#luther is not a himbo to me not sorry. he’s just dumb.
acearcane · 4 months
Who’s your favorite TUA character?
I’ve done been asked about my hyperfixation‼️
Because I’m incapable of being normal about Umbrella Academy rn, I’m going to rate all the Hargreeves siblings by way of choosing a favorite.
Going from least favorite to favorite (I like them all, but some are more precious than others):
7. Allison. Don't get me wrong, I love all of the siblings. For me, what really makes the media is the characters, and all of the Umbrella Academy characters are unique, endearing, yet flawed. That being said, Allison is the one I connect with the least, and also after season 3... well...
6. Diego. He would be higher, but I didn't really start to like him until season 2. Like Allison, Diego's one of the ones I connect with the least, although I do find his character arcs very compelling (and heartbreaking, to be honest).
5. Luther. Luther is very much back and forth for me. Like, he's such an idiot towards the end of season 1, but AMAZING in season 3. Honestly, I just love the trope of a big blond himbo, so even if Luther is as dumb as rocks, he's so endearing.
4. Viktor. He explodes things. He's just three apples tall. Viktor is just a little guy, and I've been his firm supporter since season 1. (Like, my sister keeps dissing him and I'm ready to throw hands). Plus, I really love Elliot Page, so like... Viktor, ya know?
3. Ben. I don't wanna let my men-loving show, but like, Ben's gorgeous. He's so hot. Ahem, anyway-- I love the whole concept of him being Klaus's conscience and voice of reason (even if Klaus never listens) and the only time I cried while watching this show was at one of his scenes. That being said, I don't really like Sparrow!Ben. I won't count him out quite yet though, we still have season 4.
2. Klaus. He's hilarious. He's sexy trash. He's wife material. Klaus is very much a close second when it comes to my favorite character, if only for the fact that he never irritates me. All of the other characters (except maybe Five) have moments where I'm screaming at the screen because they're so dumb (affectionate) but... never Klaus. Live love Klaus. He's great.
1. Five. I. Fucking. LOVE. Five. Which sure that's probably predictable, he's a fan favorite, but he's freaking hilarious, one of the deeper characters in the show (in my opinion), and his actor does a brilliant job with all of his quirks and mannerisms. Plus I hardcore headcanon him as either ace or aroace, but maybe I'm just projecting. But anyway, he's the new blorbo consuming my brain, and when I attend my first convention this summer (yay me!) I really want to cosplay him.
I'm so sorry for how rambly this was. If you can't tell, I'm very hyperfixated rn, and my sister hasn't finished season 3 yet so I'm practically vibrating with spoilers. I feel a little awkward being so obsessed with it cuz the fandom seems to be dead, for the most part, but hey-- I'm having fun. And that's what matters, right?
To all of my beautiful mutuals who followed me for Owl House content-- I am so sorry. The hyperfixation will return, the big ones always do. I'll try to feed you once in a while so you don't starve. Love you <3
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pookienayeon · 2 years
good god. this luther and sloane storyline got boring so fucking fast. Who even asked for this? lmao they’re so vanilla, it’s sickening.
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irnwithdiego · 2 years
idk how to feel about s3 cause its just the david show now, diego doesnt exist anymore lol.
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thelosthargreeves · 4 years
What do you think the Hargreeves would think of you?
Oh boy. As much as I want to say that they’d all love me to death, that probably isn’t true LMFAO. Ima try and answer this as best I can with no sense of self and ty for the ask this is a cool question!! I’m so so sorry this is poorly answered and confusing as hell
Luther and I,,,wouldn’t speak. Homie is too awkward and I’m very antisocial. I don’t think he’d think poorly of me, but he wouldn’t have high expectations because I feel like we wouldn’t interact. If we did interact, we’d probably clash a little because my emotions can run high when I’m upset, but I also would listen and want to help him overcome any challenges like isolation because believe me I have some experience with that His overall view of me: 6.85/10
Diego and I would 100% have a love hate relationship aka he’d have a neutral/fluctuating/both like and dislike view of me. Like I said, I can have high emotions like him so I feel like we’d clash in that aspect, but I also can’t stay mad and would want to apologize to him, even if he can be a dumb himbo His overall view of me: 6.4/10
Allison would probably love me Ima be real, it’s probably because I would die for her and thus will agree with everything she says even if I don’t actually agree. At a certain point she’d catch on and think I’m weird tho lmao Her overall view of me: 8.75/10
Klaus would probably like me, I absolutely love him and would be down to go on a bunch of adventures BUT he’d probably be frustrated by my protectiveness/boundaries because I have massive older sibling energy as told to me by my friends and younger brother lmfao His overall view of me: 9/10
Five,,,where do I even begin. It sounds so ridiculous but I genuinely cannot tell you how many times my friends, almost all of which who have seen TUA, have compared me to him in certain behavior and looks. So while I feel we’d be on the same wavelength, he’d definitely be suspicious of/competitive with me but honestly I’d just let him lead I trust him like,,,90% of the time His overall view of me: 7.3/10
Ben is a confusing one because we really don’t see him interacting with people outside of Klaus very frequently, but I’d say he likes me because I’d try and keep Klaus in check His overall view of me: 9/10
Vanya,,,I would die for Vanya literally would do anything for her which mostly has to do with the fact that she is played by Ellen Page. No questions asked she thinks of me as a 9-10/10
AKA,,,I share a lot of traits with them so I’d assimilate quickly and get along with them well, yet they’d all have trouble opening up to/trusting me.
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raviposting · 4 years
Don’t get me started on Diego Hargreeves
He..... :’) 
I. Love. Diego. I love all my Hargreeves siblings don’t get me wrong and I think we all know who has the #1 spot in my heart but man...Diego really pulls at the heartstrings and he really got to me this season. 
Diego is probably the most emotionally vulnerable of his siblings, which is honestly shocking considering how he likes to present himself, but he is so emotional and open. Diego actually has connections in the force, he seemed to have a semi-well-adjusted dynamic with Patch, and he got there on his own. When Patch is killed he gets to the point where he wants to kill Cha-Cha, but when he’s reminded that Patch would not have wanted this, he stops. It doesn’t matter that Patch isn’t there anymore to stop him, he recognizes that this will not help him and that this is not honoring her memory. We see it again with their mother - he forms the closest bond with their mother, fights for her, want so badly for her to be free, and in season 2 we see even more of his bonds when he becomes friends with Herb (to the point of a secret handshake! In what, an hour?) and gets the respect of the commission. For a guy who likes to act like a lone vigilante Diego probably has the most actual, genuine friends from the entire sibling group (and granted, it’s like, 3 people but that’s a really big number for them). 
And gosh, Diego is just such a genuinely kind person who wants to save people and he does it in earnest. Yes, he wraps up his identity in being a hero, yes, part of it relates to pleasing his father, but also, he sees people who need saving and he wants to save them and what’s more is that JFK aside, when we see him interact with characters like Lila or Vanya who have also gone through trauma, that Diego can personally understand? It’s just even more beautiful. He gets through to Lila and convinces her not to hurt the rest of his family, tells her that she always has a place with them - throughout their entire arc he knows when she’s lying to him, he tells her “you know what that’s like, why would you do that to me?” and then chooses to trust her continuously and doesn’t hold her actions against her while also letting her know that yeah, he is pissed. And it’s so remarkable that Diego does that because he gets that Lila is as traumatized as he and his siblings are he gets that and he’s trying to let her know that what she doesn’t like and what hurts her also hurts him, but he’s also doing it while making his own feelings and boundaries clear and that’s so? Beautiful?
And again with Vanya - he’s upset at her for the book, for the apocalypse, for potentially hurting the other siblings, but what happens after Vanya apologizes? He sighs and says it does make a difference, and he’s not angry at her from that point forward, because he knows she’s sorry even if she doesn’t remember it. When Klaus stops him while they’re trying to save Vanya, Diego is snippy but then Klaus gives him a compliment in the way Klaus only can, and Diego is genuinely touched that his brother wanted to tell him he looked like Antonio Banderas if they died right then and there. I know it’s a mini funny moment, but he doesn’t disregard Lila, or Vanya, or Klaus, he accepts them as they are and if apologies are needed he lets them know and accepts that too. 
Diego makes his boundaries clear and he does it with this gruff persona but he’s also a man with a lot of love and a lot of understanding and he has so much of that to share with other people. He’s soft with Ben, we see SO many emotions on his face (a testament to David’s acting as well honestly) and we see how physically soft he is with Ben afterwards, we see how he comforts Luther and makes it a point to say that Luther has him now (a STARK contrast from trying to compete with Luther), we see it in so many interactions. A lot of people call him dumb and hey I love the himbo jokes too, but I think people forget about that emotional intelligence sometimes and he’s just....honestly fantastic with it and I don’t even know if he fully recognizes how good with people he is with the rough persona he tries to put up but he is. There’s so much love and emotion and genuine softness in Diego and it’s such a hard thing to pull off in my opinion but I think they (and esp David!!) pull it off wonderfully with him. 
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deathgod-ben · 3 years
hey this is tua-hottakes i dont wanna start any dicourse actually but i want you to know what i almost replied to your post so here it is: OHMYGOD i thought the original post was a shitpost, so i made a joke right back? it wasnt that deep either, but you didn't need to be so aggressive about it.
Ah yes saying diego is himbo is bad... when he gets called one for doing dumb shit with luther, another himbo? Also I literally see a post shitting on klaus or vanya once a week. And? I don't know why it matters? it shouldnt, they are fictional characters, the reasons why people like or dislike them are usually very difficult to pinpoint and actually irrelevant.
I am not trying to minimise the racism, I genuinely don't see it, and i'm sorry, but you shouldn't expect me to and imma tell you why in this lil rant below, which is completely unrelated to tua, again, sorry:
so now we have to be black to have an opinion or make jokes? Yeano no white guilt here, my predecessors didnt colonise anything, we just out here trying to survive.
im arguing because fans of colour sometimes forget that the non-english speaking world is not as colour-sensitive as yall ok. ugh reading about tolkenism is real precious why dont you do your research about racism in the balkans and the gypsy situation here (where, btw, both diego and ben would be considered/treated as white). the rest of the world is not obligated to thread on your eggshells. i can assure you most of us speak english like natives and watch your damn shows and are a Huge chunk of your "racist" fandom but when we voice out opinions we don't talk about an African-american or Asian or Hispanic character, we talk about an American character. and yea we try to take race into consideration and we're usually careful how we talk and we listen and we keep quiet when the topic of race pops up, being supportive of all human rights and sympathetic and honestly its so damn impressed that at least your government officials are attempting to keep up appearances that racism is bad and you can talk about stereotypes cuz you actually have minorities represented in your media. I do try, trust me, I have read more about the socio-political situation in america than I have about my own fucking country, but with everything happening everywhere and with how big the world is i cannot be a damn historian, social media researcher and dimplomat on the blog where i wanna scream bullshit about non-real sexy folks. so uhh pls stop accusing us of being kentucky-fried-racist and maybe you consider that when coming to conclusions about how much of the fandom is racist. 0 shit intended to be started, honestly dont even reply i just didn't want you walking away from this with the wrong idea
1. i was not agressive, you just cant handle comeback.
2. if you dont see the racism.. why are you trying to join in a conversation about racism??? And it isnt my problem if u know more about American politics than your own country
3. im not American, the rest of your post has no meaning. Im a queer black immigrant living in Europe.
4. I was not discussing about racism in real life but fandom racism so why are you trying to change the conversation? The racism in USA, is not the same as the one in Europa, and there are different racism even in Europe. The struggles Romani people face are different from the ones I face, and I dont want to compare it because in the end the problem isnt the marginalized people but the ones oppressing us.
5. I personally dont care if a random stranger on internet dont see racism, but when you come to my post and try and argue with me, you better expect criticism.
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