cons of Stainless Steel Pressure Cookers
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Comparison chart of pros and cons for each type
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After reading the article and comparing both different types of pressure cookers, it should be clear that each has advantages and disadvantages.
Hard anodized pots conduct heat better and are faster at heating up than stainless steel ones. The main drawbacks to using hard-anodized pots are that they cannot be put in a dishwasher and need more care when cleaning than stainless steel pots.
In terms of cleanliness, some people prefer stainless steel pots because they can go in the dishwasher, and you do not have to worry about scratches on your cookware.
Heat conduction in a stainless steel pressure cooker may not be as fast as hard anodized (which is an excellent heat conductor), but it is no slouch and will reach temperatures quickly enough.
The main drawback to using stainless steel pots is that they are not non-stick, and you may end up spending more time scrubbing off food than you’d like.
Many people have no preference for which material their pressure cooker is made out of and think they both work the same way. Either an anodized pot or a stainless steel pot will do.
When choosing which material you want, the main thing to consider is personal preference – based on how well you like to clean your cooking utensils and whether or not you can stand waiting for them to heat up. 
Another factor that should be considered is that anodized pots are generally cheaper than stainless steel ones, which may end up saving you some money in the long run.
Additionally, hard-anodized pots are lighter in weight, so this might be a consideration in helping you decide which one is right for you.
So, choosing which material to go for is not as simple as just saying pick this or pick that. Both work exceptionally well, and it all comes down to personal preference.
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The post Hard Anodized vs. Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker first appeared on Which Pressure Cooker and is written by Kerrie Murphy
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tuath-fr · 6 years
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I lied. Forgot this one. Code below read me.
[columns][color=transparent]___[/color][nextcol] [color=transparent]___[/color][img]https://s18.postimg.org/gqg3qhyyx/DBR3.png[/img] [right][font=Palatino Linotype][i]index[/i][/right] [rule][font=Palatino Linotype]I. Topic One II. Topic Two III. Topic Three
[nextcol] [center][img]https://s18.postimg.org/9agu4oo49/DBR1.png[/img][/center][font=Palatino Linotype] [b]I.[/b] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ac dui tempor est efficitur fringilla vel eu dui. Maecenas tristique nibh sapien, vel semper odio mollis a. In euismod dapibus erat. Nulla sed erat accumsan, pharetra nibh eu, luctus lorem. Quisque et sem ex.
[b]II.[/b] Praesent id ullamcorper neque. Quisque faucibus dui sed felis cursus, a fermentum nibh porttitor. Vivamus bibendum condimentum purus, at lacinia augue. Duis tortor sapien, eleifend at condimentum id, tincidunt ut neque. Morbi finibus tellus eros, in gravida lacus vehicula quis.
[b]III.[/b] Pellentesque condimentum libero vitae ipsum congue, ut placerat urna porta. Duis non aliquet augue. Phasellus commodo elementum nibh sed tempus. In congue eu libero non elementum. Donec sit amet enim fringilla, sollicitudin metus eget, rutrum nunc.
[nextcol] [img]https://s18.postimg.org/75wh3nc7t/DBR7.png[/img][font=Palatino Linotype]
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[right][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/2257922/1#post_2257922][font=Palatino Linotype][size=2][color=#808080]images by poisonedpaper[/url][/right]
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feltpenny · 3 years
How bout with embedded stuff?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras a aliquam elit. Curabitur aliquam tortor sit amet diam egestas faucibus. Sed a suscipit ante, at rhoncus turpis. Praesent vel elementum ante. Morbi feugiat felis sit amet suscipit tempor. Donec volutpat elit sollicitudin accumsan lacinia. Quisque vulputate enim ut nibh tincidunt porttitor.
Tumblr media
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum nec venenatis metus. Fusce vel dui sit amet nulla laoreet porta. Nullam laoreet rhoncus sodales. Praesent nec volutpat odio. Vivamus ac enim vitae elit interdum mattis. Mauris pretium, arcu nec vehicula gravida, est justo vestibulum ex, at aliquam eros velit mollis arcu. Maecenas a mauris quis nisi dictum consequat. Duis auctor lorem metus, quis iaculis dolor elementum sit amet. Curabitur a semper magna. Curabitur dictum augue non sodales sollicitudin. Quisque in nulla turpis. Quisque neque justo, accumsan et rutrum at, vestibulum vitae urna. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod feugiat elit, vel accumsan ante pretium et. Nulla facilisi.
Etiam ac elit ut justo rutrum scelerisque. Vivamus accumsan mattis tellus efficitur semper. Sed congue facilisis turpis faucibus volutpat. Quisque in dui turpis. Maecenas sed ex id sapien vestibulum ullamcorper vitae et lorem. Vestibulum vitae euismod urna, sit amet hendrerit risus. Mauris eget lacinia tellus. Sed sit amet varius lacus. Suspendisse at felis justo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque luctus neque vitae nulla ultrices dapibus. Cras eu augue sed massa suscipit faucibus. Aliquam a aliquam nisl, a iaculis sapien.
Integer id quam a nunc finibus ornare sit amet id nibh. Vestibulum nec massa justo. Duis luctus, massa ut auctor pretium, dui metus vulputate nisl, id venenatis metus massa eget risus. Pellentesque imperdiet enim quis neque sagittis, sit amet convallis mauris vehicula. Donec nulla magna, vulputate sit amet metus ut, aliquet tempor neque. In dictum ante at nisl egestas tincidunt. Donec ultrices metus eu congue efficitur. Etiam finibus lorem at augue pulvinar, ac lacinia erat maximus. Morbi porttitor eget nulla sit amet tempus. Donec suscipit justo metus, quis consectetur turpis vulputate a. Donec arcu leo, euismod in sapien eget, aliquet egestas nisi. Morbi nec arcu lacinia, consequat leo sed, sagittis metus. Suspendisse sed porta ex, feugiat tempus tellus. Duis sit amet elit nec ante tempor cursus. Etiam mattis finibus tortor, vitae consequat massa tincidunt id.
https://designthinking.ideo.com/ - dropping in a link
Tumblr media
Proin quis ex libero. Donec eleifend sem quis aliquam mattis. Duis varius sed enim at mattis. Suspendisse ante felis, ultrices sed vulputate vitae, ultrices eu ligula. Morbi placerat commodo cursus. Etiam quis mi id neque fermentum consequat. Sed arcu elit, dignissim ut tristique non, eleifend pretium elit.
In vitae volutpat risus, eu lobortis leo. Donec augue augue, iaculis eget nisl ut, euismod elementum sem. Nulla et facilisis augue, non congue elit. Phasellus a blandit sem, eget euismod ante. Cras et lectus eget tortor eleifend semper et vel leo. Maecenas urna orci, suscipit quis augue non, faucibus dapibus libero. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae;.
Generated 6 paragraphs, 500 words, 3316 bytes of
Videos get inserted at the end of the text, so I don’t think they can go inbetween paragraphs. No biggle of course.
Tolerance of ambiguity is a characteristic of people involved with creative design work. Research from Dorst (2019) and Dorst & Cross (2001) suggested that problems and solutions emerge and transform within the creaive design process. Csikszentmihalyi & Getzels (1971) linked a discovery orientation to creative work with high quality products. An observant, perceptive, curious, and optimistic approach to design work is the way to go.
And once again, tumblr is a joy to use. It’s doing everything that needed for a design journal and the lelarning curve is nearly non-existent. Perfect!!!
Dorst, K. (2019). Co-evolution and emergence in design. Design Studies, 65, 60–77. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.destud.2019.10.005   
Dorst, K., & Cross, N. (2001). Creativity in the design process: Co-evolution of problem–solution. Design Studies, 22(5), 425–437. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0142-694X(01)00009-6  
Csikszentmihalyi, M., & Getzels, J. W. (1971). Discovery-oriented behavior and the originality of creative products: A study with artists. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 19(1), 47–52. https://doi.org/10.1037/h0031106  
0 notes
carolespino · 3 years
In id sem vel nisl vulputate tempor.
Nunc urna nisi, volutpat vel enim non, sollicitudin auctor purus. Nam in mattis sem. Fusce non ultricies neque. Duis egestas magna eget finibus auctor. Praesent euismod iaculis velit quis interdum. Nulla ultricies magna non elit volutpat sagittis RLi4j1V2 Introducing Psychology Brain Person Group 4th Ed. Mauris diam ligula, pharetra quis ipsum pharetra, bibendum congue orci. Maecenas aliquet, ipsum mollis lacinia lobortis, velit tellus lobortis odio, nec consectetur tellus mauris convallis nisl.
Duis hendrerit, nisl sed imperdiet consectetur, erat velit dignissim lacus, nec pretium enim tellus quis ex.
Integer rhoncus nunc sed turpis tincidunt vulputate The Mechanic S Guide Or A Treatise On The Laws O. Nullam fermentum sapien eu risus sodales maximus. In vel commodo ex. Ut a turpis at risus fringilla tincidunt placerat non orci. Donec viverra, risus sit amet aliquam dapibus, est purus dictum velit, eu scelerisque lectus nibh ac sapien. In sem massa, tincidunt eu lorem eleifend, rhoncus tincidunt augue. Integer porta nunc nec nisi maximus, sed volutpat leo bibendum. Proin suscipit tortor leo, sit amet tempus velit ultrices et. Fusce aliquet mauris nisl, non euismod augue mollis ultrices. Pellentesque eu lectus elit.
Nobody is detained by the police officers, but the suspect is being interrogated by them.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tempus ut sapien condimentum fringilla. Mauris commodo felis nec egestas rutrum. Donec semper convallis libero, mollis malesuada Mo5R10mlRkRM Electricity And Magnetism Usborne Understand Sci nibh ullamcorper interdum. Nullam eget nisi pharetra, posuere arcu non, aliquet sapien. Curabitur blandit condimentum lacus quis consectetur. In quis hendrerit sem. Donec laoreet velit nisi, id pellentesque sapien lacinia facilisis. Nunc ut scelerisque risus, at sollicitudin leo. Pellentesque nulla massa, ornare nec interdum sed, rutrum vel dui. Integer vestibulum quam in lacus eleifend, in porta nisi sodales. Nullam vehicula rhoncus lorem eu fermentum. Proin ut feugiat ex. Morbi consequat nulla ipsum.
Praesent dapibus elementum nunc RTqVluxtV Holt Mcdougal Larson Geometry Student Edition Ge, nec eleifend magna consequat porta. Morbi vitae felis efficitur, ultrices tellus quis, sagittis nisl. Vivamus gravida urna eget sem vehicula maximus ornare in felis. Aliquam massa urna, tempor nec erat vitae, sodales semper ipsum. Aenean interdum est et tortor facilisis sagittis. Aenean aliquam dictum eros, ac tempus tellus sollicitudin vitae. Donec vitae sapien ac leo dictum laoreet. Mauris tincidunt urna justo, sed aliquam nulla aliquet sit amet. #####Integer in erat vitae tortor suscipit hendrerit eu et urna. Nam et neque hendrerit, bibendum ligula non, malesuada lectus.
Nunc et mauris purus. In scelerisque libero vel turpis imperdiet auctor. Aliquam pellentesque purus sed ante elementum tempor. Cras accumsan tellus at tortor vestibulum rutrum. Mauris sit amet bibendum tellus, tristique iaculis sapien. Aliquam sit amet sem eget felis suscipit tincidunt. Vestibulum fermentum condimentum malesuada. Nullam tellus lectus, finibus in ex id P0tZLtQrjEcr Ladybird Tales Aladdin Hardback, venenatis aliquet lectus. Cras pretium pretium purus, non luctus lectus pulvinar non. Sed nec neque at mi finibus luctus sit amet in lectus. Integer sodales fringilla sapien rutrum egestas. Fusce interdum convallis dolor. In ac erat ullamcorper, pharetra elit quis, iaculis risus. Donec ultrices sapien vitae consectetur elementum. In id sem vel nisl vulputate tempor.
0 notes
jenniferespino · 3 years
Nulla ultricies magna non elit volutpat sagittis MO731lBb A Bear Called Paddington Paperback
Nunc et mauris purus. In scelerisque libero vel turpis imperdiet auctor. Aliquam pellentesque purus sed ante elementum tempor. Cras accumsan tellus at tortor vestibulum rutrum. Mauris sit amet bibendum tellus, tristique iaculis sapien. Aliquam sit amet sem eget felis suscipit tincidunt. Vestibulum fermentum condimentum malesuada. Nullam tellus lectus, finibus in ex id KOwJF4NWyxl A , venenatis aliquet lectus. Cras pretium pretium purus, non luctus lectus pulvinar non. Sed nec neque at mi finibus luctus sit amet in lectus. Integer sodales fringilla sapien rutrum egestas. Fusce interdum convallis dolor. In ac erat ullamcorper, pharetra elit quis, iaculis risus. Donec ultrices sapien vitae consectetur elementum. In id sem vel nisl vulputate tempor.
Nobody is detained by the police officers, but the defendant has been interrogated by them.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tempus ut sapien condimentum fringilla. Mauris commodo felis nec egestas rutrum. Donec semper convallis libero, mollis malesuada 7lSYV2rbv The Death And Life Of Great American Cities Pape nibh ullamcorper interdum. Nullam eget nisi pharetra, posuere arcu non, aliquet sapien. Curabitur blandit condimentum lacus quis consectetur. In quis hendrerit sem. Donec laoreet velit nisi, id pellentesque sapien lacinia facilisis. Nunc ut scelerisque risus, at sollicitudin leo. Pellentesque nulla massa, ornare nec interdum sed, rutrum vel dui. Integer vestibulum quam in lacus eleifend, in porta nisi sodales. Nullam vehicula rhoncus lorem eu fermentum. Proin ut feugiat ex. Morbi consequat nulla ipsum.
Praesent dapibus elementum nunc Y5J6dT9cpr8 R , nec eleifend magna consequat porta. Morbi vitae felis efficitur, ultrices tellus quis, sagittis nisl. Vivamus gravida urna eget sem vehicula maximus ornare in felis. Aliquam massa urna, tempor nec erat vitae, sodales semper ipsum. Aenean interdum est et tortor facilisis sagittis. Aenean aliquam dictum eros, ac tempus tellus sollicitudin vitae. Donec vitae sapien ac leo dictum laoreet. Mauris tincidunt urna justo, sed aliquam nulla aliquet sit amet. #####Integer in erat vitae tortor suscipit hendrerit eu et urna. Nam et neque hendrerit, bibendum ligula non, malesuada lectus.
I spoke to Joe and Alex about WordAi today.
Nunc urna nisi, volutpat vel enim non, sollicitudin auctor purus. Nam in mattis sem. Fusce non ultricies neque. Duis egestas magna eget finibus auctor. Praesent euismod iaculis velit quis interdum. Nulla ultricies magna non elit volutpat sagittis MO731lBb A Bear Called Paddington Paperback. Mauris diam ligula, pharetra quis ipsum pharetra, bibendum congue orci. Maecenas aliquet, ipsum mollis lacinia lobortis, velit tellus lobortis odio, nec consectetur tellus mauris convallis nisl.
Duis hendrerit, nisl sed imperdiet consectetur, erat velit dignissim lacus, nec pretium enim tellus quis ex.
Integer rhoncus nunc sed turpis tincidunt vulputate D Dementia Reconsidered The Person Comes First . Nullam fermentum sapien eu risus sodales maximus. In vel commodo ex. Ut a turpis at risus fringilla tincidunt placerat non orci. Donec viverra, risus sit amet aliquam dapibus, est purus dictum velit, eu scelerisque lectus nibh ac sapien. In sem massa, tincidunt eu lorem eleifend, rhoncus tincidunt augue. Integer porta nunc nec nisi maximus, sed volutpat leo bibendum. Proin suscipit tortor leo, sit amet tempus velit ultrices et. Fusce aliquet mauris nisl, non euismod augue mollis ultrices. Pellentesque eu lectus elit.
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