#luz sanchez // headcanon
smallmxgic · 11 months
headcanon // luz
because luz is a human shifter (as opposed to an animal shifter like the twins are), the "side effects" of their abilities are a little different. they don't gain any sort of extra skills or abilities when shifted like the twins do when in various animal forms. honestly, there really aren't any bonuses to luz's shifting beyond changing their appearance. another big difference is that they are able to only partially shift if they choose to, down to the smallest detail. changing their hair style or color. growing facial hair. changing the shape of one of their body parts. any minor detail all the way up to fully shifting into someone completely different.
most of the time, luz will only do the minor shift tweak, especially when it comes to their hair & their chest size. rarely do they shift fully or change bigger details about theirself, but it does happen.
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waywardstraysau · 5 months
Obviously without going into spoilers, are there any smaller details you want to add in but can't justify it? Like bits of world building, headcanons, all that, that haven't had a good time to be brought up in story but you still want to share?
I know when I have those, it's kinda frustrating having to scrap ideas because it lowers the writing quality.
Well there's a few I've toyed with but couldn't figure out how to include them in the story, and since you asked so nicely, so here's a few of them! I apologize if any of these are confusing or if you don't know who they reference! Luz and Hunter have opposite tastes in video games! Luz usually likes things on the darker side, Hollow Knight, Resident Evil and Hades, Hunter meanwhile likes Mario, Kirby and Animal Crossing! They both like Stardew Valley and Undertale though. Nomura's still alive, though she doesn't work at the school. Following Gunmar's defeat, she went off to do her own thing, there are currently no plans to introduce her to the story. Ford dated Rick Sanchez for an undetermined amount of time and they had an extremely ugly breakup. Things got so bad between them than now he won't hesitate to put the school on lock down and start shooting if Rick gets too close. Gravity Falls continues to somehow stay under the government's radar despite all the weird things going on, especially now that the school's drawing in even more weirdness than ever before. Jazz Fenton was briefly considered to be the school's therapist but I did NOT want to have to resort to that since she's just a minor herself and has no actual experience working with patients. I just didn't have any other options at the time so I held off on introducing who it was. Thankfully, Amphibia solved the problem for me! And in regards to scrapping something to save the story's quality, I almost included a character as the scientist teach simply because I thought it was FUNNY! I struggled for months to decide if I should or not, and despite how funny I find it to this day, the tonal whiplash would have killed my readers. And that's all I have for the moment, hope these were fun!
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bee-alice · 6 years
Requested by @serana-spring “Hello! So I was wondering as to whether or not you could do a headcanon on the paladins dancing with their s/o? I can't wait to see what you write!”
Aww! Thank you so much! This is my second request and I hope you like it! I’ll go in order of which lion was found first! Adding some music. Art work from The Searching Astronaut, I take no credit for the drawings.
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Oh boi, this long legged Cuban can dance! No joke! Coming from a Latin based family (a large one at that), he is the first one on the dance floor.
Thanks to being flexible, this man can go from line dancing (Cha Cha slide, Cupid shuffle) to going all out like he’s performing for Dancing with the Stars. That includes twirling and spinning.
Doesn’t wait for anyone to challenge him. He will waltz right up to you and ask you to dance. P.S., if you ask him to dance with you, you WILL make him blush and stutter.
His favorite dance with his S.O. is where he holds you close.
He loves to stare into your eyes, one hand cupping your back or the small of your back, wherever you feel comfortable. His other hand is holding your free hand, linking your fingers with his.
His favorite song to dance to is a tie between Bendita tu Luz by Mana and Juan Luis Guerra or Colgando en tus Manos by Carlos Baute and Marta Sanchez.
For best results, let him sing to you and sing with him! There is nothing he loves more than to have someone to sing cheesy, Spanish love song with.
Before the song ends, BRACE YOURSELF. This smooth talking, lover boi dancer enjoys dipping you at the very end of the song. Just hold on and trust him. He won’t let you fall.
If you kiss his cheek at the end, he’ll take you out on another dance.
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This sweet, lovable, dorky man is a little shy when it comes to dancing.
If you ask him out to dance, he will hesitate at first but then go with you. He really loves to make you happy.
When it comes to line dancing, he’s a little on the clumsy side at first. But once he’s been on the floor a few more times with you, he’ll lose his shyness and do his thing. He really is a cutie!
If you’re expecting him to ask you out to dance, don’t take it personal if he doesn’t. It’s not that he doesn’t want to. He’s just really scared he’ll mess up and embarrass you and him. Reassure the sweetheart and he’s good to go.
His favorite dance is the one where he can hold you close, your head against his chest. He doesn’t show off much or move around a lot.
In fact, just swaying back and forth will do just fine. One hand holding yours, the other on your back, his cheek pressed against your head.
Maybe, if he thinks he can do it and you want to, he’ll twirl you around slowly. He doesn’t want you to trip.
Favorite song to dance to? A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. Call it cheesy but he loves it. May or may not have heard it only after watching Breaking Dawn Part 1 from the Twilight Series.
At the end of the song, he will look into your eyes, gently brush your cheek and kiss your nose.
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Pidge is actually a pretty good dance partner, preferably a little less close than the other paladins.
She prefers a little more room to dance to, not necessarily touching. Maybe every now and then, but it’s rare.
She might come up to ask you to dance or you can ask her yourself. Point is, there’s no shame who goes to ask.
As stated before, Pidge dances a little different, more on the dubstep side but eh, it’s Pidge. She can pull it off.
Pidge LOVES The Chainsmokers! Literally. She can’t choose between Don’t Let Me Down or Something Just Like This.
Pidge might hold your hand, just to move with the music. But, who are we kidding? She likes to hold your hand. Loves it just as much as The Chainsmokers.
If she feels like being a little more touchy-feely, she might pick a slow, love song to dance with you. Our July in the Rain by He is We is her choice to dance with you, surprisingly.
At the end, it gets a little awkward, especially after listening to Chainsmokers. Do you kiss on the forehead? On the cheeks? Nose? Lips? 
You settle with a small peck on the cheek, something simple and innocent. Protect Pidge/Katie at all cost!
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This guy... oh my g. This emo, Texan guy “can not dance or sing.“ Yeah right, Keith. He can do Achy Breaky Heart P E R F E C T L Y!
When it comes to dancing, line dancing (Achy Breaky Heart, Boots Scoot ‘n Boogie, Merry Go Round) is his solo thing. He’s the last one on the dance floor when the song starts, last one when it’s over. He does not have long legs for no reason!
Dancing with you? Total 180. He will wrap his arms around you and two step his way into making this night the best one for you yet.
He probably has a secret playlist of country song to dance to. His top choice will be between I Don’t Dance by Lee Brice or Your Man by Josh Turner.
If you don’t know how to two step, don’t fret. He will teach you. It is really easy to pick up.
If he starts to sing, do not, no matter how much you want to, DO NOT say anything! If you say something about it, that will be the last time he will sing in front of you.
Don’t ask him where he learned to dance. He won’t tell you. He likes to go to dance halls and observe everyone. Yes, he even wore red flannel and cowboy boots.
If you know how to Two Step, awesome! He will probably try to dance a little more out there, twirling you around, maybe dipping you. Nothing way, way, WAY out there. This isn’t Dancing with the Stars, Lance!
After the final spin and dip, he sort of holds you there, looking at you before leaning in to kiss you gently.
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Shiro is the mighty leader of Voltron and apparently, that’s not the only thing he is good at leading.
Dancing. Takashi Shirogane can dance. And I don’t mean cute, little high-school type dances. I mean, actually dancing. Think Step Up 3D Broken Tango Scene. Bust Your Windows by Jazmine Sullivan is his favorite song, no questions asked. And yes, masks will be worn.
This man knows how to dance thanks to having to go to military galas and such. He loves to dance and hold you close.
His hand is on the base of the small of your back or shoulder blade, wherever it feels more comfortable. His other hand is holding your free hand at shoulder level. You can bet he has you as close as he can.
Expect a lot of spinning/twirling, both of you are spinning and twirling around each other. A lot of dipping and quick pull ups. He will hold your back inches from the ground and hold you there for a few seconds then bring you back up quickly, getting lost in your eyes.
Expect changing positions frequently when it comes to dancing. From face to face, twirl, your back to his chest. This includes hands and arms and legs. Legs will rub against each other, constantly.
He will lift you up and carry you, still dancing. Better not skip leg day. You need to keep your legs steady and straight.
His favorite move however, is when you and him are facing opposite directions, your inside arm crossing over his chest, resting on his shoulder while his inside arm is on your waist, both of you going around in a slow circle, faces close to each other.
Ending move? He hold the small of your back with one arm, the other secures the back of your thigh which is up as you dip backwards, bending at the waist, his own leg helping you keep steady with your back. The he lifts you back up in his arms slowly and presses his forehead against yours.
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smallmxgic · 11 months
headcanon // luz
if it isn't obvious, luz is super fucking queer, & not at all subtle about it. they are so very vibrant personality-wise & aesthetically. one look at them & there's no doubt they're queer. loud fashion choices, ever-changing hair color & styles (with a lot of help from their shifter abilities), including facial hair choices (again, thanks to their shifter abilities).
clothing-wise, luz's fashion decisions change from day-to-day, based on how they're feeling gender-wise (or nongender-wise). one day they might be super femme & the next super masculine, or perhaps even a mix of the two (& not necessarily in an androgynous sort of way).
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smallmxgic · 11 months
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luz's piercings (left ear) & tattoo (right forearm)
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smallmxgic · 11 months
all of my muses are based within a universe of my own making, but can easily be thrown into any other universe (including the real world) with minimal alterations, if any. information about this universe is below. if you have any questions or curiosities about it, please throw them at me.
magic is an open secret. its existence and use are known by the general population across the world, but not so openly discussed. it’s something that exists and is used by a percentage of the world’s population, but not a concern for most people or governments. there is always an exception, of course– sects of people around the world who have their own, varying issues with the people that can access the one thing they strictly cannot.
when magic first came into being in this universe, a small selection of the population were imbued with its power and given the ability and privilege to use it. only those born of the prime’s lineage are capable of magic use. you cannot learn to access the leylines crisscrossing the globe and the universe as a whole. you are either born with the ability to use magic, or you aren’t. there is nothing that can be done to change that.
some bloodlines have a stronger connection to the leylines than others. there is no rhyme or reason behind why this is so, but there are people that believe it is due to the number of mundanes (non-magic users) that have “diluted” those bloodlines. there is no proof this is true, but those ideas still hold strong in some minds. all users have a specific focus, where their magic is more dominant/stronger with that one use compared to all their other capabilities. these focuses are not genetic, though there may be some similarities between family member. the only focus that is genetic, is shapeshifting abilities.
the general word used for all magic users is ‘witch’, but some individuals (or families) may use different terms for varying reasons.
the rossi siblings have two magic-wielding parents. alice’s husband is a mundane, & both of their daughters are already showing signs of magical abilities. alice’s focus is mental persuasion, austin’s water manipulation, andrew’s the ability to communicate with animals.
nathan’s mom & aunt are magic users, his uncle is not, & his father’s lineage is unknown due to his identity also being unknown. his focus is technological manipulation.
both of shannon’s parents are magic users, as are all of her siblings. her focus is anatomical manipulation.
mike’s dad wields magic, his mom did not, & neither does his step-mom. his older step-sister is a mundane, but their younger brother is able to use magic. mike’s focus is botanical development.
jordi, jaymi, & luz are considered shifters instead of witches, since their type of magic focus is so different from the general population’s, & is the only focus that is genetic. the twins are able to shift into any animal form, but each of them has a preferred/favored animal: a bear (jordi) & a wolf (jaymi). luz is capable of shifting into any human form.
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