#lw44 one shot
maxtermind · 29 days
Request for lewis. Maybe after a terrible race weekend he comes home. and his wife thinks he would be so disappointed but when he comes home he's just so...... unserious (like look how giddy he is even when the results r not that good). like maybe he comes home and just starts kissing her and their son.
until i found you
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★ : feat :: lewis hamilton x wife!reader ★ : genre :: fluff; hurt/comfort ★ : word count :: 1k+ ★ : a/n :: domestic lewis is food for the soul
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It was so frustrating for you to sit at home alongside your son and watch Lewis have another horrible weekend that you decided to just skip watching the race altogether. Given that last time, your son cried so much that he threw up.
It was a mutual decision yet you were shocked to see that you were feeling worse than Lewis did when you guys talked about it. His only reply was,”You know I can’t even drive knowing he’s crying at home because of me, right?”
As you watched Lewis trudge through the front door, a heavy weight seemed to hang on his shoulders. His steps lacked their usual bounce, and his usually bright eyes were dull with disappointment. You could practically feel the tension radiating off him as he entered the room.
”Hey, Lewis,” you greeted him softly, trying to gauge his mood.
He offered you a weak smile, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. ”Hey, baby” he replied, leaning forward to kiss you as his hands sneaked around your shoulder.
You moved closer, concern etched into your features. ”How… how are you?” you asked tentatively, dreading the answer.
Your husband let out a sigh, his shoulders slumping further. ”It was… rough,” he admitted, his voice tinged with frustration. ”Nothing seemed to go right. Mechanical issues, a pit stop mishap… you name it.”
Your heart sank at his words, knowing how much he had been preparing for this race. ”I'm so sorry, Lewis,” you murmured, reaching out to gently squeeze his shoulder. ”That sounds incredibly tough.”
”Yeah, it was,” he admitted quietly. ”But hey, that's racing, right? You win some, you lose some.”
You could sense the underlying disappointment in his words, the frustration of coming so close to success only to have it slip through his fingers. Your heart ached for him, wishing there was something you could do to ease his pain.
Before you could say anything else, your son's voice rang out from the other room. ”Daddy's home!” he exclaimed, his excitement palpable.
Lewis's face lit up at the sound, a hint of his usual brightness returning. ”Hey there, champ!” he called out, his voice infused with warmth.
Your son came bounding into the room, his eyes wide with excitement. ”Did you win, Daddy?” he asked eagerly.
Lewis hesitated for a moment, a flicker of doubt crossing his features before he managed a small smile. ”Not this time, buddy,” he replied gently. ”But I gave it my best shot.”
Your son nodded understandingly, his disappointment fleeting as he threw himself into his father's arms. ”That's okay, Daddy,” he declared. ”You'll get 'em next time!”
Lewis's smile widened at his words, a genuine sense of pride shining through. ”Thanks, buddy,” he said, his voice filled with gratitude. ”I'll definitely give it my all.”
As Lewis hugged your little bundle of joy to his chest, you couldn't help but feel a swell of pride and admiration for the man standing before you. Despite the disappointment he faced, he remained determined and resilient, his love for his family shining through even in the darkest of times.
It was just another instance where you realized how you would never be as strong as your husband.
You approached them slowly, your heart heavy with empathy. ”Lewis,” you began softly, ”I'm so proud of you. You gave it your all out there, darling.”
He turned to you, his eyes searching yours for reassurance. ”Thanks, love,” he murmured, his voice tinged with gratitude. ”It means a lot to hear you say that.”
You reached out, tracing a gentle finger along his cheek. ”I know it's tough right now, but remember, you're more than just a race car driver. You're an amazing father and an.. alright husband.”
A small smirk tugged at the corners of his lips, a hint of the familiar spark returning to his eyes as he threw his head back and let out a laugh. ”You always know how to lift my spirits,” he admitted, pulling you into a warm embrace.
”I don’t think it matters, anyway. Wish there was a way to skip this season altogether.”
He said it so nonchalantly that you were left blinking your eyes as Lewis tickled your son and left kisses all over his face. It took you a minute to process but you were glad he wasn’t letting it get to him.
Five years ago Lewis would’ve probably lost it but the Lewis who was the father of your child wasn’t a sore loser.
You joined them for a moment, wrapped in each other's arms, the weight of the day slowly lifting from your shoulders. At that moment, it didn't matter that the race hadn't gone as planned. What mattered was the love and support you shared as a family.
As the day wore on, you gathered around the dinner table, sharing stories and laughter as a family. Lewis's infectious energy lifted your spirits, turning what could have been a somber evening into a celebration of togetherness.
”He really colored his camel green?” Lewis snorted, engaging in the conversation smoothly.
”Yes, daddy!” Your son snickered loudly. ”And then he cried when the teacher asked if it was a crocodile.”  Your son ranted away, finally having another person to share the tales from his day with, his laughter filling the room with joy.
And as Lewis caught your eye from across the table, his gaze filled with love and gratitude, you knew that no matter what the future held, as long as you had each other, you would always find a reason to smile.
Later that evening, as you tucked your son into bed, you couldn't help but marvel at the resilience of the man beside you. Despite the disappointments of the day, Lewis had remained steadfast in his optimism, his unwavering love for your family being the pillar he leaned on.
”I bet you’re tired,” you whispered as Lewis closed the door to your son’s room, mindful to keep your voice low.
”I know a way you could help me relax then.” He said right back before hoisting you up his shoulders. A loud yelp leaving your mouth that made him chuckle as he walked you both into the master bedroom.
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( masterlist \ drop a request ) ©maxtermind // do not copy, rewrite or translate any of my work on any platforms.
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ayelbee · 1 year
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previous chapter |
Summary: Sometimes even love is not enough for relationships. But it's fine because you are over it. But getting again in a contact with his younger brother wasn't smart.
TW: bad english, bad writing
Notes: Hey, I know that this took me long enough but i'm back finally! My life has been simple a mess these few moths. But i hope that from now everything is gettig finally better... I don't want to promise you another chapter soon, because I am not really sure, but i will do my best! I am also working on a one shot with LW44... so stay tuned ig? Thank you for your support <3
The ride to Kylain’s apartment was silent, the car was filled with tension and you wished Kylian would calm down before you got to his apartment. You were watching the Parisian streets, but your eyes darted to Kylian a few times. His knuckles were white as he was gripping the steering wheel. His eyes were darker than normally, he was also 100% focused on the road, but you catched him as he once shot Ethan a look through the mirror, you also felt his eyes on you. But you just digged yourself deeper into the seat.
After thirty minutes you finally arrived at the underground garages. A wave of memories washed over you as Kylian parked. But it was nothing compared to the memories coming up. Kylian unbuckled himself and disappeared from the car, you waited a few seconds before you turned your head to Ethan.
“It will be fine.” you tried to calm Ethan down, as you could see how nervous and scared he was.
“He will kill me.”
“Are you two going or what?” you heard Kylian’s voice from the outside, you could also see him through the window standing next to the elevator. You fastly unbuckled yourself and left the car. 
Once Kylian opened the door of his apartment, you could smell the smell of home. You promised yourself that you were over everything that happened, but seeing the familiar corridor leading to the living room, you wished for a moment that this was still your home too.
You followed Kylian closely as he was walking to the living room, your eyes scanning the walls, which used to be filled with paintings, but now they were empty. It felt colder, unfamiliar, uncomfortable.
Ethan was the first to take a seat in the living room. Kylian continued as he sat down on a chair. You took place next to Ethan on the couch. You didn’t know what to do, but after all you were the one who was responsible for this mess.
“Kylian, please don’t be angry with Ethan. We weren't doing this to hurt you.” you wanted to continue, but the voice of your ex boyfriend stopped you.
“Y/n don't defend him. I told you that he will do the speaking.”  Kylian looked into your eyes and for a moment you forgot about the world around you. For a second Kylian was calm, his eyes were not as dark as when is angry. His look was soft. And you felt the warmth of home. But this second was fastly turned back into reality. “So Ethan start the explaining:” now both of you were watching Ethan.
It took him a few seconds to find the first words.
“Y/n called me on my birthday-” 
“You called him on his birthday, but you didn’t even answer my text on your birthday! And you didn't even wish me a happy birthday” Ethan wasn’t even able to finish the sentence before Kylian interrupted him. Kylian sounded angry at first, but turned into sad as he was now watching you.
“I’m sorry Kylian” now you felt bad for not wishing him a good birthday “I wanted to, but it was after the whole world cup, so i just felt like it would not be a good thing to do.” Kylian was opening his mouth again but Ethan saw the whole awkward situation and decided to continue.
“So she called me and I somehow managed to convince Y/n to let us have another MCU day together. Movies, snacks, you know. So then we met, it was the day after you saw each other on the street and also the day when you called me, with the idea of going to the cinema together.”
“Like the day when you told me that you are out with a girl?” Kylian was confused, his anger stepped down, but he was still pissed.
“Yes, so practically I wasn't lying, I just wasn’t telling the real truth. Anyway then Y/n promised to come watch my game when you won’t be there.” Ethan stopped for a moment, catching another breath as he was speaking as fast as possible. “I never wanted to hurt you, I actually had in my plan to get you two back together. I just wanted to take it slowly, because even that Y/n is saying how over you she is, she is not. She is lying to herself and really badly because I could see it the moment I stepped into her flat. She is missing you, and she still loves you but Y/n is stubborn even more than you! But I know that she is not happy without you” now you were flabbergasted, you didn't understand what had just come out of Ethan, and even though you felt inside that he was right, you didn't admit it.
“Do you know that I am still here Ethan?” that was all what you were capable to say.
“I’m sorry Y/n, but it's just the truth.” Kylian was silent, he was staring onto the wall, thinking about every word that Ethan said. Now he wasn’t angry or pissed, or maybe he was, but just a little. He realized that Ethan is just really still a kid, who wanted to do his best and he he knew that his brother didn’t want to betray him.
You didn’t answer to Ethan, also thinking about every word that came out of him. 
“So now, when I explained everything, can we please order some food? I am starving.”  The youngest in the room broke the silence.
“Choose something then.” Kylian placed his phone into Ethan’s hand. The room felt again into silence as Ethan was browsing through UberEats. 
“I think I will go.” you started to stand up.
“That’s nonsense Y/n, I dragged you all the way across Paris, now let's all eat and then I'll take you both home. Okay?” Kylian was staring into your eyes. 
“I don’t know Kylian, I can call myself a taxi.”
“Y/n please, that’s stupid.” he was piercing you with his eyes. You couldn’t say no to these eyes. His eyes were rich and dark, like coffee beans, which you used to love like your morning coffee. But those times were long gone.
“Okay, I guess that I can stay.”
“Great, what do you want to eat?” Kylian smiled a little, convincing you to stay a little longer was his little victory. He wanted to stare at you, he wanted to have you in his presence. He missed your beauty, your smile and everything that came with you. He knew that you weren’t here for him, but still, he was happy just for a moment.
“Look guys, this looks good!” Ethan was turning the screen towards you.
Ethan suggested watching a documentary he'd heard about, while waiting for your food. So now all of you are comfortably sitting in a living room. Except the only person who was focused on this documentary was Ethan. You weren’t able to listen to this document, because your head was full of Kylian. The fact that you felt his gaze on you, wasn’t helping.
Were you actually happy without him? Was Ethan right?
No he wasn’t. Yes, you missed Kylian, but you would not be able to be happy with him. Not when he wasn’t able to accept your job. Not when small things made him angry. Not when he accused you of putting the relationship on the back burner.
These were the things that made you two broke up, these things couldn’t be fixed till the day when Kylian will realize how wrong he is. You did everything to save this. But it just didn’t work out and you won’t waste your years saving something that can’t be saved because of his stubbornness. 
Kylian on the other hand was thinking about how to get you back. Words of his brother were stuck in his head. He tried to believe them, so he would have a reason and hope to believe that he can get you back. Hope to believe that he is the best for you and that he is the reason for your happiness. Because he knows that you are the best for him and that you are also the reason for his happiness. 
He also felt like he almost forgot how beautiful you are. He couldn’t take his eyes from you. He wished to see you from the front, but even your side profile was everything he needed in his life. And he was ready to give everything in the world to get you back into his life.
Two hours later you were back in the car, typing your address into Kylian’s SATNAV. The atmosphere in the car was way more calmer than earlier. You and Kylian exchanged just a few words all afternoon. You were mostly silent, while he and Ethan were talking about football.
Twenty minutes later, the car pulled up in front of Kylian's parents' house. You exchanged quick goodbye with Ethan after another minute Kylian was driving you home. The rest of the drive was silent again, just the soft music coming from the radio echoed through the car. After another twenty minutes Kylian stopped in front of your apartment building. 
“Thank you.” you looked at him.
“Don’t, I was happy to do it.” he smiled, 
“Take care, Kylian.” you smiled back at him as you were ready to open the door.
“Y/n.” he stopped you as you turned back at him “do you think that we could go out together? Maybe for dinner or something?” his eyes were full of hope.
“I don’t think we should Kylian. This is better for both of us.” you hated to see his eyes sadden, but this was the right thing to do.
“Are you really happy Y/n or was Ethan right?” Kylian’s eyes were intense. You felt like he was reading you like a book. But you still couldn’t let the feelings inside of you take over the rational side of yourself
“Ethan is a kid, he still doesn’t understand life fully.”
“You didn’t answer my question Y/n.” his voice was urgent, Kylian needed to hear that Ethan was right. But you were not able to answer him so instead you gave him one last quick look and you opened the door. 
“Bye Kylian.” you could hear your name again, but before he was able to continue you closed the door again and left.
Tag list: @nightlockcornucopia, @she-lives-in-her-dreams, @sorceresski @m4k444 @mrs-dasilvasantoss @kyksgirlgirl @mrswhitethornbelikov @starofavolonea
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maxtermind · 1 month
hello! i have a request for lewis x wife reader. maybe where reader is pregnant. and lewis is all sweet, protective, and caring about her? very domestic fluff is recommended :))
as bright as the morning
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★ : feat :: lewis hamilton x pregnant!wife reader ★ : genre :: fluff ★ : word count :: 650 ★ : a/n :: this took so long because i forgot to schedule the post😔 hope you like this tooth rooting fluff
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You stood in the kitchen, the comforting scent of breakfast filling the air as you moved about, your movements slowed by the gentle weight of your growing belly.
It was a rare sight to see you taking charge of breakfast, as he usually insisted on handling everything when he was home, but you decided to relish in this since he was still sleeping.
Oblivious to your man standing just a few feet away, admiring you, the morning sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow around you, enveloping you in a soft halo of light and making his heart swell with love.
”Hey there, beautiful,” you heard Lewis's voice, filled with affection, as he entered the room.
You turned to him, a smile lighting up your face at the sight of your husband.
”Good morning,” you replied, your voice soft with warmth, about to continue, but he crossed the room in a few quick strides, his arms enveloping you in a gentle embrace right that second.
Before you knew it, he was pressing a tender kiss to your forehead, his touch sending a shiver of warmth down your spine. ”How are you feeling today?” Lewis asked, his voice laced with concern as he pulled back to look into your eyes.
You sighed, leaning into his touch. ”A little tired, but otherwise, I'm okay,” you admitted, feeling the weight of exhaustion settling in your bones.
The words were out of your mouth before you could second-guess, and you realized your mistake as soon as Lewis’s eyes widened.
Your husband’s brows furrowed with worry, his protective instincts kicking into overdrive. ”You should be resting,” he insisted, his tone gentle yet firm.
You shook your head, a stubborn glint in your eyes. ”I'm fine, Lewis. I can handle it,” you protested, though the weariness in your voice betrayed your true feelings, and he was already leading you away to the other side of the counter. “I want to spend time with you.”
Lewis sighed, knowing that arguing with you would be futile. Instead, he stepped forward, gently taking your hand in his, before pushing you down on the stool behind the corner.
“You both should not be up and working when I'm home,” he offered, his voice soft with sincerity.
Lewis worked efficiently, picking up right where you left off, preparing breakfast as you both conversed with a sense of ease that only comes from years of shared love and companionship.
He kept a watchful eye on you, making sure you didn't overexert yourself, and that made your heart run so fast that you were sure you needed to see your doctor regarding that soon. Lewis was done in no time because you were already halfway done before he woke up.
As he served the food, you stood up to get juice, and Lewis reached out to place a hand on your belly, feeling the soft skin underneath his palm. A heartwarming smile broke out on his face.
”You know I love you both, right?” Lewis murmured, his voice filled with wonder as he looked at you.
You nodded, your eyes shining with joy. ”We love you too, baby,” you agreed, your hand coming to rest atop his.
He bent down to kiss you but you jerked away playfully, startling him before he rolled his eyes at the mischievous smile on your face. His heartbeat pressed against your back, matching yours.
”Oops, sorry,” you teased, ”just heard the baby say that she loves her mumma more.”
Lewis chuckled, his heart overflowing with love for you and his little baby. ”I'll have to have a talk with her about that,” he joked, his voice filled with affection as he pulled you tighter into his arms, making sure to keep the pressure off your belly.
And as you promised yourself to book that cardiologist appointment after all, you kissed Lewis.
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( masterlist \ drop a request ) ©maxtermind // do not copy, rewrite or translate any of my work on any platforms.
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