kylesjiang · 4 years
bug, lena, madi, raven
bug: what do you like most and least about writing your muse? 
answered !
lena: what’s your muse’s safe space?
kyle’s safe space was zach. he would gently bring her head down, press it against his chest, and envelope her- arms wrapped securely around her. they’d often fall asleep like that. and kyle has never felt safer. that was before they broke up, though. for a while, kyle desperately looked for a new safe space before realizing that she already has one- well, built one, actually. it’s a bit cluttered, with the abundance of utensils and bags of flour stacked rather haphazardly in a corner. a bit cluttered and a bit messy, but it’s hers. sure, zach felt safe. but this- being in her kitchen- it certainly felt like coming home. 
madi: what does your muse wear to bed?
people often mistake kyle for a satin or silk person, but they’re wrong. kyle would choose cotton over silk anytime and is often seen wearing midi frocks with large, billowy sleeves to bed. dresses and wide sleeves are the best when sleeping as it allows her to move her arms (and legs) with zero restrictions, thus 100% comfort. 
raven: what’s your muse go-to coffee shop drink?
answered !
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kylesjiang · 4 years
jayward, tasterico (for the nsfw content)!!!
jayward: would you fuck someone who’s exactly the same as you?
"i- uh, I don't think that matters? so, yes i would. sleep with them,” kyle’s cheeks are burning now. she’s not very used to talking about her bedroom affairs in public. “i think, as long as we like each other and it's consensual, i don't think it matters?” she chuckles nervously, pressing her palm to her cheeks “i-i don’t think i can handle any more questions like this”
tasterico: two bennington residents you’d love to have a threesome with?
answered !
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kylesjiang · 4 years
raven: what’s your muse go-to coffee shop drink?
kyle actually doesn’t have one. she’s the type to try every drink seen on the menu- it’s not because she’s “adventurous” but it’s actually because she’s kind of competitive? and well, going to other shops, for her, would always lead to scouting, noting down the differences in their drinks, and maybe do a little something to improve their drinks. she’d feel extremely guilty after, but she can’t stop- it’s like hardwired to her brain or something. 
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kylesjiang · 4 years
fraster & taster
fraster: would you be interested in something niche just because someone you like loves it?
"i think so? i mean, i should at least try it before deciding if it's right for me or not. but, uh- if it's not for me, i wouldn't force myself into liking it."
taster: do you believe that someone out there is made for you?
"yes, definitely! i would hope so. it's a nice concept, isn't it? knowing that there is someone out there that just gets you and completes you. i mean, if- if no one's made for me out there, i'd be- well, it would be very sad. and lonely. and- and there's no harm in believing, right?"
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kylesjiang · 4 years
harley, jay cleo !!
harley: what’s your muse’s love language?
answered !
jay: if your muse could only listen to three musicians for the rest of their life, who would they be and why?
johnny tillotson - besides singing the best love songs ever?? johnny tillotson was her năinai's favorite american singer. her best memories with her năinai would always always involve tillotson. (on her first piano recital, kyle played Send Me The Pillow You Dream On for her grandma)
paul anka - she never did discover paul anka until her first year of college, when zach took her to this quaint little shop selling vintage records and she’s been hooked ever since. honestly, paul anka’s songs are her lullabies. she absolutely cannot have a good night’s rest unless paul anka’s low, crooning voice is heard in the background. 
taylor swift - i know. i am as shocked as you. kyle is very fond of vintage music and most of her favorite artists- well, they’re either really old or really dead, so it’s definitely surprising for kyle to show an iota of interest for pop music. but, she took an interest. she loves taylor swift and the entirety of her discography. and well, her songs are also very relatable. (and she may or may not have dragged zach to a taylor swift concert once.)
cleo: what would your muse’s amortentia (love potion) smell like?
answered !
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kylesjiang · 4 years
harley, cleo, ap1 !!
harley: what’s your muse’s love language?
giving gifts, definitely! perhaps, she was simply influenced by her bà and mā as it was how they showed their affections to each other, but she's not holding it against them. she would no doubt have food delivered to your apartment, stay up all night to paint a 24x24 canvas to celebrate your first month together, buy nauseatingly expensive gifts for your one year anniversary. it may be a bit much for others, and they would often complain that kyle's tendency to give at every turn is burdensome. 
cleo: what would your muse’s amortentia (love potion) smell like?
ap1: what’s your character’s dream vacation?
as much as kyle loves the sun, they really don't agree with each other. a few minutes under it and she'll be as red as a beet. burning is never fun but, her dream vacation would definitely still involve the sun, the sand, and the sea. and maybe, someone else to enjoy it with. 
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kylesjiang · 4 years
tasterico, alleo
tasterico: two bennington residents you’d love to have a threesome with?
“uhm- i’m not too sure about this question. m-maybe robin a-and ed, but i’m never that lucky. i’m sorry, i’m so uncomfortable right now. ᶜᵃⁿ ᶦ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ⁿᵉˣᵗ ᵠᵘᵉˢᵗᶦᵒⁿ ⁿᵒʷ, ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉˀ”
alleo: would you ever date someone from your childhood?
“yes! totally! that would be so cute- imagine like reuniting with them and just talking about the fun and not-so fun childhood memories you shared. oh, i would love to have that!”
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kylesjiang · 4 years
summer, bug, cleo
summer: what’s an unfulfilled dream that your muse has? 
wouldn’t call it an unfulfilled dream, but she always wondered how things would have been if she took on the family business, instead of running off to new york
bug: what do you like most and least about writing your muse?
i like how vastly different kyle’s character is from me and how, in every interaction, i would have to like really just take a step back and ponder on how she would react so far, she’s only been crying and smiling asdhjsahd. but, that’s also like the reason why i’m having trouble writing her because we react so differently in certain situations. 
cleo: what would your muse’s amortentia (love potion) smell like?
the scent of sun-dried linens and freshly-baked bread
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kylesjiang · 4 years
𝘢 𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪 𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰 𝘧𝘰𝘳 @asterrology​
kyle thinks that doors are highly underrated. after all, it does its job of keeping people out and shutting oneself in very well. her newfound appreciation for doors, however, does not excuse the fact that she's been staring at aster's door for almost 10 minutes, unmoving, like a creep. aster's neighbour definitely thinks she's got a few screws loose, throwing a suspicious glance at her as he passes by,  carrying 2 small garbage-filled bags. kyle throws a hesitant smile at him, before glancing back at the door, sighing. 
hopefully, the stars are on her side tonight and aster's not too upset with her- and that the two tubs of (potentially melted) ice cream she had at her disposal were enough as recompense for ignoring her at the party- too busy throwing gooey heart eyes at ed and robin. she feels the familiar prickling of tears behind her lids as anxiety courses through her. no, you are not crying right now. she takes a deep breath, and with sweaty palms and frayed nerves, knocks on the door. 
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kylesjiang · 4 years
the debut feature film starring @kylesjiang !!
unlike the 90 percent of smokers who try their first cigarette by the age of eighteen (and yes, he googled this, because he wants another reason to remind everyone that he’s simply built different), robin only started smoking in college. it was less a real itch for nicotine than it was a social thing he did with all the other film bros, who seemed to live a life surrounded by smoke, and to this day, he’s maintained a healthy-ish relationship with cigarettes that mostly sees him doing it around friends without any actual addiction behind it (or so he swears, as long as you never ask him to quit). today, however, he’s standing on a street corner and blowing smoke rings all on his own - his way of destressing after a particularly irksome phonecall with his parents regarding the money he needs from them to pay this month’s rent. he doesn’t want to think about it and sure as hell doesn’t want to talk about it, so he’s opted for cooling down in the form of a cigarette break, until he spots kyle down the road at the brew. 
it looks like she’s putting a key into the coffee shop’s lock, which robin deduces to mean that she’s locking up for the night. his time to shine. he finishes off his eco-friendly cigarette and digs around in his pocket for a mint, popping and swallowing the watermelon-mint one he snagged from trader joe’s before going over to greet kyle. “hey ky, finishing up for the day?” he asks, though it’s obvious that’s exactly what she’s doing. “what’s next on the evening agenda? knowing you, you’re juggling between arson and armed robbery, both of which i guess i’m gonna have to talk you out of.” it’s all teasing - he can’t imagine kyle raising her voice at someone, let alone committing a real crime.
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it doesn't take much to make kyle swoon. a good night text, the feeling of warm hands intertwined with hers, and soft languid kisses were enough to leave her dazed and starry-eyed, unable to think of anything else. her brother, upon catching her in such a state, would flick her forehead, teasing her for being such a hopeless romantic. so, it's unsurprising that when she whips around to see robin strutting towards her, a lopsided smile in place, her breath catches in her throat. she'd claim it's a natural reaction. because this robin is calling her ky, teasing her, and looking her way, causing the butterflies within her to flitter with frenzy. it really doesn't take much to make her swoon. and apparently, it takes even less if you're robin penn 
kyle blinks, realizing that she's been silent for too long, simply staring wide-eyed at robin. "arson, huh? tonight does seems like the perfect weather for arson. you better have a very compelling argument to talk me out of it." she says, before laughing self-consciously, tugging at her hair, and silently praying for the ground to open and swallow her up, effectively avoiding any more self-incriminating actions.  
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kylesjiang · 4 years
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murphy beamed, glad kyle approved of the gift, “they’re a newer version than the ones they were sellin’ last winter, so i figured i should grab some before they sell out.” winter gear, unsurprisingly, was popular among hockey fans, “you should make ‘em part of the uniform around here.” he joked, touched that she appreciated the small gesture so much. 
he mocked offense at her comment about the beignet, bringing a hand to his chest, “wow, kyle! c’mon, i work out, like, a million times a week, i’ll have those calories off in no time!” plus, a little extra time in the gym was more than worth it for something so delicious. plus, it was ethical, right? robin was always talking about ‘shopping local’ and ‘supporting local business’ and all that- see? he listened! he slipped some extra cash into the tip jar anyway, waiting to be handed the sugary treat, “sometimes you just need a sugar rush, ya know?” not that murphy very often lacked energy, “how’s business? can i stick around for awhile or are ya busy?” 
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kyle laughed at murphy’s dramatics, “listen, my head is on the line here. andrew will not hesitate to cut me if you’re not in top shape come game season just because you keep on choosing pastries with shockingly high calories.” 
she took the coffee handed by her employee and placed it on the tray alongside the powdered confection. “also, business is doing well. you  missed the morning rush, hence, place is pretty empty.” kyle gestured towards the unoccupied tables, before smiling apologetically “which, now that i think about it, is not a good enough excuse for making you stand and wait here. gosh, go ahead and take a seat. i’ll be right behind you with your food.” kyle opened her mouth to speak, only to close it right back, chewing on her bottom lip in uncertainty. she wanted to suggest eating together, (i mean, when was the last time she ate with a friend?) but maybe she’s imposing too much of herself in his space. 
she steeled her nerves, forcing some cheeriness in her tone “maybe, i’ll even sit with you so you don’t feel too alone.” 
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kylesjiang · 4 years
ships ask meme 💖
bong: would you turn vegan for someone you love?
luman: do you think love can persist despite distance?
raphin: what makes you lose control?
taster: do you believe that someone out there is made for you?
grommy: do you have a musician kink?
murphia: do you believe labels are necessary for a relationship?
rilco: who was your childhood crush?
rileo: what meal would you cook for someone you loved?
frucy: from a scale of one to frankie & murphy, how much of a simp are you?
elico: would you risk your friendship with someone for a chance at lifelong love?
tomphia: how many times have you been rejected ?
roliza: when it comes to relationships, if you had to choose, would you choose security or chemistry?
tomley: have you ever fallen in love with someone you’ve only hooked up with?
alleo: would you ever date someone from your childhood?
fraster: would you be interested in something niche just because someone you like loves it?
tevward: how bro can you go?
fralex: what’s your favorite romcom?
mooks: how affectionate are you in a relationship?
jayward: would you fuck someone who’s exactly the same as you?
lucin: in a relationship, would you be the one taking pictures or the one having their picture taken?
luward: would you get back together with an ex?
red robin: who would you take shopping with you at whole foods?
tasterico: two bennington residents you’d love to have a threesome with?
reblog if you want to be sent any of these !!
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kylesjiang · 4 years
places prompt ask meme 🗽
gingers: your muse gets drunk and mine has to drag them out of the bar
asian brew: your muse spills their drink all over my muse
mon’s deli: your muse sees mine eating a sandwich and crying
stop & buy: our muses get into a fight at the bodega
white noise records: your muse gives mine music recommendations
apolline theater: our muses sneak in backstage for a sold-out show
precious paws animal shelter: your muse accompanies mine to adopt a pet.
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kylesjiang · 4 years
bennington ask meme (ft. muns) 🌇
madi: what does your muse wear to bed?
faye: what’s your muse’s night routine ?
lena: what’s your muse’s safe space?
bug: what do you like most and least about writing your muse? 
harley: what’s your muse’s love language?
georgia: what is your character’s favorite album of all time?
jay: if your muse could only listen to three musicians for the rest of their life, who would they be and why?
lili: does your muse believe in soulmates?
cleo: what would your muse’s amortentia (love potion) smell like?
zack: what’s your muses go-to song when they get the aux cord?
anne: what plots/interactions leave you feeling protective of your muse
blue: what’s your muse’s favorite meal?
raven: what’s your muse go-to coffee shop drink?
summer: what’s an unfulfilled dream that your muse has? 
sibby: what’s your muse’s favorite ice cream flavor/s?
ap1: what’s your character’s dream vacation?
ap2: who is your character’s favorite author?
ap3: does your character prefer to work in a team or by themselves?
ap4: what’s your character’s greatest loss?
ap5: who are your character’s celebrity crushes? 
ap6: what’s your character’s go-to comfort movie or comfort tv series?
ap7: what’s your character’s favorite mode of transportation?
ap8:  what did your character want to be when they grew up?
ap9:  does your character ever consider going back to school? 
reblog if you want to be sent any of these !!
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kylesjiang · 4 years
[ robin ] are you hungry? i'll swing by and bring food 
kyle stared at her phone. she should be used to this by now- the unanswered texts, the nonchalant way robin treats her, the pain that seems to reside in her chest like a bug.
she's a big idiot, a fool, a moron. 
she clutched the bag filled with pastries and the two cooling coffee, eyes downcast. "what are you doing, kyle. you're so stupid. why did you even come here. at least knock on the door and get rejected, idiot" she muttered, angry tears blurring her vision. 
she startled at the sound of the door opening, expecting to see robin (or even rowena). instead, a girl emerges. and kyle can't breathe. she felt the girl bump into her, heard her mumbled apology. but, she can’t focus on anything but the tightness in her chest.
of course, of course he has someone else, what did you expect? 
“oh hey, new girl. um, it’s kyle, right? you were at the party? were you waiting for someone?”
she hastily wiped the few tears that managed to escape before turning towards her with a wobbly smile, "yeah, i just stopped by to give these to robin but seems like he's" she paused, struggling to keep her voice from breaking, "a bit preoccupied. maybe you can give it to him, instead?"
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𝒂 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒅 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒇𝒐𝒓 @kylesjiang​ !!
Exiting Rowena’s (and Robin’s) apartment a little after noon, blurry alcohol-stained memories of Lucy and Robin still flooded her memory.  As Frankie closed the door behind her, there was a heavy feeling at the pit of her stomach. She has to go back to her apartment and see Lucy. Engrossed in her thoughts, she bumped into someone waiting outside. She automatically mumbled an apology and turned around to come face to face with Asian Brew’s proprietor.
“Oh hey, new girl. Um, it’s Kyle, right? You were at the party? Were you waiting for someone?”
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kylesjiang · 4 years
kyle emerged from the kitchen with a tray of freshly-baked pastries in hand, ready for display. she grabbed the tongs and carefully transferred each pastry into the display case, before glancing at her employees. she noted how ashley's handling the counter situation quite well despite the morning rush and how mike is moving as quickly as he can to make the drinks. she placed the tray on the side before saddling up to him, "need some help?"
"s'okay, boss, i got this. but do you mind giving that cappuccino to that girl near the window, we've been calling her name, but she's pretty absorbed in whatever she's doing." 
"sure, i don't mind." she grabbed the cup , twisting it to read the indecipherable scrawl that is ashley's handwriting, "this is for lavender?"
wait, lavender thorn?
the same lavender she met on postcrossing? her eyes glimmered in excitement, lavender thorn? her penpal, lavender thorn? what are the odds of them meeting here of all places? 
she quickly but carefully made her way towards the window, giddy in excitement. she uttered a soft "excuse me," placing the steaming cup in front of her, smiling as she turned to look at her. 
her eyes widened in shock.
"lucy thompson? you're lavender thorn?"
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@kylesjiang​  ♡  After a long morning of editing, Lucy decided to go out for some much needed air and coffee. Before that though, she decided to buy some postcards to send out from the local artisan shop. Her PostCrossing account has given her five new addresses aside from her usual pen(postcard)pals. It was always a hobby, something she could escape to when she wanted to reminisce and travel through the words. Walking into Asian Brew, she clipped the stack of postcards under her arm and ordered a cappuccino. She was very much in her postcard persona so she placed her order under her pen name, Lavender Thorn. Smiling, she hands the barista a bill and takes a seat near the window. Pulling out a pen and a postcard, she begins to write. Dear Emily, Hi! How are you? I’m Lavender and I’m from New York. It’s lovely here this time of year, I’m writing this at a café …
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kylesjiang · 4 years
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murphy grinned, “well, as i see it, i have to spoil my biggest fan- let’s say second biggest, ed will kill me if i give away his title! and i would be honored to have a rink named after me, i’ll come and cut the ribbon at the grand opening and everything.” then, he pointed at a pastry nearly bathed in powdered sugar, “it’s gotta be that one. it’s callin’ my name, i swear.” he moved down to the other end, tugging the rangers beanie he had nabbed from his duffle and presenting it to kyle, “i know it’s not cold enough out yet, but soon it will be.” 
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kyle gasped, reaching over the counter for the beanie, “no, no, i would wear this even if it’s sweltering outside, murphy. this is precious,” she clutched the beanie to her chest, feeling her eyes tear up, breathing out a small “thank you.” 
she doesn’t understand why she’s tearing up, she’s received things before- things that are rarer and much more expensive than a beanie. but, murphy barely knows her. and the only thing he knows about her brother is that andrew’s the biggest fanboy to ever exist on this planet. so, for murphy to be cool with all of this and to consistently give andrew their merch, that’s something to cry over for sure.
plus, it's been a rough week. and murphy is just so kind to her, it's nice. 
she placed the beanie on her head, blinking back tears, before hastily grabbing the tongs, ��so, the one nearly bathed in powder- a french beignet. that’s a lot of calories, are you sure about that?”
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