#happy birthday solomon 22
soul-of-the-sanada · 2 years
Happy Birthday! Dear Solomon '22
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Keyed route (p3)
official 2022 Solomon birthday story
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Solomon: Sorry to change the subject, but I forgot something important.
Solomon: One of the necessary materials isn’t available around here.
Solomon: Fairy ring flowers. They only grow in the Devildom.
Solomon: I’ll have to go pick some tomorrow.
MC: *I’ll go with you!
Solomon: Thanks, I’d appreciate that.
Solomon: Though Leviathan may accuse us of being normies again.
Solomon: I’ve already researched where they’re likely to grow.
Solomon: Though it’s still basically down to luck if we find any or not.
Solomon: Who knows? Maybe you’ll be my lucky charm.
Solomon: Since we’re going together, I’ll make lunchboxes for us.
Solomon: Better to have something to look forward to, right?
MC: *I’ll make the lunchboxes!
Solomon: You sure?
Solomon: Well, I guess I have a lot on my plate right now. I’ll leave it to you.
Solomon: I’m looking forward to it.
Solomon: According to my research, the fairy ring flowers are likely to grow around here.
Solomon: They’re a bright gold color and grow in a perfect circle. You’ll know when you see them.
Solomon: Let’s get looking.
Solomon: …
Solomon: No luck so far…
Solomon: Shall we take a break?
Solomon: We can have lunch here and recover some energy.
Solomon: Oh! Human world food.
Solomon: You’ve packed in so many colorful ingredients that it looks like a treasure chest from a fairy tale.
Solomon: Thanks for the food.
Solomon: …Wow, it’s as good as it looks.
Solomon: This might be the best thing i’ve ever eaten.
Solomon: Did you up your cooking game again? You should give me some pointers.
Solomon: Hm? That patch of flowers is shaking…?
MC: *Is something disturbing them?
Solomon: Could be.
Solomon: Let’s stay quiet and watch.
Solomon: Fairies…!
Solomon: And quite a few of them.
Solomon: Look at that! They’re flying around you.
MC: *Do they think I’m one of them?!
Solomon: Normally, I’d say that’s impossible, but it might not be out of the question for you.
Solomon: No, it looks like they’re just interested in your lunch box.
Solomon: Here, you can have some of mine too.
Solomon: Over here, fairies.
Solomon: Look at that. They seem to be enjoying it.
Solomon: Seeing their happy little smiles washes my fatigue away.
Solomon: All right, let’s get back to it.
Solomon: The fairies have gone back to hiding in the flowers.
Solomon: Though just knowing that they’re here is helpful.
Solomon: They say that fairy ring flowers grow where fairies have danced in a circle.
Solomon: Now we’re sure to find one.
Solomon: Let’s give it another shot.
Solomon: …
Solomon: Hmm…
Solomon: We started this search in such high spirits, it’s just a little disappointing that we’ve found absolutely nothing…
Solomon: It’s getting late. Maybe we should call it a day…
MC: *It’s too soon to give up!
Solomon: MC…
Solomon: I suppose I can’t give up when you’re still going strong.
Solomon: Hm…?
Solomon: Look, the fairies are back.
Solomon: Are they trying to tell us something?
Solomon: Maybe we should follow them.
Solomon: Let’s go.
Solomon: This is where we ate lunch.
Solomon: …!
Solomon: Look! A fairy ring!
Solomon: There’s no mistaking it! It’s the genuine article. 
Solomon: Is this their way of thanking us for lunch?
Solomon: I’d love to ask them, but they’re already gone…
Solomon: Let’s be sure to thank them as we pick the flowers.
Solomon: Let’s put the flowers in this protective case.
Solomon: Phew…
Solomon: Now we should have everything we need.
Solomon: I must say, these flowers are gorgeous.
MC: *I bet they’d sell for a fortune…
Solomon: Did you just turn into Mammon for a second?
Solomon: …!
Solomon: An aurora…
MC: *That’s so cool!
Solomon: Indeed.
Solomon: It’s not every day that you can see such an impressive aurora.
Solomon: Come to think of it, I’ve heard people refer to this as Aurora Hill, since you can see them here once in a blue moon.
MC: *Let’s stay for a while longer.
Solomon: My thoughts exactly.
Solomon: Sit next to me, MC.
Solomon: We can spend the night here and enjoy the show.
Solomon: It’s beautiful…
Solomon: Ah… I see.
Solomon: I think I’ve just remembered…
Solomon: The memory that I kept in that glass dome.
Solomon: It was a memory of me watching the northern lights in the human world.
Solomon: This takes me back.
Solomon: Back then, I spent even more time on my research. I’d work from sunup to sundown.
Solomon: That day, I was also on an outing to gather materials.
Solomon: At some point I looked up, and there were the northern lights, just like tonight.
Solomon: I looked for a while - no, only a few seconds - and then I remembered…
Solomon: Today is my birthday.
Solomon: I had no plans or anything. I had stopped counting my birthdays ages ago.
Solomon: It felt like the aurora had come to celebrate a day I hadn’t given a thought to for years.
Solomon: It made me realize that it was a special day, after all.
Solomon: So, I made the glass dome to display the northern lights and preserve that feeling.
Solomon: I’m glad I remembered.
Solomon: And I couldn’t be happier that you were here with me when I did.
MC: *I’m happy too.
Solomon: MC… Could I hold your hand?
MC: *Sure.
Solomon: Your hand is so warm.
Solomon: You’re special to me, MC. You add the color to my world.
Solomon: Are you ready to start heading home?
Solomon: Oh, by the way…
Solomon: I mentioned to Luke that we’d be looking for fairy rings today.
Solomon: He said he wanted a few flowers if we found any.
Solomon: It was the two of us that found them, though. Are you willing to share?
MC: *What does he want them for?
Solomon: Some kind of special treat for my birthday.
Asmodeus: Haaappy biiiirthdaaay tooo yoooooou!
Asmodeus: Come on, blow out the candles!
Solomon: *fwoosh*
<All> Happy birthday, Solomon!
Solomon: Thanks, everyone.
Lucifer: Your room is completely buried under all the gifts.
Mammon: I told ya there’d be more space at the castle! Why’d ya go with Purgatory Hall?
Barbatos: Simeon strongly requested it.
Simeon: I was hoping for more of a house party vibe.
Luke: ‘Cause we’re all family here!
Solomon: Family…? That has a nice ring to it.
Raphael: Besides, you helped with the decorations, didn’t you, Mammon?
Mammon: No need to announce it…!
Luke: I took the lead on making the cake, but we all made it together!
Luke: And I used the fairy ring flowers like I promised!
Diavolo: It’s a cake that goes perfectly with Barbatos’s fairy ring tea.
Solomon: Thanks, guys.
Solomon: And I’ve actually prepared a few things for all of you as well.
Solomon: Thanks for waiting.
Leviathan: So, uh… What’s in the box?
Solomon: All the magic items that you asked for.
Asmodeus: What?! But it’s supposed to be your birthday! Are you sure?
Solomon: Consider it a token of my appreciation.
Solomon: Ever since I met MC, I’ve gotten a lot closer with all of you. LAst year, you even celebrated my birthday with me.
Solomon: At that point, I noticed that I’d made a lot of friends who care about me.
Solomon: And that made me happy…
Solomon: So this year, I wanted to do something to show my thanks to all of you.
Beelzebub: Is that why you asked us about the magic items?
Satan: Solomon…
Leviathan: Oh crap… I’m getting teary-eyed…
Asmodeus: Hey! Don’t even think about crying before me!
Solomon: Of course, in some cases the requests were problematic, so I had to make adjustments or create the next best thing instead.
Belphegor: You’re talking about the things for me, Beel, and Mammon, aren’t you?
Mammon: For real…?!
MC: *That’s too bad.
Beelzebub: Yeah, but it’s the thought that counts.
Solomon: Simeon, I’ll bring your chair of eternal comfort to your room later.
Simeon: You’re giving me something too? Even though I haven’t made up for breaking the dome?
Solomon: Haha, of course I am.
Solomon: If you hadn’t drawn my attention to that dusty old thing, I would have forgotten the memory inside of it forever.
Solomon: If anything, I should be thanking you.
Simeon: No, I’m the one who should be grateful that you’re taking such a positive view of the situation.
Asmodeus: Hey, what are you guys talking about?
Solomon: It’s a secret.
Asmodeus: Really?! You’ve gotta tell meee!
Luke: More importantly, did you make something for MC?
Solomon: Naturally.
Solomon: Here, MC.
Solomon: This is a music box that instantly soothes all the stress in your body.
Solomon: According to my tests, it’s about 100 times as relaxing as a normal one.
MC: *Thank you so much!
Solomon: And to thank you for everything else.
Solomon: By the way, the song I picked is one of my favorites. I thought it would work best for the effect I wanted.
Luke: We all owe you a big thanks, Solomon!
Simeon: Luke is right.
<All> Thank you, Solomon!
Simeon: I look forward to our future together.
Solomon: Same here.
Solomon: So you have a second, MC?
Solomon: I’ve got one more present for you.
Solomon: Could you slip away later and come to my room?
Solomon: We’ve finally got a chance to be alone together.
Solomon: There’s one more thing I want to give you. Here.
Solomon: It’s a glass dome.
Solomon: I’ve made it so that when you fill it with magic, it shows the lights we saw together on Aurora Hill.
Solomon: I’ve decorated the inside with the fairy ring of flowers and enchanted them so they’ll stay fresh.
Solomon: I want you to keep this as a reminder of our time together.
MC: *It’ll be our treasure <3
Solomon: It’s strange.
Solomon: I’ve had a long life, so I should have many fond memories from before meeting you.
Solomon: And yet, the memories I’ve made with you feel clearer, happier, and more vivid.
Solomon: MC…
Solomon: I hope… that we can be a family someday…
MC: *If you mean that, then kiss me.
Solomon: I swear on this kiss.
Solomon: We’ll spend our days together.
Solomon: I’ve put enough magic in it to last one year.
Solomon: Call me when it runs out, okay?
Solomon: That way, we can always watch the lights on my birthday.
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devildomwriter · 2 years
Solomon Birthday Special 100 Fun Facts
1. Solomon is older than the Celestial War
2. Solomon has claimed after a few hundred years you forget your age
3. Solomon’s cooking has even frightened Michael who seems almost annoyed by it
4. Solomon has been to the Celestial Realm multiple times before the start of the game
5. Solomon wears the Ring of Wisdom, gifted to him by Michael
6. Solomon is based off the biblical figure King Solomon the Wise, and refers to himself as such
7. Solomon often refers to himself as “The Witty Sorcerer”
8. Solomon is season 2 tried to convince MC to kill Lucifer
9. Solomon has assumed the role as protector of the human world
10. Solomon started the Sorcerer Association but was banned from it after making food for everyone
11. The Sorcerer Association is so upset by Solomon’s food incident they once sicked a dragon on him
12. Solomon nearly died summoning Barbatos for the first time
13. The first time Solomon commanded multiple demons at once his body ached for many days
14. Solomon fears the ocean but the game has yet to reveal why
15. Solomon and Asmodeus formed a pack after getting drunk and don’t recall the details
16. Solomon can use his magic to fly
17. Solomon is a huge fan of The Seven Lords
18. Solomon lost a pop quiz of TSL to Leviathan but asserts he will win the next time
19. Solomon has written and published TSL fan fiction
20. Solomon has stated to be intimidated by Diavolo and nervous when it’s just the two of them
21. In Solomon’s UR+ video he is seen crying and laying flowers on a grave but no details are given
22. Solomon consorts with witches
23. in season 2 Solomon decided not to kill Lucifer only because he knew MC would probably not forgive him
24. Solomon is MC‘s official mentor
25. Solomon is stated to not want a pact with Mammon but in season 2 offers to give Mammon the Midas Crest in exchange for a pact
26. Solomon loves making food for everyone and it makes him genuinely happy to see people eat his food
27. Thirteen stopped being friends with Solomon after eating his food. She now makes many attempts to attack him
28. Solomon doesn’t seem to understand when people dislike him.
29. Solomon often gambles his life with Thirteen but he never loses
30. Simeon tried hard to make Solomon cry but only cutting onions succeeded
31. Solomon’s cooking never turns out right for multiple reason: 1. He thinks the ingredients/measurements/time are just a suggestion 2. He unknowingly infuses some of his magic with the food
32. Solomon states that MC’s face puts him at ease
33. Solomon states many different times that he’s feeling his age— his body aching, not being able to pull all-nighters, etc
34. Solomon once fed Lucifer opposite cookies to try and ask Lucifer for a pact so Lucifer refused to talk
35. Solomon finds it hard to believe that Diavolo is a demon
36. Solomon says Levi is on his second goldfish named Henry, it’s not stated how he knows, if Levi knows, or if he’s responsible
37. When having a sweat interaction with Solomon he states that if you think he’s not scary when mad just because he’s not a demon that you are very wrong
38. When Solomon has nothing to do he’ll sometimes call Asmo over
39. Solomon always starts his showers by washing his face
40. Solomon let’s Asmodeus do his nails
41. Solomon is inconvenienced by his cape on windy days and there are pictures to probe it
42. After making a pact with Asmodeus, Asmodeus gifted him a giant painted portrait of himself
43. Solomon asks MC not to ask his age on his birthday
44. Solomon has been “friends” with Thirteen for thousands of years
45. Satan once made a cursed scarf for Satan but suspects he gave it to Lucifer
46. Solomon invented a magical homing pigeon when they are without WiFi
47. Solomon states he’s no good at the beach
48. Solomon tried growing human flowers in the Devildom but states they’d quickly die without him casting magic on them to seal them in time
49. Barbatos warns MC to watch out for Solomon
50. Solomon isn’t sure if he can knit
51. When touching Solomon in surprise guest where he doesn’t like, he asks if Asmodeus taught you to act like that
52. Simeon and Luke constantly trick Solomon out of cooking duty
53. In the Pirate AU, Solomon is the navigator
54. Raphael is the only one to enjoy and easily survive Solomon’s cooking
55. Solomon finds Venus fly traps to be cute
56. Solomon is stated by multiple demons to be more of a demon than an angel
57. Solomon joins Luke and Simeon for puzzle days of purgatory hall
58. Solomon can talk to animals
59. Solomon says if the world ended tomorrow he’d want a pact with all demons in exchange for his help
60. Solomon has stated that he hates summer
61. Solomon has had implied sex with MC in the RAD classroom before school began
62. Solomon is the most powerful sorcerer to ever exist though he states that with training MC will surpass him
63. Solomon once messed up a potion that caused everyone to speak very differently for many days and nothing could be done
64. Solomon and Satan often exchange and discuss books
65. Solomon has claimed he can stop time for objects and other things
66. Luke worries about Solomon because Solomon gets intensely focused on work and forgets to eat
67. Solomon says when he gets busy he usually only eats instant ramen
68. When discussing Gingerbread men solomon says some places call them Gingerbread Boys and that it reminds him of Luke but asks MC to never tell him
69. Solomon gifted Lucifer a bath bomb infused with magic that’d make him want to make a pact but Lucifer crushed it on the spot
70. Mammon believe Solomon could give Lucifer a run for his money in terms of deviousness
71. Asmodeus caught Solomon buying many ghost balloons to bring to the human world as souvenirs
72. Solomon joins Luke in doing morning stretches and exercises
73. Solomon loves Barbatos’s cherry pie
74. When asked who he can rely on, Solomon says PROBABLY Barbatos and Asmodeus
75. Barbatos worries about Solomon in the summer because “Solomon hates the heat more than most people.”
76. Lucifer states he feels uncomfortable that when facing off against Solomon he feels the need to go all out
77. Solomon, while typically a composed person loves to tease Luke
78. Solomon is shown to not mine if someone cheats in a game unless they brag about it
79. Solomon dislikes the taste of Hellfire mushrooms
80. Solomon’s motto is “No need to worry about tomorrow.”
81. Solomon admits to feeling jealous when it comes to pursuers of MC (he was once jealous of a plant)
82. Solomon has a pact with seventy two demons
83. Solomon is the kind of person to easily forget important relationship anniversaries
84. Solomon has asked Belphegor for a pact but the demon immediately refused
85. Solomon learned how to make anklets from Leviathan
86. Solomon stays cooped up in his room with the AC blasting on hot days
87. Solomon has trouble saying no to Asmodeus and has even lied to Lucifer for his sake
88. Solomon was strung up from the ceiling by Lucifer after plotting his murder
89. Solomon once had a snow globe that contained an important memory to him—looking at the aurora and remembering it with his birthday
90. Solomon has no preferences when it comes to part time jobs other than it have a good atmosphere
91. Solomon loves to play Dungeons and Dragons and other TRPGs
92. Solomon was too embarrassed to woke at a roller skate diner and make hearts for anyone other than MC
93. Levi is the only brother that doesn’t warn MC about Solomon
94. Solomon created a potion in attempt to see the red string of fate but ended up revealing all connections instead
95. Solomon once accidentally trapped himself and MC in a box where you could not leave until you told the truth
96. Solomon is said to be the active one when it comes to love and does not wish to be bound by his lover nor bind them himself
97. Solomon took MC on a date in the stars but leviathan interrupted them with a drone
98. Solomon is in a chat with MC and Satan called (Cats) where they mainly talk about cats
99. During the bunny boy event Solomon was a good pole dancer
100. Solomon is the first side character to deepen his relation with MC and is also the side character with the most kiss interactions on par with Diavolo
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Funniest shit I've seen all day
Solomon's 2022 birthday event spoilers!!
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Hey! As always, I hope you're doing well.
Okay, first off, thank you once more for gracing us with the beautiful picture that is your dog! Goodness gracious he's so flipping cute, I absolutely can not, CANNOT!!
Secondly, happy birthday? Belated, upcoming?! Either way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY🥳!! And congrats on the good work in digging those trenches. Your boss' comments and your response made me chuckle 😆.
Third, I just saw that you posted Run Away with Me ... if I could put a gif in these anonymous asks I would and it would be a stream of tears and a slow clap. The way you incorporated those lines into this piece was *chefs kiss*.
The additon of Missus Solomons being the first person he came out to and her being so fully supportive and pointedly using masculine terms had me crying with joy!! Because even in the mess that is all the bigotry, we can't forget that there are people who genuinely care about the person and I just cannot even rely how heartwarming it was for me to read that. This in addition with this line:
"He kept it all the way to the front lines. Alfie promised once. He didn't need to promise again."
Literally the feral energy you have elicited within me with this because my heart is just so incredibly full. When I requested this, I think I expected the lines to be in a comedic, fluff piece but this... yeah this was excellent!! On the backdrop of the dark reality that is being at war, you still managed to have a moment of reprieve for these two, even if the only way they can hold one another is under the guise of keeping warm. Alfie constantly thinking about his partner and wanting to make that journey to Germany, even if it could all be a hoax, regardless of the risks it could have on his person, he'd take them all because that's how much he loves his husband 😢🥹.
Thank you so, so much for writing this, you have no idea how grateful I am for this and for you!! Seriously 🤍🤍🤍!
hi!!! I'm doing alright, thank you 🫶🏻
yeah, he's dopey too lmao he does this thing called land sharking where he lies down and his lips fall out of place so his teeth are bared and he'll fall asleep like that 😅 but he did also steal a triceratops teddy bear which he now cuddles into when he's in the other dog's (Flash's) bed
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also, thank you. I don't really celebrate it anymore, but it was on the 20th - so I'm now 22 and I honestly just don't really care lmfao I'm more worried about whether or not I can get enough money to survive the month 😅
third: I'M SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED IT!!!!! honestly any excuse to write WW1 stuff I am taking it and I am happy w it shfksjfkdkf
WE LOVE MISSUS SOLOMONS IN THIS HOUSE!!!! SHE'S AN ABSOLUTE ICON!!!! it's a shame we never got to see her in the series, but if Alfie's anything to go by, I think it's safe to say that she's a "do no harm but take no shit" type and would 100% be more inclined towards the socialism side of things as opposed to anything else - so she's an icon!!!
the early 1900s were, admittedly, a shitty time for trans people - almost as bad as it is now and even though he was far from perfect and he didn't get everything right, Magnus Hirschfeld did open the first gender affirming clinic in 1919 (along w some other colleagues), so there WAS very much a safe place for trans people at the time.
but anyways shfkajfkajfja thank you 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 I'm genuinely so, so glad that you enjoyed it!!!
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dailyaudiobible · 1 year
7/4/2023 DAB Transcript
2 Kings 23:31-25:30, Acts 22:17-23:10, Psalm 2:1-12, Proverbs 18:13
Today is the 4th day of July, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it is wonderful to be here with you today. It's a special day. It's July 4th for those of us who live in the United States, this is Independence Day. So, it's like a very major national holiday for us. Those of you who are in other parts of the world may not be observing Independence Day for the United States but freedom, especially freedom in Christ is something to celebrate every day. But it's not just a national holiday here in the United States, it's a special day here around the Global Campfire, as well. Today is my wife Jill’s birthday. She was born on the 4th July, and that is something certainly to celebrate. I certainly rejoice. But since this nation is celebrating its birthday, that's kind of usually got a lot of font fanfare, celebration, feasting, fireworks all that kind of stuff. So, Jill, she just has to sit back and enjoy it all. And so, happy birthday to Jill. Thrilled that we can be together here around the Global Campfire today, as we gather for the purpose of taking the next step forward together. A step forward in the Scriptures and a step forward in our lives and a step forward in this year. And so, let's dive in. We have been navigating our way through the book of Second Kings for a little while. Today, we will finish that journey and conclude the book of Second Kings by reading the last part of second Kings, which happens to be chapter 23 verse 31 through 25 verse 30 today.
Okay so, as we conclude Second Kings, which is what we just did, we need, we need to take a step back and just stand here for second. This is a bit of a sobering moment. We read of the Babylonians coming into the land, we read of people being deported, we read of the rebellion of some of the kings that were put in place, and then we saw the Babylonians come and utterly destroy Jerusalem, including the palace of the king, including the temple of the Most High God. So, it was back in the book of Genesis, in the 11th chapter of Genesis, that we met a man named Abram. And we’ve been following his family story ever since. It was his family that was to have descendants as numerous as the sand on the seashore, according to God's promise. And we watched them grow and become a nation, they became the children of Israel. We watched them come together as a cohesive people under the leadership of Moses, we watched Joshua lead the people into the Promised Land and conquer it. We went through the times of the judges, where everyone was doing what was right in their own eyes, which led them to the monarchy when they set a king above them. And we went through Saul's life and David's life and Solomon's life. And now we’ve gone through the king's right, so we’ve gone through all of them. We watched the people, who were family, divide themselves into two nations, and we watched them be at war with each other. Then we saw the Assyrian Empire invade the northern kingdom of Israel and conquer and defeat it and carry the 10 tribes away were they, were they disappeared into history. So, for these last few days, that we've been reading in the books of Kings, we haven't had any kings of Israel. There weren't any. We’ve just been dealing with the final kings of Judah. And today that comes to an end. The Israel that we began in Genesis 11 with Abram moving toward a promised land, that's over now. The northern tribes have been assimilated into the Assyrian Empire, the Babylonians have conquered Judah and are carrying its people into exile. And obviously, we are not done what the Bible and we are not done with the story of the Hebrew people in the Bible, but this brings to a conclusion in era. Although, a day will come where they are able to return to the land and we will move through some of those stories, they will never be powerful like this again. They will never be in control of it again. So, as we continue forward in the Bible, we will be revisiting pieces all of these time periods, the prophets that were prophesying during these time periods. But from this point forward, the Babylonian exile and the Assyrian exile, nothing will ever be the same again.
Then we flip over to the Book of Acts and come up alongside the Apostle Paul and we see that his reception in Jerusalem has been less than hospitable. There's already a mob that's intent on killing Paul. He had to be rescued by the Roman soldiers. He had the opportunity to speak to the mob, finally quieting them down and starting to speak to them in their native tongue, Hebrew. So, there listening to him, and he begins to share his conversion story, how it is that he came to meet Jesus. Paul is known in Jerusalem and he was known as a devout servant of the Lord trying to stamp out this teaching of ‘The Way,’ people who were following Jesus and then he turns up one of them. And so, he’s explaining how it is that he met Jesus and what had happened and what transpired, and that Jesus was commissioning him to go to the Gentiles. Once he said that, it was the end of his ability to communicate with the crowd. They were very aggressively, intent on getting Paul and killing him. So once again, the…the Roman soldiers, have to protect Paul. Which is really, really interesting because this very Empire that killed Jesus, is now protecting Paul as he shares, about Jesus. It's Paul coming into Jerusalem and his own people wanting to do away with him, the same as Jesus. And now he's got armed guards protecting him, as he continues to speak the name of Jesus and the message of the good news of the Gospel. So, the soldiers were going to beat, basically beat the truth out of Paul, until they realize that they had tied up a Roman citizen, which is against the law for them. So, it was discovered that Paul is a true Roman citizen. And then he is brought before the Sanhedrin, the high Council of the Jewish people, where Paul begins to share the message. And he knows who's in that room, the Sadducees and the Pharisees, and he knows their disputes. He's been a part of them his whole life and he claims that he is being treated the way that he’s being treated because he believes in the resurrection, because that's absolutely the truth. That was the thing for Paul, Jesus rising from the dead. Was not only proof that Jesus is the son of God, it was also proof in Paul's beliefs as a Pharisee, believing that there is resurrection from the dead and now having seen it happened, he knows it's the truth, which causes an internal debate among the Hebrew Sanhedrin. And all the sudden we have the Pharisees now defending Paul. It's a very, very tumultuous time. And we will continue forward in that story tomorrow.
And then lastly, we come to the book of Proverbs, which gives us another small little sentence, a little nugget of words that say so much and could have such an impact on our day. If a person answers before he listens, that is foolishness that brings disgrace. It's actually simple enough, we all comprehend it. We all find ourselves not adhering to it often. We’re basically being told, listen, listen, slowdown, listen closely before you open your mouth to speak. If you're already formulating the words that you're going to say, then you're not listening. And we have probably all been in those kinds of conversations, probably both on the receiving end and on the giving end. And we could go into a, you know, a discussion about how that makes us feel. Right, when we feel like we’re not, when a person isn’t offering their presence, they’re only partially there. They’re like buried in their phone while they’re trying to have a conversation with you and you’re distracted and there, uhu, uhu, yeah. And you know that they’re not paying attention to you, even though you may be pouring out your heart. We know what this feels like. Proverbs advises us against that kind of behavior. It calls it foolish. There’s only so many ways we can divide our attention and if we’re gonna be with somebody and listen to somebody, than lets offer our presence and be present. Let’s not be offering advice or words that are spoken prematurely because we haven't listened. It's wisdom for our day. If a person answers before he listens, that is foolishness that brings disgrace.
So, Father, we invite You into that. Holy Spirit, come, our words, the things that we say, they shape our lives, they form our relationships, they affect the way that we have our existence in a more powerful way than just about anything else does, and it is true. We are not always paying attention to what we are saying. And the Scriptures are telling us that this is foolishness and that is not a word we want to be associated with. So, Holy Spirit, come, help us to slow down and offer our presence and listen before we speak. We ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base and that's where you find what's going on around here and there is plenty going on around here. So, today is the 4th of July, which is Jill's birthday and we’re celebrating that. It’s also a national holiday here in the United States, Independence Day. And so, it's a national holiday today and then a few days from now, the 7th of July, this Friday, is our own Global Campfire holiday. The Daily Audio Bible Long Walk, which we have been talking about now for well over a week. And so, we’re making preparations for that to take that day, to go be with God, to go enjoy the rhythms of his creation, spend time together, to waste time together. That’s what we do when we’re in love. And so, that's what this day is about. There are a couple of resources here in the community that work so, that are just paired so well with the Long Walk, and they are musical resources which you can download or stream. The first one would be the Heart album, a contemplative journey into the different emotions that we feel, guided prayers into those emotions and then musical accompaniment to just kind of allow us to just let our minds go free and wander in those emotions, inviting the Holy Spirit. That is available. If you want the guided prayers and the whole thing you need to go to like the iTunes store and download the record, if you just want the music, you can stream it from wherever, wherever, anywhere you stream. The second project, it is just really contemplative, really good atmosphere setting, would be the Sleep album: Sleep, A Contemplative Journey. Which is also like Heart and also available with guided prayers and Scriptures, kind of interspersed we you can just stream the music. So, look for my name Brian Hardin or just Heart or Sleep, A Contemplative Journey and you should be able to find those projects and have them available for your Long Walk.
And then, we are in a brand-new month and that has brought us into a brand-new quarter and so, we have some brand-new snapback hats in the Daily Audio Bible Shop, limited-edition navy addition, Daily Audio Bible hats. It’s ballcap wearing season and it’s ballcap wearing season every day for me but it’s ballcap wearing season here in the summer and these navy and white ones with the leather imprint on the front are beautiful. They are a limited edition, they are in limited supply, when they're gone, they're gone. And we’ve brought them out for quarter number three and you can find those in the Daily Audio Bible Shop in the Lifestyle Section. So, check that out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. Thank you, humbly. We couldn't do this, we couldn’t be here, there wouldn’t be a Global Campfire. If we weren't here feeding the flames together, showing up for each other every day, praying for one another and if this has been life-giving to you then thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you're using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.
And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today, I'm Brian, I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
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Hiiii!! So I turned 18 yesterday, I wanted to ask how you think the brothers would act for a gn!mc turning 18 while in the devildom (maybe dateables too if possible?) Like, would they celebrate with you? Would they not realise that 18 is kinda a big deal for humans or just not care coz demon and angel ages aren't really even comparable to human ages?
I mean the general answer is, they are thrilled to celebrate your birthday with you, but no the age 18 doesn't mean much to them. demons and angels mature completely differently to humans, Luke is probably a couple hundred years old but he's the equivalent of like a high school freshmen.
you'd have to explain that culturally you are now no longer an "adolescent" and are now an "adult"
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someone has to explain to him that this isn't just a birthday, you would be culturally considered an "adult" now
he understands the concept, but when he looks at you he just sees you as a adolescent still. in his mind you're the same age as the twins
but regardless he's happy to spend the day celebrating however you see fit
Lucifer's equivalent human age: about 24-25 (he's in his "prime" as a young man demon)
hell yeah! you get to spend your birthday in the devildom! with him, your first man!
someone please don't explain to him the implications of that in this context.
you can try and explain the significants of turning 18 but he's just confused
Mammon's equivalent human age: about 22-23.
happy birthday MC! not that you'd wanna celebrate with a looser otaku like him-
-wait really?! you actually want him there?!
“you're 18″ lmao that makes you sound like an infant
Levi's equivalent human age: 22
see age with Satan never actually made sense anyway. he's existed for the least amount of time of any of the brothers but he's still considered the 4th oldest so its all just
but! happy birthday! he's going to dote on you regardless
Satan's equivalent human age: 21
ooh so you're an "adult" ;) <3
probably just don't explain it to them
they are distracted enough with an elaborate party they want to throw for you so honestly just let it go
Asmo's equivalent human age: 20-21
happy birthday MC! oh, you're an adult now? nice
just happy to celebrate his favorite human
and eat lots of cake
Beel's equivalent human age: 18-19
wait so are you like, basically the same age as him and Beel??
very very pleased with this information, does not even try to understand further 
you probably woke up with him on your bed that morning because he wanted to be the first person to tell you happy birthday 
Belphie's equivalent human age: 18-19
don't try, you will only confuse him
but! it is your birthday! as a Prince he intends to offer you the royal treatment for your birthday in the devildom!
also distracted like Asmo planning to make sure everything is perfect
Dia's equivalent human age: 25 (about the same as Luci, maybe a little older)
how wonderful, happy birthday MC!
he's pleased at this news, already investigating your favorite sweets for note so he can make you the perfect cake
he might not understand, but he knows the value of cultural significants so he wants you to feel loved and proud of your accomplishments as a young adult
Barbatos's equivalent human age: 30ish (he's a grown ass adult lizardman)
"welcome to adulthood MC, its like childhood, but with taxes"
honestly the only person to understand the cultural significants.
will joke that he'll stop covering your ears when someone makes a dirty joke (while covering Luke's ears)
I headcannon Solomon stopped physically aging around 20-21
“~happy birthday MC~ in all my time I am so blessed to have met someone like you my dear~”
hes a sap. probably writes you a note along with your gift saying how thankful he is to have you in his life.
you mean the world to this angel, and he's so proud of you
Simeon's equivalent human age: 24 (between Luci and Mams)
its MC’s birthday!!! 
kiddo is thrilled! he is already hard at work with papa Barb to make sure your birthday cake is perfect! he won't settle for anything less!
most likely to hug tackle you when he sees you, he's probably jumping up and down from excitement 
Luke's equivalent human age: (i was corrected apparently his cannon age equivalent is like 10)
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lilianlay · 2 years
Hello everyone, my name is Lillian and welcome to my cozy blog. I hope you enjoy it here and we become friends. I write tickle fics about Genshin Impact and Obey Me: shall we date? Maybe something else in the future. Do not be shy, you can send me your asks, they are open or just write to me and we can chat ^^ Hug everyone, below you can see the masterlist
Obey me! Shall we date:
Little ticklish demon (ler!Lucifer & lee!Mammon)
Naughty lustful demon (ler!Solomon x lee!Asmodeus)
Day off only with me! (ler!Diavolo x lee!Lucifer)
I want to keep warm (ler!MC x lee!Mammon)
I want to hear your laugh (ler!Diavolo x lee!Lucifer/ler!Lucifer x lee!Diavolo)
Fun on the beach (ler!Lucifer & lee!Mammon)
Genshin impact:
Happy birthday Detective (ler!Kazuha & lee!Heizou)
Relax, it's just massage (ler!Thoma x lee!Ayato)
Just prove it! (ler!Zhongli x lee!Childe)
They're ticklish (ler!Cyno x lee!Tignari)
Interesting treatment (ler!Baizhu & lee!Childe)
Secret weapon (ler!Cyno & ler!Tighnari & lee!Alhaitham)
Never tease little girls, they might get revenge (ler!Diona, ler!Klee, ler!Qiqi & lee!Venti)
New discovery (ler!Razor x lee!Bennett/ler!Bennett x lee!Razor)
Revenge is a dish to be served cold (ler!Alhaitham & lee!Cyno & lee!Tighnari)
Liars get tickled (ler!Diluc & lee!Kaeya)
Don't underestimate your roommate (ler!Kaveh & lee!Alhaitham)
Don't bother detective when he's busy or he'll punish you (ler!Heizou & lee!Itto)
Sometimes rainy weather, it's not so bad (ler!Zhongli x lee!Childe)
Genshin impact:
Headcannons Genshin impact (part 1)
Headcannons Genshin impact (part 2)
Headcannons Genshin impact (part 3)
Genshin impact:
Thomato (2)
Aether and Wanderer
Obey me:
Sunny and Moony
Sunny and Moony (2)
Genshin impact:
Aether and emo boys
Day 1 - teasing
Day 2 - chase
Day 3 - suspense
Day 4 - games
Day 5 - magic
Day 6 - hiding
Day 7 - machine
Day 8 - trapped
Day 9 - unusual tool
Day 10 - interrogation
Day 11 - edurance
Day 12 - invisibility
Day 13 - puppet
Day 14 - self-interest (oc x cannon)
Day 15 - spider
Day 16 - ghost
Day 17 - shadows
Day 18 - nightmare
Day 19 - demon
Day 20 - create a tickle monster
Day 21 - haunted house
Day 22 - vampire
Day 23 - forest/plants
Day 24 - candy/potions
Day 25 - ticklish non-human attribute
Day 26 - reward/punishment
Day 27- trick
Day 28 - treat
Day 29 - scary movie
Day 30 - halloween party/costumes
Day 31 - aftercare
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yukihaie · 2 years
Hira's Character Sheet
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Links for the picrew are at the bottom of the page
Full Name: Hikari Shinohara (篠原 光)
Nickname: Hira
The reason she goes by her nickname instead of her full name is because a beloved nephew of hers mispronounced her name to Hira when she started to learn how to talk. Since then, she goes by Hira everytime she wants to introduce herself.
Another reason is because she wants to run away from her past. So many things traumatised her during her childhood that she wishes to just forget it all. But if she changed her name officially, then her family will be upset (They don't know her circumstances) so she decided to keep the name for official and formal settings only.
Age: 21
Birthday: 22 March
Gender: Female
Love Language (giving): Act of service, Quality time, Physical touch
Love Language (receiving): Quality time, Words of affirmation
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Hair Style: Shoulder-length wavy hair (Season 1 - 2), Ponytail/Long wavy hair (Season 3 - Present)
Eye Colour: Blue
Education: Major in Nutrition
Hobby: Reading, Playing chill games, Taking random pictures of flowers and cats
Colour: Pastel pink & yellow
Accessories: Necklace
Food: Spicy curry
Drink: Cookies and cream smoothie
Animal: CATS! Bunnies and ducks
Likes: Sunset, citrus-scented soaps, strawberry lip balm, taking her sweet time pampering herself with skincare products, punctuality,
Dislikes: Lies, crowded and loud places, people who crossed her boundaries, slimy creatures (snails, worms, slugs, frogs), people forbidding her to eat whatever she wants just because she's learning nutrition (she knows better than anyone, trust me)
Fears: Failure, being left alone and betrayed, deep and dark ocean
Strength(s): Very organised - plans everything ahead; Likes to try something new (but will need to take some time to ponder before taking any action); very outgoing once she's comfortable in her setting; a good listener and will do anything to comfort her friends; actually very calm and responsible when the time comes for it; very meticulous with her work.
Weakness(es): Perfectionist - to the point she'll neglect her basic needs just to feel satisfied; too hard on herself; will take a long time to be comfortable in a new place; tend to isolate herself anytime problems arise; finds it hard to open up about herself - major trust issue.
Possible Love Interest(s): Leviathan, Satan, Solomon, Mammon
Favourite thing about Devildom: Even though it's always dark outside, the whole vibe from Devildom never really scares her. It feels warm and comforting for some reason. Thus, she's never really scared to go anywhere even though she's a little scared when it comes to horror stuff (ghosts, spirits and the like).
Things about Devildom that she didn't like: How there's always something or someone that'll remind her that she didn't belong there (mostly insecurities, but there are times when other demons actually confront her on how she shouldn't act too happy because she's 'just a human')
Best subject(s): Spells, curses, hexes and potions
Worst subject(s): Seductive speechcraft and Devildom law
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soul-of-the-sanada · 2 years
Happy birthday! Dear Solomon '22
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Unkeyed Route for part two
official Solomon 2022 birthday story, scripted.
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Solomon: Do you remember Simeon’s first answer when I asked him what item he wanted?
MC: *Something to restore broken things.
Solomon: That’s right.
Solomon: You understand why he said that now, right?
Solomon: The glass dome is probably still bothering him.
Solomon: He’s the type to worry about that sort of thing, even if you tell him not to.
Solomon: That’s why I refused.
MC: *So it was out of kindness!
Solomon: It’s not such a big deal…
Solomon: …but perhaps being showered with kindness by you and everyone has changed me?
Solomon: That’s odd. I thought this was supposed to be the Devildom.
Solomon: That being said, if I were in his shoes, I wouldn’t be able to let it go either.
Solomon: I might even prefer some kind of punishment.
MC: *Then he should do something to apologize!
Solomon: Hm, that might work.
Solomon: Asmodeus did tell me to let them know if I thought of any birthday requests.
Solomon: Yes, I think I have an idea.
Diavolo: Hello, Solomon. Thank you for your invitation.
Satan: It’s rare for you to call us together like this.
Asmodeus: Did you think of something you wanted?
Solomon: Right, about that…
Solomon: If it’s not too late for a birthday request, could I ask all of you for a glass dome?
Simeon: …!
Solomon: I’m hoping to hang it up somewhere as a reminder of my birthday celebration.
Luke: Ooh, good idea!
Solomon: I’d like you to put something inside of it that will make a good memento of the occasion.
Belphegor: So anything goes? You don’t want to be more specific?
Solomon: Well, I trust your tastes on this more than my own.
MC: *Let’s get to it, guys!
Diavolo: I take it you’ll be supervising, MC?
Barbatos: It would certainly end up rather chaotic without direction.
Mammon: Ya better let me bust out my creative skills!
Asmodeus: Everyone’s blabbering away, but at least they’re motivated!
Simeon: solomon… are you sure about this?
Solomon: Yeah.
Solomon: Instead of an old empty dome that contained some ancient memory…
Solomon: …I’d much rather have a memory from this present period of my life.
Solomon: Don’t you think, Simeon?
Simeon: Solomon…
Simeon: I promise we’ll make you something worth remembering.
Lucifer: Simeon, what are you doing over there?
Lucifer: We’re going to hold a meeting to discuss the dome immediately.
Simeon: Understood!
Solomon: Welp, see you later.
Solomon: I’ll be working in my room if you need me.
Asmodeus: So, what are we gonna put in the dome?
Simeon: It’s supposed to represent a precious memory, so I’d prefer it to be something unique.
Raphael: Then, how about we make it by hand?
Luke: I agree with Raphael!
Luke: We could make dolls of everybody and line them up inside!
Satan: Dolls, hm? We’ve made something like that before, so we can use that experience.
MC: *I’ll make Solomon’s doll!
Asmodeus: Aw, but I wanted you to make my doll!
Belphegor: We all want that, don’t we?
Lucifer: MC can make Solomon’s doll, and everyone else can make their own. Is that acceptable?
Leviathan: Aight.
Asmodeus: We’ll also have to get ahold of the glass dome itself.
Simeon: Preferably a large one to fit everyone’s ideas inside.
Mammon: I saw somethin’ like that in one of the shops I do modelin’ for.
Mammon: I think they said it was handmade, so that fits the “one-of-a-kind” requirement, yeah?
Simeon: Okay, I’ll go to buy it.
Mammon: I’ll tag along. It’ll be faster to show ya, and I can get a discount there.
Simeon: Thanks, Mammon.
Mammon: Hey, it’s no biggie.
Asmodeus: Guys! Let’s make Solomon’s birthday one to remember!
<All> Yeah!
The day before Solomon’s birthday.
Solomon: MC, there’s something I need your help with.
Solomon: Could you come to my room after class?
Solomon: *chuckle* Didn’t expect to see this many magic items, did you?
Solomon: I’ve made everything that everyone asked for.
MC: *How about mine?
Solomon: Of course.
Solomon: That was the first one I made.
Solomon: There are a few things I can’t test by myself, though.
Solomon: That’s why I asked you here today.
Solomon: For example, this one. Leviathan requested an item that gets you fan service from your favorite person or character.
Solomon: It’s in the shape of a bracelet, so you can wear it like this.
Solomon: And since you’re my favorite person, if we make eye contact…
MC: *Blow a kiss,
Solomon: Huh, so that’s what it’s like to get fan service.
Solomon: It kind of makes you feel special, doesn’t it.
Solomon: Now I know for sure it works.
Solomon: Let’s test out the next one.
Solomon: I just need to put the bracelet back in its special case…
Solomon: Whoops.
<All> Happy birthday, Solomon!
Solomon: I’m so happy that we can celebrate together again this year.
Asmodeus: Simeon! Hurry up!
Simeon: Right.
Simeon: Take the cover off, Solomon.
Solomon: Huh?
Solomon: Wow..
Solomon: So this is the glass dome that you all made for me?
Leviathan: MC was in charge of making your doll.
Belphegor: They were pretty insistent about it, too.
Solomon: Really? That means a lot to me.
Solomon: Thank you, MC. And everyone.
Solomon: I’ll treasure this for a long, long time.
Mammon: So, uh… What about the stuff?
Mammon: You made them all, right?
Solomon: Well, yes. I did.
Solomon: It’s just that…
MC: *There was a bit of an accident.
Solomon: One of the pieces exploded, and now everything is broken.
Solomon: Sorry, guys.
Mammon: Are you friggin’ serious?!
Solomon: Sorry, everyone. I’ll make it up to you next time.
Solomon: How about some home cooking instead?
<All> ?!
Beelzebub: You should make a magic item that ensures food will always come out tasty first.
<All> Please!!!
Solomon: …Why?
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mcx7demonbros · 2 years
“Demon King” Klein
Ft. Klein, Seven Demon Brothers
C/W: this is my seld-indulging fic. Otherwise, none.
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Summary: on July 28 - Klein’s birthday, everyone treated Klein like the Demon King for a day.
Inspiration: Satan’s call on the player’s first birthday and the Royals’ group chat on the same occasion.
This is part 2 of the Happy Birthday, Klein ‘22
For thousands of years, the House of Lamentation (HoL) residents had six fixed days to celebrate annually. Those are the birthdays of the brothers (being twin, Beel and Belphie share the same birthday, hence, six birthdays to celebrate). Now with another very important person entering their lives, another birthday celebration was added to the calendar.
Klein woke up at 6:30 am, he always wakes up early for his birthday so he could make the most of it.
“Good morning, Your Majesty!” When Klein opened the door, Lucifer was already outside, his hand raised up to knock at the door.
“What did you just call me?”
“It’s ‘Your Majesty’, Your Majesty. You’re the Demon King Klein, our lord and master.” Lucifer answered. “And I’m Lucifer, your #1 butler, retainer, and right hand man.”
So I got to be the Demon King for a day. Klein quickly caught on. Sweet.
“Shall we proceed to the dining room for your breakfast, Your Majesty?”
“Lead the way for Us.”
In the dining room, the six brothers were standing in line, in their butler outfit, waiting for their Master.
“Good mornin’, hum-I mean, Your Majesty.”
“G…g…good morning, Heika.”
“Good morning, Your Majesty.”
“Good morning, Your Majesty. You’re so charming today 😘.”
“Good morning, Your Majesty.” “We have prepared a lot of food, fitting for the demon king.” “Please enjoy your meal.”
On the table, there were a lot of dishes made from different ingredients, from a whole cooked chicken-like giant bird to Devildom salad. Klein could swear there were at least 77 dishes, according to his counting.
“Oi, Beel, stop drooling!”
“Since you’re Our loyal servants and retainers, We grant you the right to sit with Us.” Klein didn’t want to torture Beel by forcing the sixth born watching him eat.
As Klein was wiping his mouth after finishing the first birthday meal of the day, he heard a doorbell. He motioned Satan to open the door.
“Delivery to Mr. Klein of the House of Lamentation.” The delivery man read from a delivery list.
Was it Levi. “May I ask what’s inside the package?”
The delivery man stepped aside, revealing a palanquin.
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Source of the image
The Demon Lord’s Castle
Barbatos was standing in front of the huge gate to greet Klein. From afar, he saw Lucifer walking in front, then the palanquin carried by Mammon, Levi, Satan, & Beel, while Asmo and Belphie trailing behind.
“We are honored to have you visit us, O Mighty Demon Lord.” Klein got out of the palanquin and gave his hand to Barbatos, who kissed it reverently. While Mammon, Levi, Satan, nearly collapsed from the weight they had been carrying. Beel was unfazed though.
“Sit here, my Demon Lord.” Diavolo led Klein to his own throne.
I must tell this story to those demon villains. Hehe. Klein couldn’t suppress the smile on his face as he sat on Diavolo’s throne, he loved the treatment very much.
“This makes me remember my time as king.” Solomon commented as he looked at Klein.
“Humm, what’s so good about being Demon King for a day?”
“Now, now, Luke. It’s Klein’s birthday, let him enjoy what he loves.”
“Your Majesty, what do you want to do today?” Lucifer came to stand by Klein’s right side and asked.
“Hmm…alright, let’s curse the Heroes & the Power Rangers to dance a hilarious dance and post the videos on DevilTok.”
That day, all Super Heroes and Power Rangers suddenly stood up and danced a weird but hilarious dance. They didn’t know how and why, they only knew they suddenly had the urge.
The warriors of justice escaped the curse by the end of the day, but how they did that is not the topic of this story. What important is that Klein had fun and all evil in the universe got to enjoy some hilarious videos on DevilTok.
At first, I intended this fic to be longer and published on midnight July 29, but the joy of birthday party exhausted me. And I had to postpone writing the fic till now.
Happy Birthday, Klein ‘22 Masterlist
Klein Masterlist
My Masterlist
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nocreativityfornames · 6 months
Everything we know about Diavolo so far, lore wise.
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➤ He's the prince and future king of the Devildom, and the founder of RAD — the Royal Academy of Diavolo — taking the position of Student Council President. (swd: 1-1)
➤ He created the exchange program as a first step towards his goal of strengthening the relationships between the three realms and forming an allyship between angels, demons and humans. (swd: 1-1)
➤ He has the ability to discern the truth from the lie. (swd: 4-1)
➤ He was the one to step in and save MC from being attacked by Lucifer in the underground tomb. (swd: 6-6)
➤ He hasn't seen his father in several centuries now and only knows that the Demon King is somewhere in the bottom of the Devildom. (swd: 7-10)
➤ Unlike Lucifer, he saw MC's pacts with the brothers as a good thing from the very beginning. To him, MC's pacts were proof that demons and humans could put aside their differences and actually form bonds together. And that made him happy, considering it was all he wanted with the exchange program. (swd: 8-19)
➤ Before, citizens of the Devildom were allowed to travel to the Human World whenever they wished through passages spread through the kingdom, but Diavolo changed that after taking over the throne. Now, those passages are blocked and the only way demons can use them is by getting permission from Diavolo, Lucifer, or Barbatos - the only demons apart from his father who are allowed to use them freely. (swd: 11-4)
➤ He ordered Barbatos to imprison Belphegor in the castle and put Lucifer under house arrest for hiding the youngest from him even though he had planned treason. But later, he admitted to having known about it beforehand. "...Truth be told, I knew. I knew you were hiding Belphegor, and I knew why. Your loyalty to me forced you to deceive your brothers, and I knew that was a source of guilt. I saw how you struggled with it-how hard it was being pulled in two directions at once. And it made me sad.” (swd: 13-14 and 15-12)
➤ When the eight siblings were cast down to the Devildom and Lilith was in the verge of death from the battle, Lucifer begged Diavolo to save her and he did, having her reborn in the Human World with no memories of her previous life. This came with a cost, however, said cost being Lucifer's loyalty to the prince for the rest of time. (swd: 14-10 and 15-7)
➤ He refused to free Belphegor at first, but eventually made a deal with MC: to release him from prison if they went back in time with the help of Barbatos' powers and found out who had freed him in the first place. (swd: 15-14)
➤ He had Barbatos trace down MC's bloodline and found out that they were a descendant of Lilith because of it. (swd: 16-15)
➤ On his birthday he decided to not only celebrate himself but also MC, to give them a "late welcome party" and show appreciation for them after everything that had happened. (swd: 18-A)
➤ He was suspicious of Solomon for suddenly showing up in the Devildom with MC unannounced (swd: 21-4) but arranged things so they would be able to stay for a while. (swd: 22-19)
➤ When Lucifer and his siblings fell Diavolo found them in the colosseum, and every now and then he finds himself going there and pondering over his past decisions and wondering if they were the correct ones after all. (swd: 24-13)
➤ He was the first Solomon talked to about his suspicions that MC was connected to the natural disasters happening in ancient locations around the realms, and for a while only the two of them and Barbatos knew about it (swd: 37-4), since Diavolo decided to keep it a secret from everyone else until he had proof of MC's powers being harmful to the realms (swd: hard mode, 32-16).
➤ He had MC undergo the standard magic exams that demons students are given at RAD, and although he initially told MC it was to help them learn more about the powers demons possess and how to control them (swd: 29-5), it was actually a test to see if their magic was as powerful as Solomon suspected. The sorcerer was proven right when MC passed each of them. (swd: 37-4)
➤ His secrecy and unusual reliance on Solomon caused a strain on his relationship with Lucifer, as the eldest knew that Diavolo was hiding something but refused to tell him. They eventually had a conversation in the colosseum after RAD's exams week ended, where Lucifer directly enquired him about what was happening. Diavolo refused to tell him, saying it wasn't "the right time" for him to know yet, and when Lucifer asked if whatever secret he was keeping involved MC the prince replied that he wasn't certain yet, further concerning him. (swd: 28-C)
➤ He's "not fond" of Simeon because he finds him difficult to deal with and told this to the angel's face while speaking to him. When Simeon asked Diavolo why he found him difficult to deal with, he explained that it's because angels never divulge anything about themselves or the Celestial Realm but are constantly inserting themselves into Devildom business, and he's especially not fond of Simeon because he hides his true intentions better than any angel Diavolo has ever met. (swd: Hard Mode, 31-16) He's so unfond of Simeon that when he finally decided to make him aware of MC's powers being a threat to the three realms, he asked Solomon to break the news instead of doing it himself. (swd: Hard Mode, 32-16)
➤ He eventually decided to tell Lucifer about MC’s situation and through text apologized to the Avatar of Pride for leaving him in the dark for so long and asked him to meet him so he could finally let him in on what was happening (swd: hard mode, 36-16). Unfortunately that meeting never happened, since Lucifer ended up affected by MC’s powers and lost his memories before Diavolo could explain anything to him. (swd chat: the fantastic three, "untitled")
➤ Finally breaking the news to everyone, he and Solomon told the others everything, from the moment the sorcerer started growing suspicions about MC's powers to the moment that their powers struck Lucifer and he lost his memories. They also presented their only solution(s): to sever MC's pacts with the Night Dagger in order to break their magical connections to the brothers and make them an avarage human again. There was another solution: to stabilize MC's magic with the Ring of Light - the counterpart to the Ring of Wisdom that once belonged to Lucifer - but it was discarded right away as the ring had been lost in the Great Celestial War and no one knew its whereabouts. (swd: 37-9)
➤ Once everyone knew the whole story, he apologized to MC for not finding another way to prevent their magic from causing massive destruction to the realms, since he knew neither MC or the brothers wanted to sever their pacts with the each other. (swd: 37-9)
➤ When all things ended well and MC was able to get their powers under control without using the Night Dagger thanks to the Ring of Light that Simeon found just in time, Diavolo organized a party to honor MC and celebrate the victory. (swd: 39-1)
➤ He showed no surprise when MC expressed wanting to stay in the Devildom instead of going back to the Human World but still refused the request. Later, he explained why: "I don't want MC to be a demon...or an angel, for that matter. No, I want MC to be a human. A human who understands us, and who works together with Solomon to shepherd the human world toward a better future… Someday I'd like MC to work alongside me to bring harmony to the three worlds. Which is precisely why I won't allow you to be stuck here in the Devildom, MC. I want you to learn more about the three worlds and to understand each of them better... The human world, the Devildom, and the Celestial Realm.” (swd: 39-10 and 40-22)
➤ He couldn't accompany the brothers on their vacation to the Human World at first because of work and told MC he often found it hard to get things done with everything being so quiet since the others weren't in the Devildom with him. (swd: 42-18)
➤ When tasked with the over the kingdom in his father's absence, the first thing Diavolo did was to start conciliating with the Celestial Realm to end the conflict between the two realms. For this, he started having meetings with high-ranking angels to explain his plans and hopefully reach an agreement of peace between the realms. That was how he met Lucifer, when the angel came down the Devildom to hear what he had to say. (swd: 44-12, 44-15 and swd card: Lucifer, "Glory Days")
➤ He's a majority shareholder of the Three-Legged Crow Group otherwise called Yatagarasu, the largest company in the Devildom that's been expanding business in the Human World with their technology devices. (swd: 47-11)
➤ He has admitted to feeling jealous of the bond MC and the brothers share multiple times. On one hand, he's jealous of the brothers for being so close to MC, and on the other, he's jealous of MC for managing to become a part of their family so easily. “I wonder, when was it, exactly? When did you and your brothers become so very important to me? I thought I'd never be able to become ‘one of you.’ It seemed ridiculous to even try because it was just obvious that I couldn't. But then MC did just that... Effortlessly fitting in with the seven of you to become just another one of the gang. More than that, actually. MC is part of your family now. And when I saw that, it may have made me a little jealous. And while I haven't wanted to admit it to myself up to now...the truth is, I think I was lonely.” (swd: 48-12 and Hard Mode, 50-16)
➤ His mother died shortly after giving birth to him and he was raised by his father who was very strict and gave him a sheltered childhood, so much so he rarely ever left the castle. (swd: 56-18)
➤ He met Barbatos for the first time when he was still a child and the older demon was the first person he met from outside the castle. The older demon amazed him with stories of the outside world, and little Diavolo begged him to stay with him, getting to the point of threatening not to assume his position of king in the future if Barbatos left him. (swd: 56-18)
➤ When the brothers at the farewell party asked if they could make MC “officially part of the family” by marrying them, Diavolo explained that demons and humans aren't able to marry yet but that he'll do everything he can so one day that'll be possible. “MC, you aren't aware of this, but some bad blood still exists between our three worlds. No matter how much all of you may want this to happen, it's not something I have the power to do on my own. [...] However, my ultimate goal is to eliminate these barriers someday. And I will do everything in my power to make sure that happens.” (swd: 60-15)
➤ A while after MC left Diavolo sent them a magic letter and asked them to come to the Devildom for a third time because he had something important to discuss with them. (swd: 61-4) And that something turned out to be a request for MC to participate in the exchange program for a second time and an invitation for them to be a new member of the student council. (swd: 62-17)
➤ The intentions for this second try of the exchange program was mostly the same but now with a different approach, as Diavolo explained to everyone in the meeting then: “Our last exchange program was meant to provide an opportunity for cultural exchange among the inhabitants of all three worlds. But nothing more than that. Think of it as merely a starting point on the path to mutual understanding. But this time, the goal of the program is to make a stronger case for mutual understanding. Directed at everyone both inside and outside of the Devildom.” (swd: 62-17)
➤ He's known Mephistopheles ever since they were children. (nb: 13-11)
➤ Initially, his father was the main reason why he was determined to be a good king and why he even rescued the brothers in the first place. He craved the king's approval, wanted to live up to his name, show himself worthy of the throne, and eventually surpass him. He was forced to face this truth when he was younger during his last trial of the Kingsblood Crucible - a traditional ritual that demons of royalty have to go through before they take the throne. (nb: 14-7)
➤ After MC was officially appointed as the 9th member of the Student Council and the short-term exchange program ended, he gave them an “entry permit” so they could travel from the Human World to the Devildom whenever they wanted. (swd: 80-22)
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Samantha Freeman is buzy making diner. Like often, almost always, her brother Solomon is also coming.
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Samantha: enjoy your diner
Kylian: thank you for making it, Samantha. It looks delishes
Solomon: Isn't it time for the baby soon?
Samantha: Just a couple of weeks now. I'm counting down. I can't wait to meet our baby. I'm so excited to finaly know if it is a boy or a girl.
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Samantha: Aren't you ready for fatherhood?
Kylian: He doesn't have a wife yet.
Samantha: Well we maybe can fix that.
Solomon: How do you want to fix that?
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Samantha: Well, Mabel Clarkson just turned 18 years old. She is ready to get courting for a while now. I got engaged on my 18th birthday.
Solomon: Is she that old already?
Samantha: Yes. Her mother is very happy to have her home for when the baby comes.
Kylian: That's handy for Allison. She probably don't wants to loose her daughter to Solomon, haha.
Solomon (offended): Why not??
Samantha: Because Mabel helps her! If she marry's you she can't help her mother anymore.
Solomon: Ofcourse, she will be home with me.
Samantha: So you will court her?
Solomon sighs
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After diner Samantha is buzy cleaning up. Solomon and Kylian talk for a while longer
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Solomon: Kylian? Do you really think I should court Mabel?
Kylian: I don't know. She doesn't strike me as a attractive girl who wants to get married.
Solomon: Yeah, she looks like Peter. They are both a bit different.
Kylian: Yes, indeed. She looks like her father. But we could look around for a woman for you. If you want to get married...
Solomon: Well, I don't know. I'm only 21, 22 in a couple of weeks. I have the money and a house. But at the same time I'm buzy with our church. I don't have time to court a girl.
Kylian: Yeah and Howard, Joshua and I have families to look after. You are doing a lot of work for all of us.
Solomon: I think I'll wait a while. When God wants me to marry a girl he will lead one on my path.
Kylian: Amen
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#can speak filipino and english and currently learning japanese in uni but i simply do not trust myself to speak in all three❤
My Top Posts in 2021
hear me out
what if sheep mc's size is still the canonical size for human mc
like, demons are just that huge and the size difference just really do be like that
65 notes • Posted 2021-08-31 06:50:45 GMT
oh to be able to convert grimm to dp
69 notes • Posted 2021-03-06 22:32:16 GMT
Happy 3011th birthday Solomon!
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(this is based on the Google result of King Solomon being born in 990BCE)
82 notes • Posted 2021-12-09 23:41:48 GMT
so I was just taking a good look at Lucifer's room
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and I noticed something
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See the full post
186 notes • Posted 2021-02-21 05:05:21 GMT
honestly thirteen calling MC more ordinary than what she expected just makes me wonder what kinda shit's been spread around about MC
281 notes • Posted 2021-12-06 03:31:43 GMT
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dailyaudiobible · 1 year
06/08/2023 DAB Transcript
2 Samuel 22:1-23:23, Acts 2:1-47, Psalms 122:1-9, Proverbs 16:19-20
Today is the 8th day of June welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is…it is a delight to be here with you today as we gather again around the Global Campfire. It’s a special day of memory for me today. Today was my mom's birthday and she has been gone for several years now. Both of my parents are. But when these days come around each year, certainly those of us who have lost somebody along the way, they come to mind. And, so, she is certainly on my mind today. I miss my mom very, very, very, very much. I also believe she is very, very, very whole, and very, very happy. And I'm glad that we are here and that we have gathered yet again to take the next step forward together each and every day as we continue to immerse ourselves in the story of the Scriptures, and that will lead us back into the book that…well…we’re kind of moving into books in both old and new Testaments. But we’re in the book of first Kings now. We experienced the death of King David yesterday. His son Solomon is now on the throne in his place. Solomon’s had a little bit of drama in the transition, but Solomon is now firmly established as the King of all Israel. And, so, now we turn our focus onto Solomon's reign as we move through first Kings. Today chapter 3 verse 3 through 4 verse 34.
Okay. So, in first Kings today Solomon has consolidated his power. He is in firm control of the kingdom of Israel. He is on…he is on the throne of his father David and things are beginning to prosper and Solomon does something that is certainly famous, but he does something that is certainly necessary, he goes before the Lord and certainly offers sacrifices but praise to God, puts himself before the Lord, sits before the Lord, opens himself before the Lord, and the Lord comes to him and…and says, ask anything. What do you request? And that's when we see the character of Solomon beginning to rise and emerge because he can ask for anything, that his enemies be destroyed, that he live twice as long as anybody else, that…that is people are at peace and prosperous, any…anything that he wants to ask. And he asks for wisdom and discernment. He confesses before the Lord, that he knows where he's at, that he is the king of Israel sitting on the throne of his father. So, he gets it. He gets where his position is, but he also sees his own deficits and inadequacies to do this job. It's too big for him. It's bigger than he is. It's bigger than anyone can be. And, so, he asks God to help them administer justice, to have wisdom as he stewards the people of God. And God tells Solomon, that because this is what he seeks that he will have that and he will have all of the things that he could've named that he didn't name. And, so, this is certainly a beautiful picture. If we want to apply this to our lives, we all have stewardship over something. May…maybe the only thing we’re stewarding right now is our sock drawer or maybe we are stewarding human beings in the form of our children or maybe we lead an organization or a department and there are hundreds of people that we are responsible for, at least for their output and work. So, in one way or another we have stewardship at a certain level in our lives. And we spend a lot of our lives trying to figure out how to make it work when this example from Solomon is maybe the right example, understanding that life is too big for us to manage and life is moving too fast for anybody to manage and maybe what we actually need is a discerning heart full of wisdom so that we are able to differentiate between the things that are just going to take life from us and take an enormous amount of energy, things we don't even belong spending time on so that were focusing on the things that were stewarding.
Then we move into the book of Acts today and we see the further…the furtherance of the emerging church in the first century around Jerusalem as people are flocking to this message of Jesus and people are being cared for in certain ways in. And that's causing some conflict. We have these Hellenistic Jews, so, like Jews of Greek origin, and then we have these Hebraic Jews who consider themselves ethnically more true to what a Jew is and it seems that the widows are being cared for in different ways. So, lest we read the book of Acts as this glorious moment, it is a glorious moment. It wasn't a perfect moment. People were involved. And, so, it’s an imperfect moment. So, we see these things beginning to crop up in the early church where people have to sort of figure out and discern and understand like the way forward. And that leads us to what we now know as the diaconate as deacons. This is where we get this deacon. Helpers were appointed today to distribute food and to care for the people so that the apostles could focus their attention on hearing from the Holy Spirit and being out sharing the good news. And, so, we see helpers coming in that are appointed to serve God's people. And we met somebody today that was one of those appointees named Stephen. We’re gonna have a minute with Stephen over these next couple of days. So, he is doing what he was appointed to do. He is full of the Holy Spirit. He is well respected. These things we get from the book of Acts. But he does engage in these kind of theological sparring matches with other people and a plot is hatched against Stephen to drag him before the high council because of the things that he is saying. So, basically where we sit at the moment is that this new appointed helper, Stephen, who is in good devout person is being accused of grievous things like blasphemy. And we haven't gotten to hear Stephen defend himself. That's where we’re going. Stephen is going to have an opportunity to say his piece and that's an important piece for us at this point in the New Testament because what Stephen has to do is convince the council that he truly is Hebrew, that he truly does understand the Hebrew story and the Hebrew context and that this Jesus is part of that Hebrew context. And, so, as he shares his testimony, we will be reviewing in pretty fast motion all of the stories that we have been working our way through since the beginning of the year. And, so, that testimony is coming out before us here in the next couple of days.
Father, we love You. We thank You for Your word. We thank You that we have the opportunity to have Your word freely and to pour over it and to allow it to speak into our lives and we thank You for the Global Campfire. We thank You that You have allowed us to live at a time on the earth where we can gather together no matter where we are geographically and the center ourselves in the Scriptures, allowing them to speak the world over and fall into our lives and transform us so that we might reveal Your kingdom wherever we may be. And, so, come Holy Spirit and plant what we’ve read into our lives we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com, that is home base, that is where you find out what's going on around here. And, so, check that out. The Daily Audio Bible app puts that in the palm of your hand, and you can find the app free, just search for Daily Audio Bible at the app store that works with your device.
And I was mentioning yesterday and I will…I’ll I will mention it while we have supplies. It is baseball season. It is ball cap season. So, we have these awesome Daily Audio Bible with these genuine leather imprint stamps on them with the Daily Audio Bible logo on them and we put them on sale. This is the season. And, so, at the Daily Audio Bible shop in the Lifestyle section you can find these. There’s…well...there are a couple of different varieties, a couple of different options including the…the special edition one that we have right now which has got like a camo version with a…with a leather patch on the front. It looks really sharp. Those will not last outside of this month; this will be the last month for the camo hats. They probably won't last through this month, but they won’t last beyond this month. So, those are available right now, like a spring sale. And, so, check them out while we have them.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if you find that the mission to bring the spoken word of God read fresh every day and that we come together as a community and allow that to speak into our lives, if that is life-giving to you then thank you deeply for your partnership as we move through the summer. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement there are number of ways. You can hit the Hotline button in the app. That's the little red button up at the top or there are a number of numbers. In the Americas 877-942-4253 is the number to call. If you are in the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078 is the number to dial. And if you are in Australia or that part of the world 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to call.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Coming soon…
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blue-temperature · 3 years
Obey Me!
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Dark Santa
Demon de Butler
We’re All Bad Here
Good Night Devil
When Vampires Go Bad
Rub That Lamp
Young Malicious Demons' Academy
The Devil's Detective
Welcome to Hell's Garden
Ruri-chan Is My Bae
Paws and Claws
Calling out to You
Whose Glass Slippers Are These?
A Party for You (Septet)
Summer Festival
Spooky Happenings
Sun, Sea, and Demons
Let the Games Begin!
Body Swap Panic!
Escape From the House of Lamentation!
A Devildom Halloween
Wedding Vows
Henry and the Seven Lords
Angelic Demons
The Final Countdown
Like a Dame
Welcome to the Bunny Show
The Chocolate Incident
Suspicious Circus Troupe
Happy Birthday Dear Beel and Belphie
Under the Cherry Blossoms
Paws and Claws 2
Happy Birthday Dear Leviathan
Fly Like a Spy
Part-Time JOBS
Happy Birthday Dear Asmodeus
You’ve Got to Be Kidding!
Happy Birthday Dear Lucifer
Toys Galore
Get Arty With It
Happy Birthday Dear Luke ‘21
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Pearls and the Beach
Happy Birthday Dear Barbatos
Soaking Wet Showndown
Happy Birthday Dear Mammon
I Kid You Not
A Masked Halloween
Happy Birthday Dear Satan
Happy Birthday Dear Diavolo
You’re a Gem
Storybook World
Happy Birthday Dear Solomon
Happy Devil Day ‘21: A Surprise For You
RAD Tumbling Troupe
Cold Snap
Happy Birthday Dear Simeon
Valentine’s Day Showdown
Bunny Boys At Your Service
Happy Birthday Dear Beel and Belphie ‘22
Three-Legged Crow Leisure Land
Happy Birthday Dear Leviathan
Pirates: The Legendary Treasure!
Sacrifice of Darkness
Magical Eggs ♪ What Will Hatch?
The Great Yokai Parade
Liar Liar Animal Attire!
Happy Birthday Dear Luke ‘22
Enter the Cyberverse
All Aboard the S.S. Devildom!
Steampunk Shenanigans
Cowboys on the Range
Halloween Prank Problems
Devildom Film Festival
Conjuring of a White Christmas
Happy Birthday Dear Solomon ‘22
Happy Devil Day 2022
A Star For You
Super Smash Devils
Happy Birthday Dear Simeon ‘23
Valentine’s Day Canceled?!
Princess Rose
Happy Birthday Dear Beel and Belphie ‘23
A Weird White Day
✦ Llamadas:
✿ Lucifer ✿
Lucifer Overload
Your Voice
Teacher Lucifer
Happy Birthday
Happy Holidays
Anniversary 1
Happy Birthday 2
Happy Birthday 3
Happy New Year
✿ Mammon ✿
Called for the First Time
Lend Me That DVD
Free Time!
Special Mission
Happy Birthday
We’ve Got an Emergency!
Happy Halloween
Anniversary 2
Happy Birthday 2
Happy Birthday 3
✿ Leviathan ✿
This Is the Pits
The Night Before the Test
Happy Birthday
Anniversary 3
Happy Birthday 2
Happy Birthday 3
✿  Satan ✿
Wake-Up Call
The Devil’s Voice
How to Win Someone over for Dummies
Happy Birthday
Happy Holidays
Anniversary 4
Happy Birthday 2
Happy Birthday 3
Happy New Year
✿ Asmodeus ✿
Your Voice
I Require Your Assistance
Happy Birthday
Happy Halloween
Anniversary 5
Happy Birthday 2
Happy Birthday 3
✿  Beelzebub ✿
Midnight Delivery
I Wanted to Hear Your Voice
Aim for the Top!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday 2
Happy Birthday 3
✿  Belphegor ✿
Oops, Did I Wake You Up?
Please, Belphegor!
Happy Birthday 2
Happy Birthday 3
✿  Diavolo ✿
Plans for the Weekend
Blooming Roses
Improving Living Conditions
Waiting for You
✿  Barbatos ✿
Human World Fair 1
Human World Fair 2
Rat Extermination
✿ Solomon ✿
Devildom Symphony Orchestra 1
Devildom Symphony Orchestra 2
Real-Life Comedy Sketch
✿ Simeon ✿
To Unknown Lands
A Request From Simeon
The Reader’s Companion
Simeon Was Watching
✿ Luke ✿
Dessert Special
Practicing a New Dessert
Today’s Class Duties
✦ Mensajes:
House of Lamentation (7)
⚇The Demon Brothers (6)
RAD Newspaper Club
⚇Purgatory Hall (3)
Brothers Under a Pact (4)
⚇Devildom Prince
The Angels (3)
⚇Big Brothers (3)
The Brothers and the Demon Lord (10)
Cat (3)
⚇Luke (Chihuahua)
⚇Gourmet Club
Lucifer, you S*CK! (3)
⚇Sweet Tooth
⚇1235 (4)
⚇Tea Demons
⚇Shameless Slander
⚇Brothers No More
⚇Solomon the Sorcerer
⚇The Demon Brothers (New) (7)
The Royals (3)
⚇Where’s My Money
⚇No Big Brothers Allowed (3)
⚇The Fantastic Three (3)
⚇Sweets Masters
⚇345 (3)
⚇ Purgatory Hall (New) (4)
House of Lamentation (New) (8)
The Attic Club “Sandwich” (3)
✦ Devilgram:
✦ Audio Drama:
#01: Save Me, Lucifer
#02: Mammon and the Cat
#03: Levi’s Maid Café Rehearsal
#04: Stop Reading Over My Shoulder!
#05: Asmodeus’s New Hobby
#06: Cooking’s So Hard
#07: Garbage Day Showndown
#0235: From Us to You
#0067: Chewing Over a Message to You
#0014: Show Your True Self
A Surprise Party For You
#08: Adventures in Voice Chat
#09: Barbatos's Unexpected Replacement Starring the Obey Me! Voice Cast
#10: Luke and the Trol Starring the Obey Me! Voice Cast
#11: Simeon’s Tech Troubles
#12: Solomon Quiz Starring the Obey Me! Voice Cast
Blood is Thicker Than Gold
✦ Podcast:
Obey Me! Podcast —Leviathan-Sensei’s Otaku FM — #01
Obey Me! Podcast —Leviathan-Sensei’s Otaku FM — #02
Obey Me! Podcast — Leviathan-Sensei's Otaku FM — #03
Obey Me! Podcast — Leviathan-Sensei's Otaku FM — #04
Obey Me! Podcast — Leviathan-Sensei's Otaku FM — #05
Obey Me! Podcast — Leviathan-Sensei's Otaku FM — #06 — The Final Episode?
Obey Me! Podcast — Leviathan-Sensei's Otaku FM — #07 — The Final Episode & Levi Special
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Anime and Chill — #01
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Anime and Chill — #02
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Anime and Chill — #03
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Anime and Chill — #04
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Anime and Chill — #05
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Anime and Chill — #06
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Anime and Chill — #07
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Anime and Chill — #08
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Anime and Chill — #09
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Anime and Chill — #10
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Anime and Chill — #11
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Anime and Chill — #12
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Mini — #1
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Mini — #2
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Mini — #3
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Mini — #4
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Mini — #5
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Anime and Chill - Season 2 Episode 1
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Anime and Chill - Season 2 Episode 2
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Anime and Chill - Season 2 Episode 3
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Anime and Chill - Season 2 Episode 4
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Anime and Chill - Season 2 Episode 5
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Anime and Chill - Season 2 Episode 6
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Anime and Chill - Season 2 Episode 7
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Anime and Chill - Season 2 Episode 8
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Anime and Chill - Season 2 Episode 9
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Anime and Chill - Season 2 Episode 10
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Anime and Chill - Season 2 Episode 11
Obey Me! Podcast — Otaku FM Anime and Chill - Season 2 Episode 12
✦ Artículos:
Artículo de Polygon sobre los juegos más populares en 2020 en Tumblr
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storysofmyown · 4 years
Single Father Lucifer Au, Part 3
Time to discuss the timeline babies!! We are going to be discussing the timeline, what paper Lilith plays in here, and who is Lucifer’s spouse and what happened to them. 
Trigger warning: Mentions of death and grieving.
Note: Repost because tumblr hates me and it doesn't appear in the obey me tag (This is the fourth time this happens, two times regarding this au...tumblr why T-T, pls this is annoying)
Lucifer got married relatively young to his spouse. He was around 24 years old and his spouse was 22. Their first anniversary was not yet upon them when Lucifer got the amazing news that they were going to have a baby! He was so happy when he found out, he picked up his spouse and twirled them around as they both laughing and happy tears accumulated in his eyes. He was going to be a father!
Tho, this happiness was nowhere near the same one he felt when Mammon was born. This man full on cried as he held Mammon close and kissed his spouses head. Never in his life was he so happy as that moment...which kind of fueled his decision to get another kid.
Because Mammon was not yet 1 year old when Lucifer’s spouse announced they were pregnant again! And from no other than our little Otaku baby!! (What are they eating for the boys to get out with such unique hairstyles.)
While Mammons birth had become more swift, Levi was a little less eager to come out to the world. Even without being born yet Levi refused to come out of his “room”, for the took TEN HOURS TO BE BORN!
The whole time Lucifer was carrying and distracting Mammon while his nerves ate him up. But finally Levi was born! The first thing he did was start crying, Levi knew the he was going to be a normie baby for a while and didn't want that at all XD. (Fun fact, for the first few years, Levi and Mammon shared a room, and even if they fought, whenever Lucifer went to check up on them, he could find them sleeping next to each other)
Afterwards Satan was born when Lucifer had 27 years. And oh boy, our little wrath boy made Lucifer’s spouse be nauseous, plus he kicked a lot. Like, A LOT!  He was already mad with the world and throwing tantrums left and right all the time...and that was something he did even after he was born. Lucifer was going in 3 hours of sleep everyday because Satan would wake up in the middle of the night to cry. Thankfully, it was never a sickness or anything like that, turns out that the boy just wanted to be constantly picked up and stuff.
Then when Lucifer was 28 and Mammon 3, Asmodeus dropped in! He was, from the three that were already born, the easiest one to take care of. Yes, he wanted affection and attention most of the time and was a drama queen since baby but he was still easier to take care of than Satan.
Now, Lucifer was not expecting at all to have twins, the possibility never crossed trough his head...but...life is full of surprises and wouldn't you know, now there were two more babies on the way!
After the twins were born, Lucifer and his spouse decided that they were not going to try for another kid...but oh boy wouldn't you know, on Lucifer´s 30 birthday his spouse told him that they were expecting another child! A little later Lucifer and his spouse found out that the baby they were expecting was a girl! After having 6 boys it would be an understatement to say they were not absolutely delighted by those news.
But...sadly that happiness didn't last, because a few months later, Lucifer had to bury both of them.
Now, things were difficult for Lucifer during this time, Mammon was only five years old at the time, Beel and Belphie had just turned one, his work was not paying enough to sustain the seven of them.
It took them a while, but Lucifer managed to keep his family together during the whole thing. (During this process he meet Simeon and Solomon who helped him with taking care of kids whenever he needed to stay late for work and couldn't contact a nanny)
(For your consideration, cousin Luke and uncle Simeon taking care of the six little gremlins and baking cookies and stuff!)
After Lucifer turned 36 and the twins turned 7, Solomon and Simeon convinced Lucifer to accept a new job offer which paid better. Lucifer was hesitant at first because it meant he needed to move but all of the kiddies were actually excited about this!
They moved to a bigger house and Lucifer started his new job, were he meet Barbatos and Diavolo, he was his boss and became his most trusted friend in a matter 3 months, maybe less.
Also, Diavolo is REALLY GOOD with the kids. specially with Mammon, Asmodeus and Beel. Those three really love it when he comes over to watch over them or to just “get some papers from Lucifer”.
“...how many times has he come to get some papers from dad and ended up staying for dinner?” Belphegor once asked Satan as they watched Diavolo help Lucifer prepare dinner. “137 times.” “...you counted them?” “  ┐( -_- )┌ ”
(Also, the first time one of the kids refered to Diavolo as dad the man was so fucking happy he called Lucifer yelling all excitedly, making Lucifer’s heart feel so fucking full knowing that his kids were actually liking Diavolo)
Dear @thetyrannt commented they wanted more Single Father Luci and how can i say no?! Plus, it was time i made the timeline...tho this one inst that good...good luck understanding it XD. Anyways, i hope y’all enjoyed this. (Also, thank you to those who sent me asks, rn imma go to bed but i will answer one that is still in my asks tomorrow, thank yall :3) Stay safe dears! Good night lmao
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