raphaelbrcoks · 4 years
alex, edward, sophia !!
alex: what’s your dream career?
"my dream career is honestly to not have a career,” he says with a shrug. “but not in like a i-can’t-wait-to-stay-home-and-keep-dinner-warm kind of way, but more in like a fuck-capitalism kind of way. which i know, i know, is a schtick i’m stealing from robin, but he’s right! i mean, i love art and getting to animate is such a joy in my life, but then capitalism turns around and makes it into a commodity. i can’t just draw, i have to cater to what my production company needs from me and then consider how well the audience is going to receive it and then change my entire art style based on what kind of design has historically garnered the most amount of profit. it’s exhausting, and it makes me feel like i’m only producing a hollow frame of the creativity i’m capable of. so, uh, sorry, to answer your question -” he regroups a bit. “i want to spend my life making art based on whatever actually inspires me, maybe get famous for it, but only after i die so i never feel pressured to cater to public opinion. i hear that doesn’t pay the bills too well though, so i guess i’m fine where i am.”
edward: do you ever want to get married?
“yeah, i really do.” it’s something he’s thought about a lot throughout his timeline of lovers, but especially with eddie, who hasn’t made his aversion to marriage a secret. “i know it’s an outdated social construct. i’ve read all the feminist theory about how we’ve progressed past the need for wedding bells. but, i don’t know. there’s still something about it that makes me feel a little warm inside. maybe i just like the thought of getting to go to court if somebody wants to break my heart again.” 
sophia: what aspect of yourself are you most confident about?
“oh, i know this one! my teeth, look.” he flashes a smile, holding it for a moment before resorting back to his closed-mouth grin. “i like how white and straight they are, unlike me. and all without braces, just a lot of activated charcoal.”
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mvrphys · 4 years
precious paws animal shelter 🐶🦎🐱
precious paws animal shelter: your muse accompanies mine to adopt a pet. 
“i had no idea they had lizards here too! why’d ya let me drag you all the way out to long island when we had reptiles so close?!” murphy ducked down slightly so that his eyes were level with the terrarium. he glanced back at lucy, teasing, “do you like lizards because they’re also little like you?” he brought his fingers up to the glass, not to tap, just to give the scaly creature a little wave; then, he gasped, a sudden idea coming to his head, “do you think i could foster a lizard?!” he wasn’t sure if he could handle another pet full-time, but fostering would be a good way to find out, right? “you should just tell fran and riley that you’re fostering lizards and then keep them forever.” he laughed, beaming at his friend, “give ‘em time to warm up to the little things then... BAM, you got ‘em forever!” 
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goldvnby · 4 years
🍂 random character development questions:. 12, & 62 !!
012. What makes your character embarrassed ?
he loves to overcompensate with confidence and projecting the perfect life, so whenever there are cracks in that facade it embarrasses him. probably the biggest embarrassment in his life is his family, and specifically his father. he’s so ashamed of it that he hides it from everyone. he also gets embarrassed by showing his emotions. putting out his love for raph is one thing but to actually show people the things he feels insecure or upset about ? naaah he likes to seem invincible.
062. What sort of legacy does your character wish to leave behind ?
he wants people to remember him by his success, especially in terms of business and finances. his father ruined his family’s reputation, so he wants his legacy to overshadow that. mostly he wants to prove everyone wrong about his family, or really distance himself from them as much as possible.
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lttommy · 4 years
🍂 random character development questions: 4, 29, 53 !!
004. do they prefer being alone or with others?
touched on a bit in other answers, but with others, for sure. (what’s the phrase? loneliness is most felt in a room filled with people? or something.)
029. what sort of sense of humor does your character have?
kinda ridiculous. he’ll laugh at most anything, but his own jokes tend to be on the drier side. definitely the type to flirt with you by teasing you, and to send absolutely deep-fried memes like not to be political but what the fuck is a bird? 
053. what is your character’s greatest strength?
courtesy of this post! 
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kylesjiang · 4 years
harley, cleo, ap1 !!
harley: what’s your muse’s love language?
giving gifts, definitely! perhaps, she was simply influenced by her bà and mā as it was how they showed their affections to each other, but she's not holding it against them. she would no doubt have food delivered to your apartment, stay up all night to paint a 24x24 canvas to celebrate your first month together, buy nauseatingly expensive gifts for your one year anniversary. it may be a bit much for others, and they would often complain that kyle's tendency to give at every turn is burdensome. 
cleo: what would your muse’s amortentia (love potion) smell like?
ap1: what’s your character’s dream vacation?
as much as kyle loves the sun, they really don't agree with each other. a few minutes under it and she'll be as red as a beet. burning is never fun but, her dream vacation would definitely still involve the sun, the sand, and the sea. and maybe, someone else to enjoy it with. 
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leo-geller · 4 years
lena, harley, raven !!
lena: what’s your muse’s safe space?
Leo’s safe space is his childhood bedroom. It’s the one place in the world where he knows he can be himself & be free of judgement because he’s alone. Whenever he’s feeling stressed or just needs a break from the city, he’ll cross the Queensboro Bridge and spend the weekend at his dad’s house. 
harley: what’s your muse’s love language?
Receiving gifts. Though he’d never admit it to just anyone, Leo’s loves receiving gifts of any kind. It doesn’t matter if it’s his birthday, a holiday, or just someone bringing him something that reminded them of him (shout out to Lucy @lucythompson), Leo’s heart always flutters when someone hands him something just for him. This is because when he was growing up, getting gifts was a very rare occurrence as Saul pinched almost every penny he earned & would only get him a small something on his birthday. So, getting gifts is the simplest way into his heart. 
raven: what’s your muse go-to coffee shop drink?
Coffee with 2 creams & one sugar. He started drinking coffee in high school and after a lot of trial and error, finally found a combination that worked for him. When he’s in a rush, though, he takes it black. 
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ielnico · 4 years
cleo, summer, ap8 !!
cleo: what would your muse’s amortentia (love potion) smell like?
the center page of a new book, canadian bacon and satin shoe bags
summer: what’s an unfulfilled dream that your muse has?
to produce a great work, and sit in a balcony box watching the audience not the actors
ap8:  what did your character want to be when they grew up?
anything, as long as it was anywhere else.
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frankieshq · 4 years
🥀 acai berry, french vanilla !!
acai berry - what is something you’ve always wanted to try but have been too scared to?
“Okay, next question please. It’s gonna take us the whole day to get through my list of things I’ve been too scared to try. Jokes aside, um, I’ve always wanted to write like something more serious for work. I mean, writing funny skits is great and all, but I’d like to try my hand at something heavier. It’s just scary, though, like opening old wounds or something like that.” 
french vanilla - what does love feel like to you?
She pauses, unsure how to answer.  “Hmm,” she takes another moment to think, her eyes staring at the distance. “It varies, honestly. Sometimes, it feels really nice and warm and safe. Like for a second, the world has suddenly decided that it won’t be so terrible. In my experience, though, it mostly feels like drowning.”
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elimckinney · 4 years
🍃 french vanilla, fresh cut grass, & sea mist !!
french vanilla: what does love feel like to you?
“That’s quite difficult for someone who hasn’t received any. I can’t give what I don’t have. Also, emotions? They’re overrated.”
fresh cut grass: when the weather is warm, what activities do you do outside?
“I like going on walks. Or jogs. I don’t know if you’ve seen me do Yoga outside, but I would like to try that. I’m pretty flexible, after all.”
sea mist: how would your friends describe you?
Serious? Scary? Boring, perhaps, because I have no life outside of work? Or at least because I go home late?
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laughtrackmusings · 4 years
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happy birthday, august babies !!
we’d be hard-pressed to find a more talented, wonderful, and endearing set of people. we love you and wish you all the good karma in the world. -message card found in the joint birthday cake
@lucythompson @svphias @raphaelbrcoks
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laughtrackgossip · 4 years
ships as disney couples?
raph and eddie- belle and the beast ( or prince adam ig )  sophia and murphy- meg and hercules  aster and tom- sally and jack ( the nightmare before christmas )  nico and riley- buzz and jessie  lucy and roman- ariel and eric  aster and frankie- rapunzel and flynn  lucy and robin- tiana and naveen 
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@raphaelbrcoks, @goldvnby, @svphias, @mvrphys, @asterrology, @lttommy, @ielnico, @rilys, @lucythompson, @romvnd, @frankieshq, @rcbinpenn 
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svphias · 4 years
          closed starter ♡ @lucythompson​
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   " so i’m sitting in hair and makeup and this tiny women comes up to me and asked if the pomegranate salad that was eating had gluten in it? like, what the fuck is a gluten? i thought it was some weird, french thing so i just said ' we don’t have that in america ’ and she just stared at me and walked away. rude much? ”
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mvrphys · 4 years
roliza, tevward, fraster 💘
roliza and fraster: answered 
tevward: how bro can you go? 
“i mean... pretty bro. have you seen me and eddie hangin’ out? on a scale of 1-10, i might be a 10?” 
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goldvnby · 4 years
💰 - roman, tommy, raph | 🚦 - frankie, lucy, sophia | 🔪 eliza, raph, frankie
💰 - rob a bank with, hide a body with, rat out to the cops. ( roman, tommy, raph )
“ i’d probably have to rat roman out to the cops, apparently he stepped on a pour, innocent subway rat the other day which seems pretty morally corrupt to me. out of the three of them he definitely seems like the biggest danger to society. as for robbing a bank it would have to go with tommy, he seems like a badass ( plus i think that raph might a little too caught up in the ethics of it all ). i trust raph more than anything so if i was going to bury a body with someone it’d have to be him “
🚦 - be stuck in an elevator with, be stuck in traffic with, be stuck in the apocalypse with. ( frankie, lucy, sophia )
“ if i had to pick i’d probably be stuck  in traffic with frankie, then at least i’d have the option to throw myself out of the car into traffic if i can’t put up with her anymore. i’d have to stick it out with sophia in the elevator because i’m for sure taking lucy to the apocalypse with me. she’s a fighter, not sure there’s much she’s afraid of. plus you know if we get lonely or have to repopulate earth or something, been there done that.  
🔪 - protect, attack, fight side-by-side with. ( eliza, raph, frankie )
“ no way am fighting side by side with raph, he’d probably give me some dumb pacifist argument about settling issues with words or something ridiculous like that, so i guess that means i’ll be protecting raph. eliza’s my pick for fighting side by side with. she has spunk, a fighting spirit i’d say. and i guess that leaves frankie for attacking, how tragic. “
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asterrology · 4 years
𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔰 𝔠𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔬𝔫 … @lucythompson​
“ it goes without saying that you’re making halloween videos on your channel, right? ” aster asked. little effort made to hide the twinkle of excitement in her eyes. “ like carving pumpkins and spooky themed food? do you have a costume yet? ooh, what if you made THAT a video? like, picking out the costume. ” it was more than likely that lucy already had things planned out, but aster carried on with her excited ramblings. “ what about a vlog of going to the pumpkin patches? ”
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laughtrackhq · 4 years
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hello everyone !! this is a relatively quieter week compared to our last one, but nonetheless we still have some little announcements that will hopefully excite our members and lurkers. 
first off, two new skeletons will be posted tomorrow, aug. 9, somewhere around 9-10:30pm (gmt+8). for a little hint, these new characters are kids of the owners of mon’s deli and the bennington bodega !!
we are a little delayed, but we are still planning on sending individual plot drops !! the first two were sent to @lucythompson and @raphaelbrcoks. the next two will be sent to @goldvnby and @svphias. we will be plotting with the muns for the muses in the next batch !! 
we might have a discord event some time next week after doing potential acceptances for new skellies, but details are to follow. lastly, activity check is on monday, gmt+8 !! 
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