#lupin iii ot4
anongalactic · 2 years
I absolutely love how universally accepted polygang is within the Lupin fandom. The western Lupin fandom, especially online, is just full of chill queer people and everyone is just having a good time. I've been around the block, i know how volatile people are about ships, i know the struggle of having to dig for content. It's just a breath of fresh air to find a group of fans that are so chill. Love it here
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loupsdrawlupin · 1 year
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✨🩸🍷Ruby Revelry🍷🩸✨
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lupiiifics · 2 years
Mock-Mochi Madness
Fic #21 posted on AO3 on August 18, 2022.
Summary: Lupin catches Goemon eating something he claims he doesn't like. Chaos and property damage ensue as a result.
Word Count: 5174
“I don’t know, boss. This isn’t exactly one of your best ideas. Goemon might actually kill you for it.”
Jigen lifted a few grocery bags from the backseat of the Fiat, not looking at Lupin as the thief eagerly set something up on his phone.
He heard Lupin's laugh before it happened, sighing heavily as he imagined a long night of arguing, property damage, and excuses. He knew he couldn't stop the thief once he got an idea in his head, meaning he was left to act as damage control.
“It’ll be fine , Jigen, my dear. Don’t worry.” 
Lupin’s words were flippant, confident in a way that made Jigen want to knock his lights out.
" Don't worry ," Jigen shot half-assed quotation marks at his partner, frowning. " Tch . Yeah. ‘Cause, that's possible with you around, Lup. You gonna help me bring these inside or not?"
Lupin remained silent. The speed of his typing became more frantic as his smile turned into a grin. Hints of that laugh still echoed as he spoke, building to something Jigen couldn’t seem to comprehend. "And… there . All finished."
Jigen stepped up behind Lupin, peering over his shoulder to see what he was doing. “You done?”
Lupin grinned and held the phone up for him to see, nodding. On the screen was a live feed of their kitchen, the only indication of life being the small blinking colon of the digital clock on the stove. Jigen frowned.
“Got it all connected and the app installed. All we gotta do now is wait."
"Whatever you say, man."
He continued past Lupin toward the front steps, allowing one of his bags to nudge Lupin's shoulder on "accident."
Lupin stumbled forward and gave into his partner's dramatics, his eyebrows raised. 
"What's your problem, Jiji?"
" You ," Jigen said. He lifted one of the bags in his hands, not bothering to look back. 
His footsteps kicked up dust as he followed the path to the house, the sun casting a shadow over the front lawn behind him. He huffed and gestured in Lupin's general direction, his tone sharp. "Now, help me with these bags or you're doing the dishes tonight, you hear me?"
Lupin narrowed his eyebrows, staring daggers at the gunman’s back as he sauntered into the house.
"It's your turn!"
Jigen didn’t respond.
Lupin grumbled to himself. He shook his head as he returned his phone to his pocket, resting his hand on the car door Jigen hadn’t bothered to close. He thought of ways to get back at his friend, not about to let him get away with taking advantage of him. 
He plucked up a handful of plastic bags and slammed the car door, pulling his cigarette and lighter from his pocket with his free hand. His mind worked through every idea he had — things he knew Jigen would hate , but not kill him for. He attempted to light the cigarette as he moved into the house; not quite able to get the flint to catch. 
The porch steps creaked as he went up them, his focus elsewhere as he grunted in frustration. He gritted his teeth and hefted the bags up higher on his arm, throwing the screen door open with a terrible screech and a bang.
The first thing he heard was the radio. Soft static mixed with muffled jazz warmed his welcome, the buzz of the music calming and familiar. He felt his frustration begin to melt as he rounded the corner into the kitchen, eventually giving up on the cigarette so he could place the bags on the counter. 
Jigen glared at him, his eyes hidden but his expression brutal nonetheless. Lupin didn’t have to see his face to know what his partner was thinking. Jigen’s gaze could burn holes through just about anything — it was what made him both so deadly, and so enticing to be around. 
His frown was deep as he watched Lupin untangle his arm, leaning against the cabinets as Jigen approached from his left. He held up one of the bags, his fears turning to searing irritation.
"You broke the eggs."
"What?" Lupin turned his gaze upwards, staring at the bag and the mysterious yellow substance darkening the inside. 
Jigen scoffed at him. He threw the bag back down beside the others and sighed heavily, exasperated. "What'd you do? Drop them ?"
" No !” Lupin shook his head, thinking through the few moments it’d taken him to get into the house. He remembered something and winced. “Though, I might have hit the bags against the porch's support beams without meaning to."
Jigen crossed his arms and tipped his chin so Lupin could see his disappointment. "You're doing the dishes tonight."
"I am not ." Lupin said. "It's your turn."
Jigen raised an eyebrow. "It's either that or you pay for the damages, Mr. ' I don't have any cash .'"
" I don't ." Lupin pouted, trying his best to look pathetic. Jigen remained stony, unaffected by his partner’s antics. "That's why this next job is a cash run."
Jigen nodded. " And why we're stuck in this old farmhouse, remember?"
"It was all I could find that was close enough! Plus, Goe likes it here because he has room to train."
Jigen tutted at him, cigarette shifting in his mouth as he worked on emptying the bags. "You could've at least sprung for some AC. I'm practically melting."
Lupin turned to leave the room, his good mood swiftly tainted by his best friend’s unyielding criticism. He tucked his hands into his pockets, shoulders forward. "And you say I like to complain."
He ran into Goemon, gaze downcast as he muttered to himself. He stumbled back when his forehead hit solid muscle, his elbow caught by a familiar hand before he was able to fall completely on his ass.
The samurai cocked an eyebrow, releasing his grip as Lupin caught his balance. There was a trace of amusement buried in his expression, a small smirk threatening to break his mask. He cleared his throat.
"Did you get what I asked for?"
Lupin grinned, his earlier enthusiasm restored at the reminder of what they’d gotten. "Yup! Everything you need for soba is in the bags. Oh, and we found more of those 'My Mochi' things you like. We got strawberry and green tea this time."
Goemon scowled at him, his hand resting on Zantetsuken. "Why would you waste your money? You know I won't eat them."
Lupin shrugged. "Well, it was technically Jigen's money, not mine. Besides, you can't fool me, my dear samurai. I know it was you who ate them last time."
"It was not," Goemon said. "I would not stoop so low."
"Then why did I find the box empty and in your trash?"
Goemon looked away from him, stepping past his partner to help Jigen with the groceries. "Simple. I am being framed."
"Bullshit," Lupin laughed, his smirk wide and all-knowing. "You don't have to hide it."
"It's not even real mochi," Goemon said. "I refuse to disgrace myself or my ancestry by partaking in these… these things."
He held up the box of green tea mochi ice cream, his dark eyebrows furrowed and sat low on his face. Lupin's grin widened. He patted his partner on the shoulder and gave him a light squeeze, giggling.
"You just keep telling yourself that, Goemon." 
Goemon frowned at him. “How has no one killed you?”
Lupin turned to leave the room, still grinning despite his partner’s irritation. Goemon caught his arm, and that grin turned into a challenge — one he wasn’t sure he could win.
"Don’t you dare,” Goemon said. “You are helping us with these groceries."
Lupin groaned. He slipped his hand from Goemon's grip and slumped his shoulders in defeat, thinking through a few ideas. He connected their vision and looked between his assassins ready for a fight.
He beamed. 
" Fine . I’ll help, but only if you beat me in a game of rock-paper-scissors."
“So… they just leave?”
Goemon sat in front of the couch beside the coffee table, Zantetsuken in hand and a small frown on his face. His thoughts drifted in confusion, stuck between unanswered questions and his desire for information.
Lupin leaned against the armrest above him and snuffed out a cigarette, thinking through his answer. Smoke from the filter drifted into the already-hazy room, flowing upwards to disappear out of sight.
He lit another cigarette. “Yeah? That’s the end of the story, Goe. What else were you expecting?”
Goemon’s brow furrowed, his expression somewhat confused. “The prince… Humperdinck ? He just gets away with it? With everything he did?”
“Not really…” Lupin said. “He loses Buttercup and that man-servant advisor guy. The one with six fingers. Tyrone ?”
“But he still keeps his kingdom? And they ride away on white horses?”
Jigen chuckled and paused the movie as the credits began to roll, tossing the remote down on the coffee table in front of them. “It’s a movie from 1987, Goemon. This is pretty standard. Why’re you taking it so seriously?”
“They could have taken him down,” Goemon said. “We might not be worthy of passing judgment, but he just… he shouldn’t have been spared. I wouldn’t have spared him.”
“That’s not the point though.” 
Lupin stood from the couch and stretched, cracking his fingers as he settled and plucked his phone off the end table. He shrugged his shoulders and let his vision fall in line with Goemon’s, indifferent. “They lived happily ever after.”
“But that’s…” Goemon sighed, trailing off. 
Jigen slipped off the couch and landed beside his friend, rolling an unlit cigarette between two of his fingers idly. He watched the samurai with badly hidden amusement and tilted to rest an arm on his shoulder. “Did you even like the movie?”
“The fencing was decent.” Goemon said. “Their weapons were subpar, however. Rapiers do not bend like that.”
“How would you know?” Jigen gestured to Zantetsuken where it sat between them, smirking. “Your judgment might be a little biased.”
Goemon cocked an eyebrow. “Why’s that?” 
“You could slice both their weapons in half in a single strike. You think all weapons are subpar compared to yours.”
“That’s because they are ,” Goemon said, crossing his arms. “But my point still stands. They were fighting with low-quality weapons. Properly forged rapiers are thin, but sturdy.”
Lupin laughed, the sound bright and brimming with delight. “ 1987 , Goemon. It’s a movie from 1987 . It’s supposed to be cheesy , not realistic.”
“Still.” Goemon huffed, frown deepening. “My point remains the same.”
“Okay, okay,” Lupin held his hands up in surrender. “I get it. You didn’t like their rapiers. The things you get hung up on sometimes…”
Jigen snorted and covered his mouth in an attempt to hide it. It didn’t work. “ You’re certainly one to talk, boss.”
Lupin frowned at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothin’.” Jigen braced himself on the coffee table and stood up, his knees popping as he straightened them and yawned. “Think I’m going to go to bed. Either of you coming with me?”
Goemon shook his head. “I’m going to watch that fight scene again and study their techniques.”
Jigen’s smirk became lopsided and he turned his gaze to Lupin, pointing one of his thumbs behind his shoulder. “I think he’s hooked. We might have to take the remote to get him to sleep tonight.”
Lupin shrugged. “I say let him watch. What’s the worst that could happen?”
“He bombards us with more questions?” 
Lupin chuckled. “Guess we better review our wealth of knowledge, then. We want to be prepared if he decides on a pop quiz.”
“I can hear you, you know.” 
Goemon peered up at them, remote in hand and finger resting on the rewind button. He pressed it as he glared at them, the scenes of the movie playing quickly backwards across the screen. 
Lupin dipped his torso, giving Goemon a wink as he rested his hands on his hips. He smiled. “We’re just teasing you, Goe-Goe . It’s how we show you our affection.”
Goemon’s glare turned to a scowl. He shook his head and turned his attention back to the television. “As if that's believable.”
Lupin pouted at him, eyes sad and his hands folded by the side of his face. “Don’t be mean , Goe. You’re breaking my heart.”
Goemon ignored him, his concentration focused solely on the movie over his partner. 
Jigen snickered at him. He slapped a hand down on the thief's shoulder and laughed heartily. Lupin groaned, running an exasperated hand down his face.
“ Ouch , boss. Guess you’ve been rejected.”
“You’re an asshole, Jigen,” Lupin said, deadpan. He shook Jigen off of him and stepped away, frowning. “I’m gonna go take a shower.”
Jigen shrugged, tucking the cigarette back into his pocket and sauntering off toward their bedroom. “Takes one to know one, y’know.”
Lupin flipped him off, his back turned as he strode toward the bathroom out of sight. 
“Ah ha ! I caught you, you liar !”
Goemon dropped the mochi ice cream mid-bite, grasping for Zantetsuken before he could understand what was happening. He knew that voice like he knew his own, the sound of it loud and amused and alarming. 
It filtered through the kitchen like a bullhorn, Goemon’s heart in his throat as he scanned the perimeter for the inevitable appearance of his partner. 
When he didn’t show, his anger spiked, burning in his chest like a volcano ready to erupt. The small green-tea mochi sat isolated on the faded linoleum, forgotten at his feet as he growled and lowered his stance carefully. 
“I know you are there, Lupin. Show yourself .”
He remained stationary as he waited for a response, a deep frown painting his irritated features. His grip around Zantetsuken tightened, ready to strike when he deemed necessary. 
Lupin’s disembodied voice laughed at him, earning the thief yet another jump and an even darker glare than he’d gotten before. The lines between Goemon’s brows were so deep they looked painful, his cheeks red as he sulked through the weight of his embarrassment. 
He said, “ Never , my dear samurai. In fact, I think I’ll stay in hiding and send this video to Jigen because I freaking called it and he owes me.”
Goemon unsheathed his katana, his knuckles white as he attempted to center himself through the frenzy of his emotions. It wasn’t working. “Don’t you dare .”
“Come and stop me if you don’t like it!” Lupin said, apparently confident in his safety. 
Goemon tried to think of the best hiding places around the house, or of the most plausible hiding spots he may have burrowed into during his preparation. It wouldn't have been the first time Lupin burrowed into a wall, usually replacing it so there was no hint of renovation.
He didn’t appreciate being mocked, especially when it came to Lupin and his overwhelming sense of confidence. That was something Goemon was determined to break, if only for the purpose of making himself feel better.
He started with the pantry, throwing all sense of order and decorum out the window as he threw aside groceries and chopped his way through shelves. It didn’t take long for him to vacate the space and move on, destroying anything he deemed big enough to hide a thief. 
The kitchen was in shambles as he finished, sliced pieces of countertop, mahogany cabinets, and drywall littering the area by his feet. 
He was quickly running out of ideas, and Lupin knew it.
“Well, that was quite a tantrum, wasn’t it, Goemon?” Lupin asked, sounding amused. Despite being out of his sight, Goemon just knew he was smiling. He furrowed his brow in response and reminded himself to remain vigilant. “And for what ? You still haven’t found me.”
“I will.” Goemon assured him, his sword held at the ready. “And when I do , you will pay. Dearly .”
“Ooooh, intriguing ~” Lupin sing-songed. “I can’t wait!”
Goemon grunted and gritted his teeth, preparing himself for an all-out war. He was going to enjoy this. “ Good .” 
He was just about to leave the room when a floorboard creaked in the living room, his senses flaring as he fell back on his instincts out of habit. He tracked the sound of footsteps as they carefully approached the kitchen door, the blade of his weapon poised for a strike. 
He naturally fell into rhythm as the door began to open, bringing his attack down as he aimed for the kill, sure it was Lupin.
He froze mid-attack, his muscles contracting so fast he barely had time to stop his momentum. 
“ Jigen ?”
Jigen stood in the doorway, his dark hair a mess as he rubbed one of his eyes. His expression widened as he took note of the damage, pushing his bangs back out of his eyes due to the sheer shock of it. Both were as round as saucers, his mouth stuck between a question and a grimace. 
“What happened ?” 
Jigen had a feeling he already knew, though his mind still recoiled at the sight. Goemon’s shoulders fell with his stance, cheeks pink as Lupin’s laughter filtered into the background once again. 
“I…” Goemon didn’t know what to say, his mind racing for some sort of explanation. He latched onto the first thing his brain came up with, his fists clenched as the entire situation repeated in his head. “I’m being framed .”
“Framed… what ?” Jigen sputtered. “What are you talking about ?”
“I caught him!” Lupin chimed in, sounding much too smug for a man begging to be murdered. Jigen slumped his shoulders, exhausted. “I saw him eating the fake-mochi ice cream. I even caught him on camera.”
“I told you this was a bad idea!” Jigen said, gesturing at the kitchen. " Look at what you made him do."
Goemon narrowed his eyes, peering intently at Jigen. “You knew about this?”
Jigen jumped, his hand finding its way to the back of his neck as he faced the samurai’s wrath. He smiled and the expression wobbled. “ Yes . But I had nothin’ to do with it.”
“Where is he?”
“ Where is he ?” Goemon took a step toward Jigen, his gaze intense and deadly. "You know, don't you?"
Jigen gulped and wondered why he hadn’t grabbed his Magnum off the bedside table, fingers twitching by his side. He shook his head, and stood a bit taller in the face of his partner’s fury; assured by his own skills as an assassin. “Why can’t you just admit you like them?”
Goemon’s anger stumbled somewhere between his momentum and Jigen’s question, the corners of his mouth pulled down as he firmly shook his head. He stamped his foot, disturbing the debris left behind by his rampage. “Because I don’t .”
Jigen stared at him, expression blank. “Goemon, you have flour on your face. You’re a terrible liar.”
Goemon spluttered, utterly horrified. “It’s… it’s drugs .”
Jigen cocked an eyebrow. “Oh yeah? What kind?”
Goemon ignored him, taking a deep breath through his nose. “It’s drywall dust.”
“ Liar .” Jigen crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe. “Just admit it.”
Lupin piped up again. “We have evidence , Goemon. You’ve been caught red handed.”
Goemon leveled his sight with the gunman’s, his eyebrow set as he came to some unspoken decision. “Jigen, if you do not tell me where he is, I swear I’ll cut you down.”
“Wait, no !” Lupin shouted, startled. They could hear him panting, panic edged by nervous laughter reverberating over the static of his speaker. “Jigen, don’t .”
Jigen looked between Goemon and the living room, weighing the pros and cons in his head. He shrugged and stepped aside — damn the consequences. “He’s hiding in the bathroom.”
Lupin gasped. "Jigen, you traitor !"
The samurai nodded. “ Thank you ."
Goemon grinned as he practically dove through the door, his shoulder brushing Jigen’s as he sighed and reached into his sweatpants for his phone. He began by filming the kitchen, surveying the damage so he could record it for himself and Fujiko later. 
Goemon hummed as he ran, the sound low and dangerous in his throat. “And now, Lupin. You die .”
Jigen turned his camera as Goemon rounded the corner to the bathroom, capturing the slash which toppled the door. It tumbled to the ground as Lupin cried out, the sound of the shower curtains being ripped off the rod booming throughout the house through Lupin’s phone. 
He decided to capture the massacre as it happened, watching with thinly veiled amusement as Lupin struggled to dodge Goemon’s attacks in such a small space. He managed to surpass the samurai's pace as he attacked, but not by much.
“How dare you spy on me—” Goemon said, face scrunched and shoulders tense. He aimed an attack at Lupin with incredible speed, landing just behind the thief as he barely escaped with his life. He growled. “ Die !”
Lupin whined at him, terrified. “Goe— Goemon , let’s talk about this.”
Goemon wasn’t having it. “No, I refuse. You must die and pay for what you’ve done to me.”
Lupin slipped and fell back against the bottom of the tub, ribbons of sliced shower curtain clutched in one of his hands. He shook himself out of his daze from the impact, trying to dive past Goemon out of the shower. “It was just mochi —”
“It’s not about the mochi .” Goemon landed a strike which destroyed Lupin’s jacket and shirt, leaving them in awkward strips around his torso. “It’s about proving you wrong .”
“I have evidence!” Lupin held up his phone, unable to stop himself before Goemon took advantage. It fell to pieces in his palm, and landed in the tub with everything else Goemon had destroyed. He groaned and allowed what was left to drop from his grasp helplessly. “ Damn it !”
Jigen decided enough was enough and backed out of the room, leaving his partners to fend for themselves. He took his thumb off the record button and searched for a specific contact, ignoring the scuffle as it continued out of sight.
Look at what your boyfriends are doing . He sent a text along with the video to Fujiko, a long-kept tradition they’d developed over the years of their partnership. He sighed. They’ve destroyed the hideout over fucking mochi. Come get them for me. Please.
Fujiko responded almost immediately, and Jigen couldn’t help but chuckle. We agreed that they’re your problem for tonight, remember? You still owe me a favor for last time .
Save me, then , Jigen replied. He heard another crash, and thought of the possibility that Goemon might actually be serious. I’m beggin’ you, Fuji .
His phone vibrated and he smirked, imagining the temptress lounging on a silken hotel bed in lace lingerie. You know where to find me, Daisuke. Just make sure they don’t kill each other, first .
He scratched the back of his neck and shook his head in amusement. No promises . I might finally take you up on that offer of workin’ as a duo, though. It’s starting to look appealing .
His phone vibrated and her response appeared at the bottom of his screen. The offer remains open. All you have to do is say the word, darling. You know that .
Jigen shook his head and blushed when he remembered she couldn't see him. He said, Can't, unfortunately. I'm too fond of these two to abandon them like that.
Fujiko’s response was instant — a single word she called him all the time. Sap . 
Jigen chuckled and typed out one final response. You know you love them too. Goodnight, Fujiko. I'll let you know if they kill each other .
Please do , Fujiko replied. Goodnight, sweetheart. My door is open if you need it .
He returned to the bathroom and found Zantetsuken unsheathed at his feet, apparently forgotten despite Goemon’s overwhelming animosity. He lifted it carefully, and searched for his partners through the curtain of bangs obscuring his vision. 
He found them on the floor in front of the tub, their backs pressed against it as they reclined, exhausted. There were gashes in the porcelain where Goemon had missed, a layer of drywall dust and rubble scattered across the floor around them. 
The shower curtain sat in shreds, the rod a bent testament to Goemon’s true temper. It wasn’t an easy task — messing with Goemon. The only person who had perfected his format was Lupin, an unfortunate side effect of being near him for too long. 
“You guys done?” Jigen asked. He placed Zantetsuken against the wall and leaned on the doorframe, crossing his arms as he waited for an answer.
“ No ,” Goemon said, panting. “He has to die for his accusations.”
“I saw you,” Lupin reminded him. He wiped his brow with a shred of his tattered jacket, the remains of which currently sat in his lap. He slumped his shoulders and turned to look at Goemon. “I don’t understand why you’re being so stubborn .”
Goemon furrowed his eyebrows. “Because your ‘evidence’ is unfounded.”
Lupin scoffed, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “No, it's not . You’re such a child , Goemon. It’s just mochi .”
Goemon glared at him, but compared to earlier, it didn’t hold much heat. “But that’s just it. It’s not real mochi. It’s some cheap… imitation .”
Lupin shrugged. “An imitation you like , you bastard.”
“It’s like you are begging for death.” Goemon ran a hand through his hair and pushed it out of his face, the inferno in his eyes extinguished and finally settled. He smirked, his expression suddenly devious. “ My name is Goemon Ishikawa. You caught me doing something shameful. Prepare to die .”
The bathroom fell silent, his words hanging in the air as each of them processed what was said. It was so quiet they could hear the cicadas screaming from outside, the ring of their shrieks so deafening they caused Goemon to begin second-guessing himself.
He opened his mouth, intending to correct himself or apologize, but stuttered when his friends cut him off — the silence overtaken by the sudden burst of their laughter. “ Um— ”
Jigen spoke up first, wiping tears from his eyes as his breath hitched in his chest. He cleared his throat, and made a futile attempt at getting a hold of himself. “Did you… did you just imitate Inago Montoya as a joke , Goemon?”
Lupin fell over onto Goemon’s shoulder as he lost it, attempting to mimic the samurai’s voice, terrible Spanish accent and all. His version wasn’t much better, punctuated by his laughter and the union of several unpracticed cadences. It earned him a groan from both Jigen and Goemon, their distaste quickly being forgotten in their amusement.
Goemon blushed and tried to hide a shy smile behind his hand, failing miserably. “ Maybe .”
“He admitted it…” Lupin grabbed at Goemon’s kimono and used it to keep himself steady, his entire body shaking through the strain of his delight. He breathed heavily, unable to stop himself. “Through a Princess Bride reference.”
Jigen nodded and joined them on the floor beside Goemon, still giggling. "I told you he was hooked."
“I am not ,” Goemon said, his chest shaking as he attempted to suppress his laughter. He shook his head, and tried his best not to appear fond as he did so. “I just wanted to break the tension.”
Lupin peered up at him with a knowing grin on his face, lifting his chin so he could rest it on the samurai’s shoulder. He laughed. “Tension you started, Goemon.”
“That is untrue and you know it.” Goemon huffed in mock frustration, his gaze trained on the thief intently. “As I recall, this all started because you decided to pull a prank on me.”
Lupin shrugged. “Same thing, though it wasn’t really a prank. More of a trap, really. A trap you fell into.”
“All the more reason I should have ended your misery.”
Jigen held up one of his hands and shook his head, catching the other’s attention. “I promised Fujiko I’d keep you two from killing each other. No more violence tonight, please .”
“To the pain, then,” Lupin said, snickering. “No one dies, and we all get to laugh about the reference.”
Jigen smirked and sighed, exasperated. “ No , Lup. No maiming each other either.”
“You’re no fun.” Lupin shot Jigen a pout, his arms crossed. “Thought you liked that movie.”
“Not enough to allow that .”
“I’m joking ,” Lupin said. “There wouldn’t be any actual maiming.”
Jigen remained firm and waved the idea away with his hand. “Don’t care. After the shit you two pulled, I’m not dealing with it. Just look at the hideout!”
Goemon’s cheeks darkened and he looked away, ashamed. “… sorry .”
“There’s no need to be so grumpy , Jiji. It’s not like this hasn’t happened before.” Lupin sounded unbothered, like this was an everyday occurance instead of an isolated incident. With the places they’d wrecked over the years it almost was an everyday routine — common due to the destructive nature of their existence. He shrugged. “It’ll most certainly happen again.”
“Which is why I said no. Enough is enough, you know.”
“What should we do?” Goemon asked. “The bedroom is still intact.”
Jigen sighed and tugged on his bangs, thinking. “Yeah, but the kitchen is destroyed. What’re we supposed to do about food tomorrow?”
“Make Lupin pay for it,” Goemon said. He connected his sight with Jigen’s, and communicated something Lupin didn’t catch. “This is his fault after all.”
Lupin stared at them in horror, eyes wide. He gulped and shook his head quickly, trying to think of a way out of this. “I’m broke , remember? I have nothing to give you.”
“That’s your problem.” Jigen smirked and rubbed his hands together, his sight bright with mischief. He patted the thief on the shoulder, and gave him a firm squeeze. “You are Lupin The Third, aren’t you? Stealing’s in your blood. I’m sure you’ll think of somethin’.”
Lupin’s terror turned into defiance, his eyebrows knit together. “But Jigen —”
Jigen didn’t respond, choosing to lift himself off the floor instead. He paused as he got to the doorway and swiveled around on his heels, grinning. Goemon was quick to join him, bracing an arm against the rim of the tub so he could stand and grab Zantetsuken. 
They left an exasperated Lupin alone on the floor, his mouth paused mid-sentence. He decided to cut his losses as he eyeballed his partners, unsure of what to say. He could either apologize or continue his protests — both were easier said than done.
Jigen beat him to it, the tone of his voice cheerful, but dangerous. It sent a shiver down Lupin’s spine; the distinct feeling of a predator hunting its prey running down his neck like ice. 
“That camera better be gone tomorrow morning, Lupin. No more pranks and no more traps either. You’re cut off.”
Lupin slumped his shoulders and nodded, knowing when it was time to admit defeat. He sighed, craving a cigarette.
“Got it.”
This time the mochi ice cream was vanilla — mysteriously placed behind the vegetables when they restocked the half-repaired kitchen two days later. No one knew how it got there, though if Lupin’s gentle smile was any indication, the answer was pretty obvious.
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polyamships · 1 year
Chapter 2:
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Prompts/Fic Requests Open
My askbox is currently open for prompts/fic requests for oneshots in following fandoms and pairings.
Lupin III (OT4 and all variations thereof, Jigen/Zenigata, Lupin/Albert, Loopzoop)
Good Omens (Crowley/Aziraphale)
LOTR (Gigolas, Bagginshield)
Cowboy Bebop (Spike/Jet, Spike/Faye, Spike/Jet/Faye)
Sherlock Holmes (Original Canon, BBC adaptation, or movieverse) - (Holmes/Watson (any canon) Mycroft/Lestrade (BBC adaptation))
Finished length will be 500 - 1k words minimum. Prompts will be filled on an energy level/time basis, but an attempt will be made to fill all requests.
My writing specialties are:
Angst (with and without happy endings)
but will happily also write romance, PWP, mild fluff, getting together scenes etc
When your prompt/request is filled a link will be posted to the AO3.
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Hard will not writes:
-A/B/O, kidfic, OC inserts, reader inserts
Help me flex my writing muscles and in return you get a fun read. Win/win for all parties.
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maryellencarter · 2 years
I have figured out that there are 26 possible ships and multiships among the main five Lupin III characters. (Sorry, Yata, the math was confusing me enough already.) This is without counting differently depending on who's topping or whatever -- e.g., for this math, JigLup and LupJig count as the same ship.
* Obviously, there is one OT5.
* There are five possible OT4 ships (look, yes, I know it technically means "one true [whatever]", but I'm not typing foursome, threesome, etc every damn time where there's a convenient shorthand right here that I've been using for well over a decade). More generally, I've figured out that in *any* group of N number of people who can all be shipped with each other in any combination, you'll have exactly N number of possible (N minus 1)-somes, because each one will be the whole group minus a different person.
* The possible pairings are pretty simple. I got confused by factorials for a moment, but those only apply when you care which order your permutations are in. For this, you just add together all the whole numbers between 1 and N-1 inclusive. In this case, say you ship Lupin with any one of the other four, that's 4 pairings -- obviously there are situations where you can ship Lupin with Lupin because it's this fandom, but I'm putting those over with Yata, Rebecca, etc for now, where they don't get into my math.
Where was I? Right. Having removed any extra Lupins from the equation, and keeping everybody in standard credits order for simplicity, we can move on to possible Jigen pairings within the OT5. We already counted shipping him with Lupin, so instead of 4 more possible combinations, there are only 3. Similarly, there are two possible Goemon pairings we haven't counted yet, and then FujiZeni is the final one.
* I was a little perplexed how to figure the OT3s for a while, so I left them for last, but after finicking with the numbers for a bit, I realized that in this specific case, there have to be the same number of possible OT3s as there are of possible 2-person pairings. You can see this very simply if you split the whole group between two beds. Whichever pairing winds up in one bed, there has to be a unique combination of three people in the other bed.
* Therefore: 10 pairings, 10 OT3s, 5 OT4s, and one OT5 = 26 possible Lupgang ships!
*scrawls "Being what it was required to do" at the bottom of the page and goes to bed, way too late*
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eva-of-the-sea · 2 years
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I posted 1,434 times in 2022
That's 815 more posts than 2021!
18 posts created (1%)
1,416 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,424 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#lmao - 11 posts
#lupin iii - 11 posts
#lupin the third - 9 posts
#my art - 8 posts
#prev tags - 7 posts
#i love him - 7 posts
#jigen - 6 posts
#important - 6 posts
#this - 6 posts
#yeah - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but let me tell you pisces never let you forget theyre pisces and it makes me laugh and awakens something violent in me at the same time 😂
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Had a very productive drawing day today. Here's a quick Jigen/Joe doodle since I want to continue stoking that fire. Expect more from me <3
46 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
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See the full post
49 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
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@stupot I dedicate this unholy crossover to you since you were one of my first friends in the gorillaz fandom and the reason I got into Lupin. I hope you get a sensible chuckle out of this if nothing else💗
53 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
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Creating the content that I want to see. Dynamite Joe is such a fun Jigen ex, I want to see him come back and cause trouble, flirting with Jigen and pissing off Lupin.
71 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Since I've been in this fandom for about *checks calendar* 7 months??? damn time flies, I think I should start making some discussion posts. Long time ago, I made a post for my thoughts on ships in the Gorillaz fandom, so why not do that again but with Lupin? I think I'll have an easier time since the main characters are all consenting adults that aren't related to eachother, so I have no disgusting ships to contend with.
I'll put the small disclaimer that all of this is opinion only and should only be taken as such. I don't have anything against any of the ships mentioned (since nothing crosses the line) or any of the people that ship them, so this is down to personal preference only. All righty, let's begin.
Right out the starting gate, we may get a bit controversial lol. Personally, I don't ship them all together, whether it be the OT4 or OT5. This is due to the fact that I don't think all of them are compatible with each other or even able to be in a relationship with multiple people. It's a cute idea though, and I love to see people's different interpretations of it.
This one is cute and kind of works canonically, even if it's only ever acknowledged as a joke. The way I see it, they may never have a traditional relationship (in this case, being lovers/maybe getting married), but there is definitely an undeniable chemistry between them. There is a clear dependency on eachother to fulfill a role in eachother's lives (a common theme you'll notice with Lupin's relationships here). Lupin needs Zenigata to give him the thrill of the chase, and Zenigata needs Lupin to give him a purpose in life. I personally think Zenigata is fantastic at his job and needs Lupin to give him a challenge and keep him from being bored. Plus, their dynamic is just so much fun!
I love this ship for all the wrong reasons. Fujiko and Lupin are straight up bad for eachother, and yet only the two of them can make a relationship like that work beautifully. I often describe their relationship as a game or a dance. Fujiko askes Lupin to steal something for her, Lupin steals the thing hoping to get *something* out of it, Fujiko betrays him and leaves him with nothing. The benefits seem one-sided, but we've seen time and time again that Lupin expects (and sometimes down-right encourages) Fujiko to stab him in the back. To deviate from that would be breaking the rules of the game or ruining the rhythm of the dance. I think there's a similarity to LoopZoop where both parties are playing a role for eachother. For Fujiko, Lupin is someone she knows she can always come back to, no matter how treacherous her betrayal. He gives her a place she can call home. For Lupin, it's the thrill of a challenge. She rarely let's him get anything from her, so when she does give him a peck on the cheek or lips, it's that much grander of an award. That's my speculation on the subject anyway. I also want to add that, for how great they work together, it can all fall apart from something as simple as a change of pace. We saw the fallout of this happening in part 5, after they had gotten married and tried to being domestic. It's details like that that make this ship so interesting to me, I just love it!
An interesting dynamic if nothing else. These two have chemistry but I don't think it's necessarily romantic. I think I view them more as rivals on friendly terms, more or less. They clearly do care about one another and go to great lengths to protect one another, but there is something else there. Lupin probably doesn't have any particularly strong feelings about their youngest member, but Goemon does seem to want to pick fights with him the most. The inner workings of Goemon Ishikawa XIII's mind deserves a post all of it's own for how complex a character he is, but I'll try to give an abridged version. I think he struggles a LOT with being "the best", and working under Lupin has maybe bruised his ego a bit. It's something he can lock away for only so long before the feeling flares up again and boils over (part 5 once more shows this happening and it is masterfully done!). In other words, I think there's a passion there, but these two have a lot to work out before they could even consider romantic feelings.
Ok here's where people are really going to hate me lol. I don't really ship them. Like, at all. I don't know what it is but they just don't really have all that much chemistry to me. The closest they get to being compatible is part 2, with how much they play off of eachother. Sadly, we don't really see this relationship in any other part of the franchise (or if we do, I haven't seen it). If anything, I think their relationship is more brotherly, Jigen being the older brother of the gang and Goemon being the younger brother. I think he does look up to Jigen a lot and likes having him around, and I think Jigen has a lot of respect for Goemon and appreciates what he brings to the team, but I don't think there's much past that. Sorry y'all.
I LOVE this ship! I think these two are super cute together. TWCFM is what originally sold me on the idea, one of the writers REALLY liked the idea of Goemon having a big ol crush on Fujiko and it was fucking adorable (even if she was like "mmkay😐" in the series lol). There actually isn't many canon moments to support the ship, at least not outright, but there's a lot to speculate on from what we know about the characters. We know that they are fairly good friends and, should it come down who he prefers to work with, he's going to pick Fujiko at least over Lupin lol. We also know that Goemon is not interested in having sex. Whether that's due to his training or personal preference is up to speculation. But automatically that is a huge difference for Fujiko with any other man she's been with. (This also deserves it's own post but abridged version once more) Fujiko is often placed into the role of sexy femme fatale, to the point where she just kind of expects to be treated like that. Hell, whether he means to or not, Lupin also pushes her into that category. So it has to be refreshing to have someone like Goemon, who she knows likes her, to treat her with respect and spend time with her without expecting (or wanting) anything in return. I think it's a relationship that could work out long term if we ever got a chance to explore it further.
I'm mostly adding this for completion's sake. They don't really interact much to determine if they even have chemistry. I think they probably have a begrudging respect for one another, but that's about it...next!
(I'm guessing at these ship names, which should speak to their popularity lmao) Meh. The only time we really saw these two interact was in TWCFM and that whole thing was yikes. Zenigata barely qualifies as Zenigata in the series in my humble opinion (and idc about the manga 💅). And anytime these two do interact in the original series, it's mostly out of necessity so...next!
Here we go! This one may only live in the realm of speculation, since again these two don't interact all that much (Zenigata is really laser-focused on Lupin huh?), but we can get something from what we know about the characters. I don't know if Zenigata would be all that into Jigen, but I reckon Zenigata fits Jigen's type to a T (if all those exes we've seen are to be believed). If things were different and Zenigata wasn't a cop hellbent on throwing them all in jail, he would probably try his luck. I've also read a fic or two where they get together out of mutual pining for Lupin, and b o y that's fun to unpack.
It's really hard to place how exactly I feel about this ship tbh. On one hand, the dynamic they have is usually one of my favorite type of ships (anyone that knows me from Gorillaz knows that I'm a huge Russdoc shipper). On the other hand, I have never seen two characters more repelled by eachother lmao. Like even when they're being nice to eachother, I think the idea of being romantic disgusts them on a deep visceral level. And honestly? Good for them! I actually like that they can get along and not be into eachother. I think that's a trope that has been done to death and it's nice to just see them be (sort of) friends. I also believe that Jigen is 100% gay. I know that's something that is open to interpretation in the canon (whether he's gay or bi I mean, because he sure as fuck ain't straight), but I see a lot of myself in him and how he handles relationships, and I'm gay so yeah :) Basically, these two have sibling vibes more than anything, can't stand eachother but really do care about the other deep down. Tell ya what though, I do like the idea of them fighting over Lupin. I prefer it to be a friendly competition between them though, rather than anything with actual visceral.
Gee take a guess lmao. Honestly though, these two are my OTP. They have so much chemistry and compatibility, it's kind of shocking! Obviously, nothing has ever been outright stated, and I highly doubt anything ever will be stated, but there's a lot between them that is hard to read as just platonic. The cigarette lighting, the fierce loyalty and faith they have in eachother, the palatable JEALOUSY Jigen has anytime Lupin so much as looks at a woman. Like, how exactly are we supposed to take this? There's also the fact that Lupin admitted Jigen is "the most stable thing in his life" and holy shit if that isn't a significant role to assign to someone, especially for someone like Lupin. Honestly, I can talk all day about these two, but I wouldn't be saying anything that hasn't already been said a million times. It's a great ship and these idiots clearly are in love with eachother.
All righty there we have it! As you can see, I mostly wanted to focus on the main five. I like Yata, but he hasn't been around long enough for me to nail down his personality or his chemistry with the gang. Feel free to discuss with me if you'd like. I really love this franchise and y'all have been lovely so far.
75 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
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morporkian-cryptid · 3 years
I would love to hear about your headcanons for intercultural Lupin/Jigen/Goemon!
Oooooh boy am I glad you asked! -rubs hands- This is gonna be long. -checks word count- three pages on MS Word. Wow.
DISCLAIMER: I am French, and I’ve never been to Japan. All my knowledge of Japanese culture comes from 1) people who are also French and study Japanese, and 2) videos and testimonies of Japanese people, and non-Japanese people who live in Japan. So some of this might be inaccurate, if it’s the case don’t hesitate to correct me.
First off, nationality/culture headcanons. I consider that Lupin’s half-French half-Japanese but grew up mostly with French culture. Goemon is the most Japanese man to ever Japanese. While I usually stick to the idea of Jigen having grown up in America, for the purpose of these headcanons, he’s mostly of Japanese culture (maybe he grew up in Bronx like the wiki says, but his family still taught him Japanese cultural behaviours). And Fujiko’s also Japanese, but she’s traveled so much and put on so many personas that it doesn’t really show in her manners.
Lupin’s a super sappy and romantic lover. Like, he only has two settings: complete oblivious dumbass (or completely repressed pining, depending on the fic), and most over-the-top flamboyant romantic lover since Casanova. Goemon is pretty shy and reserved, his feelings only concern him and he’s not gonna flaunt them, and he gets really flustered by displays of affections towards him. Jigen is just... emotionally constipated. As soon as he gets an emotion he must shove it back into his throat. (that gets better with time). Fujiko tends to hide her real feelings, because she pretends to be in love all the time for work. At this point I think she probably doesn’t really know how to really express her feelings in a genuine way (also I kinda hc her as aro).
Japanese people don’t really say “I love you”. There are two expressions for that, “suki desu” (I like you) and “aishiteru” (I love you), but “suki desu” is pretty casual from what I’ve understood (I’m not sure), while “aishiteru” is SUPER DRAMATIC. Like, “deathbead confession” dramatic. (not THAT much, but I’ve heard it compared twice to the deathbed situation). Most Japanese folks don’t really say “aishiteru” even to their s/o, because saying it all the time would wear out the meaning. In French, there’s only one word for “I love you” and it’s “Je t’aime”. Most people only say it to their s/o and their family, and sometimes their very close friends (but apparently nowadays there’s a trend of saying it to your friends in any situation, so…). From what I’ve seen, most people don’t have a problem with saying it regularly.
So now imagine Jigen or Goemon coming home, and Lupin’s just really happy to see them. L: Aaah, Daisuke-chan! Aishiteru! J: -drops all the groceries- LUPIN, ARE YOU OKAY? ARE YOU DYING?
(also, Goemon furiously blushing every time Lupin says aishiteru to him)
I also really like the idea of Lupin saying “je t’aime” in French to his partners. Or just using French for sweet talk with them. French is not a language we hear him speak very often, despite it being probably his first language. So it must be something very personal for him (he’d use Japanese and English, or the person’s language, when flirting with some random cutie on the street, but French is reserved for his partners only, because it’s the language of his heart. Yes I know this phrasing is sappy af, stfu).
Also, pet names aren’t really a thing in Japan. Apparently, one of the closest things they have is “anata”, which just means “you”, but in a very familiar way that you can only use with people you’re pretty close to. Apparently, it’s used (among others) by married couple. As for France… we have SO MANY terms of endearment. I think it’s kinda like in English, you have the main, “official” ones like honey, sweetie, darling, etc, but if you want to call someone “mon roudoudou” or “ma crêpe au sucre” no one’s gonna stop you (except your s/o if your s/o is Jigen). You can also ~*combine them*~. Behold:
Lupin: My cherished and beloved Daisuke whom I love and adore Jigen: You (derogatory)
(in the video I watched about pet names, the (American) wife sometimes calls her (Japanese) husband "Suteki na otto", which roughly translates to "my magnificent husband". Which is DEFINITELY something Lupin would call Jigen and Goemon if they got married.)
You can combine French pet names, but the more you add, the more obvious it becomes that you’re doing it for the joke – kids tend to do that when they want to convince their parents to buy them sweets. Jigen, Goemon and Fujiko* have no idea what Lupin is saying to them when he calls them pet names in French, but they know how dramatic it is by how long Lupin has been going on.
Lupin: Mon amour chéri adoré, lumière de mon cœur et de ma vie que j'adorerais pour toujours et pour l'éternité** Fujiko : Whatever you’re after, forget it.
*except Fujiko because I think she’s fluent in French. The other two have just picked up a few words here and there. Lupin somehow managed to convince Jigen that “enculé” (roughly translates to dickhead) means “my beloved”.
**my adored and beloved love, light of my heart and of my life whom I will adore forever and for eternity
There’s also a thing about talking about your relationship – or rather, there isn’t a thing. Japanese folks don’t really tend to broadcast the fact that they’re in a relationship, a person in the video even said that they had been invited to the wedding of a friend, but they didn’t even know that friend had a partner in the first place. Considering how reserved Jigen and Goemon are, they wouldn’t really advertise the fact that they’re dating anyone, let alone each other or Lupin or Fujiko. They’d avoid any public displays of affection, and only kiss or say cute things when they’re in private.
Lupin, on the other hand…
Well, I think he’d tone it down if it makes his partners uncomfortable, but still, he is the most flamboyant and dramatic man to ever date anyone. And he’s so in love with his partners he’d want the whole world to know that he’s dating the most handsome men ever and the most beautiful woman on the planet. Fujiko doesn’t really mind (although in some situations it might be bad for business). The boys don’t really like it. Goemon blushes furiously when Lupin flirts with him in public (or in private tbh), and Jigen just mutters something and tries to push Lupin away (and hide how flustered he is). If Lupin tones it down, Jigen and Goemon would eventually get used to it, but it would take a lot of time.
Imagine when they get married. Lupin physically CANNOT shut the fuck up about how they’re his husbands.
(tbh that’s partly because he just has a very flamboyant personality, but also I think he desperately wants his partners to know how much he loves them. Goemon and Jigen both aren’t very used to having people love them, and I’d argue that Fujiko too, so he wants to make sure they know. He’s also very possessive and likes to show off, so if he’s dating the world’s greatest boyfriends, everyone needs to know about it.)
Another thing that the videos said, was that Japanese guys are apparently very oblivious to flirting (I don’t really know how accurate that is, because Japan also has a practice called “nanpa” which is basically street flirting? And I haven’t done enough research on how Japanese people flirt).
I already headcanonned Jigen and Goemon to be oblivious as fuck (as well as Lupin depending on the context), but having it as a result of cultural differences means it would be more prominent when Lupin is flirting with them than when they’re flirting with each other.
That said, they've seen him flirt with women enough to know when he's flirting with them. Maybe Lupin has even desensitized them to flirting, and now when someone flirts normally, they don't notice.
Like I said, Japanese people don’t really do “words of affirmation”, in general they’re more about “acts of services” or “gift giving” (of course it depends from person to person, but culturally that seems to be the norm). Which, when you look at canon, is kinda a thing that Jigen does a lot (cooking for the Gang? Helping Lupin out whenever he asks? All acts of services). Jigen doesn’t like to express his feelings with words. Lupin on the other hand is very big on the “words of affirmation” thing (grand declarations of love, anyone?)
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(granted, here he said “aishiteru ze” which apparently means “I love you haha lol”, BUT STILL)
He’s also a big “gift giving/receiving” person, but I think that’s mostly because of Fujiko. Look me in the eye and tell me that Fujiko’s love language can be anything other than gifts. I dare you. Okay, maybe quality time as well. I think she receives love as gift receiving, and expresses her love as quality time. I’m not very sure about Goemon, so this is mostly headcanon based on nothing in canon, but I think his love language is probably touches and quality time. Just spending time near his partners while meditating, sitting in the kitchen when Jigen’s cooking, acting as Lupin’s rubber duck when he’s preparing a heist, accompanying Fujiko when she’s scouting out the next victim for her marriage scam…
As for touches… well it’s OBVIOUS that Lupin is very big on physical affection. In canon, Jigen and Goemon aren’t really, but… personally I think they’re very touch starved. Especially Goemon. Jigen would probably try to push Lupin away at first, and tell him he’s too clingy and annoying; and then be freaked out when he realizes that he actually likes the affection. It would take him time to accept that he wants affection in other forms that making out and having sex, but Lupin is happy to provide. As for Goemon… just imagine a cat. He tries to act all tough and like he doesn’t need anyone, but as soon as Lupin or Fujiko start petting his hair he can’t help but lean into it. The poor man is completely touch-starved, please give him some love. (Lupin and Fujiko both think it’s absolutely adorable). So, like, the Gang cuddling in one big pile on the couch, but also small hand touches in passing, resting their hand on each-other’s shoulders, back hugs when someone’s cooking or studying, cheek kisses, back rubs, head scritches, brushing a strand of hair out of someone’s face… And also Lupin just hug-tackling anyone without warning. That’s something he does on the regular and no one can convince me otherwise.
(Also I personally hc Goemon as autistic, so he might usually shy away from physical touches because he’s hypersensitive, but that’s another topic)
So yeah. I think that’s all I have for now, which is already a lot! I would LOVE if y’all shared your headcanons as well, give me your thoughts on the ones I shared, or if you know other things on cultural differences that might lead to some fun headcanons, that’d be awesome!
Btw, here are the videos I mentioned:
Four odd things about Japanese husbands
Japanese pet names
Japanese don't say I love you?
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tabbiewolfreblogs · 4 years
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Another one of those fluffy “yeah I just wanted to draw cute boys and they’re cuddling” pics
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sentientpaperbag · 4 years
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i started this last night and finished it just now fiufhriueshd
Very different reactions from both parties
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tangentiallly · 4 years
sometimes i like characters who don’t like each other very much. in a no underlying sexual tension way. they just don’t like each other. there’s no enemy to lovers trope. like i can accept both they remain not liking each other or they develop into a reluctant friendship where they like being antagonistic towards each other. maybe they get forced into fake dating on a mission and they both hated it. they did not fall in love. they are in fact both more interested in the same person but they’d learn to coexist somewhat in this love triangle and maybe at one point it’s turned into a weird friendship but they’re still far from each other’s favorite person, but sometimes they would still save each other from harm but they would not admit to actually seeing the other person as a friend and would instead say “i only saved you because i know if i didn’t [common love interest name] would not forgive me. do not mistakenly think i like you.” anyway i’m talking about fujiko and jigen
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In light of the recent episodes, please have some quality Goemon and Fujiko sibling dynamic.
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Look at this dumbassery.
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Look at it.
Also, notice how Goemon dodges the vase. This is a regular enough occurrence that he’s learned since season 1. (Keep in mind that there is no evidence that Goemon couldn’t cut through the handcuffs, considering what he can cut).
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paunchsalazar · 5 years
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I am embarrassed but I drew this Lupin gang, they’re in a throuple ok it’s called a throuple
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vampirenaomi · 5 years
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zenigatas-eyelashes · 3 years
Relationship Hcs!!
ot4 or ot5 is my fav for Lupin iii but here's the specifics of everyone's relationships
Jiglup = went from "what are we?" to a "oh shit I'm so in love w/ you" romantic relationship
Luzeni = dating but also have never been on a traditional date. Zeni was in denial / thought it was 1 sided. Twas love at 1st sight 4 Lupin
Fujilup = soulmates (romantic)
Lupgoe = enemies to lovers but they both never wanted to be enemies
Jigoe = Goe thought it could never be but in reality Jigen was the 1st to fall in love w/ goe, then lup followed suit
Jigen + Fujiko = QPR (aka bestiess)
Jigen + Zeni = Zeni is the equivalent of Jig's type but he assumed nothing would come of it since he thought zeni only had heart eyes for lupin (he was wrong)
Zeni + Fujiko = dunno that they're really big lovebirds but they find eachother attractive af
Zeni + Goe = zeni always found Goe mysterious, stoic, a bit confusing & wayy out of his league but suprisingly, Goe thought the same abt Zenigata!
Fujigoe = in love, goe is a simp 4 her (as he should)
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morporkian-cryptid · 3 years
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Dealing with your feelings is difficult. Especially when you’re a 40 year old assassin-turned-thief, and you’re in love with your two business partners slash best friends, one of whom is straight and has a girlfriend, and the other is too busy with his samurai training to care about dating. Little does Jigen know that both of his partners are trying to wingman him with the other. Meanwhile, Fujiko is facepalming in the background and hoping her boys would just take the damn hint.
Hear ye, hear ye! The final chapter of In the middle is here!
Things come to a close, in the same way they had started: with a heist.
Reblogs are much appreciated!
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