#lux starters
collapseqz · 1 year
their town. her town has erupted into chaos over night. the place where she'd always felt the most safe was violated in the night. had she been in her tower, like she always was, maybe she could have warned someone, been able to stop it. she shook her head of her thoughts as she carefully wandered through the streets, staying in the shadows as much as she could. she'd run into those raiders at her home, she took care of them, but not without coming away with bruises on her face and various parts of her body. she didn't care about that right now, she had to see how everyone else was. as she came upon another figure, she approached them cautiously. when they locked eyes, she put her hands up to show her intentions. "hey, hey, it's just me. i'm sorry, i didn't mean to sneak up on you like that." she apologized, her voice soft. her normal playful demeaner was long gone, it's place was an almost vacant stare and worry plastered on her face. "are you okay? do you need anything?"
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“have fun in flordia”
“maxine fucking minx”
“that girl didn’t wanna die she just wanted out of that house”
“you’re a fucking sex symbol”
“you changed the scenery not the fucking situation”
“i’m a fucking star the whole worlds gonna know my name”
“ obviously doctor you’ve never been a thirteen year old girl”
“i’m a star”
“one day you’ll never see me again”
“nooooo i’m a star”
“i will not accept a life i do not deserve”
“you’re a fucking movie star”
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thcophagy · 5 months
open to: @angeldcgs
featuring: louie "lou" adkins, thirty, bisexual, pawnbroker.
plot: after bumping into his close friend griffyn at a bar, lou's girlfriend lux invites him back to their place for a nightcap. unaware of her plan for them, the three drink and talk till the early hours of the morning when the conversation turns to the nature of the boy's relationship.
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"it's not- you're making it sound so much worse." with a beer cradled in one hand, lou buried his face in the other and prayed to the god he didn't believe in that his embarrassment hadn't reddened his face too much. the room was already too warm, they'd opened all the windows in the apartment but still, he could feel sweat beginning to drip down the back of his neck, though maybe that was also due to the intense eyes focused on him. "it was summer camp. we were, what, sixteen?" the sweat stains on his shirt had to be noticeable by now, dampening under his arms and around the collar of his white t-shirt. it was just the heat, that's all. it wasn't the memory of griffyn's mouth against his, or the feeling of his hand resting against his thigh before he'd jerked away. "it was- i don't even know, i can barely remember it! it was just a kiss." lux's curiosity about whether he and griffyn had ever fooled around wasn't a surprise but unlike every other story he'd offered to her without a second thought, his relationship with griffyn had always been a little like pandora's box to him, something he wasn't interesting in opening up and analysing out of fear of what he'd discover about himself.
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elegancemultimuse · 1 year
OPEN: Female, Males, Nonbinary CONNECTION: Best friend, ex-partner, friend, crush. PLOT: Lux came to convince your muse not to get married. They showed up at the wedding and are trying to get the whole thing called off.
"Don't do this." Lux said, their words almost getting caught in their throat. She knew that she shouldn't be here and saying this before the wedding. They just couldn't stop themselves as they didn't want the other to make a horrible mistake. "You don't have to do this." Lux added as they focused on the sound of the growing crowd. "Meet me at the back door and we can get out of here."
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luxielle · 2 years
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Mystictober 2022: Day 11 - Candy 💖
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triple-fanged-threat · 2 months
closed starter for @goodbuckhavefawn
Usually, whenever Kai was looking for a break in between his classes, the professor would take a walk through the campus and sit at one of the park benches near the school. He didn't have any sort of particular agenda, but Kai always enjoyed a bit of people watching in his spare time. It let him try and pick out any potential prey, or if nothing else, at least someone mildly interesting to satiate his boredom.
The vampire was worried that today would yield no interesting people after several minutes of silent watching. But as he had just decided to leave, his eyes fell upon a rather curious individual. The stranger looked completely preoccupied by the task at hand, as if they were lost in their own world and completely oblivious to what was happening around them.
Eager to strike up a conversation with this person, Kai bounded up onto his feet and walked over to the stranger with a light pep in his step. The vampire made his way untiil he was standing in front of the other, tilting his head to look at whatever he was doing instead of making direct eye contact.
"What're you doing? Are you listening to something? Is it a hobby of yours? Did someone ask you to do that?" he rattled off. It wasn't so much that he was interested in whatever the other man was doing; Kai was curious to see how he would reply to a complete stranger appearing out of nowhere.
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brckensociety · 4 months
{ open to m/f/nb (selective with f) | based on this || she is a famous film makeup/sfx artist but can also be an actress if that works better | be please read rules before interacting. - can be supernatural or not, lmk. }
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“you know, i am trying real hard not to feel wounded by all these interviews where they ask you about me and you use that evil ‘f’ word,” the femme admitted as she walked into their place less than ten minutes after receiving their booty call. “i mean, friend? it’s such a lame word, i much prefer lover, hell, even calling me a fine piece of ass would be better,” lux continued, nonchalantly unzipping her dress as she walked closer to them. “you sure know how to make a girl feel so appreciated.”
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thehazbins · 5 months
Starter for @copaceticjillybean from Lux during the Blood Ball!
"Hey there, gorgeous, rumor has it you came alone." They teased as they stepped behind her, their voice loud enough to be heard but low enough to taunt her ever so slightly in her ear.
"Now, you're here alone- I'm here alone, we're both hot and dressed to the nines... Would you care to be my date for the rest of the evening? Or do I have to ask more dramatically?" The words were something akin to a purr and a smirk slid over their face.
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immcrtalsx · 1 month
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"Hey, it's my baby brother!" Blaise called out as he spotted Lux from across the bar and grinning, "Come and join me for a drink, it's been ages," he continued. Zoya was at the wedding, being her usual perfectionist planning self, so Blaise would take the opportunity to catch up with his younger brother.
@fairywilds ( Lux )
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angeldcgs · 7 months
closed: @fuck3rs who: lux laurie, she/her, 27, socialite/heiress/model
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lux couldn't even remember the last time she'd actually been in a grocery store— why shop for yourself when you could pay someone else to shop for you? hell, she'd once paid someone to chew her food for her, just to show that she could. she didn't eat it, of course, but it sure was a hoot watching the poor bastard chew each bite exactly thirty three times as per her instruction, then spit it back onto the plate. she'd made him eat the whole meal like that, then paid him another hundred dollars to eat the pile of mush he'd left behind. just stepping foot into the overly air conditioned store made her gut churn, but lux was in desperate need of aspirin, and her assistant wasn't responding to her fucking texts. the whir of the fluorescents felt like an icepick driven straight into her forehead, everything about the environment only grating on her nerves, and that was before she felt the weight of a stranger's gaze weighing her down. a sheet of platinum blonde hair almost whipped him in the face as she whirled around to see who dared to inconvenience her during what was already a traumatic experience, her deceptively warm brown eyes narrowing in an icy glare. "it's not polite to stare, you know."
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seekslight-arch · 5 months
the teeniest of starter calls for. faerie court!lux. and cosmic /dark cosmic!lux. please specify verse. multis please specify the muse too :< will it be long? i donno. probably not. i donno!!! aaaaaaaa
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Open Starter ( @turtlebay-starters ) / Location: Downtown bookshop
Lux browsed the shelves of the bookstore. If they were being honest, they weren't really taking in any of the books. She had come here as more of a distraction than anything else. It seemed these days that Lux's life was filled with one distraction after another. It was just how they were coping with all of the changes in their life recently. As she turned the corner she thought she heard a voice and looked up to see someone else in the aisle. "Sorry, did you say something?"
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freedthedark · 1 year
@laxusthelightning liked this post for a starter
     Turmoil had been stopped, forcefully so, and he had now the peace to go and look for Laxus again. He didn't have to look too far; assisted by gathered knowledge of his favorite places to hide or get some calm. So the surprise was kept within reasonable limits when he found his husband on the roof of the guild hall.
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     "There you are," he spoke in brief greeting." Did you miss the chaos as much as I did?" Well did he really? He had rather missed the f a m i l i a r i t y of it.
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covertstrings · 2 months
closed starter ♡༉ ⟆ clover ⟅ @saltedair
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"aren't we in a good mood today?"
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thefvrious · 11 months
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"You mad at me or something?"
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luxielle · 2 years
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Mystictober 2022: Day 9 - Honey Buddha Chips ❤️
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