luztoyeweek · 1 month
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Sunday, July 8 to Saturday, July 14
1 - Make absolutely anything you want to! Moodboards, fanvideos, fanfiction, headcanons, fanart, playlists, and more are all welcome. 2 - It is NOT required to follow all or any of the prompts to participate in the week, absolutely any Luztoye content tagged will be accepted. 3- Tag either @luztoyeweek in everything you make and/or use the tag #luztoyeweek2024 in the creations you post, so that it can be reblogged from here! 4 - Have fun, and reach out if you have any questions. <3
- Song: I'll Be Seeing You by Billie Holliday
- Theme: Love Languages
- AU: Other Historical Time Periods (Western, Royalty, etc.)
- Color Palette:
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- Song: Francis Forever by Mitski
- Theme: Weather
- AU: Apocalypse/Survival (Zombies, Aliens, etc.)
- Color Palette:
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- Song: Classy Girls by The Lumineers
- Theme: Warm vs. Cold
- AU: Sports (Hockey, Baseball, etc.)
- Color Palette:
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- Song: Visions of Gideon by Sufjan Stevens
- Theme: Reunion
- AU: Futuristic (Space, Technology, etc.)
- Color Palette:
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- Song: Stray Italian Greyhound by Vienna Teng
- Theme: Movies
- AU: Media Fusions (Titanic, Orpheus and Eurydice, etc.)
- Color Palette:
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- Song: I Don't Smoke by Mitski
- Theme: Midnight
- AU: Situationships (Friends with Benefits, Fake Dating, etc.)
- Color Palette:
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- Song: Soap by The Oh Hellos
- Theme: Established Relationships
- AU: Canon Divergence (Different First Meeting, Alternate Canon Scenes, etc.)
- Color Palette:
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1 - The day before each prompt, a separate post will be created going over the next days prompts. For example, on Thursday, the outline for Friday's prompts will be dropped as a memory refresher for people not actively/commonly participating in the week.
2 - The Archive of Our Own collection for fanfiction for the week can be found here. It is open and unmoderated, so any authors who wish to add their work to the page are free to do so. For any questions on how to do this, DM me @blood-mocha-latte.
@phyllisthefirst @disastrouscanasta @theweirdgoodbyes @fallsirens @stanshika @jump-wings @mstiemountainhop @sparkedupsilver @brosreal @springwolves @luzlylovely @ackackh @gingerwerk @spinteresting
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blood-mocha-latte · 2 months
i just posted this and realized it was not the desired Week. cringefail behavior honestly. anyways,
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theweirdgoodbyes · 10 days
Last Line Challenge
Thanks for the tag @ventresses!
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like)
——this is a snippet from my fake dating au for luztoye week that is nowhere near done but has taken me hostage——
“I gotta,” Joe takes a small sip of his coffee, shivering as the cold liquid hits his tongue. He prefers hot, but it’s not like this guy knows that and he’s not gonna complain about a free drink, “hmm, I gotta know what this is about before I commit to anything. ‘Cause as of right now, I think you’re over the hill and far away.”
George throws back his head and laughs like it’s the funniest shit he’s ever heard, a loud, genuine thing that has Joe biting his lip to keep from smiling. He looks back at Joe, smile still glued to his face as his chuckles subside.
“You’re not wrong, pal. So, uh,” George sniffs, quickly wiping at his nose with the back of his hand before pointing at Joe with both index fingers, “let’s start with a little background. I’m one of ten kids, ranking in at number six but by far the best looking.”
“Jesus Christ,” Joe mutters, shaking his head. Although he never liked being an only child and always longed for a sibling or two, he couldn’t imagine having nine. George just grins, those fingers wagging in unison.
“Catholics love two things: Mother Mary and fucking without a condom. Anyway, all my siblings are married or engaged and my mother’s been on my ass for years about settling down. ‘Georgie’,” George says in a falsetto so realistic Joe has to blink once, twice, before it registers that the words came out of the man’s mouth, “‘I’m worried you’re gonna die alone. Why won’t you give me grand babies?’ Woman’s already got sixteen, mind you.”
“Jesus Christ.”
“I know. Anyway, at Christmas I got so damn fed up with her pestering I finally came out, not like she didn’t already know. ‘Ma, I’m gay’. I think that’s the end of it and she’ll leave me alone.” George slams his palms down on the table, forcing Joe to reach out and grab his coffee before it tips over from the impact. “Nope! Now she’s pestering me about when I’m gonna get a boyfriend. And she’s got my sisters texting me about it, those turncoats. So, Easter rolls around, and she’s so far up my ass I could just about shit her out. ‘Georgie’,” he says in that falsetto again, “‘God loves the gays. But you gotta get married to make it right’. So I started a little lie. Said I was seeing somebody. Picked the most common name out there and said his name is Joe, y’know, Joe Shmo who likes to blow. He’s a good Catholic boy like myself, he doesn’t live around here, and that’s the end of it.”
“But it’s not the end of it,” Joe says slowly, unsure if he wants to know more. If he was feeling more sane, or wasn’t about to get one hell of a fucking fine for not paying off the ticket in time, he would have grabbed his crutches and been out the door by now. But there was something about George that was almost hypnotic, making the world around him fade into a blur, only able to focus on this stupid yet charming man before him. Joe takes another gulp of his coffee for strength, hardly registering the cold temperature anymore.
“It sure as shit ain’t. This woman, my God, she’ll never be satisfied. She wants pictures. She wants details. She wants to meet him. You know what the problem is? Guy doesn’t fucking exist.” George takes a sip of his own coffee, iced like Joe’s and double the size, impish brown eyes glinting with something Joe isn’t sure he wants to understand, “Until now.”
Tagging @lamialamia @bast0gne @antigonenikk and anyone else who wants to do it heehee
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luztoyeweek · 1 month
~ Luztoye Week 2024 ~
Hello, and welcome to the first official Luztoye week! Run by Rie @blood-mocha-latte, if you want to ask a question over there instead, feel free to!
Set to begin sometime in July, this will focus on one week of prompts for this lovely ship. Late submissions will be open for up to two weeks after the actual week, and will be accepted just as warmly :). For the decided dates of the week, vote for the dates, prompts, and more with the form below <3.
Prompts will focus on things like color palettes, quotes/dialogue, songs, and AU's, but aren't at all required to be followed!
For all Luztoye week posts, feel free to use #luztoyeweek2024, tag this blog @luztoyeweek, or even tag Rie :). More information on prompts and the specific date of the week in July can be learned via asks, and/or after the form closes on Wednesday, May 25th.
You don’t have to plan to participate in the week to fill out this form, any prompts/ideas from anyone are welcome :).
Form for Luztoye Week 2024!
@the-cinnamontography-is-amazing @ewipandora @spinteresting @disastrouscanasta @almost-a-class-act @whollyjoly
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luztoyeweek · 3 days
Rie, I’ve ranted and rambled about my wips and that I’m procrastinating so much, but I also have not expressed how absolutely excited I am for Luztoye Week. @krakerjaksstuff can attest because I have been talking about the event constantly for weeks, lol. The entire fandom thanks you so much because !!! a week all for our boys!!! It’s fantastic, 11/10, would come again. So thank you for all the work you’ve put into Luztoye Week, it’s the high point on my calendar for next month
-Arthur :)
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Arthur this is so sweet I am literally sobbing. And also printing this ask out to put it in my wallet, actually. Love love love for a thousand years truly <33
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blood-mocha-latte · 2 months
okie dokie last poll i pinkie promise
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luztoyeweek · 1 month
For anyone interested in being tagged when the prompts for Luztoye Week are posted so that they don't miss it, interact with this post in any way, shape, or form. Thank you! <3
(Luztoye Week Details)
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luztoyeweek · 1 month
i'm feeling super inspired by these prompts and i can't wait to begin creating for luztoye week!!! i just have one quick question. if i have already posted a fic on ao3 that fits one of the themes/prompts, would i be able to post a snippet of during luztoye week? or should we only be posting new content for the event?
Hi!! I’m so glad you’re excited for the prompts, that’s so wonderful to hear :).
Posting a snippet of an already posted fic for the week is completely fine! As stated here, so long as it is tagged either #luztoyeweek2024 and/or uses @luztoyeweek, it’ll be considered a part of the week.
My one request would be to include the snippet in the Ao3 Luztoye Week Collection, but that is also optional and for organizational purposes more than anything else <3.
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