soul-of-the-sanada · 2 years
Memories of Christmas - Clavis LeLouch - Epilogue
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Clavis’s Christmas event story, in his POV  
I skipped up to the door of MC’s room at an ungodly hour in the morning, only just managing to keep my urge to hum a little tune at bay.
It was Christmas Day, a time full of wonder–and hilarity, of course.
I silently pushed the door open and tiptoed my way over to the bed.
I bent down, expecting to see her sleeping peacefully, but instead I found her bed completely empty.
MC: I thought you might show up around now.
I swiftly turned on my heel to see MC standing behind me, wearing her undergarments and crossing her arms smugly.
Clavis: What a surprise. I’m not used to having my own behavior anticipated…
MC: That just goes to show how well I know you.
(Is that why she’s awake so early in the morning?)
Although my own little surprise had failed, strangely enough, I was filled with joy.
MC: It’s not like your eccentric behavior is anything new to me, and I don’t mind being on the receiving end of it, either. But…
MC: Today’s different.
Clavis: How so?
MC: Well, if you were to whisk me away somewhere first thing in the morning, I might forget to bring your present.
(She’s too sweet for her own good.)
She smirked, realizing her words were having an effect on me.
Even so, I doubted she would ever understand just how much power she had over me.
Clavis: You’re mistaken; I wasn’t planning to play any tricks on you. I just wanted to see you as soon as possible to give you your present.
Clavis: Hmm… Should I help you get dressed to make up for it?
MC: Pfft, I think YOU’RE the one who’d get something out of that.
MC: But no, it’s fine. You just wait there.
With an amused smile on her face, MC disappeared behind the folding screen to get dressed.
ONce we were both ready, I handed MC a blindfold. She raised an eyebrow as if to say ‘Really?’, but wore it nevertheless. I guided her out to our carriage.
The sky had turned light blue by the time we arrived at our destination, and the reflection of the sun made the clouds of snow shimmer like jewels.
Clavis: Here we are.
I guided MC into a large house by the shoulders. A lavish display of Christmas decorations were hung all over the place.
(I wonder how she’ll react. I can barely contain my excitement.)
Clavis: This is your present.
I pulled the blindfold away, and…
MC: Oh, wow.
She looked around the room we stood in, her eyes seeming to sparkle in shock.
MC: It’s so beautiful… Did you decorate the place yourself, Clavis?
Clavis: Naturally. And? Are you surprised?
MC: Definitely! I mean, I thought you were going to show me something that reflects your usual, uh, creativity.
(Hm. That’s not exactly what I wanted to hear.)
MC: No, wait–now that I’ve had a closer look, there ARE some strange decorations. Like that candle holder in the shape of a clay doll.
Clavis: That’s a bunny figurine I made with you in mind. Isn’t it sweet?
MC: Sw–?! …I suppose it is, actually. When it’s so small that it fits in the palm of your hand, it is quite cute.
MC: Thank you, Clavis. I love it.
MC: I’ve never had anyone decorate a room as a gift to me before–that’s for sure.
(Ah. I thought she might come to that conclusion.)
I coughed in order to hide my urge to laugh.
Clavis: You’ve got the wrong idea entirely.
MC: Do I?
Clavis: My gift to you isn’t the decorations, it’s the place itself.
I opened my hands, gesturing towards the floor. MC’s gaze lowered, looking at the space beneath her in a daze.
THen, a few moments later, realization struck. Her eyes widened, and she quickly looked up to catch my gaze.
MC: Do you mean… This entire estate…
Clavis: Is now yours.
Clavis: Well–ours. It belongs to the both of us.
Clavis: We could spend every Christmas here. How about it? Personally, I think it’s a very romantic idea.
MC’s mouth hung open in shock.
MC: I… I’m speechless. Seriously. I’m so shocked. I have no idea what to say.
Clavis: Don’t worry–I’ll wait as long as it takes to hear what you think. I’m a patient man.
(Success. She never expected this!)
MC spun around to look at the room so many times that she must have been dizzy. Then, she came to a stop, and exhaled a deep breath to compose herself.
MC: …Can I ask what made you choose this?
Clavis: It was something that you said, actually.
MC: Honestly, there’s nothing I want. Well–apart from…
MC: I want to spend Christmas with you–just like this. Nothing to do, nowhere to go… Just me and you.
-End flashback-
MC: And that was enough for you to gift me an entire house?!
She pinched her brow together, in disbelief that her own words were the catalyst of something so extreme.
Clavis: It was what reminded me of it, anyway. I’d actually been thinking of this for a long time.
MC: How come? 
Clavis: In the palace, there are barely any opportunities for us to be truly alone together. But sometimes, I want to have you all to myself.
Clavis: Visiting your room is all well and good, but there are still other people in the vicinity. There are times when we get interrupted too.
Clavis: That’s why I thought I’d get us our own little love nest–somewhere we can genuinely call our own.
MC: Our ‘love nest,’ huh?
Not seconds before, MC was simply looking on in a daze, but suddenly, her shoulders began to shake with laughter.
MC: Pfft, hahaha… I’m sorry. It’s such a shock. I really don’t know what to say! I’m not even sure why I’m laughing!
MC: You really are one of a kind. No one else could make me feel like this.
Laughing seemed to give some of the tension somewhere to go, because the next time MC looked at me, her gaze was soft and steady.
MC: Thank you so much, Clavis.
MC: It’s still a huge shock, but I love that you did this. Especially once I heard why.
MC: It’s like our own little secret hideout or something. I think it’s really special.
Clavis: A secret hideout, huh? That’s the perfect way of describing it.
Clavis: I hope we’ll get to make plenty of memories here.
Clavis: So… Now that we have our own place…
I offered her my hand theatrically, as though inviting her to dance.
Clavis: It would be strange if you didn’t know the way around your own house. Shall I give you a tour?
MC: Yes, please.
She gave me a warm, adoring grin as she slipped her hand into mine.
Once I finished showing MC around the estate, I asked her to sit and wait for me while I attended to something.
I headed to the kitchen to fetch my second present…
Then placed the tower of sweet bread I’d made in front of her.
MC: Mmm…! Wow, Clavis! I can’t believe how delicious it is.
MC popped a piece of the bread into her mouth, and she immediately closed her eyes in bliss. A sweet smile made the apples of her cheeks plump up.
Clavis: Can’t you? I think I always go above and beyond with the things I make.
MC: It’s so good! The design’s a bit… overloaded, but..
MC: Hehe. Actually, that's just like you.
With a huge smile on her face, she eagerly chomped down on another piece.
(This is going perfectly. I’m so glad I took Yves’ advice.)
Once MC finished eating the sweet bread, she pulled a box about the size of her palm out of her bag.
MC: So, here’s my present to you. I hope you’ll like it.
Clavis: Hahaha. Now THIS is the moment I’ve been waiting for.
I took the box and opened it enthusiastically. Then, in the palm of my hand, there lay a metal brooch that had been fashioned into the shape of a leopard.
The simplicity of the design drew attention to the amethysts embedded into the metal, their beautiful shine making the leopard sparkle.
(I’ve received plenty of gifts in my time, but…)
(This is the first time I've ever been so pleased.)
I could just imagine how she’d scoured every store in town looking for the perfect gift for me. 
Even picturing it filled the depths of my chest with a feeling so content, I’d never experienced anything like it in my life.
Clavis: There truly is something about receiving a gift from a lover, huh?
To give her my thanks, I caught her chin between my fingers, and brought my lips to hers in an adoring kiss.
MC: Aww. I’m glad you think so!
MC: Um, by the way… The truth is, I have a second present for you, too.
(Oh? I certainly didn’t see that coming.)
When MC reached into her bag again, her hand emerged holding a picture book.
MC: Remember how you said you wanted me to read to you? Well…
MC: Since it’s a special occasion, I thought now would be the perfect time.
I blinked in a daze. 
(Of course, I truly meant it when I said I wanted her to read to me. I just didn’t think she’d take me up on it so fast.)
It didn’t matter whether I said it in a joking manner or if it was no more than small talk; MC always listened to me.
And it appeared she had no idea how important to me that was.
(I fear I’ll lose my manners if she makes my heart pound any faster.)
I stroked a hand through her hair, overwhelmed by the feeling of love that seized me.
Clavis: You must really love me.
MC: Nothing gets past you, huh? That’s why I’m doing this, obviously.
MC: Okay–I’m gonna start reading now. Here goes. This one’s about–
MC: Hey!
I threw my arms around her before plucking the book out of her hands and setting it on the table.
Clavis: I’d love to hear it right away, but… let’s save that for last.
MC: Why?
Clavis: I’d like to give you your final present now.
MC: ANOTHER present?! Are you serious?
Clavis: Deadly serious. By the way, you’ll be getting this one every year now. Okay?
I pushed her down on the sofa, and her eyes opened in realization.
MC: Don’t tell me…
Clavis: That’s right. Your third and final present is… me.
I pulled my gloves from my fingers, then loosened my cravat as I looked down at her.
The half-amused, half-astounded look on her face was delicious, and it made me ravenous for her.
MC: Well, then… This is definitely going to be a Christmas to remember.
Her cheeks flushed with heat as she wrapped her arms around my neck and brought her lips to mine, gracing them with the softest of touches.
I was so elated that I could have stayed like that forever and counted myself a happy man.
MC: Y’know what? I think this final present of yours might just be the best one yet.
MC: Will you whisper declarations of love into my ears?
Clavis: All that and more, my darling. Whatever you want.
MC: Mmh…
I covered her lips with my own and gently licked into her mouth.
She responded urgently, trying to give as good as she got despite her inexperience. It was so touching, I could begin to feel all logical thought slip away.
Clavis: Your kissing could still use some work. Perhaps we need to practice more?
MC: Can’t disagree with that, can I? Mhm, let’s practice some more.
I leaned in, sliding one hand along the soft skin of the inside of her leg as I closely studied her reactions.
With my other hand tending to her breast, I maneuvered through her disheveled clothing to gently slip a fingertip inside her.
I was so surprised to find her already wet, warm and welcoming. I could feel myself beginning to heat up in response.
Clavis: You know how you said this is your most favorite present yet?
Clavis: Well, I think you saying that made me just as happy. It’s like you gave me a third present, too.
Clavis: You always say exactly what I want to hear. It’s magnificent.
MC: I feel like I’m forever searching for the right thing to say, so that really means a lot to me.
MC: But… I don’t think I can manage any more romantic declarations like this. My head feels like it’s melting.
Clavis: Oh, don’t worry. You already gave me plenty of pretty words.
Clavis: I’m sure I’ll hear more from you again later. Like I said: I’m a patient man. When it comes to you, anyway.
MC: Ah…
MC looked up at me with a palpable hunger in her gaze, and I thought that it might just drag me under.
Before that, however, I was reminded of the day we spent together. I wanted to do everything I could to make this Christmas everything MC wished for.
That was what had spurred me into going as far as asking Yves’s advice.
However, I found that in that moment, what stirred a pure happiness within me was that I got to be with MC. That was all. Nothing else was important.
(I never thought I would be one of those people who gets all mushy and romantic at Christmas, but there we go.)
It was possible that other changes were waiting for me as well–if only in my regular, day-to-day life.
Even if those changes were only trivial, inconsequential things, I found myself buzzing with anticipation. I couldn’t help but smile.
I whispered sweet words of love into MC’s ears as promised–each floated in the air like the snowflakes that fell silently outside.
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soul-of-the-sanada · 2 years
Memories of Christmas - Sariel Noir - Epilogue
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Sariel's Christmas event story, in his POV.
After the sounds of bells signaled the arrival of a new day…
Lord Rohan treated the guests to a bottle of fine wine, declaring it as his Christmas present to everyone.
My gaze slipped over to MC next to me.
(Perhaps it’d come across as too overbearing to ask her not to drink too much.) 
A previous incident involving alcohol had occurred with the two of us.
I accidentally made her exceedingly drunk on a bottle that she had kindly bought for me herself.
MC: Sariel. The thing is…
She suddenly met my eye, gazing at me from beneath her eyelashes.
MC: I actually got you a Christmas gift.
MC: Do you mind if I give it to you?
Sariel: It appears that great minds think alike.
MC: Wait, seriously?
Sariel: Indeed. I prepared a gift for you, also.
Sariel: I take it you’re willing to sacrifice a little more of your time for this devil, then?
After exiting the ballroom, we exchanged small boxes with each other in the comfort of a guest room Lord Rohan had provided.
MC: Can I open it now?
Sariel: You’re very welcome to. I shall open mine as well.
Despite voicing my intentions, I still hesitated as I took the box into my hands. I was more focused on MC’s reaction as she opened my gift.
MC: Oooh! Are these earrings?
Her face lit up like sunshine, a huge grin spreading across her cheeks.
MC: They go really well with this hair ornament, too.
MC turned her head, showing me the back of her hair.
That was also a gift I had given her–back when barely any time had passed since she arrived at the palace and we acted as lovers for a day.
She often wore it on official occasions similar to this evening.
(And if I were to give a reason as to why I gave her a present this Christmas…)
When I gazed upon MC as we danced together during our lesson at the palace…
The thought of how beautiful she would look with long earrings following her graceful movements crossed my mind.
After seeing MC’s reaction through, I looked back to my own small box. I carefully lifted the lid open.
Sariel: Is it a lapel pin?
MC: Exactly. I chose it with your work in mind; hopefully it won’t get in the way or look inappropriate for formal situations.
MC: And during our dance lesson, I was thinking…
MC: It would really suit you.
Her reasoning was bizarrely similar to my own. I could feel a smile worming its way onto my lips.
MC: Can I put them on now?
Sariel: Certainly. In fact, shall I put them on for you?
MC: Okay–thank you so much.
MC struck me with yet another dazzling smile, akin to the one that filled her face when she opened the box.
I closed the distance between us and delicately moved her hair out of the way, running my hands across the soft strands as I tucked them behind her ears.
She stood still as I busied my hands with fixing the earrings in place, pursing her lips as a certain tension lingered in the air.
(Although she is very artful at hiding it, I can tell she’s affected.)
We were unused to touching each other, after all. I gave an amused smirk.
I noticed her ears were slightly flushed by the time I secured the earrings in place.
Sariel: They suit you wonderfully.
The single stone that dangled from each of her ears complemented her character even more than I anticipated.
(They aren’t anything too flashy, but it’s enough to draw the eye in.)
MC: Thank you, Sariel. I love them. I still really like the hairpiece too, by the way.
She beamed, moving her head from side to side as she inspected her reflection in a nearby mirror.
MC: Would you like me to put your pin on, too?
Sariel: Oh, alright. Thank you.
MC: You’re welcome. Could you come here?
We sat facing each other, and she leaned forward with the lapel pin in hand.
She anchored her fingers at the base of my neck as she pushed the pin through the fabric. It provoked a strange feeling within me.
I had to admit that I found the concentration on her face extremely touching.
(Sending the night together while we’re not romantically involved… Whatever might people say?)
(As someone who’s supposed to educate her, I would certainly have something to say if it were with a man other than myself.)
Amidst our mingling breaths and body warmth… It was like an addictive potion running through me.
(She has not a clue how deep of a sin we are committing.)
When she eventually leaned back again, my black clothes were newly adorned with a beautiful piece of engraved jewelry.
The carving evoked images of designs hailing from another land, similarly to the buttons that were attached to my jacket.
Delightfully, its design harmonized with the gold embroidery that ran across my collar.
Sariel: I shall have to add this to my most prized possessions.
The pin shimmered as I ran my finger across it, catching the light as its angle shifted slightly.
MC: Heheh. I’m glad I managed to achieve my goal for this Christmas. 
MC: I wanted you to spend the day with a smile on your face, remember?
MC: One thing I wanted this Christmas was to make sure you spent the day with a smile on your face. Even if only for a few minutes.
-end flashback-
(...I don’t know what to say.)
Aside from feeling touched, I sensed another emotion join the turmoil inside me.
That was what spurred me to divulge a little of my own heart.
Sariel: …I supposed that means I’ve received yet another present from you.
Sariel: I must pay you back somehow.
I gently covered her eyes with my hand, obscuring the sight of my own silhouette reflected in them. I then leaned forward, pressing a chaste kiss to her temple.
MC: Ah…
Her skin was warm and sweet beneath my lips.
The dazed look on her face that awaited me when I drew back merely added to that sugary taste in my mouth.
(...That will have to do for now.)
I pulled away to a distance that was more suitable. The warmth from our too-close proximity still lingered.
Sariel: I’ll bid you goodnight. Another carriage journey awaits us tomorrow.
MC: What? No. Sariel… Stay here with me.
Confused by this chain of events, her voice was slightly raised in alarm.
Sariel: Don’t worry, I’m simply going to soak up a little more of this wonderful night you’ve given me.
Sariel: Goodnight, MC.
She opened her mouth as if she were about to ask to come with me, but I merely gave her a distant smile as I left the room.
(I have to say… How immature of me.)
MC: Heheh. I’m glad I managed to achieve my goal for this Christmas.
MC: I wanted you to spend the day with a smile on your face, remember?
-end flashback-
If I wished for our affection towards each other to remain pure, I had better maintain that barrier between us.
(Even so…)
(If MC wishes to touch me, I don’t think I could bring myself to deny her.)
My past was like a dark, open void. It didn’t take much to visualize the future that awaited me, either.
That was why MC and I’s feelings and ways of life could never become too intertwined. It was wrong.
(If she did ever become involved in my life… That would surely come as a result of mistakes, overstepping the line, or completely losing my sanity.)
(That must not happen.)
Just as MC had wished for me to smile…
(I want to do allI can to never sully hers.)
On Christmas morning, the town was bustling with activity.
MC and I spotted the Christmas market on our way back to the palace, and we decided to pay it a visit.
Her face lit up with the very same smile I had sworn to myself to never sully the night before.
MC: I’m all too aware of how busy Christmas is for you, but…
MC: I really hope that from now on, you can find a reason to smile each year.
Sariel: Yes–I hope so, too. I’ll do my very best.
I certainly couldn’t make any promises.
Snow glittered in the air as it fell over the Christmas market, and the bustling crowd had smiles on their faces.
It felt somewhat as though the blood-splattered snow in my memory was being covered with new, pure white flakes.
My memories of this Christmas were very firmly rooted in my heart, obscuring my previous experiences somewhat.
(This innocent snow, falling afresh from the icy skies…)
It reminded me of MC’s dazzling smile.
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soul-of-the-sanada · 2 years
Memories of Christmas - Sariel Noir - Chapter 1
Sariel's Christmas event story, in his POV.
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Chapter 1 Part 1
Among the snowy, Christmas-themes streets vivid with decoration, a memory occurred to me.
A metallic smell… A pile of corpses… And the sight of vivid crimson splattered across pure white snow.
Blond Boy: …
Although it was a near-daily occurrence for the prince that lingered in the remains of that violent spectacle, it was oh-so twisted.
-end flashback-
I brought the carriage to a stop and stepped out onto the pure white snow with a crunch.
(She should be done at the store at any second.)
I gazed at the light shining from inside the store and smiled slightly. At the same time, the front door opened.
Sure enough, MC emerged, not yet noticing me.
She looked up at the sky and held out her hand, feeling for the snowflakes that fell.
Shortly thereafter, she noticed me standing next to the carriage.
MC: Sariel? What brings you here?
Sariel: I was simply on my way home from running an errand.
Sariel: Seeing as I have the carriage, I thought I might as well make the most of it. I’d hate for you to slip on the ice in the dark.
The smile she gave me was like a strong, singular flower blooming even among sheets of icy-white snow.
MC: Thank you.
MC: It wasn’t snowing at all this morning. Imagine my surprise when I opened the door after work to see the whole world had turned white!
Even inside the carriage, our breaths steamed in response to the cold.
And yet, MC’s smile was so warm, it evoked the image of a lamp burning in a cozy bedroom.
Chapter 1 Part 2
My heart seemed to thaw looking at her, and my numbed fingertips began to tingle with warmth.
Sariel: How has it been going with your assistance at the store?
MC: Great, actually! I have to thank you again for giving me permission to work with them.
Usually, the bookstore was mostly deserted, but Christmas was the one time of year that it was undoubtedly packed.
Books were expensive items for the average citizen to buy on a regular basis, but that was exactly why they were favored as gifts.
From parent to child, lover to lover… Books were an in-demand choice of present to demonstrate one’s love for another.
As such, MC had been making frequent trips into town to help at the store for a little while now.
MC: I thought we’d be inundated by requests right up until Christmas Day, but by the looks of things, we might finish a little early.
Her gaze suddenly shifted to me, now tinted with a certain sympathy.
MC: You seem really busy too, Sariel.
Sariel: It’s only to be expected at this time of year.
At a time of holidays and festivals, the bustling atmosphere of the palace only grew busier in response.
As MC had guessed, there were several causes for concern that were troubling me to no end.
(To think that such a dizzying array of problems would arise… I have my work cut out for me.)
MC: Oh, wow. It’s so beautiful.
We alighted the carriage to be met with the facade of the palace, the gardens, and fountain all covered in a thick coat of snow.
Chapter 1 Part 3
MC: Of course, the palace has always been beautiful, but… the snow makes it feel even more magical. Like we’ve wandered into a picture book.
She laughed, her breath coming out in pale clouds. Her smile seemed to shine even in the lack of good light.
(I don’t think I ever looked upon snow with such fond feelings until coming to the palace.)
If I put myself in my past self’s shoes…
Snow was simply a cruel threat in life–something that caused pain with its frostbite-inducing cold, or even took the lives of the weak.
(And then, after becoming the devil of the palace…)
I looked up at the sky, putting a firm lid on the memory that threatened to cross my mind.
(If these icy crystals are beautiful in MC’s eyes, then beautiful they shall be.)
Sariel: I know it’s a little cold, but would you like to take a stroll?
MC: Is that okay? I’d love to, but I’m sure you’re busy.
Sariel: A short walk will hardly take too much time out of my day. I was just thinking I’d like to stretch my legs after so many tedious carriage journeys.
It was the truth.
MC gave an understanding smile as she took a step towards the snow-covered gardens, gesturing for me to come along.
That was the unexpected beginning of a night alone together.
Our footsteps left prints in the snow side-by-side as we walked.
Wandering around in the tranquil calm of the garden, I noticed something.
(Is that…?)
Chapter 1 Part 4
That was the unexpected beginning of a night alone together.
Our footsteps left prints in the snow side-by-side as we walked.
Wandering around in the tranquil calm of the garden, I noticed something.
(Is that… the musical ensemble rehearsing for the Christmas party?)
If I strained my ears, I could just about make out the faint sound of music. At the same time, MC turned around with concern in her eyes.
MC: Sariel, have you always been this busy at Christmas?
MC: It must be even more work with a party and a festival being held at the palace.
Sariel: Well, yes…
This time of year was busy in an official sense as well as behind the scenes.
(But when I think of Christmas…)
That memory crossed my mind again–the one that refused to be suppressed, no matter how hard I tried.
(It really must have made an impression on me.)
(How long ago was that, now?)
I had lost count of how many Christmases had passed since the king first summoned me to the palace.
The blond-haired boy swiftly shook the blood from his red-stained sword before sliding it back into its sheath.
The unspoiled snow was sullied with the enormous amount of blood that was spilled there.
And in the middle of the tragic scene… stood the Brutal Beast.
-end flashback-
(That’s hardly the sort of Christmas memory MC would want to hear from me.)
A bitter frown contorted my lips as I picked a topic more fitting of the conversation.
Sariel: The palace comes alive with Christmas spirit every year.
Sariel: Some of the women invited to the party tend to quarrel amongst themselves while the princes aren't there…
Sariel: And it’s become somewhat of a tradition for the hellc– I mean, Prince Clavis’s ‘presents’ to cause pandemonium in the palace.
Chapter 1 Part 5
Sariel: And it’s become somewhat of a tradition for the hellc– I mean, Prince Clavis’s ‘presents’ to cause pandemonium in the palace.
Sariel: One that particularly sticks in my memory is a huge tree decorated with mischievously engineered ornaments. That was a few years ago now.
Sariel: I ended up turning the thing into firewood for the hearth. Heheh.
Perhaps recalling the usual ruckus at the palace, her eyebrows knitted together sympathetically.
MC: That certainly sounds busy, but… not quite in the way I imagined.
MC: It sounds more dangerous than lively.
Sariel: Indeed. I recommend that you also keep your wits about you at this time.
After completing a trip around the snowy garden, we made our way to the entrance hall.
MC bowed her head politely to me.
MC: Thank you for giving me a ride back to the palace, by the way. And, of course, for accompanying me on that walk.
MC: Make sure you warm up now, okay?
Sariel: Very well. I ask that you do the same.
When we parted ways, I came to a stop when I noticed her heading in the opposite direction to her room.
Sariel: MC, where are you going?
MC: I just need to drop a book off at Prince Chevalier’s room.
MC: He asked me to get it for him earlier.
Sariel: Ah.
(Prince Chevalier…)
I stepped forward again, truly intending to leave her to it this time. However…
MC: Sariel, wait!
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soul-of-the-sanada · 2 years
Memories of Christmas - Sariel Noir - Chapter 2
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Sariel's Christmas event story, in his POV.
Chapter 2 Part 1
I stepped forward again, truly intending to leave her to it this time. However…
MC: Sariel, wait!
Sariel: Yes?
I turned back. She opened her mouth to say something, but then shook her head and laughed it off.
MC: No, just… Don’t push yourself too hard.
Sariel: I won’t.
(I get the sense she swallowed her initial words…)
I didn’t have to wait long to discover what those words were.
The next morning, MC had already visited my office with the question already on her lips.
MC: Isn’t there anything I can do to help you?
(I see–that must be what she tried to ask me last night.)
She’d said she was on the way to Chevalier’s room yesterday.
I had no doubt that the prince was able to discern exactly what she’d been thinking.
(He never cares to do anything that’s not strictly necessary, but…)
It was possible that he had graced her with his advice in return for finding the rare book he’d requested.
(In which case…)
Sariel: You’re already plenty busy with your job and your usual lessons, no?
MC: Like I said, it looks like we’ll be able to finish up early at the bookstore. Also…
She met my gaze, unyielding.
MC: Could you test me during our lesson today?
Chapter 2 Part 2
MC: Could you test me during our lesson today?
(There have been plenty of occasions where she has dutifully worked on her studies before coming to our lessons, but…)
On this occasion, it was highly possible that she had crammed her knowledge with a view to strike a deal with me.
MC: If I pass the test, I’d like you to offload some of your work onto me.
(There it is.)
She was well aware that I would not permit her assistance under normal circumstances.
I suspected the reason she stopped herself from asking last night was because she was yet to calculate what it would take to convince me.
(Either she gleaned something from her conversation with Prince Chevalier, or she spent all night coming up with a plan.)
(That’s why she came here first thing to make me agree to her terms.)
Faced with her steely, resolute gaze, all I could do was give a deep sigh.
(Goodness me… Your rate of improvement is nothing short of spectacular.)
Sariel: Very well. However, as I’m sure you’re aware, I will not be lenient or go easy on you.
MC: Of course. I understand.
In order to deal with the ceaseless myriad of problems that continued to arise, I rushed about the palace giving out instructions.
Just as I was catching my breath after attending to a series of issues, I heard voices chatting brightly just past the end of the corridor.
(I can hear MC… and her faithful pet.)
Staying in the shadow of the door, I stealthily peeked into the room.
MC: It’d probably look better if you decorated the right hand side a little more.
Rio: Somewhere around here?
MC: Yup, perfect.
I looked in to see a superbly decorated room, along with the two individuals who completed it.
(I merely asked for the rooms open to guests to be decorated, but…)
This was MC we were talking about. She must have anticipated the fact that the princes would spend time here when choosing to decorate the room.
MC: Thanks, Rio! When you step back and look at it from afar, the decorations make a really pretty picture.
Panic rose within me as she took a step back only to catch her foot on the furniture, her gaze focused on the ceiling.
MC: Whoa!
Rio: MC!
She lost her balance and I leapt forward, just managing to catch her before she truly fell.
Sariel: I’m glad to see you absorbed in your work, but please don’t get too carried away.
MC: Oh, Sariel… Thank you.
I slowly reached for her cheek…
Chapter 2 Part 3
Panic rose within me as she took a step back only to catch her foot on the furniture, her gaze focused on the ceiling.
MC: Whoa!
Rio: MC!
She lost her balance and I leapt forward, just managing to catch her before she truly fell.
Sariel: I’m glad to see you absorbed in your work, but please don’t get too carried away.
MC: Oh, Sariel… Thank you.
I slowly reached up to stroke a thumb over her cheekbone.
Sariel: You were preoccupied with your studies rather than sleeping last night, weren’t you?
MC: I know. I did weigh up the positives and negatives, though.
MC: Sorry for making you worry, but I have to disagree with you on one thing. Getting carried away is what I’m good at, so I won’t stop.
(She’ll be the death of me.)
Her dedication was clearer than anything. I smiled.
In the end, MC passed my test with flying colors, and she earned the right to assist in the devil’s work.
As such, I entrusted the preparations for the ball on Christmas day entirely to her.
Although the usual preparations were nothing to be worried about, the scale of the ball held at the palace was huge.
Accordingly, the number of leading figures and foreign visitors among the guests was sizable.
Various parties and gatherings took place during the holiday season, and each of them were host to a wealth of conversation.
Some of it was politics-related, and some was no more than gossip, but…
(The quality of the ball itself is often a hot topic of conversation.)
The guests were extremely attentive to how much time had gone into the ball preparations, and how much effort had been put in to create a pleasant atmosphere.
(Usually, planning the event is my one worry when there’s a ball coming up, but…)
It appears I needn’t worry about it anymore.
I parted ways with MC and Rio, then walked down the corridor again.
(MC is extremely sharp-sighted, and it was almost a given that her faithful pet would assist.)
In addition, I had already arranged for the other princes to be consulted in regards to the planning.
Sariel: Thank you very much for divulging the information.
Cyran: It was a pleasure. We’re the ones who get forced to clean up his mess, after all.
The hellcat’s right-hand man brought me news of the ‘entertainment’ being planned for this Christmas by his master.
(To think he’s planning to release a swarm of clockwork mice… How terrible.)
(Why can’t he utilize his talents in more… USEFUL areas?)
(That man is a terror and a menace, through and through.)
Just as I was devising a way to burn his foolish inventions, another troublesome matter presented itself to me.
(The final matter I must attend to may be the one that weighs on me most of all…)
Chapter 2 Part 4
(The final matter I must attend to may be the one that weighs on me most of all…)
The source of my sorrow was not to do with anything inside the palace.
The snow had stopped and sunlight filtered into the ballroom, making the rose-decorated tree in the middle seem to glow.
(It’s beautiful.)
The tree was positioned at every Christmas ball the palace held, and I had never looked at it in an appreciative light before.
(It just goes to show how much of a difference MC’s detailed, complementary decoration choices make.)
(Either that, or merely knowing that she was the one who poured her soul into decorating it softens my heart.)
What began as a sigh of admiration for her work turned into a deep, somber huff as the final challenge of the day loomed over me.
It concerned a letter of invitation I had received.
The party was being held in a territory a distance from Rhodolite, and it would run from the day before Christmas until Christmas Day itself.
It would be a wise decision for the king’s regent to attend.
(However, I have plenty of things keeping me far too busy here. The ball is one thing, but I’m certain more ‘fun’ lies in wait.)
(In all honesty, I’m extremely hesitant to let the palace be without my supervision.)
In an effort to somehow avoid attending, I recently put myself through a whole day of travel to visit the outlying territory in question.
However, my predictions missed the mark. I was unable to secure an exemption from attending the party.
(And the most bothersome part of it all…)
…was the requirement to bring a plus-one.
(It is almost certain that if I mention it to MC, she will immediately put herself forward. Alas…)
Chapter 2 Part 5
(It is almost certain that if I mention it to MC, she will immediately put herself forward. Alas…)
What happened the last time MC left the palace flashed before my eyes…
Servant: This bouquet of flowers addressed to MC arrived, but…
Rio: Oh no…
Sariel: I see they’ve been laced with poison.
-end flashback-
(Not to mention, she is but a temporary resident in the palace with all things considered.)
It was not hard to imagine how tongues would wag if she were to accompany a devil such as I to a party.
(Although, I remember what she said…)
MC: I really don’t think you’re the devil you make yourself out to be.
-end flashback-
(Despite what she said…)
(She’s wrong. I am a devil.)
The very planes on which she and I exist are different.
(Some may call my hesitancy being overprotective, but…)
(People can say what they like.)
(The last time I want is for something to be… sacrificed.)
(If a sacrifice is to be made, then… I would rather–)
Footsteps echoed through the ballroom, and I lifted my gaze to greet the person whose presence I had already discerned without looking.
I could recognize her by that presence alone; it was different to anyone else I had ever met. It was special.
MC: Sariel! Just the person I was looking for.
MC: Could I possibly accompany you to that party?
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soul-of-the-sanada · 2 years
Memories of Christmas - Sariel Noir - Chapter 3 (Premium End)
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Sariel's Christmas event story, in his POV.
Chapter 3 Part 1
After checking that it wasn’t quite bedtime, I swiftly headed to MC’s room and firmly knocked on the door.
There was a specific reason I had come to see her.
MC: Could I possibly accompany you to that party?
-end flashback-
After my little conversation with Chevalier put my mind at ease somewhat…
I was now ready to give MC a proper response.
The door opened immediately, and judging by the casual smile on her face, she had been expecting me.
Sariel: I was very grateful to receive your offer.
Sariel: As such, would you mind accompanying a devil to a party.
MC: Of course! I was the one who suggested it to begin with.
Seeing the pleased expression on her face, a sudden curiosity occurred to me.
Sariel: Where did you hear about the party, might I ask?
I didn’t think for a second that Chevalier was quite so loose-lipped.
MC: Well, Prince Chevalier was the one who told me something was weighing on your mind, but…
MC: Leon and Jin were the ones to tell me what exactly was going on.
MC: They let me know when I asked for their opinions about the ball decorations.
(That makes sense.)
It seemed that MC had the beasts wrapped around her finger even tighter that I anticipated.
(Perhaps… the same goes for me, too.)
(I most certainly never thought the day would come where MC and I would attend a party with each other for company.)
Sariel: Now, let’s discuss the… weapons I advise you defend yourself with.
Sariel: May I have a moment of your time?
The night before Christmas…
I stepped into the ballroom of a large estate, with a well-dressed MC on one arm.
The earl hosting the party spotted us right away and quickly came over to greet us.
Sariel: Lord Rohan, I am honored that you thought to invite me this evening.
Rohan: No, no. The pleasure is mine. I am extremely delighted to have the king’s regent come all the way out here.
After we exchanged our greetings, Lord Rohan’s gaze soon shifted to MC.
Rohan: And who might this young lady be?
MC pinched the skirt of her dress and curtsied slightly as a sign of respect. The displeased tension in her brow didn’t pass me by, though.
MC: My name is MC. Thank you so much for inviting us to this beautiful party.
Chapter 3 Part 2
MC: My name is MC. Thank you so much for inviting us to this beautiful party.
Her mannerisms, meanwhile, were as graceful and polite as one could get.
The earl looked between MC and I as though to discern our relationship.
Sariel: MC here is actually my apprentice.
I responded to that curious look in his eyes with words.
I thought back to how I had discussed this very moment with MC a few days prior.
Sariel: Now, let’s discuss the… weapons I advise you to defend yourself with.
Sariel: May I have a moment of your time?
She nodded her head firmly, determination clear in her eyes as I began to speak.
Sariel: I would like you to act as my apprentice during our time at the party.
MC: Your apprentice? Why?
She raised her eyebrows, evidently not expecting my suggestion.
Sariel: Naturally, it would be far too dangerous to reveal your true standing within the palace.
Sariel: Acting as a noblewoman is one thing. There must also be a sufficient reason for you to be accompanying the king’s regent specifically.
-end flashback-
Sariel: I thought it would be wise to bring her along to have you both be acquainted. As my apprentice, I believe it is only natural.
Rohan: I see. This is my first time hearing that you had taken on an apprentice.
Rohan: But for you to do so… she must be an incredibly talented woman.
Sariel: Indeed. Her intellectual talents are what allowed her to stay at the palace for her studies in the first place.
MC: Oh, Master. I couldn’t possibly accept such praise.
Witnessing MC’s humble, bright attitude, Rohan smiled fondly.
Rohan: Will you be participating in our… little chat?
She flinched slightly in response to those two words. 
Sariel: To put it simply, the earl is a nuisance.
Sariel: The event may be framed as a party, but…
Sariel: The main purpose of the gathering is so that Lord Rohan can discuss confidential matters with the guests. He calls it his ‘little chat.’
Sariel: This exchange of information can serve either as a round-up for the year passed, or as an opportunity for each guest to sow political seeds.
Sariel: It lasts all night, running into Christmas Day itself. I suppose that’s how long it takes everyone to set their devious little plans firmly in place.
-end flashback-
The moment the words ‘little chat’ registered in MC’s mind, she grinned…
Chapter 3 Part 3
The moment the words ‘little chat’ registered in MC’s mind, she grinned…
MC: I understand that My Lord commands a deep knowledge of the arts. Your collection of paintings is particularly impressive, I hear.
MC: I noticed how realistic and provoking the paintings you have displayed in the entrance area.
MC: Do you mind if I take a look around in order to further my studies?
For a split second, a look of surprise crossed Rohan’s face.
Rohan: You’re very welcome to. If you find yourself in need of a guide, a servant will help you.
(It seems like she pulled it off. No–she’s fooled him even better than I expected.)
I marveled at her strength.
On top of the insight needed to follow the conversation and direct it away from oneself, she had taken the initiative to stroke his ego instead.
(And best of all…)
She commanded the plotted exchange with majesty and grace.
Rohan: My, my… You’ve taken on a truly fearsome apprentice.
Sariel: I have to say, as her teacher, that makes me very pleased to hear.
(Fearsome…? What an interesting choice of word.)
Their conversation had lasted no more than a few minutes.
Even so, it appeared we had him completely convinced that she was the apprentice of the king’s regent. It was a mighty position.
We could not have possibly left any room for doubt.
Sariel: My Lord. How about we have our little chat over there?
Rohan: Perfect. I was just thinking of suggesting it myself.
The earl invited the crowds of noble and royal guests to the party on the assumption they would stay overnight.
(The idea is to assert his authority over the guests and validate his status.)
There was no denying that it was a bothersome, circuitous display of a conjured idea of masculinity, but the fact remained that he had the power to do so.
(To see that you could convince even HIM…)
At the very least, I doubted she would be on the receiving end of wicked, artless attempts to send her poison-laced flowers again.
(The Devil’s Apprentice…)
Although the title only briefly occurred to me…
It seemed it would come in very useful. Her efforts to act in character meant that it suited her surprisingly well.
Chevalier: The rabbit is more capable than you give her credit for.
-end flashback-
(I see it now.)
I sat down for my ‘little chat’ with Rohan, reflecting deeply on those words of Chevalier’s.
Shortly after our ‘little chat’...
One of my arms cradled MC’s waist, and we waltzed across the floor smoothly in time to the music.
(Dancing is a part of her lessons, but…)
(I never thought I would be the one partnering her at such a large event.)
Chapter 3 Part 4
(I never thought I would be the one partnering her at such a large event.)
Although I was aware this would come to pass the moment we agreed to attend the party together, I couldn’t shake the strange feeling within me.
MC: I’m glad that your ‘little chat’ with Lord Rohan seemed to go well.
Sariel: What makes you think that?
MC: You look much more relaxed.
Sure enough, my talk with the earl went by smoothly, and my worries had been finally dispelled.
(But I’d say that was more thanks to MC than my own efforts.)
I gazed at her in admiration.
She truly knew how to take joy in dance.
However, the same fact caused me a little regret as I took hold of her hand.
(I wish she were able to attend the ball back at the palace.)
I was sure that the ballroom she decorated would make way for a far grander affair than this.
MC: What’s on your mind, Sariel?
THere was no denying her keen insight.
She laughed breezily as I recounted what I had just been thinking.
MC: I already danced with you back at the palace this Christmas.
(True enough, I did give her a dance lesson before we left. Yet still…)
Despite not being surrounded by the environment she had so minutely curated, the bright smile on her face was unfaltering.
I had not the cognizance to know what exactly was making her so happy.
Fortunately, she let me in on the secret with her very own words.
MC: This may be a little self-serving, but…
MC: One thing I wanted this Christmas was to make sure you spent the day with a smile on your face. Even if only for a few minutes.
MC: And I think I'm doing a pretty good job.
Sariel: …Why would you desire something like that of a devil?
MC: You can think of it as my thanks for giving me some time off to help at the bookstore. But, also…
MC: More than that, you mean a lot to me. I wanted to do everything I could to make this Christmas a good one for you.
I instinctively reached for her, entranced by those clear, honest eyes…
Sariel: …That’s rather a romantic declaration to make on this holy night. 
Chapter 3 Part 5
Sariel: …Why would you desire something like that of a devil?
MC: You can think of it as my thanks for giving me some time off to help at the bookstore. But, also…
MC: More than that, you mean a lot to me. I wanted to do everything I could to make this Christmas a good one for you.
I instinctively reached for her, entranced by those clear, honest eyes…
And lightly stroked the tips of my fingers along her cheek, still moving in time with the music.
Sariel: …That’s rather a romantic declaration to make on this holy night. 
As I made that low whisper in her ear, I watched the look in her eyes gradually shift to one of realization.
MC: Oh, no, I didn’t– I didn’t mean it like that.
Sariel: Ah. Of course not.
Her words echoed in my mind as I smiled teasingly, putting a respectable distance between us.
‘I wanted to make sure you spent the day with a smile on your face. Even if only for a few minutes.’
‘You mean a lot to me. I wanted to do everything I could to make this Christmas a good one for you.’
I thought back to how Christmas was a time I once associated with blood spilled on pure snow.
(I never thought anyone would give me such kind words on Christmas, of all days.)
It was certainly a delight.
It showed me the extent of trust that had been carefully built up between me and MC.
Alas, I was a devil.
No matter whether I was covered in blood, or dancing with MC in a lavish ballroom…
That fundamental essence of mine never changed, and it served as a wall separating us both.
MC: Oh!
The distant sound of bells signaled the beginning of a new day.
MC: Merry Christmas, Sariel.
Sariel: And a very merry Christmas to you, too.
(And yet, why do I feel as though…?)
No matter whether I put distance between us or whether we were fundamentally different, her smile remained just as bright.
MC: Shall we dance to one more piece?
Sariel: If you like.
On that holy night, I couldn’t rid myself of the sense that something even sweeter awaited us…
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soul-of-the-sanada · 2 years
Memories of Christmas - Clavis LeLouch - Chapter 3 (Premium End)
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Clavis’s Christmas event story, in his POV  
Chapter 3 Part 1
Once MC’s story time session was over, adults clutching picture books formed an orderly line in front of the counter.
I had never seen so many people crowding to buy books there before, thus it seemed that their strategy had truly paid off.
MC: I’ll be off now! See you tomorrow!
Once the number of customers dwindled down, MC slipped from behind the counter and called out to the other staff members.
I softly tapped her shoulder as she passed me, and she turned to look back curiously. Her eyes widened as soon as she saw me.
MC: Oh, Clavis! What’re you doing here?!
Clavis: I was curious as to what all the fuss was about. In other words, I snuck in to hear you read, my love.
Clavis: And what a shock it was. I never knew you had such a flair for performance. 
Clavis: The moment you opened your mouth, that gaggle of children went completely silent. They were utterly entranced.
Clavis: I have to say, I felt much the same way.
MC: Thank you so much.
MC: I didn’t fumble my words once today! I was thinking I did pretty good too, if I do say so myself.
MC: You picked the best day to come.
Clavis: …You’re right. I really did pick a good day to come.
The gossip I heard being exchanged between two of the girls crossed my mind, and I only just about managed to reel it in before it involuntarily left my mouth.
MC sensed my strange tone of voice, and raised a suspicious eyebrow at me.
Chapter 3 Part 2
MC: Hmm… I get the feeling you’re saying that for a different reason.
Clavis: How so? I was just thinking about how nice it would be to have you read just to me from time to time.
Technically speaking, it wasn’t a lie.
Clavis: You can even read me one of those romance novels you like—I don’t mind. Or perhaps even one of those saucy novels that Jin—
MC: My services are limited to picture books, and picture books only! Sorry!
Clavis: In that case… Will you read me one?
MC: If I can choose the book, then sure.
Clavis: Mhm, sounds fantastic. I’ll be greatly looking forward to it.
Child: Hi, miss!
A child suddenly came up to us, her footsteps light as she skipped over. It was one of the girls who was speaking about MC earlier.
Child: I got the book you read us today! I’m gonna read it again and again when I get home.
Child: Me too!
MC: Hehe, that’s great. Thank you very much.
MC bent down until she was level with the children, then gently patted their heads.
Child: Um, who’s that man? Does he work here, too?
One of the girls pointed at me.
MC: Oh, no. He’s…
(It looks like she’s not sure if she should say it.)
As MC floundered for a way to explain my presence, I bent down next to her and smiled at the kids.
Clavis: I’m MC’s lover.
Chapter 3 Part 3
Child: Um, who’s that man? Does he work here, too?
One of the girls pointed at me.
MC: Oh, no. He’s…
(It looks like she’s not sure if she should say it.)
As MC floundered for a way to explain my presence, I bent down next to her and smiled at the kids.
Clavis: I’m MC’s lover.
Child: Oh! That’s YOU?!
Child: Wooow, you look like a prince! You’re all sparkly!
(Children never miss a trick.)
The children squealed and gushed amongst one another, taken by surprise that the man they’d been gossipping about was here the whole time.
I didn’t even have to look at MC’s face to know what face she was making.
I turned to smile at her, and sure enough, she smiled back with a sheepish grin on her face.
Child: Oh yeah! Guess what I saw, miss!
MC: Hm? What did you see?
MC tore her gaze away from me and looked back at the kids curiously.
Child: Your boyfriend was watching you the whooooole time when you were reading! He didn’t even look at the pictures in the book even once!
MC: Huh…?
(Dear, dear. Is that true? I didn’t even notice her looking at me.)
(I must have been really taken with MC.)
Seeing as there was no fooling them now, I decided to be completely honest about my intentions.
Clavis: How am I supposed to look away from her when she’s so lovely? I promise I was listening to the story, though.
Children: …Really?
Clavis: Really!
I imitated the children’s tone of voice, and they exchanged a look before erupting into giggles again.
Mother: Come on, you two! It’s time to go home.
Child: Okay, Mom!
Child: Fine… See ya later, lovebirds!
The kids waved behind them as they left the store, tugged along by their mother.
Clavis: Right.
I got to my feet and offered a hand to MC.
She happily slipped her hand into mine, and stood up to face me.
Clavis: I’ve got that meeting soon, so I need to get back to the palace. Will you be taking the carriage home with me?
MC: That sounds perfect, thank you.
MC: By the way… What those girls told me really made my evening. You’re so sweet, Clavis.
Clavis: It was just as much of a revelation to me as it was to you, I have to say. I’m a little embarrassed.
MC: Well, I never.
She grinned, a teasing lilt to her voice. Looking at her made my heart skip a beat.
(Being around her is never boring, that’s for sure.)
I was truly glad I decided to come—for a multitude of reasons. Now, I was even more ready to dedicate myself to giving MC the best Christmas of her life.
Cyran: …What on earth is THAT?
Chapter 3 Part 4 
Clavis: One of my Christmas presents for MC, of course.
Several days later, I was signing off on the paperwork needed to acquire MC’s second Christmas present.
Cyran alternated between staring at the document and staring at me as if he couldn’t believe his eyes.
Cyran: You really go all-out for Christmas, don’t you?
Clavis: It’s only natural when you see your lover looking forward to it so much—wouldn’t you agree?
Clavis: Ah, do excuse me. I forgot you weren’t with anyone. Forget I said anything.
Cyran: …Rich words for a man who was, until recently, in the exact same position as I.
I handed the paperwork over to Cyran, and he scrutinized the words written there once more.
Cyran: That young lady really is a catalyst for your over-the-top behavior.
Cyran: It’s even worse than usual.
Clavis: Hmm, really?
Cyran: You even spoke about this with Prince Yves, remember?
Cyran: Knowing that you usually go to extremes before even asking for help… I’m genuinely shocked you asked for his advice.
Clavis: Well, if someone with the appropriate knowledge is in the same building as me, it’s much more efficient to just ask them, don’t you think? 
Clavis: Besides, It’s MC and I’s first Christmas together.
Clavis: I thought it’d be better to make use of knowledge that I wouldn’t be able to get hold of myself to make an informed decision about her presents.
Cyran was right. Usually, I would do anything but ask for someone’s help–especially from my brothers.
Although I was able to give Yves and Cyran a plausible enough answer for my doing so…
On the inside, I wasn’t too sure about the reason myself.
(I’ll put my real answer on hold until Christmas arrives, I think)
Despite how busy December was each year, I managed to arrange my schedule so that I could take some time to relax.
Thanks to that, I was able to gift presents to all of my younger brothers, as well as prepare multiple presents for MC.
All that was left was to wait for Christmas Day itself.
Then, on the night before Christmas…
Clavis: Welcome back, MC.
MC: Clavis?!
Chapter 3 Part 5
Then, on the night before Christmas…
Clavis: Welcome back, MC.
MC: Clavis?!
MC had just returned from her shift at the bookstore. Evidently, she hadn’t expected me to be waiting for her.
She even dropped the basket she was carrying in surprise.
Clavis: Oopsie. There we go.
MC: Wait, don’t–!
I managed to catch the basket just before it hit the floor, but MC suddenly snatched it away from me.
(Looks like she doesn’t want me to see what’s inside.)
Clavis: Sorry–I didn’t think you’d be quite so delighted to see me! I just hope whatever’s in that basket isn’t fragile.
MC: N-No, it’s fine. Anyway… What’re you doing here?
Clavis: I just thought you might like me to help you relax after a long day at work.
I wrapped my arms around her, and sure enough, she sank into me. However, I could still sense a little tension in her.
(Maybe it has something to do with what's in that basket.) 
At this time of year, her hiding something from me could only really mean one thing.
It was almost impossible to suppress the smirk that came to my lips when I remembered the flustered look on her face.
It was amazing that she could make me feel so loved without even uttering a word.
In turn, my love for her overwhelmed me even further.
(I want to shower her with love right now, but I think I’d better save that for tomorrow.)
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Christmas Day arrived.
I skipped up to the door of MC’s room at an ungodly hour in the morning, only just managing to keep my urge to hum a little tune at bay.
Clavis: Here goes nothing. I can’t wait to see how you react, my love.
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soul-of-the-sanada · 2 years
Memories of Christmas - Clavis LeLouch - Chapter 2
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Clavis’s Christmas event story, in his POV
Chapter 2 Part 1
I managed to lasso Yves when he attempted to run away, then physically dragged him into a carriage with me.
We came to a stop outside of a small cafe, the sweet scent of exquisite tea drifting through the air.
Yves: …What part of this is hilarious? It’s just a normal cafe.
Evidently, he’d been expecting me to take him to some bizarre establishment.
The moment he realized it was no different to any other cafe in town, he let out a tense breath.
Clavis: Oh? Perhaps I should’ve taken you to the usual place I frequent, then. It’s not too late for us to turn back and—
Yves: No, thank you! I’d much rather go here!
Clavis: Alright. It’s a shame that I can’t introduce you to my favorite spot, but it’s no matter. There’s always next time.
Yves: I pray there won’t BE a next time. And, besides…
He glanced between myself and the afternoon tea on the table in front of us.
Clavis: What was that? Did I just hear you say, ‘Clavis, you’re my faaaavorite big brother!’?
Yves: What? No! I was just thinking you must really want my advice if you’re treating me to something this nice…
Yves: It feels really strange.
(He’s right, if I’m not mistaken, this is the first time I’ve ever asked his advice on anything.)
Yves: So… What did you want to ask me?
He sat up straight, poised to listen.
Clavis: It’ll be Christmas soon, and I’m planning to spend the day with MC. However…
Clavis: There are so many things I want to get her, I can’t decide on a good present.
Yves: …Ugh.
Clavis: But I can’t decide, that must mean none of my ideas are good enough that they stand out from the rest.
Clavis: Therefore, I thought I should consider the current trends. I want to know what sort of clothes and snacks are popular right now.
Clavis: That’s why I thought I should ask your opinion, Yves. You’re particularly conscious of such things, are you not?
For some reason, Yves blinked at me with wide eyes.
He remained silent for a few moments in contemplation.
Chapter 2 Part 2
After arranging his thoughts and taking a long sip of tea, he began to talk.
Yves: To be quite honest with you, I can still hardly believe you and MC are lovers.
Yves: I can’t deny that I was worried whether you were simply manipulating her, or even threatening her to be on your side.
(Even after seeing how well we get along…?)
Although, looking back on my past, it was easy to see how Yves had arrived at the conclusion.
(He’s always been concerned about MC getting caught up in my schemes one way or another.)
Yves: But hearing what you just said, I can safely say I was mistaken.
Yves: It sounds like you really cherish MC. That takes a lot off my mind.
I couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable under his gaze. For once, they were bright with sincerity rather than clouded with distrust.
I plastered my usual smile on my face to conceal the tension within me.
Clavis: Of course. What sort of gentleman would I be if I didn’t treat the woman I love well?
Clavis: Anyway–now that your suspicions have been eased, would you help me with my dilemma?
Yves: Sure.
Yves gave a firm nod before immediately launching into an enthusiastic spiel about what was popular this Christmas.
Seeing him talk so animatedly and eloquently about his interests could have brought a tear to my eye.
(He truly smiles so much more than he used to.)
Yves: Oh, and rose-scented candles are all the rage right now. It’s surprising how much a single one can make the mood all that more romantic.
Yves: As for dessert… I’ve heard that quite a few cafes are serving sweet bread decorated with Christmas-themed toppings.
Clavis: Ooh. All of those would make perfect presents.
I stroked my chin between my thumb and forefinger, rearranging the list of possibilities in my mind.
(Wonderful. I think I’ve made my decision.)
Clavis: I knew coming to you was the right thing to do.
Clavis: I’d best strike while the iron’s hot. I’ll go buy the ingredients right after we finish up here.
Yves: The… ingredients?
Chapter 2 Part 3
Clavis: I knew coming to you was the right thing to do.
Clavis: I’d best strike while the iron’s hot. I’ll go buy the ingredients right after we finish up here.
Yves: The… ingredients?
Clavis: Surely a handmade gift will better express my love, no?
His eyes followed me with an unsure gaze as I stood from my seat.
Yves: …You’re not going to make her a cake, are you? I suggest you rethink that idea.
‘For Christmas–at the very least–you should get her something that actually tastes good.’
That was the reasoning I could sense behind Yve’s stern warning.
Clavis: Don’t you worry. I’ll make her the most wonderful, Christmassy, love-filled cake she’s ever eaten.
Clavis: Anyhow, you’ve been a huge help. I’m oh-so grateful that you gave me your opinion with such grace.
Yves: Um… I mean, sure. I’m… glad I could help?
Clavis: Yes–and you’ve got a lot to look forward to as well.
Yves: I do…?
Clavis: It may be important to spend Christmas with a lover, but making sure my little brothers have a wonderful Christmas is just as important to me.
Yves’s face paled once he figured out what I was hinting at.
Yves: D-Don’t tell me…
Clavis: I’ll fill your present with love and joy, too. You’re going to be delighted.
After parting with Yves, I visited a variety of stores to gather the ingredients to make the presents. Eventually, I had everything I needed.
I intended to go straight back to the palace, but…
Chapter 2 Part 4
(I seem to remember she said she was working at the bookstore today.)
Clavis: I can suppose I can take a small detour.
I left my baskets in the carriage, and made my way over to the bookstore. It was strange to see it so busy; several family units were there together.
(The storytelling sessions must be going down well.)
MC: I’ll be making a start now, so everyone find somewhere to sit!
Children: Okay!
The children replied enthusiastically before filing into the rows of chairs. They were surprisingly well-mannered.
It would probably put pressure on MC if she noticed me there, so I backed into a well-concealed corner and crouched down.
(This is a great hiding spot. What’s more, I can see her face perfectly from here.)
MC stood in front of the children and held a picture book up. It looked like she was about to start.
She opened the book on the first page outwards so everyone could see the picture, then began to speak.
MC: Once upon a time, there was a prince who was forever surrounded by roses.
MC: People never saw the prince without a smile on his face, and he always knew how to make his subjects happy.
MC: Then, one day, a lone woman arrived in his joyous country.
I watched on in silence.
It was impossible to quell the butterflies that fluttered in my stomach as her expression changed with each line of the story.
It felt like her voice was enveloping my entire body.
(It may have been a spur-of-the-moment decision, but I’m really glad I came.)
Everyone in the store was concentrating on MC’s voice. Just this once, I allowed myself to let a genuine smile rise to my lips.
Chapter 2 Part 5 
Child: You should read us some more books, miss!
Child: I wanna hear one with lots of animals in it!
Once she finished reading the first picture book, MC was immediately inundated with requests to read another. Her popularity was astounding.
MC: Well… Alright, then. Just one more.
Child: Yaaay! Thank you!
(Should I stay to hear the next one, too…?)
Child: Hey, guess what? MC said she’s gonna spend Christmas with her lover!
My ears perked up.
When I looked for the source of the voice, I saw two small girls sitting close together, seemingly sharing secrets with each other.
I leaned forward slightly and strained my ears.
Child: Wait, really?! I didn’t know that!
Child: She told me the other day!
Child: She was all smiley and stuff, so I kept smiling, too!
Child: Hehe. I bet she’s looking forward to it.
I pursed my lips, suppressing a grin.
(I wish I could’ve seen that.)
I nonchalantly covered my mouth with my hand.
As an intense feeling of love welled up inside me, my mind was filled with thoughts of making her smile again.
(One present most definitely won’t be enough.)
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soul-of-the-sanada · 2 years
Memories of Christmas - Clavis LeLouch - Chapter 1
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Clavis’s Christmas event story, in his POV
Chapter 1 Part 1
It was the time of year where the scenery of Rhodolite was dusted a beautiful, pure white.
It was Christmas Day—the day everyone had been waiting for with high spirits and cheerful faces.
The same festive spirit was in the air in the palace. In a well decorated room, a certain, rather handsome, prince was giving a Christmas present to his beloved, equally pretty, lady.
MC: This box is HUGE. What on earth did you get me?
Clavis: That’s for you to find out! You’re going to love it.
MC pulled on the ribbon wrapped around the box and cautiously removed the lid.
MC: Oh wow!
Clavis: It’s a life-size body pillow, designed to match my proportions perfectly!
Clavis: Now you’ll have something to keep the loneliness at bay while I’m away on official duties.
MC: Thank you, Clavis. I’m going to take really good care of it.
MC wrapped her arms around the pillow and hugged it tight. Her lips stretched in a broad grin.
MC: Hehe. It’s so huggable.
Clavis: That’s what I hoped you’d say. But right now, I’m still here. If you want to hug me, how about you try it out on the real thing?
I threw my arms wide open and she leapt into them with flushed cheeks.
MC: This is the best Christmas ever!
MC: I love you so much, Clavis!
Chapter 1 Part 2
Clavis: So… How does that sound?
MC cocked an eyebrow and gave me an exhausted look of disbelief.
Clavis: Haha! Are you so touched that you can barely find the words? Don’t worry—that’s understandable.
MC: Oh, sure, I can barely find the words… but not because I’m touched. Do you really think I want a body pillow of you?
Clavis: Hmm, alright… Then what about some bedsheets with my face painted on them?
MC: How is that any better?!
The settled snow in the garden seemed to glitter like a treasure trove of jewels, each snowflake reflecting the sunlight.
MC and I were eating breakfast together as usual, and that beautiful landscape was what greeted us that morning.
We were alone together under the wintry sky, surrounded by snow.
My mind wandered and I found myself imagining what face Yves would make once he saw the change in the landscape. He was extremely weak to the cold.
Clavis: Aren’t you cold? We could huddle a little closer together.
I leaned over towards her, close enough that we could share our body heat.
She gave me a small smile and patted my arms as they wrapped around her waist.
MC: I’m okay, actually. The soup you made warmed me right up.
Clavis: Ooh, well, if you’re so warm… I can leech some of it off you.
Clavis: Ahh… You always feel so cozy and nice.
(It may have just been a spu-of-the-moment decision, but it’s actually rather nice to have breakfast outside in winter.)
Feeling the way MC relaxed in my arms, my smile widened without me realizing.
MC: Just so we’re clear, I really don’t need a body pillow shaped like you.
Clavis: Why not? You could even sleep with me on either side of you. Doesn’t that sound thrilling?
MC: I’ve already got my arms full with just one of you! And, besides…
MC: Nothing could ever come close to being a substitute for you. I miss YOU, not just the feeling of you in my arms.
I went silent for a moment, taken aback.
MC: So could you please think up some better ideas for a present?
MC: The weird face bedsheets are also a big ‘no,’ by the way.
Clavis: Ah–I get it now. The thing you want most in the world… is me in the flesh.
Chapter 1 Part 3
Clavis: Ah–I get it now. The thing you want most in the world… is me in the flesh.
Clavis: How daring of you to ask for something so scandalous for Christmas!
MC: That’s not what I meant and you know it.
Clavis: But isn’t it what you meant?
In a lot of cases, MC didn’t have to say what she meant aloud. I was getting good at reading her.
That was why I decided to say outright what I thought she truly felt.
(I’ll be done for if she keeps piling on those sweet declarations of love for me, though. It’s still only the morning!)
I cleared my throat, trying to make myself seem more composed than I really was.
Clavis: In that case, maybe I should just ask exactly what you want.
MC: For Christmas, you mean?
I nodded, and she pursed her lips in deep thought.
Clavis: Any books you want to read? Something like that?
MC: I mean… Dure, there’s got to be some books I want. But since it’s Christmas, I feel like I should ask for something more special.
She stirred her soup around and around absentmindedly, thinking hard. Eventually, she gave an awkward laugh.
MC: Sorry. I rejected your body pillow and bedsheets idea so hard, but I can’t actually think of anything better.
Clavis: I’m a prince, remember? Even if it’s impossible, I might be able to make it happen.
MC: Haha. I guess I never really think of you as royalty, so I haven’t thought about asking for anything over-the-top before.
MC: Honestly, there’s nothing I want. Well—apart from…
Clavis: Apart from what?
Our gaze met as the air between us turned tense. She leaned forward and lowered her voice slightly.
MC: I want to spend Christmas with you—just like this. Nothing to do, nowhere to go… Just me and you.
(My heart is definitely going to give out before the day’s over.)
That was the second heartfelt declaration of love I’d received in the space of only a few minutes.
I began to sense that she was really looking forward to Christmas, which only magnified my enthusiasm.
Clavis: You’d better look forward to CHristmas Day. I’ll whisper all sorts of sweet nothings in your ear all day long…
MC: That’s a step too far! My heart wouldn’t be able to take it.
She chuckled and looked away for a second only to look right back at me, her eyes widening as if she’d just remembered something.
MC: Wait, I thought I heard that you’ll be out on official duty on Christmas Day.
MC: Are you sure you can be making plans with me?
Clavis: Ah. Didn’t I tell you?
Clavis: Don’t fret a thing. This year will be far less busy than last, so I’ll be able to spend every waking second with you. Isn’t that wonderful?
I was currently in the process of adjusting my schedule and completing my work ahead of time so that we would be able to spend time together.
MC, however, said nothing.
Clavis: Hm? Why are you staring at me like that?
She gazed into my eyes, searching for something within them before eventually parting her lips.
Chapter 1 Part 4
Clavis: Don’t fret a thing. This year will be far less busy than last, so I’ll be able to spend every waking second with you. Isn’t that wonderful?
I was currently in the process of adjusting my schedule and completing my work ahead of time so that we would be able to spend time together.
MC, however, said nothing.
Clavis: Hm? Why are you staring at me like that?
She gazed into my eyes, searching for something within them before eventually parting her lips.
MC: …You’re not working yourself too hard, are you?
Clavis: Is that what it seems like?
MC: No, but I know you. You push yourself a lot.
Indeed—she had seen me do it plenty of times before.
Part of me felt guilty that I’d caused her to worry, but in truth, I was happy that she cared about me.
Clavis: Are you truly worried? Aww. You must really love me. Feel free to get even more worried!
MC: Clavis, c’mon… I’m not kidding.
Clavis: Unfortunately, there’s no need for you to be concerned. I’m easily getting everything done without pushing myself.
Clavis: What about you?
MC: Me?
She blinked, confused. I referred back to what she’d told me a few days prior.
Clavis: Didn't the owner of the bookstore ask you to read to the children every day leading up to Christmas?
At this time of year, most shops trialed out all sorts of different activities in an effort to boost sales.
MC’s bookstore seemed to be aiming for parents—the logic being that if they took their children along to the story time session, they might also buy a book.
MC: Thanks for the concern, but I’m totally fine!
MC: In fact, I’m loving it. It’s been ages since I got to work at the store.
A soft smile graced her lips, perhaps thinking about the children she’d met.
Clavis: Sure, it’s always good to have a change of pace. But if it gets too stressful, don’t keep it to yourself. Okay?
Clavis: Making sure you relax is my job as your lover.
To prove my point, I hooked a finger under her chin…
Chapter 1 Part 5
MC: Mm…
…and planted a chaste kiss on her lips.
Her eyes widened, taken off guard. But when I drew back to gaze at her face, they shone with adoration.
(And how lovely she is. What she doesn’t say with her voice, I can clearly see in her expression.)
My desire to give her the Christmas she wanted was intensifying by the second.
(I’ll most definitely spend the day with her. Now, I just need to think of a present…)
First times were always the most memorable.
And this Christmas was the first time we’d be spending it together.
As I strolled down the corridor drafting up ways to make my beloved MC smile…
Yves: Oh, Clavis. It’s you.
My eyes widened.
Having bumped into Yves just as I rounded the corner, an ingenious idea came to me.
(Ah-ha. Spending Christmas with your lover is important, but there’s one thing that’s even more crucial.)
(Besides… This seems like the perfect opportunity to do it.)
Yves narrowed his eyes at me and shuffled his way past, suspicious that I might play a trick on him somehow.
I suddenly turned on my heel and walked the same direction with purpose.
Yves: Wh-Why’re you following me?!
Clavis: Haha! Well, you see, I’d appreciate some advice…
Clavis: Would you mind joining me for a spot of tea? It’ll be absolutely hilarious.
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soul-of-the-sanada · 2 years
Happy Birthday! Dear Solomon '22
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Keyed route (p3)
official 2022 Solomon birthday story
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Solomon: Sorry to change the subject, but I forgot something important.
Solomon: One of the necessary materials isn’t available around here.
Solomon: Fairy ring flowers. They only grow in the Devildom.
Solomon: I’ll have to go pick some tomorrow.
MC: *I’ll go with you!
Solomon: Thanks, I’d appreciate that.
Solomon: Though Leviathan may accuse us of being normies again.
Solomon: I’ve already researched where they’re likely to grow.
Solomon: Though it’s still basically down to luck if we find any or not.
Solomon: Who knows? Maybe you’ll be my lucky charm.
Solomon: Since we’re going together, I’ll make lunchboxes for us.
Solomon: Better to have something to look forward to, right?
MC: *I’ll make the lunchboxes!
Solomon: You sure?
Solomon: Well, I guess I have a lot on my plate right now. I’ll leave it to you.
Solomon: I’m looking forward to it.
Solomon: According to my research, the fairy ring flowers are likely to grow around here.
Solomon: They’re a bright gold color and grow in a perfect circle. You’ll know when you see them.
Solomon: Let’s get looking.
Solomon: …
Solomon: No luck so far…
Solomon: Shall we take a break?
Solomon: We can have lunch here and recover some energy.
Solomon: Oh! Human world food.
Solomon: You’ve packed in so many colorful ingredients that it looks like a treasure chest from a fairy tale.
Solomon: Thanks for the food.
Solomon: …Wow, it’s as good as it looks.
Solomon: This might be the best thing i’ve ever eaten.
Solomon: Did you up your cooking game again? You should give me some pointers.
Solomon: Hm? That patch of flowers is shaking…?
MC: *Is something disturbing them?
Solomon: Could be.
Solomon: Let’s stay quiet and watch.
Solomon: Fairies…!
Solomon: And quite a few of them.
Solomon: Look at that! They’re flying around you.
MC: *Do they think I’m one of them?!
Solomon: Normally, I’d say that’s impossible, but it might not be out of the question for you.
Solomon: No, it looks like they’re just interested in your lunch box.
Solomon: Here, you can have some of mine too.
Solomon: Over here, fairies.
Solomon: Look at that. They seem to be enjoying it.
Solomon: Seeing their happy little smiles washes my fatigue away.
Solomon: All right, let’s get back to it.
Solomon: The fairies have gone back to hiding in the flowers.
Solomon: Though just knowing that they’re here is helpful.
Solomon: They say that fairy ring flowers grow where fairies have danced in a circle.
Solomon: Now we’re sure to find one.
Solomon: Let’s give it another shot.
Solomon: …
Solomon: Hmm…
Solomon: We started this search in such high spirits, it’s just a little disappointing that we’ve found absolutely nothing…
Solomon: It’s getting late. Maybe we should call it a day…
MC: *It’s too soon to give up!
Solomon: MC…
Solomon: I suppose I can’t give up when you’re still going strong.
Solomon: Hm…?
Solomon: Look, the fairies are back.
Solomon: Are they trying to tell us something?
Solomon: Maybe we should follow them.
Solomon: Let’s go.
Solomon: This is where we ate lunch.
Solomon: …!
Solomon: Look! A fairy ring!
Solomon: There’s no mistaking it! It’s the genuine article. 
Solomon: Is this their way of thanking us for lunch?
Solomon: I’d love to ask them, but they’re already gone…
Solomon: Let’s be sure to thank them as we pick the flowers.
Solomon: Let’s put the flowers in this protective case.
Solomon: Phew…
Solomon: Now we should have everything we need.
Solomon: I must say, these flowers are gorgeous.
MC: *I bet they’d sell for a fortune…
Solomon: Did you just turn into Mammon for a second?
Solomon: …!
Solomon: An aurora…
MC: *That’s so cool!
Solomon: Indeed.
Solomon: It’s not every day that you can see such an impressive aurora.
Solomon: Come to think of it, I’ve heard people refer to this as Aurora Hill, since you can see them here once in a blue moon.
MC: *Let’s stay for a while longer.
Solomon: My thoughts exactly.
Solomon: Sit next to me, MC.
Solomon: We can spend the night here and enjoy the show.
Solomon: It’s beautiful…
Solomon: Ah… I see.
Solomon: I think I’ve just remembered…
Solomon: The memory that I kept in that glass dome.
Solomon: It was a memory of me watching the northern lights in the human world.
Solomon: This takes me back.
Solomon: Back then, I spent even more time on my research. I’d work from sunup to sundown.
Solomon: That day, I was also on an outing to gather materials.
Solomon: At some point I looked up, and there were the northern lights, just like tonight.
Solomon: I looked for a while - no, only a few seconds - and then I remembered…
Solomon: Today is my birthday.
Solomon: I had no plans or anything. I had stopped counting my birthdays ages ago.
Solomon: It felt like the aurora had come to celebrate a day I hadn’t given a thought to for years.
Solomon: It made me realize that it was a special day, after all.
Solomon: So, I made the glass dome to display the northern lights and preserve that feeling.
Solomon: I’m glad I remembered.
Solomon: And I couldn’t be happier that you were here with me when I did.
MC: *I’m happy too.
Solomon: MC… Could I hold your hand?
MC: *Sure.
Solomon: Your hand is so warm.
Solomon: You’re special to me, MC. You add the color to my world.
Solomon: Are you ready to start heading home?
Solomon: Oh, by the way…
Solomon: I mentioned to Luke that we’d be looking for fairy rings today.
Solomon: He said he wanted a few flowers if we found any.
Solomon: It was the two of us that found them, though. Are you willing to share?
MC: *What does he want them for?
Solomon: Some kind of special treat for my birthday.
Asmodeus: Haaappy biiiirthdaaay tooo yoooooou!
Asmodeus: Come on, blow out the candles!
Solomon: *fwoosh*
<All> Happy birthday, Solomon!
Solomon: Thanks, everyone.
Lucifer: Your room is completely buried under all the gifts.
Mammon: I told ya there’d be more space at the castle! Why’d ya go with Purgatory Hall?
Barbatos: Simeon strongly requested it.
Simeon: I was hoping for more of a house party vibe.
Luke: ‘Cause we’re all family here!
Solomon: Family…? That has a nice ring to it.
Raphael: Besides, you helped with the decorations, didn’t you, Mammon?
Mammon: No need to announce it…!
Luke: I took the lead on making the cake, but we all made it together!
Luke: And I used the fairy ring flowers like I promised!
Diavolo: It’s a cake that goes perfectly with Barbatos’s fairy ring tea.
Solomon: Thanks, guys.
Solomon: And I’ve actually prepared a few things for all of you as well.
Solomon: Thanks for waiting.
Leviathan: So, uh… What’s in the box?
Solomon: All the magic items that you asked for.
Asmodeus: What?! But it’s supposed to be your birthday! Are you sure?
Solomon: Consider it a token of my appreciation.
Solomon: Ever since I met MC, I’ve gotten a lot closer with all of you. LAst year, you even celebrated my birthday with me.
Solomon: At that point, I noticed that I’d made a lot of friends who care about me.
Solomon: And that made me happy…
Solomon: So this year, I wanted to do something to show my thanks to all of you.
Beelzebub: Is that why you asked us about the magic items?
Satan: Solomon…
Leviathan: Oh crap… I’m getting teary-eyed…
Asmodeus: Hey! Don’t even think about crying before me!
Solomon: Of course, in some cases the requests were problematic, so I had to make adjustments or create the next best thing instead.
Belphegor: You’re talking about the things for me, Beel, and Mammon, aren’t you?
Mammon: For real…?!
MC: *That’s too bad.
Beelzebub: Yeah, but it’s the thought that counts.
Solomon: Simeon, I’ll bring your chair of eternal comfort to your room later.
Simeon: You’re giving me something too? Even though I haven’t made up for breaking the dome?
Solomon: Haha, of course I am.
Solomon: If you hadn’t drawn my attention to that dusty old thing, I would have forgotten the memory inside of it forever.
Solomon: If anything, I should be thanking you.
Simeon: No, I’m the one who should be grateful that you’re taking such a positive view of the situation.
Asmodeus: Hey, what are you guys talking about?
Solomon: It’s a secret.
Asmodeus: Really?! You’ve gotta tell meee!
Luke: More importantly, did you make something for MC?
Solomon: Naturally.
Solomon: Here, MC.
Solomon: This is a music box that instantly soothes all the stress in your body.
Solomon: According to my tests, it’s about 100 times as relaxing as a normal one.
MC: *Thank you so much!
Solomon: And to thank you for everything else.
Solomon: By the way, the song I picked is one of my favorites. I thought it would work best for the effect I wanted.
Luke: We all owe you a big thanks, Solomon!
Simeon: Luke is right.
<All> Thank you, Solomon!
Simeon: I look forward to our future together.
Solomon: Same here.
Solomon: So you have a second, MC?
Solomon: I’ve got one more present for you.
Solomon: Could you slip away later and come to my room?
Solomon: We’ve finally got a chance to be alone together.
Solomon: There’s one more thing I want to give you. Here.
Solomon: It’s a glass dome.
Solomon: I’ve made it so that when you fill it with magic, it shows the lights we saw together on Aurora Hill.
Solomon: I’ve decorated the inside with the fairy ring of flowers and enchanted them so they’ll stay fresh.
Solomon: I want you to keep this as a reminder of our time together.
MC: *It’ll be our treasure <3
Solomon: It’s strange.
Solomon: I’ve had a long life, so I should have many fond memories from before meeting you.
Solomon: And yet, the memories I’ve made with you feel clearer, happier, and more vivid.
Solomon: MC…
Solomon: I hope… that we can be a family someday…
MC: *If you mean that, then kiss me.
Solomon: I swear on this kiss.
Solomon: We’ll spend our days together.
Solomon: I’ve put enough magic in it to last one year.
Solomon: Call me when it runs out, okay?
Solomon: That way, we can always watch the lights on my birthday.
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soul-of-the-sanada · 2 years
Happy birthday! Dear Solomon '22
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Unkeyed Route for part two
official Solomon 2022 birthday story, scripted.
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Solomon: Do you remember Simeon’s first answer when I asked him what item he wanted?
MC: *Something to restore broken things.
Solomon: That’s right.
Solomon: You understand why he said that now, right?
Solomon: The glass dome is probably still bothering him.
Solomon: He’s the type to worry about that sort of thing, even if you tell him not to.
Solomon: That’s why I refused.
MC: *So it was out of kindness!
Solomon: It’s not such a big deal…
Solomon: …but perhaps being showered with kindness by you and everyone has changed me?
Solomon: That’s odd. I thought this was supposed to be the Devildom.
Solomon: That being said, if I were in his shoes, I wouldn’t be able to let it go either.
Solomon: I might even prefer some kind of punishment.
MC: *Then he should do something to apologize!
Solomon: Hm, that might work.
Solomon: Asmodeus did tell me to let them know if I thought of any birthday requests.
Solomon: Yes, I think I have an idea.
Diavolo: Hello, Solomon. Thank you for your invitation.
Satan: It’s rare for you to call us together like this.
Asmodeus: Did you think of something you wanted?
Solomon: Right, about that…
Solomon: If it’s not too late for a birthday request, could I ask all of you for a glass dome?
Simeon: …!
Solomon: I’m hoping to hang it up somewhere as a reminder of my birthday celebration.
Luke: Ooh, good idea!
Solomon: I’d like you to put something inside of it that will make a good memento of the occasion.
Belphegor: So anything goes? You don’t want to be more specific?
Solomon: Well, I trust your tastes on this more than my own.
MC: *Let’s get to it, guys!
Diavolo: I take it you’ll be supervising, MC?
Barbatos: It would certainly end up rather chaotic without direction.
Mammon: Ya better let me bust out my creative skills!
Asmodeus: Everyone’s blabbering away, but at least they’re motivated!
Simeon: solomon… are you sure about this?
Solomon: Yeah.
Solomon: Instead of an old empty dome that contained some ancient memory…
Solomon: …I’d much rather have a memory from this present period of my life.
Solomon: Don’t you think, Simeon?
Simeon: Solomon…
Simeon: I promise we’ll make you something worth remembering.
Lucifer: Simeon, what are you doing over there?
Lucifer: We’re going to hold a meeting to discuss the dome immediately.
Simeon: Understood!
Solomon: Welp, see you later.
Solomon: I’ll be working in my room if you need me.
Asmodeus: So, what are we gonna put in the dome?
Simeon: It’s supposed to represent a precious memory, so I’d prefer it to be something unique.
Raphael: Then, how about we make it by hand?
Luke: I agree with Raphael!
Luke: We could make dolls of everybody and line them up inside!
Satan: Dolls, hm? We’ve made something like that before, so we can use that experience.
MC: *I’ll make Solomon’s doll!
Asmodeus: Aw, but I wanted you to make my doll!
Belphegor: We all want that, don’t we?
Lucifer: MC can make Solomon’s doll, and everyone else can make their own. Is that acceptable?
Leviathan: Aight.
Asmodeus: We’ll also have to get ahold of the glass dome itself.
Simeon: Preferably a large one to fit everyone’s ideas inside.
Mammon: I saw somethin’ like that in one of the shops I do modelin’ for.
Mammon: I think they said it was handmade, so that fits the “one-of-a-kind” requirement, yeah?
Simeon: Okay, I’ll go to buy it.
Mammon: I’ll tag along. It’ll be faster to show ya, and I can get a discount there.
Simeon: Thanks, Mammon.
Mammon: Hey, it’s no biggie.
Asmodeus: Guys! Let’s make Solomon’s birthday one to remember!
<All> Yeah!
The day before Solomon’s birthday.
Solomon: MC, there’s something I need your help with.
Solomon: Could you come to my room after class?
Solomon: *chuckle* Didn’t expect to see this many magic items, did you?
Solomon: I’ve made everything that everyone asked for.
MC: *How about mine?
Solomon: Of course.
Solomon: That was the first one I made.
Solomon: There are a few things I can’t test by myself, though.
Solomon: That’s why I asked you here today.
Solomon: For example, this one. Leviathan requested an item that gets you fan service from your favorite person or character.
Solomon: It’s in the shape of a bracelet, so you can wear it like this.
Solomon: And since you’re my favorite person, if we make eye contact…
MC: *Blow a kiss,
Solomon: Huh, so that’s what it’s like to get fan service.
Solomon: It kind of makes you feel special, doesn’t it.
Solomon: Now I know for sure it works.
Solomon: Let’s test out the next one.
Solomon: I just need to put the bracelet back in its special case…
Solomon: Whoops.
<All> Happy birthday, Solomon!
Solomon: I’m so happy that we can celebrate together again this year.
Asmodeus: Simeon! Hurry up!
Simeon: Right.
Simeon: Take the cover off, Solomon.
Solomon: Huh?
Solomon: Wow..
Solomon: So this is the glass dome that you all made for me?
Leviathan: MC was in charge of making your doll.
Belphegor: They were pretty insistent about it, too.
Solomon: Really? That means a lot to me.
Solomon: Thank you, MC. And everyone.
Solomon: I’ll treasure this for a long, long time.
Mammon: So, uh… What about the stuff?
Mammon: You made them all, right?
Solomon: Well, yes. I did.
Solomon: It’s just that…
MC: *There was a bit of an accident.
Solomon: One of the pieces exploded, and now everything is broken.
Solomon: Sorry, guys.
Mammon: Are you friggin’ serious?!
Solomon: Sorry, everyone. I’ll make it up to you next time.
Solomon: How about some home cooking instead?
<All> ?!
Beelzebub: You should make a magic item that ensures food will always come out tasty first.
<All> Please!!!
Solomon: …Why?
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