luxorgossip · 5 years
Any desires for costumes particular students will wear for halloween? Cade would be pretty hot as a werewolf
Ooh !! What a fun question, Greyface. Cade as a werewolf is definitely fitting, I agree. Something tells me he’s got a good howl in him somewhere. If you don’t mind, I’m going to put this in list format to make it easier on myself. 
Jackson KingHa, easy. Invisible Man or Where’s Waldo. I would literally pay him to give me this. How much will it take, Jackie ??
Kenzie Horton Wonder Woman, perhaps ?? She’s strong and moraled enough to be her. Someone to look up to.
Balo Driskell Anything cute and fuzzy related, like a mouse or kitty. It’s Balo, you know she’s going to do something animal related, and probably with whiskers.
Maxi StephensA cactus, because he’s so dry.
Logan KellerI’d love to see him embrace The Toad. 
Harley SilvaLittle Red Riding Hood. The red would compliment her nicely and she seems so innocent but good.
Teddy MartinezGenie in the Lamp, possibly. I see him being one of those guys that would want his costume to do the talking.
Isaac King A court Jester, just to knock his ass down a peg or two. Plus, he’d look cute in their hats. 
Maia CroftDottie Hinson from A League of Their Own. She’s got the legs for that cute little baseball skirt and it’s sporty, just like her. 
Isak Valtersen Forky, from Toy Story 4. They’re both ridiculously adorable somehow but I can’t put my finger on why. 
Colin Rook Charlie Brown. I mean, really. He’s as nervous/anxious and mildly depressive as him. 
Thomas Scheffer A scarecrow or Jack Skellington, toss up to which. Both would suit that deathly pale, thin body look.
Ronan Burke An airplane pilot. He seems like he’d really enjoy the irony of a good joke.
Madeline Ward Winnifred Sanderson, the best and most craftiest witch there is. She wouldn’t even have to dye her hair !!
Harry Hart Ghostface from the Scream series because he pops in when you least expect. 
Autumn McNealShe’d make an adorable Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Not a sexy version, either. It should definitely be the original blue outfit or possibly the yellow ballgown if she wants to carry that skirt around.
Janie HallI feel like she’s go as something cute but innocent, like a Bumblebee. 
Alek Addington I’m thinking Poison Ivy. It’d suit for how she’s so bubbly and engaging, but isn’t the best influence on you, either. Perfect combo, no ??
Lucy Beaumont-Peters Oh come on, if she doesn’t go as Cher from Clueless, the world has experienced a great injustice. 
Clarissa Carmichael How about Elvira, Mistress of the Dark ?? Push her as far out of her comfort zone as possible, on that one. Or a pumpkin, because she’s as interesting as one.
Elise St. James The Nun. I get the feeling she’s a real fan of black, so it’d compliment her soul. Or lack of one…
Lia Davenport Sally, the rag doll from Nightmare Before Christmas. Does she not give you those same melancholy vibes ?? And just seems so lost. 
Hazel DavenportA female sexy Beetlejuice. She could definitely pull off those stripes and some green streaks would compliment that hair. 
Mary MclearyA female Chucky version, maybe. That would be funny to see.
Avery WoodsMaleficent !! She has the perfect features and hair for it. 
Ian Kim He definitely needs to be David S. Pumpkins. I will accept nothing less. The people have spoken, Ian.
Asher Prescott A pirate, since he’s such a heart plunderer. Plus, he would look hot and dangerous with an eye patch and fake gun.
Veronica Henderson I know you’re expecting me to say a literal wet blanket but, no. I’m thinking Frank N. Furter ?? Might make her open up more, gain some confidence in herself and what she’s working with because trust me, she’s got goods.
Ches Elswood It, the Clown version but sexy. She’s about the only person I think could actually pull this off and do so very well. I’m dying to see a good clown costume and she’d deliver all the frills.
DP Prescott Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad. Girl must have some sort of screw loose and her attachment to that Maxi kid is about as bad as Harley’s attachment is to The Joker. And, of course, hot.
Blake Sinclair That dude from Baywatch. He would probably love the chance to walk around half-naked and flexing those muscles. Surf’s up, dude !!
Adrian Knox How about a walking penis ?? I bet he’d enjoy being such a smartass and use it as a conversation topic.
Raina Ainsworth She gives me a very Tinkerbell vibe because she’s delicate and yet somehow tough ?? I could see her pulling off that sexy green dress, too. 
Charlie Kingery Wouldn’t she make the cutest Ladybug ?? That would be so adorable. No real reason other than she’s cute, the costume is cute.
Nolan Sugg Hmm. I don’t know much about this youngster yet but I’m going to say Donald Duck. He’s loud and abrasive, but I never said that was a bad thing. 
Lorenzo Russio Kenicke from Grease. Best Greaser there is and all the charm and charisma of one, too. And let’s be frank, him in a leather jacket is bound to be eye candy gold. 
Pietro Carrington Michael Myers. I mean, what else did you expect ??
Savoy MortcombeWe could always use a good Dracula around these parts. He’s tall, dark, and handsome. He’ll pull it off well. Or Frankenstein works too.
Sasha BowmanPrincess Jasmine from Aladdin. She’s got that ‘I’m a strong woman’ attitude and will stand up for her principles. I vote she goes for the cartoon costume version, as that pale blue fabric would look gorgeous against her skin.
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