#luv me
shikidrawdraw · 1 year
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angelskilledmylife · 11 months
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Me Me Me
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luvmifoster · 8 months
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Εγώ είμαι ο Όσκαρ και κάνω χαρές σε ανθρώπους και σκυλάκια. Είμαι 1.5 έτους και 35 κιλά. Είμαι παιχνιδιάρης και μου αρέσουν πολύ οι βόλτες. Θέλω κι εγώ να ζήσω επιτέλους σε σπίτι με τον άνθρωπό μου. Θα με βοηθήσεις να τον βρω; ΦΙΛΟΞΕΝΗΣΕ ΜΕ
My name is Oscar, I am cute and happy to meet humans and dogs. I am 1.5 years old and 35 kilos. I'm playful and I love walks. All I want is to live in a house with my own human. Will you help me find him? FOSTER ME
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georgie-abhrams · 3 months
WHO: @dsutherland WHERE: Some Men's Bathroom in Some Bar Somewhere
Having been raised as a good southern girl, Georgia Abhrams wasn't supposed to find herself walking into the men's room of a bar, beelining it for the closest clean stall while hollering 'Lady present, keep your pants on!'. However, when the line for the two stall girl's restroom was nearly 15 girls deep and moving slower than a turtle stuck in molasses decisions had to be made. And Georgie had priorities, like getting back to the bar and the cute girl she'd been flirting with, so she didn't have the time to stand in line (and in truth, neither did her bladder).
Having to hover over the toilet seat, Georgie moved as quickly as she could to get out of there, finding herself standing at the sink and washing her hands when the bathroom door opened. "I'll be gone in just a second, the line to the ladie's was way too long and I didn't see any point in waitin' when there was a perfectly good restroom right here." She explained as she dried her hands and inspected herself in the mirror, wiping the corner of her lips of some smeared red lipstick before turning. She was ready to head out of there when the familiar man stopped her in her tracks and a smirk came to her features. "Well, well, well... look what the cat dragged in."
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nooo-pressure · 2 years
hi guys look i finally got my other hand blasted
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divinethoughtsss · 8 months
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hell0-k1tty-l0v3r · 2 years
first tumblr post Ahhhh~~~~
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luvmi-lara-diary · 2 years
Ένα απόγευμα του Σεπτεμβρίου η Λάρα στάθηκε τυχερή, όταν ένα όμορφο ζευγάρι που ήρθε στο καταφύγιο την ξεχώρισε και αποφάσισε να την φιλοξενήσει..
One September afternoon, Lara got lucky, when a nice couple noticed her at the shelter and decided to foster her..
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boyiwakwambvukuta · 6 days
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luvme0224 · 9 days
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angelskilledmylife · 11 months
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me after i consumed my daily dose of idgaf
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luvmifoster · 4 months
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Εγώ είμαι η Τζάσμιν! Είμαι 3 ετών, 14 κιλά και έχω πολλή όρεξη για ζωή! Είμαι παιχνιδιάρα, χαρούμενη και μου αρέσουν πολύ οι βόλτες! Μου λένε ότι είμαι και όμορφη... αλλά είμαι μετριόφρων! Άμα με διαλέξεις, θα είμαι τέλεια παρέα! Πάρε με σπίτι σου και θα δεις. ΦΙΛΟΞΕΝΗΣΕ ΜΕ
My name is Jasmine! I am 3 years old, 14 kilos and I love life! I am playful, happy and I really like walks! They tell me I am pretty... but I am too humble! If you pick me, I'll be the perfect company for you! Take me home and you'll see. FOSTER ME
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glogirlxo · 17 days
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onlinepresenc3 · 1 month
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Uhh yea…erm sure
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catastrothy · 10 days
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went into a fugue state and ate a shitton of overripe nectarines. it felt like a religious experience, to the point i immediately had to draw how i felt
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waitingona-mirabel · 8 months
Rage | Self Para
Date: Autumn 2023 Featuring: The DnD crew (Dipper, Eilonwy, Ian, Tony, and an NPC) Warnings: Vague reference to fictional axe violence, extreme artistic liberties with the game Dungeons and Dragons, the author of this still doesn't really understand bonus actions but just go with it
Mirabel had been saving her rage for the entire session. She only had two slots for it at this point, as Ryna was still a first-level barbarian, and Mirabel was careful about not wasting those limited advantages that characters had at the beginning. She was also holding onto the bardic inspiration Apollo had given her— even though Dipper had encouraged her multiple times to use it. Mirabel just wanted it to be the right time.
Now, it seemed, was the right time. After a long battle with a group of mysterious tentacles, two members of the party were still grappled by one of the tentacles, while Val had to spend her turn trying to heal someone who was grievously injured. It was only Ryna, hacking away at the tentacle to little avail as Mirabel rolled nat one after nat one and holding onto just a few health points. Things were looking bleak.
And then the tentacle came for Ryna.
“I’m just saying, now would be a really good time to use a bonus action!” Dipper prompted, and Mirabel took a deep breath. She didn’t want to mess this up. What if she was the reason someone died!
(Okay, Dipper had said he probably wouldn’t let level one beginners die in such an early session, but still).
“I go into a rage!” Mirabel said, heart pounding as she could feel the pressure mounting. Dipper looked thrilled. Everyone else looked relieved. Finally, their faces seemed to say. But Mirabel did not feel relieved— she had two chances to get this right before she was out of rage slots. “Can you, uh, remind me what that does?”
“You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, you get advantage on strength checks, and you roll with advantage on saving throws. Like right now, since the tentacle is coming after you!”
“Okay! Okay,” Mirabel said, furrowing her eyebrows and rolling to dodge the tentacle. Once- no luck. But on the second try, she succeeded! Mirabel cheered and pumped her fist.
“Describe it!” encouraged another party member.
“What do you mean?”
“Describe the rage! What is Ryna doing?”
Mirabel looked down at the book that the group had been passing around. It was turned, not-so-subtly, to the Barbarian class page. Probably because Mirabel hadn’t used her bonus action all session.
This was the reason Mirabel had felt drawn to the barbarian class from the beginning. To Ryna. 
For every barbarian, rage is a power that fuels not just a battle frenzy but also uncanny reflexes, resilience, and feats of strength.
“She’s thinking about her home. It’s… it’s on an island, so she’s seen these tentacles before, she’s had to fight them before. That’s how she knows how to get away from them.” Mirabel had only written up a rudimentary biography for Ryna and it didn’t include tentacles or an island, but she had to make this make sense, right?
Plus, she liked the idea of Ryna as someone who had grown up on an island. For some reason.
“But sometimes she wishes she hadn’t gotten away. That she’d stayed and fought them, instead of just running off with the first caravan she could find. And now’s her chance to do it. She never got that chance before. She’s angry with herself for running the first time, but she’s even angrier at the tentacles, because somehow after all these years they’re still here and hurting the people she cares about and now things might be changing but she just doesn’t know, she can’t be sure, and she can’t even—” 
For some reason, Mirabel’s voice cracked.
And then she looked around the circle and saw that everyone looked a bit concerned. That was… probably not what they meant when they said to describe the rage, was it?
Her face turned red. 
“Um, I mean, Ryna’s gonna go in with the axe and try and cut the other two free,” she said, realizing that was probably, actually what the question was. She rolled twice. Thirteen. Then twenty.
Dipper still looked a bit dumbfounded. “That’ll crit… uh, do we want to take a break?”
There was no typical celebration of an enemy vanquished, just some sober looks exchanged. Mirabel stared at her character sheet, mortified. 
“I’m gonna, uh, get some water,” Mirabel said, just to spare everyone. Maybe they’d have questions. Probably. They were good friends, and good party members, and they looked out for one another. But Mirabel got the vibe that the tension in the room might dissipate a little if she stepped out. Also, because she was afraid she was going to cry. For some reason. 
She found herself, inexplicably, typing out a message to Elena, and then she felt very silly and deleted it. The princess of Avalor did not need to know about Mirabel's weird DnD outburst, especially not when she was about to go fight some tentacles— er, evil sorcerers— herself.
Mirabel splashed some water on her face and took a deep, shaky breath. Rage only lasted one minute. Which felt like an eternity in DnD time. You could do a lot in a minute, and then it went away as quickly as it had appeared. "You're fine," Mirabel muttered to herself in the mirror. That was what she had to tell herself. And everyone else, if they asked.
Or maybe Mamá was right. As usual.
Nah. The rage was over. Well, for now.
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