#luffy : I will leave when I want too hahaha can I eat the food I will answer your questions 😊😊😊😁😁
sancastarcs · 4 months
the way luffy started getting serious when the commander Jonathan was talking about zoro wcshsfsbwbshsvavsvs he does not play around when it comes to his loser broccoli head.
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normansnt · 11 months
A book by its cover (Usopp x male!punk!reader)
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This picture inspired me BIG time. Also I love that people are finally realizing how nice punks are🦦🧡 It may be a bit long but like not that long its aight I hope you like it
There are no warnings its just fluff🐥
Black leather jacket with spikes, badges and whatnot. Spiky h/c hair piercings and tattoos all this with black ripped jeans with again different badges and other things on it and black combat boots. Usopp thought this looked quite scary. He looked quite scary. Well ok it looked badass not to mention the guy was handsome... but anyhow he looked like he was from a dark world which Usopp had no intention of entering
The strawhats docked on an island for supplies maybe a little rest and to reset the log pose they had about 1 maybe 1 and a half days. Robin, Nami and Sanji went shopping the girls for clothes Sanji to carry their bags and to buy food. Zoro went to drink beer and take a nap and Luffy went with him claiming he wants to eat (as always). Brook and Jinbe just wanted to look around town. That left Franky, Usopp and Chopper who wanted to go look for supplies for the ship or Usopps bombs and other things.
Thats where they saw him. The guy who sold every kind of parts for ships, to painting supplies, gases and more. He was a tall dude around 6'6 with h/l, h/c hair which was in spikes (or not you decide if it wasn't just ignore it), he had kind e/c eyes and greeted them with a friendly smile. Franky smiled back and got to business right away.
"Hey guys what can I help you with?" Asked the guy in a friendly tone. "We need some supplies for a ship" said Franky cautiously not to mention that they are pirates. "Oh you guys are the Pirates that just docked, ok what kind of parts do you need?" Said the s/c male. Franky, Usopp and Chopper stood there a bit baffled. Even after the guy knew they were pirates the kind smile didn't leave the strangers face.
While Franky was discussing the parts needed Usopp was quiet the whole time something was off with this guy, he looked scary (and handsome but Usopp did not admit that even to himself) but acted very kind and understanding. Not to mention based on what he heard from the conversation he knew what he was talking about. "HAHAHA" Frankies booming laugh got him out of his trance. The guy must have said something awfully funny since he was smiling as well a big smile, a very attractive smile. What? Usopp was very confused at this point. "I could really use someone like you on the ship to help with repairs wouldn't you say Usopp, Chopper?" Asked Franky smiling, the two were just standing there silently. "Sorry how rude of me" said the guy still smiling "I didn't even introduce myself Im Y/N". "Im Franky these two are Usopp and Chopper" smiled Franky while pointing at the two. Usopp and Chopper still didn't say anything. Teddy got down on one knee looked at chopper and reached in his pocket. The too scaredy cats were watching his every move when suddenly he pulled out candy from his pocket. "Do you want one little reindeer?" Asked Y/N with a smile Chopper immediately forgot his fear. Not only because the stranger had candy but because someone finally saw him as a reindeer at the first meeting and not a raccoon. He walked over to Y/N and took some candy. Y/N patted his head. Chopper looked up at him and a bit shyly but asked him: "what are those pointy things on your jacket?". The e/c eyed male laughed and answered: "They are spikes I wear them cuz I think it looks cool" smiled the man than put his tongue out in a rocker way to make the little reindeer laugh. Chopper did laugh and then asked: "Can I touch them?" Y/N smiled and motioned for him to come closer. Chopper liked his spikes very much he thought they are dangerous at first that they hurt, but they didn't. This way Chopper ended up sitting on Y/Ns shoulder. Usopp watched this whole scene with interest. You were THIS nice. Now he feels stupid for thinking you are mean or anything but the way you are dressed deceived him. Usopp was staring at you red faced. It was not only that you were really good looking you had the kindest personality as well and he really couldn't deny it any longer even to himself he liked you, a lot. Y/N looked at him next. "So you're Usopp?" He asked smiling maybe a bit red in the face...? Nah Usopps eyes were lying to him he surely just saw what he wanted to.
"I...uh...YES, I am the great captain Usopp indeed" he said while sweating trying to play it off full of pride. He was kind of embarrassed after a short silence and he was about to apologize when he heard the most pleasant laughter he had ever heard. Y/N laughed at his antics he thought it was hilarious. "Wow alright mighty and powerful captain Usopp" he said whit a mock bow, then they both started laughing Chopper didn't really get it he just sat on Y/Ns shoulder eating the Candy he got while Franky just looked at them with a knowing smile.
After they bought everything they needed (which took nearly the whole day since they had such a great time with Y/N) they had to go back to the ship. Usopp was not happy nor was Chopper and to be fair Franky also took a liking to Y/N so its safe to say none of them wanted to leave him on the island. Y/N was not happy either to see them go he had a great time and enjoyed Usopps funny antics to no end. How ever to recruit a new crew mate was not their job not to mention they had no idea if Y/N was any good in battle.
Usopp was sulking the whole way back. And on the ship as well. They planned to stay on the port of the island for the night then set sail in the morning.
Zoro was on night watch and all of a sudden he saw someone approaching the ship. He stood up to see if the person was actually coming to the ship, but there was no misunderstanding the person was coming to the ship with something on their shoulder and a small bag in their hand. Zoro reacted the moment he saw that that something on the strangers shoulders was an ax.
He jumped off the ship right on the stranger. However, to Zoros utter disbelief, they dodged it. Now that the street light helped him see he saw that it was a guy, wearing a leather jacket with spikes badges and what not. This did not interest him however the thing that bothered him was the ax on his shoulder and the fastness he dodged his attack with it was almost inhuman like.
"What do you want with this ship?" Asked Zoro accusingly. "Listen this is a misunderstanding-" but the stranger did not get to finish their sentence because Zoro attacked. To Zoros disappointed the stranger blocked all of his blows and dodged them with excellence and grace very much like he saw Mihawk do it. The only difference between this guy and Mihawk was that he didn't attack back he just kept defending and of course he used an axe. The rest of the strawhats woke up to this commission outside and watched the fight with shock. Someone holding their own against Zoro with one hand and a small axe without breaking a sweat or attacking back? This was crazy. The moment Usopp stepped on the front of the ship to see whats going on his eyes widened and he looked at Franky. "Isnt that-" "Yes he is" "shouldn't we-" "Yes we should" the two looked at each other then forward at the battle and started yelling "STOP STOP" very loudly Franky jumped off the ship to stop Zoro while Usopp ran over to Y/N to stop him as well.
"Huh?" Asked Zoro after Franky stood in front of him. "Why are you standing in the way?" He asked kind of upset, Franky didn't answer just looked at Y/N and asked "What are you doing here Y/N?".
"Im sorry to disturb your night but after I was going to close the shop I found Usopps bag, and I wanted to return it, so after I left the shop I tried to find your ship based on how you guys described it and well I got kinda lost thats why I only got here this late" explained the s/c male panting lightly due to dodging Zoros attacks. Usopp got red in the face, very red, he left his bag there and didn't even notice since he was busy thinking about Y/N all night. "Thanks Y/N so much somehow I didn't even notice" "Wait you know this punk?" Asked Zoro.
"Wow you're quick" laughed Y/N lightly this made others chuckle a bit as well. "We bought ship supplies from him he was the shop keeper we were telling you about during dinner" yelled Chopper excitedly while running to Y/N to sit on his shoulders. "I don't care what shop you own how did you dodge my attacks this effortlessly?" Asked Zoro still a bit pissed. "Oh thats all thanks to my dad he trained me all my childhood" answered Y/N truthfully. "Your dad? Who is your dad if I may ask the way you move reminds me of someone" asked Sanji. He took a liking to the punk the moment he made fun of Zoro. "Mihawk, Dracule Mihawk" Everyones jaw dropped with their eyes bulging out of their sockets. "MIHAWK HAS A KID???" Yelled Zoro shocked. "Yeah Im kind of used to these reactions however y'all are a bit extreme Im guessing you know him" said Y/N in a usual tone not very phased by their reactions."Join my crew" said Luffy all of a sudden. Nami screamed when she notice Luffy was standing next to her because when everyone came out he was still sleeping. "You look strong and I saw you fight then I heard you are Mihawks son you are joining my crew" said Luffy smiling big. "Oh... eh I really didn't plan on becoming a pirate..." started off Y/N. Then he looked at Usopp who was looking at him with hopeful eyes and then at Chopper who was looking with puppy eyes Franky also tried doing Puppy eyes but it looked rather creepy from a big man like him. It was still hard though Y/N liked this town not to mention his shop. "But you are joining" said Luffy still smiling then headed back to his bed like the discussion was ower "uh..." Y/N stood there confused, then Usopp started laughing, "Yeah Im afraid it isn't your decision " Usopp continued laughing then started to walk towards the ship. With everyone else "Come on Y/N you are our nakama now" smiled Usopp while grabbing his hand and walking to the Thousand sunny. Never judge a book by its cover I guess you could say that for any member of the Straw hat crew Y/N will fit right in.
My second fanfic🥳
I wrote this for an embarrassingly long time even I don't know why lol💀
Anyway I LOVE Usopp he is so goofy and no mf in the world will tell me he isn't gay not yo mention Im a HUGE believer of trans Usopp so😗
SO I hope you liked this fic I will write more with time but I have things to do
Ladies, gentlemen and others I hope you enjoyed your reading, good afternoon good evening and goodnight🧡🦖
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morefandomscenarios · 2 years
Dying in his arms
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A/N: Too much brainrot from fluff. I crave for angst 🙃 I've been seeing this prompt floating around and wanted to make my own version of it. Enjoy! 🥀
⛔️ TWs: (your) death, lot of tears, full-on breakdown (don't we love it when they're broken hahaha), no 'moving on' endings (well... maybe one?), angsty stuff galore (whee!)
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Denial denial denial d e n i a l
This is just a bad dream. A really bad dream.
He's had those sometimes, visions of Ace shielding him and going limp in his arms.
And now it's you.
That's all that there is, right?
And then he realizes that the sensations are too vivid to be just a bad nightmare.
The familiar scent of blood, the sensation of you going limp in his arms, the way you struggle to breathe properly...
It hits him so much harder because he's experienced someone dying in his arms once before.
If he didn't get to say goodbye to you, he would be crushed and will be practically inconsolable.
Screaming and kicking and punching everyone who's trying to coax him to let go of your unmoving body.
If he gets to say goodbye, it's even worse.
Your image overlaps with Ace, and he can't process your words, doesn't understand how and why you're encouraging him to live on and how you'll be watching him when his name spreads across the whole world as the Pirate King's successor.
How did he let this happen? Again? And to you of all people?
What kind of Pirate King can't even keep his nakama alive?
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It reminds him of his late mother, but it's an even crueler version than that.
Because he can see you slowly leaving him right in front of his eyes.
He begs and cries and presses kisses after kisses to your forehead, knowing how much you love it when he does that and how you've told him before that it makes you feel safe.
Professes his love for you over and over again, pouring all his emotions into his words and the tender touches across your skin.
You're smiling when you finally close your eyes.
Even in death, you are still so beautiful to him.
It takes him a long time until he's able to do normal activities.
He always forgets and includes your portion when he cooks for the crew.
It becomes a daily occurrence. Your snacks, your desserts, your refreshments - he still serves it to your empty seat, as if you'll somehow see it and suddenly appear in front of him.
Soon enough no one says anything when he places your favorite food and preferred drink in front of your chair. Not even Luffy tries to steal it despite how they're left unattended.
Every night he'd eat all the things he made for you, trying to memorize the taste you so loved, in fear of eventually forgetting.
Afterall, he thinks he's already forgotten the feeling he used to get whenever you called his name.
What does love feel like again?
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Oh god. Oh dear. Oh no.
Full blown crying, bawling, literally a mess.
Holds you close to his body, and when he feels how cold you are he warms up his own body so you won't get cold.
Such an innocent gesture and yet so macabre.
Will literally do anything to try and keep you with him just for a little longer.
Calls out for Marco even if he's not around. He can't make sense of anything in this state.
Parts of his body are exploding and turning into flames because his mind is so unstable.
(But none of the flames touch you somehow)
Tries to hold back from sobbing and whimpering when you call his name.
Who cares if his lips bleed when his heart feels like it's been sliced open?
Hangs onto every single one of your last words while he's concentrating on your voice, your eyes, the way your lips move and whisper his name.
And when your eyes flutter to a close, he's pressing himself close to you, back to uncontrollable sobbing and yelling profanities at the cruel world. The world that scarred him and took you away.
When his own end comes, he smiles.
Not just because he's glad to have his family with him in his last moment and feel how loved he was.
But also because he's finally going to see you again.
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His immediate reaction, unsurprisingly, is to activate Room.
Even though he already knows from a glance that you're too far gone, that there's no hope left for you, he still does it anyway.
Inside the sphere, he can see and feel everything, and it's both a curse and a blessing in that moment.
He can feel it all. Your breathing weakening. Your heartbeat slowing. Your life, slipping away from him.
But doctors are stubborn beings when it comes to preserving life. And Law's no exception.
His thoughts going a mile a second, he's moving on autopilot: stitching everything back together, trying to stop your bleeding, removing any harmful toxins in your body, mending your broken bones - everything he could do at the moment with the very limited equipment, he does it without hesitation.
He knows all he's doing is will only result in prolonging your end for some measly extra seconds, and even though you tell him to stop, he doesn't care.
He doesn't stop even when your heart does.
The crew finds him still trying to fix you, hours later.
Eventually passes out of exhaustion from overusing his power for such a long duration. Then he's forced to stop.
It'll forever haunt him. In his dreams, in the day and at night, as long as his own heart is still beating inside his chest.
The sin of not using his Devil Fruit's ultimate power to trade your life with his.
He'll never hold anyone so close to his heart, ever again.
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Loud shouting and angry yelling.
Does not understand that moving you around is worsening your condition until you manage to wheeze out a soft 'Kid, it hurts'.
Only then he freezes and as the situation dawns on him, he's utterly lost.
He can't move you, he can't get help, there's no way he's leaving you alone here like this, so what the fuck was he supposed to do now?
He only knows basic first aid and how to bandage wounds, so he does just that despite your protest.
Berates you when you tell him it's all going to be okay. You're most definitely not okay, how fucking dare you say some bullshit like that?
Never before he's this gentle and vulnerable with you, pressing your foreheads together, him rambling in panic as more and more of your blood seeped through the bandages.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck hang in there, I-I'll build you a damn heart if I have to! Just-"
His flesh arm squeezes your hand tighter when your grip weakens.
He doesn't understand why you're smiling and how you're laughing when he's literally seeing the light slowly fade from your eyes.
"I'll do anything! Fuck, you can't do this to me [name] I haven't even get to say-"
Your lifeless, dull eyes stares through his broken soul and he's unable to stop his tears from falling as he brings your blood-smeared hand to his trembling lips.
"... that... I..."
love you
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Is silent. Deathly so.
But the tears are streaming through his mask, betraying how 'calm' he might have seemed.
If seeing his face is your final wish, he will gladly throw his mask away.
His hold on you is so tender and so is the hand that's wiping away the blood from your face.
Firmly shakes his head in denial when you tell him you don't have much time left.
His usually level voice is trembling as he pleads to you to stay with him.
"Not yet. Don't leave now. Not yet."
In the end, this is the only time you don't - can't - abide by his wish.
And he can't even do anything as you die in his arms.
It reminds him how he's made for slaughter, not protecting people.
That his strength is nothing in front of the grim reaper when it's insistent to take you away from him.
That he shouldn't have been overconfident, saying pretty promises to you like how he'll protect you, or that he won't let you die.
Who was he trying to fool?
In the end, he's just a killing machine.
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Is expressionless when he surveys the extent of damage on your body.
A mere passerby would have thought that he didn't care that you were dying in front of him.
But you know he does.
He's handling you like shards of broken glass, which you are.
Broken and just waiting for your demise, your whole body assaulted by pain.
Pulls you into his lap, doesn't even care that your blood is now all over his beloved custom made clothes, and caresses your cheek.
Removes his sunglasses. His eyes are dry, but they hold just as much pain as what you're experiencing right now.
"Do you need me to make it easier, [name]?"
You close your eyes and when you reopen them, you give him the smile he's grown to love.
Still just as breathtaking, even if it's lacking your usual vigor.
You nod. He nods back resolutely.
"Wait for me in hell."
It's the easiest and yet the hardest kill in his life.
One string bullet through your head and you're gone.
Doffy closes his eyes, allowing himself a moment of grieving before putting on his signature sunglasses and letting your body slump to the floor.
He tells his family to clean up the body and take care of your funeral.
And if they see a single tear drop down his cheeks before he launches himself into the air with his strings, they don't dare to comment on it.
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Sabo hates the stiff rules and the long protocols he has to follow sometimes, being a revolutionary and the big organization's chief of staff.
But for once he wishes he has a protocol set in place to tell him what he was supposed to be doing.
For once he wishes he has some sort of guide detailing on how to save you when you're barely hanging on to the thread of life right in front of him.
He doesn't know what to do.
Was this how Luffy felt when Ace died in his arms?
How does he do it?
How can he continue living?
How can he laugh so carefreely knowing he's failed to save someone so important?
He can't.
Locks himself in his room and doesn't come out for days.
When he does come out, it's been weeks and he's missed your funeral. His colleagues greet him carefully and he gives them a stiff nod.
They're so glad he's looking a lot better, so Koala softly suggests visiting your grave together.
He blinks and gives them a wry smile.
"[name]? .... Who's that?"
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A/N: Congratulations for making this far! You're a champ! Ah, this was so much fun to write and I hope it was an enjoyable read :)
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eirist · 4 years
Little Bits and Pieces of Heaven
One-shot #: 22
Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning: OOC possible. One shot.
Rating: T (Playful, sexy, suggestive)
Note: Happy Halloween! What is this day if we don’t have a ZoNa one-shot centered on this theme right? This is Prompt #9 – Trick or Treat from the Autumn/Fall (and Halloween!) Prompt List.
Summary: Because when are treats just sweets?
Laughter filled the air, its tone howling and mocking—obviously at the expense of one poor soul unluckily enough to be the cause of it.
“Shut. Up.”
That comment prompted another round of laughter. Louder, more jeering.
“What in the—hahaha!—world… ha-happened to y-you?” Usopp stammered the question, gasping for air as he tried to get some words out while still laughing.
“I said. Shut. Up!” Zoro snarled towards his direction.
Sanji’s grin was pure evil as he peered down from the galley deck, laughing as well. “Say what now?” He teased. “Kindly… uh… growl that again for us?”
“HAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Usopp did not hold back this time. He had actually fallen down to his knees on the grassy deck, laughing still and clutching his middle at the same time.
“Guys…” Nami was trying hard—very hard—to hold back her own laughter at the sight before her. Her lower lip trembled at the effort and she bit at it, hoping to gain some control.
“But Nami-san…!” Sanji wasn’t able to continue what he was saying. He exploded into laughter again while pointing at the three figures standing in the middle of the Sunny’s deck.
Their three crewmates had just returned to the ship after frolicking in the island where they are docked. It would’ve been a normal occurrence… if not for the fact that the three are wearing costumes.
Animal costumes.
Animal jumpsuit costumes.
Nami covered her mouth with her hand to prevent the snort of  laughter that threatened to come out of her as she stared at Luffy, Chopper and…
… dear Kami, Zoro.
Her eyes met his and her shoulders shook from hindering her laugh. His glare was scathing, venomous even.
And she wisely kept her mouth shut lest she incur his wrath.
She actually doesn’t want to get into his bad side tonight.
Not when he is in that tiger costume looking like he was gonna maul everyone to death any minute now.
Nami managed to take a deep breath and compose herself. Yet, she cannot prevent a grin from appearing on her face as she asked. “Are you gonna tell us what’s up? And what’s with the outfits?”
Usopp and Sanji were laughing again, slapping their hands against the lawn deck and the banister respectively.
Franky walked past them on his way to the dock system. And he did a double take. A minute passed before he said, "Aw! Nice costume Zoro!" He gave him a thumbs up before disappearing down the hatch.
If looks could only kill, the cyborg will be dead on the spot… right after that comment.
Zoro’s lone eye narrowed at the two. “You two done now?” He looked unamused; arms folded over his chest as he waited for his idiot crew mates to calm down.
Which honestly looks like it’s gonna take some time.
“No, not yet!” Usopp was still cackling. “This is gold.” He was now sitting down the lawn deck, trying to catch his breath. “Haaah! I’m laughing so hard I think my stomach muscles are cramping.”
“What in the world made you wear that marimo?” Sanji was now heading down the stairs, shaking his head, the snide grin never leaving his face.
Zoro didn’t answer, instead he pinned the blond with the deadliest glare he could muster.
Which is definitely not working since what he was currently wearing undermines the intensity of the look he was giving the chef.
“I asked him to…” Chopper suddenly said in shy, little voice that had most of the Mugiwaras halting. Usopp choked in the middle of his laughter, ending in a coughing fit as he tried to get some air into his lungs.
The others exchanged glances. Everyone has a weak spot for the reindeer after all.
“Actually, me and Luffy kinda forced him.” Chopper admitted, looking up at Zoro who was still glaring at the cook.
Ah. Everyone had the same thought instantly. The reindeer and the captain, huh? The two persons on the ship that the swordsman can hardly ever say no to.
“Well,” Sanji squared his shoulder. “Good job choosing the costume then.”
An expletive escaped Zoro’s mouth.
The cook’s face lit up at that as he reached the deck, standing beside the still crouching Usopp. “Louder will ya?” He smirked. “Aren’t tigers supposed to be capable of growling loudly?”
“I will bite you in half shitty cook!”
“Whoa! I see we are really getting into character now. Whatever happened to using your katanas?”
“Sanji-kun!” Nami suddenly stepped in front of Zoro with one hand pushing at the taller man’s face. “Stop riling the tiger up!”
“Grrr… you’re next witch!” Zoro scowled underneath her palm, before slapping it away with his own hand… or paw to be exact.
“I think we look awesome!” Luffy shouted excitedly. “Chopper and I really got lots of candies and goodies!” He showed them the pumpkin pails he was holding, overflowing with different treats.
“Yes!” Chopper’s eyes are brimming with delight. “And Zoro gave us his share as well!!!” He also showed them his goodies.
“Don’t need ‘em,” Zoro muttered curtly, still trying to swat Nami’s hand away.
“Oh?” Sanji leaned down to inspect their pails. “Looks like the tiger’s kind of a softie.”
Now that had Zoro roaring and lunging at the blond. “Come here shit cook!”
Nami thwarted his effort with a hand on his chest and the other scratching one fluffy ear of the costume’s hoodie.
“There, there tiger,” she cooed. “Calm down.”
“Stop it witch!” He glowered at her. But it turned to a smirk when Sanji whined a ‘Nami-san, pet me too!’.
“Aho…” he drawled and it was Sanji’s turn to get riled up.
Robin came out of the aquarium bar and approached the group. She had heard the commotion but refrained from leaving her location. She was engrossed with the book that she was reading and had used her hana hana no mi to find out what’s going on.
“Ara…” she said gaining everyone’s attention. “Did you three have fun?”
“Robin-chwaan!” Sanji was immediately distracted by his other female crewmate. “I hope we didn’t disturb you my lady.” He was instantly suave and gentlemanly and was kneeling down on knee, holding the older woman’s hand in his.
“Not at all,” she smiled. “How was your trip in the town?” She directed the question to the three costumed Mugiwaras. Not once did her calm, composed demeanor break… even at the sight of their intimidating swordsman donning on an animal jumpsuit.
“It was so much fun!” Chopper gushed showing her the pumpkin pails. “Look at all the candy I got Robin!”
“Me too! Me too!” Luffy flaunted his as well.
“Looks like it was an amazing trip then,” Robin smiled.
Luffy nodded. “Yep it was awesome! They have something going on there where. You knock on doors and say trick or treat!”
“Then they will give you candies! Lots and lots of candies!” Chopper explained giddily.
“But you have to be in a costume first! And Zoro said we can’t go knocking on houses dressed in the usual!” The rubberman added.
Behind them Zoro was rolling his eyes in exasperation.
“Pretty good call,” Brook suddenly appeared and sauntered towards them with a tea cup in hand, nodding at Zoro. “We are in a civilian territory and some might recognize your faces from the posters Luffy-san.”
“I’m surprised you don’t find this funny.” Usopp pointed at the three, raising an eyebrow at the skeleton.
“Ah I did… I already laughed my eyes out before I went here, yohohohoh! Even if I—”
“—don’t have eyes to see.” Usopp deadpanned with a dismissive wave of his hand. “Yeah, yeah.”
“That is not very nice Usopp-san!” Brook retorted when his skull joke was foiled.
“Hmmm…” Nami suddenly hummed. “I see… since Zoro is the delegated baby-sitter of you two for the night…hence the costume.” She smiled cheekily at him before scratching his tiger ear again and he gave her a sharp look.
Luffy nodded. “You said he should come with us! And I’m not gonna go back here empty-handed. Everyone is giving away treats and candies in town!” Then he frowned. “But there’s no meat though…”
Robin laughed softly. “Well, the island’s tradition is to give out sweets to those who are trick or treating. That’s why there are no meats or other foods.”
“Or beer.” Zoro complained as Nami flicked Zoro’s nose playfully.
He glared angrily at her.
“So who picked the animal costumes?” The navigator asked, curious why Zoro ended up looking like this.
“Us!!!” Luffy and Chopper raised their hands.
“I wanted to be the monkey!” Luffy pumped his hands into the air. “Because…”
“Monkey D. Luffy?” Sanji cut in, blowing a stream of smoke nonchalantly.
“And Chopper-san’s supposed to be a…?” Brook queried.
“Tanuki,” Zoro answered, his lone grey eye still looking daggers on Nami.
“Isn’t that a bit redundant?” Usopp raised an eyebrow at Chopper.
“It’s not a raccoon-dog! It’s a raccoon Zoro!” The doctor corrected him.
“Right. Sorry.”
“So you’re a….” the sniper prompted. He still cannot make up his mind between raccoon, raccoon-dog or a reindeer in a reindeer costume.
“Raccoon! This costume is a raccoon!”
“Honestly, I’m confused,” the sharpshooter admitted, blinking at the others doubtfully.
“Usopp you asshole!” Chopper screamed in indignation.
“Hahaha! Just kidding,” Usopp backtracked. “Of course the great god Usopp knows what you are already!”
“Which is?” Nami queried, looking at him unconvincingly.
Usopp coughed and ignored her. “And how did Zoro ended up as a tiger?”
“It was the only available one,” the swordsman grunted.
“Why didn’t you just covered him with anything green and let him come as his marimo self?” Sanji inquired, that shit-eating grin he has on his face never waning.
“I will kill you aho cook.”
“Oh!” Sanji trembled mockingly. “Whatcha gonna do hit me with your paw?”
They were about to lunge at each other when Nami raised both of her hands to stop them.
“That is enough!” Nami then stood on tiptoes and reached out to pinched ears of the tiger costume. “Let’s all just agree that as much as it is funny, they look absolutely cute.
Sanji looked shocked and whimpered, “Nami-san!”
“I am not cute woman! Get off!” Zoro groused as he tried to pull Nami’s hands away. It required some effort to be honest as the jumpsuit he was wearing ended up with paws for the hands.
Robin let out a soft giggle. “For what it’s worth… I honestly think it is cute Zoro.” She offered her two cent’s worth, her smile ever polite. “And sweet,” she added as well as her gaze hovered over Chopper and Luffy affectionately, knowing that the swordsman did it for the two.
“It is,” Nami agreed, breaking into a grin. “Especially that drawn nose and whiskers.” She tapped Zoro’s nose and it had him growling at her. This time she laughed… out loud. He’s kinda getting into that tiger persona quite effortlessly.
Though she maybe laughing at green-haired man’s expense yet that doesn’t mean she didn’t find his current look… enticing. And yes, cute.
Absolutely cute.
She could just eat him right here. Right now.
Zoro snorted even as his face turned red at their comments. Chopper then explained that the store owner where they got the costumes from had offered to draw on Luffy and Zoro’s faces.
“It is cute, ne Robin?” Luffy aimed the question at the older woman, smiling brightly.
Robin’s eyes crinkled as she smiled. “It is senchou.”  
“Hey! Why don’t we all go and trick or treat some more?” Luffy suggested. “I’m pretty sure there are houses we still haven’t visited…”
“Yes!” Chopper pumped his hooves up in the air. “More candies!”
“Sanji you should go with us as well! We’ll find you a costume like what we have!” Luffy grabbed the cook’s hands much to his chagrin.
“What? NO!”
“Good maybe there’s an ero-kappa costume where we got this. That’ll suit him.” Zoro suggested, smirking at the thought that the stupid chef will end up in a stupid costume just like him.
If it wasn’t for Luffy and Chopper… this would not have taken place. Damn it!
“You asshole!” Sanji shouted as the same notion dawned into him.
“I’m done.” Zoro then announced with a huff. “It’s your turn to babysit them now. I’m gonna go nap. Chopper, you can drag Usopp as well this time for another round of trick or treating.”
“Alright.” The reindeer beamed at him. “Zoro thank you for tonight!”
That pulled the corner of the grumpy tiger’s lips up before he headed towards the sleeping quarters.
“Not another word witch.” He muttered as he passed by a still grinning Nami.
“I didn’t say anything,” Nami retorted as she watched him head towards the men’s room.
“So,” Robin caught everyone’s attention at that. “Shall we head back to town, get some costumes and enjoy some trick or treating ourselves?”
A chorus of yes answered her.
A soft knock on the door woke Zoro up.
He opened his eye at the sound. The men’s quarter was dark and the ship silent. 
The others are still probably trick or treating in the island.
Sitting up he realized that must’ve fallen asleep on the sofa in the middle of the room instead of his bunk bed.
Another knock sounded. And he sleepily stood up, groaning when he realized he still hadn’t gotten out of the stupid tiger costume he was wearing.
Running a paw over his head (in an attempt to run his fingers through his hair) he approached the door and opened it.
He was met with a Cheshire cat-like smile on a cat burglar’s face—who was wearing a sexy, black cat costume.
A far cry from the conservative jumpsuit he and the others had on.
She was clad in a one piece black suit so tight it was hugging her curves. The front was zip only halfway up, displaying her ample cleavage. Black stockings and heels made up the lower part of her attire and cute cat ears headband completed her feline ensemble.
Trust Nami to find some way to don a costume that’ll flaunt all her generous assets.
"Trick or treat?"
She inquired as she smirked at him.
And she chortled as his reaction, plus at the fact that he still hadn’t taken his tiger costume off. She took a step inside, her black high heels made a clicking sound against the wooden floor, the tail of her one piece suit swaying at her movement in time with her orange curls.
"So trick or treat?" She repeated when Zoro didn’t make another sound and instead was scrutinizing her up and down.
Zoro snorted as he followed her. Her hand reached out and grabbed the front of his jumpsuit, pulling him closer to her. Licking her thumb, she reached out to try to erase the drawn tiger’s nose on his own, as well as the whiskers on his face.
“None,” he finally answered as she rubbed her finger on his face.
Nami laughed. What a grouch. She stood on tiptoes and kissed his cheek. His arms automatically encircled her waist.
“Wrong answer,” she whispered cattily.
“I don’t have any treats here. Luffy and Chopper has them.”
“Wrong again,” she kissed him on the jaw, tugging back the hood of his costume so she can ran her fingers through his hair.
His lips quirked up as she placed light, nipping kisses on his lips… her teasing smile never leaving her face.
She tugged at the front zipper of his costume down and watched fascinated as the toned muscles underneath it were slowly exposed. 
"See Zoro…” she said, savoring the sight before as her eyes and hands trailed down his body. She pushed the garment off his shoulders. “Here’s my treat." She declared licking her lips naughtily.
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An examination of LuNa in Strong World
*note: I’ve had quite a few new followers in the past 10 days or so, hooray! But because of that, I just thought I’d give a quick FYI. I occasionally post about LuNa on my blog, so if that isn’t your jam, no worries! Just block the lunami tag so you don’t have to be subjugated to my ramblings on this specific topic 😊. I always tag accordingly, so you don’t have to worry. I hope we can still be friends!*
Let me start off by saying that I don’t consider myself a multi-fandom hardcore shipper. I definitely enjoy certain ships, but on the whole I’d say I don’t particularly care who ends up with who for most of the anime/manga I’m into. However, LuNa is a whole different story. It really is my OTP.
I’ll admit, I resisted becoming attached to LuNa. I wanted to keep an open mind, and honestly, shipping complicates things. It sets you up for monumental disappointment because there’s a chance your ship will not become canon. And if this happens (and it happens a lot), it taints your experience. I’ve never believed you should invest in a story solely for shipping, but the disappointment remains all the same.
For me, Strong World was a big factor in shipping these two. I remember smiling and thinking, “yeah...I want these two to find romance.”  And so, I think it’s high time for me to go through their biggest moments in the movie and why I think they have meaning. Be warned, this gets lengthy!
1. Luffy is Nami’s emotional anchor/ support
This is one of LuNa shippers’ biggest arguments in favor of them finding romance, so I won’t explain why this is a thing, but I think there’s two major instances in the movie.
When Shiki first abducts Nami in the beginning of the movie, Luffy yells for her and his attention is focused on her while everything else is in chaos. She immediately responds by yelling his name back, but it’s too late and he’s knocked away. I think this exchange sets up the movie being about their relationship, and reinforces that their bond is strong.
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The second, and perhaps more potent time, is when Nami hears of Shiki’s plan to wreck the East Blue. She’s napping inside the house when Xaio comes in excitedly because her friend’s dad came home. Shiki is leaving and he’s going to destroy the East Blue. After Nami hears this horrible news, she immediately says, “Luffy” as she gets up and goes to find him. She’s dazed, scared, and there’s a terrifying situation about to happen. Saying his name is completely reactionary because he is her rock.
2. Luffy and Nami find each other
Unlike the other Strawhats who were separated into groups, Luffy is completely on his own. It’s a convenient, purposeful way to give them some time alone when they happen to meet-up. Nami sees the Sunny and she exclaims, “Sunny-go!” And then moments later Luffy runs out of the forest, sees Sunny and also exclaims, “Sunny-go!” Luffy sees Nami and starts running towards her. Some hilarity ensues, but luckily Billy is there to save the day.
3. Luffy’s tenderness toward Nami
Normally, I wouldn’t peg Luffy as a “tender” guy. He’s usually getting into all sorts of trouble, is brutally honest, yells a lot and has a monstrous appetite. In this movie there’s a couple instances where Luffy’s boisterous nature is calmed, and here we can find Luffy focused on taking care of Nami.
After they are reunited, Luffy is cooking up some food and turns toward Nami giving her a tender smile while he tells her to eat. She refuses since it’s scorpion, but I love his moment. That smile is so irresistible.
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Another good tender moment is after they’ve reunited with some of the other crew. Everyone is exhausted and Xaio’s mom invites them to come in and rest. As far as I can tell, it was an open offer, and before anyone has a chance to respond, Luffy says,“Nami. Why don’t you go and do that?” He knows she’s been through a lot, and gives her an opportunity to rest without any other interference. When the crew sleeps outside, Luffy is the one closest to do the door.
This type of quiet caring is the right type of caring. It’s natural, non-intrusive, and has such a lovely feel. Nami is an independent woman, so smothering is annoying to her. I think Luffy cares for her instinctively like this since he’s not the type to do things that are unwanted. For Nami, I feel this works best for her.
4. They’re comfortable with each other
One of things I love about the scene where Luffy and Nami are reunited is how relaxed they are talking to one another. I feel like there’s this common misconception that Nami is yelling at Luffy every waking moment of the day, but that’s simply not true. I bet they talk like this often. While Nami is changing, she’s asking Luffy where everyone is and he responds while cooking his scorpion. Honestly, this feels to me like a couple who has come home from a long day at work. After they’ve been reunited, someone starts cooking while the other gets out of their work clothes. “How was your day?” “oh just fine. It’s been busy at the office since everyone is off for vacation.”
Their comfortability with one another is shown again just a short time later when Nami is riding on Luffy’s shoulders with her hands gently sitting on top of his head. While flying, they’re casually discussing where the rest of the crew might be. I feel like if Nami were in this situation with anyone else, she’d be furious, or at least we would’ve seen her temper flare before accepting her fate.
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Luffy is angry at Nami
This right here is the big one. After Luffy and the others are pulled out of Shiki’s trap, Luffy is somber because he’s lost. Ussop says, “she went with Shiki to save our hometowns” and everyone, including Luffy, heard Ussop say this. Luffy doesn’t react beyond continuing to look defeated.
When they start playing the message Nami left them, Luffy hears Nami’s words about how they (i.e him) isn’t strong enough to face Shiki. And Luffy is furious. His hands start shaking and he starts screaming. It makes him so angry that he goes and punches a rock out of frustration.
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This isn’t like Luffy at all. And interestingly enough, we have something to compare it to. Robin’s departure from the Strawhat’s is over the same circumstance. Robin leaves so that the crew will not die because she believes they aren’t strong enough to face the World Government. After the failed attempt to rescue Robin, the crew explains what happened to Luffy. His response is seen below (also shutout to Luffy+Nami yelling at each other over it hahaha).
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Now, he’s definitely angry but there’s one key difference. Luffy is angry at Robin for not worrying about her own safety, not because Robin doesn’t believe Luffy is strong enough. He isn’t taking her leaving personally.
But he does take it personally with Nami.
This idea of Nami “not believing Luffy is strong enough” fits in the category of things that you absolutely DO NOT say to a man you’re in a relationship with, in real life. This is a thing, and even an implication of  “you’re not strong enough” can be hurtful. I’ve seen this firsthand. But for confirmation I googled “things a woman shouldn’t say to a man they’re in a relationship with” and got a bunch of listicles (some of which were weird, I grant you). However, in the ones written by men, this was close to top. Here’s a random one I found.
From Glamour Magazine:
4. “He’d kick your ass.”
Telling us that anyone--even a grizzly bear or some sort of terminator from the future--- can beat us up is equivalent to us flipping through a magazine and physically pointing out the women we think are betting looking than you. It’s ridiculous, I know, but we like to think we’re tough (true story: an ex told me her friend, a mixed martial artist,could kick my ass--- my response: “not at Jeopardy”).
And absolutely, a couple of men don’t speak for the whole of masculinity, but I think it’s safe to say a lot of men would feel this way. Luffy’s reaction tells me Nami’s words cut. He was expecting the trust he places in her to be reciprocated (to quote Warlordgab). The idea that she didn’t was too much for him and he reacted. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this angry at one of his crew members.
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Luffy protects Nami’s honor
Despite Luffy being furious with Nami, he will not allow her to appear weak in front of Shiki, who makes fun of her sacrifice. “You’re an idiot,” Luffy scowls. “Nami didn’t sacrifice herself, she just came to fight as our vanguard, is all!” before the Strawhats begin shooting up the palace. What’s funny about Luffy’s statement is it’s truer than he thinks. But she was gone and could not defend herself, so he did instead.
Luffy holds a grudge
Luffy’s anger toward Nami isn’t just a gut reaction. He stays angry at her, and when I watched this movie for the first time I was surprised. You can feel his anger when he’s about to beat the crap out of Shiki. “Nami. I’m gonna beat this guy up and then we’re going home.” He can’t talk with her about his anger until later, so he doesn’t even mention it, but it’s written all over his face. Even though he’s angry, he reaffirms to Chopper and Ussop to take care of Nami. Again, I feel like this is an accurate response to how a real man would act if they were in a similar situation.
Luffy scowling while fishing would probably be funnier if the circumstances hadn’t been so serious, but it’s evident he’s been by himself stewing for a while. When Nami is better, Luffy lets Nami know EXACTLY what he thinks. “You said some really mean things! I can’t believe you didn’t have faith in me after all this time!” And it’s then, the truth is revealed.
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Nami is embarrassed at her message
At the very end of Nami’s message, she quietly asks to come be saved and doesn’t want Luffy to hear it now that the situation has been resolved. Sanji says it was “a message of love,” and Nami doesn’t even deny it. She just moves on to the next thing which is..something.
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I think the reason Nami is embarrassed by the message, is that it does show her care for Luffy. Nami says that she directed the message to him because “you’re denser than anyone else”. So Nami, in the middle of Shiki breathing down her neck, is worried that Luffy will be angry by the message she’s being forced to give, and tries to say something so he understands. That she DOES believe in him, and she wants him to come get her. Nami understands Luffy.
What does all of this mean?
Well, that’s a good question. Because at this point in the game, are we really seeing “romantic love” from these two? I don’t think so, despite some of their reactions normally stemming from romantic love. So what is it then?
Recently, a good friend of mine has been going through One Piece. He is extremely analytical to the detriment of him enjoying shows at times. He told me admittedly that he doesn’t care about shipping nor does he pick up on shipping cues. As he’s watched One Piece, shipping isn’t a thing I’ve ever asked him about.
He watched Strong World right after finishing Thriller Bark, and this is what he had to say while giving me his thoughts on the movie.
"Luffy and Nami have a cool relationship. It’s an unstated love that’s purely platonic but incredibly strong. It’s not brought up much but I have sensed it.”
Honestly, I was wowed by his statement. He was able to put into words something I was having a hard time categorizing. The movie makes them feel like more, but at the same time it’s not romantic. This bond, which at the time of Strong World is platonic but strong nonetheless. They care for each other deeply and they have a special relationship.
So how does it progress?
Have you ever fallen in love with your best friend? I have, and I can tell you there was a single moment when everything became crystal clear to me. Afterward, I spent hours trying to sift through my feelings. When, exactly, did my caring for him transition to love? Did I always love him and was incredibly dense? Or was it gradual, and like a flower, it had been growing for some time beneath the surface and had just sprouted?
Yes…I think that was it. The seed; our friendship. The water; our caring for one another. The earth; the time we spent together. The sun; our shared laughter.
I think this analogy best describes Luffy and Nami, too. As my friend picked up, there’s something beneath the surface, something strong and lovely. Will Oda give it a chance to bloom? I don’t know, but I hope so.
I really hope so 😊
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Hello, it's me again! ^^ Hope you're doing well
Do you mind if I mix the stories? Like .. You’ll see😂 If you didn’t like tell me and I can do it again.
Thanks for coming back by the way, and for your wishes
CHILD! Luffy and Ace with their crush.
It was another day on Foosha-mura and these boys were ready to start a new adventure, two year has passed since one of the brothers left, two years since they promised they’ll live their lifes however they want and to make that possible they knew they had to train.
One day they were coming home from the jungle, they ussually practice there fighting some animals and hunting, and Makino was there with the Dadan family waiting for them with lots of food. They love when Makino comes to visit them because she always brings food, also clothes but that wasn’t important.
They were running to greet Makino when they see a little girl talking with Dadan, it looks like she was around 10 or 11. At first the two boys were surprised at how Dadan who was usually rough with them was smiling while talking to the little girl.
The boys greeted Makino and she introduces this girl as her new friend, she was taking care of her since their parents went on a trip to another island.Luffy was very happy to meet a new friend, Makino’s friends where his friends too and he took her hand to guide her to the principal room where everybody was eating.
Makino smiled thinking this girls would get along well with them but something was wrong… Unlike Luffy, Ace just stood there a little blushed and angry face. “Is it something wrong?” She asked hesitant. “Nothing, i’ll go eat” She knew he didn’t like to talk about feelings and such so she just let it go.
After lunch Luffy wanted to go back to jungle. -“Oooi, (name) do you want to join us? let’s go find insects on the jungle! It’ll be fun c’mon!”. Ace didn’t even bother on reply, he knew (name) would say no.- “Sure! You don’t mind it right, Ace?”. When he heard (name) calling him he blushed like hell and so Luffy teases him but he interrupted him -“Shut up! Of course we’re not going to the jungle with (name) it’s not safe there and you know it”-”C’mon. we’ll protect her!” -”Do whatever you want” But he never expected Luffy laughing while running to the jungle grabbing (name) by her hand.-”Damn” he thought following his brother and (name) but things got serious when a wild bear appears in front of them. Without doubts he attacked the bear with his metal tube, the “gun” of his brotherhood. -”I told you to not come here! why you always do exactly what I say you shouldn’t do” Ace was angry, not because they almost die or because luffy didn’t listen to him, it was because (name) almost got harmned and having those kind of feelings annoyed him.
-”(Name)! Im so sorry I never wanted this to happened” Luffy started crying while apologizing, as always.-”Don’t worry I won’t tell Makino” then she hugged Luffy. “If it wasn’t for Ace we’ll be dead now hahaha” the little boy laugh at the comment before his older brother hit him in the head, he was so jealous right now. “Okay now let’s go home again”.
—- The day before Ace leaves Foosha-Mura —-
He was preparing his backpack to the journey and Luffy was helping him when from one of the books a photo fell out, it was a photo from the day they met (name), the day they almost die.
“Shishishihsi you remembered how we both liked (name)?”“Yeah I rem- WHAT?!” So all the time Luffy knew and he liked her too.
The two brothers started a fight, not a real one, afterall this was one of their usual games.
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