Do you know any fics that are like the show naked and afraid?
I couldn't find any Klaine fics where they are survivalists in a reality show like "Naked and Afraid". Amberlovesocean has written two fics that you will probably enjoy. - HKVoyage
Glory by Amberlovesocean Kurt is assaulted after singing at a school dance and is left for dead, thrown aboard an empty train car at the railroad freight yard to hide the crime. He wakes up to find he's been tossed off the car somewhere in an Oregon logging camp, 2500 miles from home. A curly-haired kid named Blaine finds Kurt and protects him by hiding him in his cabin and teaching him how to survive.
Caribbean Love by Amberlovesocean
Kurt takes his father to the Virgin Islands to vacation after his heart attack. Burt ends up in the hospital and Kurt goes to get their luggage to take his dad home when a storm smashes the boat, leaving Kurt in the ocean. Alone. He needs all of his wits about him to survive, but he finds something he needed more than that...
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The best TV shows play dress up w/ blorbo.
Wednesday: 🧐 what if she was in a… full body latex catsuit? Or a pilgrim outfit? A goth prom dress? How can we make that happen?
Stranger Things: (S4) could we have several episodes of barefoot shirtless hairy chested Steve Harrington? Ooooh, possibly bleeding but saying he’s fine? Ooh in a sleeveless denim battle jacket?
THT writers should use a similar process for S6 Nick Blaine.
What if he had a beard? 🧐 Wounds? An all black button down dress shirt and black tie? A red/black lumberjack flannel shirt w/ cuffs rolled up as he cuts wood w/ an axe in tight jeans? Tight black t- shirt and sunglasses? Grey sweatpants only? 👀🔥 ill fitted gym shorts and a t-shirt he got from a thrift store? MILITARY SURPLUS ARMY JACKET???
It’s the last season ppl. Let’s make it count.
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datshitrandom · 5 years
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Favorite Fanfics (86/?): “Bound for Glory” by Cleverboots (Amberlovesocean)
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thnxforknowingme · 3 years
It's Who I'm With (10/24)
Summary: In an attempt to make industry connections (and pay rent), Kurt gets a job as a nanny for the daughter of a Broadway producer. When bringing her to a piano lesson one day in December, he meets Blaine Anderson, personal assistant to a famed pianist. (For Klaine Advent 2021)
Rating: T
Read previous parts here.
Ten: Transparent
When Blaine arrived for Francie’s lesson on Monday, he was holding two red-and-green coffee cups.
“Thirsty?” Kurt teased as he let Blaine in.
“This is for you, actually,” Blaine said, holding out the larger of the cups. “If you want it. Cinnamon vanilla latte.”
Kurt took the cup, warmth seeping into his fingers. “Um, thank you, that’s - really nice.”
Blaine smiled and shrugged. “Just returning the favor after last week.” He held up the other cup. “This is a hot chocolate for Francie, if that’s okay?”
“Sure,” Kurt replied. “Seriously, though, you didn’t have to do this.”
“I wanted to,” Blaine said, his eyes bright.
Francie was excited to receive a surprise hot chocolate, and they spent a few minutes enjoying their drinks in the kitchen before Blaine and Francie headed for the piano.
Kurt kept himself busy through most of the lesson, but once again, about ten minutes before Blaine was supposed to leave, he called Kurt over.
“Up for another performance?” Blaine asked with a grin.
Kurt laughed. “If you insist.”
Blaine nudged Francie with his elbow, and she nodded enthusiastically. “We insist.”
“Okay,” Kurt agreed, gesturing at Blaine to play.
Chords and notes rang out from the piano, filling the room, and Blaine sang out the first line: “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas, just like the ones I used to know…”
Kurt rolled his eyes as soon as he recognized the song, picking up on Blaine’s reference to their conversation last week. Nonetheless, once Blaine finished the first verse Kurt took over for the second. Blaine was again the perfect accompanist - they picked up on each other’s moments of improvisation, shaping the song to their whims, playfully passing the melody back and forth and then coming together to harmonize. They sang the final line together, Blaine adding a flourish on the piano as the song ended, and then they were just smiling at each other, the warmth and camaraderie of the song lingering between them.
Blaine turned towards Francie and began talking about what she should practice over the next few days, and Kurt took a step away from the piano.
A few minutes later, as Kurt walked Blaine to the door, Blaine said, “you’re an excellent singer.”
Kurt smiled. “Thanks. Hoping to make a career out of it some day, but that’s slow progress.”
“You want to go into the music industry?” Blaine asked.
“Musical theater,” Kurt replied. He glanced over his shoulder, making sure that Francie had retreated back to her room. “That’s why I applied for this job in the first place, actually. You know, hoping to get noticed by Vincent Lowe.”
Blaine raised an eyebrow as he reached the coat rack. “How’s that going?”
“Well, he’s noticed that I’m great at picking his daughter up from school,” Kurt joked. “Anyway. Why’d you pick White Christmas?”
The corner of Blaine’s mouth tweaked upward. “Seemed seasonally appropriate, didn’t it?”
Kurt leaned against the doorway and crossed his arms, watching as Blaine got bundled up. “I suppose so.”
Blaine caught his eye, and then shrugged, his expression turning bashful. “To be completely transparent, last week you seemed a little…unenthused about the holidays. So I figured I’d bring some Christmas cheer.”
Kurt laughed. “Oh my god, is this a Hallmark movie? Am I supposed to be the high-powered executive who doesn’t believe in Christmas magic, and you’re the small-town lumberjack who’s going to show me the true meaning of Christmas?”
Blaine scoffed. “I don’t know if I should be flattered to be called a lumberjack or not.”
“I’m not a Scrooge,” Kurt insisted.
“I never accused you of that,” Blaine replied. “But did you enjoy singing the song?”
Kurt sighed. “Yes.”
“And did you enjoy the coffee?”
Kurt narrowed his eyes. “So that was a ploy, too?”
“Not a ploy,” Blaine said. “A kind gesture.”
Kurt rolled his eyes. “A gesture with an ulterior motive.”
Blaine just smiled as he opened the door. “I’ll see you on Thursday, Kurt.”
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lady-divine-writes · 5 years
Klaine Advent One-shot: The Hallmark of a New Christmas Tradition (Rated PG13)
Summary: With their plans canceled and a cherished Christmas tradition persona non grata, Kurt and Blaine come up with a new tradition - writing and starring in their own Hallmark-style movie. (1305 words)
Notes: Written for the Glee Potluck Big Bang prompt 'Hallmark' and the Klaine Advent 2019 prompt 'tradition'. Also, I'm embarrassed at how quickly it took to write this XD
Read on AO3.
“Ugh! Hallmark!” Kurt groans, closing his browser and tossing his phone across the sofa in disgust. “You disappoint me.”
“I take it you heard about the Zola thing, too, huh?” Blaine asks, retrieving the discarded phone and dropping on a cushion beside his husband.
“Yup.” Kurt snags his phone back, but only as an excuse to grab his husband’s leg and yank it over his lap. “Well, good riddance to bad rubbish.”
“Rubbish? I thought you loved Hallmark movies!”
“Sort of.” Kurt shrugs. “It’s complicated.”
“Complicated?” Blaine snorts. “It’s Hallmark.”
“Yes, but it’s formulaic! And that formula is repetitive … and kind of sexist. It’s something you have to be in the mood for.” Kurt shifts in his seat to better face his husband. “When you put on a Hallmark movie, you know what you’re going to get – successful woman with no time for family or holiday nonsense gets pulled away from an extremely important career-making decision to travel, last minute, to the small town where she grew up and care for her ailing ma/pa/grandma who raised her or whatever, and discovers the true meaning of Christmas in the arms of a rugged lumberjack who spends the first three-quarters of their so-called relationship making fun of her life decisions even though, in the grand scheme of things, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with them, besides maybe the fact that she’s going to be thirty in a few years, le gasp!, and she has yet to pop out any kids.”
Blaine’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise when Kurt finally takes a breath. “Wow. You gave that no thought at all, did you?”
“Don’t have to. Think about it. They never change.”
Blaine’s eyes roll up as he tries to recall the plot of the last few Hallmark movies they watched. He finds himself nodding without even meaning to, his husband’s point proven. “I see what you mean.”
“Plus, no LGBTQ couples ever. At all. Not even in the background.”
“That is a shame,” Blaine agrees, eyes focused on the phone in Kurt’s hands, up to his face, then over his shoulder to the window beyond, where a steady stream of snow has been falling all morning, gathering on the panes and obscuring their view. According to the news, it’s piling up fast, which pretty much 86’d the plans they’d made to visit a bed and breakfast upstate. They’d changed back into their pajamas and opted for their fallback tradition – watching Hallmark movies. But without even asking, he knows that’s out.
Blaine grins. He’d been bummed about their circumstances before, but now he sees an opportunity. The phone, the snow, this whole conversation has given Blaine a stellar idea.
“Seeing as we’re snowed in for the weekend, maybe we can try our hands at making our own Hallmark movie! You and I can star in it!”
Kurt’s right brow arches sharply. “Are you serious? Or is this some veiled excuse to make a cornier-than-normal sex tape?”
“I’m serious! We used to do something similar back in high school! Remember?”
“Normally I try to forget high school, but yes. I remember.”
“Great!” Blaine says, genuinely excited. “Let’s start! Open up your notepad and let’s come up with a script.”
Kurt stares at his husband open-mouthed for a second, but since Blaine honestly looks like he wants to do this, he unlocks his screen and opens his notepad. “All right. Well, casting this thing shouldn’t be too difficult.”
“Why not?”
“For one thing, I work for Vogue, so I get to be the career woman protagonist.”
“Plus you have a dad with a history of health problems …”
“No!” Kurt snaps, less than playfully. “We’re not including that. It’s bad juju.”
Blaine puts up both hands in surrender. Burt’s health has always been a sore spot with Kurt, even now when the man is certifiably fit as a fiddle. But Blaine can understand his fear – even if it’s more superstitious than rational. No need to take unnecessary chances. “Fair enough.”
“We can make up a fictitious ailing grandmother?” Kurt suggests in a softer, apologetic tone.
“Or a pet.”
“Ooo, that’s good!” Kurt jots that down. “People get invested in pets more than people nowadays anyway!”
“I guess that makes me the jerkhole lumberjack,” Blaine says sadly, having not thought this completely through.
“No!” Kurt puts a hand on his husband’s shoulder and kneads comfortingly. “We’ll make you the … uh … cynical struggling musician with a heart of gold!”
Blaine’s eyes light up. “I like it. I like it a lot! And I’m not from the small town. I’m just passing through.”
“Ooo …” Kurt makes a note “… a mysterious stranger with a past. Okay. Now, I come home because my dog …”
“Cooper!” Kurt laughs. “Perfect! My dog Cooper …”
“A thirteen-year-old, blind, shaggy mutt with three legs and chronic gall stones …”
Kurt stops writing to take a gander at his bitter husband. “Uh … is there something you need to pause and work out here, or can we continue?”
“Oh!” Blaine yelps as if he may not have intended to say that all out loud. “No! Continue! By all means.”
Kurt shakes his head. “I come home because my dog Cooper needs emergency surgery. And my dad thinks it’s the perfect opportunity to convince me to move back home and work with him in his shop … despite the fact that my character makes close to seventy-five thousand dollars a year.”
“Where do I come in? Where do I come in?” Blaine asks, bouncing up and down like a toddler mainlining Pixie sticks.
“You showed up in town the week before. No home, no job, no money. And your car …”
“My Harley,” Blaine corrects with an eyebrow wiggle.
“Oh, yes, your Harley needs repairs. But you can’t afford them. So you’re going to work the bill off at my dad’s shop.”
“That sounds like something your dad would do.”
Kurt smiles fondly. “Yeah, it does. Bonding over beers at the only bar in town, he finds out you’re gay, and so he connives you into helping him. You know, using your masculine wiles.”
“He gets me to seduce you? In exchange for repairing my bike? So you’ll stay and work in his shop?”
Blaine frowns. “That sounds kind of sleazy.”
“Yes, but this isn’t real life. Remember? It’s Hallmark. And it’s right on brand.”
“Surprisingly, it is. What else?”
“But you’re a drifter. A nomad. You don’t want to put down roots, not until you’ve scored that big time record contract. And my dad doesn’t want that for me – going on the road with you. So the deal is as soon as you get me to agree to stay, quit my job and sell my penthouse, you’re going to break up with me and leave.”
“So your dad doesn’t really like me?”
“No, sweetheart!” Kurt takes Blaine’s hand, kissing away the sliver of hurt in his husband’s voice. “He does! And in the movie, he’ll come around.”
“All right.” Blaine kisses Kurt’s hand back, momentarily soothed. “If we’re going to act this out, where do we begin? Should I throw on some jeans and a flannel? Grab my guitar?”
“We just got back into our pajamas. And I don’t know about you, but I’m really cozy …” Kurt chews the inside of his cheek, mischief and a smile twitching his lips. “I say we jump ahead to the epic cookie baking montage.”
“Doesn’t that usually happen before the equally epic first kiss?”
“A-ha. Which leads to making out on the sofa. And then …”
“Sex tape?” Blaine meets Kurt’s mischievous grin with one of his own. Kurt flashes his phone screen Blaine’s way, the camera app already open with the perspective flipped so Blaine sees his own grinning face.
“You read my mind.”
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notarelationship · 5 years
In A Minute
Klaine Fic - In A Minute
Summary: AU. Kurt’s a bit clumsy, and Blaine needs a boyfriend in a hurry. What more do you want?  Words: ~2500 Chapters: 1/? Warnings: none
AO3: Ch 1
I’m shooting for weekly updates. Faster if I can get ahead. Will get it up on AO3 soon-ish. Thanks as always to @honeysucklepink for the speedy beta!
“Okay, so you stick the order tickets to this revolving caddy, and the grill cook will pick them up and set everything here on the pickup counter.”
Kurt nodded. It was his first day at the diner and the assistant day manager – a gorgeous brunette named Santana, who swore under her breath in Spanish every time she walked through the swinging doors that led to the kitchen area, was showing him around the various stations that he had to master. Kurt had worked at the local coffee shop back in Ohio, but the diner was definitely bigger, and there were more things to forget.
“Busboys will handle clearing the tables and lay out the cutlery and fresh napkins. All customers get water when they sit down along with their menus – Denny doesn’t like to wait for people to ask, he thinks it sets this greasy spoon apart from every other roach buffet in the city.” Santana shrugged with one shoulder, clearly expressing her doubt that anything about the diner was special. “Whatever, he’s not a terrible boss and he’s pretty flexible with the schedule since everyone here is a performer. If you need time just get someone to cover your shift and write it on the swap board. Everyone wants time off and everyone needs money. It usually works out.” Kurt thought she was done talking, but she went on. “And once you're up to speed be prepared to take on a few shifts for me. I've got three commercial auditions next week.”
Kurt nodded again. There was no way he’d remember everything she had just told him.
“Anything else I need to know?” Kurt asked.
“Nah,” she said, popping her gum.  “You shadow me today and if it’s not too busy you can take some orders later.”
Kurt followed Santana for a couple of tables, and it didn’t seem too difficult. It might take him a couple of days to learn all of the nicknames they had for various menu items, but he was used to memorizing dialogue, so he was pretty sure he would get it.  He learned the various stations quickly, and how to cut the right size of cake or pie without giving away too much, but enough to satisfy the customers. Santana taught him how to keep the coffee pots fresh and full, because they served a lot of NYU students and they could get really unruly if they had to wait for their caffeine fix. After a couple hours he even managed to stay out of the way of the busboys as they moved around clearing tables, making himself virtually invisible.
By the time the evening rush rolled in, Kurt knew the particular way the line cook liked to be asked to speed up an order (that did not result in delivering the completely wrong item to the customer), and he could restock the napkins and refill the ketchup and the salt shakers without incident.
After three days he was sure he was going to be fired.
Kurt Hummel was a klutz. He dropped silverware, tripped on the smooth tiled floors of the diner, and once, during the breakfast rush on his third day at the job, tipped a customer’s Lumberjack Combo Breakfast Platter just a little too much to the left, depositing it in the lap of said lumberjack’s dining partner.
“You psych yourself out.” Santana expertly slid three breakfast plates along one arm, and pick up a fourth with her free hand, as she gave her version of a pep talk.  “I’ve been watching you Kurt. You know what to do, you just try to do it all at once instead of taking it one plate at a time.”
Kurt shook his head. “I don’t know San, maybe I just have butterfingers.”
Santana nodded at two plates still sitting on the line. “Grab those two plates and follow me,” she said with a flip of her ponytail, heading over to a booth with an intimidating number of attractive guys who all looked about Kurt’s age.
“What’s it gonna take to get you to go out with me?” One of the boys teased. Santana set plates of food in front of four of them, then carefully took both plates that Kurt was holding and set them neatly in front of the rest.
“You’ve still got too much penis for me, champ.” Santana’s colorful language rarely shocked Kurt, but he wasn’t used to hearing her use it with paying customers.  “Don’t worry, they’re regulars,” Santana said, somehow winking at the entire table as six jocks burst into giggles. “And fellas, I’m training a newbie, so I expect you all to behave. This is Kurt.” She gave a squeeze to one of Kurt’s shoulder. “Let him know if you need anything else, allright?”
They were wearing matching yellow shirts and shorts, so Kurt assumed they were on some sort of a sports team. In high school this would have set off warning bells for Kurt, but these guys didn’t seem that dangerous, and they had giggled when Santana said penis, not two minutes earlier.
“Big game?” he asked, trying to steal some of the ease Santana had with the group.
The boys mumbled among themselves and Kurt could just make out the words ‘not really’ and ‘just a practice.’
“Okay, well, just flag me down if you need anything else,” he said, taking his awkward with him back to the kitchen.
Twenty minutes later he was making the rounds, refilling water glasses, when Santana’s table flagged him down.
“Refills?” he asked, when he reached the table. The boys all nodded, pushing their glasses to the center of the table so Kurt could reach them easier. Kurt took a breath to steady himself, then reached over with the pitcher, pouring water into all five glasses with only a little splashing onto the table, but nothing too egregious. As he was pouring, Kurt noticed that a few of the boys had cleaned their plates, so he offered to take them.
Everything after that was a blur. He needed to set the pitcher down in order to stack the platters, but didn’t realize until too late that when he set the pitcher down, he set it directly onto a fork; the pitcher wobbled and dumped its ice cold contents all over the lap of the boy sitting nearest to Kurt, who let out a strangled screech.
“Oh shit! I mean shoot! Shit - let me - oh my god.” Kurt scrambled to grab some napkins off of the empty booth next door, and Santana,  no doubt attracted by the familiar noises that followed butterfingers, arrived in seconds with a dry rag and a handful of fresh paper towels.
“Jesus Kurt, again?” Santana went to mop up the lap of the wettest boy, then smirked and seemed to think better of it. “Here short stack, you can dab your own crotch.” The boy squirmed a little, but took the napkins and attempted to dry himself off.
“It’s fine - it’s, the pitcher was almost empty,” the boy tried not to make a big deal out of it. He didn’t seem to be mad - at least, he wasn’t yelling at Kurt, which made him possibly the best customer Kurt had had since he’d started, but the boy was clearly uncomfortable, and Kurt could see the huge wet puddle dripping from where the excess water had pooled on the seat between his legs before puddling onto the floor. Kurt shuddered in sympathy. “Really don’t worry about it, it’s just water,” the boy said again. “And I need to go hit the showers anyway.” He tried to give Kurt a sympathetic smile, but Kurt thought he just looked uncomfortable.
“Please, let me comp your meal - all of your meals.” He looked around the table at the boys, but they all protested.
“You really don’t have to, Blaine needed to cool off,” one said
“Yeah, he scored three goals on me this afternoon, if you hadn’t dumped water all over him I probably would have.” They all laughed at that.
“How about dessert?” Kurt offered. “Coffee and pie on me?”
“How about next time? For the pie?” It was the boy Kurt had spilled on, Blaine, and with everything calming down, Kurt took a minute to look at him. His face was turned up toward kurt, and for a brief second Kurt lost his breath. Sure, he was wet, and a little dirty from whatever sport they’d been playing, but his eyes were beautiful, and he was smiling at Kurt in the most sincere way. “We come here all the time, there’ll be other chances for you to make it up to us.” He finished with a quiet smile, and Kurt had to force himself to look away.
“Okay,” Kurt collected himself. “If you promise you’ll come back.” They all promised, and Kurt left them to get their check.
“Santana!” Kurt wailed when he was back in the kitchen.
“Eh, don’t worry about it. They really are here all the time and I’m sure they don’t want to be annoying. Besides,” she added, “I think the little one you poured the water on has a crush on you.”
Kurt scoffed.
“Don’t laugh, maybe he gets off on having things spilled on him.” Kurt rolled his eyes, and brought them their check before disappearing quickly back into the kitchen.
After they had left and he was clearing their table, he discovered a tip far greater than the 10-15% customers usually left, along with a note written on a dry napkin.
Realy don’t worry about it, accidents happen. I promise to take you up on that pie - Blaine.
Kurt folded up the note, and stuck it in his apron pocket, and grinned all the way back to the kitchen.
“Hey Hummel, your shift is over in ten, why don’t you cut out early.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, Brittany’s already here, and it’s Tuesday. It’ll be a quiet night.” Santana was talking to him, but she only had eyes for his replacement. Kurt wasn’t sure they had something going on, but he was sure Santana was open to the idea.
“Okay,” he said brightly. “If you insist.” He washed up as best he could, grabbed his bag from the staff coat closet, and with a wave and a promise to be back the next day for the breakfast shift, he headed home.
Kurt stepped out of the restaurant, breathing in the sights, sounds and smells of the New York spring. New York didn’t always smell great, anyone would agree, but there were occasionally times when it smelled so New York that it was pleasant by association. Tonight was one of those nights.
After a few moments Kurt sighed, and began making a mental list of all of the things be needed to be working on, starting with his scene for his French new wave plays class. It would be better if they’d let him do it in French.
After turning right at the corner, Kurt dodged the light crowd that was starting to gather, as the city shifted from people rushing home from work to people heading out to meet friends and socialize at a much more leisurely pace.
He hadn’t gone more than ten paces before he noticed a familiar figure standing in a doorway. Away from the pedestrian traffic. In the twilight it took him a few long blinks to realize that it was Blaine.
Kurt started to say hi, then realized Blaine was on his phone, as he held up one finger with a somewhat pleading look. Kurt thought meant that Blaine wanted him to wait, so he stopped, and couldn’t help but overhear the end of Blaine’s conversation.
“Yep, yes. Of course I have time, yes, yes I’ll bring him, if he doesn’t have to work-“ Blaine looked at Kurt and grimaced. “Friday night, yes Mother. Love you too. And Dad of course.” Blaine was silent, obviously listening, but nodding along and looking as though he were experiencing slightly more than mild gas pains. After a few more moments he hung up. “Kurt!”
“Um, you weren’t out here waiting for me, I hope.” Kurt chuckled nervously. “No why would you be.” Blaine had said he was fine, but maybe he wanted to exact some revenge for the ice lap? Weirder things had happened on the streets of New York, Kurt knew.
“No! No, um,” Blaine fidgeted a little, then pointed at his phone. “My mom called.”
Kurt had no idea where this conversation was going, but Blaine was certainly cute when he was nervous, or at least when he seemed nervous.
“That’s nice?” Kurt asked, but Blaine looked mildly pained, so Kurt went on. “And I am so sorry, about the water -” Kurt waved his hand in a circle in the direction of Blaine’s crotch, but then thought better of it, stopping with a nervous laugh. “If there’s anything I can do to make it up to you.”
Blaine’s eyebrows did an adorable furrowing, and he finally said something. “Actually, um, there might be?”
Kurt perked up. He would really like to unload some of this guilt over the spill. 
“Anything. Well, most things, probably. I don’t think I could do a hit on anyone.” Blaine looked confused. “Kill someone?”
“Oh, oh nothing like that.” Blaine paused. “I need a date.”
“Oh.” That was not what Kurt expected. “Oh?”
“Actually, I need a boyfriend. On very short notice.”
“A boyfriend?”
Blaine nodded, then looked horrified. “Oh my god, I mean, I don’t want to assume, that’s terrible - bad Blaine - I guess I was maybe hoping, when I saw you come around the corner. You don’t even have to be gay! All I need is someone to go out to dinner with me and my parents and pretend to be my boyfriend. No extras required.”
Even his scattered thought process was a little adorable.
“Wait. You need a pretend boyfriend to have dinner with your parents? Don’t gay guys usually need fake girlfriends?”
Blaine laughed. “Probably, but my parents know I’m gay, they’re fine about it, mostly -“ his face darkened for the briefest of moments, “but they keep trying to fix me up with this guy whose parents go to their country club, and I just wanted them to stop so I told them I was in a relationship. And now they’re going to be here this weekend and they want to meet you.” Blaine shook his head and sputtered, his eyes wide in surprise. “Him! My boyfriend.” Blaine sighed and dropped his arms to his sides. “That I don’t have.”
Kurt took a second to really look at Blaine. He was definitely cute, and definitely gay, and while he looked a little rumpled and sweaty now, Kurt could imagine him cleaning up quite nicely. And also it was just for an evening. Kurt would definitely be helping him out, so he could stop feeling guilty about dumping the water on him.
“Nice restaurant?”
Blaine laughed. “Oh, definitely. My parents are the epitome of snooty rich people. It’ll be whatever the hottest place to be this week is.”
“Snooty rich parents and a free meal? I’m in.” Kurt grinned.
“That’s great Kurt, thank you.” Blaine took out his phone and handed it to Kurt. “Put in your number and I’ll send you all the details. I really appreciate this. You have no idea.”
“Let’s talk tomorrow. You can fill me in on anything I need to know about you then.”
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gdhqgossip · 6 years
If you had to guess everyone’s secret talents, what would they be?
Luke - this man knows how to eat pussy like a champ. i won’t hear anything otherwise.
Jackie - she’s got like an instagram model look about her so maybe she’s secretly a damn good photographer, i don’t know
Santana - i feel like she can sing but she’s hiding it to preserve her serpent image or whatever
Brody - i feel like he’s good at throwing knives or something
Harper - dancers are usually decently good figure skaters right? like i’m sure she can jump.
Darius - PARKOUR
Charlie - she seems like the type that gets emo with an acoustic guitar a lot
Roman - he can tie knots. i feel this in my gut. he has the same bondage fascination with them as armie hammer does.
Josie - i bet she’s a great dancer
Hunter - i bet he has a super weenie talent like gardening
Blaine - i feel like he knows how to beat someone’s ass if he needs to
Sophie - she probably knits or sews or embroiders or something
Sebastian - not so secret anymore but he’s a damn good liar isn’t he? pretending to mourn his sister for two weeks and all.
Avery - this woman powerlifts. don’t contradict me. she can lift like a mofo
Dani - she’s a ghoulie right? i bet she can hot wire cars
Finn - i feel like he’s secretly good at woodwork or something. like mad lumberjack chic
Quinn - lucy caboosey is good at sucking dick probably
Theo - this man can mix a damn good drink, i feel it in my bones
Rachel - this girl has no secret talents. if she had a talent we’d all hear about it until our ears bled.
Madison - not to be stereotypical but i’m sure she can pick pockets
Kurt - he’s a weenie too and i bet he bakes
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fatal-blow · 6 years
Switch AU Part 1
Okay it’s finally cooled down and it’s on my mind so I’mma talk about the DOE Switch AU.  I know a lot of you don’t know much about DOE, especially because I haven’t finished posting the first book and stuff, but maybe some people will find this fun?
Also yeah this is part 1 because I wrote this up and realized I’m gonna have to make more posts to cover everything haha whoops
The Society was shut down due to a fight with Magics; the Defenders were blamed for the damage
During that fight, three of the Defenders, Amara, Rabi, and Sandra, were killed
Three others were heavily affected/permanently injured by the fight
Blaine was blinded
Like a lot of the Defenders he left with little trace
Ended up in full out war with Magics, attacking high ranking members and picking them off whenever he can with his sniper
Lots of pent up rage
Hungry for vengeance
Kirian was deafened
They worked on a farm for a while trying to get used to their new disability
Unabashedly loud (not that they were quiet to begin with)
Has no idea what to do with their grumpy ass kid
Skylar was mentally fucked (and might have had his powers screwed over by Magics as well)
Is the son of the founder, but he’s all but disowned her at this point
These days he’s basically attached at the hip to Lizz
He suffers from pretty severe anxiety and paranoia, as well as PTSD after being in the heads of the teammates that died
Was in a relationship with Blaine but they broke up after the shutdown
Arin was originally the leader, but after the fight she left, claiming that she needed some time to think.  No one’s heard from her since
Guilty as hell about like...all of this
Possibly doing something with Lucifer/Gabriel
Lizz is pretty successful
She works as a secretary but owns so many shares in the company that no one fucks with her
Never had the same motivations to build her own company that James did, but is nonetheless money savvy
Was second in command, but becomes the leader of the Defenders when Arin refuses to come back
Tado has basically cut himself off from everyone except Lizz
All things considered he’s considerably less fucked than canon!Tado
Was in a relationship with Amara, still kinda fucked up about her death but has moved on for the most part
More worried about Skylar but I think something happened and he doesn’t wanna see him right now??  Idk
Ying defected to Magics
She was in a relationship with Lizz but disappeared after the attack on Magics
Lizz doesn’t know that she turned
She and Blaine are beefing like mad and have tried to kill each other many times
Co-leads Magics with Jacob
Byron is still a shit
Actually he smartens up by the time they get the kids
But he used to be the same arrogant dickhead he is in canon
Was in the military for a while despite being forbidden, went AWOL for a reason I haven’t decided yet
Worked as a pilot afterwards
Jimmy has seen better days though
He works as a lumberjack (Lizz got him the job) but he’s a bit of a drinker
Kept his sense of humour, but way darker than in canon
Helped Kirian after they were deafened since he has hearing problems too
Absolutely refuses to fight ever again
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Hi, I’m looking for any fic of Kurt just getting absolutely smashed not drunk but like beaten up or hurt, preferably not by a person but like I’m a car accident or something like that
There aren't that many fics like you are suggesting. I suggest you check out our car accident tag; it includes fic recs where Kurt is in a car accident.
I also suggest you check out this verse. It does NOT start with the assault, but rather Kurt waking up in the empty train car. It has all the hurt/comfort that is typical of the type of story you want. Besides, it's rather unique with lumberjack!Blaine. - HKVoyage
Glory by Amberlovesocean
Kurt is assaulted after singing at a school dance and is left for dead, thrown aboard an empty train car at the railroad freight yard to hide the crime. He wakes up to find he's been tossed off the car somewhere in an Oregon logging camp, 2500 miles from home. A curly-haired kid named Blaine finds Kurt and protects him by hiding him in his cabin and teaching him how to survive.
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eidivine · 4 years
Tumblr media
“Ya that’s my family.” She reaches over and starts pointing at each person in the photo. “The tall burly lumberjack lookin’ guy is my dad, the thin four eyes is my oldest brother Caleb.... The two jackasses in the middle are the twins Blaine and Andrew, they’re the second to third oldest.” She then moves to small girl with blonde hair being held up by an older woman with the same colored hair. Both of them were smiling widely. “That was me.... And the woman holding me was my mom.”
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Tuesday 3-3-20 - it's time for another HBC 24 Hour Surprise Drabble Challenge!
The theme this time is AU! Alternate Universe - choose any AU (list below, or create your own) and Seb/Any Seb Character(s) and go wild!
Rules For AU Challenge Drabbles:
You do not need to reserve a prompt.
You do not need to tell us which prompt you're writing.
You can write as many or as few as you'd like, and there is no word minimum or maximum.
Smut/Fluff/Angst/any combo accepted, please adhere to HBC Guidelines.
To get on the masterlist, DM the link to your drabble(s) to HBC - All AU Challenge Drabble links received in 24 hours will be added to the masterlist.
AU Prompts:
Cam Boy
College Student
Dad/Single Parent
Fairy Tale
Musician/Rock Star
Police Officer
Private Detective
Space Opera
Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby
Tattoo Artist
Character List:
Tony n' Tina's Wedding - Johnny Nunzio
Red Doors - Simon
The Architect - Martin Waters
The Covenant - Chase Collins
The Education of Charlie Banks - Leo Reilly
Rachel Getting Married - Walter
Spread- Harry
Hot Tub Time Machine - Blaine
Black Swan - Andrew / Suitor
Gone - Billy
The Apparition - Ben Curtis
The Bronze - Lance Tucker
Ricki and the Flash - Joshua Brummel
The Martian - Dr. Chris Beck
Logan Lucky - Dayton White
I, Tonya - Jeff Gillooly
I'm Not Here - Steve
Destroyer - Det. Chris
We Have Always Lived in the Castle - Charles Blackwood
The Last Full Measure - Scott Huffman
Gossip Girl - Carter Baizen
Kings - Jack Benjamin
Once Upon a Time - Jefferson / The Mad Hatter
Political Animals - T.J. Hammond
Labyrinth - Will Franklyn
I'm Dying Up Here - Clay Appuzzo
Picnic - Hal Carter
MCU - James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes
If you want to do headcanons/moodboards/art instead, PLEASE DO and tag us/DM the link!
Have fun playing!
Love, The HBC 💋
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lady-divine-writes · 7 years
Klaine one-shot - “In Sync” (Rated PG13)
Kurt and Blaine are having a little trouble deciding on where they and their friends should go to dinner.
Meanwhile, Rachel, Elliott, Santana, and Dani, watching the two from the sofa and not privy to their secret language of gestures, are having trouble understanding anything they're "saying". (663 words)
A/N: This is another re-write, for those of you who want to know. Also, I don't write Santana and Dani all that often, but I thought they worked well here. If they're your NoTP, I apologize, but the story's still cute regardless.
Read on AO3.
“It’s almost 8 o’clock, guys!” Rachel whines, dropping on the sofa between Elliott and Santana. Dani joins them, sitting in her girlfriend’s lap, and hands Santana her half-full glass of red wine. “Are we still going out to dinner or what? I’m starving!”
“Don’t look at us.” Santana wraps an arm around Dani’s waist, pulling her further onto her lap. “It’s Lady Hummel and Hobbit Boy’s turn to pick a place.”
“We’re thinking, we’re thinking,” Kurt says, walking in from the kitchen with Blaine by his side, sipping their own refreshed glasses of wine. Right before he finishes his cabernet, Kurt’s eyes go wide as inspiration strikes.
“Oh!” He grabs hold of Blaine’s polo and tugs. “Do you know what I’m in the mood for?”
“What?” Blaine asks, grinning at the hand throttling his shirt.
“The chicken with the stuff …” Kurt lets go of Blaine and makes a sprinkling motion with his hand “… and the sauce …”
“The red sauce or the white?” Blaine asks, raising a thoughtful eyebrow.
“No, no, the brownish-gray stuff. God, I wish I could remember. It was the chef’s special the night we went. He wouldn’t tell us what was in it, and I couldn’t tell because I’d burned my tongue on those awful chili fries …”
“Oh! The place in SoHo,” Blaine says, pointing animatedly, “with the overhead fans made from recycled scrap metal. Remember? The one over our table almost chopped off your hair.”
Kurt scowls, crossing his arms tight over his chest and almost spilling his drink. “We said we’d never mention the incident again …”
Rachel, Santana, Dani, and Elliott watch Kurt and Blaine, their heads bouncing back and forth between them as the boyfriends continue their debate.
“Okay, wait … are we talking about the place with the …” Blaine makes an obscure waving motion. Kurt shakes his head.
“No, the place you’re thinking of closed down. I’m talking about the other place with the …” Kurt gestures vaguely. Blaine tilts his head as he tries to decipher his movements. Santana squints her eyes as she deliberates between actually figuring this mess out, or waiting to see how it ends.
“You guys must suck at Pictionary,” she blurts out, and a snickering Dani buries her head into Santana’s shoulder.
“Isn’t that the place that always reeks of stale beer?”
“No!” Kurt exclaims, exasperated. “The place next door reeks of stale beer.”
Blaine jumps suddenly, setting his glass down on the coffee table.
“You mean the place with the plaid tablecloths!” he practically yells, a triumphant smile on his face.
“That’s the one! With that awful stuffed beaver statue next to the cash register and …”
“… the huge rubber duck painting on the wall!” they finish together.
Blaine suddenly winds an arm around Kurt’s waist and, with a devilish glint in his eye, kisses him, seemingly unaware of the multiple pairs of eyes watching them.
Santana’s mouth twists in disgust. “Ugh! Well, I’m pretty sure that just killed my appetite.”
“Then you don’t have to come,” Kurt says against Blaine’s kiss swollen lips. “But you’ll be missing out because the chicken caprese is to die for.”
“Let’s grab our coats,” Blaine says, swatting Kurt playfully on the behind. He yelps, skipping forward, his cheeks deepening a shade of pink. He glimpses their group of friends, still sitting on the sofa, and his brow crinkles.
“Aren’t you guys coming?” he asks, ignoring their quizzical stares.
“Uh … yeah. Sure,” Elliott says, standing and following Kurt to the door.
“Wh-what the hell just happened?” Rachel asks, grabbing her coat and slipping it on. “Did they actually pick a place?”
“Didn’t you hear?” Dani says, shoving a few stray strands of bluish-tinged hair underneath her knitted cap. “We’re going to the only lumberjack rubber ducky themed restaurant in the tri-state area.”
“No,” Elliott says, waiting for the group to leave before pulling the loft door closed behind him. “You’re thinking of the wrong place.”
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angryschnauzer · 7 years
Moodboard Masterpost
How to request a moodboard: Send me an ASK. It is important that you do it this way, not reply to a post or message me, this way i keep the ask in my inbox until it’s done so i know how many i still need to do.
What can i ask for: You can ask for pretty much anything, the exception what is on the exclusion list below (and those are usually there because there has been so many of them for that character or theme). Send me as much or as little information as you want, but the more info you send the more to your imagination i can make the moodboard. If you want naughty/porny, specify that you want NSFW.
Although i don’t accept anon asks, if you want to be kept anon say so on your ask and i won’t mention you when i post the moodboard, and will instead send you a link to it.
How many can i ask for? I’ve had this question a few times, so lets say 3 please. Any more than that and i’ll make a note of them but leave a gap between them so i can fit other peoples in.
What if there is already a moodboard for my idea but its not exactly what i had in mind? So pop into my inbox and tell me what you would like different? Change of OC? Change of Locations? Change of Colour theme? If its something i feel i can redo i’ll let you know.
Any asks not being accepted: No restrictions.
Links to completed moodboards:
For Stories:
All That Glitters (Lance Tucker) by @siren-kitten-his
Amends (AU Sebastian Stan/Tom Hiddleston Love Triangle) by @eve1978
Life Lessons (AU School Teacher Sebastian x OC Beautiful Fluff) by @marvel-lucy
The Void (Chase Collins - Sequel to The Covenant - Suspense) by @sebbys-girl
Winter Shadow (Bucky Barnes Suspense/Love Story) by @marvel-lucy
Their Secret (Bucky Barnes x Reader smut) by @angryschnauzer
Wrecked Tumblr Link / AO3 Link (Merman Bucky x Mermaid OC Anja x Sailor Steve) by @siren-kitten-his
Expiatio (AU Priest Sam Winchester x OC Claire) by @peskipixi
Multi Person:
Fluffy Stucky Wedding NSFW Stucky Honeymoon NSFW Poly Relationship TJ Hammond x Syd from ‘London’ x OC NSFW Seb x Chris x OC Dom/Sub Pet Play NSFW Steve x Bucky x Plus Size OC Love Triangle/Threesome NSFW Chris x Seb x OC Poly Relationship Fluffy Stucky Tarts & Vicars Party Tom x Chris x Seb xOC Fluffy TJ Hammond & Chris Evans Wedding Day Stucky Blindfold Stargate Stucky Lazy Domestic Stucky NSFW Poly Relationship Hugh Jackman x Michael Fassbender x OC NSFW Nick Gant x Chase Collins x OC Threesome Modern Military Tom Hiddleston & Chris Evans
Sebastian Stan:
Actor AU:
Dad Seb Married Seb with Dogs and a House Wedding Day Seb Rainy Day Seb Seb & WOC Fallen Angel Seb Demon Seb & WOC Gym Seb Nature Reserve Seb (with lots of cats) Mechanic Seb Satan Seb (a little NSFW) Werewolf Seb Seb & Burgundy Tones NSFW Seb Vampire Seb Merman Seb Christmas Seb Red Carpet Seb Rockstar Seb Hufflepuff Seb Seb & Katie Cassidy 1970′s AU Spy Seb & WOC NSFW Dom Seb Get Well Soon Sofa Cuddles Seb Walk in the park with Seb Seb and Kat Dennings
Bucky: Bucky & WOC Alpha A/B/O Bucky Winter Soldier Bucky 1940′s Bucky Writer Bucky Pre-war Cowboy Bucky Bucky/Winter Soldier and Hayley Marshall (The Vampire Diaries) Animal/Park Ranger Bucky Photographer Bucky with Plus Size Muse NSFW Elopement Wedding Bucky Feminist Bucky Bucky & OC Adopt a Puppy Bucky and Dancer OC meeting in a mental health facility, teaching him to play the piano
Lance Tucker: Husband Lance Lance & WOC Dad Lance Blue Tones Lance Red Tones Lance NSFW Lance Fucking You Against The Wall Feminist Lance
TJ Hammond: Dad TJ
Jefferson: Woodland Jefferson Jefferson’s Scar - Dark NSFW Rainy Day Jefferson NSFW Dom Jefferson NSFW Jefferson & Leather Jefferson Wedding - Woodland Elopement Ceremony NSFW Jefferson and Woodland Mermaid
Chris Beck: Dad Chris Beck with Homebirth Chris and Galaxy Space Goddess
Hal Carter: NSFW Hal Carter
Chase Collins: NSFW AU Demon Chase Collins Magic Chase Collins NSFW Dom Chase Collins
Blaine: Blaine
Chris Evans:
Actor AU:
New Dad Chris
Dad Chris AU Professor Evans based on Esquire shoot NSFW Art Teacher/Gardner Chris (with cats) Fluffy Lumberjack Chris NSFW Lumberjack Chris Wedding Day Chris Vampire Chris & WOC NSFW Dom Chris NSFW Mechanic Chris Christmas Chris Chris & Amanda Seyfried Chris & Kat Dennings Chris & Julianne Hough Red Carpet Chris Tap Dance Chris Gardner Chris Chris & Rhianna (Mermaid AU) Cowboy Chris Chris & Aja Naomi King with Red Tones NSFW Wedding Night Chris Chris and Nicole Beharie with tropical theme NSFW Call of Duty Chris with Redhead
Steve Rogers: Artist Steve Alpha A/B/O Steve Pre Serum Steve Sun God Steve
Jensen (from ‘The Losers’) First Date with Jensen Jake Jensen and Alexandra Daddario
Johnny Storm Johnny & Enhanced OC - Fire & Ice Date with Johnny
Tom Hiddleston:
Actor AU:
NSFW Professor Hiddleston with Glasses of Doom Beauty and the Beast Tom Hiddles as a Writer NSFW Gentleman Dom Tom Exercise Tom Glasses Tom (Theatre Director Tom) NSFW dd/lg Tom x Plus size OC Version 1 NSFW dd/lg Tom x Plus size OC Version 2 NSFW Kinky Tom based on ‘Interview’ shoot NSFW Adult Book/Toy Store Own Tom NSFW-ish Tom as a Modern Day Jareth The Goblin King from The Labyrinth
Misha Collins:
NSFW Dom Castiel in the Rain
Karl Urban:
Actor AU: Karl & WOC on Easter Sunday NSFW Karl Picnic & Skinny Dipping Flirty Karl
Leonard ‘Bones’ McCoy:
Dom Dr McCoy
Hugh Jackman
NSFW Dom Hugh
Michael Fassbender
Daddy Kink Michael
Jensen Ackles
Dean Winchester NSFW Bubble Bath with Dean NSFW Dean & Plus Size Librarian Dean Winchester & Gina Torres - The Human Impala
Chris Hemsworth
NSFW Chris H
Amanda Seyfried
Actress AU: Amanda & Alan Cumming
Luke Evans
Actor AU Grifter Rhianna and her mark Luke Evans
Henry Cavill
Actor AU NSFW Henry Cavill
Hugh Jackman
Logan/Wolverine NSFW Days Of Future Past Logan
Josh Dun
Musician AU Vampire Josh
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hello I’m looking for any fics where Kurt gets hurt in an accident vehicle related/bullying/anything really but not too hurt like he can heal and blaines there every step in his recovery like cuteness overload
The fics on the list are multi-chapter and long, but they do have their cute fluffy moments. - HKVoyage
Everyday by whatIknew [PDF/EPUB]
A few days after their 2nd wedding anniversary, Kurt is in an accident and falls into a coma. Blaine struggles with the decision to let him go, and the night before they’re set to pull the plug, Kurt wakes up.
One problem: He thinks it’s 2008 and that he is 14 years old. No New Directions, no Finn and Carole, and no Blaine.
Blaine helps Kurt try to remember his old life while they consider starting a new one.
Bound for Glory by Cleverboots (Amberlovesocean)
Kurt is assaulted after singing at a school dance and is left for dead, thrown aboard an empty train car at the railroad freight yard to hide the crime.
He wakes up to find he's been tossed off the car somewhere in an Oregon logging camp, 2500 miles from home. A curly-haired kid named Blaine finds Kurt and protects him by hiding him in his cabin and teaching him how to survive.
Note: Part 1 of Glory series
What Brings Us Closer Together by CrazedLunatic
When Kurt is attacked, Blaine instantly leaves college to take care of him. With one decision, their entire relationship is changed and their futures reshaped. It also makes everyone around them realize just how close they really are.
WIP sequel: A Long Time Coming
Codes & Conduct by theartlessrose
Kurt Hummel finds himself in the ICU after an ambush from a group of bullies — which wouldn’t be a problem, except that it happens to be on the same night of a freak road accident that leaves the hospital understaffed, and he happens to be in critical condition. Responding to a Code Orange, med student Blaine Anderson rushes meet his brother, Dr. Cooper Anderson, in the emergency ward. For Kurt, this could be the end or the beginning... and he's not even awake for it.
A Broken Fall by katebxo
Hospital Volunteer Blaine Anderson is sent to fetch a patient from the ER and bring him up to the pediatrics ward. What he didn’t expect was a member of New Directions, sitting alone, clutching his left arm to his chest, with tears in his eyes.
Follow up fics: The Inevitable Meeting, Don’t Push Me, Dissolved, and The Fashion of Panic
The Writing on My Skin by @jayhawk-writes
*Filling this prompt by @silentpeaches on Tumblr: Whatever mark you get on your skin, your soulmate gets it, too. One day, you just kind of get a sharpie and start writing on your skin. You definitely didn’t expect to get a reply, but you did. Now it’s five in the morning, and you’re just about covered in ink; this will be a pain to wash off later.
**Soulmates, when the younger of the two turns 16, both get a unique mark somewhere on their skin that will have or has had some meaning to them. They can write to each other back and forth by writing on their skin. Kurt Hummel has been waiting for his soulmate to finally turn 16 so that he would have someone to talk to about all of the things he can't tell his dad or other friends. Nobody really knows how bad the bullying has gotten at McKinley. He hopes that his soulmate can help him get through this tough time, but he has no way of knowing that Fate, and Noah Puckerman, will lead him right to his soulmate.
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newstechreviews · 4 years
Enlarge (credit: Jessy Blain | Getty Images)
Cue the montage: It’s quarantine makeover time. People practicing social distancing during the Covid-19 pandemic are itching to change up their looks. The evidence is all over social media: With hair salons shuttered, people have resorted to chopping at long lockswith craft scissors or full-on shaving their heads, or dying their hair blue or pink with box dye. Many men, from Jim Carrey to your uncle, are growing out lumberjack beards.
For some, mere hair manipulation isn’t enough. If you can keep your eyes open long enough, you could watch YouTube and TikTok videos of people piercing their own ears and noses at home, or letting equally unqualified family members do it for them. Perhaps most adventurous are those contemplating giving themselves quarantine stick-and-poke tattoos with kits they bought on Facebook.
Read 6 remaining paragraphs | Comments
from Ars Technica https://ift.tt/3aDVD5Z
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blainemoriarty · 7 years
If we’re roleplaying and Blaine is older (around his 30s or 40s or even later) Blaine might have a ‘default husband’ aka the person he’s married to if a) your muse isn’t married to Blaine or b) your muse is in a polyamorous relationship with Blaine and his husband.
Blaine’s husband is called Sam. I haven’t picked a face claim for him yet, but I typically imagine him with reddish-brown hair, and a bit of a lumberjack (in regards to how he dresses and his body type and how fuzzy he is). Blaine becomes a bit more reclusive and quiet when he’s older, because by then he’s found his people and he’d rather just stick with them, but Sam is a lot friendlier and more outgoing.
AU stuff: - in a/b/o aus he’s either an alpha or a gamma (which are simply socially submissive alphas)
- in most mythical creature aus he’s probably gonna be a werewolf
- in soulmate aus he isn’t Blaine’s soulmate but they love each other anyway
Aaaand that’s it I guess. Feel free to ask me stuff or suggest stuff about Sam.
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