#luhan bullet imagine
dong-hyucks · 7 years
Dating Luhan Would Include...
Admin: Jade Masterlists
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ye im trying to get this stuff out asap
sleep? idk her also just a warning it took 2k+ to get to the actual dating part so be prepared for a lengthy one
okay so basically, you got a job as one of lu’s personal stylists
you were the only child of one of his managers which helped you get the job
but the other stylists didn’t like that
they thought you just got the job solely bc of your parent
which was wrong-- you had loads of experience with styling of all kinds
the other stylists, bitter, would either ignore you or ‘tease’ you
a lot
though, they’d make sure to not do it in front of your dad
and they tried with lu, but he ended up catching them
considering he sees you all every day
and the fact that he isn’t cold hearted
lu really didn’t like that
but every time he would confront them about it, they’d deny his accusations and act innocent
after like a month of this happening
lu, and you respectively, had enough
though, you’ve had enough the moment they started
lu legitimately had them fired
all five of them
his entire stylist crew (besides you)
when you came to work and were told ‘oh hey, the other stylists don’t work here anymore, you’re going to be on your own for a few days.’
you had no idea how to react
and lu could tell because he started chuckling while you were doing his hair
“is something funny?”
“your continuous confused look”
then he told you that the other stylists were fired
which you already knew
but when you asked why, he fibbed a bit
said ‘they weren’t doing their jobs properly’
when in reality they were all relatively good stylists
so you knew he was lying right away
that and because the tips of his ears turned red
you didn’t want to say anything
just in case you got fired too lmao
for the next few days, you were lu’s only stylist
it was okay generally, but when he had a major appearance onstage it was a bit of a hassle
that happened like five days after the rest were fired
at that point, you and lu had begun talking more than before
while you styled him, you’d talk about whatever topic that came to mind
to anyone else, it looked like you guys had been friends for years
when in reality you had only known each other for little over a month
bAcK to The StORy
he was scheduled to have a stage performance at 12:00
it was 11:55
and he wAsNt reADy
so you were freaking out, rushing around trying to get your makeup pallets and hair gel, etc.
luckily he was already changed so you didn’t have to worry about that
but his face and hair was bare (not that it matters he’s a viSuAL--)
he was so amused, watching you scramble about
despite his amusement, he was extra sure to be helpful to you, seeing how stressed you were
he stayed completely still and tilted his head when you asked
when he’d usually mess with you for a bit before complying
now he was just listening in silence, knowing you were not in the mood for a conversation
after you had messed around with his hair using the gel and his makeup was done
you went to fix his outfit
you kept your eyes down as you inspected lu’s clothes
your hands would reach out every now and them to make small touch ups or to smooth over the fabric
your parent / lu’s manager was yelling out the time left, which was two minutes
so you worked faster
once you were done, you stepped back to admire your work aNd make sure everything was in place
in the midst of your work, you didn’t notice the lopsided grin he wore
which hugely complimented the clothes you had chosen for him
he honestly thought it was cute, seeing you so engaged in your work
“time to go!” his manager/your parent called out, ushering lu away from you
after his performance, lu couldn't find you
which was odd, since he usually met with you afterwards
when he asked his manager where you went, they snickered
but told him anyway“[Y/N] went outside for a bit-- got a call from their friend.”
lu nodded and stayed put, not wanting to pry in on your conversation
tho, when fifteen minutes passed he was b o r e d
so he decided, why not, and went out to find you
it didn't take long before he could hear you
making his way outside, lu poked his head out the door
he could see you, leaning against a brick wall with your phone to your ear
you were smiling so widely as you spoke
lu was kind of just wide eyed
a part of him wanted to stay outside to see why you were smiling like that
but the other part of him knew that that’d be invading your privacy so he went back inside
as he walked off, he found himself thinking of that smile of yours
he was so confused as to why he was thinking of it
it was weird
he kind of wanted to be the one to make you smile so brightly
the moment he thought that he literally walked into a wall
which also happened to be the moment you walked in
he met eyes with you, face flushing at the fact that you were laughing
“glad to know my pain is amusing for you.”
“it always is,” you joked, walking passed him, patting his shoulder as you passed
lu followed in silence, face still warm as he walked
while the two of you walked in silence, he noticed you wore a troubled expression
right before you were about to enter the waiting room, he stopped you, gently turning you around
“is something on your mind?”
“you’re thinking about something and you’re thinking about it hard. is something up?” he raised a brow
you were blank faced for a moment before you let out a nervous chuckle
“well,,, i was going to wait until i could talk to my-- your manager, bUt,,,” you shrugged hesitantly, “i wanted to ask for time off tomorrow.”
“tomorrow? as in, when i have an important interview?”
you shook your head fervently, correcting yourself. “no, no, i’ll be here to get you ready but i have somewhere i need to be a few hours after it”
lu nodded in understanding before ushering you back in to ask
tHe nExt DaY (smooth transition, i know)
you actually managed to get lu ready long before his interview
so you all had time to kill
lu was playing some game on his phone and you were just cleaning up your supplies
suddenly, you got another call -- this time, a video call
lu found himself looking up as you answered it, a small smile instantly making its way onto your face
lu, being a lil shit, decided it’d be fun to do some random stuff in the bg while you talked with whomever
so, he basically crouched past with some weird expression
“oh. my. gosh. [Y/N] is that...”
you turned around and made eye contact with him, just as he was pulling another weird face
there was a silence -- not including the freaking out your friend was doing -- before you burst into laughter
lu, though slightly embarrassed, followed after
“you’re luhan!” your friend gushed, gaining his attention “omL i love you--”
lu smiled before kindly making his way off camera to give you and your friend some privacy
at least, he tried to anyway
your friend very ‘subtly’ whispered to you, “[Y/N], please, let me get an autograph oR meet him i bEg Of YoU”
you took one glance at him before hanging up the call
not long after your phone blew up with messages from your friend
‘i’ll try, okay [Friend] chILL’
shoving your phone into your pocket you narrowed your eyes at lu
he thought you were glaring so he clumsily pulled out his phone and attempted to look like he was on it the entire time 
“very subtle, lu.”
“thanks, i try.”
you scrunched up your nose, contemplating on whether or not you’d really try to get some sort of fan service for your friend
without thinking, you blurted out the first thing you could think of
“let’s make a deal.”
lu looked up, intrigued.
meanwhile, you were internally freaking out
because you didn’t even mean to blurt that out
raising a brow almost impatiently, lu looked at you with a small smile indicating his mirth
“let’s go out--” you stopped yourself, wanting to hit your head against a door, “wait -- no, i worded that wrong--”
while you fumbled over yourself, lu leaned back against the sofa, covering his face as he laughed
“i saw an arcade on our way here. whoever wins three games first wins and --”
you didn’t even get to finish before lu interrupted
“okay,” he agreed, leaning back as far as he could, “you have a deal. if i lose, i’ll go with you, meet your friend.” 
he smirked, “but, if i win, you owe me a favour.”
he looked up at you, curiosity shining generously in his dark chocolate hues
a small, contented smile graced his features, blossoming over his cheeks like a carnation in its peak -- beautiful in all its glory
you blinked, thinking over his proposition
with a sigh, you held out your hand
within the hour, your parent was driving you guys to the arcade, clearly amused at your ‘bet’
“wear these,” they said, pointing to the pile of masks and caps on the middle console that they had handy just in case, “even in a dark arcade, someone could recognize you and those people will assume things.”
you were basically clinging to the car door, shocked that you were about to mess around in an arcade with lu han
when you arrived, you wobbled out of the vehicle, fully equipped with a mask and a cap even tho you arent at all famous and no one would know who you are
lu was in similar attire
“let’s go over here,” lu suggested, pulling you by the wrist once you entered the arcade
your face and body in general got really warm, your eyes trained on his hand
he was completely oblivious to your internal freaking out, his eyes facing forward
when he stopped walking, you were in front of a giant set up
“it’s like a racing / snowboarding simulator,” lu explained, stepping onto the platform “whoever gets to the bottom first wins.”
you nodded, stepping onto the platform opposite of him
it was snowboarding, how hard could it be?
you were very wrong
lu beat you in a mere two minutes, when the average time was at least five minutes
“i play this sometimes with my friends,” lu explained with a cocky grin not that you could see it
you narrowed your eyes, “you’re playing dirty,” you accused, though you weren’t really annoyed.
without a word, you hopped off the platform and took lu’s hand, just as he had with you, and pulled him in a random direction
oh, how the tables have turned
now you were unaware of the flustered expression lu wore
you brought him to a shooting game, one you had played a few times before with your cousins and friends
while you were playing, lu kept sneaking glances at you, which distracted him from actually shooting anything
he thought it was cute, how excited and into the game you were
like ten minutes later, you were victorious
lu just accepted it, because there was no way on earth in which he’d admit that he lost because he thought you were acting cute
since we’ve reached the 2k mark, imma be really blunt until the actual dating part
basically you spent the next hour playing a bunch of games
and, whoopdido, he won three games before you
you were kind of bummed out bc you could tell your friend seriously wanted to meet him
but, a deal was a deal so you took it
“before we go,” lu randomly began, “let’s go to the claw machines.”
a part of you got super excited bc you haven’t used a claw machine in forever
when you got there, your eyes landed on a vv cute plush
tho, tbh, you absolutely sucked at the claw machine
lu noticed right away which plush caught your attention and inserted a coin into it
you watched in aWe as he got it first try
wow what a god
“here,” he practically threw the thing in your face
“let’s go,” he said, not even waiting for you to catch the plush
you bounded after him, looking down at your watch
“what time are you meeting your friend?” he asked, watching traffic pass by
“in an hour or so.”
“then, let’s go get some dinner before then.”
you didn’t say anything and merely followed as he brought you to some lowkey café (i have an addiction to adding cafés into my bulleted stuff)
at this point i got distracted by everyong for like half an hour oops
by the time you were sat down in an almost empty café
there was like 45 min until you were going to meet up with your friend
you spent like five whole minutes trying to figure out how you were going to say ‘oops couldn’t get anything from lu han for you lol’
when you looked up, you noticed lu was just looking at you, resting his chin on his palm
“what’re you staring at?”
no shit bro
you rolled your eyes, looking down at the small menu the café had out on every table
“you’re interesting.”
i beg your pardon, you thought
“usually, people are practically dying in my presence. you’re quite calm though,” he tilted his head. “you know, i think i like you.”
luckily, you weren’t drinking anything, because if you were you would’ve done a spit take
“w h a t ?”
lu merely smiled before asking what you wanted, as if he hadn’t just told you that he likes you
you just spat out the first thing you saw, which happened to be a carrot cake or smth
if you dont like carrot cake feel free to subsitute
you ate in silence both kind of unsure of what to say
you were still speechless over lu’s sudden confession
and lu was beating himself up for being so blunt
when you finished, lu was back to looking at you
you subtly wiped at your face, just in case you had somehow gotten food all over it
“do you really?” you asked, deciding that the situation couldn’t go that downhill. “like me, i mean.”
“... yeah.”
you almost choked -- who says ‘okay’ in this situation?
lu, on the other hand, was chuckling. “’okay’” he teased
you stuck your tongue out, leaning back in your chair
there was a pregnant pause before lu cleared his throat
“honestly, what -- what are your feelings for me? other than ‘okay,’“
you stared down at the table, biting your lip as you glued together words
“i-- i like you too, lu.”
in the back the cashier was lowkey eavesdropping
lu’s face broke into a smile, as he looked down to hide his growing grin
“that’s good.”
he looked down at his watch, standing up “then, let’s go.”
“your friend wanted to meet me right? so, let’s go.”
“but,,,, i lost our bet.” // “you did, so you owe me a favour.” he grinned back at you, “but, i’m going to be a nice boyfriend��and go with you anyway.”
lu merely laughed, grabbing your wrist for the umpteenth time and hauling you out of the café
somewhere along the way, you found yourself shifting your hand and interlacing your fingers with his -- a silent confirmation.
wOw that only took 2.7k to get to the legit point of this post
smh me
so, dates with lu don’t come often, but when they do they’re amazing
he’s always making sure that you’re comfortable, so they’re usually not in public places just in case ppl recognize him
the last thing he’d want was for you to get mobbed by fans
a lot of your dates are late at night, whether they be walks, dinner at your/his house, movie nights, etc.
he’s so sweet too
like he’s very open with his feelings for you (not completely, the world has no idea of your relationship yet)
any of your coworkers can tell that you’re dating
but no one says anything bc they know that they could get fired if lu so pleased
he wouldnt tho, unless given reason
the few times that your dates are public
lu will do the weirdest things to make sure you don’t get recognized/seen
if he spots anyone with a camera he straight up kisses your cheek
which works bc the person usually turns away
he’s just so sweet during your dates
and otherwise, ofc
but he’s also still lu, playful and such
snowball fights in the winter are a regular thing
moving on
honhonhon i regret
your first kiss with lu was spontaneous
you were at the arcade again, on one of your late night dates
a few other people were in the arcade, but not near you guys
you were playing the shooting game again, something that became tradition for the two of you and--
“hey, [Y/N]?”
you took one look at him and suddenly his lips were on yours in a soft, gentle kiss
your hands froze on the plastic trigger, your eyes wide
before you could even do anything, lu pulled away with mirth shining in his eyes
“i won.”
you whipped your head toward the screen, and lo and behold, the infamous ‘YOU DIED’ screen was showing
“lu,,, you little shit”
“you love me”
kisses with lu, in general, have like three settings
the first being quick pecks, when the two of you are in a rush
whenever he has to go onstage, he’s sure to give you a quick kiss, whether it be on the lips, cheeks, forehead, etc.
he really likes kissing you
the second are slow and sentimental
these usually happen during your lazier dates
like you could be watching a movie on the couch and suddenly your kissing no further than tHat
he’d be so sweet during these times, his hand automatically cupping your face and his other tracing circles on your hip, leaving trails of goosebumps
the third,,,
oh dear
are a bit rough in a sense
these are rare, but they will happen without warning
usually when he gets jealous or you push his buttons too much
they’re messy kisses, but he puts his all into them and it’s very obvious
i’m blushing now so that’s as far as we’re going w that
fights with lu don’t come often
he hates fighting with you and vice versa
but sometimes the two of you just get really stressed at end up lashing out at each other
this usually ends in the two of you giving each other the silent treatment
which is so difficult considering you’re one of his stylists
the main one, at that
the other stylists, newly hired, get so awkward whenever you guys fight
because there’s this giant tension between the two of you and none of them know what to do or say
however, you can only ignore each other for so long
it’s very divided between who cracks first
sometimes lu does
sometimes you do
sometimes you both just end up apologizing at the same time
either way, you both talk everything out
and make sure that no stone is left unturned
he’d probably really like honesty in a relationship, so it’d be very important to be open with one another (as it is in every relationship)
these fights end with cuddling, most of the time
in which he brings you as close to his body as possible
and wraps his arm around your waist
he’d love it if you wrap your arms around his torso and play with the ends of his hair
speaking of
if you play with his hair, he is putty in your hands
he even only lets you do his hair professionally
“lu, please, the rest of the stylists--”
“no, only you.”
“you c h i l d istg--”
but you love him
on the topic
your first ‘ily’ came about a month into your relationship
during that time, lu was on tour
and right before a concert, you came down with a seriously bad flu
so you had to stay at the hotel
lu called you before the concert, nervous
“lu, you’ll do great”
“but what if i mess up--”
he was so nervous, despite having done stages so many times in his life
to him, it was odd, not having you there
you had become his rock
he also loved performing knowing you were backstage rooting him on
“lu, hun, you’ll do great. and i know you have to go up now considering it’s two minutes to your stage. i believe in you!”
he was still shaken, but he knew you were right. “alright, bye. make sure to drink your medicine, alright?”
“okay~ i love you, bye.”
you hung up
only then did you realize what you had just said
which lead to you rolling around on your hotel bed, screaming into your pillow
meanwhile, lu was staring into space, his phone still to his ear
had he heard you right?
“lu! you’re up, let’s go.”
he looked over at one of his managers, nodding before putting his phone away
he then did his entire stage with a huge smile on his face
this is almost as long as my regular scenarios
so imma just stop here
anywho, a relationship with lu would be heaven
he’d treat you like royalty, because in his mind you deserve the best
so in all
he would cherish you, and when the time comes, he’d brag about your wonderfulness whenever he could
he really would love you, and hopefully you’d do the same
is it obvious who my ot12!exo bias is this was so close to getting to 4k im
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marshmallow-phd · 5 years
Secret in His Eyes
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Spinoff of Sins of the Father
Genre: Mafia Au
Pairing: Luhan x Reader
Summary: A vacation exploring China’s famous city was supposed to be relaxing. When you witness a horrifying murder, you instead find yourself in police custody, unable to run. Trying to stay alive, you meet Luhan, and you believe you can trust him. You never imagined that he might be the one you should be running from.
Part: Prologue I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I Final
Luhan wanted to curse up a storm. Only your presence kept his mouth at bay.
“Do you realize how long we’ve been searching for you?” Tao snarled.
At his harsh tone, Luhan caught you shrinking into the bark of the tree. No wonder you rejected him. You were still terrified of anyone who wasn’t him. The fake him, at least. And even then, you were still cautious.
“Sorry, boss,” Luhan artificially apologized.
Tao blinked at his emphasis, confusion pinching his face until his eyes landed on you. Then it dawned on him.
“That’s right. You’d better be sorry,” he snickered. Luhan threw him a death glare when you weren’t looking. The punk was enjoying the power play a little too much.
“(y/n), you’d better go back inside,” Luhan told her gently. She nodded slowly, pushing off the trunk and giving Tao a wide berth as she darted for the tree line and back to the house.
Now that they were alone, Tao tilted his head and scoffed at the older leader. “You’re still dressing like that?”
Luhan shrugged as he shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned up against the tree that you had previously occupied. “It’s comfortable.”
“Sure,” Tao scoffed. Narrowing his eyes, he commented, “You’re taking too much enjoyment in this.”
“Maybe I am,” Luhan snapped. But they both knew that he meant it differently than what Tao was implying. That maybe what he enjoyed was not having to be the one in charge when he was with you.
The sting of you telling him that you wouldn’t stay with him in the end was still fresh, made worse by the fact that he could sense you felt the connection too. He could see the attraction and the longing in your eyes whenever he met your gaze. But you were smarter than him. You could see farther than him, knowing that anything started between you two couldn’t last forever. That didn’t mean, however, that he didn’t want to try anyway.
He should know better than this. He should know already that even the happiest memories would cause pain later on down the line. How many nights did he spend cursing the air after she had left? How many days had he been haunted by the sound of her laugh? The way she called his name?
Over time the pain of those memories had faded. It didn’t hurt as much if they happened to cross his mind and he’d hardened himself more to the disappointments of the world. Nothing could touch him and he had no weaknesses. How easily he fell back into the trap.
Was he simply doomed to fall for the person who wouldn’t stay in his life?
Pulled from his self-loathing, Luhan snapped his head up. “What?”
Tao rolled his eyes. “I was trying to find you for a reason and it wasn’t to interrupt your little game of make believe.”
“Did you find him?” Luhan asked eagerly, ignoring the little swipe.
“Not exactly,” Tao muttered. From his back pocket, he pulled out a small tan envelope. Luhan took it eagerly, ripping out the contents to see what demands would be asked of him.
But there were no demands.
Inside was one picture, one photo recently developed. The image it held made his blood boil and knuckles turn white from how hard he was gripping the edges.
From the vague clues he could pick up on, the setting of the scene was an old warehouse or some equally grimy place. But that hardly mattered. It was the true subject of the photograph that was the real focus of his rage.
In the very center to drawn the eye in was his missing lieutenant. Blood pooled all around him and – even though he was lying on his stomach – a fresh bullet hole right between his eyes was clearly visible, emphasized by the blank, dead look in his wide open eyes.
“When did you find this?” Luhan asked through gritted teeth.
“About an hour ago,” Tao answered. “It came right to the front door. No one saw who dropped it off or when exactly it arrived.”
Fire was roaring in Luhan now. His defenses were slipping. He used to be untouchable. Now look at him. Not even his own home was safe anymore. “How could someone have gotten past the guards?”
“We don’t know,” Tao said. By the growl in his voice, he was equally pissed about the breach, perhaps even more so since security fell under his division. “They have to be watching the house, learning the shift schedules and area rotations. There’s no other explanation for how they achieved this.”
“Mix it up then!” Luhan ordered. “And double the bodies patrolling the grounds. I don’t want anything like this happening again. Until we can find out who-” He stopped, his eyes having drifted down to the mocking gift in his hand once more.
“What is it?” Tao leaned forward to try and see what had made Luhan stop mid-sentence.
In the corner of the envelope was a small blue stamp, easily missed if your mind was somewhere else. Lifting the paper up for a closer look, Luhan frowned as he inspected the wording that made up the blue ink.
“Did you really look at this before you came to find me?” Luhan asked in an eerily quiet voice.
Tao shook his head. “Once we saw what was inside, I went to find you. Yixing was the one who told us that he thought he’d seen you go out the back.”
“This is a police issued envelope,” Luhan held it up for Tao to see. “That’s their official letterhead on here. You can just get these anywhere.”
“So the police are behind this?” Tao questioned. He shook his head. “That doesn’t make any sense. I mean, sure, some of them are corrupt but they wouldn’t go this far and then leave something that points right back to them.”
“I don’t think it’s the department itself that’s doing this,” Luhan agreed. “Whoever is behind this – behind all of this – is either under the police force but doing this on their own or they just want us think it’s the police.”
“There’s too much gray area with those scenarios. I don’t like it.”
“I don’t either. But I want to end this once and for all and this is our only lead so far.” Fueled by his own declaration, Luhan shoved the envelope into his back pocket and stormed off towards the house, ripping off his jacket in the process. Until this was over, Lin would have to disappear. Right now, he needed to focus on being Luhan, leader of the underground world.
He was mad at you. Or he got in trouble. Or maybe he was mad at you because he got in trouble. Not that it was your fault. It was his own decision to take you out of the house.
It’d been nearly two weeks since Lin confessed to you. Or… could it be considered a confession? Technically, you were the only one who used any sort of words that conveyed true feelings. That you liked it when he was vulnerable and open. All that he’d told you was that you made him feel lighter, like the world wasn’t resting on his shoulders. Was that really the same thing?
Lately the house felt emptier. Each time you ventured out into the hallways, they were deserted, no hired help, no mafia members, not even Lin or Yixing made an appearance. Part of you wondered if you’d been abandoned, but the constant piling up of glasses and dirty dishes that weren’t yours in the kitchen, along with the ever growing pile of empty liquor bottles told you that someone was present around here. Those clues just might have been the only reason you stuck around.
Well, that… and the pathetic little emotion called hope. Hope that he’d knock on your door or walk around the corner. If you saw him again… you just might be tempted to….
Blowing air out of your lips, you mentally shook yourself. Were you only thinking that way because you hadn’t seen him in so long?
You’d promised Lin that you wouldn’t run away from him for now. So why did it feel like he’d run away from you? It didn’t feel like things had ended badly when you were interrupted, but you had no idea what had happened after you left. It was possible that he was ordered to stay away, you supposed. That just made your heart throb in pain.
But that didn’t explain the lack of people you saw recently. And sitting there in that kitchen, you felt the loneliness more than ever. You wished that anyone would walk through the entryway just remind you that you weren’t the last living being on earth.
“You’re brave to be out here, aren’t you?”
You jumped at the sudden voice, nearly knocking over your glass and spilling water all over the island counter.
The blonde higher up from the forest wasn’t exactly what you had in mind when you’d asked for company. Obviously taking pleasure in having scared you, he was smirking as he leaned up against the doorframe. His hands were stuffed into the pockets of his slacks and his eyes shined with a mischievousness that had you squirming in your seat.
“I was just hungry,” you answered in a small voice.
He laughed at you. “No need to be so scared. I won’t hurt you.”
Somehow, you found that very hard to believe. Finishing up your meal, you wiped your mouth and headed over to the sink, hoping that he would leave as you rinsed off your plate.
No such luck.
Instead, he came right into your personal space, leaning back up against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest. “I’m Tao, by the way.”
You barely glanced over at him. Whispering, you replied, “(y/n).”
He scoffed at you. “You’re very different from what I was expecting.”
“What exactly were your expectations?” you asked bravely, immediately regretting it. Engaging with him meant he stayed longer, kept the conversation going. Then again, he might have just kept pestering you until you gave in anyway.
“Considering who you’ve attracted, I figured you’d be feistier or more challenging,” he somewhat explained. “But you’re kind of like a mouse. Weak and easily frightened. Not exactly the ‘strong’ type.”
That was it. Practically throwing the dish down in the sink, you turned to the mobster. “Excuse you! Just because I don’t throw punches or yell and scream or shoot guns doesn’t mean that I’m not a strong or valid person! I don’t care if you’re a leader here or not, you don’t get to decide what I am!”
“Ah!” Tao leaned in close, smiling at you in a wicked fashion. “There it is. Now that I can see him falling for.”
“Falling for?” Was he talking about Lin?
Tao chuckled as he straightened up. “Oh, yeah. He can deny it all he wants, but Luhan was definitely caught feelings for you. Which just makes him an-”
“Luhan? Did you mean Lin?” It had to be a slip of the tongue… right? The names were similar....
Clearing his throat, Tao backtracked. “Um, yeah, that’s what I meant. I meant Lin. Not Luhan.”
But you didn’t believe him. As much as you wanted to, you couldn’t. You once were told there were three leaders here and you’ve managed to run into two of them. But the third one, the one who was at the very top and who owned this mansion, you’d never even caught a glimpse of him. Or had you caught more than a glimpse and never realized it?
Too many coincidences and moments were lining up. Like the way Yixing relented to Lin or the fact that he insisted that wasn’t his room, but what else could have been doing there? And the way he looked at that woman’s picture and told that story….
No, it wasn’t just a simple slip of the tongue. And you were played for a sap.
Whirling on your heels, you stormed out of the kitchen and down the halls. Each door you came to you swung open, searching for the man who had lied to you this entire time. He was never behind the barriers but all that did was narrow it down. He couldn’t only be in so many places.
“You can’t just go anywhere you feel like!” Tao yelled after you, capturing your upper arm and slamming your back up against the wall. A whimper echoed in your throat from the impact, stinging your shoulder blades. “Listen here, mouse, you were told-”
“Tao, what the hell do you think you’re doing!”
You flinched at the shouts of the newcomer. It turned out you didn’t have to go looking for him anymore. The feared leader had found you.
Letting you go, Tao stepped back, facing Lin- no, not Lin. “She was snooping around-”
“I was looking for you,” you snarled, cutting Tao off.
With a look of defeat in his eyes, Luhan motioned with his head for you to follow him. Tao rolled his eyes and walked away in the opposite direction. Swallowing back the humiliating tears, you walked behind Luhan down the hall and into a large study that you assumed was where he’d been hiding these days.
With the door closed behind you, he rounded the oversized desk, taking a small, square package that had been sitting there and tossing it into the corner.
“What’s that?” you asked quietly, not quite ready to face what you were really doing here.
Turning to face you, Luhan sighed. Gone were the t-shirts and bomber jackets that had made him seem so normal. Now his once messy hair was slicked back off his face and the white button down was wrinkled and haphazardly tucked into his pants. Even with the clear disregard of how put together he didn’t look, he was still so different, like the mafia leader he was pretending not to be.
“Just a random package that showed up,” he muttered, not even bothering to look at you. His gaze stayed trained on the patterned carpet as he asked his own question. “Why were you looking for me?”
You answered with a question of your own. “Why didn’t you just kill me? It would be so easy to just get the one witness out of the way! Did you never really believe me when I said I didn’t know anything? Or did you just want to see how much fun you could have playing with me?”
“I never played with you!” Marching up to you, he grabbed your shoulders in a desperate attempt to cling to the lies. “Yes, Lin was someone I made up, but I wasn’t lying out in that forest!”
“I can’t believe you!” Tears stung at your eyes as you stared at the person you’d thought you’d fallen for but really had no clue who he was. “After everything! After every chance you had to tell me the truth, you still lied! How can I believe you now?”
Though his grip remained strong, his voice faltered. “Because I’m begging you.”
You shook your head. “That’s not eno-”
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baeklooming-day · 5 years
Fleeting 3 | Baekhyun
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Summary: You lead a double life. For everyone else, you are the pretty girl with a great sense of fashion who works at Sephora. But it isn't your only job. For the other one you require only two things: the collection of weapons you keep in your closet - and zero emotions.
ft. Luhan
Genre: assassin!au, mafia!au, street racer!au, fluff, angst
Word count: 2.4k
A/N: little disclaimer: just to clarify the ages of the characters in the story, y/n is supposed to be around 19, Baekhyun is one year older than her, following with Luhan who is two years older. I know, I made a playlist for Fleeting when I was bored, however I would recommend to play Tian Di by Kris while reading this chapter. <3 I hope you enjoy!
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The three of you exchanged looks before Baekhyun spoke up again.
”It started three years ago.” He looked at you briefly. Three years ago. That was the time where you first moved to this town and met him for the first time. ”I was seventeen when I got my driving license, so were my friends. In the evenings, or even at night if we were feeling like it, we liked to drive all the way over to the old football field and see who was the fastest from us all. The whole place seemed a little spooky, so there really was nobody, ever. We never had to worry about anybody discovering what we were doing. It was nothing back then, just fooling around with our cars. Until one time, when we saw someone watching. Or, more like were just talking by our cars after we finished and suddenly heard clapping from behind. We thought we were done there, but like we later learned, it was one of the people with quite a position in the illegal leagues.” Baekhyun brushed his black bangs off before continuing. ”He said he had been watching us for a couple of days now. Which only proves how careless we were, because we never noticed him before. Anyway, he said he was impressed with what he witnessed, casually asking us if we wanted to make some money. And we, careless students, without considering anything agreed just like that. And this is how I ended up going to my first actual race.” He straightened, letting out a deep breath. ”Without getting into details, because I don’t think this is the most important thing, I started racing regularly from that day. In these three years, I also managed to build quite a reputation. And in these three years, I lost only once.” He glanced at Luhan. ”Because of that, I was asked to join in the big race in Shanghai. And this is where Tao and Kris appear on the scene. I had frankly no clue that they were associated with mafia, because I was always told that they are not very likely to participate in events like this. Anyway, the first prize for winning that race was the Rolls Royce. I won. I thought everything was great and perfect, that I can just take the car and drive off into the sunset... Nuh-uh. Nothing more delusional. Like I later discovered, Tao and Kris had their eyes set on that car and couldn’t accept it that their men lost to a practical kid. I was lucky enough to disappear from there without them eventually sending a few bullets after me, but like we saw it today, in the end they came after me. And actually there is nothing more to it. That’s the whole story.” He finished.
There was a little pause before Luhan’s amused voice filled the air. ”I told you. Kris went crazy.” He shook his head, causing his brown hair to bounce. ”And it’s obvious that he somehow brainwashed Tao too. He wasn’t always that thirsty for blood like he apparently is now.”
You just sat there, trying to process all that information that’s been just spilled on you. Recalling the events which took place just a few hours ago in Cloud 9, you felt a little dizzy all over again. You would never think that there will be a day, where Tao points his gun at you. You would never think that it was Kris who sent him to eliminate you. And, you would surely never think that he wanted to do the same to Luhan as well.
Because once, you were all like a family.
”I-” You tried to say something, anything, but you could’t help feeling overwhelmed. Maybe you weren’t that good as you liked to give yourself a credit for. You didn’t care about people from outside, but if the matter had something to do with the ’family’, you weren’t able to neglect it.
You felt Luhan’s hand touching your shoulder, a gesture of comfort. ”I know what you’re thinking right now.” He put his lips in a tight line. ”Neither of us can go back to Shanghai. Not now. Not in the future. And very honestly saying, I don’t know when we will be able to.”
Baekhyun was still shifting on the floor where he was sitting. ”Wait, what do you mean by ’going back to Shanghai?’”
You looked at him with a blank expression on your face.
”This is just another story from the past.” You still couldn’t say what might be going on in his head right now. You already knew that he was beyond disappointed in you, but was he really willing to hear about your mess of a childhood?
Before Baekhyun could answer, Luhan was faster. ”Look, this is something very far from a healthy childhood story, so I would consider it if you really wanna hear it.” He huffed. ”I can imagine, you already think that we’re beyond sick, but I don’t guarantee that you won’t think even worse of us after hearing how we both ended up in... Yeah, you know.”
Baekhyun was looking once to Luhan, once to you. When he spoke again, there was something audible in his voice. Something you couldn’t name. ”Tell me.”
You gave Luhan a look, encouraging him to start talking. You weren’t really feeling like saying anything at all at that moment.
”Very well then.” He began. ”From the looks you gave me, yeah I saw it, I could tell that you’re dying to know what exactly is our relationship.” He pointed at you before going on. ”Looking way back, about 12 years ago. I think I told you that me and Y/N have known each other since we were eight. Precisely, she was eight, I was ten at that time. You need to know that we both originally come from families who were a little more than well off. It was early spring, we ended up being on the same ship, attending a fancy event with our families. It was the first time we met, being small children we instantly became friends. So far, everything was very normal. Until.” Luhan paused for a brief moment. You felt that. Recalling those events still made both your damaged hearts to ache. But life goes on. ”I don’t want it to become boring, all you need to know is that we ended up being caught in a feud between two different mafias. We still don’t really know why they were there, I doubt we will ever know. They were ruthless, they didn’t care at all about the innocent people on the ship. All I remember is that at some point they started shooting and eventually put the whole ship on fire. In the conclusion, me and Y/N saw lots, lots of people dying around us.” Luhan paused again. ”We saw how they pointed their guns at our parents. We sa-”
”Luhan.” You squeezed his hand. ”Don’t.”
He let out a breath. ”Yeah, basically. I already mentioned Xianmiao before. Well, his full name was Wen Xian Miao. He was the boss of one of the mafias who were there, a very powerful and influential one. I don’t know why he did that to be honest, but he picked us up from that ship and took us with him to Shanghai. Just to clarify a few things, his men weren’t the ones who killed-”
You nudged him.
”His men weren’t the ones. Eventually, he became like a father to us. He raised us. Cared for us. Gave us a home. During that time, me and Y/N became practical siblings, and it didn’t change until this day.” It was Luhan’s turn to nudge you lightly.
Yeah. The bond you built throughout the years was too strong to get broken, and even though you and Luhan didn’t share the same blood, you were always calling each other ’brother’ and ’sister’. Even though you weren’t biological, you were sure you had a much firmer bond than many of the regular biological siblings out there.
Baekhyun was listening carefully to everything what Luhan’s been telling. You observed his reactions, trying to read him. You wanted to ask him if he hated you. But you couldn’t just casually throw this question at him right now.
Luhan kept going. ”Don’t get the wrong idea, neither of us was forced into this dark business. I mean, ’tasks’-” He shook his hair off his eyes. ”It was our own choice. When Y/N was twelve and I was fourteen, I started training. At the beginning Xian wasn’t too impressed by my wish, but eventually he let me and he got me the best training I could receive. At that time Y/N wasn’t allowed anywhere near that stuff, seeing that she was still too young. Well, I mean, I was obviously too young as well but fourteen was the more acceptable age in Xian’s opinion. Two years later Y/N started training too.” Luhan looked at you, a visible question in his eyes.
That was the part you should tell by yourself.
”That’s right.” You began. ”After I was allowed to, me and Luhan were trained side by side. It wasn’t anything very particular at the beginning, we learned how to deal with all kinds of weapons and how to fight, just in case. We were prepared really well. When the time came, Lu was the first one of us two to actually take somebody down.” You paused. You remembered it very well. ”It was harder than anyone can imagine for two kids to be growing up around gunshots and cruelty.” You paused again, searching for the right words. If only the right words for such actions existed.
”If you think that it messed up our heads a little, then you’re right.” Luhan looked over to Baekhyun. ”It did. But living in a world like this, you become accustomed to it after a while. You could say we were... really unfortunate.” He intertwined his both hands, looking down. He always acted tough, but you knew him way too well to not see that it was breaking him inside just like it was breaking you.
When he didn’t say anything more, you continued talking. ”Later, when I was sixteen I got my first task. I was supposed to eliminate a traitor. A traitor, who had been selling our informations to the mafia from the other side of Shanghai. It was like a war between two concurrent families. I was chosen to complete it because I was already skilled more than good enough and being a fragile sixteen-year-old girl I wouldn’t be suspected of a crime like this. Plus, nobody knew who I was over there.” You let out a breath, looking anywhere but at Baekhyun’s face. ”I completed the task successfully. But after I did, I had to disappear for a while. And this is the point which leads us to where we are now.” You looked up. ”Xian’s cousin had an undercover corporation here. A corporation which connected... Uhm. Which connected the mafia, the assassins, the dealers, you name it. It was the connection between everyone in the family. His cousin had a son, Yixing. After he unfortunately passed away, it was Yixing who took the leadership from there. To assure I was safe, I was sent here. And that resulted in meeting you, Baekhyun. As well as meeting Sujin.” You finally looked at him. ”I was supposed to stay here as long as the things back in Shanghai were sorted out. I wasn’t allowed to contact anyone back home, including Luhan. We couldn’t risk anyone to track me down. In these three years I had no idea what was going on in China. All I still remember was that the hell broke loose after I took down that delinquent. I even thought that they could be all dead there. I thought that Luhan could have ended up like this.” You felt your eyes welling up just at the single thought of it.
Luhan squeezed your hand firmly. ”Before you flew away, I promised you. Siblings find each other again. No matter what and no matter how long. And look at us now. We are both here.”
You quickly wiped off the tear that was about to fall down.
Baekhyun, sitting still, looked at both you and Luhan seeming to not find any words to say. You could easily imagine that he expected many things, but not this.
Finally he spoke up. ”I’m... I’m very sorry for all you had to go through, nonetheless. I can’t compare it to my own situation.” He stood up, putting his hands in the pockets of his black jeans. His expression was unreadable.
You blankly stared into space. At that point you could forget the things with Baekhyun to go back to ’normal’ ever again.
”Well, I-” Baekhyun spoke again. ”I think I need to be alone for a while, so excuse me.” He turned around on his heel and walked out of the room.
”Baek-” You wanted to stop him, but you got interrupted by Luhan.
”Y/N, don’t. Let him.”
You let out a deep, shaky breath.
Everything was even a bigger mess now. Was it even possible?
Your eyes dashed back to Luhan.
”Lulu.” You said. ”Do you think he hates me now?”
”I don’t know if he hates you, but he clearly doesn’t like me.”
You lightly hit him in the shoulder. ”What are we going to do now?”
Luhan looked at you. ”I think I have a plan. First, I would say we find Yixing. Then we will see.” He paused, examining your face. ”You changed a lot, little sister.”
You smiled softly. ”So did you. You grew up so much.”
You just sat there, next to Luhan. You didn’t see him for about three years. You had so much to tell him.
He seemed to be thinking the same, because he turned to have a proper look at you in the exact same time as you did. ”So, ignoring the fact that our lives are very literally in danger right now, how have you been this entire time?”
That, that sibling talk was what you majorly missed in your life despite everything.
After all, Luhan was the one who would never judge you for anything you did.
”Where do I begin...”
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A/N: I purposely concentrated this chapter on Luhan, because I wanted to make clear his sibling relation to y/n. I promise you more and more Baekhyun in the future chapters! thank you for reading and tell me what you thought of this one! and as always feel free to reblog if you want to! <3
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fairyscribbles · 6 years
Love at First Bite - Healing. (Kyungsoo, pt. 10) [Chronicles of the Wolf series]
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It’s been a while since the last update, so I recommend you re-read this part! Enjoy! ♥
You held back a sob. "Should I not have said that?"
Bora stared at you in confusion.
"I can't believe I did this to him..."
"___, it's not your fault. Besides, he's fine."
You glanced at Minseok apprehensively. "W-would it not be better if... if his mate were here to help him recover..?" you whispered.
Minseok and Jongdae exchanged glances, then Bora sighed in what sounded a lot like exasperation. You shrank down in defeat.
"___, it's okay. As of now, all we can do is wait for him to heal. We have to do our best for him." Bora patted your shoulder, and although it wasn't gentle, it was oddly comforting.
You nodded. "I understand."
"Here, we'll move him," Jongdae offered quietly.
You moved your hands, watching as Jongdae and Minseok helped each other to transfer Kyungsoo from the floor to the bed. He plopped like dead weight on the mattress, and you automatically followed to make him more comfortable.
"Should we... change him?"
Jongdae and Minseok looked at each other wide wide eyes before pointing at each other. "You're it!"
"No!" they screamed simultaneously.
You looked down at the shirtless Kyungsoo, blushing. You would volunteer... but it didn't feel right. So you kept your mouth shut.
"Maybe Chanyeol will do it," Jongdae chuckled.
"You're terrible brothers, you know that?" Jongin stood by the door, shaking his head at the two older males.
"I'll do it." He volunteered, ignoring his brother's hurt "hey, is this a way to talk to your hyung?!" as he got closer to Kyungsoo.
"How is he doing, noona?" He asked, eyes scanning over Kyungsoo's body. He frowned when he saw the big burn just under his heart.
"He'll recover." Bora announced, sounding completely sure of herself.
"It will take some time, though." Jongin nodded, turning over to look at you. He gave you one of his charming smiles, the ones that immediately made you feel better.
"Don't worry about him, noona. He'll be awake and back with us in no time." Just the way he said it, the way he sounded so sure, it made you at ease. Jongin patted your back softly before he turned to Kyungsoo's body, shooing his brothers away.
"It's not like we haven't seen him naked, Jongin-ah." Jongdae snickered but either way, he was moving to the door, gently nudging you and Bora as well.
"Come on, girls. Kris hyung wants to have a meeting with all who can attend."
"Ah-" You couldn't help but turn around to eye Jongin as he approached the bed with a comatose Kyungsoo.
"He'll be fine, ___..." Jongdae insisted.
"He's in good hands, I promise~" Jongin said with a salute.
You managed a weak smile. "Okay..."
"You can always come back to check on him later," Minseok added.
Bora nudged your hip. "We'll check on them together, okay?"
You nodded, moving down the stairs in a line after Jongdae. You just sighed as you made it down the steps, finding the living room in disarray. There were injured wolves everywhere, worried mates everywhere. And you were part of the reason why...
"The witch doesn't like us, ___-ie..." Soomi murmured. "It's not your fault."
You blinked, and Luhan gave you a worried smile. "We hear you loud and clear. Your worry is misplaced."
You ducked your head in apology. "I'm sorry. I just thought-..."
Kris shook his head when you drifted off, and you felt a comforting arm wind around your shoulders. "Haneul unnie..."
"This means the witch is getting more daring." Kris told everyone with a deep frown on his face.
"Wait, we haven't killed it?" Bom asked from the couch, looking genuninely surprised. Bora shook her head.
"We just hurt her. Yes, we hurt her bad, but not bad enough to kill her." Bom cursed, running her fingers through her hair. Shit.
"We need to plan out how to kill her."
"But not now." Kris interrupted.
"Four of our own are injured- actually the ones that we need the most." You looked around the room- Yijie and Yixing were missing, along with Junmyeon and Chanyeol, who probably went to check on his leader.
"We need to wait until they are fully healed until we make a move."
"How long will they be out for?" Kris looked towards Bora.
"A week, maybe. But by then, it should be all fixed. I'm sure they'll fight the coma either way though..." Bora said with a sigh.
Kris nodded, obviously relieved. "I know they will. And Yixing will be fine. We'll take care of him... but he isn't a healer for nothing. His body is capable of taking care of things like this... But Junmyeon."
"He's pretty bad off..." Chanyeol's bass voice cut in. "He's out, but Soomi noona? Can I get some help?"
"Of course." The seer got up from her spot by her mate and met Chanyeol halfway up the stairs.
"Then the plan?" Jongdae interjected.
Eyes flashed to Bora.
"Bora? Any ideas?" Kris asked pointedly.
She sighed from beside you. "Some. But I don't know that any of them will work."
Kris rubbed at his temples, and Bom got up with a gasp. "Then more wards?"
Bora nodded curtly while Bom grabbed Kris's arms. "Where is this blood coming from?" she asked worriedly, ignoring the curious looks.
Kris shook his head and merely wound an arm around his mate's waist. "Then we'll do what we can. Wards. Keep her as far away from the perimeter as possible. And we need to comb through her weaknesses. We'll find a way. She won't terrorize our family forever."
Everyone nodded their agreement.
It was quite an informal dismissal, but everyone seemed to understand because there was a rather organized dispersal. Most left with their mates, probably to rest. Some took off without a word upstairs - including Kris, who was dragging his frustrated mate. And you were left beside Bora.
"Will you be checking on Kyungsoo?"
You nodded. "Once Jongin gives me the okay. And Tao? How did he take it?"
"About as well as you probably imagined," she sighed. "Let's go upstairs and wait then."
Bora was lost in her thoughts, probably going through all the wards she can remember and you let her be, falling into your own images of Kyungsoo lying in bed. How long will it take for him to wake up? And in what condition will he wake up? All these thoughts crept in your mind like a plague and you apologized to Luhan and Soomi for having to hear them. When you saw Kyungsoo's door was still shut, you followed Bora into the room where Tao was sleeping peacefully. Bora grabbed his hand and with a frown, she covered him up to keep him warm.
"Have you thought of something?" You asked her quietly and Bora sighed, sitting down on the bed next to his sleeping form.
"I did, but I'm not sure if it will work." Bora replied quietly, brushing away stray strands of hair out of his forehead.
"Well, we have to try them all, just in case..." Bora nodded.
"I know...and we should teach more mates how to fight. The arrows and unnie's bullets seemed to do the trick on her. Maybe if we find a way to trap her, we could vanquish her." Immediately, Tao's body shook with a growl and Bora sighed, stroking his cheek.
"I didn't say I would do it before you wake up, dummy." She told the comatose wolf before turning to look at you.
"They can hear you. The can't see, they can't talk or move, but they can hear you." She explained, her hand still on her mate's cheek.
"Maybe when you get to Kyungsoo, you can talk to him. It speeds up the process to give them a reason to wake up."
That gave you reason to pause. What would you even say? Would he really wake up sooner?
"Kyungsoo already said he wants you to be there, so that should just help the process along."
You shook your head. "But Bora-"
Bora interrupted you with a sigh. "___, anyone that cares about him could only help him right now."
You ducked your head. "Of course..."
Kyungsoo's door swung open as if right on cue, and you stood instantly. Jongin smiled, leaving the door open a crack before walking into Tao's room. "How's he doing?"
"He's fine... He's already fighting the effects," Bora explained, glancing at her mate affectionately.
Jongin chuckled. "Kyungsoo hyung didn't seem to like that I was changing him. But I changed his pants. I left his shirt off, so you guys can do whatever you need to with that wound. You need anything else from me?"
Already you were peeking from Jongin's side at the cracked door across the hall.
"You can go ahead in there, noona," Jongin encouraged with a smile.
"Right. We should probably get some sleep ourselves anyway, so... go on, ___."
You nodded. "Right. Rest well, Bora... Jonginnie..."
Jongin took his leave, headed to his own room, and you slipped into Kyungsoo's room just as Bora began pushing hers shut.
"Remember to talk to him..."
You nodded unsurely. "Right..."
When you were left alone in Kyungsoo's room, the first thing you did was check the wards. When you were sure all of it was in place, you took your pajamas and already moved to change, before you paused.
Kyungsoo was in a coma anyway. He can't see you. You quickly changed at the foot of the bed, discarding your old, sweaty ones on the floor. You'll wash them when you wake up.
Kyungsoo looked perfectly peaceful- just as if he was dreaming. He looked so calm, you were afraid of getting on the bed so you wouldn't wake him up. Either way, when you mustered up the courage, you crawled over to Kyungsoo's right side, so you wouldn't irritate his wound.
The room was silent for a while, before...
"I hope you're dreaming about something nice, Kyungsoo..." you started off, pulling the sheets over you and him.
You settled on the pillow beside his own, keeping your distance as you stared at the corner of his face. What were you supposed to say that could possibly help..?
"Umm... I know you said you wanted to see me first thing when you wake up. And I promise I'll be here..." you whispered.
His breathing pattern didn't change, his muscles still unmoving.
"I just hope... you recover well... That you get better quickly..." You hesitated on the next bit, but he didn't seem too responsive regardless. "I'm sorry... that this happened."
Kyungsoo's chest heaved in a dragged breath, and you eased up on an elbow.
"Kyungsoo..? Is this the part where you get upset that I apologized?"
You felt so silly asking the question to a comatose wolf, but you just sighed. And you were amazed when a rumble came from his chest.
Unable to help yourself, you touched his jaw gently with the tips of your fingers.
"When you wake up, we'll find a way to get rid of her, right..?"
You stared at the healing wound, frowning.
"I hope it doesn't scar... but I'm sure we can find something for it if it does..."
At this point, you were more or less babbling, but Kyungsoo's breathing returned to normal, so he didn't seem to mind. You settled back down on the bed, and this time, it was as close to Kyungsoo as you could be without touching him. You didn't want to bother him, but the nearby warmth was comforting.
It didn't even matter because by the time morning came, you were wrapped around his arm like a koala around a tree, nuzzling into his skin with content. When you realized what you were doing, you squeaked, jumping away from him with a red blush on your face.
"S-sorry!" You squeaked, even if you knew he couldn't reply.
Kyungsoo already looked much better. The wound was on a sure way to recovery, the irritated skin was now all calmed down. His body seemed to benefit from the sleep as well, the bags under his eyes gone and a much more serene expression on his face.
You couldn't help you smile as you cupped his cheek, stroking the skin.
"Already, you look that much better, Kyungsoo..." you whispered to him.
"You'll be awake in no time."
There was a long exhale from him, like a confirmation almost. That he felt better, you hoped.
You sat up and slid your legs off the bed, not quite sure what to do with yourself. The entire time you'd been at the house, you were either with Kyungsoo or with Bora... and since Kyungsoo wasn't really an option at the moment - aside from the talking times you were sure you'd be spending until he wakes - and Bora must be busy worrying about wards and witch defeating tactics and her mate...
That left you bereft of familiar company.
You turned back to Kyungsoo. "I'll be back."
You went about your morning business, washing your face and brushing your teeth before going back to Kyungsoo's room and changing into new clothes.
"I'll have to ask someone if I can wash my clothes, huh?" you told the slumbering wolf. "Maybe Jongin? He's so nice. Or Jongdae... Oh! Haneul unnie!"
She spent very little time around you lately, and there were so many people in the house, it was easy to lose track. But you knew Haneul. She would be great company.
"I'll try to help out around here some more, since I'm sure a lot of people are gonna be busy and running around..."
You walked over to Kyungsoo and touched his forehead, feeling for any sign of a fever or chill. He seemed fine - although he did rumble when your hand left him - so you sighed.
"I'll be back to check on you once in a while too, okay? Sleep well, Kyungsoo... Come back soon..."
And then you did something automatically that surprised yourself - you leaned over and kissed his mouth. Reflexively enough that it scared you a bit. Recoiling, you backed yourself towards the door, grabbing your clothes to wash frantically along the way.
"S-sorry, Kyungsoo..." you muttered as you ducked out of the room, leaving the door cracked.
In the room, the unconscious wolf body smiled.
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baekkyhunnie · 7 years
You’re a Hot BabySitter
Word Count: 1662
Warnings: eh you good fam
Friends kinda suck
"Y/n! Ash!" Jongdae yelled disintegrating the quiet that was once in the blended dorm. Your dorm mate, Ashli looked up from her mound of pillows and grunted in dissatisfaction. "Shut the hell up it's like 5 in the morning, I'd like to actually sleep before my final exam for Burton." Jongdae stands at the threshold for a moment, staring at the girl, bundled in ample amounts of blankets. "His final exam starts in twenty minutes." You state walking from the conjoined bathroom, ruffling a towel through your hair. Smiling at Jongdae softly, Ashli shoots from the overs grabbing a pencil and book, slipping on bunny slippers, sprinting out of the room. Knocking Jongdae into the doorframe. "Why didn't you wake her up earlier?" Jongdae questioned, staring at you as he rubbed his shoulder, numbing the pain with more blunt pain. "She'll realize after she busts into Chanyeol's Literary Arts for Upcoming Poets, that the final for Burton isn't until tomorrow evening." You state, shoving your feet in a pair of black Adidas sneakers. "You're Evil." Jongdae smirks, closing the door behind him to give you both privacy from prying ears across the hall. The door swung open not even a second later, hitting the back of Jongdae's shoe slightly. "I forgot my phone, I'm so going to be late!" She moans in agony, pushing Jongdae into an orange beanbag chair; grabbing her phone hurriedly almost ripping her charger from the wall, sprinting from the room
"I can't believe you!" Ashli yelled attracting over half the college cafes patrons when she slammed her tray onto the cafe table. She was fully dressed now, in a festive Santa Claus dress. The velvet was framed by white tuffs of fur-like material hung around the hem of her dress and the ends of her sleeves, a black belt wrapped around her waist accentuating her small Korean figure, white Adidas clinging to her small feet as she stormed towards the table.  "You made me embarrass myself in front of his whole Junior class!" She screeched, slumping down into the booth adjusting her Santa hat on her head. "Honestly, Ash that outfits enough to embarrass you," Jongdae said sipping his peppermint hot chocolate. You nodded in agreement, Ashli huffed and sipped her Chai Tea. "I hate you guys, and look it's not my fault I'm dressed-" "Actually," You begin, "You're the one who lost a bet to the Exordium Frat boys." She whined loudly and slid down into the booth her bare knees making contact with Jongdae's. He coughed into his hand before checking his phone. "Oh shit, I've got to dash guys, I'm gonna be like 10 minutes late to my doctor's appointment." You gave him a gentle side hug and nudged him out of the booth. Ashli stood enveloping him in a bear hug. "Be safe on your way there big bro." She said softly, pressing a small kiss to his cheek. He smiled at her softly before leaving, You cocked your eyebrow. "Big Bro?' You questioned, Ashli let out a deep breath sipping her tea once more. "I'm just worried is all, he hasn't gone to the doctor in ages, even when we were young he only ever went a few times." You nodded in understanding as you watched her gnaw on her manicured nails, a habit she dropped a while back and only ever did if something were really bothering her. You set your hand on hers, she looks up and you smile at her. "He will be fine, Ash." She nods gently, her eyes adverting behind you then back down towards the table. You turn your head behind you and catch sight of a couple Exordium boys. They stalk towards your table arrogant smiles etching across their god-like faces. "Awh, you look a little tired today Ashli." You watch as your best friend cringes slightly. "You look a bit swollen today as well, did you eat enough of those nuggets you have there?" You open your mouth to retaliate but are stopped when she looks up a bright smile on her face, causing the boys to falter in their stance. "Actually," she begins," I am a little swollen today, I had an allergic reaction to a mixture of Titanium Dioxide and Sulfuric Acid, though Baekhyun your cheeks look a bit swollen themselves. I obviously wasn't going to say anything because I have common decency but because you thought we were close enough for you to point out my swollen cheeks, I figured it'd be perfectly fine if I did the same." You stare in complete shock, never once in your life has Ashli said anything to the slightly rude and annoying Byun Baekhyun or Luhan for that matter. "Wow, I'm quite impressed." A deep voice resounds from behind you, you turn with a bright smile. "Hello Chanyeol," You greet, you turn your gaze to Ashli who looks like she's about to make a run for it, but before she can fully make a decision Chanyeol stands in front of the booth much to her dismay, you bite your knuckle in attempt to stifle the laugh bubbling up your throat. "You look nice today," Chanyeol says, picking up her Santa hat placing the red and white cap on his head, "But I think I'm going to take this with me. I'll see you around, yeah?" Chanyeol smiles as she nods, a sharp look spreads across his face quickly as he turns to Luhan and Baekhyun. "You two are coming with me." Chanyeol grabs their ears and pulls them off. You watch Ashli slink into her chair. "That was Tao's hat." she moans in terror, for Tao was a force to be reckoned with when it came to his things. "You better go get it back then."
When you told her she needed to get it back you never expected that you'd get drug along you figured Tao would be the one to drag her here, by her long brown hair, but nope Ashli was too terrified to say a word to Tao, even though both were closer than anyone would've imagined, but instead she decided to drag you to the frat with an empty promise of a trip to the ice cream shoppe. She slid into the boy's dorms, heading towards their section in the house. "Why am I surprised you know where their section is?" You question, Ashli looks back sheepishly. "I have my sources, Oh Hi Yixing!" Ashli exclaimed as a pale boy walked from what you presumed to be the TA's office. "Hi, Ashli." He comments, before shyly looking at the ground. "Oh hey, Yixing you forgot your jacket!" A voice from inside the office says walking out while pulling his half-zipped pants up his slender waist, Yixing's red jacket in hand. Yixing chuckles nervously, You watch as Ashli smiles slightly, leaning back towards you to whisper. "They kinda have a thing for each other." She smiles, you nod and look at the pair, they'd be a cute couple you note to yourself. "Hey, have either of you seen Sehun around, I want to drop off Y/n while I go into the depths of Exordium's frat." She says you look at her in shock. "drop me off?! I could've stayed in the dorm eating Ben and Jerry's Brownie Chunk Ice Cream and watching Hawaii Five-0!" Ashli waves you off as she continues talking to who you have now found out to be Junmyeon. You follow Ashli as she guides you down multiple hallways and through multiple guys' dorms saying hello and greeting as you went through. You were a completely different person when you were here. "How do so many of these people know you?" You ask, she turns to you and laughs. "You forget I'm friends with Tao and Jongdae's my bro, I spend most of my free time around here, oh watch out." She slings her arm across your waist helping you dodge and weave from flying nerf gun bullets. You watch her kick down a door and say something in a language you aren't familiar with. She looks at you and smiles. "It means something similar to Dick Twitch in Korean." You nod, she sits you on the couch and says her goodbyes, kicking at what seems to be the conjoined bathroom door. she exits the room and heads in the direction of what you assume to be the Exordium frat. After a couple minutes the bathroom door opens revealing a pale chest and a boy with a rubber duck towel wrapped tightly around his waist. "You're my babysitter?" You ask, the blondes head snaps over to you and you feel your face contort into a pleased expression. "You're Y/n? Right?" You nod and smile coyly. "You're Sehun?" He looks at you shocked. "You know me?" He asks bewildered, you raise an eyebrow at him. "I had a briefing on our way here earlier, I didn't know your name, but that aside you're the hot kid in my Historical Science Class." "Hot, you think I'm hot, have you seen the guys Ashli hangs out with?" He laughs, you watch him shimmy boxers under his towel, he lets the towel drop and pulls on a pair of sweatpants. "Well, the only few nice guys I've met that she knows would be, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo and Xiumin oh well and Jongdae, but that's her brother. Tao's debatable. They are all moderately attractive I will admit, but none of them are worthy of what I have to offer." You state openly, slipping deeper into the cushions of his couch. "So you said something about me being hot, wanna go get food?" He questions flinging himself down on the couch next to you. "Yeah, why not. You're a hot babysitter."
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i-growl-growl-growl · 7 years
i wanted to ask for a reaction with exo members of your choice where they find out their s/o is a serial killer, who killed all the boyfriends he/she had before him and he's supposed to be next (on a side note if u like this type of horror stories, there's a great exo fics on ao3 by user CHENstagram which sort of inspired me? :))
OOOOHH that sounds interesting. I’m a total dark fanfic type of girl/woman/person/creature/thingy………. the darker the better. I’d like to take a look at it sometime. 
I’ll do Kris, Chen, and Lay since I’ve already done one with (Luhan, Chanyeol, Tao and Sehun) ad since the other Exo Request in drafts is for (Suho, Baekhyun, Xiumin, D.O and Kai) that way all twelve will get their rightful spotlight. 
I did Lay’s reaction first and it kinda drained me so Kris’ and Chen’s reactions might not be so in depth/creative.
Kris: *He’d be on high alert once he found out, thinking of all the possible ways he could protect himself from you, he’d even buy a gun if it came down to being necessary to have for ensurance of his own safety*
Kris had been running from you for a month and one week after you had attempted to stab him in his sleep while he was sleeping over at your house. You two had been in a relationship for three months and you had thought that that would be long enough for him to lower his guard which would allow you to finally kill him and add him to the list of your late partner turned victims but just as you had brought down the butchers knife that was intended to stab him in the back as he laid on his stomach on the other side of your bed, he’d deflect it with a quick roll over before jumping out of your bed- now on high alert. 
He had been astounded when he found out that you were the one attempting to kill him and his heart hurt as it shattered into pieces listening to your crazed speech about all your ex’s that you’d killed and how he needs to be compliant and be happy that he was chosen to be your next victim as you stalked over to him with the knife held high above your head in one hand. When you had lounged forward once you thought you were close enough to him he sprung to the side and managed to run out of the house as you recollected yourself and searched for the knife in the dark. Since then he’d had to continuously be on high alert, ready to run or face an encounter with you. The police had been contacted but you were good at your hobby, knowing how to hide in the shadows, however you weren’t good enough to hide well enough for him to not notice you before you could attack him again and he’d make a run for it- causing you to have to track him down again. 
On you fifth attempt you had figured out how he had been noticing you the previous times so you hid up further up in a tree then you had the one other time before. You sat on a large branch that was big enough to support your weight but high enough for him to be unable to notice you hiding in the shadows. As you watched him walk by, straight under neath the tree you leap into action, landing just a couple feet behind him. 
Kris heard the commotion of you landing and looked back to see you getting up onto your feet from the kneeling position you had landed in. He quickly turned around and sprinted away but you were right on his tail this time. Unfortunately for Kris, he was in an area of the city that he didn’t know so well so after making a few turns here and there to get away from you he ran into a dead end alleyway. You stopped and laughed at the stupid luck you had just been granted before pulling out your butcher knife, “I’ll admit” you spoke up “you have given me quite the run for my own money, you have by far been the best victim I ever had.” 
But before you could bring down the knife Kris swiveled around and placed a gun to your head which stopped you in your tracks just as it would stop anyone else. “You wouldn’t kill me. You don’t have the balls” your sneered with a slight chuckle in tow, still holding up the knife, “I may not but they do” he replied causing you to reel around to find a group of swat members aiming their guns straight at you, lasers landing in every fatal area that a bullet could hit, “by far the best run for my money” you repeated before dropping the knife and raising your hands above your head before one of the swat members handcuffed you and took you away. 
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Chen: *He’d run to his members and managers and tell them that he needed to be protected from you in sure an urgent matter that they’d know some real bad S*** must’ve gone down if he’s asking protection from the person he cherishes the most in this world* 
The moment Chen found out from a close friend of yours that you were a serial killer and that he was your next victim he’d hightail his way to the police station or to the SM building or to EXO’s dorm, whichever one was closer. Frightened for his life and completely out of breath, the police, his managers, and/or the other EXO members would have to calm him down and give him a large glass of water to drink before he’d be able to make comprehensible sentences. “Y/N is going to kill me!” he’d scream, “Oh really? What did you do this time to piss them off so bad huh?” they’d joke since Chen is a known troller and often annoys people that way “No guys I’m serious! She’s going to kill me, her friend told me! I need to get out of here, we need to go somewhere where they can’t find us. We need to get protection and we need to change our numbers and we need to make sure the police take them straight to the holing cell with the largest bars that they have!” 
The way Chen was spazzing out like a cat high on the strongest catnip normally wouldn’t be a cause for concern except for the fact that he was so hellbent on ensuring you can never get to him by getting the police involved and saying his life was in danger. The EXO members and managers would spring into action and do everything necessary to make sure he was safe, they’d cancel all future performances, special guest appearances on shows, all fan signs- everything for EXO would be shut down until SM was certain that you’d never be capable of getting near Chen. 
(TBH I could see Chen as the one holding the gun more than Kris but, eh, didn’t have a gif of it for him so…)
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Warning: mentions of murder, torture and gore are in Lay’s reactions, if you are squeamish or are over-all not OK with reading about any of those topics DO NOT read his reaction.
DO NOT REPORT! Although grotesque and triggering to some this is just  a reaction. The keep reading link and the warning has been provided for a reason- to keep people who don’t feel safe or don’t want to read about this from reading this.
Lay’s reaction DOES NOT contain mentions of noncon sexual topics (such as rape) NOR is it anti-gay/les/bi etc. There are just mentions of murder, torture, and gore which can still be triggering to some.
Lay: *Yixing would definitely be one of the guys who wouldn’t be able to fully comprehend or accept what he’d found out even when there was straight-up undeniable, god(s) given proof right in front of his eyes, not because he’s “dumb” or “slow to catch up” like people make fun of him to be but because it’d just be so hard to take everything in all at once and to believe that 1. you, of all people, were a killer, 2. you had killed so many people before, 3. he was your next victim, 4. you had been planning out how you’d kill him during the entire duration of the “relationship”, and 5. you had gotten away with such things and would have again except for one little slip-up that revealed everything to him before the deed could be done*
Lay stared at the photo albums that you had made that were filled with pictures that you had taken of your previous partners/victims. Horrendous albums that started out like any normal photo album with you and your partner going on dates and doing cute and fun things together before the pages began turning into dark, twisted, unbelievably nightmarish tales of torture and murder. Things that no human being should ever see or could ever imagine going through is exactly what he was looking at in these albums and there were no details to be spared.
 As the pages kept going, the pictures only got worse: Photos of your victims being melted alive in showers of acid, being skinned like animals, being stabbed by red-hot metal rods,strung up by the heels on hooks, whipped, drowned, having all their teeth pulled out or jaws torn open with medieval looking tools, strapped down to medieval-like contraptions and beaten or crushed, being bound and gagged- often chained to bed mattresses that had been stripped down to just the springs, ….the photos went on and on with each victim going through so much pain that Lay felt sick just thinking about it and what was perhaps, the most terrifying thing for Lay was that the last album was still in the works. The last album was for him! The pages of you two doing cute and fun things- being a couple- were already filled and the next pages being of the whereabouts and the set ups that you had already arranged for him. 
Lay had to take a moment to take in all that he’d just discovered about you and your victims. He sat there on the bed where he had found the albums spilled across the floor after they had presumably fallen out of the bottom drawer that you had supposedly been keeping them in this entire time that you must have accidentally forgotten to close before you headed off to work for the evening since you got called in for a graveyard shift today. He couldn’t believe what he’d found out, but he could at the same time, the evidence was right there in front of him plain as day, clear as crystal. 
 After taking a moment to think about what he’d just seen, Lay sprung up from the bed, racing to the closet and grabbing a large suitcase before sprinting over to his dresser drawer and filling the suitcase with as much of his belongings as he could fit in before tossing the albums in there before it was too full. He’d take the albums to the police where he’d hand them over and explain how he’d found them and what was inside each book begging to be placed on witness protection or whatever form of protection he could get because he’s afraid for his life and who knows if you have connections who’d come after him, he’d also ask for the protection for each other EXO member in case they could be in any danger. Lay wouldn’t go back to the house to get the rest of his things until he knew the police had you in their custody, then he’d file charges and inform EXO and SM of the situation so that they could figure out what needs to be done about their living whereabouts, their schedules, and anything else that’d need to be rearranged due to the situation. 
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kookie-vith-suga · 7 years
Heavenly #2
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Word count: 986
Warnings: Sorry a little angsty again...but not much ;)
Author’s note: Hello my cutiepies! Here is the second one. You may or may not know that I am not hundred percent confident in writing fluff but I always try my best :)
Check out my masterlist for more ;)
Drabble game here // Requests are open :)
Recent: Accidentally #1
Request: Hi hi hello I'd like to request Luhan for the drabble game, number would be 10 and a fluff plea thank you  ^.^
Aaah I'm sorry, the Luhan requester here, I meant  10 from supernatural au ^^"
10: “Are wings heavy?”
“Don’t touch me! Let me go!”, you screamed.
“Oh my, oh my. Suddenly you are so shy. Let me play a little with you.”
This was the worst. How you wished Luhan would be here.
Not a spare second later you someone pulling you on your arm out of the grip of the other ones. You looked up to his face and a relieved smile played around your lips.
But then your eyes wandered further upwards. Your eyes widened to an incredible extent. Well considering what you were just seeing it was a miracle that you were still standing on your two feet and not yet had lost your conscious.
The guy you dated for already six months had his arms wrapped around you tightly. Up until now there is nothing wrong with that picture. A boyfriend who is protecting his girlfriend from some other creep who harassed you. But the guy you thought who was a normal guy, he had told you he was born in the neighbour city and moved over here to study, apparently had fooled you in a way beyond your beliefs.
“W-w-what is that?”, you stammered. You eyes unwillingly flashed over to the feathered wings that were reaching from his back way over his head . They were at least half of his height.
He opened his mouth to say something but then a loud blast was heard and Luhan sucked in some air. He turned around with a worried expression to see the creep with a gun in his hands. The bullet had brushed his left arm. You gasped as you saw the place where his shirt was ripped off.
“Hey, I saw her first. I don’t like other people stealing what is mine”, the creep stated.
Luhan ignored him and his eyes found yours again.
“I will explain it later, Y/N! First we need to get you out of here!”
Before you could protest any further he had picked you up in a swift move and pushed himself away from the ground. To your surprise you actually lifted off and were now rising higher each second. He stopped at a height of around ten meters and started flying forward. By now you were clinging onto his shirt hoping that those muscles could do their job properly to hold you up since this was the only thing stopping you from falling down to a safe death.
The first thing you did was exhaling noisily as you finally felt the solid ground in front of your house under your feet. The second thing was turning towards Luhan who still had his arms loosely around you and pushed him away with all force. As he stumbled back you could see that his wings had vanished. Luhan eyed you with his big puppy eyes. Normally you would immediately compose any dispute you had and forgive him but this time he had some great explanation to make.
It was like he had read you mind as he opened his arms in a calming manner and said: “Y/N I know you must be confused but let us go in first.”
You hesitated a little before stomping inside.
An angel. That is what he is suppose to be. You were angry. He had explained you his so said “state”. You walked from side to side in the living room not finding any rest. It was not the fact that he was an angel that made you so mad. Maybe because you could not really grasp that. Moreover that he did not had the courage to tell you anything. For half a year he had kept that as a secret.
You turned towards the window. Just starring into the dark. A heavy silence hang between you.
“Listen, Y/N. I am no moster like you may think now. Did I made a mistake to fall in love with a human? Yes. It is not even allowed for me to be so close to any human let alone be in a relationship with one.”
His words felt like a slap to the face. The growing lump in your throat was making it harder for you to hold back your tears. You bit into your lower lip. Out of the corner of your eye you saw him coming up behind you. A second later you felt his warm hands on your shoulder pressing down gently.
“If someone would ever ask me if I regret it, I could tell them with all certainty: “No”. You don’t know how risky it was to reveal myself in public but if that meant I can protect the most precious person in my life I would never hesitate to do it again! You have become so important to me. You need to believe me that. I never thought I could find love outside the kingdom of heaven but you proved me wrong. Clearly.” He nuzzled his head into your shoulder and trailed a few kisses from your collarbone to your neck. “You are driving me crazy.”
Tears streamed down your face onto your hands. This was all too much for one day. You turned around to bury your face into his chest.
“I was so scared”, you admitted, “If you would not been there-” You needed to break off since you sobbed so hard.
“Everything is going to be okay, Y/N. I am here by your side and there will I stay. I love you so much. You cannot imagine how great my love is. Heavenly you could say.”
The both of you were lying in the bed. Legs and arms entangled tightly. You studied his features.
Pure angelic. It could have come to my mind way earlier that he is out of this world.
You started giggling. A little confused he eyed you.
“What is there to laugh about?”
“Nothing. I just wondered: Are wings heavy?”
I hope this is okay...I am sorry if it got too angsty and not enough fluff. I am really bad at fluff. >.< Hope you still could enjoy it!
Requests are open :)
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lunarimagines · 7 years
Hey do you mind sharing your pending request ?
Sure! I basically just copied them from the original request and pasted them here, so some of them are longer than others. They’re in order from newest to oldest and will be put under the cut because there are a lot of them :)
bambam scenario where he asks his best friend out
Jeongmin in bed
Jhope has a crush on you and you are classmates and he tells you that he loves you after your boyfriend broke up with you
Sub!Woozi smut please
fluffy Yoongi scenario ? I kind of imagine the reader to be someone who only smokes when they’re really stressed. So one day when he comes home he sees them smoking after a bad day.
shower sex with shownu (bulleted list)
bts reacting to you having vitiligo and rocking the shit out of it
fluff + smut story with Luhan
fluff story with Taeil from NCT
smut scenarios with Irene (Red Velvet)
smut with CL from 2NE1 x Reader
being a 97 liner maknae of your girl group and being best friends with Jungkook n Yugyeom would include (bulleted list)
Monsta X reaction to finding out their girlfriend is on the kinkier side and likes to try a lot of new things
Annoying his members because he and his girlfriend are too lovey dovey with all their pet names and kissing *fluffy :)* for Monsta X
reaction of MX to seeing a pretty foreigner at a fansign/concert
yoongi angst w/ verbal fights and tears
jongin reacts when finding out his gf has financial probs
you are dating Mark but the GOT7 members are high key jealous
married life with Shownu
scenario with jimin where you’re in college, both dancers, but you’re on the university’s dance team but he’s not, and you get paired up with hoseok for “roll deep” by hyuna for the schools dance competition, and jimin gets jealous watching you two practice, so after practice when it’s just you two, he makes you dance it with him
jealous mamamoo reaction
jongin comes back from the army and his gf fainted out of shock because he casually appeared out of nowhere
cuddling with Sehun (bulleted list)
cuddling with Kris (bulleted list)
jungkook scenario where you tell him to act extra on a vlive they have because you love his extraness but he does the opposite by acting extra as in sexy extra 
jungkook scenario where he’s a baseball player and he takes you to the batting cages and teaches you how to play and stuff (may be added to watch me babygirl bc it’s so cute?????)
Monsta X reaction to walking in on you masturbating and he decided to help
Mamamoo reaction to someone randomly kissing you
thigh riding monsta x (bulleted lists probably)
jongin’s gf find a pack of condoms in his bag while they’re traveling overseas and she starts laughing out of embarrassment because, as they didn’t do it, she didn’t think he would take the trip as an opportunity to do it
jae smut( day6)
bts reacting to coming home to their s/o masturbating and instead of her getting shy she takes the sheets off and gives them a show
jongin reaction over his gf getting into bad company
secret admirer jongin (bulleted list)
what a jealous!jongin would be like (bulleted list)
What an angry jongin would be like (bulleted list)
How jongin would protect his girlfriend in serious situations like sexual harassment or against men
bts reacting to you “flexing your muscles around them” during sex
Bts reacting to you sitting on their lap smudging their faces calling them cute
Mamamoo’s reaction to their girlfriend being sweet and shy in public but dominant in bed
Would bts date someone older
BTS reaction to their best friend(crush on) being affectionate when they’re sick when they usually don’t
Bts’s reaction when they are working and their gf sits next to them with her drawing notebook and after a while when they check out what she’s drawing they realize that she was drawing them
bts reaction where a member’s younger sister and is gay but know one knows and another member sees the sister with her girlfriend and tells her brother and he asked her about it
Bts reaction to their gf have a personality similar to Yoongi’s
If monsta x became friends with a girl and asked her to call them oppa but she was actually older than him…
BTS reaction to their idol gf being in a girl group and the members of this group sing, dance and rap but also play instruments in some performances and MVs like AOA
jimin phone sex/ sexting smut, and it leads to like him coming over and then full smut
Fluffy birthday fic w/ Jimin
Yixing has a girl friend that he super cute who always dresses in pretty loose fitting clothes but one day she want him to see her in a different light so she wears a tight revealing clothes and visits him while he’s in the studio working on his solo songs to show him her feelings towards him
jongin scenario on his wedding day
yoongi thigh riding smut
sex with shinee would be like (oldest member to youngest)
what would dating shinee be like? Could you start with Jinki and then go down the list from oldest to youngest please and thank you
how shinee would react to performing a song with their idol crush
what shinee would be like if they were crushing on their best friend
scenario of bf Changkyun going in their bedroom to find his gf bent over their bed because her back was aching and she was in the middle of stretching
Angst scenario for Yifan: Still after having a beautiful family of his own, Yifan can’t seem to move on from his first love. Only to found out she was supposedly dead, not alive. He only married his wife to save his first love’s life. Unfortunately, his first love suffers from Alzheimer’s. Everyday Mondays and Sundays he meets her at their secret cafe..hoping that one day she’ll remember him
Jimin fluff
hoseok where you’re both idols and you have a stage with yoongi to roll deep and he gets jealous (smut-ish)
fluffy Yoongi scenario where he misses u after the long tour n when he is super busy with schedules
Boys Republic reaction to you calling everybody Queen or Girl even if they’re a guy
Madtown reaction to you loving and eating food a lot so whenever you’re hungry you say “watch out! big girl gotta eat!”
BTS’S reaction to their S/O getting or having lip piercings​
bts reaction to you (their bff) going to his place and suddenly hug him and start crying (like, hard) while apologizing bco stress
How GOT7 would react to finding out their s/o had ADD/ADHD and didn’t want to tell them about it
Smut scenario with Namjoon where the both of you decided to give it another attempt after an unexpected miscarriage
Honeymoon sex with Zitao
Make up sex with Yifan
cute bf taehyung scenario
jealous Yoongi
You’re yugyeom’s older friend and you spoil him
Nct Dream reaction their gf/crush being 165cm-170cm tall
scenario with jungkook based on “I made you a cookie but I ate it”
Bts reaction to their older friend crying bc she’s not satisfied with her body weight and they try to comfort her but she snaps at them
sex with SHINees Minho
return the favor but with shownu and or hyungwon
Monsta x reaction when they go to a supermarket or whatever and let you and other member alone, but when they back you’re in the room and comes weirds noise’s from the room but when they open the door is just you and the other member jumping on the bed
cute Jimin Fluff where he’s out with his wife buying baby stuff please
shinee reaction to a break up with their girlfriend
shinee reaction to everyone finding out about his secret girlfriend
how would bts react if they were so strong lately to the point they could hold it back & started to cry. They were home alone, just then their gf get back home and see them crying, she’s shocked and wanted to hug them and make them feel better. But how the boys would react when they 1st see her?
scenario where you and jungkook go to a public place or something, and he gets hit on by prettier girls, but he’s polite to them bc he doesn’t get it and you get jealous and pouty and feel small, but try to play it off bc you don’t want him to know
shinee catches their s/o being short and climbing up their kitchen counter to grab something but she ends up almost falling
scenario request where you used to dance as a kid but you stopped and you’ve gone a really long time without it but you want to try learning again so you ask Jhope to teach you a little bit
shinee reaction to catching you singing a soft tune alone in your room (maybe playing an instrument)
day6 young k fluff, where he confesses to you in his own adorable, fluffy way like singing while looking at you or smth
day6 Young K smut, y/n and him are dating for a while but she hasn’t told him she’s a virgin, so when she tells him he takes good care of her in that way
how BTS would react to finding out their girlfriend had an abortion before meeting them
BTS in the present (super busy popular idols) reactions to finding out the girl they had started dating has a chronic illness (not terminal illness, mind). Who would be idealistic and insist on staying with her, who would break up so she can find a guy who has the time take care of her, who would just ghost her?
dating/sex with sungjin (bulleted list)
dating shinee(poly ot5) headcanons? If it makes you uncomfortable then headcanons for being best friends with them
Monsta x reaction to finding out they will sing a ballad with you (their crush)
Monsta x reaction to his g/f not being able to get pregnant due a heart condition
Sex with dongwoo from infinite
what a dating Jihyo from Twice would be like please? But one that involves a little bit of smut thrown in
bts reaction of taking them to a haunted house for a date
Monsta x react to their s/o having an asthma attack/crisis (a small one) she was never tell them she suffered/had that condition
Lee Taemin scenario where you do a collab dance and he falls for you during all the practice time
Phone sex with Rapmon
Got 7 reaction to their girlfriend knowing how to deepthroat
What living with Kibum(shinee) be like if you were best friends
bts reaction to their s/o having bunny teeth and she covers it everytime she laughs coz she hates it
Shinee reaction to loving the same person (if you could please make it gender fluid)
Shinee reaction to secretly dating but then they kiss you in front of cameras on accident (like the exo one)
SHINee singing a romantic ballad with their crush
how jongin would be as a husband
How Infinite would react if their girlfriend snores
you’re dating yoongi and are friend with BTS (bulleted list)
finding out their s/o has fibromyalgia, only when they catch during a flare-up (since it’s not constant)? For BigBang, BTS, f(X), & SHINee
smut scenario about your first night having sex with jungkook
Block B’s P.O as a boyfriend and what would sex be like with him
what being best friends with monsta x would be like (bulleted list)
reaction where they find out you’re virgin right before you two have sex? (But you’re ready to have sex, you just thought that they should know) for block b, bigbang, seventeen and shinee
reaction where they find out you’re virgin right before you two have sex? (But you’re ready to have sex, you just thought that they should know) for bts and exo
“sex with series" for f(x) and if it can only be one member, with Amber
Sex with park kyung
Bts smut! “Take me…”
BTS, “You’re on” smut
what dating kris would be like
sex with Sungjong
what dating Day6 would be like? if that’s too much, maybe just my baby Dowoon
Yoongi reaction to his s/o not being into usual dating stuff; doesn’t believe in dates lol, not into anniversaries, hardly ever affectionate and shows love subtly (friends but with a little but more)
dating Tiffany (snsd)
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thexsisters · 8 years
Bandages (Ivory)
For @lvhanx
My muse has been hiding an injury from yours. Confront them!
M U S EIvory ( Luhan )
Rats. She should have known it wouldn’t be so easy to avoid him forever. Her next door neighbor. The apartments they were sharing. He lived too close for her to avoid him forever. Well not that it would take forever but still. She just wasn’t ready to face him yet. She was too embarrassed over what had happened. And he didn’t even know what exactly had happened. That wasn’t fair to him and she knew it. The poor guy was probably so confused.
“H-Hello, Luhan.”
She still wasn’t looking at him as she stood just outside her own door. With him standing just outside his door. She could feel his stare and could only imagine the look on his face. Did he hate her? Did he hold her behavior against her? For now, probably. But would it change once he knew why she was acting the way she was?
Biting the bullet, she finally turned around to face him. Of course she had been smart enough to walk out with her pearly snow white cloak on. But it would only protect her for so long. And now was the moment of truth. Literally. Raising her hands that were completely bandaged, she removed her hood to reveal her face.
Bandages. Everything was covered in bandages. Everything save for her eyes and her lips. She almost looked like a mummy. Those eyes of hers started to water up with her pink colored tears.
“Luhan. Please forgive me. I have been too ashamed. I.......I had an accident with the sun. I was too embarrassed to tell you. Please forgive me, dearest friend.”
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dong-hyucks · 7 years
Closing Requests
I’m going to close all requests for a while.
They will open again in the future, but for now I want to focus on the requests I have and things that I’ve thought of that I’ve never gotten to work on. As you’ve probably realized, this is primarily a request-driven blog. Every post, except for the first few Jane posted, was requested, so I think it’ll be fun branching out a bit on my own and writing stories from my own thoughts.
Plus, since I usually only post requests, a lot of the groups/other I write for have been kind of forgotten, so I plan to write more for the groups I haven’t been able to in a while. 
I’m not sure how long requests will be closed, but please look forward to my new works :) Though, since school is starting soon I will be back on my mostly weekend only schedule so that I can focus on work.
Current Requests/To-Do List: [2017.09.01]
NCT Dream - Jaemin Spy!AU [2] Dating Baekhyun [EXO] Would Be Like... VIXX - Hyuk College!AU [2] Dating Yixing [EXO] Would Be Like... NCT Dream - Chenle Peter Pan!AU Dating Junmyeon [EXO] Would Be Like... Wanna One - Woojin imagine Dating Kris Would Be Like... KARD - Bulleted scenario Dating Luhan Would Be Like... NCT Dream - Donghyuck imagine [ songfic ] Dating Minseok [EXO] Would Be Like...
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marshmallow-phd · 5 years
Secret in His Eyes
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Spinoff of Sins of the Father
Genre: Mafia Au
Pairing: Luhan x Reader
Summary: A vacation exploring China’s famous city was supposed to be relaxing. When you witness a horrifying murder, you instead find yourself in police custody, unable to run. Trying to stay alive, you meet Luhan, and you believe you can trust him. You never imagined that he might be the one you should be running from.
Part: Prologue I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I Final
When you left the small restaurant you were full and satisfied for the first time in a long while. In fact, you might have eaten a little too much, but you didn’t care. You were genuinely smiling as you reached for the door handle of the car. Before you could touch the hot metal, however, Lin grasped your fingers in his grip.
“Come on,” he said. “Let’s linger a little longer. I need to walk this food off.”
You frowned. Walking around seemed very… dangerous. Exposing. Your gut was saying this wasn’t a good idea. “Are you sure?”
Lin raised an eyebrow at you. “Do you really want to go back into the room that badly?”
That point made you reconsider. Shaking your head, you let him lead you down the sidewalk.
Every other shop or so, someone would stop the gangster to greet him, thank him, or just inquire how he was doing these days. One old man had done a double-take at Lin and your heart sped up from the possible confrontation. But instead, the old man laughed and said something in Mandarin. Lin’s eyes flickered to you just for a second before he replied back. The old man gave him a funny look, but nodded and continued on laughing, even getting a chuckle from Lin after adding in one more comment.
“What was that about?” you asked. Your inability to understand the local language was frustrating you for the first time since you’d arrived in the country. Not even in the alley were this annoyed at knowing at least a few words. What you wouldn’t give to have been at least somewhat knowledgeable in that instance.
“Ah, nothing,” Lin waved it off unconvincingly. “I just… I used to have different colored hair. Blonde. He didn’t recognize me at first with the darker color.”
The suspicion didn’t die down at that lackluster explanation. There was something more to that conversation, but you had no way of confirming your instinct.
Before you could think about it much longer, Lin gasped beside you.
You tried to follow his gaze to capture what he’d seen. “What is-”
“Shush.” Lin threw an arm around your neck and pulled you in close as he whispered in your ear. “We’re being followed. Rival gang members. I don’t think they really recognized me, but stay close and keep your face down.”
You gulped, suddenly being refilled with the fear had that had greatly subsided within the last few hours. The only thing that kept you from going into a panic right there on the sidewalk was Lin’s protective arm tight over your shoulders. You knew he was only doing it to create the illusion that the two of you were simply a young couple out on a stroll, but it was comforting none the less.
Though it shouldn’t be. You shouldn’t be finding any sort of comfort near this man who’d drugged and kidnapped you. That was wrong. But he was showing you different sides of him, refusing to let you settle on one image of him or another. All this back and forth was making your head ache. Maybe getting back to your room would be good thing, granting you the peace you needed to get your mind back straight.
While you were lost in your confusing thoughts, Lin pulled you to a stop. Two men were standing on your side of the street at the intersection, facing your direction.
“Shit,” Lin hissed under his breath. He removed his arm and took hold of your hand in an ironclad grip. “Run.”
Pulling you in the opposite direction of the men, Lin took off at a speed you struggled to keep up with. Several times you tripped over your own feel, but he didn’t slow down, only tightened his grip on your hand. Shoots rang out behind you, making you scream involuntarily.
“Don’t stop!” Lin yelled.
You nodded and pushed yourself harder to get away from the bullets. But neither of you could ever outrun the flying metal.
One bullet zoomed past you and hit Lin in the arm, tearing through fabric and skin alike. Lin didn’t even seemed fazed at the injury as he pulled you into a small abandoned shop. He didn’t stop to find cover within its walls, instead weaving through the overturned furniture until he found the back door that lead to another street. He peeked his head out and looked both ways before glancing back at you.
“Come on,” he whispered. You let him lead you down the new street even though you were questioning what exactly his plan was.
The old lady from the restaurant suddenly appeared from another door and waved the two of you over. Lin obeyed. Judging by the tone of her voice, she seemed to be scolding him, but she pointed inside and up a narrow staircase before shoving the two of you inside. Lin still hadn’t let go of your hand as the two of you ascended the stairs, stepping as quietly as possible, going straight to the bedroom and closing the door.
With finally a moment to catch your breath, you slid down to the ground, your back against the wall as Lin joined you on the floor.
“Okay,” Lin huffed. He released your fingers and you found yourself urging to grab hold of it once again as if it was an anchor and you’d sink to the bottom of the ocean without it. “Maybe you were right and we should have just gone home.” He halfway grinned at you, and heart sped up even faster than it was already pumping. “At least we’re both okay.”
You cleared your throat. Pointing to his arm, you whispered, “You were hit.”
Lin frowned, looking down at his arm. “Oh. Yeah, I guess I was. And I actually liked this jacket.”
Rolling your eyes at his laid back approach to the injury, you stood up and tiptoed over to the bathroom in order to keep from making any noise in case the men were downstairs. You hoped they weren’t harassing the woman who was just trying to help, but there wasn’t much you could do at this point.
By luck, you found a small first aid kit with gauze and disinfectant. Once you were back to Lin, you sat down on his other side, close enough for your knees to touch. “Take your jacket off.”
“Seriously, (y/n), don’t worry about it. Yixing can patch me up when we get back to the mansion.”
You bit your bottom lip, knowing that he was right. You weren’t a nurse or trained in any sort of medical practices. Even getting the materials in your hands was based purely on what you’d seen on TV. But you didn’t know how soon you’d get back to the mansion and what if it was worse than he was letting on?
“Just let me see it,” you insisted.
Shrugging, Lin peeled the jacket off, flinching slightly when the polyester pulled at his wound. The gash across his arm was deep, but not life-threatening. “See,” he smirked at you. “Not too bad.”
“It still needs patched up,” you countered. “At least to stop you from dripping blood over this poor woman’s floor.” The bleeding had mostly stopped, but little beads were still dripping down his arm. You cleaned off most of the blood with a cotton swab and rubbing alcohol. Lin hissed when the disinfectant hit the exposed gash. You flinched at the sound. “Sorry.”
“Don’t,” he sighed. “Don’t apologize. You’re probably taking about fifteen minutes off of a lecture for me by doing this.”
“Maybe I should leave it uncovered. The lecture might do you some good,” you teased. Lin let out a short laugh before catching himself. Both of you went silent and watched the door to make sure you hadn’t been discovered.
Sighing in relief, you picked up the gauze, tearing off a piece you deemed long enough before wrapping it around Lin’s upper arm. You’d shuffled closer for better stability while you completed your task, but you were starting to regret the proximity. Lin’s breath caressed your fingers. His face was mere inches from yours and his eyes didn’t look away even for a second. By the time you tied off the gauze, your fingers were trembling slightly.
Lin steadied your hands by wrapping one of his around it. The warmth was instantly healing, calming your nerves while making them hyperaware at the same time.
“Don’t worry,” he said softly, “I’ll get you out of here. They haven’t caught me yet. I don’t plan on letting that change today.”
You nodded wordlessly. You didn’t have the courage to tell him that it wasn’t the men with guns making you fearful.
It was yourself.
It was the effect this man was having on you when logic screamed to keep your guard up at all times. It was how kindly he’d treated you today and every day since you woke up in the hospital room. It was how layered he seemed and how each passing hour gave way to another discovery that destroyed your previous misconceptions of him. And that fear was more paralyzing than any man with a gun.
Lin frowned, the crease between his eyebrows deepening as his eyes became unfocused, lost in thought. With his free hand, he started towards your cheek. But his fingertips never made contact with your skin. The door to the bedroom opened loudly and suddenly. He pounced, slamming you down on the hardwood floor while covering your body with his own like a human shield.
The old lady snapped at Lin, who sighed in relief when he realized it was only her. Without replying to her, he hung his head by your shoulder.
A few seconds went by and he finally pushed himself off of you. He helped you to your feet before walking over to the old woman. In hushed tones, he exchanged a few words with your savior. She didn’t seem worried or fazed by what had just transpired at all.
“The coast is clear,” he translated for you once their conversation was over. “We’ve got to hurry.”
He didn’t take your hand this time, just bowing to the old woman and exiting the room. You gave her a thankful bow as well as you tried to verbalize it in her native language. At least, you hope you got that word right from the few times you’d heard it. When you straightened up, she gave you a cheeky wink that made your cheeks burn. There was a laugh in her eyes that said she knew something you didn’t. While that wasn’t completely unbelievable, you couldn’t think of what that secret might be.
You barely caught up with Lin before he left the restaurant and stepped outside. His car was still parked out front with no visible signs of it being tampered with or damaged. How did the other guys miss that? It wasn’t like everyone else on the block was driving luxury cars.
Lin said nothing to you as he sped back to the mansion. Anxiety was building up inside of you. Was he angry with you? You weren’t sure what you did in the span of five seconds to make him switch like that.
The silence continued as he parked the car back in the garage. All he did was motion for you to continue following him through the mansion, going up to the second floor and stopping in front of a door in the middle of a long hallway. He knocked on the door and waited.
Shuffling footsteps could be heard on the other side. You held your breath. Was he talking you to Luhan to debrief him on what had just happened? Your first instinct was to cower into Lin’s side for protection from the mafia boss, but you held yourself back.
To your surprise, Yixing was the one who answered, smiling as he opened the door. He appeared to be in the middle of something important and stressful given the glasses on his face and the way his sleeves were rolled up sloppily, as if in haste. Part of his hair was sticking up from possibly being pulled at in frustration. His mind might still be back in that space given the surprise at who his visitors turned out to be.
“Lu-” Yixing cleared his throat. “Lin, what can I do for you?”
Lin’s eyes flickered at you before going back to the doctor. “We had a bit of a run in. I need you to check her out.”
“Me?” you screeched. “You were the one who was shot!”
“You were shot!” Yixing’s eyes searched over Lin until he landed on the makeshift bandage. “If you think patching yourself up makes you fine, then-”
“I didn’t do it,” Lin interrupted. “(y/n) did.”
“(y/n)?” Yixing looked at you curiously before nodding. “Well, come in both of you and I’ll see what needs to be done.”
Your earlier assumption of him being in the middle of something turned out to be more or so correct when you stepped inside the room. It was a hybrid-type with a bed and nightstand on one side of the space and the other put together like an office. Books and paper were strewn all over the large desk along with several wadded up pieces of paper littering the ground around the chair. Yixing pulled a spare chair over to the open space in the middle and patted the cushion.
“Okay, (y/n), you first.”
You shook your head. “But-”
“He won’t let me see the arm until I’ve looked you over.”
“I wasn’t hit,” you insisted.
“But you could be in shock or traumatized,” Lin spoke up finally. You bit back the argument that those scenarios called for a different type of doctor.
Yixing didn’t move or relent, so you sat in the chair, huffing to show your unwavering displeasure. Smiling to himself enough to show off a dimple in his cheek, Yixing pulled a miniature flashlight from his shirt pocket and checked your pupils. The rest of the “exam” was pretty much what you remembered a routine physical being like in high school and you had a feeling that the doctor was simply putting on a show for the audience of one.
“She’s fine,” Yixing declared. Turning to Lin, he said, “Your turn.”
Lin groaned but didn’t argue any further as he traded you places.
Yixing took a minute to admire your work, humming to himself. “Not bad.”
You smiled at his praise, but it faded when you saw the glare on Lin’s face. Did he think you did a terrible job instead?
“It’ll need stitches,” Yixing announced, making Lin groan. Yixing walked over to a hip-high cabinet, plucking out a box of supplies before dragging his office chair over.
Not a huge fan of needles piercing skin, you wandered away from the procedure and inspected the shelves of books to keep your mind occupied. They were medical texts, mostly, filled with jargon and technical terms that would have gone right over your head. Every time Lin hissed or cursed at the metal poking at his skin, you flinched, feeling for his pain, but you didn’t dare turn around.
“Okay. It’s safe,” Lin called out to you.
Oh, thank god. You rejoined them just as Yixing taped down the square of fresh gauze.
“I’ll need to check these next week,” he told Lin as he stood up from the chair. “So don’t avoid me.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t.” With a big wave of his hand, Lin motioned towards you. “Come on, (y/n).”
But before you could move, Yixing stepped up. “Actually, I’d like to speak with her for a moment.”
Lin opened his mouth to protest, looking back and forth between you, but when you shrugged, clueless, he then closed his mouth, nodding. “Fine.” And he left the room.
“What is it?” you asked almost immediately.
“I’m just… concerned,” he admitted, taking off his glasses and setting them down on the desk.
Okay…. “Concerned about what?”
“The way….” Shaking his head, Yixing crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the desk. “I’ve never seen Lin like this before. Even back- well, it’s an odd scenario to witness, to say the least. I don’t know how to anticipate his reactions and that worries me.”
“What are you talking about?” So this back and forth behavior wasn’t normal for him?
“I don’t think it’s my place to go into the details. That’s not what I wanted to tell you anyway.” He pushed off the desk and walked up to you while taking off his soiled gloves. Placing a hand on your shoulder, he made sure to make eye contact with you. “No one in this place is who they seem to be. Remember that.”
“Why are you-” But apparently the conversation was over as he turned you around and basically shoved you out of his room.
You landed up against the other wall hard. Then you looked up.
No. Not a wall.
It was a very tall man with dark brown hair and narrowed eyes that were glaring down at you.
“Shouldn’t you be in your room?” he said in a deep, dangerous voice. His tone was more like an order for you to leave.
Unable to hold back the fearful squeak, you bounded down the hallway, getting away from who you were certain was one of the bosses and back to the safety of your room. This was exactly why you preferred to stay in there. If that wasn’t Luhan, you dreaded who could be worse than that.
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marshmallow-phd · 5 years
Secret in His Eyes
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Spinoff of Sins of the Father
Genre: Mafia Au
Pairing: Luhan x Reader
Summary: A vacation exploring China’s famous city was supposed to be relaxing. When you witness a horrifying murder, you instead find yourself in police custody, unable to run. Trying to stay alive, you meet Luhan, and you believe you can trust him. You never imagined that he might be the one you should be running from.
Part: Prologue I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I Final
The fact that you woke up at all was a miracle in your eyes. Despite the heavy feeling in your head and the ache that was currently plaguing your shoulders, you were thankful to be alive. That still gave you a chance to get back home. If you survived this next phase, that is. 
Pushing yourself up to a sitting position, you rubbed your temples with your fingers in a hope to sooth the oncoming headache before taking in your surroundings. Rather than the moldy dungeon you would have expected, you’d been dumped into a modestly decorated room. It was nothing too grand, but certainly a step up from the negative star motel the police had you holed up in. 
Nothing around you gave away where that mysterious man might have brought you nor did you understand what he wanted. Obviously, word about you witnessing the murder had gotten out. But if he was the killer and wanted you gone, why didn’t he just kill you at the motel? That would have much simpler and less of a hassle than dragging you here. 
Unless he wanted to take his time with you; have some fun while he could. 
You needed to get out of here now. 
Scrambling off the bed, you fell down to the hardwood floor. The impact sent a shock to your knees. You groaned at the pain, but you couldn’t stop to nurse your poor joints; you needed to keep going. Every second counted. 
The exit on the other side of the room was a simple, standard door that should be easy enough to get through. You ran towards your escape with a flicker of hope. Just before you could reach it, however, the door opened. You tried to come to a stop before you collided whoever was coming, but the wooden floor combined with your lack of footwear sent you sliding down to your butt. 
Your visitor was a man - a young one given the way he was dressed and his soft features on his face. His outline looked familiar and your heart thumped in your chest. It had to be him, the one who’d broken into your room and stole you away. The wicked smirk on his face made your heart race even faster out of fear. Using your hands and the heels of your feet, you scrambled back in a sad attempt to get away. The man simply chuckled and closed the door behind him. 
When you reached the bed, you climbed up and pushed yourself up against the headboard. The man continued to be amused by your fear, taking the chair from the desk and placing it next to the bed before sitting down. He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. With a tilt of his head, he scoffed, “What, no questions? No ‘who are you’ or ‘where am I’?” 
To be honest, you weren’t entirely sure if you’d be able to communicate with him. But he spoke plainly and you had no trouble understanding him. 
“Would you even answer them?” you asked bravely. 
He shrugged. “Maybe. If you answer mine first.” He tilted his head the other way, the smirk disappearing from his lips. “Tell me about what you saw in the alleyway. What you heard.”
“Nothing,” you answered immediately.
The man narrowed his eyes at you. “I don’t really like lies, (y/n).”
You gasped. “How do you know my name?”
“I found you at that motel,” he laughed. “You don’t think I’d take the extra step to know who I was looking for?”
Right. That was a… valid point. It didn’t calm the chill running down your spine, though. “I really didn’t see anything beyond shoes and a bullet going through a man’s forehead.”
“And you didn’t hear anything?” the man pressed. Where you thought he’d be relieved with your lack of information, instead he was agitated. If he was the killer, shouldn’t he be happy that you couldn’t pinpoint him. Although, kidnapping you probably made that a moot point. 
“I don’t speak the language,” you told him. “I couldn’t tell you what he said before he shot the man on the ground.”
The man frowned. “But the police reports said you heard him say ‘The Deer’?”
You shook your head. “I heard ‘lu’,” you corrected. “The detective made the conclusion that the man must have meant The Deer. I couldn’t tell you if he was talking about the animal, a person, or something else entirely.”
A heavy sigh was released from the man’s lungs and his shoulders dropped like a weight had rolled off of them. Now, all of a sudden, he was… happy that your testimony had been stretched from the truth? 
“You work for him, don’t you?” you whispered. 
The man’s head snapped up. His eyebrows were scrunched together in confusion. “What?”
“This Lu guy that everyone seems to be afraid of,” you clarified. “You work for him, don’t you? Like, one of his….” you trailed off, unsure how to categorize him. 
One corner of the man’s mouth turned up slightly, amused. “You really have no idea who he is, do you?”
You shook your head feverishly. “No. I’d never even heard of him until Detective Zhuang brought him up. She said he was some sort of crime boss?” She was vague on the details and at the moment you were thankful. There was some things you didn’t want in your head to feed your imagination. 
“Yeah, something like that,” the man laughed. There was a short pause before he added, “And yes, I do work for him. And the other two, his partners.”
Now you were even deeper trouble. There were three bosses to be wearing of and you were now in the hands of one of their “employees”. Your chances of getting out of this alive were looking rather slim. 
“If you heard the man’s voice again, could you identify him?”
You nodded slowly. “Yes. I think so.”
“Good.” The man stood up and headed for the door. 
“Wait!” You jumped out of the bed, stopping the man by clinging to the sleeve of his jacket. “Please,” you begged. “Please, let me go home. I was leaving the country anyway. I won’t be any trouble, I promise.”
A flash of sympathy shone in the man’s eyes, giving you hope. But it was a pointless notion. 
He shook his head. “I can't let you go. Not yet. We have to figure out who you saw and why they’re interfering with m- the boss’s plans. You’re the only link right now.”
“And after that?” You sniffed back the tears.
“We’ll see.”
Leaving you alone, he walked out the door, the signature click telling you that he’d locked you in. 
Everything had gone from worse to complete crap. There was no light at the end of the tunnel. You were lost in a deep cave, unable to see five feet in front of you. What the next few days or weeks held, you didn’t know, but you knew you’d be lucky if you were allowed to simply walk away when this was all over.
You looked around the room. It seemed you’d have to get used to even newer surroundings. At least they weren’t as bad as the motel.
Luhan was conflicted as he walked down the hall. You really didn’t know anything. His earlier assumption that you might be someone who knew who he was and wanted to take him down was completely wrong. He could tell after one look that you were clueless as to who he was and what you’d gotten yourself into. Asking you out loud was just extra confirmation. Sure, he could let you go back home and never think of you again. But he had more important things to worry about than your feelings and wishes. He needed to know who held the gun. Only that person could lead him to the mastermind that was trying to take down his empire. 
“How did it go?” Kris asked when Luhan entered the kitchen. 
“Did you make her cry?” Tao snickered. 
Opening the fridge, Luhan shook his head. “No need. She doesn’t know much. She never saw his face and she doesn’t know who I am. The detective made an assumption when she gave her testimony.”
“So you letting her go?” Kris asked with a raised brow. 
“No,” Luhan stated as he closed the door again. Nothing seemed appetizing at the moment. He turned back to the others. “She can still recognize the man’s voice. Once we narrow our own suspect pool, we can use her.”
“Sounds like a good idea,” Tao agreed. 
A short knock came from the kitchen entrance and all three turned to look at the intruder. 
“Excuse me, sir,” Wu Xei bowed. 
“Yes?” Luhan sighed. Wu Xei was the steward of the house and Luhan’s most trusted servant. Nothing, not even his old age, stopped him from carrying out his duties and taking care of the house. And Luhan valued that greatly.
“Your guest has arrived.”
A smile spread across his face. “Show him in.”
“No need,” a soft voice came from the hallway. Lay came into view. “I remember the way.”
Elated at the sight of his friend coming home again, Luhan took large strides to reach Lay and threw his arms around him. Pulling back, he smiled, “It's good to see you, Lay.”
The doctor’s old nickname made his own grin falter. “I’ve told you, it’s just Yixing now.”
A snort came from behind Luhan. He didn’t even need to glance over his shoulder to know who the source was. “Well, whoever you are, I’m happy you’ve decided to visit. I’m sure Korea isn’t nearly as exciting.”
“It has its moments.”
“How is old Suho doing?” Kris asked in a mocking tone. He gave La- Yixing a very pointed look over the rim of the glass he was currently sipping from. 
Yixing was unfazed by the hostility. “Living happily with his wife.”
“Idiot,” Kris scoffed, putting the glass down with a clank against the granite countertop of the island. 
By the look in Yixing’s eye, Luhan knew he wanted to say something back, but he held his tongue. Yixing was always the softest among them, more open to the idea of vulnerability like a wife or a lover. Luhan would have thought that he’d learned his lesson, just like the rest of them, but the doctor still held out hope. Foolish. 
“Well, sit down,” Luhan urged, hoping to change the subject and therefore, the atmosphere of the room. “We’ve got a lot to catch up on.”
“I’m sure we do,” Yixing chuckled as he took the bar stool Luhan held out for him. 
“Do you want a drink?” Tao offered as he wiggled the bottle of whiskey temptingly. 
Yixing shook his head. “No, thank you.” He turned to Luhan, his face pinched with worry. “Luhan, I’ll admit that I did hear something rather… disturbing on my way here.”
Luhan was fairly certain he knew what it was that Yixing had heard in his travels, but he feigned innocence. “Disturbing? What do you mean?”
Yixing didn’t fall for it for a second. “I’d rather just hear the truth from you, Lu. They said a witness heard someone say your name before killing one of your men. And now she’s gone missing. It wouldn’t take a genius to put the pieces together.”
“Its fine, Xing,” Tao insisted nonchalantly. “She doesn’t know anything. She didn’t even recognize Lu when he talked to her. Thought he was a lowly worker.”
Yixing took in Luhan’s clothes for the first time. “I can see why. You look like a street kid. If the others saw you they might try to take your lunch money.”
“Ha ha,” Luhan grumbled. 
His face was always a curse, especially in this line of business. People usually only took him seriously because of Kris and Tao. Those two were the more menacing ones. All it took was one icy glare from either of them and the buyer or seller was practically eating out of their hands. Luhan had to be more aggressive, more assertive to be dealt with in the same way. Hell, even Yixing could look intimidating when he wanted to be. Needing a distraction, Luhan poured himself a drink and chugged it back. 
“So, what are you planning to do with her?” Yixing asked cautiously. 
Luhan wiped away the little drop of liquor that had collected in the corner of his mouth before answering. “Keep her here for now. Maybe use her to identify who’s killing my men. I can’t just let her go free. Even being in the wrong place at the wrong time has its consequences.”
“Well, I hope you won’t treat her like some of your past prisoners,” Yixing said quietly. That made Luhan pause before he could pour himself a second glass. He wasn’t that cruel of a person. Was he?
“Don’t worry, Dr. Zhang,” Kris teased as he leaned back in his chair. “She’s only been with us a little over twenty-four hours and no one’s touched her. She’s even being kept in one of the bedrooms. We’re not complete cavemen, you see.”
“Twenty-four hours?” Yixing echoed. “And has she been fed? Did you give her new clothes or at least let her wash up?”
“She just woke up half an hour ago,” Tao informed him. 
“Just… woke up?” Yixing turned to Luhan with a very heated expression. 
Luhan shrugged. “I couldn’t really be seen with a struggling girl as I left the motel, now could I?”
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Yixing took a deep breath. “But how much did you give her?”
“Uh,” Luhan glanced at the other two as he scratched the back of his head. “How much is a syringe full?”
Immediately, Yixing jumped up out of the chair, sending it clattering down to the tile. “Do you realize you could have killed her? And then where would you be?” Not giving a chance for Luhan to reply, Yixing marched out of the kitchen. 
Luhan ran after him, catching him in the hallway. “Where are you going?”
“To go check on her and make sure that she isn’t dying from the drug you gave her.” Yixing shook his head. “Look. I know you’ve stopped yourself from caring for a long time, but try. She’s still a human being who got caught up in something she most likely doesn’t understand. So maybe try to be a decent person. I know that’s hard for you sometimes, but a little effort won’t kill you.”
Yixing left him standing there in the hall, jaw hanging open. He hadn’t ever been that cruel in the past, had he? Sure, occasionally he needed to put the fear of god into someone, but he didn’t plan on doing that with you. Not yet, at least. So, what was riling Yixing up so much?
You were shivering. It didn’t seem like the room was set at a low temperature and yet you couldn’t stop shaking, rubbing your arms in an attempt to warm them up. Not even the blankets you had piled on your shoulders seemed to help. 
Black spots were starting to float around in your vision and light-headedness didn’t even begin to describe how you felt. Was this because you were hungry? Or maybe it was the drug that the man pumped into your system? Either way, you knew you were losing consciousness and that was the last thing you wanted to happen. 
Knock, knock, knock. 
You frowned at the door. That was just in your imagination, wasn’t it? Sure no mafia worker would bother to knock on the prisoner’s door. They would simply barge in whether you wanted the company or not. 
When you didn’t answer, the person knocked again. Not softer or harder, but at the same patient volume and rhythm. But you had no strength to tell them to go away. 
At your continuing silence, they opened the door, slowly as if not to frighten you. A different man peaked in. His face was gentler, with round, wire-rimmed glasses framing his dark brown eyes. There was a slight upturn on his mouth, but unlike the previous visitor, his smile was kinder. 
“Hello,” the new man greeted with a slight bow of his head. “My name is Zhang Yixing. You must be (y/n)?”
You gave him a trembling nod in response. 
Coming in the rest of the way, Yixing sighed at your appearance. “I told him so,” he mumbled to himself. He took the chair you hadn’t bothered to move back and held out his hand. “I need to check your pulse,” he said. “Can you give me your wrist?”
You did the exact opposite, clutching your arm to your chest. What if he actually wanted to inject more drugs into your system? 
“I’m a doctor,” he informed you, not lowering his hand a single centimeter. “I need to make sure that the drug didn’t affect you too badly.” 
You wanted to scoff. Didn’t affect you too badly? Were his glasses not working? He continued to patiently wait for you to give in. 
Huffing, you handed over your wrist. No needle or syringe made an appearance. Instead, he put two fingers against your skin and counted the seconds away on his watch. The crease between his eyebrows grew deeper and deeper as he watched the thin hand of the clock tick away. Releasing a heavy sigh, he looked up at you with a sorrowful expression.
“I’ll need to hook you up to an IV.”
“No!” Throwing off the blankets, you scrambled off the bed. But your legs were too weak and you couldn’t make yourself stand up again. 
Yixing stood up and slowly approached you, hands up and palms facing towards you, trying to convey that he meant no harm. “(y/n), please. You’re severely dehydrated. If we put off giving you fluids, you could get worse. I can’t let that happen.”
“Why?” you snapped. “Did your boss decide that I know more than I’m telling and he wants it tortured out of me?”
He blinked. “What? No! I’m a doctor. I can’t stand the idea of letting someone’s condition worsen when I can help. That’s why. Please, (y/n).”
“I said-” The dizziness in your head got worse, making you sway until you tried to steady yourself with your palms against the floor. It didn’t help. Your eyes grew heavy and you lost all strength in your arms. The doctor leapt forward and caught you in his arms before you passed out completely.
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marshmallow-phd · 6 years
The Experiments
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Genre: Sci-Fi, Thriller, Experiment AU
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Exo (????)
Summary: You were a med school graduate who just wanted to help research cures for the world. Instead, what you got was a dream job at EXO Applied Sciences. That is, until you discover the secrets of Level Sixty-Six and the nine inhabitants that are stored down there….
Warning: nothing but... I’m sorry
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 I 17 I 18 I 19 I 20 I 21 I 22 I 23 I Final
You woke up well before dawn. Sleep hadn’t come easy and that worried you. Being exhausted was not an ideal state to be in. But you had no choice. Your brain had been running a majority of the night, worrying and imagining the worst. So much could go wrong, but death was now the scene you pictured the most. This time, you wouldn’t disregard that possibility.
Taking a deep you flipped over to your side. Junmyeon slept peacefully on the right side of the bed, undisturbed by your tossing and turning.
When he’d snuck into your room sometime after midnight, you had insisted that it was a bad idea. He’d been bunking with Sehun until Luhan arrived. Because of the lack of room for an extra body and being the good person he is, Junmyeon gave up his bed and had been crashing on the couch ever since. Using that as an excuse, he insisted that he needed a good night’s rest in order to be alert on the move. You couldn’t argue with that. And you wanted to know what it was like to sleep next to him. After his arrival, you certainly slept better, more peaceful. So much for pumping the breaks.
Reaching out to him, you lightly traced the outline of his cheekbone with your fingertips. His hair was curling on his forehead, making your heart flutter. Just as your fingers reached his nose, a hand flew out and captured yours.
Junmyeon’s eyes flickered open. He smiled at you sleepily.
“Good morning.” His voice was that quiet, raspy tone that was way more attractive than it ever should have been.
“Good morning,” you whispered back.
“How’d you sleep?”
You shrugged your one exposed shoulder. “Fine.”
Sighing, he scooted closer to you, releasing your hand and wrapping an arm around your waist. “Someone else can drive, you know? Maybe Luhan, if you’re too tired.”
“Sure,” you snorted. “But I’m pretty sure I have years of driving experiences on all of you. Besides, I’m fine. Really. As soon as I hop in that driver’s seat, I’ll be running on adrenaline. It’ll be okay.”
“Exactly. Everything will be okay.”
He could see right through you. All the boys were focused on getting to the headquarters and starting their life. None of them - at least to your limited knowledge - were worrying about the journey there. Not like you, who could think of nothing else.
After placing a kiss on your forehead, he removed his arm and stood up. He’d forgone a shirt last night, saying it was too warm, and you took this precious bubble of time to properly admire him. You couldn’t believe the cut of his muscles, their definition. How had he stayed in shape like that on a limited diet and confined space? Was it just his genetics? You really wanted to run your fingers over the raised squares on his stomachs and feel the muscles contract. For scientific purposes, of course.
“Are you going to get up?” he teased.
You scowled at him, throwing the covers off yourself. Everything was packed up already, save the shirt and jeans you’d folded on the dresser to wear today. Comfortable but moveable, just in case. Junmyeon also got dressed, you in the bathroom while he stayed out in the bedroom. Both ready for the day, you walked down together to the kitchen.
No one else was awake yet. You were thankful for that, for the little bit of alone time you could get. In silence, you started breakfast. Junmyeon occasionally helped, keeping an eye on the meat and helping set the island.
In groups of two, they all came down the stairs, most still half asleep with stifled yawns as they sat on the stools. To an outsider, it might have looked like a regular breakfast on an ordinary morning. The boys chatted away, talking about nothing of significance.
You took in this moment, appreciating every little thing you could. It was possible that there would be mornings similar to this inthe future, but never again would this exact setup exist.
So lost in your thoughts, you’d hardly touched your own breakfast. Junmyeon nudged you with his elbow and pointed at your plate with his eyes, silently insisting that you eat more. Giving him an appreciated grin, you finished off your food with a little force before starting on the dishes.
Minseok joined you soon after, completing the task in record time. Since that first night, Minseok had warmed up to you quiet a bit, even helping you keep on top of cleaning and refilling the SUV with gas from the extra canisters the night of the meeting. He was no longer hostile towards you, even smiling  and joking with you.
When everything was cleaned up to the point of looking like no one even lived there, everyone gathered in the front room, bags slinged across shoulders and prepared to leave. This was it. Time to move on.
“Let’s go.” You exited through the front door and waited for everyone to be out before you locked up the house and replaced the key under the fake rock where you’d found it before.
Everyone piled into the SUV in an orderly fashion. Luhan sat shotgun this time to help with navigation.
Your heart never slowed down, even as you found the road and followed Luhan’s instructions. Paranoia never left you. Every car that past you was possibly driven by someone from EXO. Every movement in the corner of your eye was an ambush. Part of you was annoyed with the boys who seemed so relaxed behind you. Most had fallen asleep, leaning on each other’s shoulders, some even cuddling up. They were so at ease, not fully understanding how they could be captured at any minute.
After five and a half hours, Luhan had you turn down a side road that was flanked by trees on either side. It took you deeper and deeper into a forest not to different from the one you left. After another ten minutes, Luhan told you to stop.
“Come on.” He unbuckled his seatbelt before getting out of the car.
You followed suit. At the sudden stop, the boys began to wake up and crawled out as well.
“What are we doing?” Chanyeol asked.
Shrugging, you turned to Luhan.
“The escort should be here,” he answered. “But they have to know it’s us before they’ll come out.”
Leaves rustled somewhere behind you and you turned around, thinking your allies had arrived. Oh, how wrong you were.
Eight men armed to the teeth with guns and dressed in the EXO black uniform stepped out of the forest from the left, weapons pointed at the group. Once again, you were surrounded by wolves in protective mode who blocked you from the enemy. A white van drove down the road at an agonizing pace, coming to a stop just twenty feet from you. The driver was hidden by the too-dark windshield, but the passenger swung open the door and stepped out oh-so casually, like she was meeting a friend for lunch.
“Dr. Wang,” you gasped.
All ten wolves immediately shrank back, reliving memories of the torture that woman had put them through.
“Hello, Dr. (l/n),” she smirked. Gone was her lab coat, but she was still dressed to the nines in her black slacks and not a hair out of place on her too-tight bun. “Good to see you again.”
“Just leave them alone!” you begged. “They’re human beings. They deserve their own lives.”
Dr. Wang tsked at you, shaking her head. “Dr. (l/n), you disappoint me. Here I thought you were a progressive researcher, wanting to help improve the human condition. Your betrayal hurt when I found out that you’d helped that traitor.”
“I’d do it again,” you said defiantly, resisting the urge to ask what she did with Marcus’ body. “After seeing what you were doing to them, I didn’t have a choice.”
“Oh, there’s always a choice,” she corrected. “You just chose to be manipulated by them. I thought you were stronger than that. But rereading your reports, the signs were there. How weak you were.”
You lunged forward, but strong arms held you back. “They did not manipulate me!”
Dr. Wang shrugged. “It doesn't matter. All of you are coming back with us. And maybe, (y/n), I’ll be generous and let you live in a cozy cell along with them. Or maybe I’ll just have a bullet put in your head.”
Deafening growls ripped through the crowd, even making you afraid of the anger behind them.
“You’re never going to touch her,” Junmyeon roared.
“Oh, Zero-One,” Dr. Wang shook her head, “you’ve disappointed me the most. You were always the most obedient.”
The muscles in his arms tightened. “It was that or be tortured.”
She smirked, amused by Junmyeon’s reply. Turning to her guards, she ordered, “Bring them here.”
The six guards started forward. With perfect timing, twenty more armed gunmen descended on the area in souped up ATVs that rivaled tanks, but instead of being hired by EXO, they were there to protect you. Ten on each side, they flanked your small group, outnumbering Dr. Wang’s men and keeping them at bay.
“Guess you shouldn’t go against the government, huh?” Luhan mocked.
Dr. Wang scowled. “You can’t just take my property. Do you understand how much money has gone into making you what you are?”
“Under the eyes of the law,” said one of the men on your side, although the voice was a higher pitch making you wonder if they were actually a female, “they are still human beings, unable to be labeled as property. The only way they’re going with you is if they walk over to your side themselves.” They seemed to be the leader given their patch was a different color than the rest.
“Oh, really?” Dr. Wang smirked. Her eyes trailed over the hybrids. “Zero-One?”
“Not a chance in hell,” Junmyeon scoffed.
An evil glint shined in her eyes and your heart sank. What was she about to do?
Junmyeon stiffened as soon as that word left her lips. Straightening up, his eyes glossed over, empty of any sign of life. The blank look reminded you of the robots from the movies your father used to watch.
You gripped his upper arm. “Junmyeon?”
“Zero-One, come here,” Dr. Wang ordered.
Without hesitation, Junmyeon stepped forward. You tried to pull him back, but your strength was useless.
“Junmyeon, stop!” you yelled as he slipped out of your grip. You started after him, but Jongin wrapped his arms around your waist, stopping you from crossing over. “No! Let me go! Junmyeon! Come back! Junmyeon!”
Dr. Wang laughed as the hybrid stopped in front of her. “Good boy.” She looked to the leader. “Looks like at least one is coming here with me.”
“NO!” you screamed. You kicked, scratched, and fought with all your might to get Jongin to let go of you. “Junmyeon! Junmyeon, come back! Junmyeon!”
“We need to get out of here,” the leader hissed. “Now!”
Luhan nodded, turning to Jongin. “Get her in the van.”
You fought harder, determined not to leave Junmyeon behind. “No! Jongin, let me go! We can’t just leave him! Let me go!”
Tears had been streaming down your eyes for a while now, splashing down on Jongin’s arms. He ignored your pleas as Kyungsoo opened the side door. Jongin dragged you into the SUV and the other boys piled in as Luhan took the driver’s seat. He bolted out of there before the door was even closed. You were still trapped in Jongin’s arms as you tried to fight your way to the back, making no progress. The last thing you saw was Junmyeon standing beside Dr. Wang, staring after you blankly.
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fairyscribbles · 7 years
Where Wind Soothes - A Cure? (SEHUN, pt. 1) [Chronicles of the Wolf series]
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Look whose handsome butt decided to show up! Enjoy, babies! ♥
Yixing exchanged sidelong glances with Soomi, and Sehun frowned.
"What was that?"
"What?" The two asked in disconcerting unison, turning to the youngest wolf with matching wide eyes.
"Why did you just look at each other like that?"
Again, they did it, and Sehun groaned before getting up from the futon and snatching his shirt. He slid it over his head with a loud sigh, then just stared deadpan at the two healers.
"You're not telling me something, so that means I'm good to go, right?"
Yixing's glance from the corner of his eye made Sehun groan in exasperation. "Okay. Thanks, Xing hyung, Soomi noona."
There was no argument from either when Sehun ducked out of the room, nearly failing to control the power behind it. Which ended up in a slight slam.
Sehun just clenched his eyes shut, his sigh falling inwards. He felt the pain, so he didn't understand why they didn't just say it. His hand went to pat his back absentmindedly, and his lip curled down in a wince.
There was something wrong. And the older packmates weren't saying anything. And the healers were staying tightlipped.
Sehun made himself even more worried.
"We need to... I don't see what else we can do."
"Yixing you've tried everything?" At the healer's solemn nod, Kris cursed under his breath.
"I know you don't want Bom going in there, but..."
"It's not just that," Junmyeon pointed out. "All that aside, you should be worried too, Luhan."
Said wolf just sighed. "She insists that it's better for her to go. She lived outside of the towns, so no one could recognize her."
There was a clearing of a throat, and everyone turned to Kyungsoo. "Subin knows the town. She said this healer woman could be trusted."
Kris crossed his arms. "With respect to your mate, Kyung-ah, we never know who we can really trust."
Kyungsoo nodded. "I know, hyung. Which is why they want to go in first."
Junmyeon held his hands up on either side of his head. "I approve it. But I know I don't have a mate to be worrying about, so who goes is up to you guys to decide."
Kris, Luhan, Kyungsoo, and Yixing looked towards each other silently.
"'Please, be safe.'"
"'Please, don't talk to anyone you don't need to.'"
The group shared in a round of laughter, and Sehun stopped in his tracks, holding a hand out to stop Jongin as well. "You hear that?"
"Yeah..." Jongin gave a single nod, moving to precede Sehun.
The group of mates headed through the thick underbrush, moving under the trees with more hushed giggles and teasing impressions of their mates. Sehun raised an eyebrow, mouthing to Jongin. 'Where are they going?'
Jongin shrugged but pointed Sehun towards the house. Sehun got the point. 'See you at home.'
You moved to the soft knock on your door, wiping your hands on the towel. You peeked out the adjacent window, eyebrows furrowing at the group of females all huddled together. You ran to the door and pulled it open, meeting the gaze of a small, vaguely familiar woman.
"Ahh... yes. I'm sorry, you look so familiar, but..." You glanced around at the other women, all looking curious but apprehensive. "I can't quite remember a name..?"
She held out her hand with a bright smile. "Subin. I lived down at the end of the street?"
"Oh! Yes. Come on in." She seemed surprised that you were so open, but really, it was part of your nature. A flaw, as some liked to point out.
As soon as all of them were through the threshold - tiny Subin, a smiling woman whose mumbled greeting sounded foreign, a woman whose glassy eyes surveyed your face a bit too curiously, and the last woman who looked a little paranoid walking through last with a small bow to you - you pushed the door shut.
"What can I help you with?"
They all looked at each other before the one who came in last spoke up. "Hello, ___-sshi. I'm Bom."
You shook her hand, smiling. "Ahh, hello."
"We heard that you're one of the best healers the capital's ever seen."
You blushed instantly. "Oh. Well... I don't know who's told you that..."
"She doesn't want to brag about it. What's that called, Soomi-unnie?" The smiley woman turned to the airy-looking one, and the older woman just laughed softly.
"She's being humble, Yijie."
"Modest," Subin added, and you felt your cheeks getting even hotter.
"This is all very kind, but please, I do what I can for patients. I'm assuming then that one of you need examining?"
All the women shook their heads at the same time.
"No, not us."
"I'm sorry..." You watched Bom take a sip of the tea, shaking your head. "Why can't I see the injured ones themselves?"
Subin just frowned, and Soomi sighed. "They're stuck where they are at the moment."
"Umm... alright then..." You looked down at your own cup; that answered nothing and just left you more curious. "Remind me again... Burns and bullet wounds?"
"And arrow wounds," Subin tacked on.
You made the note of that, since Subin seemed particularly concerned about those.
"Alright. And they've been healing?"
There was a round of nods. "I can't imagine how they could've healed so well without any kind of medical treatment."
"They got some," Yijie said with a shrug.
You felt so blind going through this without seeing it for yourself. "O-okay... but then the burns...?"
Soomi smiled, and you found it a little eerie. "I knew you would ask. He's the worst of all of them. He has pain, but he doesn't say anything about it."
"Then how do you know he's in pain?"
Bom set a hand on Soomi's shoulder. "Soomi is special."
"Ahh..." You nodded in understanding. A seer. "Then... what happened to their wounds? They've all superficially healed?"
They nodded.
"Kyungsoo doesn't say anything, but he feels it... He just doesn't like to worry me."
Your forehead creased in thought. "Your husband, I'm guessing?"
Her blush was intense, and you recoiled in apology. "Oh... I mean, I'm sorry for assuming, but-"
"No, th-that's alright. I guess... you could call him that."
Yijie and Bom shared a laugh at the expense of the younger woman, but Soomi just patted her shoulder gently.
"Her mate."
A strange way to put it, but you just nodded your acknowledgement. "And the bullets?"
"They've been taken out. He healed the quickest."
"Good to know," you noted. "Then it's the burns that we're worried about."
"That you'll probably want to focus on most, yes."
All of you turned to Soomi in confusion, her gentle smile too knowing, too confident.
"Soomi..." Bom whispered.
The young seer just turned to her friend with the same smile. "What? She'll want go give us something for the burns, right, ___-ah?"
Your nod was stiff. "O-of course..."
You stood from the small circle of strange women, going to your medicine cabinet. Out of there, from the many little bottles and tubes, you took out a small container with a silvery substance.  You opened it first, making sure it didn't go bad, but both the smell and the consistence of the healing ointment was right. Once you closed everything properly, you turned to look at the women huddled together and whispering something to each other heatedly.
"This should be able to help the burns. Please tell him that he should apply this twice to three times a day, depending on the graveness of the injuries."
"What if it doesn't work?" Yijie blurted. When Subin and Soomi turned to her with gasps, she stuck a hand over her mouth. "Oh... sorry..."
"Well, no offense to your skills as a healer, ___..." Bom interjected. "...but I think it's a fair question."
You nodded with a wry smile. "No, I understand. And to be honest, if that happens, I'd really just like to see him. I know you said it's a special circumstance, but if you want him to heal from this, I'd need to see him."
Soomi hummed. "I suppose..."
"Give him a week with this ointment, and if it still doesn't help him in the slightest, you need to come to me. I'll go see him. As for the bullet and arrow wounds, I would suggest this." You pulled out a different container, the substance having a minty scent.
"Rub them into the wounds before sleep, and it should help during the night."
"With the pain too?"
"It definitely should." You smiled at the worried contortions of Subin's pretty features. "Again, if it doesn't, please don't hesitate to see me again. Here or the clinic. Any time. My door is always open."
Bom stood, her smile one of genuine appreciation as she held out her hand for you to shake. You took it confidently, bowing your head slightly. "Thank you, ___-ah."
You blushed at her friendly words of gratitude. "Right. Well then... we should probably be heading back."
You didn't ask questions; you stood to guide the group out with their newly acquired medicine.
"Bye, ___-sshi."
"Bye, everyone. Please be safe..."
"Ah!" Yijie turned around with a little guilty look.
"We forgot to pay..." you shook your head, smiling at the considerate girl.
"I only take the pay once the medicine works...if it doesn't, I would be stealing. And I'd hate to be called a thief." Bom laughed at that.
"I'm pretty sure we would hate that. Take care, ___-sshi. We will be back." You smiled at the authorative woman.
"I'll be awaiting the day you will."
"Sehunnie! Are you home? We have something for you." Sehun heard from downstairs. The mates must've come home from their capital visit. With a wince, he stood up from the bed, putting a shirt over the silvery paths on his back. It hurt like a bitch, but rather that than to endure the guilty glances of his packmates.
He was fine. He was completely convinced that within a month, he would heal. Just that silver had a different impact, especially considering it was from Bora's stash of special weapons. It took a little more time to fully heal.
He would be fine.
He winced as the movement of shutting the door scraped the material of his shirt over the jagged score on his shoulder.
"I'm coming."
He went after Yijie's voice- to be quite honest, he liked Yixing's mate the most. She was always nice to him, trying to treat him with old medicine and procedures that made the ache go away. She was also so funny with her mistakes and she liked to play.
"What is it, noona?" She smiled when she saw him appear from the corner, and urged him to come faster.
"Come, come, we have something that should help your pain."
He frowned. "But... I'm fine right now."
She sighed. "Silly. This makes it go away forever."
Sehun couldn't help but smile. He appreciated that the mates were at least looking after him. When he made it into the room, he found Yijie and Soomi sitting on the couch. He wasn't sure where Subin or Bom went off to, and he wasn't sure where Jongin ended up either.
"What's going on?" he asked curiously.
"Subin-sshi bought a thing for Kyungsoo, too. She wants to try it out, too." Yijie explained, pulling Sehun's shirt of gently, so she wouldn't brush against his wound. He let her turn him around, showing her the remaining scar.
As always, when Yijie saw the scar, she whined softly and traced the silvery path just barely with her fingers.
"I really hope this works." She sighed, reaching for the silvery ointment.
"I really hope it does, too." Sehun replied, letting himself be sat on a chair and leaning against the backrest, so the tiny Yijie would have better access to his back. His eyes closed, waiting for the firsr initial touch of the gel, when Yijie froze.
"Oh. Soomi-unnie, doesn't this look like it has silver in it?"
Soomi leaned over to look, her eyes squinted. Yijie adjusted the small container in her hand, showing the seer the contents in a better light. When Luhan's mate also gasped, Sehun couldn't help but turn around.
"What's going on?"
"Here." Yijie decided to stop the musings by dabbing a bit of the ointment on his wrist. Sehun, on the initial contact of the cold substance on his skin.
"Does it hurt, Sehhunie?" She asked her, ignoring the shocked look she was recieving from Soomi. The gel was cold, but it didn't hurt him like the net did that night before.
"N-not really...it's just...refreshing."
"Okay, so we know it's not silver."
"What?" There was slight panic in Sehun's voice, but he was still sighing with the feeling of Yijie dabbing more onto the wound.
"Nothing to worry about, Sehunnie," Yijie hummed cheerfully. "This will make it better."
Soomi laughed. "Everything's safe. I hope this makes you feel better."
Sehun hummed, propping his chin on his folded forearms on the chair, as he concentrated on Yijie's nimble fingers gently spreading the soothing balm around.
"Do you think the silver will disappear once we put this on?" Her accent was strong, and if felt kind of calming to have her treating him.
"I hope." He chuckled a bit breathlessly, humming when the balm got onto one of the most painful spots.
"I'll be happy when it disappears and it stops hurting, but...it looks pretty. The silver in your skin." Yijie decided with a small hum.
"It looks like a tattoo."
"Hurts a little more than a tattoo... Although I guess that's one way to give us something more permanent, since we heal too fast and too well for tattoos to stay."
Thankfully, the talk seemed to distract Sehun enough until Yijie finished applying the stuff over the length of his wounds.
"Alright, all done!" she announced happily, capping the jar of silvery stuff.
Sehun stood from the seat, reaching for his shirt. "Ah ah ah! Don't put that on! It's gonna wipe it off too soon."
"You want me to walk around shirtless? Noona, I don't know if my hyungs will like that with their mates running around everywhere."
The two mated females had no shame letting their eyes roam Sehun's bare top half, appreciative nods following. Sehun felt his cheeks heat up. "I'll go hang out in my room then. Thank you guys."
Even going up the stairs, Sehun could feel the stairs trailing him. He just sighed. Too bad the interest was wasted; they were his sisters, after all. Although with how busy the house was, he often found himself wishing nowadays that he had his own woman whose loyalties were solely to him.
Sehun locked himself in his room and plopped onto his bed, on his stomach, as he turned his concentration on making the ointment work. Hopefully, it will.
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