#luke thinking he will be the great guardian angel who is like a cool big brother to yoru
gach-artblog · 10 months
-the encounter of two kids-
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Just an imaginary scenario:
Young Yoru found Luke crying by himself and offered to become his "guardian human" to cheer him up. While Luke was embarassed since it was supposed to be the other way around (him being her guardian angel), he appreciated her kind words.
They later met again in the student exchange program at Devildom and while Yoru doesn't remember their past encounter, it's probably better that way since now Luke can properly act as a real guardian angel (not a crybaby!) to her! (o゜▽゜)o☆
(Yoru still treats Luke like a little brother though, she feels like a caring big sis to him XD)
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kcabyap · 4 years
Dearest Etienne.
Hi again, I’m having kind of a troublesome day today... not to bother you with my troubles but long story short, due to the pandemic I had been refusing to go out with my “friends” or even visit, and today I saw their posts on Instagram that they had a sleepover without even inviting me ;-;
Can I request a headcanon of the MC finding out their friends back in the human world have kind of removed them from their lives after she’d been in the devildom for so long and the brothers (and if you wish to) the (un)datables comforting them? :x
I particularly enjoy your writing and that’s why I come to you, as always hehe :3
With love,
Emi ♡
P.S: I’m hoping you don’t mind my often requests and that they do not bother you. :>
Dearest Emi! I'm really sorry that happened to you... that was really lame of your 'friends' to do that, though if you ask me, you're absolutely doing the right thing by staying away from others during the pandemic; it's the best way to stay safe. Still though, I really hope you feel better soon and that your day gets better. I absolutely don't mind the requests, and I'm so happy that you like my writing! I did all the brothers, all the undateables, and a platonic one for Luke, and I hope you enjoy! ❤
The Brothers And Undateables Comforting The Human When Their Friends Forget About Them
— The Scenario
Tears stung in their eyes as they scrolled through their social media feed, their jaw clenching. Pictures upon pictures flew past as their thumb idly swiped their phone's screen; pictures of their friends together, laughing, joking, smiling... Pictures of their friends all being happy together during the year they had been away in the Devildom...
Pictures of their friends acting as though they weren't even gone; as though they didn't even exist.
It wouldn't have felt so bad if any of them had really acknowledged them after they'd come back. It wouldn't have felt so bad if they'd gotten more than awkward greetings, a few mildly curious questions before their 'friends' lost interest, one or two awkward get-togethers where they just felt out of place and out of the loop...
As soon as they got a chance to return to the Devildom for a while, they practically leapt on it. They saw no reason to stay in the human world, with a bunch of humans who had forgotten about them so shockingly quickly.
But when they did return to the place that felt more like home than their home did, seemingly their sorrow was still noticeable...
— Lucifer
Nothing gets past Lucifer, least of all the sadness of his most cherished human; he senses it without them saying a word.
He'll offer them an embrace; one that's close, genuine, firm enough to be comforting but delicate enough to not be fearsome.
Whether it's a fancy dinner at the Devildom's nicest restaurant, or a quiet night in his room listening to records, he'll do whatever they'd like to cheer them up.
This man is a wonderful listener and he'll be sure to tell them how very much he and his brothers appreciate them, how foolish their so-called friends were for their actions.
(...though inside, he'll absolutely be plotting for those so-called 'friends' to meet some manner of unfortunate situation...)
— Mammon
His human is upset? Oh, Mammon is not going to leave them alone until they tell him what's up; this man loudly wants to help.
He's absolutely appalled. How the hell could anyone not be happy to be with them?! How could anyone just forget them!? He could never forget them...
Lots of hugs, tight - maybe a little too tight but he means well - and loving and supportive, as he tells them (in his tsundere way) just how great they are.
He'll take them out for a night on the town to forget all about those stupid 'friends,' to remind them of all the fun stuff in the Devildom!
By the time the night's over, there's no way the human won't feel cared about; not when Mammon so clearly adores them.
— Leviathan
See this is exactly why normies don't deserve someone as fun and interesting and cool and cute as MC! (N-Not that he thinks they're cute, don't be stupid...)
He'll talk with them about how much their 'friends' suck; he can relate, there are a lot of people he doesn't get along with too.
Whatever their favourite anime is, Levi's absolutely willing to binge it with them; or whatever their favourite game is, he'll play it with them!
It's in his own shy, stuttering, tsundere way, but he tells them that he'll never betray them like that... they're his Henry, after all.
And... he'll give them a hug. Even though his heart is pounding and he's sweating buckets, he wants to show that he cares.
— Satan
...He's smiling sweetly as they tell him what happened, but it's one of those smiles that is barely hiding his deep and burning anger.
He hates their 'friends.' He tells them how awful those 'friends' are, how they never deserved a friend as beautiful as them, how he'd make them all suffer if he could...
Once they get past his, well, wrath, Satan's happy to cuddle his human close and soothe them by reading them a good book.
If they want to go out, he'll take them along on one of his wanders around the Devildom. The stray cat who goes around recently had kittens, after all!
He'll be extra protective, extra affectionate, to make sure they know that they're always welcomed and loved by him.
— Asmodeus
Pleeeeeeeease, human, please tell Asmo what's wrong! He's going to be pouting and clinging to their arm until they tell him...
When they do tell him, his eyes are angry, and he's immediately stealing them away to his room.
So. Many. Cuddles. He's so physically affectionate, and he'll tell them how wonderful they are in-between peppering adoring kisses over their cheeks.
He's keeping his human to himself! Stress is bad for the skin, so he'll pamper them with skin creams and face masks, and he'll paint their nails and coo over how cute they are...
Again, it'll be impossible to feel unloved when Asmo is around to adore them so much.
— Beelzebub
Beel is a bit like a soft puppy, and the puppy eyes when the human tells him what happened are real.
How could anyone forget about them...? How could they be so mean? The human's the most generous person he's ever met...
He just wordlessly opens his arms and lets them cuddle into his strong form, holding them tight.
He'll cook for them; whatever they want, and in big quantities, enough for them to share as they catch up and joke together.
Words aren't exactly Beel's strong suit, but it's so clear how much he cares, and it's so heartwarming.
— Belphegor
Okay, first the human will have to pry him off of them and wake him up. (Belphie has clearly missed his human bodypillow...)
His sleepy eyes will narrow in anger once they tell him. How dare anyone be so mean to his human...?
He'll assure them that those people never deserved them; those people aren't worth anything, they're not worth worrying about.
Lots and lots of cuddles, his hands gently massaging their shoulders to soothe and relax them...
It's hard to feel upset when you're asleep or being cuddled, and Belphie has them covered for both of these things.
— Diavolo
He... does not understand. How could anyone brush off such a fascinating, beautiful, wonderful person...?
He'll offer a hug, though he'll be a little tentative about it; he doesn't want to hurt his dear human... they're much smaller than him...
Being the prince - and, uh, having a bit more money than sense - Diavolo will happily take them out on the town and spoil them.
In fact... he'll throw an entire ball in their honour! The whole Devildom will arrive in his castle to celebrate their return!
Anything to make the human happy... They're so special to him; if they're being treated wrong in the human world, he'll show them that the Devildom loves them.
— Simeon
This man is ready to become the human's literal guardian angel in that moment; he looks so very sad.
His embrace is gentle, warm, and delicate... being hugged by Simeon kind of feels like being hugged by a cloud.
He'll cup their face, telling them that while humans can be cruel, they aren't all like that... but no matter what the humans do, he'll always be there for his favourite one.
If they want to come up to the Celestial Realm with him, he'll do what he can to pull some strings and bring them with him.
That night, he'll read them a bedtime story that he wrote... one about an angel who falls hopelessly in love with a sweet, kind human.
— Solomon
Ah. He sympathises. Other humans can be... difficult sometimes; he's been shunned and forgotten about by people in his time too.
But never fear! He'll cook them a nice dinner! (...it will not be nice, but it will have been made with love.)
He'll try to distract them from how they're feeling by telling them fantastical tales from his long, long life.
But... he'll be sure that they know: in that long, long life, they're the most special person he's ever met.
The human's 'friends' might have hurt them, but not all humans are bad... Solomon's proof of that.
— Barbatos
He knew this was coming, and so he isn't the most outwardly upset about it... though make no mistake, he is upset that they're feeling bad.
Being a butler, he's used to serving, and he wants to spoil the human to make them feel better.
They're going to be treated to tea, cakes... quite literally the royal treatment, from the prince's own butler.
His way of caring is quite reserved, but he makes sure to let the human know how much he enjoys their company, how glad he is that they're back.
And although he doesn't give hugs often... he'll happily make the exception for them, even giving a rarely seen blush and a rarely heard laugh.
— Luke
What?! Their friends just... abandoned them? Didn't want to spend time with them? Ignored them?
He's immediately barking at demanding Simeon to let you hang out with them at Purgatory Hall for a while!
He'll be their friend instead! He'll bake them lots and lots of sweet things, to make them feel better.
He's only a kid, so he isn't exactly the world's best at advice or comfort or anything like that...
But the little guy cares, and he cares loudly, letting the human know that their 'friends' were totally wrong to pass up on such a fun person!
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pulpwriterx · 5 years
They agreed to meet in the place where they had first met.
You asked for it, O Best Beloved, so here it is...
The next week, Rey flew to another forest.
When Rey landed her X-Wing, Kylo’s TIE Fighter was there.
He had hidden it with some brush, and Rey did the same.
When they got to the spot, Rey saw that Kylo had brought a big sleeping bag, and two pillows.
He wasn’t wearing his full uniform, just his tunic and his boots.
And those black leather pants.
“Can you stay until tomorrow? I’m in charge. I get to do what I want.” He asked.
“I can. What’s in the grey box?”
“It’s a cooling box. Food.”
“Real food?”
“I always eat real food. There’s a huge bruise on your shoulder blade.”
“I know. I fell, when I was trying to fight the drone with the blast shield down. How am I supposed to feel where it is?”
Ben shrugged.
“I never could. But before it fires? It makes a tiny whirring sound. Aim your lightsaber in the direction of that sound. You'll never miss, again. Now, sit up. Keep your back straight.”
He put her shoulder back in place.
“That’s much better! Sorry about the ugly bruise. What happened to your hand? Your knuckles are all purple.” Rey asked.
“I was questioning one of the late and unlamented Snoke’s toadies that I turned up. He could withstand sophisticated Force techniques, so I just punched him in the face over and over again until he screamed he’d tell me anything. He talked.”
Rey nodded, sagely.
She was more concerned with what he was unpacking from the grey box.
A plate of sandwiches, made from thick slabs of bread, nerf steak and cheese.
Potatoes, fixed up with vegetables and eggs and some kind of sauce.
And then a small white carton, that was very cold.
“Here. Eat this first. Before it melts.”
Rey opened the carton.
There was something ice cold and blue in it.
She got the spoon from her mess kit, and tasted it.
It had a smooth consistency, and it was cold, but creamy and sugary, and it tasted like blue milk, and vanilla, and a little like cinnamon.
“This is so good! It tastes even better than it looks!”
“Rey, you act like you've never eaten ice cream.” Ben laughed.
“I haven’t!”
“You never ate ice cream? Ever? Go ahead. Finish it. I have more. How could you have never eaten ice cream? In your life?”
“Because I never had parents. Or a home. Ben, when I was 13, I ran away from my miserable life as my guardian’s near slave. With a flyboy named Dack Rann, who told me he was thirty, but later I found out he was closer to fifty. By the time I was 14, he had dumped me back in the sand on Jakku, and I was on my own. Maybe you think your family were neglectful, and I believe you that they were. But you had one. I have nothing.”
“You have me. I promise, I won’t leave you, Rey. Even if I have to come back from the dead. I’m a Sith Lord, a Jedi Master, and a Skywalker. Don’t ever believe I’m dead, unless you’ve buried me with your own hands, and I haven’t come up out of the ground in a week. Gods, I thought you were just on a diet, like women are. I didn’t know you were starving. Eat. Eat more.”
“Are you sure you can trust your cook?”
“You’re looking at him. I can’t trust anybody. I cook all my own food. I even butcher the meat.”
Rey ate all the ice cream, one of the giant sandwiches, and a heap of the potato thing, and she was stuffed.
Ben ate the rest, but he offered more to her, first.
He ate like a Wookiee; his table manners were awful, but Rey had no way of knowing that.
Hers were worse.
Ben didn’t tell her.
He’d never told her that fancy women from Coruscant and other such places took a razor and shaved their underarms and their legs like men shaved their faces.
And some women even shaved their bush.
Ben didn’t mind a little leg hair.
And he was partial to bush.
“What are you thinking about?” Rey asked.
“Your bush.”
“Not now, Ben! I’m so full I think if you got on top of me, I would explode! I need to walk some of this meal off.”
“What kind of bullshit gung-ho Jedi Uncle Luke crap is that? You sleep off a big meal. I’m getting in the sleeping bag, and lying here with the sun shining on my face through the trees and I’m going to take a nap and snore. You should, too.”
Ben even got undressed.
Rey followed his lead.
It wasn’t warm, but it was a lazy day, and the big meal made her drowsy, and Rey fell asleep curled up with Kylo, listening to his snoring and the other comforting sounds of the woods.
“Rey. Rey? Wake up, little angel. You’re so cute, when you’re asleep. You snore, and drool, and fart. And when I touched you, you called me Dack, honey, and asked me to put my old Imperial uniform on. Boots, too. So, you like flyboys, huh? Imperial flyboys, too. I’ll bet you want the Imperial Act. But you’ll never ask me for it. You don't have to."
Rey was mortified, but Ben got up, kissed her, and grabbed his clothes.”
“Stay right there. Don’t get dressed.”
Ben went to his TIE Fighter.
“The safe word is Chandrila. But you won’t need it! I’m not that kinky!” he yelled.
He returned in full regalia with his cape on.
And his gloves.
“So, young Jedi. You’ve walked right into my trap. You have not committed yourself to my cause, and yet, you want access to the corridors of power.”
“I…I…” Rey stammered.
“SILENCE!” Kylo Ren roared.
His dark, ancient eyes glinted with Imperial fanaticism and insistent lust.
He clenched his black-gloved fist against his chest as he backed Rey over to the sleeping bag.
Backed her down to her knees.
“Didn’t I tell you I could take what I wanted from you? You’re all alone on this planet. No one will hear you scream. Only me. You think you won’t scream? I promise you, Rebel scum. You will.” He purred.
He casually pushed aside the bottom of his surcoat, so that Rey could see he was visibly and certainly most entirely aroused.
“I can do whatever I’d like, to you. So, I suggest that if you value your freedom, Rebel Girl?”
Kylo Ren caressed Rey's face with his gloved hand, almost tenderly, but there was no tenderness in the way he pushed her face against his black leather thigh.
“I suggest you suspend work on all your projects for the Resistance, on this mission…”
He unbuckled his belt.
“…and start working on me.”
Kylo Ren unbuttoned his uniform trousers, and got his cock out.
“You know what I want.”
Rey nodded.
And when he'd had enough, he made her stop.
“No more for you, you hungry little beast. I can’t believe it, but you like this, don’t you? You dirty little Rebel whore.”
“Please, Supreme Leader. I want you to ravish me. I don’t know why I feel like this about you. But I need your big, stiff Imperial prick.”
He tore her panties off her body, and then Kylo Ren got Rey on her hands and knees, got behind her, and gave her a little slap on the ass.
“Chandrila! Chandrila!” Rey yelped.
“OK. What should I stop doing?”
Rey expected him to be mad.
He didn’t sound mad.
“I told you before. Don’t stick it in my ass. I don’t trust you flyboys, in that position.”
“I wasn’t after your ass. But you just killed your paramour, Rann. When I find him? I’ll kill him just for giving you fear. Why would I want your ass when your cunt is soaked? You want my Imperial cock? I’ll give it to you. Are you ready, prisoner?”
“Yes. Oh, yes!” Rey panted.
The Supreme Leader started screwing her, doggy style.
“If you please me, I may even give you special privleges.” Ben purred.
Now Ben had his hand between Rey's legs, rubbing his gloved fingers across her hot button while he gave it to her.
In his full Imperial uniform.
With his boots on.
Rey couldn’t help it.
“Oh, fuck, Ben, you are so much better at this than Dack Rann!”
“That’s because I’m the King, baby…”
“…King of the Sky…”
“…hail to the King, Rebel Girl…”
“…I’ll tell you this, no two-bit flyboy is ever gonna make you come just like this! You’re my Rebel Girl, now! That’s a good girl. squeeeeeeze my cock in your wet, dirty cunt and let me fill you with my hot spunk!!!!”
Now they were both screaming, and then they fell into a jumble of arms and legs on the sleeping bag.
“That’s how I do the Imperial Act, sweetheart. Boots, and all. But I am thinking about killing Rann. It’s bad enough him taking you from your home planet when you were a kid to do it to you, let alone trying to pressure you into butt stuff you obviously didn’t want to do. Rann isn’t even a good-looking older man. He’s a big slob with a beer belly who always looks like he needs a shave. Why him?”
Ben got undressed, again.
“Okay. But I’m getting undressed. I’m sweating like a Hutt.”
“You don’t think I’m a pervert, do you, Ben?”
“Nope. You'd be surprised the things girls asked me to do that I refused. Especially in uniform. Did I give you everything you wanted?”
“You won’t tell anyone, will you?”
“Of course not.”
“You did, Ben. I just wish we had some more ice cream.”
“Me too.”
Ben fell asleep, but Rey couldn't.
She woke him uo.
“I lied, Ben. I lied to you. And I don't want to get Dack killed for my lies. I wasn’t 14. I was 16. The Galactic age of consent. Don’t kill him, Ben. I had other offers. Dack was just so…he couldn’t have been anything but a man. He was macho, and funny, and a real tough guy. He used to come back and see me every three months or so. He never did anything I didn’t want him to. Just asked for it. And they don’t call him Two-Gun Rann just because he wears two long-barreled blasters. He has three. I am a pervert.”
Ben kissed her forehead.
“Not so much as me. Do you know who Hela Darkstar is?”
“Red Hela, the Chieftain of the Wolf Clan? The High Queen of Arkanis? Your mother sent me to Arkanis on a diplomatic mission. The Throne of Blood and Iron is made of swords, knives, axes and electroplated skulls and bones. She murdered her own father and stole his throne. There’s a space at the top. She says it’s for the skull of the Great Beast, the warrior and wizard who wronged her. She keeps her first cousin as a male concubine. But she did send us some Arkanian warriors. Why?”
“Fenrir Darkstar is not dead. He retired to Tattoine, and opened a bar and registered whorehouse in Anchorhead. That space you mentioned? It's for my head, but she’s had plenty of opportunities to take it, and never did. Fenrir sent her to the Jedi Temple with her cousin, Armitage Hux, who was Force null, to keep her out of trouble. It didn’t work. When she was dismissed, she drugged me, kidnapped me, and kept me prisoner in her private rooms for three months. I was allowed free reign in Hela's private apartments, but she wouldn’t let me have clothes. Or shoes. I was 20, and I had never even kissed a girl, before Hela took me. When my father made a deal with her father, to release me? I didn’t want to go. We promised each other never to touch anyone else on Tuesdays, the day we met, or Saturdays, the day she made me a man. Even though she hates me, now? I go to Arkanis every Tuesday and Saturday I can. I’ve never been asked to leave.”
“So if I run into Dack, and it’s not a Thursday?”
“If it’s a Thursday, I’ll kill him.”
Rey just laughed.
“Agreed.” She said.
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beemansclub · 7 years
Wrestling Tags Master Post
I’ve been gaining some followers, so if you need help navigating my wrestling head-space here ya go.
fight grumpy bear fight – Kevin Owens ➡️ high flyin murder bear – Kevin doing rope moves and/or being acrobatic ➡️ you are such a little shit and i live for it – Kevin being a turd sunshine bear cub – Sami Zayn / El Generico sourpuss has a tag – Seth Rollins / Tyler Black nui honu o ka naau – Roman Reigns dreadlocked swamp bear – Bray Wyatt yeti monster hurls a xmas tree – Braun Strowman ohno is hero – Kassius Ohno / Chris Hero bayley aka pure sunlight – Bayley murder lioness – Nia Jax asskicking cupcake – Candice LeRae dogg always be dancin – Road Dogg / BG James nxt dad – HHH aj the king of petulance – AJ Styles jack the gentleman – Jack Gallagher rudeboy neville – Neville / PAC halfdragon ember moon – Ember Moon prince mustafa – Mustafa Ali smol demon prince – Finn Balor / Prince Devitt gloriously roode – Bobby Roode queen heel – Steph McMahon what is it with you and elbows through the announce tables? – Shane McMahon everyone’s favorite omega – Kenny Omega aa and his banana – Austin Aries dolph gunn – Dolph Ziggler (he’ll always be Billy Gunn’s son to me) uncle samoa joe – Samoa Joe a perfect tye – Tye Dillinger tozawa – Akira Tozawa handsome rusev – Rusev glow queen – Naomi dutch antihero – Aliester Black / Tommy End trashy snarlboy – Pete Dunn mustache mountain the youger – Tyler Bate mustache mountain the elder – Trent Seven wolfie bear – Wolfgang villain☔️ – Marty Scurll adam bay bay – Adam Cole the greatest peacock – Dalton Castle ricochet👑 – Ricochet / Prince Puma dusty – Dusty Rhodes goldie – Golddust baby dream – Cody (Rhodes) / Stardust royal nattie cat – Natalya jimmy jacobs – Jimmy Jacobs kinshasa king – Shinsuke Nakamura not a cat (wo) – Will Ospreay takahashi and daryl – Hiromu Takahashi (and Daryl) tranquilo naito – Naito walking with elias – Elias (Sampson) thumbs up thumbs down – Sami Callihan / Soloman Crowe / Jeremiah Crane ruby riot – Ruby Riot hippie juice – Juice Robinson / CJ Parker philly boy gulak – Drew Gulak hottest dad – Joey Ryan no ham dar – Noam Dar foxycase – Alicia Fox he thinks his name is trent – Trent(?) Beretta chuckie t – Chuck Taylor mr crazy posture – Kyle O'Reilly fishie butt – Bobby Fish sterling graves – Corey Graves / Sterling James Keenan kogane no hoshi – Kota Ibushi we can roll – Rickey Shane Page / Christian Faith lil kazu – Okada Kazuchika cabana!!! – Colt Cabana lone wolf – Baron Corbin gresham 🐙🌈 –Jonathan Gresham penta – Pentagon Jr / Penta El Zero (0) M rising fenix – Fenix mjeff – MJF cedric – Cedric Alexander cien – Andrade Cien Almas ds david starr – David Starr jack sexsmith – Jack Sexsmith the lights not right for velveteen – Velveteen Dream / Patrick Clark pagefabe3.0 - Adam "Hangman" Page jersey bred fighter – Sonya Deville friesian clydesdale – Drew McIntyre tilly's bad boy – Joey Janela prince tana – Hiroshi Tanahashi tom tim philippe phillips – Tom Philips (WWE Commentator) deathmatch ref – Drake Wuertz / Drake Younger 316 – Stone Cold Steve Austin y2j – Chris Jericho brodie – Luke Harper / Brodie i like this boy who wrestles barefoot! – Matt Riddle star factory – Curt Hawkins / Brian Myers #zsj🇬🇧 – Zack Saber Jr miz the wiz – The Miz slam dancer – Zachary Wentz officer o'scare – Dan O'Hare
Teams and Groups
milk and honey tag team – Sheamus and Cesaro (Sheasaro) ➡️ cesaro is so underrated – Antonio Cesaro / Claudio Castagnoli ➡️ this irish idiot – Sheamus jeriko experiment – Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens storyline ➡️➡️ crash and burn ending – JeriKO (Festival of Friendship and after) ➡️➡️ its ending :( – JeriKO (buildup to Roadblock: End of the Line 2016) unicornmen of a new day – The New Day ➡️ big e is a national treasure – Big E ➡️ xavier austin creed woods phd – Xavier Woods ➡️ kofi the goat – Kofi Kingston thicc southern bears – The Revival ( Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson) the polyamorous tag team – DIY (Johnny Gargano, Tommaso Ciampa, {Candice LeRae}) ➡️ not replaceable – Tommaso Ciampa (was originally for DIY break-up) beauty and the man beast – Heath Slater and Rhyno fashion po po – Breezango (Tyler Breeze and Fandango) ➡️➡️ The Fashion Files are Amazing Comedy started from the bottom now we here – anything with Kevin and Sami/Generico ➡️➡️ cute but evil guardian angels – Sami & Kevin as friends post HiaC 2017 bullet club brothers – Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson sheasaro and their daughter bayley – Cesaro, Sheamus, and Bayley ladder kings – Matt and Jeff Hardy ➡️ broken and woken – Matt Hardy ➡️ brother eagle – Jeff Hardy superkick party animals – The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson) red shoes white shoes – Street Profits (Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins) royal 1s – AJ Styles and Charlotte grindkore ascending – The Ascension (Konnor and Viktor) deuce uce – The Usos (Jimmy and Jey Uso) 🤙 – Samoa Joe and Roman Reigns big guys soft hearts – War Machine aop – Authors of Pain (Akam and Rezar) axe n bow – The B Team / The Miztourage (Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas) the rep – The REP.
General Wrestling Tags
wwe after dark – anything not “live” on USA uudd is (➡️ and it’s beautiful ) – up up down down content house show  wrestling is beautiful – stuff I find funny, abnormal, and/or cool; storyline paralells; sportsmanship wrestling is a serious thing – when they do off the wall bullshit (actually used once for a serious post.. so I guess can go both ways ) i just cant quit you wwe – now used as a generic “untagged” for wwe content indies posts  indies time machine  smackdown lovelies – I’m a RAW Brand person so this is the guys on Blue I like cross promotion stuff impersonating other characters mmc – Mix Match Challenge yes yes yes yes – Bray’s heavyweight title run frenemies making magic – When rivals team up to beat a third (or fourth) rival during a match southpaw regional wrestling excited panda rolls – wrestlers rolling around with their newly won title aesthetic
Extra Special Tags
otp: kev + titles – Kevin kissing, hugging, or cuddling his titles otp: kev + zoos *kevin speaking french *sami speaking french *sami speaking arabic *joe sensually promising murder !cesaro voice: fellaaaaa – Cesaro using “fella” to refer to Sheamus !kevin owens voice: i never once felt bad i feel great [ripping signs] – Kevin ripping people’s signs that's deep kevin – interviews where he gets deep this is more for kevin’s hands than anything – he talks with them a lot, they’re expressive wonderful blue thunder bombs the guerrero gag – "Using" weapons behind the ref's back to trick them for DQ
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