zzzuuhh-blog · 1 year
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I like to be part of this juicy team 🥵 .. Also, it's not easy sometimes 🙃
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Balkonda niye böyle oldu sigarası içerken dinlenilecek şarkılar...
Sahi niye böyle oldu...
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gaetanbm · 2 years
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wetlooklycra · 8 days
Beautiful ,red, lycr,a swimsuit with zipper.
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bobgasm · 10 months
kingpin ⦾ six
pairing: robert “bob” floyd x ofc!emery young word count: 2602 warnings: no major disclaimers except that they clash heads a bit
summary: in which she accepts and he meets a ghost
author’s note: *ding* hangman has entered the chat…
five | kingpin | seven
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Bob stopped for coffee on his way to the meeting spot Coyote had chosen. He was grateful he’d bought in his right hand to help him track down Decker, and wished he’d done it sooner. Thankfully, Coyote had already found some answers. He didn’t want to talk over the phone. Call it paranoia, but Bob agreed. It was better to be safe than sorry. 
That’s how he found himself down at the docks, phone left in his car with the radio playing as Coyote approached him.
“Have you found him?” Bob asked.
Coyote shook his head as he stepped beside Bob, both men looking out at the container ship being loaded. “He got on a tour bus down to Mexico the Sunday before your father called you,” he told Bob. “Ice managed to find the fake name he was using, but they’ve combed through hours of footage trying to find him getting on a plane. So far, the name is all we’ve got.”
“What name was he using?”
“Richard Floyd,” Coyote revealed. Bob hissed. “I know. I’ve told Mav and Ice that we need him alive. Whatever game he’s playing, we need answers. Can’t get that if he’s cold.”
“Have Ice and Mav check any manifests for our family’s names,” Bob told him. “If he used Richard’s to cross the border, then he’s probably stupid enough to use it again.”
Coyote nodded. “If he’s running, he’s bound to slip up soon. Especially if he thinks we aren’t looking for him.”
“What are you suggesting?” Bob asked.
“How well does Decker know our numbers? People, not money.”
Bob paused to think. “He knows what bank accounts to pay, but not all the faces.” Bob was now following Coyote’s train of thought. “Call Hangman. Tell him I need a face to face tonight. 10pm.”
“Location?” Coyote asked.
“Feathers. Tell him no eyes will see him,” Bob replied, glancing at his watch. “Shit, I’ve got to go. Make it happen.”
Coyote nodded as Bob walked back to his car, quickly hightailing it back to the office as fast as the LA traffic would let him. When he arrived and walked inside the building, Emery was sitting on a chair in the waiting area looking bored. Halo was typing on her computer and Bob cleared his throat.
“Sorry for the wait, Emery,” he apologised, extending a hand towards her. She rose and shook it, the bored look still on her face.
“You were two minutes away from receiving an email from me rescinding my prior acceptance of your offer,” she told him, dropping his hand. 
Bob laughed, though he knew she was being completely serious. “I don’t doubt that. Shall we get started?”
Emery frowned slightly as she looked up at him, not impressed with his laughter or dismissal of her threat. Bob didn’t take it personally, he was used to bigger and scarier men. All he saw was a smart, gorgeous woman trying to make her boundaries known. He’d already overstepped once – he’d make an effort to tread lightly. 
He didn’t wait for her response, instead walking to his office and holding the door open for her. She straightened up, holding her head high as she walked into his office and sat down in one of the seats facing his desk. He cocked an eyebrow in amusement before closing the door and taking a seat behind his desk so he was facing her.
“How was your drive into LA?” Bob asked, trying to keep the mood light. 
He didn’t know why he cared, because a person who was pissed off and sitting in his office wasn’t an uncommon sight. It was something about this specific person, Emery, that had him wanting her approval. 
“It was fine,” she told him. 
For the first time he realised she was wearing a polo shirt with her current employers logo on it. She wasn’t dressed like she had been in her interview, all professional and business-like. No, she was casual, comfy. Relaxed in the chair rather than sitting up pin-straight and poised. She had thin lycra bike shorts on that stopped mid thigh and her hair was in a neat ponytail. 
Bob realised he liked seeing her in both styles of wardrobe. 
“This induction isn’t cutting into your workday, is it?” He found himself asking. 
“If it was, Bob, I wouldn’t have suggested a meeting at half two,” Emery pointed out. “I left straight from work. I have Wednesday afternoons free.”
Bob nodded, grabbing the necessary paperwork from the tray on his desk that Halo had left for him. “Good to know,” he said as he thumbed through each document. He needed her to sign the offer and contract in front of him, but there was paperwork for her healthcare and dental insurances. 
He found the new employee form, as well as the form she’d have to enter into the payroll system, but having it as a hard copy was simply a formality. 
He kept the induction form for himself as he slid the paperwork and a pen towards Emery. She moved the chair closer so she could lean on his desk as she filled out her personal information as well as signed and dated the offer and contract. Bob ticked off the paperwork portion of the induction form. 
When the paperwork was out of the way, he offered to show Emery around. While the actual office space was small, there was also a gym in the building. More of a home gym than an actual one, but it was free for any of the employees of the Floyd’s to use. It was primarily frequented by Feather’s and Dice’s security guards, but a few of the construction guys used it too. 
Otherwise, the actual boxing gym that Payback ran was where all of their other employees trained. 
Bob showed Emery to her office, handing over a set of keys and a diary which housed all of their account logins and alarm code. The keys also had a fob with access to the garage below for parking, as well as the key for the car she was able to use. Bob took her down to show her the garage where the car was parked – it was a black late-model Prius that was fresh off the lot. 
Coyote had taken Decker’s car in to be traded up – a job Bob hadn’t even considered. With the knowledge of a new accountant joining the team, Coyote had done a thorough comb through and downloaded the GPS coordinates before taking it into the dealership. Bob had been given the data to look through, trying to see if Decker had been stupid enough to use the company car for personal use in the weeks leading up to his retirement. 
Unfortunately, the data was clean. Bob had Coyote personally check out each spot in case they’d missed something, but nothing had turned up.
“That’s a nice car,” Emery mused, lightly tracing a finger along the paintwork.
“I should hope so,” Bob replied. “It’s yours.”
“Do you expect me to take it today?” She asked him, pausing to turn and look at him. “Because I can tell you right now, where I currently live, it’s going to get stolen.”
Bob laughed at her admission. “You can do what you like with it. It’s entirely up to you.”
She hummed as she turned back to look at the car. “What else is on the tour?”
“If you have time, I can show you the hotel we’re currently building. My sister is also interested in meeting you, but I’m afraid you don’t meet the dress code for Dice right now.” 
He took the time to glance down at her attire that he’d been trying hard to ignore. Those bike shorts clung to her ass and thighs perfectly. He could only imagine what she looked like out of them.
Emery didn’t bother to suppress her scoff. 
“Are those ‘Hello Kitty’ sneakers?” Bob asked before she could say anything. He wore a shit-eating grin as he met her eyes, embarrassment colouring her cheeks. 
“In hindsight, I probably should’ve changed before making the drive out here,” she said, rubbing the back of her neck. 
She stared down at her feet and Bob felt bad for poking fun, but he assumed her scoff was because he’d been caught staring at her ass. He was trying not to come across as a perv.
“But if you went home to change, you probably would’ve found some excuse to miss our meeting, right?” He guessed. By the way she avoided his eyes, he knew he’d been correct. “Wear whatever you’re comfortable in. So long as the work is done, and you’re able to change for any meetings I might need you to sit in on, I don’t care if you wear Hello Kitty sneakers. Going into Dice and Feathers won’t be a regular occurrence, so don’t worry. Morgan can meet you another time.”
Emery made a soft noise of approval. “I feel like we’ve really gotten off on the wrong foot, today.”
“We have, haven’t we?” Bob laughed and Emery cracked a smile. 
Bob led Emery back upstairs as she declined taking the car for a test drive, finishing up the last of the induction. Explaining where the emergency evacuation point was should it ever be necessary, as well as letting her and Halo get properly acquainted. Halo was there to help with anything Emery needed, coffee, calling suppliers, etc. 
He left Halo to finish getting her set up in her office, as well as giving her a laptop. Bob started filing the paperwork away, trying to keep his mind busy so he didn’t keep imagining Emery bending over in front of him wearing those tight bike shorts. The harder he tried not to think about it, the more he did. 
Halo knocked on his door to let him know Emery was getting herself acquainted with the system. “I’ve passed on that supplier bills are usually paid on the twentieth of the following month, that wages are fortnightly and that if any timesheets weren’t signed off by Morgan or yourself, then I’d follow up.”
“Thanks, Halo,” Bob replied. 
Emery’s own details for her wages sat on a form on his desk that he’d drop off to her shortly. For now, he took the time to respond to any emails about the ongoing hotel build. Some were from suppliers, some were from inspectors, but most were in regards to the interior fittings. Electrical quotes that needed to be approved, so he skimmed over the figures before sending a confirmation email and CC'ing Emery who now had access to the finance email. 
When Bob had finished what he needed to do, he grabbed the form Emery had filled out and dropped it off to her. “How’re you finding things?”
“It’s a lot to sort though,” she admitted. “Mostly trying to organise the emails at the moment. A lot of shit about late payments?”
“I took care of that last week, and if I did it right then you should be able to find the payments in the system,” Bob replied, taking a seat and placing the form on her desk. “For your wages. I have no idea how to create a new employee in the system.”
Emery laughed softly and heat tinged Bob’s ears. “Your previous accountant really left you up shit creek without a paddle, huh?”
“Yeah, and my boat started sprouting holes,” he replied, making her laugh again. “I called Penny, one of the realtor’s I told you about, and she said she’d give you a call with any updates.”
“Thank you, I appreciate it.”
“Your sister that you mentioned…do you care for her?”
Emery cocked her head to the side. “Do you mean, am I raising her?” Bob nodded his head. “No, I’m not. Nat’s older than I am.”
“My apologies for assuming,” he said sincerely.
Emery shrugged dismissively. “It’s alright. What about your sister?”
“Older by two minutes. We’re twins,” Bob told her with a smile. “Loves to shove it in my face whenever she can.”
Emery laughed softly. “I can only imagine. Um, I was thinking of heading off soon, if that’s okay? I don’t really want to brave LA’s 5 o’clock traffic just yet.”
This time Bob laughed. “I don’t blame you, it’s no joke. If you need anything else before you go, let me know. Otherwise, keep in touch if there’s anything I can help you with in the meantime.”
“Thank you, I appreciate it.”
Bob left her to finish up whatever she needed to and headed back into his office. There wasn’t much left for him to do, except go and see Sam at the hotel, but he’d wait in case Emery needed anything else. She stopped by before she left, only to say she was leaving, and that she’d likely be back on Monday morning. Bob told her to have a good weekend and enjoyed the view of her ass as she walked away. 
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Bob arrived at Feathers shortly before ten. He ordered a drink at the bar before heading towards the back, into a room that had no working camera. He knew Coyote would have put a temporary block on the feeds for as long as he needed, knowing what Hangman was like.
Hangman was a ghost, operating in the shadows. If anyone ever needed to reach him, they’d call a number he had monitored. It spoofed through channels all over the world until the number was virtually untraceable. His system was designed to recognise a few select callers, and Coyote was one of them.
Bob wasn’t surprised when he entered the room to find Hangman already waiting for him. He could count on one hand how many times he’d met Hangman in person, and this was meeting number four. 
“Coyote said this was important,” Hangman said, wasting no time on pleasantries.
“Coyote’s an honest man,” Bob replied, sipping his scotch as he got comfortable in the booth. “Our accountant has disappeared. So far we only know that he crossed the border into Mexico using my father’s name.”
Hangman smirked. He sat hidden in the shadows, the dim lighting barely illuminating his face. “I can see how that could be an issue.”
“I need him alive, Hangman.”
Hangman tsk’d like Bob should’ve known better. “Keeping them alive isn’t what I do. You should’ve called Rooster.”
“If I wanted Rooster on this, I would’ve called him,” Bob said coolly. “Decker knows Rooster. I need a face he doesn’t know.”
Hangman nodded in thought. “Your accountant is missing. How can I expect to be paid for this job?”
“It’ll be wired through the usual channels,” Bob assured him. “Half if you accept, and the rest when I have Decker in front of me.”
“Get Coyote to send me a current photo and his last known whereabouts,” Hangman told him, rising to his feet. Bob did the same and shook the hand that he’d offered. “Always a pleasure, Bobby.”
“Likewise, Bagman.”
Bob let him leave, knowing it was pointless to try and follow for a glimpse of his face. Hangman had a unique ability of disappearing without a trace. He never let anyone see more of him than he was willing to show.
When he finally emerged from the room, he looked down the corridor and nodded at Coyote. He walked towards the taller man and downed the last of his scotch.
“He’s in. I’ll get the money wired to him. He needs you to send him a current photo of Decker and where he was last seen.”
“Consider it done.”
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shiv09 · 8 months
This chic black ribbed crop top for women is a versatile wardrobe essential, perfect for elevating your style. Crafted from high-quality ribbed fabric, it offers a comfortable and flattering fit. The sleeveless design adds a touch of modernity, making it ideal for warm weather or layering during cooler seasons. The ribbed texture adds a trendy aesthetic, creating a stylish yet casual look that effortlessly transitions from day to night. The cropped length accentuates your waist, allowing you to pair it with high-waisted jeans, skirts, or shorts for a fashion-forward ensemble. Elevate your wardrobe with this must-have staple.
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textilegarments · 1 year
Spandex Manufacturing Process, Spandex Fiber Manufacturing Process, Lycr...
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darlinmntvintage · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: IPoint Conception Geometric Print Neon Colors 90’s High Leg One Piece Swimsuit..
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urduhindipoetry · 2 years
OM SAI LATEST CREATION Night Suit Set for Women Rayon, Night Dress, Lounge Wear,Printed Rayon,Top and Capri Set for Women,Women Nightwear
Price: (as of – Details) Night wear Dress made of Lycre are easy to wear and beautiful. Lycre being breathable makes for the perfect choice for sleepwear. It is designed to give you personal style statement. It is a perfect top and Pajama set for women who seek cool, casual and chic look in their attire and at the same time it also serves the purpose of Lounge Wear. Two-piece night suit set…
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delilerinyildizi · 4 years
Madrigal - Seni Dert Etmeler (Official Audio)
Başka bir evrende
En güzel halinle 
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Ben daha da biteceğim
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makaday · 5 years
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I Hate Everybody
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Sai cos’è la beata ignoranza?
E’ soddisfacente e ti riempie di piacere.
E’ un’intensa calda zuppa d’inverno ed è una fresca bibita ghiacciata d’estate.
Mi ci crogiolo dentro come se fosse una piscina dorata, mi ci faccio accarezzare la pelle come se fossero i primi raggi solari della primavera.
Adoro ignorare ciò che mi ferisce, adoro non sapere cosa potrebbe esserci dietro gli sguardi infidi della gente, adoro non sapere cosa mi nasconde chi e quando.
Vivo la mia vita in una beata ignoranza 
Ignoro tutto ciò che mi ferisce, dicendo che tanto non c’è di meglio per me.
Penso a cosa potrebbe cambiare, ma non ritengo che ci sia nulla di positivo; solo lacrime soffocanti e grida disperate non sentite da nessuno.
Ma perchè dico? Perchè non crogiolarsi nella cioccolata calda che è l’ignoranza, invidio i piccoli contadini che per vivere devono solo scavare, senza preoccuparsi di che insidie nasconde la terra: <potrei beccarmi il tetano, ma non so cosa sia>. Questa è la beata ignoranza e io adoro starci dentro.
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tala-post · 7 years
Te arrepentirás cuando te apliquen la que aplicaste conmigo, no habrá vuelta atras para entonces habrá quedado en el olvido, asi aprendaras amor que no se juega con los sentimientos.
Cornelio Vega Jr - Te arrepentirás (Vía @tala-post)
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ares857 · 3 years
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internet find
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