talentforlying · 3 months
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@lxvingdeadgxrl: He could be as snarky and sarcastic as he liked, he wasn't about to dampen her mood. She knows full fucking well that he's always up for a good goss session, regardless of how dismissive he might act. "Got a call from a paranormal research team. Group of small-timers out of Columbus." she started. "Well, they've been looking into some strange happenings regarding this cave system that stretches over a few states. Apparently, one of their team members went out to West Virginia to follow some leads, and poof-" she gestured wildly with one hand, "-disappeared into thin air. No pings on any credit cards, no movement on the phone, noting. Just vanished off the face of the earth." she explained. — CONT.
his already raised eyebrow ticks higher and higher with each added detail, gin swirling in the glass as he spins it absently. ' an academic decides t'fuck off alone into the spooky cave system and doesn't come back? in the states? color me fuckin' gobsmacked. ' nothing half so bloody foolish as thinking one can singlehandedly handle anything about america's natural fuckery, let alone chancing whatever nightmares lie lurking underground; he's seen enough of what swamp thing can do to be resolute in steering well clear of anything else the green has to offer up on that bizarre fucking continent.
alright, she's got a point about this one — even HIS interest is piqued. ' so they called you up ... why? not to pigeonhole, luv, but i thought y'were more about the spellbooks, less the spelunking. '
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freeddead · 11 months
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▸   @lxvingdeadgxrl​   ⟶   ❛  you’re very strong, do you know that? (she flirting, okay xD)  ❜   ╱   (  remarkably bright creatures , accepting .  )
Gerry is helping Wynter move things around her shop.  Not that he thinks she needs him to—she got by on her own for years before he came into the picture, and he is sure she would have found a way to manage it—but he still likes to help her where he can.
He sets the solid oak table into place, then looks at Wynter when she compliments him on being strong.  “Oh, thanks,” he says, looking down at himself as if she remarked on the shirt he is wearing—two pairs of praying hands above the text, This could be us, but I listen to Combichrist.
“More so than I look, yeah?”  He does not seem to realize her intention is to flirt with him, thinking about all the times when people offhandedly commented on it.  Most people don’t expect a thin goth guy to have a level of strength about him.  “I get that a lot.”
He turns his attention back to the table and taps the toe of his boot against its leg.  “How’s that?”
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entreldolorylanada · 1 year
@lxvingdeadgxrl​ || From HERE
This had to be just a kiss on the cheek, just a thank you for being kind and patient with him as always, but then he felt this sudden weight of loneliness and this need to feel something else, something more. His lips found the corner of her lips, then covered them, exploring and remembering the softness. His hands rested on her waist, and then his tongue moved inside to find hers, to know the taste... His eyes which had been closed all this time, opened as he backed away and now were looking for any traces of anger on her face.
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“S-sorry... sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking...“ He showed his hands in the  pockets of his jeans and slouched, his face hid behind the hair, but he couldn’t make himself turn away. And her taste was already in his mouth, he couldn’t stop thinking about this, too. Did he just screw up and ruined the only friendship he had? “Sorry...“
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losinmortalesperdidos · 10 months
The Ring got used to waiting. After it had been created, it often had to lie still and wait until the faith of another evil-doer was decided by priests who spoke on behalf of their gods. Then, when those gods and those priests were gone, it waited for centuries to be unburied from the ruins of an ancient Celtic temple. It waited in the storages and in private collections between its hunts, between keeping the work it was made for. It was very patient, and since it had made itself a form that could exist outside of the metal, waiting became not so tedious.
But this time was different, this time it was trapped. Someone had found it and thought that it was evil, or maybe it had been an act of revenge. Either way, now it was locked and sealed in a box, in the darkness, tied up by spells. Time was passing outside, but it didn't feel it. It didn't feel anything, and the waiting seemed eternal.
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HC: I feel like Nico has become so obsessed with his ability to be in their church home with all the stained glass now it’s utilized everywhere. I’m not sure Nico has the skills to create these works of art as much as I can see him trying to learn to work with glass now that he’s been a part of renovating their abandoned cathedral, but Caim would help him out. Caim is basically like “Better Call Saul” = He always knows a guy. Thus these would get installed into the Churchill home. He likes a bath as well as the next guy, but his favorite thing will simply be watching Wynter in the moonlight in these gorgeous works of art. 
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@lxvingdeadgxrl from x
Her desperation suggested that the two hadn’t seen each other in months. Years, even, and while he had been away for a period of time, it was nowhere near as long as that. But he certainly wasn’t going to push her away or say no to such a hungry kiss. Not when he’d missed her just as fiercely. 
The reaper held his wife close to his chest, fingers digging into her sides with enough pressure to leave a few little marks that he’d be sure to soothe with kisses that evening. His mouth devoured hers, tongue questing against her own as their shared desperation came to a head.
Hopefully he wouldn't be called away like that again for quite some time...
Really, it hardly matters how long he's actually been gone, only how long it feels like he's been gone. A decade, at least, an age, and yes Char knows that she's being far too dramatic about what has actually be a relatively short amount of time but she doesn't care even a little bit. Joakim is home and she can finally wrap her arms around him.
Besides, it seems like he feels the same way if the fingertips pressing against her hips are anything to go by, or the eagerness with which he returns her kiss. Char lets out a soft sound against his mouth, teeth nipping sharply at the Reaper's bottom lip as she offers just enough distance to mutter "I missed you," before diving back in. Got to make up for lost time, after all.
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deathtaught · 1 year
@lxvingdeadgxrl cont. from 🩸
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"Especially not my supper with you, Wyn," he says with a snort, delicately placing the bandage off to the side and shifting a little closer to her. "You're lovely, but..."
Jack can't help but roll his eyes at the thought of those entirely too bloody vampire scenes in movies. "I admit I'm not one to judge, but we're not usually messy." Even when he was new to this diet, he'd never been covered in viscera and dripping like he'd seen in some horror movies. Though it did depend on the manner from which he was enjoying his meal. A Yeti tumbler was far less likely to spill than, say, a major artery. He does recall sinking his teeth into the neck of a red deer on his first trip back to Romania after his procedure and coming away with blood dripping down his chin, which was then delicately wiped away by Desmodus, who then proceeded to stick his fingers in his mouth and... Well, now Jack's rethinking the whole sexy meals thing.
"Excellent." In an instant, Jack punctures her wrist with a much-too-sharp fingernail and raises her wrist to his mouth. His eyes fall closed as soon as he tastes that delicious copper on his tongue, her pulse drumming in his ears. He knows he can't do this for too long, but God he wishes he didn't have to stop.
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indyflanery · 5 months
@lxvingdeadgxrl continued from here
He didn't have to admit it, she wouldn't force him. But come on, it was a big deal and getting to rub elbows with the people in that room? Even bigger deal. "That's nice at least. The big mac would have set us back at least a couple of dollars." she joked. She reached up to still his hand, her smile softening. "Hey. It's okay, stop fidgeting." she murmured. "You look great, and if you keep messing with this, it's going to come undone. We're not going to be here for long, yeah? Just have to smile and wave for a little while more."
Indy snorted softly at the commentary about costs. It's not like McDonald's would have cost much but free and better quality dinner did tend to be more appealing on occasion. Even if he had to endure Wynter batting at his hand to stop him from fidgeting like his mother would have when he was nine years old.
"This isn't a photoshoot," he grumbled, reluctantly dropping his fingers from plucking at his tie before he turned his attention to his friend. "Thank you for coming. Even though you really didn't have to."
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🥂 for Nilza
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Nilza was seated directly on the bar, no regard for the seats. Might as well gain some extra inches with how half the people in their crowd were. She undid a bottle of whisky- not her choice but she knew it would go over with everyone else than her preferred rum. She ran it over a line of glasses, passing one to Wynter.
"Here's to a better year, yeah?" There might be a touch of sarcasm. Drinking has only ever been good for forgetting, not improving the future.
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talentforlying · 9 months
👫 pls c:
a wyn-wyn scenario:
if you look closely enough, you can probably make out the imprints of their faces on each other's respective couches. chronic apartment crashers.
they keep a running tab of missing/stolen books between them, since i feel like they're both prone to grab-n-go when they need a resource. doesn't necessarily mean they actually return them at any point, but they know which ones to bring up and make points with in an argument.
they are regulars at every late-night diner, dive, and drive-thru you care to name, complete with usual orders and a favorite booth. they're also often well-known for what they leave behind, which can be anything from a half pound of graveyard dirt to a skinned furby. (it was the safest and least offensive place to dispose of the little bastard, in their defense.)
i like to think that he helps mind the bookshop when she needs to be out and about, as a way to repay her for helping him out on cases as often as she does. it's work that he genuinely enjoys, too. of course, she may have to re-shelve a few things by the time he leaves — some books deserve to sit in a corner and think about what their creators have done — but it's never as bad as one might expect from him.
@lxvingdeadgxrl / RELATIONSHIP HEADCANONS ( always accepting )
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freeddead · 8 months
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▸   @lxvingdeadgxrl​   ⟶   ❛ “What if we all just hid and not open today?”  ❜   ╱   (  at work , accepting .  )
“It’s your business,” Gerry told her, wide grin plastered on his features.  “I get paid the same either way.”  Wyn did not pay him, though she had offered at one point in the past, and he rejected it.  He really didn’t mind doing volunteer work for her, and he had more than enough money to live on—provided he could avoid making too many big book purchases in the future.  (Money was, unfortunately, the quickest way to get people to part with their Leitners.)
“I think you have earned the day off, though, if you wanna take it.  Just slap a ‘sorry for the inconvenience’ sign on the door, and I’m sure your customers will understand.”
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entreldolorylanada · 1 year
@lxvingdeadgxrl​ || From HERE
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Roque wrapped his arms around her shoulders and ordered himself to stand still as long as Wynter needed him to. A nice and warm hug always made him feel better, even if just a little, and she looked like she needed one of those. She also trusted him, and this was very important because he really wanted to be useful not just as an employee in her store but as a friend, too.
“You know you can talk to me about anything, right?“ he asked very softly with his eyes half-closed. He didn’t need them anyway at the moment because he couldn’t see her, he only felt her warmth, her breath and her embrace. “I’m not much of a counselor, but I can listen.“
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The abandoned house was lonely and isolated, no one lived there for many years, and it was surrounded by rumors and whispers. People have been talking about strange sounds, voices, music and even singing coming from the depths of it at night and sometimes during the day. That was one of those haunted places that lured people and scared them away, and there was also a rumor that no one that ever entered the house left it (or left it alive). There were vague stories about disappearances and strange deaths, and who could tell what was true and what wasn’t, since there were no living witnesses of any supposed occurrence.
When this person approached the house, at first everything was quiet, but then a very soft and subtle melody touched their ears. The closer they got, and the deeper they walked through the hallways, the louder it became. After a while, they reached a big and empty hall that seemed to be the source of the music. In the middle of it was standing a grand piano, so old and dusty it hardly should’ve made any kind of noise, but it was indeed playing, and at the piano on the small stool was sitting a slender man dressed in black and with long black hair. His long thin fingers were running over the yellowed keys, and to heighten the effect he was transparent.
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[text] Be careful. (from Wyn)
[text:] me? Careful? Always
[text:] but since you asking I'll be extra
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@lxvingdeadgxrl from x
"If you're trying to woo me, it's absolutely working." Wynter laughed. "But I think your husband might toss me into another dimension, should I return your advances." she added with a teasing smile of her own.
Leave it to Char to make a shitty day a little less shitty. She had the ability to make Wyn smile, no matter how terrible she'd been feeling. She really was the Necromancer's best friend, and she was so lucky to have the other woman in her life.
The comment does nothing to dissuade her from grinning, still holding Wynter's hand up toward her face as if another kiss might be dropped at any moment. Maybe it will. Who can really say? Anything to get another laugh out of her friend.
"I suppose you have a point," she says, offering a dramatic sigh and a flash of her best puppy-dog eyes. "Are you sure you two couldn't learn to share? We could come up with a rota."
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deathtaught · 2 years
@lxvingdeadgxrl​ said: ❝ you can bite me, i trust you. ❞  //  vampiric starter prompts
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It’s only when Wynter speaks that Jack realizes he’s been staring unblinkingly at the pulsing of her carotid artery. He lets out a mix between a gurgle and a groan and looks away, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. He’s only had a problem like this once before and it had been his own damn fault for procrastinating on a trip to pick up more bagged blood while Desmodus had taken a trip to visit the family in Romania. “That sounds highly unsanitary,” he murmurs, trying his best to carry some sort of normal conversation. “You don’t know where my mouth has been.” He coughs to hide his own embarrassment about what he’s just said. “I’ll be okay. I’m fine.”  
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