vzorexa · 2 years
冰 。@lumenstellaris​ ( LUMINE // continued )
"huh?" she blinked, confused at the seemingly random statement from him. kaeya's never been one to wear his heart on his sleeve, nor has she known him to be so sentimental. especially when all they're doing is sharing a late lunch at good hunter.
(the lunch was paimon's idea—payback for something he'd done the last time she left her in the city. lumine didn't ask for the details.)
still, even she knew it would be impolite to not respond, so with a faint smile, she set her fork down. "so i'm not nagging you anymore?"
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       ❛ Hmm, ❜ Kaeya straightens with a prolonged hum. As if he ought to give the query some serious contemplation. More so, he’d even lift a fist up his lips to gesture his “ deep thought  ”. There had truly been more than one occasion where people tend to habitually hound at him, -some more than others, some more tolerable than the rest. In a way that even when it would cause some form of minute to moderate vexation, it had duly adorned his daily norm.  
       ❛ I never would have imagined my words would pierce through our dear Honorary Knight’s heart. Never in my dreams would I wish to cause such a heartache. ❜ The disbelief in his tone had to be utmost convincing. Only that, he was also quick to release such tension. 
       ❛ If it makes you feel better, you’re quite adorable when you do. ❜
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erabundus · 2 years
@lumenstellaris​​  &&.  said...                (( i looked at your carrd to check wanderer's height and he's half an inch shorter than lumine. i hope you know she'll never let this go when she realizes that she's taller. ))
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hey  hey,  in  his  defense,  he  was  a  PROTOTYPE!  ei  probably  didn’t  want  to  waste  valuable  material  by  making  him  any  taller  than  he  needed  to  be.  how  very  thoughtful  of  her.  /j  (  maybe.  it  would  be  really  funny  if  that  was  the  reason,  though.  )
by  all  means,  lumine  has  a  free  pass  to  bully  him;  he  deserves  it.
i  imagine  wanderer  doesn’t  necessarily  have  a  PROBLEM  with  his  height  —  if  he  had  a  choice,  he  would  rather  be  taller,  but  it  isn’t  something  he  agonizes  over.  however,  he  does  have  a  bit  of  a  high  ground  complex?  (  “why  is  scaramouche  on  the  table?“  ”he  likes  to  be  tall.”  )  people  being  ABOVE  him  in  any  sense  of  the  word  get  on  his  nerves  —  and  of  course,  that  most  often  manifests  in  the  form  of  simmering  irritation  whenever  someone  points  out  the  inevitable  height  difference  between  him  and ...  just  about  everyone.  why  are  you  bringing  that  up?  do  you  think  that  somehow  makes  you  BETTER  than  him?
no  one  tell  him  it’s  not  actually  that  deep;  he  won’t  believe  it.
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fatedevour · 2 years
♢  —    @lumenstellaris​​​​​ asked:  "why are you here?"
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 “  Ever the inquisitive mind I see.  “  Dottore responds with an UNBOTHERED tone yet does not answer the question that has been directed towards him.  “  Unfortunately, simply ASKING only gets you so far in the ways of garnering answers and information. I’m under no obligation to answer you, nor do I have any intentions to do so.  “
He clasps his hands behind his back, observing the traveler in turn. The last time they’d properly met had been but in brief moments. Though they had never been the FOCUS of his attention at any of those particular moments in time. He’d heard MANY interesting rumors of course, even reports in some cases. But alas. Even HE on occasion must follow orders rather than pursue a topic of personal interest. 
“  Besides, it seems more fitting to ask YOU such a question. Traveling to all the nations in the desperate attempt to find information, yet getting tangled into so many other affairs. You’re quite BAD at sticking to an original goal, aren’t you? Don’t be so surprised. It isn’t particularly hard knowledge to uncover. Especially in Mondstadt.  “
  He steps forward, beginning to calmly walk around her like a SHARK circling a school of FISH it planned to devour.  “  Yet, I imagine you haven’t made much progress? It’s no surprise really...  “
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frozenambiguity · 1 year
Isn't that even more of a reason to go to therapy? Alcoholism as a means of escapism isn't good for a person's liver, and Kaeya has one of those, right?
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He has to keep his entire existence and identity a secret from everyone, Lumine. And that includes therapists. He could not care less if they say they keep things confidential. He is not going to take that chance. He has made a promise once... and even for his own safety, he better honor it.
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lumenstellaris asked: ¥
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Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 would be higher but she BIT me | 8 | 9 | 10 Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Would they date them: yes | no | maybe Favorite thing about them:
❝ aside from my comrade's friendly nature and... ahem... assets... she fights well. incredibly so. she's an admirable warrior that i always look forward to crossing blades with. though i've yet to beat her yet, i swear i will. until then, i will continue training until i best her. ❞
Least favorite thing about them:
❝ that she BIT ME in the not fun way. ❞
@lumenstellaris || Put ¥ in my ask and my muse will rate your muse
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scarletooyoroi · 2 years
Put ¥ in my ask and my muse will rate your muse on:
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Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 
Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 
Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 
Would they date them: yes | no | maybe
Favorite thing about them:  Their unrelenting drive in order to see through what they start. This element they've come to respect is rooted more upon the middle ground. Whether its facing the force of grand foes, of nations and their inner workings, to the divine elements themselves, the bravery they exhibit almost seems supernatural even for the scale of Teyvat's standards.
The part they played in rocking Inazuma's infrastructure from a root of negligence and ignorance spoke of this matter to him. It managed to conjure and allow the latent, golden fires of his heart to burn in ways and scales they've never imagined before. Could it be due to their limited restrictions that warrant such scales of action? Or maybe their heart was always pitted in a well rich with courage.
Least favorite thing about them: Lumine's presence even within the state of regaining some form of strength, it has a weight that can't exactly be put into words.
With Thoma being someone who is more privy in a spiritual scale to those he bonds with, what is this gnawing, cold kind of vastness that rests within the being of the Traveler? As if it was an ocean that managed to remain sky born, all too eager to let its weight rest upon whatever could find a way to actually give a longer lasting sustenance to the yawning void.
His most recent witness in seeing how it leads to this borderline animalistic measure of devouring many of her opponents succeeds in further solidifying this. It makes him staunchly aware of not only the fragility of mortal kind, but the scale of what once resided in her now stolen.
Was that sort of emptiness truly going to care if it managed to triumph over what he perceives as rational thought? ..In some ways, this was another abyss to stare into.
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reginrokkr · 2 years
Bygone days filled with calamity forgotten by the passages of time are forced to cruel repetition as a result of human and divine rupture in ideals and visions of this falling star. Bitter amusement swells the luminary's chest at the reminder that a goddess' intervention and invention put an end to great part of the Black Cataclysm that swayed Sumerian lands, alongside reluctant assistance from a man yet to seek his destiny.
Passing years dissipated that reluctance and transformed it into resolve that burns like fire within icy sapphire depths as the man in question marches towards the first step of a repetitive chain of actions necessary to cleanse this land from invader delusions and darkness. This world works tirelessly to reject the poisonous void, however, it cannot expunge it all without assistance.
Hence the reason why Dáinsleif walks towards the entrance of Mahavanaranapna, home to Greater Lord Rhukkadevata's children after they had to abandon their original one centuries ago. What the Twilight Sword of old would not anticipate is to find the traveler nearby, only to reminisce himself that naught in this world is a matter of coincidence but of seeds planted long ago laying in wait to germinate and reflect their might on this star.
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❝We meet again, Lumine.❞ Reverberates his deep and unwavering voice, past events that caused a heavy grunt on his body successfully healed and gone as it never touched him. Decisive steps leads him to Lumine, only to come to a half a few inches away. A quick scan warns him of a silent companion, troubled as to whether to make his presence be clear or remain invisible to the eyes of the burdened. And albeit burdened his heart remains, it skips a beat or two when reminisces of old shared with others of his kinship arise on the surface of his memory— none of it to be manifested on still to perfection pale features as icy sapphires lock into ambers.
❝Judging by your company, I am correct to assume that your presence here is not unintentional. Is that true?❞
@lumenstellaris ✦
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cautiousconfidence · 1 year
@lumenstellaris​ sent a meme:
"wait, did you hear that?"
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“...it’s probably just a Weasel Thief again.” Why were there so many around lately? “Why, are you worried you have something valuable on you?”
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lumenstellaris · 2 years
starchild, the traveler
pip's notes: hello! the following piece of writing is my personal take on the twins' origins, as well as an introduction to something i incorporated into my portrayal of lumine. i suppose you can take this as an introduction to lumine, as written by me, pip. i hope you enjoy reading it ^-^
Before Teyvat, before she was the Traveler, she was Lumine. She was the second starchild, born of the supernova of a dying star. The formless mass of energy left behind gained sentience, and while the body known as Lumine had yet to be formed, it recognized the presence of one like it. A black hole millions of lightyears away birthed a starchild like it, and what-would-soon-be-Lumine’s first memories were of a blond starchild flitting around the forming neutron star.
It was the other starchild that named her, patted its hair and cooed over it. The other starchild named it Lumine, after the light of the neutron star that birthed it. Later, when the older starchild taught it all that it needed to blend in with those of other worlds—a lengthy process further prolonged by its questioning of “pronouns” and why the starchildren needed them—he introduced himself as Aether.
Aether offered Lumine his hand and invited her to travel with him. With nothing better to do, the starchild took his hand, and off they went, Aether and Lumine, space and light.
As time passed, Lumine grew comfortable in the form it had taken. When once it refused to be addressed as anything but Traveler—for that was what they were—she learned to accept the other names people referred to them as.
Lumine is a starchild.
Lumine is a traveler of worlds.
Lumine is a sister, and her brother is Aether. Where one was, the other was sure to follow, for they were inseparable.
Aether is home to her, long before she understood the adage “home is where the heart is”. He insisted that home was where they were together, possibly inspired by the adage, and she simply agreed. Who was she to question the wisdom of a starchild eons upon eons her senior?
For a time, Viatrix and Viator were content. For a time, the starchildren had a home.
And then they arrived in Teyvat. When the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles stood in their way, Lumine struck first. She didn’t mind losing it to the odd cube structures that deity used, mildly surprised that she couldn’t summon it to her side once more. She and Aether could forge another one if needed, but then the god took her brother.
Their eyes locked in the brief moment before the cubes swallowed him whole, and for the first time, Lumine saw fear in his expression. There’d been no time for her to reflect, to think, too blinded by rage and terror for her mind to clear. Light coalesced in her dominant hand, blinding and searing to anything or anyone other than a starchild. 
Were anyone else to make contact with that much energy, they would not have survived. This… Sustainer of Heavenly Principles, as she called herself, was nothing normal. The starchildren had power enough to destroy gods, consume their energy for sustenance.
She would make a delicious meal, Lumine decided, honey eyes tracing the cloud of constellations floating over her hand. Once her sojourn in this world ended, once she reunited with her brother—either as an ally to the Abyss or as the one to defeat him, she cared not—the starchildren will defeat the Sustainer.
There’s a hunger itching under her skin, her eyes dilating at the thought of consuming a god. It had been too long since she had a meal of that magnitude and quality. Lumine’s tongue darted out and licked her lips; oh, she would thoroughly enjoy it. For now…
“Paimon, I’m going out to find something to eat.” The little sprite had been with her for little over a month now, and at this point, Paimon knew what she meant. Though initially weirded out, Paimon grew accustomed to it, and no longer batted an eye when Lumine devoured elemental beings.
Slimes, whopperflowers, hilichurls, creatures of the Abyss… None of them were filling enough. There’s a void in here where her powers once were, and though the hum of electro, the gusts of anemo, and the steady pulse of geo made a home in her, it still wasn’t enough. It’s with a ravenous smile that she ran off, the void that could be her heart thrumming at the thought of food.
Lumine is a sister.
Lumine is a traveler of worlds.
Lumine is a starchild birthed from a neutron star, and Teyvat was the neighboring star pulled towards her. One day, the neutron star will consume its neighbor. One day, Lumine will consume all that came or will come between her and her brother.
Maybe then, she would become a black hole, just like the one that birthed Aether.
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erabundus · 1 year
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@lumenstellaris &&. said... hands a knitted aranara plush over. strangely, it resembles ren, right down to the hat and grouchy frown.
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gap  moe,  huh  —  those  are  (  regrettably  )  the  first  words  to  SURFACE  in  ren's  mind  as  he  stares  at  the  plushie.  he  blames  lumine  for  that  and  the  subsequent  steady  quality  decrease  of  his  entire  VOCABULARY.  he  arches  a  brow  and  makes  the  plush  nod  its  little  head  in  agreement.
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❝  trying  to  IMPLY  something,  are  we?  ❞      the  wanderer  quips  dryly,  gaze  flicking  to  his  companion.  he  raises  the  plush  to  be  level  with  his  face  and  intentionally  schools  his  features  to  match  its  grumpy  expression.  he’s  almost  a  little  too  good  at  that.      ❝  do  you  seriously  think  i  look  like  this?  ❞      faux-incredulous  tone  aside,  it’s  clearly  meant  to  be  a  JOKE.  ren  can  see  the  resemblance,  much  as  he  is  loath  to  admit  it.  he  might  honestly  even  find  it  a  bit  funny.
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erabundus · 2 years
@lumenstellaris​  &&.  said...                maintaining eye contact as her finger reaches out and... boop. she's booped his nose in the middle of one of his tirades.
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❝  ...  who  did  he  think  he  WAS?  ❞      the  subject  of  his  ire  (  this  time  )  had  been  a  trip  to  mondstadt.  namely,  a  brief  encounter  with  poor  timaeus  —  who  mistook  the  wanderer’s  loitering  (  as  he  waited  for  lumine  to  finish  whatever  business  she  was  up  to  )  for  a  genuine  interest  in  alchemy.      ❝  i  told  him  i  didn’t  care  more  times  than  i  want  to  think  about  —  he  kept  going!  i  will  never  understand  HUMANS  and  their  obsession  with  making  conversation  for  the  sake  of  making  conversation.  ❞      he  waved  a  hand  around  in  frustration.      ❝  if  you  don’t  have  anything  of  value  to  say,  don’t  talk  to  me.  how  is  that  so  HARD  to  understand  —  ?  ❞
the  wanderer  could  go  on  for  ages  —  and  likely  would  have,  had  lumine  not  taken  the  opportunity  to  boop  his  nose  when  his  GUARD  was  down.  
the  effect  was  immediate;  his  rant  came  to  an  abrupt  HALT,  almost  as  though  the  traveler  had  managed  to  hit  a  hidden  off  switch.  wanderer  blinked,  raising  a  hand  to  rub  at  his  face  —  then  glanced  at  lumine  with  confusion  written  clear  across  his  features.
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❝  ...  ❞      what.  (  what?  )
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erabundus · 2 years
dragonspine.  colloquially  known  as  the  WORST  place  in  all  of  mondstadt.  the  wanderer’s  unique  constitution  afforded  him  a  number  of  benefits  —  most  notably,  a  resistance  to  the  cold.  it  was  the  main  reason  why  he  had  deigned  to  accompany  the  traveler  on  her  errands  (  or  commissions,  whatever  they  called  them  )  in  the  first  place.  he  even  kept  the  complaints  to  a  minimum  —  one  allotted  gripe  every  five  minutes  or  so.  how  considerate.
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❝  ...  hm.  ❞      the  wanderer  extended  a  hand.  snowflakes  clung  to  his  outstretched  fingertips,  yet  in  the  absence  of  natural  body  heat,  they  did  not  melt.  wrinkling  his  nose,  he  shook  them  away  (  or  tried  to  )  and  shot  an  impatient  glance  over  one  shoulder.      ❝  i  THOUGHT  you  were  going  to  start  a  fire.  ❞      that  was  why  they  had  stopped.  something  about  needing  a  heat  source.      ❝  how  long  is  this  supposed  to  take?  ❞
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erabundus · 1 year
@wcndererr &&. replied... emotional damaged
@lumenstellaris &&. replied... emotionally constipated.
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❝ ...  ❞
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❝ ...  ❞
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❝ ...  ❞
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erabundus · 2 years
@lumenstellaris &&. said... paimon told me she noticed something a while ago. your hat tends to hit the side of my head if we walk too closely next to each other, and she says it's because i'm taller than you? i don't see it.
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he didn't reply right away — electing instead to gaze at lumine with eyes narrowed in deep concentration. TALLER than him? no, surely not. they were exactly the same height, if anything — and even if she WERE taller, the wanderer hardly saw any reason to care.
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although ... upon closer inspection, was lumine actually — ?
he  exhaled  a  soft  "hmph"  and  spun  on  his  heel. ❝  if  you  don't  want  to  get  hit,  stay  OUT  of  my  way.  ❞ the  wanderer  shot  back. ❝  do  i  really  need  to  explain  something  so  basic?  i  thought  that  would  be  common  sense.  ❞ shaking  his  head,  he  started  to  walk  away  —  though  on  closer  inspection,  ren's  footsteps  were  oddly  silent.  in  fact ...  his  feet  didn't  appear  to  touch  the  GROUND  at  all.  (  as  if,  for  whatever  reason,  he  had  decided  to  levitate  just  the  tiniest  amount ...  )
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lumenstellaris said: what are you so tall for?
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“obviously, to tease you for being so short. not to worry though, dear comrade, as there are still merits to your miniature stature.” 
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continued from @lumenstellaris​
childe looks down at her, amused by her sudden vexation with height. he wonders what brought this on. and perhaps, just to poke a little fun at her, he stands up as straight as he could to further pronounce his own height and make her little measuring contest harder on her. 
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“he’s not much taller than me.... probably around 77 centimeters or so. have you grown frustrated with your own stature? height means very little when one is a warrior as strong as yourself. plus, being smaller gives you advanced agility and speed. although...” with a grin, childe plucks one of the feather accessories in her hair and holds it up high in the air, far beyond her reach. 
“there are certain areas where it comes in handy. c’mon, comrade. try and get it.” 
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