#lydia bower
randomfoggytiger · 10 months
X-Files Collector's Edition: A Short Fic Tribute to Samantha's 50th Anniversary
In honor of the 50th anniversary of Samantha's abduction, I scrounged around and found a fic here and there that might not have made it onto previous fic lists:
Loose chronological order below~
@o6666666's (Ao3) Untitled
Post Paper Clip Mulder commiserates with Scully over the loss of Melissa, sharing a moment from his past after Samantha's abduction.
@baronessblixen's (Ao3) 
Prompts & Drabbles - Chapter 60 (Tumblr)
Scully joins an injured Mulder in his remembrance of Samantha on the anniversary of her disappearance.
What I Wish For You (Tumblr)
Mulder invites Scully to celebrate Samantha's birthday.
@agent-troi/CaptainTroi’s The Scully Dimension
Synchrony Mulder realizes he forgot to include Samantha in his time travel wishes.
AU-- Samantha escapes from the CSM compound and lives. The nurse doesn't have a happy ending; but Mulder is able to sneak his way back into Samantha's life.
AU-- A better ending for the Samantha-mytharc storyline.
Grey Visions
Mulder thinks he saw Samantha in a stranger's attic.
155 Words - Santa Claus, North Pole
Post Closure Mulder finds an old letter of Samantha's.
@amplifyme/wonderland/Lydia Bower’s Roghnaíonn Mé Tú (Tumblr)
S7 Scully is thunderstruck, again, that Mulder chose her over Samantha in End Game.
Polly's (Ao3) Star Light, Star Bright
Post Closure Mulder remembers Samantha's childhood wish to be stardust.
Previous fic lists mentioned
Meet the Mulders    
Redux II Samantha Was Real
Little Samantha’s Life in Capture
Thank you for reading~
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lilydalexf · 2 years
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Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted on Tuesdays.
Interview with Lydia Bower
Lydia Bower has written some true classic X-Files fics. Do yourself a favor and dig into her collection! She has 29 stories at Gossamer and 35 stories at AO3.
Does it surprise you that people are still interested in reading your X-Files fanfics and others that were posted during the original run of the show (1993-2002)?
Actually, yes, it does. With AO3 becoming the premiere spot for fanfic (rightfully so, by the way) I assumed most of the newer fans were unaware of the Gossamer Archive and the few other sites still available for the older fics. So I was delighted to come back into the fandom and see folks reccing a lot of the classics.
What do you think of when you think about your X-Files fandom experience? What did you take away from it?
I remember how incredible it felt when I initially found people who got me, who were just as stupidly invested in this weird little TV show as I was. It was like nothing else I’d ever experienced. There were message boards and newsgroup lists and email lists; anything you wanted to talk about, you could find a place to do it. I loved the post-episode discussions and would spend hours at that. We had a week (or months) between episodes, so nothing went undissected. We were all very, um, focused. Yeah, focused is as good a word as any.
And then the fanfic started showing up. That was it for me; I was all in. I can still remember going first to Vincent’s archive and it was like achieving a state of nirvana. The heavens opened up, the birds began to sing, and all was right with the world.
What did I take away from it? More friendships and good memories than I can count. That’s something I’ll carry with me for the rest of my days. Oh, and the two best imaginary friends a person can have: Mulder and Scully. I carry them too, etched indelibly on my being.
Social media didn't really exist during the show's original run. How were you most involved with the X-Files online (atxc, message board, email mailing list, etc.)?
I was involved with all of it in the beginning. I bounced from newsgroups to mailing lists to message boards to web sites. Around the 5th or 6th season it got to be a bit much since I was also doing a lot of writing then, so I narrowed things down and got the majority of my fix from The Haven message board and the smaller Primal Screamers email group.
What did you take away from your experience with X-Files fic or with the fandom in general?
As I said before, the friendships and the good times with fellow Philes. I also took away a better sense of who I am as a writer and how to use that to hone my skills. I learned how to look at media as a whole with a more critical and analytical eye and to dig beneath the surface of what I was consuming. I learned how to better express myself and maintain a cool head while in the midst of a fiery discussion. I became more confident of who I am and the worth of my opinions. I finished growing up, basically. Most of all, I learned how to just let go and enjoy being a fan of something so incredible that still connects with people almost 30 years later. That’s a legacy to be proud of.
What was it that got you hooked on the X-Files as a show?
I’ve always been drawn to the paranormal and the strange, and when I caught an ad for TXF, I made sure to tune in. The Pilot itself was enough to hook me. It was creepy and a little scary and the two leads were incredibly smart. It didn’t hurt that they were also good-looking and had smoking hot chemistry. Like the kind that jumps in through your eyeballs and settles into a low boil somewhere below the waist.
The final act of my undoing came with the episode Conduit. By the end of it I knew the show had a firm grip on my soul. Mulder captured my heart that night, too. He still has it. He’s one of a very small handful of characters I’ve encountered over the years that I just get, at a bone-deep level I can’t even begin to explain. I am him and he is me.
What got you involved with X-Files fanfic?
I’d been writing fanfic since the mid-80s but hit the proverbial wall that is writer’s block right around the time the show premiered. I wanted to write TXF fanfic from the start, but the muse wasn’t having it. She reappeared not long after The Field Where I Died first aired. I hopped around on the web a bit and found much wailing and gnashing of teeth on the shipper front. The muse decided we needed to give my fellow shippers something to make them feel better and give them a bit of hope. So I wrote Games. And the rest is history.
What is your relationship like now to X-Files fandom?
I reacquainted myself with it earlier this year after an extended absence. I walked away from the show and the fandom after my utter disappointment with the direction the show took after the 7th season. I just couldn’t choke down what TPTB were trying to feed me in S8, and completely tuned out of S9 (with the exception of the finale). I saw IWTB a couple years after it was released in theaters and watched the revival, too. Sadly, nothing I saw there made me want to dive back in. Then one night this past spring I was poking around for something to watch and caught Paper Hearts on a broadcast channel. That was all it took. That feeling I thought I’d lost came roaring back and I settled in for a complete S1-7 rewatch. I poked around looking for a spot to call home and came back to my safe place on Tumblr.
I’m neck-deep now, for however long that feeling lasts, and devoting a lot of my free time (again) to this weird little show about aliens and monsters and two people who love each other dearly. And I’m writing fanfic again - after another bout of writer’s block that lasted almost seven years.
Were you involved with any fandoms after the X-Files? If so, what was it like compared to X-Files?
I got pretty deeply involved with the Game of Thrones fandom when the show began. I was already a fan of George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Fire and Ice book series and liked what I saw the first few years. I wrote several fanfics in the ASOIAF universe, and I’m still involved, but only from the perspective of a book fan. The show went too far off the rails toward the end of its run and killed my love for it.
Compared to TXF, I think it’s a much more segmented fandom. There are several small groups built around dozens of characters there, instead of what I see in TXF fanbase as a larger, more inclusive community. I think it’s safe to say we’re all here for Mulder & Scully in one respect or another. The other characters get their share of love too, but it’s the MSR that draws us in and helps keep us here. Other than that, fangirling is fangirling. You find your tribe and take it from there.
Who are some of your favorite fictional characters? Why?
Well, let’s start with Fox Mulder, with the why of it being what I tried to explain earlier. Dana Scully, because I want to be her when I grow up, but without all the emotional and physical damage she had to endure. I’m also a fan of Sandor Clegane from ASOIAF. Stu Redman from Stephen King’s The Stand. Kevin Garvey and Nora Durst from the HBO show The Leftovers. Olivia Dunham and the Bishops from Fringe. The Three Musketeers that make up the core group of the TV show Evil. I could go on, but I don’t want to bore you. Suffice to say I’m drawn to characters who are complex, damaged, and deeply flawed, but are trying their best to do the right thing and who are ultimately perfectly imperfect human beings.
Do you ever still watch The X-Files or think about Mulder and Scully?
At present, every day. I’m very much back in over my head right now. If I’m not watching it, I’m writing about it, or talking about it. I don’t know how to obsess just a little bit when it comes to TXF and Moose and Squirrel.
Do you ever still read X-Files fic? Fic in another fandom?
Absolutely! It’s almost overwhelming how much fanfic I have to catch up on, let alone the new fics being posted daily; and all that while trying to reread some of my old favorites on Gossamer and the other OG archives. I don’t have time to read fanfics in other fandoms right now. Maybe someday.
Do you have any favorite X-Files fanfic stories or authors?
How much room do you have for this? <g> Okay, in no particular order and no doubt forgetting some folks, I’ll read anything by these OG authors: Karen Rasch, Terma99, Nascent, Jill Selby, Madeleine Partous, Meredith, Kipler, MCA, Anne Haynes (Paula Graves), Penumbra (@mashnotesofthemythopoeic), Rachel Anton, Joyce McKibben, Tim Scott, Darwin_xf (@darwin-xf), Suzanne Schramm, Prufrock’s Love, Sue Barringer, Mustang Sally, Rivkat, Dianora, Plausible Deniability, A.I. Irving, Rachel Howard, MD1016, Punk Maneuverability (@seepunkrun), bugs, Dasha K (@dashakay​), Khyber, Blackwood, and OneMillionAndNine.
As far as new to me authors (OG or not), these folks are also talented wordsmiths: leiascully (@leiascully), Aloysia_Virgata (@aloysiavirgata), audries, and lepusarcticus (@lepus-arcticus). I’m sure there are more great authors out there, but I haven’t had as much time as I’d like to dig into the newer stuff on AO3.
What is your favorite of your own fics, X-Files and/or otherwise?
TXF: Pass You By, Light Don’t Sleep, Red Letter Day, Primal Sympathy, In the Ruins, Dance Without Sleeping, and Incomplete. I’ll stop there but please understand that they’re all my babies and I love them equally. I’m also very fond of the Let Everything Happen to You series I recently completed.
ASOIAF: These Scars We Wear, The Calling, Beggar’s Banquet.
Do you think you'll ever write another X-Files story? Or dust off and post an oldie that for whatever reason never made it online?
I’m doing both. I’ve written and posted 10 new fanfics since I came back into the fold and I’m working on another one right now. I also have a casefile WIP I’m struggling with that I began during the early part of S4 and set aside when the cancer arc reared its head.
I’m also in the process of bringing all my older stuff from Gossamer and my defunct website over to AO3. I think I still have 2 or 3 shorter pieces still to be moved and one post-Fight the Future fic I wrote that’s lost somewhere on the net. If anyone has a copy of my fanfic titled Shift laying around, please give me a holler! [Lilydale note: Fic found! I had a copy and sent it to Lydia.]
Do you still write fic now? Or other creative work?
See above!
Where do you get ideas for stories?
From the ether. Seriously. Something, whether it be a line of dialogue, a question, an image, or a scene, will just pop into my head and demand my time. I’ve written 6,000-word fanfics just to slip in a single line. I don’t know how the muse works or why; I’m just along for the ride.
What's the story behind your pen name?
I always published under my own name until I set up my AO3 account. I went with wonderland there because I’m like Alice when I’m writing: I fall down the rabbit hole into Wonderland and enter a different reality.
Do your friends and family know about your fic and, if so, what have been their reactions?
Yeah, they know I write it but not where to find it. Though I suppose a Google search would make it easy enough to locate. My family and friends have always been supportive of my writing, albeit confused that I’ve chosen to write fanfic instead of “real” fiction. Yeah, I know.
Is there a place online (tumblr, twitter, AO3, etc.) where people can find you and/or your stories now?
wonderland on AO3
@amplifyme on Tumblr
amplifyme271 on the bird app
Lydia Bower everywhere else
Thanks for your invitation, Lilydale, this was fun!
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TITH || Sneak Peek No. 7
Discovering the truth.
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You can now read my story on Wattpad! :D
© That Innovating Artist. All rights reserved.
NOTE: THIS IS A COLLABORATION WITH DANNI-FANNGIRLDOODLES ON TUMBLR. By no means whatsoever do you have permission to use my OC character names and story for any utilization. The slightest trace of copyright infringement will not be tolerated. Stealing someone else’s work that they put much time into creating and claiming it as your own is against the law. This is my work, not yours. Please DM me if you believe someone is dubbing my stories as their work and/ or impersonating my account. Thank you.
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bonniebird · 2 years
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Derek x Reader
Requested by Anon
December event
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Derek had been stuck in his wolf form for so long that Stiles’ father had managed to acquire a licence for you to own a wolf-dog. Then Stiles managed to get papers to make it look as if you owned a wolf dog and had rescued Derek.
It had been months. Every day Deaton would drop by with a new idea and nothing would work. You’d gotten used to Derek clomping after you as you went about the house. It had been so long that it no longer felt odd to give him an occasional pat on the head.
“It’s nearly christmas eve. The next full moon is the day before… Do you think he’ll change back then?” Stiles asked the room. Everyone had gathered at yours after Lydia had made up a rota. Each house was decorated and had designated shopping days so no one would run into each other. Last year Stiles had ruined the secret santa by accidentally running into everyone at different times while they were shopping and ended up telling everyone else what had been bought. Lyda was determined that this year nothing would go wrong. Besides Derek being stuck in his wolf form.
“Who knows.” Scott muttered and stared at Derek who had a pile of tinsel balanced on his head while you stood on the arm of the sofa and tried to hang the other end up on some picture frames. You climbed down and looked through a box on the floor and pulled out a large wolf jumper. Your neighbour had given it to you with a box of dog biscuits. You and Derek had looked at each other as she handed them to you and called him a very good boy. It had been an amusing situation to be in, for you at least. 
“I know that Derek is stuck in their werewolf form. But do you think it’s inappropriate for me to put this doggie Christmas jumper on them?” You asked and held up the jumper. The room was filled with laughter which grew louder when Derek sneezed in objection.
Derek tags:
@savagemickey03 @zoomdeathknight @pheonix4269 @bloodrose @sarahbullet235 @lovelyy-moonlight @stellasblog @DeanWinchestersgirl87 @thekayarlene @linkpk88 @babypink224221 @lisainhell @spiderwebs-blog @gryffindorqueensworld @rockyrascal @twerp8999 @criesinlies @lovesanimals0000 @lovesanimals0000 @sairamccall11 @theletterhart @bluebear142077 @boardstomymood @big-galaxy-chaos @onyourgoddamnleft @ietss @alexxavicry @bellabadacadabra @daughterofthenight117 @geli2297 @multi-fandom5 @justice-for-the-kaldorei @favmeyou @kaylantus @ssa--holmes @salemsnothere @supernatural-wolfie @yougottalovefandoms @sentimentalweasley @why-am-I-here-01 @maxineswritingcenter @babygrinchsblog @alwaysadreamingoptimist @love1deandra @archaeologydigit @im-eating-rn @bucketbunny @multifandomwriter56 @littlefreakingfangirl @jayyeahthatsme @thebookisbtr @hardladyheart @gillybear17 @lelapine @bluejaysaysstuff @lchufflepuffcorn @lucyqueenofthestars @fatherfigured @Kaitieskidmore1 @stupendousbelieverzombie @hardladyheart @bluejaysaysstuff @slxthxrxn-sxmp @jamie-c-bower-simp @aw--heck @readingbookelf @boardstomymood
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starrypawz · 3 months
I've randomly had some over analysing thoughts about classifying goth characters in media and essentially I think we can create the following categories
Explicit Goth
This character is described as a goth, (either in universe/character descriptions or word of god) will generally aesthetically be goth, and will often in some way depicted as engaging with the subculture
Examples: Gerard Keay, Sam Manson, The Goth Kids from South Park*, Richmond Avenal, Crimson and Ennui, Gwen, Nemi, Vince Noir**
(*Don't @ me they count ok)
(**Briefly, he still counts)
Implicit Goth/Coded Goth
This character is not described as a goth but is depicted in a way people are like 'This character would be Goth' this includes characters from settings where the Goth subculture doesn't exist
Examples: Death of the Endless, Raven from Teen Titans, Ruby Gloom, Misa Amane*, Nancy Downs, Alice Liddell (American McGee),
(*I am not quite sure if I would pit Misa in Implicit or Resonate I can see either, I would say she belongs here rather than Surface goth or Mislabeled Goth)
Resonate Goth
Potentially a subsection of the Implicit Goth but these are characters that are not described as goths, and likely were not coded as Goths as these characters in some cases pre date the Goth subculture but have resonated with the subculture enough they've been adopted and often are an influence on the subculture
Examples: Lydia Deetz, The Hex Girls, Dracula, The Addams Family, Neo and Trinity, Eric Draven, Jack Skellington,
Surface Goth
These characters often aesthetically look goth and could potentially fall into Implicit or Resonate but often do not have quite enough substance to put them in either section. I think this type tends to pop up a lot in kid's cartoons and sitcoms etc
Examples: Mavis, Laetitia Bowers , Pandora
Mislabeled Goth/Non Specific Alternative
The character is described as a goth either in canon or by fans but doesn't actually quite fit, these characters are often alternative but this is often a case of 'anyone wearing black and kind of moody is a goth obvs' depending on when these characters were created they tend to actually be Emos, this character type also pops up a lot in kid's cartoons and sitcoms
Examples: Gaz (Invader Zim), Robby Valentino, Johnny and Lacie
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crustyraccoon · 2 years
Beetlejuice singing ‘say my name’ to Lydia and trying to get her to join him is exactly how I imagine pennywise talking to henry bowers. 
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leiascully · 2 years
I have been in TXF fandom for twenty solid years plus a few and I have over 700 stories on AO3, but don’t think I didn’t have a very 😳senpai noticed me😳 moment when I read in that interview that Lydia Bower has read my stuff.
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asifyoudidntknow · 1 year
"It's over, Scully. They've taken everything."
"No," I murmur, my heart breaking anew. "No, Mulder, not everything. We still have this. They can't take this." My hands lift to cup his face and I rise on my toes, pulling his mouth down to mine.
In the Ruins by Lydia Bower
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duggardata · 2 years
A Much–Awaited ESOQ Update!
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As of today (November 7, 2022), here are the Predictor's Estimated Sizes of Quiver (ESOQs) for the following Predictor Couples—
The Bateses—
Zach + Whitney (Perkins) Bates 9 Children
Michaela (Bates) + Brandon Keilen 0 Children (Infertility)
Erin (Bates) + Chad Paine 5 Children (Quiver Closed)
Lawson + Tiffany (Espensen) Bates 10 Children
Nathan + Esther (Keyes) Bates 10 Children
Alyssa (Bates) + John Webster 14 Children (We'll See...)
Tori (Bates) + Bobby Smith 16 Children
Trace + Lydia (Romeike) Bates 10 Children
Carlin (Bates) + Evan Stewart 10 Children (We'll See...)
Josie (Bates) + Kelton Balka 13 Children
Katie (Bates) + Travis Clark Unknown; <1 So Far (Birth Control)
Jackson Bates + Emerson Wells 13 Children
The Bontragers—
Chelsy (Bontrager) + John Maxwell 8 Children (We'll See...)
Mitchell + Brynn (Leppert) Bontrager 9 Children
Allison (Bontrager) + Jeremiah Helferich 9 Children
Carson + Carolina (Bowers) Bontrager 8 Children
Joshua + Cassidy (Bowers) Bontrager 9 Children
Denver + Praise (Helferich) Bontrager 4 Children
The Duggars—
Josh + Anna (Keller) Duggar 7 Children (Quiver Closed)
John + Abbie (Burnett) Duggar 5 Children
Jill (Duggar) + Derick Dillard Unknown; 3 So Far (Birth Control)
Jessa (Duggar) + Ben Seewald 10 Children
Jinger (Duggar) + Jeremy Vuolo 8 Children (We'll See...)
Joe + Kendra (Caldwell) Duggar 15 Children
Josiah + Lauren (Swanson) Duggar 10 Children
Joy (Duggar) + Austin Forsyth 10 Children
Jed + Katey (Nakatsu) Duggar 8 Children
Jer + Hannah (Wissmann) Duggar 11 Children (His Data)
Justin + Claire (Spivey) Duggar 5 Children
The [Quiverfull] Kellers—
Esther (Keller) + John Shrader 14 Children
Priscilla (Keller) + David Waller 9 Children
Anna (Keller) + Josh Duggar 7 Children (Quiver Closed)
Nathan + Nurie (Rodrigues) Keller 14 Children
David + Hannah (Reber) Keller 11 Children
The Maxwells—
Nathan + Melanie Maxwell 7 Children (Quiver Closed)
Chris + Anna Marie Maxwell 6 Children (Quiver Closed)
Sarah (Maxwell) + Kory Bollinger 0 Children (Due to Age)
Joseph + Elissa Maxwell 7 Children
John + Chelsy (Bontrager) Maxwell 8 Children (We'll See...)
Jesse + Anna Patrice Maxwell 6 Children
The Rodriguii—
Jill (Noyes) + David Rodrigues 13 Children (Quiver Closed)
Nurie (Rodrigues) + Nathan Keller 14 Children
Kaylee (Rodrigues) + Jonathan Hill 11 Children
The Wissmanns—
Rachel (Wissmann) + Alan Busenitz 7 Children
Ruth (Wissmann) + Ryan Bourlier 10 Children
Josiah + Abi (Rehm) Wissmann 6 Children
Bethany (Wissmann) + Daniel Beasley 10 Children
Andrew + Kori (Knuth) Wissmann 5 Children
Matthias + Michelle (Kingery) Wissmann 6 Children
Hannah (Wissmann) + Jer Duggar 15 Children (Her Data)
Nathanael + Katrina (Sahlstrom) Wissmann 10 Children
Olivia (Collingsworth) + Dawson Aichholz 7 Children
Meagan (Forsyth) + Bobby Ballinger 8 Children
Bethany (Baird) + David Beal 7 Children
Karissa + Mandrae Collins 11 Children
Kord + Grace (Wikstrom) Etbauer 16 Children
Rebekah (Baird) + Daniel Gill 10 Children
Courtney + Christopher Rogers 14 Children
Kristin + Justin Young 9 Children
For those keeping score at home, the Largest Quivers are expected to be born to—
16 Children Grace + Kord Etbauer, Tori + Bobby Smith
15 Children Joe + Kendra Duggar, Jeremiah + Hannah Duggar (Based on Wissmann Family Data)
14 Children Esther + John Shrader, Nurie + Nathan Keller, Courtney + Christopher Rogers
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randomfoggytiger · 17 days
I’ve been an x files fan for years now (since 2008ish) but fan fic has never been my thing. If I wanted to give it another go, what writers or pieces of fic would be a good place for me to start? Thanks! 😊
What a dream request, thank you!
Not much of a fic reader? Hm. I drifted to fanfiction because I wanted a canonical hole plugged in; but it sounds like you're looking for quality.
I'm narrowing these suggestions to long-form fics, and going to try to keep them as "fandom approved" as possible. (I'm also cutting back on the "famfic" recs because that's not everyone's cup of tea~.)
Authors whose works could (one could argue, should) be published as novels, in no particular order:
@amplifyme/Lydia Bower, @aloysiavirgata, @slippinmickeys,
@cecilysass, @teethnbone, @dreamingofscully, @sixhours,
@mashnotesofthemythopoeic/Penumbra, @sigritandtheelves/Darla,
@onpaperfirst, @melforbes, @ghostbustermelanieking/skuls,
Jenna Tooms, @seek-its-opposite, @settle-down-frohike,
@frostbitepandaaaaa, @leiascully, @darwin-xf, Beshter,
@scenes-in-between/scullywolf, @scullylikesscience
Here's a brief rundown on each author, to the best of my abilities:
My mother's embraces are frightening in their intensity, and I can feel her fear as though it seeps from her pores. Mulder's arms hold me easily but fully. And there is a calming effect in his touch. He restores me to myself, makes me strong again. I wish I had taken the chance and discovered that years ago.
-Dance Without Sleeping
One of the OGs. Her writing explores the paths of Mulder's and Scully's minds. The Scully in her stories is pragmatic, matter-of-fact, and protective of her secrets. The Mulder in her stories is tender, predictably mercurial, and secretive, as well. The most direct admittance can be the most damaging, and the most healing. Her longest work is, I believe, Dance Without Sleeping; but my favorite, though short, happens to be Light Don't Sleep. Her Ao3 is here.
“That’s a fair question, Senator,” Scully observes in her liquid nitrogen voice. She leans forward in her seat, just a little, just enough, to remind him that predators have eyes at the front of their heads. Scully crosses her legs and gives the Senator the full force of her blue eyes, the hard angles of her good cheekbones.  
She is magnificent, Mulder thinks, smitten. She is Themis, she is Ma’at. One day she will devour the hearts of the unrighteous, his own included.
-Singing of Mount Abora
One of the OGs. She treads the line between poetry and prose so seamlessly you are left, baffled, by her intelligence. Her writing features Mulder and Scully with a little bite: neither are fools, and neither will be trifled with. (They're also wickedly intelligent nerds.) Mulder is Jewish (though that rarely comes up) and was married before (though that only comes up when it comes up.) Canon halts in Season 7, but that doesn't stop her from writing Season 9 masterpieces with Mulder and Scully and their son-- which is where I'd recommend you begin, with By Falling In and In. If that's not your cup of tea, I'd say catch up on her canon divergent Waters of Babylon, Petrichor, and Singing of Mount Abora. Her Ao3 is here.
The boy winced and inhaled sharply as her fingers ran over the cleft where the fibula met the talus and she rocked back on her heels, eyeing the darkening horizon. Did he have people nearby? Could she leave him here without guilt? She didn’t really have the time or inclination to take on a project — she and Mulder had tried that before — banding together with other survivors, and it had always ended poorly. And boys his age, as few as she had seen, made her uncomfortable. Her subconscious would scan their features, looking for a genetic echo of the Scully-Mulder’s. Mulder would have to pull her aside and whisper “it’s not him,” and she didn’t have the space in her heart for the guilt. Even now she had to ignore the blue of his eyes and the way his gritted teeth had the same gnathic slant as the only man she’d ever loved.
-North of Zero
One of the OGs. Her Mulder and Scully are practical, capable, sleek survivors. Her writing exists somewhere between the clack of a gun slide and the omnipresence scent of a wild pine forest. She's written extensively on... everything: Colonization, space, POL, case files, mytharc, everything; and well. I'd recommend North of Zero for a starter. Her Ao3 is here.
It’s Mulder, she reminds herself. No matter how long you may have been gone, or what has happened in your absence, you know what to expect from Mulder.
At last he shuffles through the door, and it’s him, definitely him: head bent, looking weary and wilted. He turns to lock the door again, evidently not paying very much attention to his surroundings.
Her heart constricts. “Mulder,” she voices softly.
She can see his whole body go still from behind, but he doesn’t look right away. His back remains to her.
One of the OGs. Her Mulder and Scully are weighed by secrets, by their unspoken. Her writing dwells in the silences; and the tones of her work shift depending on the narrative: insular and psychologically exploratory, fast-paced and bitterly overwhelming, slow and unspooling and peaceful-- but always with a bittersweet aftertaste. I would do a disservice if I didn't recommend A Boy on the Beach first; but my personal favorite is Pause (and All the Dead Mulders and Not Orpheus, Not Eurydice.) Her Ao3 is here.
Mulder. Her genius. Who happened also to be her blithering idiot. A fresh swell of affection overtook her. This is how it was for her, even just talking to him. One minute she was standing in the shallows enjoying or enduring or surviving a day at the beach, whichever kind of day it was. The next she'd find herself walloped and rolled by the rogue wave of her feelings for him. Then she was surfacing, sputtering, salt-blind, struggling to find the steady line of the horizon.
-Vox Mulder: Fired and Wired
One of the OGs. Darwin's writing is clipped and "action" focused. Her Mulder and Scully are fond and quippy and silently torturing themselves with their own repressions or secrets. Vox Mulder: Fired and Wired covers the IVF arc concurrent with Mulder's (secret) brain disease diagnosis; and her notes tearing into canon's handling of the latter arc are incredibly detailed, incredibly satisfying, and incredibly hilarious. Her Ao3 is here.
They searched, staying together with Scully’s single flashlight. As she suspected, they didn’t find anything out of the ordinary. The cellar was devoid of sound and light, not a single rat or insect scurrying about. No more traces of the unknown substance.
They followed the trail of viscous fluid back to their room. Their adrenaline-fueled trek left her exhausted, and she was hopeful she would be able to sleep for a few more hours before dawn. Not even her fear could break through the cottony haze that clouded her mind. Collapsing on the bed, Mulder pulled off her slippers. 
-Surely, to the sea
One of the OGs. Her writing is practical and pleading-- the veneer that Mulder and Scully front, and the truth. Her Scully has teeth but prefers silence and distance. Her Mulder stubbornly walks the thin line between opening his partner up or closing her back together tighter. Trust-- in each other, in themselves-- can be broken and mended with the right words, the right meaning. I recommend starting with Surely, to the Sea (and my favorite short fic is this one.) Her Ao3 is here.
Frostbite Panda
“I make you a whole person,” she whispers. The slam of sudden memory is heady, destabilizing, threatening to spin her clean from reality. 
He leans forward, elbows on his knees, a sound escaping him that she cannot identify. Truth be told, he looks a bit ridiculous— wrapped in a green sleeping bag looking like a dormant pupa, not the wrecked and ruined man he was. 
-Four Days on the 63rd Parallel
One of the OGs (I believe.) Her writing is grand and touching, a microcosm of the macro effects Mulder and Scully face alongside, and with, each other. Her Scully is reluctant, doubting Mulder's beliefs but trusting him; and her Mulder is courageous and wallowing, afraid to try for fear of rejection. Four Days on the 63rd Parallel (and its follow-up In a Perfect World) explores what would have happened if Mulder and Scully had been trapped in Antarctica, in a snocat, alone, until help arrived. Her Ao3 is here, and requires you to be logged in.
Jenna Tooms
Then there's the matter of Mulder and his reaction to scissors and the razor. When he was first released from the hospital I took him to his old barber. He made it into a seat, and even let the barber tie the cloth around his neck. At the first flash of the scissors, though, he was up and out so fast for a moment I only stood in the waiting area dumbfounded, the baby in my arms.
He will, however, let me cut his hair and trim his beard--which he grew to cover his facial scars. I let him keep it as long as he lets me keep it neat.
-An Acceptable Level of Happiness
One of the OGs (if I recall.) Her writing is just north of canon, veering off to give us better, brighter spots to land Mulder and Scully. Her Mulder and Scully are soft, seemingly delicate with a touch of steel underneath. They've taken a beating, have internalized that beating, and are being supported wholeheartedly by the other person in their partnership. If you want canon-ish, I'd recommend An Acceptable Level of Happiness; if you want mytharc-ish further down the timeline, I'd suggest Truly, Madly, Deeply, and if you want canon veered off from and returned to-ish after Requiem (16 years later), then I'd strongly lobby for Shooting Star. Her Ao3 requires a log-in, here; but Jenna's works are also on Gossamer (here).
“Did you see this?”
She blinked at the screen of Mulder’s phone and gently pushed his wrist until it was at a distance she could focus on. Technology changed but Mulder didn’t. She couldn’t count the near misses with magazines and file folders, the threat of papercuts across her cheeks.
“Ford isn’t going to make Tauruses anymore,” he told her before she’d had a chance to actually read the headline. That was also standard procedure. Mulder was a scrolling marquee of odd headlines and interesting trivia. He was the original clickbait, drawing her in with his promises to change her world and alter her perception.
-Taurus Season
One of the OGs. leiascully's prose captures the essence and magic of ordinary things. Her Scully is secretly a wanderer, her Mulder an errant domestic. There is reciprocity in their strengths and weaknesses; and the world is always more beautifully strange together. I recommend her Visitor series, which rewrites Revival canon along necessary lines. Her Ao3 is here, and requires a log-in.
They slipped among the dumpsters at the back of the building and into the empty quivering night, jaywalking the shadows up the hill streets, ringing the manhole covers. False planetary lights floated about in the foggy sky. Scully opened her fawn umbrella. Mulder glanced often behind them, his fingers pressed into the suspension muscles of her hard young back.
-Bad Radio
One of the OGs. Her Scully is strong and silent and will not be swayed; her Mulder is withdrawn and foreboding. Her most infamous work is Heuvelmans' On the Tracks, but I know her better through this post Gethsemane cancer arc fic: its darkness, its inevitability, its immovable-object-meets-unstoppable-force. Her Ao3 is here.
Prufrock's Love
"He says a horse bit him," Duana translated for her mother. Duana stripped off Lord William's tunic and ruined shirt to reveal the wound. "He damages more clothing..."
Lord William stooped to show Caithrin the twin rows of tooth marks on his left shoulder, still telling his woeful tale....
Not sure what was expected of her and thoroughly intimidated, Caithrin did as she would with her own sons. She made the sympathetic face and clucked over him like a mother hen. Lord William, pacified, settled down on the stool by the fire to let Duana doctor him.
One of the OGs. Her Mulder and Scully are messed up, secrets upon secrets, love and miscommunication and chaos towards each other and themselves. Prufrock's prose and dry wit can't be denied; and she's most notably known for Belghor's Prime, a Mulder time-traveling story, and Paracelsus, a Civil War fic that loosely locks into her sprawling, transformative "past lives" series. I, personally, prefer Hiraeth, because the Mulder and Scully I read there aligns (mostly) with my interpretation of canon. Her Ao3 is here.
The chip was round and under a microscope the texture looked like fish scales. 
The procedure was over in ten minutes. Three tiny stitches at the back of her neck with a gauze pad taped on top. It shouldn’t have worked, but it did.
One of the OGs (if I recall.) Her Mulder and Scully are inherently bound, even if the plot has driven a wedge between them. They speak the same language with different words, they work back to each other with lightning speed, they are chummy, they are contented. Their humor is fantastic. Her longest, angstiest work is Snakebitten, a rewrite leading up to The Pine Bluff Variant; but my personal ones are (surprise, surprise) her "part one" and "part two" short fics, Home, Home and Honey Hi. Her Ao3 is here.
She leaves her rumpled partner in the car with the window cracked while she goes to the front desk, glancing back possessively over her shoulder as the woman behind the counter gets their keys. One room, two beds. “I’m not letting you out of my sight, Mulder.”
She keeps seeing him like she found him, on his knees before the ghosts of his childhood. She sees him praying to the barrel of his gun.
One of the OGs (I think?) She writes incredible meta on the series; but she's also written one of my favorite short fics, ever (and I have a lot of those.) You can navigate to the rest of her Ao3 through this link, but you'll have to get through photosensitivity first. >:DDD
“I’m fine, Scully,” indignantly going back to the task at hand. And she’d have believed him too, if he wasn’t looking through her, if his pitch hadn’t been a little too high, if he hadn’t forgotten the fact that her shoes were the very last thing to put on and she wasn’t even out of her hospital gown yet. She allowed it out of pity, mostly. Or humor. But his hands shook, fumbling with the laces like a feening alcoholic.
-for the WIP prompt: hospital
One of the OGs. She writes distraught Mulder incredibly well; and balances him with a Scully who is dry, caring, and bouyant all in one breath. I can't rave enough about her short fics (their links can be found here); but I'd recommend this and this and this because they tie together to form a Redux II whole. Her Ao3 is here.
The world is different now, after so much has been lost. It moves a little slower, takes for granted a little less. It is still a dangerous place—because fear is catching and learning that things are not as they seem can make some go mad with denial and rage and terror at the loss of their footing. But it is also more peaceful, in some ways—because loss reminds us to hold love close. Because all the hearts that stopped beating are still felt in their absence. Because people, in the end, come together in crisis. They don’t only tear each other apart.
“I think we did okay,” he murmurs. “With our quarter century.”
Scully leans her head back to look at him. “Just okay?”
“Mm hmm.”
One of the OGs. Her writing is pure sensation: cotton and earth and jeans and nine o'clock shadows and soft skin and the tangible grasp of wishes come true. Advent is her longest fic; but I implore you, on my hands and knees, to read all four of her pages on Ao3-- they're not only the gateway drug to other incredible, incredible short fic writers (ghostbustermelanieking, @baronessblixen, @o6666666, all the authors mentioned here, and so many, many more) but are also a shining example of family fic done well-- a very hard skill to pull off. Her Ao3 is here.
Back to sleep. Sleep. No big deal. Just go to sleep.
A minute passes, then two. He’s not tired, in fact, he feels incredibly awake. His heart is pounding, a distracting pulse in his ears. The bed is too soft, too deep, too…real. He can hear her breathing next to him, feel the warmth radiating off her body, his senses screaming at the level of detail, the texture, the vividness of it all. Instinct is a dog with a bone, and it won’t let go.
Something’s wrong.
One of the OGs. Her writing clips along at an even pace, the story driving Mulder and Scully ever forward. Mulder is most often on the outs, Scully most often peering at her partner silently, trying to figure him out and draw him in. But mostly, the two function independently of each other, content to drift further or nearer as long as they are together. I would recommend Lucidity as a primer. Her Ao3 is here.
He did not soften, at first.  Did not edge away, nor did he lean into her.  Much like that awful night when their office had burnt he simply stood cold with shock and while she supported him; the steadfast fidelity of their bond never questioned in the decade that they had been together.
“I was there,” she murmured into his shoulder.  /I’ll always be here./  He could accept it now.  She was finally able to press her arms about him in the night.  Feel the strong bones beneath unblemished flesh; amazed that he was even alive for her to hold after an ordeal that had indeed taken him from her for so long that she had lost all hope.  She shuddered and cinched her arms tighter; felt his ribs shift beneath the silky envelope of his skin.  They creaked in protest, but he did not move, and she spoke like one driven. 
-Amor Fati: Destinata (The Fated Love), Act Three
One of the OGs. So OG, in fact, that the butchery of Season 9's mytharc pushed her to write a mythology replacement. Scully is fearful, anxious, but strong to her core. Mulder is lonely, and loving, and afraid to slip back into dark places. Both push each other to become better than they believed they could be. Her Amor Fati, Destinata (The Fated Love) series is still being written; but it's detailed reconstruction is well-worth the read. Her Ao3 is here.
I separated these two authors out because they're the x and y axes of my personal taste:
She falls asleep before him. In some ways, it’s a burden to share a bed with someone, not a pleasure; if he moves, he fears he’ll wake her, but it’s horrible to stay so still for so long, especially when he can’t sleep. But he can see her eyelashes in the dark, and her cheek is squashed against her own pillow, and she checked the room when they arrived to make sure that there were plenty of tissues. Had there been a couch here, even a divan, he would’ve taken to that instead, let her sleep soundly without him. The day of the wedding - he almost tenses at the word wedding, not because he dislikes it but because it feels so strange and unreal, as if it never really happened even though he remembers it so easily and comfortably - they had a makeshift reception in her apartment, just cutting cake with her mother and then sharing slices with the Gunmen after her mother left. If anything, it felt more like a funeral than a wedding reception, so many questions tiptoed around, everything too urgent and human to be a celebration, but between guests, she grabbed part of her slice with her bare fingers and pressed the cake against his face unexpectedly, and he looked at her with surprise, and she laughed in an inward way that made her shoulders move. 
-seaglass blue
One of the OGs (I believe.) I have to start here because seaglass blue is grafted onto my heart. Set before Gethsemane, the author based it on a real couple's journey with impending death; and the way she wrote Mulder's POV-- how she kept us always locked in his head each and every day of his honeymoon with Scully-- is forever burned on my psyche. I don't see the emotional damage, if you will, as unnecessary or melodramatic or traumatic-- it's just a window into the slow approach to the end, or a fear of it. (However, if the writing is too "overlapping" or "run-on" for your taste, I'd recommend aloysiavirgata's gorgeously succinct prose, mentioned above~.) All of her works are fantastic; and, oddly, the rest are usually beautifully cozy (if you can find them on her page.) (Note: authors with their own uniquely similar styles include @teethnbone and @enigmaticdrblockhead -- can't recommend their work enough, particularly The Ansted Graft and this list here, respectively.) mel's Ao3 is here.
They follow Mulder's trail, Scully's heart thudding too hard against her ribs. Skinner is telling her that Mulder wouldn't do anything crazy when it comes, the headache. Pounding against her skull. And then she hears Will crying out: Dad!
Scully bends over, stomach against her knees, clutching her temple. “Scully?” Skinner is saying. “Scully, what's going on?” But she can't hear him over the roaring in her eyes. William is still speaking, rapid-fire in her mind: They're hurting him, Mom, they're hurting him! Make them stop!
In a flash, she can see what William sees. Mulder barely conscious, being dragged outside through the snow. An axe in the hand of his attacker. “Scully, are you alright?” Skinner protests.
-silent conversations
One of the new recruits (I think.) Her writing is an art form: painting broad, sweeping pictures on the tiniest canvases, in the shortest sentences. Her descriptions, characterizations, and dialogue all serve the plot-- not a hair out of place and not a nook or cranny neglected. I will never be over her short fics, but her longer works are crafted carefully, too. If you want a complete rewrite of the entire series' mythology, then the Half-Light universe does it, and does it better; if you want a Season 8 casefile, then snow in april manipulates Mulder and Scully to a very sinister town; if you want Season 7 to properly deal with Mulder's brain disease, encephalon's got you covered; if you want William to stay with Mulder and Scully, William AU (relent, silent conversations, noises echoing, not out loud) bends in that direction; and if you want a complete rewrite of Samantha's abduction, california winter is where I'd start. Her Ao3 is here.
And lastly, do you want to read long-form fill in series? These three are masterfully done.
There were few things in the world that Dana Scully could imagine were more arduous in her the world than family dinner night. Perhaps climbing Mt. Everest in the middle of a howling blizzard would be one. Maybe crawling out of the Amazon rainforest with a broken limb would be another. Even walking single-handedly into the desert with just one canteen of water between you and horrible death under the scorching sun could trump the monthly gathering of the Scully clan at her parent's house in Baltimore to have dinner with her parents.
One of the OGs. Her X-files Seasons covers every crack, crevice, and canyon in the show: Scully's life and family separate from Mulder, the journey drawing her closer into Mulder's world, and her own transformation from the green agent she was to the woman of diamond she became. Her Ao3 is here.
Over the course of the weekend, Mulder hardly talked at all. When he did speak, he was abrupt, flippant, and sometimes defensive. He still didn’t want to be touched, nor did it seem to Scully that he wanted to touch her. He kept a wall up around him, a protective shield. She tried to give him what she thought he wanted, space and distance, while at the same time trying to let him know that she was there if he needed her. It was a difficult balance. He seemed glad of her company, yet disinclined to talk to her at all.
-Chapter 87
One of the OGs. Her He is the Master of His Fate, She is the Captain of Her Soul series exquisitely fills in Season 7, Season 8, Season 9, IWTB, Season 10, and S11 while filing over and rewriting the incredibly stupid canon decisions along the way. Her Ao3 is here.
Mulder stirred again and mumbled something she couldn’t make out, and she wasn’t sure if he was talking in his sleep or actually trying to tell her something. She leaned over to put her face closer to his, listening.
“They’re not the same.”
She frowned. “What’s not?”
He shifted, blinking up at her. “Moth men. You might think they’re the same as the Jersey Devil, and the circumstances are similar, but they’re not the same.”
“You mean aside from the fact that this is Florida, not New Jersey?”
One of the OGs (I believe.) Her TXF: Scenes in Between series plucks one moment from each episode and builds upon it, providing a window into either Mulder's or Scully's psyches. She even tackles Mulder's (alleged) Season 7 brain disease. Her Ao3 is here.
If you want more fic recs, I have lists catalogued under my Collector's Edition tag. If you want even more fic recs, I wrote a fanfic resource post here. And if those aren't enough to appease your hunger, @lilydalexf and @fine-nephrit have pinned master posts that will probably have something for you.
Hope this helped~! And drop back in sometime-- let me know if you read something you enjoyed, or found fanfic still isn't your preference. :DDDD
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lilydalexf · 2 years
👽 X-Files Fic Rec Roundup 2022, Part 11
Here is a master list of all my new X-Files fic recs from the last month. These and all my earlier recs can be found under my fic rec tag, where you can also read why I recced each story. This month I also continued my Old School X interview project with an interview of Lydia Bower. Enjoy! ** Fic Rec Roundup 2022 parts 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 **** All Things Considered by DM (all things - ~2,050 words - PG) at the close of day by audries (Season 5 - 3,821 words - Teen and up) Seaside by Alloway (Season 4 - ~3,225 words - R) Sincerely, D.S. by DKSculder (@dksculder) (AU - 16,350 words - Not rated) The Tiger Complex by LoneGunGuy (Casefile - ~62,200 words - R)
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TITH || Vine Video Part 2
Part 3 will release soon! Here’s the link to view Pt. 2: https://youtu.be/s42KC6SHm_A
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TITH VOL IV AUTHOR’S NOTE < Previous installment • Next installment > VOL III BOOK COVER
Yes, it’s happening! TITH VOL III is now in production!
© That Innovating Artist. All rights reserved.
NOTE: THIS IS A COLLABORATION WITH DANNI-FANNGIRLDOODLES ON TUMBLR. By no means whatsoever do you have permission to use my OC character names and story for any utilization. The slightest trace of copyright infringement will not be tolerated. Stealing someone else’s work that they put much time into creating and claiming it as your own is against the law. This is my work, not yours. Please DM me if you believe someone is dubbing my stories as their work and/ or impersonating my account. Thank you.
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bonniebird · 2 years
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Derek x Reader
Requested by Anon
December event
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It wasn’t a gift that you ever expected to actually receive. It was vintage. It was a limited edition back in the days when it was first made. Getting one was almost impossible. 
You’d mentioned in passing that you wished you could have it. Peter had said the same about a rare car. Everyone had gathered at Scott's house to swap gifts before the group split up for their holiday traditions. Derek took you to one side as he handed you his gift and watched you unwrap it. When you realised what it was you started making a strange sputtering noise. There wasn’t anything Derek could do to get you to say anything as you stared at the gift. You simply stared at spluttered.
“What’s happening… is (Y/N) ok?” Stiles asked as he headed through the room you were in and towards the kitchen.
“I don’t know.” Derek said and sounded concerned enough that Stiles backtracked and looked at you carefully.
“What’d you do?” He asked.
"I gave (Y/N) the gift they said that they wanted and they've been making this weird noise ever since." Derek explained. Stiles nodded slowly and then called for the others.
“Woah. Derek, how did you find this? We found one a few years ago and it was hundreds of thousands of dollars for a broken one.” Scott said in surprise. This caused you to make more of the strange noise only now at a higher pitch.
“What do I do?” Derek asked.
“We’ll take (Y/N) to lay down for a minute and maybe that’ll fix everything.” Lydia suggested. She and Malia got you on your feet and stumbled you through to the living room where they lay you down on the sofa. “I think that we should avoid talking about how expensive the gift could have been.” 
“Hundreds of thousands.” You squeaked out. The gift was left safely on the dining room table while the group tried to help you feel less overwhelmed.
“At least you know (Y/N) appreciates the gift.” Stiles said and slapped Derek on the shoulder.
Derek tags:
@savagemickey03 @zoomdeathknight @pheonix4269 @bloodrose @sarahbullet235 @lovelyy-moonlight @stellasblog @DeanWinchestersgirl87 @thekayarlene @linkpk88 @babypink224221 @lisainhell @spiderwebs-blog @gryffindorqueensworld @rockyrascal @twerp8999 @criesinlies @lovesanimals0000 @lovesanimals0000 @sairamccall11 @theletterhart @bluebear142077 @boardstomymood @big-galaxy-chaos @onyourgoddamnleft @ietss @alexxavicry @bellabadacadabra @daughterofthenight117 @geli2297 @multi-fandom5 @justice-for-the-kaldorei @favmeyou @kaylantus @ssa--holmes @salemsnothere @supernatural-wolfie @yougottalovefandoms @sentimentalweasley @why-am-I-here-01 @maxineswritingcenter @babygrinchsblog @alwaysadreamingoptimist @love1deandra @archaeologydigit @im-eating-rn @bucketbunny @multifandomwriter56 @littlefreakingfangirl @jayyeahthatsme @thebookisbtr @hardladyheart @gillybear17 @lelapine @bluejaysaysstuff @lchufflepuffcorn @lucyqueenofthestars @fatherfigured @Kaitieskidmore1 @stupendousbelieverzombie @hardladyheart @bluejaysaysstuff @slxthxrxn-sxmp @jamie-c-bower-simp @aw--heck @readingbookelf @boardstomymood
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backmaskcd · 11 months
The Story So Far ; A Post Event Summary
Below the cut is an overview of how everyone has been faring over the last few days with Jerico and Rini were on the injured list, and everyone else just being forced to Deal With It
Draven Bowers - Opting to stay home that day, Draven feels overwhelmed with guilt, wondering if he somehow could have helped keep Salem out of harms way. He spends most of his time now with her, taking care of her and only really leaving the house to go to work.
Finch Sanders - Physically, Finch is perfectly fine. Emotionally he is a complete wreck but for the first time in his life is trying to hold it better together so he can be there for his friends and the commune.
Jerico Leeds - Slipping trying to keep Lydia away from the crack, Jerico slammed his face into the sidewalk, embedding gravel into his face and giving himself a nasty concussion. Roughly, his face looks like this - he is extremely self conscious about it but other than general side effects of a concussion and his face occasionally being in pain, he's also adjusted as well as one can after a horrific event.
Kennedy Roy - A little bruised up but nothing serious. Rethinking his life and his choices and what the future could hold since it seems like disasters seem to hit every few months.
Lonnie Diamond - Nearly twisted his ankle climbing over the rubble, but is fine. Deeply curious about the crack and how it seems that even more creatures come out of it at night but not enough to get too close to it.
Narcissa Sakamoto - Has spent the last 12 days or so gathering as much information as humanly possible. Unscathed and curious, she gets as close to the void as she can handle without fearing for her own safety (and even then that's pushing it).
Nolan Lacey - Just arrived in Huntsville on the 11th so he's honestly just a little shocked at how much damage he walked into.
Rex Valentine - Mentally he's a little shaken up. A few bumps and bruises from trying to help people to the medical set ups. Has not wanted to leave Violet alone for more than five minutes and even then he would prefer that she be in his line of sight.
Rini Roberts - Unfortunately for Rini, she was not as unscathed as everyone else. The panic and the ground crumbling combined meant that she would up tangled in debris; most of the cuts and scrapes were superficial, but it wasn't until she was fully dug out that it came to light that her ankle was shattered and there was a deep gash to the bone on her calf. Absolutely hysterical, she has barely let anyone come to see her because she has been having a hard time wrapping her head around what happened, let alone the fact that she cant' be as independent for the time being.
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