ygo-news · 7 years
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LVP1-JP041 フレッシュマドルチェ・シスタルト Fresh Madolche Sistart Link 2 EARTH Fairy Link Effect Monster ATK 1500 Links: Bottom Left, Bottom Right Materials: 2 “Madolche” monsters (1) While this card points to a “Madolche” monster, “Madolche” Spell and Trap Cards you control cannot be targeted or destroyed by effects. (2) If this card on the field would be destroyed by battle or a card effect, you can return 1 “Madolche” monster in your GY to your Deck instead.
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Lethal Virus - Part 1/5
Part O N E || Part T W O || Part T H R E E || Part F O U R || Part F I V E Word Count: 1378 Requested by: mymisstina Themes: AU, Fluff Triggers: Slight mention of a needle (flu shot?) A/N: So, this was fully intended to be a one-shot. I planned it out to have a beginning, three middles, and an end and then a started writing... and writing... and writing. By the time I finished expanded on the “beginning”, I had more than a thousand words and I hadn’t even gotten to the good bit. I’m so sorry. Hopefully, this is wrapped up in three parts, but it may turn out to be five parts.
“Another year, another physical.” Changkyun groaned as the two of you made your way down the corridor. You couldn’t help but agree. You and your partner, Hyunwoo, were finally getting somewhere with the murder case you’d been assigned and, honestly, you would rather be working on that. As you approached the room, you both took a seat outside in the corridor to wait your turn. “How’s the murder case going anyway, Noona?” “Well, we think we have a lead, we just have to wait until the vic’s test results come back.” You signed. Four days ago, the body of a dead prostitute had been left out the front of the police department with a note saying ‘Who’s next?”. Forensics had taken one look at the body and ordered a hazmat site to be set up. It looked as if the woman had Ebola. Due to the nature of the death, it had taken a little longer for tests to be taken but you and Hyunwoo were fairly certain that a man by the name of Dr. Jungho Kim was the perp. Kim had been fired last year after results of a new medicine that his company was working on were stolen and were to be released today by the company who had stolen them. However, Dr. Kim hadn’t been seen in over two weeks. “We need to know the date of infection in order to know if it was our suspect or not, as he’s been missing for two weeks.”
“___ ______-ssi?” You jumped slightly as your name was called. You’d got so caught up in thinking about the case, that you’d forgotten that you were waiting to have a physical exam.
Standing quickly, you ignored Changkyun as he teasingly called out “Good Luck” and made your way into the room. You sat down opposite a man who looked… off. He wasn’t the doctor who had been performing the physicals since you’d joined the force, but that wasn’t it. He looked nervous. His white coat and the clothes underneath were slightly disheveled and, while he looked and smelt as though he’d showered, his hair wasn’t combed and he had a five o’clock shadow - but it hadn’t yet gone two o’clock. “First day on the job?” You asked, chalking his demeanor up to first-day-at-work jitters. While he didn’t look young, he looked young enough to have just graduated from medical school, perhaps a year or two older than you. “Please don’t worry about examining us, just because we’re police. People always seem to be nervous around police officers - but we’re human too.” You laughed as you stepped behind the screen that was set up for you to undress behind before moving to sit in your underthings on the gurney. “Thank you.” He said though you couldn’t help but notice how dead his voice sounded - much like his eyes. “My name is Dr. Park, I’ll be examining you today as well as giving you a flu shot. There is a new strain of influenza going around, so it’s been decided to vaccinate everyone who works closely with the public.” Though Dr. Park was smiling, you couldn’t help but notice that the smile didn’t reach his eyes. “Oh, did I say something wrong?” He started to get nervous again so you had to think quickly. “No, I’m sorry, I’m just afraid of needles.” The lie came easily to you as you showed a little aegyo, trying to act nervous to relax the doctor. You’d have to remember to say something to Hyunwoo and the rest of your department when this was over. Perhaps Changkyun would also notice something. The doctor laughed, though it sounded fake. “Perhaps we should start with the shot and then complete the physical to get it out of the way.” You’d barely nodded before he was wiping your upper thigh and jabbing you with the needle. You bit your tongue to keep from crying out in pain. You’d have flu vaccines before, but they had never been this painful.
Thirty minutes later, you were dressed and exiting the room. “See that wasn’t so bad. The rest are all men, but they’re just big kittens so please don’t feel nervous around them. You did well. Fighting.” You smiling encouragingly only to be met once again with that strange fake smile. Changkyun stood as you shut the door behind you. “How’d it go?” He asked. You felt conflicted. You wanted to mention the strange doctor to him, but you wanted to see if he picked up on anything without bias. Your pride kept you from mentioning the shot. You were the only female on your team and you had worked years to fight the stigma of being a female police officer and gain the credibility that you now had. You felt that mentioning how painful you found the vaccine to be would only set your work back by appearing weak. However you found it strange, perhaps if Changkyun mentioned anything about a painful shot, then you would say something.
You busied yourself with emails, using your smartphone, as you waited for Changkyun to be done. Soon you were lost in your own world, only to be drawn out of it by the sound of a door opening and closing. Changkyun was back. You stood and the two of you began to walk back to your unit. “Noona…” Changkyun began, breaking the comfortable silence. You could tell by the tone of his voice that he was considering his words closely. “Dr. Park… Did he seem a little off to you?” You sighed in relief. “Yes, like he was nervous but no matter what I said to help him relax, he didn’t… He just seemed fake.” “Yeah… Listen, I think we shouldn’t say anything to Boss. I know you’re his partner but I don’t think it would help our situation.” Changkyun was the youngest member of your unit and, not only were you a woman, but you were also quite young compared to the others. You could see where he was coming from but, at the same time, you felt uncomfortable keeping something from Hyunwoo. Not only had he been your partner since the day you arrived in 1st detective unit, he’d quickly become your best friend who you felt comfortable sharing everything with. Over the three years that you’d been working together, you’d even started to develop a small crush on him - not that that mattered. It wasn’t something that you could tell him, as he’d only ever treated you like a little sister. Not to mention, the man was your partner and the leader of your unit. It just wasn’t professional to have a crush on the man who was essentially your boss. “Alright, though I don’t feel comfortable keeping things from my partner, even if you can keep things from yours. Alright.” You sighed just as the door to your office came into view.
The office was relatively empty as you opened the door and entered the room. Only Hyunwoo and Hyungwon, Changkyun’s partner, were inside and at work. The other four members of your team must have been out on their own assignments. Hyunwoo, being the ever-caring boss that he was, noticed you first and stood to come greet you both. “How did it go? It wasn’t too stressful, you’re both healthy?” He asked, checking your both over. It was probably your imagination, but it felt as if he lingered a little longer on you. “Of course,” Changkyun grinned, walking past the two of you to his desk, patting Hyungwon on the shoulder as he passed. “As strong as an ox, did you expect anything less?” You smiled up at Hyunwoo and nodded. “Nothing to worry about, same old same old. He said our boss should treat us to some tasty food, though, because we did so well in fasting.” Your eyes crinkled up in a teasing smile. “Hey! That’s a good one!” Changkyun called from across the room. “I mean, yeah. Please buy us tasty food!” “I could eat.” Hyungwon added, not looking up from where he was furiously typing away at the computer. “Alright, since you both did so good, let’s take lunch and I’ll treat you all to something tasty.”
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echomocha · 6 years
Finished the pres challenge finally, now I'm gonna try the level 50 one, including legion and Jeff.
Lv50 all female killers: done!
LvP1-50 all female killers: done!
LvP2-50 all female killers: done!
LvP3-50 all female killers: done!
Lv50 all characters I own: doing
get all perks on ace: yikes
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ygoreviews · 6 years
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Fresh Madolche Sistart ———————————————— 2 "Madolche" monsters While this card points to a "Madolche" monster, "Madolche" Spells/Traps you control cannot be destroyed by card effects, also neither player can target them with card effects. If this card on the field would be destroyed by battle or card effect, you can shuffle 1 "Madolche" monster from your GY into the Deck instead. ———————————————— Can Be Found In: LINK VRAINS Pack (LVP1-JP041)
Madolche is a popular archetype mainly due its cute characters and theme arround desserts. But behind its adorable appearance there's a Deck all about reusing their resources one after turn, allowing them to prepare big setups and still have plenty of cards after each turn. This is mainly achieved by shuffling cards back to their Deck, and combined with effects allowing them to bring them back to the hand it creates a gamestyle that rarely loses momentum. With a focus towards Xyz Summon, a Madolche Deck can perform big summons each turn where other Decks could struggle to keep that pacing after each investment.
"Fresh Madolche Sistart" is the obligatory Link Monster addition to many Decks all about their Extra Deck, but along arrows to expand their zones it provides two other abilities to further improve their performance. While one of the "Sistart" arrows points a Madolche, every archetype Spell and Trap will gain protection against targetting and destructive effects. "Sistart" might be great to protect backrow but also will protect itself, as in case she's going to be destroyed we can return a Madolche monster from our Graveyard back to the Deck to save her. So even though has some subpar ATK to become a threat in battles "Sistart" has all the potential to lead Madolches by not only protecting key cards but also stay alive against all sorts of threats as keeps her arrows assisting our summons.
"Sistart" is quite easy to bring out for an archetype already having no difficulties to summon  several monsters together for their Extra Deck summons. The most known option for their Extra Deck summons is by the help of "Madolche Anjelly", as tributes herself to summon any Madolche from our Deck. This effect goes towards "Madolche Hootcake", as can banish the just tributed "Anjelly" to summon a third Madolche and both Link Summon "Sistart" as a result. If not by those two monsters, "Madolche Mewfeuille" instead will arrive from our hand along another Madolche to prepare the same outcome. No matter the case, cards like "Madolche Ticket" and "Madolche Magileine" will assure we have these key monsters ready from early to late game. Although these might seem the only options the archetype has to bring out "Sistart", keep on mind that due the recycling mechanics of the Deck we will be able to constantly use them turn after turn to assure the arrival of "Sistart". Combined with an active "Madolche Chateau" bringing Madolches back to our hand instead of the Deck (Even by the effect of "Sistart"), we have plenty of opportunities to Link Summon under many scenarios.
Is clear that the role of "Sistart" on the board is to support the archetype with her abilities. The arrows should point a Madolche so staple cards like "Madolche Ticket" and "Madolche Chateau" aren't taken out, and since Link Monsters assists Extra Decks with their arrows soon will gain company from Xyz members like "Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-Mode" and "Madolche Queen Tiaramisu". Her own protective effect might struggle in some scenarios due the archetype having few to no monsters in the Graveyard, but keep on mind that effects like "Madolche Anjelly" as well the use of monsters as materials will assure we have atleast 2-3 monsters to protect "Sistart" from several threats in a single turn. Finally, the combination or all her effects will lead to the exploit of "Madolche Ticket" to let us summon Madolches from our Deck, as being Fairy-Type combined with her defensive behavior makes even avoiding destructive effects by her effect highly benefitial arround the Spell Card.
"Fresh Madolche Sistart" gets some backlash from veteran players due not directly improving the OTK setups the archetype was known during their debut, making her quite optional depending of how we build the Deck arround these monsters. While is not as oppresive as "Madolche Queen Tiaramisu" or alternative Link Monsters to work with like "Missus Radiant", "Sistart" entire purpose is to protect the board and does it perfectly. Her low ATK might be a high risk given that Link Monsters cannot be in Defense Position, but with the ability to protect some of the Madolche's most important cards while also surviving several threats as keeps her arrows available makes "Sistart" more valuable than might apparent. No matter if we use her arrows to protect key cards like "Madolche Ticket" or to summon more monsters from the Extra Deck, "Sistart" is for those players that prefer a safer approach of the archetype instead of aiming for a powerful offense in a few turns.
Personal Rating: A
+ Protects Madolche Spells and Traps from destructive and targetting effects as long is pointing a Madolche with her arrows + Avoids being destroyed by returning a Madolche monster from our Graveyard to the Deck + Sinergy with the cards that interacts with her effects
- Might be overshadowed by more offensive options - Setup dependant - Low ATK
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darkshadowduelist · 7 years
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OCG : LINK VRAINS PACK - Steelswarm LVP1-JP021 インヴェルズ・オリジン Inverz Origin (TCG: Steelswarm Origin) Link 2 LIGHT Fiend Link Effect Monster ATK 2000 Links: Top, Bottom Materials: 2 “lswarm” monsters (1) While this card is in the Extra Monster Zone, neither player can Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck to a Main Monster Zone, except to a Main Monster Zone this card points to. (2) While this card points to a monster, this card cannot be targeted by effects, nor destroyed by battle or card effect. (3) Once per turn, when a monster(s) on the field is destroyed (by battle or by card effect): You can Special Summon a number of Level 4 or lower “lswarm” monsters from your Deck in Defense Position, up to the number of monsters destroyed.
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digdlsnews · 6 years
トレカシングルタイムセール 1/7(日)12:00~23:59
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トレカシングルタイムセール1/7(日)12:00~23:590作品中、一部を紹介! SD26-JP022 [N] : パワー・ボンド CROS-JP090 [アルティメット] : サイバー・ドラゴン・インフィニティ SPTR-JP027 [SR] : 精霊獣 カンナホーク SECE-JP081 [R] : 宝玉の先導者 SECE-JP044 [UR] : グングニールの影霊衣 SECE-JP045 [シク] : ルーンアイズ・ペンデュラム・ドラゴン 15AX-JPM15 [シク] : マジシャンズ・ヴァルキリア CIBR-JP040 [NR] : 素早いビーバー LVP1-JP011 [シク] : ライトロード・ドミニオン キュリオス LVP1-JP036 [シク] : 魔導原典 クロウリー トレカシングルタイムセール1/7(日)12:00~23:59 こちらへ! (more…)
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ygo-news · 7 years
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LVP1-JP021 インヴェルズ・オリジン Inverz Origin (TCG: Steelswarm Origin) Link 2 LIGHT Fiend Link Effect Monster ATK 2000 Links: Top, Bottom Materials: 2 “lswarm” monsters (1) While this card is in the Extra Monster Zone, neither player can Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck to a Main Monster Zone, except to a Main Monster Zone this card points to. (2) While this card points to a monster, this card cannot be targeted by effects, nor destroyed by battle or card effect. (3) Once per turn, when a monster(s) on the field is destroyed (by battle or by card effect): You can Special Summon a number of Level 4 or lower “lswarm” monsters from your Deck in Defense Position, up to the number of monsters destroyed.
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ygo-news · 7 years
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LVP1-JP066 聖霊獣騎キムンファルコス Ritual Beast Ulti-Kimunfalco Link 2 WIND Psychic Link Effect Monster ATK 1800 Links: Bottom Left, Bottom Right Materials: 2 “Ritual Beast” monsters You can only use this card’s name (2) effect once per turn. (1) “Ritual Beast” monsters linked to this card gain 600 ATK and DEF. (2) You can banish 1 “Ritual Beast” card in your Graveyard; Immediately after this effect resolves, Normal Summon 1 “Ritual Beast” monster from your hand. (3) During either player’s turn (Quick Effect): You can return this card you control to the Extra Deck, then target 2 of your banished monsters (1 “Ritual Beast Tamer” monster and 1 “Spiritual Beast” monster); Special Summon them in Defense Position.
(Deadborder TL note: “Kimun”/“Kim” is the Ainu word for “mountain”.)
LVP1-JP071 セフィラ・メタトロン Zefra Metaltron Link 3 LIGHT Wyrm Link Effect Monster ATK 2500 Links: Bottom Left, Bottom, Bottom Right Materials: 2 or more monsters that were Special Summoned from the Extra Deck You can only use the (1) and (2) effects of this card’s name once per turn. (1) If a monster that was Special Summoned from the Extra Deck that is linked to this card is destroyed by battle or your opponent’s card effect: you can add 1 monster from your Graveyard or 1 Pendulum Monster that is face-up in your Extra Deck to your hand. (2) You can target 1 monster Special Summoned from the Extra Deck that each player controls other than this card; banish the 2 targets until the End Phase.
LVP1-JP096 暴走召喚師アレイスター Aleister the Meltdown Invoker Link 2 DARK Spellcaster Link Effect Monster ATK 1800 Links: Bottom Left, Bottom Right Materials: 2 monsters with different Types and Attributes (1) This card’s name is treated as “Aleister the Invoker” while it is on the field or Graveyard. (2) If a Fusion Monster is Fusion Summoned while this card is in a Monster Zone: you can discard 1 card, and if you do, add 1 “Invocation” or “The Book of Law” form your Deck to your hand. (3) If this face-up card is removed from the field by your opponent’s card effect: you can add 1 “Omega Summon” from your Deck to your hand.
LVP1-JP051 聖騎士の追想 イゾルデ Isolde, Inspiration of the Noble Knights / Iseult, Inspiration of the Noble Knights Link 2 LIGHT Warrior Link Effect Monster ATK 1600 Links: Bottom Left, Bottom Right Materials: 2 Warrior Monsters You can only use this card’s name (1) and (2) effects once per turn. (1) If this card is Link Summoned: you can add 1 Warrior monster from your Deck to your hand. You cannot Normal Summon or Special Summon the monster added to the hand by this effect or monsters with the same name, or activate that monster’s effect, during this turn. (2) You can send any number of Equip Spell Cards with different names from your Deck to your GY; Special Summon a Warrior monster from your Deck whose Level equals the number of cards that were sent to the GY this way.
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ygo-news · 7 years
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In the right bottom corner
ジェムナイト・ファントムルーツ Gem-Knight Phantom Roots (TCG: Gem-Knight Phantom Core)
Link 2 EARTH Rock Link Effect Monster ATK 1450 Links: Bottom Left, Bottom Right Materials: 2 “Gem-” monsters The 1st and 2nd effects of this card’s name can each only be used once per turn, (1) If this card is Link Summoned: You can add 1 “Gem-Knight” card from your Deck to your hand. (2) You can pay 1000 LP; Fusion Summon 1 “Gem-Knight” monster from your Extra Deck, by shuffling Fusion Materials listed on it that are in your GY and/or among your banished cards into your Deck, and if you do, the Summoned monster cannot attack directly this turn
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ygo-news · 7 years
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LVP1-JP086 ヘビーメタルフォーゼ・エレクトラム Heavymetalfoes Electrum Link Rating 2 FIRE Psychic Link Effect Monster ATK 1800 Links: Bottom Left, Bottom Right Materials: 2 Pendulum Monsters You can only use the 3rd effect of this card’s name once per turn: (1) If this card is Link Summoned: Place 1 Pendulum Monster from your Main Deck face-up into your Extra Deck (2) Once per turn: You can target 1 face-up card you control, except this card; destroy that card, and if you do, add 1 face-up Pendulum Monster in your Extra Deck to your hand. (3) If a card in your Pendulum Zone leaves the field: Draw 1 card.
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ygo-news · 7 years
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VP1-JP061 Qliphort Genius Link Rating 2 EARTH Machine Link Effect Monster ATK 1800 Links: Bottom Left, Bottom Right Materials: 2 Machine monsters (1) This Link Summoned card is unaffected by the effects of Spell/Trap Cards, also this card is unaffected by the effects of other Link Monsters. (2) Once per turn: You can target 1 face-up card you control and 1 face-up card your opponent controls; negate their effects until the end of this turn. (3) When 2 monsters are Special Summoned to the zones this card points to: You can add 1 Level 5 or higher Machine monster from your Deck to your hand.
LVP1-JP006 Gladiator Beast Dragacius Link Rating 2 WIND Winged Beast Link Effect Monster ATK 2000 Links: Bottom Left, Bottom Right Materials: 2 “Gladiator Beast” monsters You can only use the 2nd effect of this card’s name once per turn. (1) If a “Gladiator Beast” monster you control attacks, that monster cannot be destroyed by that battle, also your opponent’s cards and effects cannot be activated until the end of the Damage Step. (2) At the end of the Battle Phase, if this card battled: You can return this card to the Extra Deck; Special Summon 2 “Gladiator Beast” monsters with different names from you Deck.
LVP1-JP081 Higan no Kurotenshi Cherubini (Cherubini, Black Angel of the Burning Abyss) Link Rating 2 DARK Fairy Link Effect Monster ATK 500 Links: Bottom Left, Bottom Right Materials: 2 Level 3 monsters You can only use the 3rd effect of this card’s name once per turn. (1) Monsters this card points to cannot be destroyed by card effects. (2) If this card on the field would be destroyed (by battle or by your opponent’s effects, you can send 1 card you control to the GY instead. (3) Send 1 Level 3 monster from your Deck to the GY, then target 1 “Burning Abyss” monster you control; Increase that target’s ATK / DEF by the original ATK / DEF of the sent monster until the end of the turn. monster.
LVP1-JP011 Lightlord Dominion Kyrios (Kyrios, Dominion of the Lightsworn) Link Rating 3 LIGHT Warrior Link Effect Monster ATK 2400 Links: Up, Bottom Left, Bottom Right Materials: 3 monsters with the same Attribute but different Types You can only use the 1st and 2nd effects of this card’s name once per turn. (1) If this card is Link Summoned: You can send 1 card from your Deck to the GY. (2) If a card(s) is sent from your Deck to the GY: Send the top 3 cards of your Deck to the GY. (3) If this face-up card leaves the field due to your opponent’s card (by battle or card effect): You can target 1 card in your GY; add it to your hand.
LVP1-JP091 水晶機巧-ハリファイバー Crystron Halifiber Link Rating 2 WATER Machine Link Effect Monster ATK 1500 Links: Bottom Left, Bottom Right Materials: 2 monsters, including 1 or more Tuners You can only use each effect of this card’s name once per turn. (1) If this card is Link Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower Tuner monster from your hand or Deck; the effects of the monster Special Summoned by this effect cannot be activated during this turn. (2) During your opponent’s Main Phase or Battle Phase: You can banish this card; Special Summon 1 Tuner Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck (this Special Summon is treated as a Synchro Summon).
EXFO-JP031 天球の聖刻印 Tenkyuu no Seikokuin (Hieratic Seal of the Celestial Spheres) Link Rating 2 LIGHT Dragon Link Effect Monster ATK 0 Links: Bottom Left, Bottom Right Materials: 2 Dragon monsters You can only use the 2nd effect of this card’s name once per turn. (1) Once per turn during your opponent’s turn, if this card is in the Extra Monster Zone (Quick Effect): You can Tribute 1 monster you control or in your hand; return 1 face-up card on the field to the hand. (2) If this card is Tributed: Special Summon 1 Dragon monster from your hand or Deck, and make its ATK and DEF 0.
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ygo-news · 7 years
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LVP1-JP046 水精鱗-サラキアビス Mermail – Sarakiabyss (TCG: Mermail Abyssalicia) Rating 2 WATER Sea Serpent Link Effect Monster 1600 ATK Link Arrows: Bottom-Left, Bottom-Right Link Materials: 2 Fish, Sea Serpent, and/or Aqua monsters You can only use each effect among the (2)nd and (3)rd effects with this card’s name once per turn.
(1) Monsters this card points to gain 500 ATK and DEF.
(2) During your opponent’s turn (Quick Effect): You can send 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard; add 1 “Mermail” monster from your Deck to your hand.
(3) If this card in its owner’s possession is destroyed by an opponent’s attack or card effect: you can send 1 WATER monster from your Deck to the Graveyard, then target 1 WATER monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it in Defense Position.
Note: This card appears to be named the Roman Goddess, Salacia, the wife and queen of Neptune, the Roman God of the Ocean. Salacia also sounds like Cape Saraki in Hokkaido but this may well be incidental.
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ygo-news · 7 years
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LVP1-JP001 パーペチュアルキングデーモン Perpetual King Daemon (TCG: Perpetual King Archfiend) Link Rating 2 DARK Fiend Link Effect Monster ATK 2000 Links: Bottom Left, Bottom Right Materials: 2 Fiend monsters During this card’s controller’s Standby Phase, pay 500 LP or destroy this card. This card’s 1st and 2nd effects can only be used once each during the same Chain. (1) If you pay LP: You can send 1 Fiend monster from your Deck to the GY that has ATK or DEF equal to that amount. (2) If a Fiend monster(s) is sent to your GY: You can roll a six-sided dice once, and apply the following effects to 1 of them depending on the result. • 1: Add it to your hand. • 2~5: Return it to the Deck. • 6: Special Summon it.
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ygoreviews · 6 years
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Shaddoll Construct ———————————————— 2 Flip monsters During your Main Phase: You can Fusion Summon 1 "Shaddoll" Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field as Fusion Materials. If this card is in your GY: You can send 1 "Shaddoll" card from your hand or face-up from your field to the GY, and if you do, Special Summon this card. You can only use each effect of "Shaddoll Construct" once per turn. ———————————————— Can Be Found In: LINK VRAINS Pack (LVP1-JP056)
Shaddoll might seem a slow archetype due the majority of their members being Flip Monsters. However, with secondary effects activated when sent to the Graveyard along setups arround Fusion Summons, Shaddolls can quickly be on the lead as they bring their best monsters while gaining certain benefits in the process. With their Fusion Monsters requiring a material of certain Attribute(s) allows Shaddolls to fit in mixed builds to diverse their gamestyle, ranging from obtaining coverage against certain threats to taking advantage of certain mechanics such as milling their monsters. In resume, Flip effects will become the least priority of the build as they Fusion Summon while stacking several Graveyard effects in return.
"Shaddoll Construct" (Do not confuse with the Fusion Monster "El Shaddoll Construct") is the lattest addition to the archetype due the new Extra Monster Zone limiting some of their Extra Deck mechanics considerably. "Construct" might not have a high ATK or arrows to assist the archetype while in the Extra Monster Zone, but to compensates allows us to perform a Fusion Summon by using materials from either our hand or field. Like other Shaddolls "Construct" has an effect activated arround the Graveyard, in which by disposing of a Shaddoll card from our hand or face-up on our field will revive "Construct" in return. Overall the intention of "Construct" is not exactly assist us as other Link Monsters, but rather provide us a reusable material as well Fusion Summon effect as long we time her effects properly.
The Link Summon of "Construct" is quite unusual compared to current Link Monsters as requires Flip Monsters as materials, but not only Shaddolls are more than prepared to provide such monsters but we can also work with other Flip Monsters we can fit in the archetype. The fastest method right from the first turn of a Duel is by the help of "Rescue Cat", as by being tributed with its effect will summon monsters like "Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter" to quickly become materials of "Construct". Alternatively, we can instead aim for "Summon Sorceress" as her effects will let us summon up to two Shaddolls to then become "Construct" afterwards. Obviously the archetype itself provide options like "Shaddoll Falco" and "Shaddoll Hedgehog" to gather their members, but they might take slightly more time compared to other options. Overall the main struggle is the Link Summon of "Construct", as afterwards all we have to do is to have atleast one Shaddoll card at hand or on the field to constantly revive her each turn by her own effect.
Although might not stand out in battles, "Construct" will soon become an exploitable material by combining her two abilities. Her Fusion Summon effect can use herself as material, cheapening the arrival of boss monsters such as "El Shaddoll Winda" and "El Shaddoll Shekhinaga" as we leave the rest of the built to provide the right Attribute for these creatures. While the revival effect of "Construct" won't benefit most Shaddolls due sending cards is a cost, it can use their Fusion Monsters as they share the ability to retrieve Shaddoll Spells and Traps no matter how they end in our Graveyard. While the main goal of "Construct" is to be revived each turn to become material of Fusion Summons and even some Link Summons, keep on mind that she will be summoned outside the Extra Monster Zone and therefore allow us to use her arrows to summon other Extra Deck monsters on her sides.
While has some unsupported requeriments for her Link Summon that mostly relies on cards like "Rescue Cat", once "Shaddoll Construct" is out of our Extra Deck she will constantly support the archetype turn after turn with her almost always available effects. Although not as powerful compared to "Shaddoll Fusion", a Fusion Summon each turn that only requires a material to match with "Construct" is an exploitable ability that will let us keep spare cards to revive "Construct" in the next turns. Despite being reduced to a role as material, the opportunity to come back to the field and use her arrows for further summons is a powerful benefit for a build all about their Fusion Summons. "Shaddoll Construct" might have a few hiccups specially when comes to her Link Summon, but once summoned she will become always available for not only Fusion Summons but other purposes we can work with her pressence.
Personal Rating: A
+ Allows us to perform a Fusion Summon + Revives herself by disposing a Shaddoll card from our hand or field + Recyclable material + Once revived we can use her arrows for further Extra Deck summons
- Limited options for a quick Link Summon - Reduced to a role as material specially due her low ATK
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ygo-news · 7 years
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LVP1-JP026 Inzektor Picofarena Link 2 DARK Insect Link Effect Monster ATK 1000 Links: Bottom Left, Bottom Right Materials: 2 Insect monsters You can only use this card’s name’s (1) and (2) effects once per turn. (1) If this card is Link Summoned: You can discard 1 card then target 1 other Insect monster you control; equip 1 Insect monster from your Deck to the targeted monster as an Equip Card. The equipped monster gains 500 ATK and DEF. (2) You can target 3 Insect monsters in your Graveyard; return them to the Deck, then draw 1 card.
(The 1 effect’s bonus is not dependent on Picofarena)
LVP1-JP056 Shaddoll Nephilim / Shaddoll Construct Link 2 LIGHT Fairy Link Effect Monster ATK 1200 Links: Left, Right Materials: 2 Flip Monsters You can only use this card name’s (1) and (2) effects once per turn each. (1): During your Main Phase: You can Fusion Summon 1 “Shaddoll” Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or your side of the field as Fusion Materials. (2): If this card is in your GY: You can send 1 “Shaddoll” card in your hand or face-up from your side of the field to the GY, and if you do, Special Summon this card from your GY.
LVP1-JP036 Madou Genten Crowley (Crowley the Origin/Source of Prophecy) Link 2 DARK Spellcaster Link Effect Monster ATK 1000 Links: Bottom Left, Bottom Right Materials: 2 Spellcaster monsters This card’s name’s (1) effect can only be used once per turn. (1) If this card is Link Summoned: You can reveal 3 “Spellbook” cards with different names from your Deck, your opponent randomly adds 1 of them to your hand, and shuffle the rest back into your Deck. (2) Each turn, 1 Level 5 or higher Spellcaster monster you Normal Summon can be Summoned without Tributing.
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darkshadowduelist · 7 years
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OCG LINK VRAINS PACK LVP1-JP026 Inzektor Picofalena Link Rating 2 DARK Insect Link Effect Monster ATK 1000 Link Arrows: Bottom Left, Bottom Right Link Materials: 2 Insect monsters You can only use each effect [among the (1)st and (2)nd effects] with this card’s name once per turn. (1) If this card is Link Summoned: You can discard 1 card, then target 1 other Insect monster you control; equip 1 Insect monster from your Deck to that target as an Equip Spell with this effect. ● The equipped monster gains 500 ATK and DEF. (2) You can target 3 Insect monsters in your Graveyard; shuffle them into the Deck, then draw 1 card. LVP1-JP036 Madou Genten Crowley (Crowley, Prophet of Prophecy / Aeon of Prophecy) Link Rating 2 DARK Spellcaster Link Effect Monster ATK 1000 Link Arrows: Bottom Left, Bottom Right Link Materials: 2 Spellcaster monsters You can only use the (1)st effect with this card’s name once per turn. (1) If this card is Link Summoned: You can reveal 3 “Spellbook” cards with different names from your Deck, your opponent randomly chooses 1 for you to add to your hand, and you shuffle the rest back into your Deck. (2) Each turn, 1 Level 5 or higher Spellcaster monster you Normal Summon can be Summoned without Tributing. LVP1-JP056 Shaddoll Nephilim / Shaddoll Construct Link Rating 2 LIGHT Fairy Link Effect Monster ATK 1200 Link Arrows: Middle Left, Middle Right Link Materials: 2 Flip monsters You can only use each effect [among the (1)st and (2)nd effects] with this card’s name once per turn. (1): During your Main Phase: You can Fusion Summon 1 “Shaddoll” Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or your side of the field as Fusion Materials. (2): If this card is in your GY: You can send 1 “Shaddoll” card in your hand or face-up from your field to the GY, and if you do, Special Summon this card from your GY.
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