#lying about trauma to get people to donate to a gofundme
gintamajustaway · 2 months
The fandom has gotten really dark since you left.. certain shippers are really aggressive about their ships to the point of bullying. I kno you’ve dealt with stuff like that in the past and you handled it all so well I remember reading some anon asks.. any tips n’tricks?
OOF, WHELP -- not sure I'll be much help given that I have no idea what state the fandom is in. All I can really say is that you're going to find aggressive shippers no matter what fandom you're in. My method to dealing with people like that was to just block them and add them to my blacklist. The only times I ever engaged with them was if they came at me directly (which rarely happened -- the more aggressive they are, the more cowardly they were when it came to confrontation) or if they put a callout post about me directly in the main fandom tag. I always clapped back at those people just because like lol if you've got a problem with my fics or my decision to delete them all, okay cool, I don't care, but doing stuff like putting a long-winded complaint post in the main tag is so childish and stupid.
The best advice I think I can give for this is to just not care LOL I sure as hell never did and still don't. Never will! Shipping is supposed to be fun and the people who actively try and take that fun away from others are struggling with issues outside of fandom, but shipping is their outlet so that's where their aggression manifests. Happy people don't care about drama over fictional characters, so go be a happy person! Utilize that block option and live your best life!
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fymndm · 5 years
it’s not a goodbye for KyoAni
My Condolences
I seriously don’t know what to say, the news make me speechless about all this situation. The tragedy that happen at KyoAni Studio is so heartbreaking, it still giving me goosebumps and I couldn’t imagine the terror and trauma they must felt. Multiple deaths and some injured employee after the arson attack, all my prayers goes to people at Kyoto Animation and their loved ones.
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(photo from twitter)
I am here gathering all my thoughts here, not wanting anger to take over me. What the culprit did, it was unbelievable and I am devastated by his action. One of the KyoAni employee chased after the arsonist and he is already captured. 
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I hope they do them justice and I want him at least to be in jail for all his life so he won’t do the same thing and hurt other people again.
Support KyoANi
For those of you who already know the news or hasn’t yet. You can directly support KyoAni on their website where they sells high-res digital images online for 216yen each. All the money goes directly to KyoAni and its donwloadable pictures, so it won’t took time to ship them out. It’s a great way to financially support them. Also Sentai Filmworks, US anime distributor of KyoAni set up a gofundmes to help, however please be careful to gofundmes that claim to raise money to support KyoAni. There could be scams. Please only donate to charities you trust, or directly buy from KyoAni's online shop.
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I’m Thankful for KyoAni
I am lying if I said I never cried or laugh when I watch KyoAni works. I always found joy when I’m watching them, when you watch their anime you will know how much love and hard work they put into their works and I always find myself watching their series or movies again and again without bored because it is just that good. My first anime which is Inuyasha, i’m thankful for KyoAni helping in the production of it. Inuyasha is the proof of my joyful childhood (though I mostly forgot about the episode i enjoy the most). Chuunibyou series are also one of my favorites from KyoAni works. K-On! Clannad. Free! Hyouka. A Silent Voice, and many more. Though I haven’t watch the latest anime series and movies from KyoAni, but I know it is worth to watch. 
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(art from twitter)
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“Animators are treated like sh*t in Japan, but KyoAni is the gold standard when it comes to worker's welfare. Instead of getting pay per frame, all staff are salaried. The animators are encouraged to take the time to do quality work. KyoAni has an art school for new animators. They also founded a literature prize to nurture and promote new young authors.” -9gag
So many incredible talented people we lost from this accident and I hope this tragedy won’t happen the second time for any animation studio in Japan or outside Japan. Thank you Kyoto Animation for all of your works, we know this is not the end for you and we will always be waiting for you.
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anneboleyns · 7 years
re: my Help Us Leave An Abusive Home gofundme
My cousin has now taken it upon himself to post an enormous Facebook post demonizing me. 1. He accuses me of being lazy and manipulative, saying that because I've posted photos on Instagram of a Starbucks or cookies, I'm clearly lying and begging for money on the internet because I'm too lazy to work.
2.He then spews some nonsense about how there are dozens of part time jobs in a 15 minute walk from my house so why don't I get one.
3. And then he goes off about how I'm airing my family's dirty laundry and he can understand there was some trauma that happened but I need to get over it because I'm an adult now and I can't blame all my problems on what happened when I was a child.
4. And then he says that because my mother is disabled and has had several surgeries that it's "fucked up" that I'm talking badly about her on the internet.
1. I didn't realize that spending $5 on coffee 2 weeks ago was the reason I can't afford $900+ rent. And yes, I did buy myself some cookies yesterday while out with a friend, because it was her suggestion and I didn't want to ruin the day, and yes I decided to treat myself and buy myself a fucking cookie. God forbid that I get a little treat and buy something frivolous while having a nice day out with a friend, God forbid I forget for one second my troubles and try to just have a good day. I already feel guilty enough for buying anything that's not strictly necessary, like literally crying-about-it-in-the-shower guilty. I bought myself a cute $5.99 Wonder Woman water bottle/cup thing because I wanted it, and then I literally cried because I felt so stupid for wasting money on it and I couldn't bring it back because I'd already used it. So the idea that I'm FRIVOLOUS WITH MONEY ON A DAILY BASIS is UTTER bullshit. I don't even go to doctor's appointments I need because I know I can't afford it. I've been plagued with migraines since puberty and been meaning to go to a neurologist for YEARS, but kept putting it off because I knew I couldn't afford it. I've finally caved and made an appointment because last month I had a migraine that lasted for EIGHTEEN (18) DAYS and decided I can't not do anything about them anymore. that's how bad things have to get for me to decide to just go to a doctor.
2. this bitch clearly didn't even read my gofundme post because it says clearly that I HAVE INCOME, it just isn't ENOUGH income to cover a new apartment. i made $800/month at a job I've been at for 6 years (longer than he's been at a job!!!!!! because he is CONSTANTLY UNEMPLOYED and BETWEEN JOBS BUT THAT'S NONE OF MY BUSINESS). and my sister just GRADUATED COLLEGE and hasn't been working because her depression has prevented her, like literally her depression was so severe she couldn't get out of bed, and 2 years ago she decided to go back to school and finish her degree and that's what she's been focusing on, which was hard enough and was a huge battle for her but she still managed to graduate with magna cum laude 3.79 GPA (NOT THAT MY COUSIN KNOWS SHIT ABOUT COLLEGE CONSIDERING HE NEVER WENT BUT THAT'S NONE OF MY BUSINESS) and even with going to school she did have part time jobs, at one point she had 2 JOBS so how DARE he try to say that WE DON'T WORK HARD ENOUGH. when working hard is all we do because we are desperate to get out of here????? no it's not enough to afford rent because workers aren't valued and minimum wage isn't high enough, but yes we are working and doing what he can???? like what else does he want??
3. like, what the fuck bro, my entire life my abusive alcoholic mother told me to keep quiet about what happens at home and "what happens at home stays at home" and NO, I WILL NOT KEEP QUIET ABOUT IT ANY MORE. i'm not ashamed or embarrassed, and i'm not INTERESTED in covering up my mother's horrible behavior towards me as a child. i don't understand how he can just blithely say "ya i'm sure u were traumatized but u should just get over it now" like you clearly don't fucking understand what abuse or trauma is or how hard it is to just Get Over. i will NEVER get behind the mindset of "u can't blame your parents for everything bad that happens to you" when the parents in question WERE FUCKING ABUSIVE LIKE DO YOU EVEN HEAR YOURSELF? HOW am i supposed to just GET OVER my TRAUMA-INDUCED PERSONALITY DISORDER?
4. yes, my mother is disabled and has been for a long time. you know, partly, why she's disabled? because she drank so fucking much she threw her liver into a blender and gave herself ulcers. Yes i know she needs help. yes i know disabled people need help and support. but i am under no obligation to provide help and support to the alcoholic nightmare woman who made my childhood and makes my daily life hell. i'm sorry she has health problems but they aren't my fault, and they also don't excuse her behavior or how she treats me and makes me feel worthless, telling me to shut up any time i say anything, whenever i bring up what she did when i was young she tells me i'm lying and that didn't happen, like no you're right i DON'T feel much "daughterly" affection for her!!!!!! i don't wish ill upon her and i do feel bad for her because i know she's in pain but she couldn't give LESS OF A FUCK about my pain!!! and i also don't expect her to!! i don't want anything to do with her i want to GET AWAY from her
i'm sorry for this rant but i had to get this off my chest and i don't have anywhere else to do it, i'm not going to put it on facebook because i have too many co-workers and family members on there, but i just couldn't let these ridiculous things he said go unanswered, i feel so hurt right now. my cousin grew up with us and knows exactly what my mother was like when she was drinking. screaming, insulting, vomiting blood all over the place, showing up drunk to family parties and my school concerts, YES it was deeply traumatic and NO I CAN'T JUST GET OVER IT and YES I DO NEED HELP to get out of this house and i am NOT ashamed.
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