mcroutfits · 2 months
siempre me jijeo cuando me doy cuenta como jamia y frank son uña y roña, culo y calzon, son prácticamente un mismo ente, se casaron prácticamente a los 16 años y no tenía problema q se ande restregando en hombres ajenos
y después está gerard y su mujer nada que ver con el que a veces es medio cagón y es ella en su poder de hembra alfa que le tiene q levantar los santos, y se casaron 1 MES después de conocerse
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gerard la saco barata que le salió bien el casamiento yo tendría MIEDO
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bisexualgerardway · 2 years
god i am grateful for the level of critical thinking that exists within the internet circles i have found myself engaged in
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exitwound · 2 years
Australian frerard is happening because jamia and lynz and grant morrison can’t text they’re always asleep because of the time zones
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prettygirlgerard · 2 years
sorry. every time I see a picture of Gerard/Lynz or Frank/Jamia or Mikey/Kristin sometimes I’m reminded of the whole “siblings or dating 🤔?” memes people make about white couples
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chemnections · 1 year
Can I ask you something? I’m not trying to start anything but why is it okay for Frank and Mikey to repost fan art from 3 Cheers era but Lola can’t repost fan art for the record the account was made to promote? The sole purpose for the account was for Hesitant Alien. Yeah it was a decade ago but 3 Cheers is one year short of two decades ago. I understand Lola , Gerard and Lynz isn’t everyone’s cup of tea (I follow none of the three) but it seems hypocritical to not react the same way when Mikey and Frank do it over 3 Cheers or even Electric Century and Pency Prep. Like I said, I’m not trying to start anything, I’m just trying to understand your posts.
that's okay, i understand my posts can seem a little out of no where if you don't have the background context.
first thing is that hesitant alien was born out of the band break up. gerard was the only member signed to their record label of warner brothers for a solo album - he might have cut a deal as mcr was falling apart behind the others backs but either way it was warner brothers keeping gerard and tossing the others aside hoping that gerard solo would be profitable if mcr wasn't going to continue.
the other thing with the album being born from the breakup is that he took the opportunity to write some shady songs, mainly pointed at frank because between them was the highest point of conflict. lyrics to millions and get the gang together are probably the most blatant. drugstore perfume is also very shady. he would announce as 'being about a girl whose never leaving jeresy - this one was apparent to both be aimed at his mother who he was having conflict with and frank's wife, jamia (fans will often look at the fact that jamia unfollowed gerard on twitter during the band breakup but still follows everyone else including bob as a sign of conflict there. but gerard has shaded her in the umbrella academy because if five is frank, the dolores the mannequin represents jamia. it's safe to say that jamia is a stable down to earth person, the comparison is very sexist.)
the other thing with the breakup is that frank came out rough. he was looking rough during danger days, too. frank wrote stomachaches all on his own - i think he might have brought someone in for some of the drum tracks - but ultimately its all him. and it was fucking good and he got signed to a label all on his own. but if you look up his first live performance with the cellebration, he looks scared. despite being in so many bands and have done solo projects. with pency prep he was the front man so that wasn't even new to him. but the conflict at the end of mcr clearly took away a lot of his confidence to the point he was unsure if he could really do what was second nature to him. he has talked in interviews thinking about not returning to music after mcr, he talked about considering being a writer or even a mailman. he really had to rise from the ashes.
gerard did get help on the album, from james dewees, doug mckean and others. his solo live shows are also hard to watch, he seemed so unsure of himself when he doesn't have the mcr members supporting him. (even though getting rid of the band was supposed to fix his problems). he was a hesitant alien indeed.
so with that context in mind - the behaviour of when frank and mikey repost fan art is very different compared to when 'lola' reposts fan art. frank and mikey truly don't repost a lot of art. it is different posting mcr fan art because that is their life work - and when they were all united. they both don't have separate accounts dedicated to promoting their old solo albums. frank often uses his projects to encourage gerard to get back into music. electric century never really got its feet off the ground in the sense they never toured. they would never go on a 88 fan art repost spree to their story in the middle of the night. they both do not encourage fan art with fans' declarations of love and would not repost something like that. they keep healthy boundaries with fans.
lola is not a person. who is running the could is concealed from fans. lola encourages fans to profess their love to it by reposting and liking those kind of fan messages on mass - even though the fans don't know who they are saying that too, just a representative husk. (unless they do but that's a whole other issue).
lola is an account made for the promotion of hesitant alien, but has been converted to gerard's 'spokesperson', which is a strange move as he has a career outside of hesitant alien. what do new umbrella academy fans make of it - it's confusing. especially when gerard does have his own instagram who he could just hire a tech for to update it for him. but that's the thing, it doesn't have the anonymous animosity factor.
also lola is willing to promote ray and mikey. but lola would never promote or even acknowledge frank - until the reunion tour.
lola also comes alive to promote themselves and bask in fan attention at strategic times, like when frank is working on his projects. it is a way to take attention, shade as well as remind of an ugly time by way of a record that was not kind to frank at all.
essentially, the lola account is hostile under a layer of plausible deniability.
right now, this behaviour suggests that it is lindsey behind the account. when lindsey was on her public account she was notorious for shady tweets and bread crumbing. i'm not sure how much you know about lindsey, but she is dangerous to fans and the people around her she has a problem with. as much as i wish not to talk about her, i believe it's important to warn other fans to steer clear away from her. and try to deter some of the underhanded manipulation by calling it out.
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frrrfrrrfrrr · 2 years
The Host Lyrics Frerard Analysis
Disclaimer - This post is entirely speculation. I could, in fact, be dead wrong, and I give Frank permission to bully me on Twitter if he ever finds this. But in all seriousness, no one except the guys truly knows what goes on behind closed doors. This is just an interpretation that has been in my brain-worm-filled head for a long time. Some friends also added their insights and interpretations to this. A big thanks to them!
In this post, I am going to use a Frerard lens to analyze the lyrics from The Host, a song off of Frank’s solo album Barriers.
Before I begin, please be aware that this theory falls under the assumption that *something* happened between Gerard and Frank in the past, whether it was just mutual attraction or maybe much more. As many in the fandom believe, I too think that Frank was heartbroken by whatever the hell happened between them - he has a lot of regrets and/or still longs for Gerard in some capacity.
This analysis also falls under the assumption that Frank and his wife Jamia had/have some kind of open relationship and that Frank may be polymorphous. I am not in any way trying to diminish the love Frank has for Jamia. He feels an insanely strong connection and deep love for that woman. She is a wonderful person - a saint - for supporting Frank throughout the years, and he adores the kids he had with her. However, I still think Frank has an insatiable love for Gerard that he just can’t escape.
Let’s dive deep into the scenario my brain created based on the lyrics of The Host. First, the title of the song: I imagine “the host” to be Gerard at his LA home. At the first Newark show (2022), Gerard said he had not been to NJ for a long time, so I doubt Frank could have been the “host” in the lyrics. Recent intel has revealed that the band reunited in 2017, so I think the song could be referring to one of Frank’s visits to Gerard, most likely during one of the MCR BBQs in LA or perhaps one of their jam sessions. 
I interpret this song from Frank’s perspective as he’s talking to Gerard, “the host.” As a basic summary, I more or less feel that Gerard and Frank fell back into flirty habits during Frank’s visits. Nothing serious probably, just their usual affectionate touches and other subtle intimacies. It most likely happened when the others weren’t around - even if it was just Gerard and Frank in the kitchen for five minutes getting a cup of coffee. During these moments, Frank wonders what it would be like to live in a house with Gerard and have a domestic relationship with him if things had turned out differently.
Let’s go line by line:
“I can't stand the fun we're having
Drifting off and rambling on
With high roads full of mass contusions”
^ This introduces the idea that Frank and Gerard are just hanging out (the fun we’re having), catching up on things (rambling on) and so on. They’re having a lot of fun together, but Frank still remembers all of the hurt that happened between them (roads full of mass contusions).
My crippling fears, and your designer jeans
^ “Crippling fears” is most likely referring to Frank’s anxiety. He has mentioned many times in interviews that he has thoughts and anxiety eating away at him constantly. Even though they are having fun at that moment, Frank is still feeling some kind of anxiety about his relationship with Gerard, past or present.
The “designer jeans” reference is very blatant in my opinion. During the breakup years, Gerard began wearing some designer clothing brands like Greg Lauren. So, this is a clever way to call him out without being *too* obvious about it. 
“You're choking on all your good decisions”
^ I believe this is about Gerard’s marriage to Lynz. It has come to light that she is not a very nice person and has done really shitty things. The “good decision” (stated sarcastically) is Gerard’s rushed marriage to that woman and how maybe his perfect dream life isn’t turning out the way he planned. Therefore, he’s “choking.”
“While I'm basking in what I settled for” 
^ This is Frank referring to his current life/situation. Again, I’m not saying he settled for Jamia, more so that he “settled” for a life without Gerard as a lover/partner. He loves his wife and family but can’t get over his pining for Gerard.
“(I never wanted to want much more)” 
^  This is implying how badly he wanted that kind of life with Gerard.
“Unmade bed and blanket statements ”
^ THIS FUCKING LYRIC. It is my favorite from this song, and it also kills me. The “unmade bed” line signifies all that is left unresolved, unsettled, and unsaid between them - aka their past. Things are still kinda messy, not tidy, and neither of them have fully moved on from it. Also, read more literally, their romantic long-term relationship was/is a “bed” that was “unmade,” i.e. never fully realized. 
The next part “blanket statement” not only adds to the image of a bedroom, sleepovers, or playing house, it implies a lot. It could mean things spoken & whispered under those blankets, on that forever unmade bed of theirs; those promises, hopes, fears, and desires. It’s literally both the big “blanket statement” covering all things (MCR is not reuniting; we are only just brothers in rock) AND the small intimate things (I think about us all the time… what if we HAD worked out?).
Another interpretation is that Frank was always open and upfront with telling Gerard exactly how he was feeling in very specific terms, saying “I love you” etc. But Gerard always tried to avoid having to make those kinds of direct statements by using a blanket statement. For example, if Frank ever tried to confront Gerard and make him admit his feelings, Gerard would reply with something vague such as "You know how I feel about you."
“You're playing house like we're home alone”
^ I interrupted this as Gerard doing domestic things with Frank (cooking, cleaning etc) and showing him affection/interest as if they really lived together. The phrase “like we're home alone” implies others are around (family, band mates, etc.), but Frank and Gerard are still in their own little bubble. 
Alternatively, it could be referring to Gerard and Lynz. If their life isn’t so perfect and they are unhappy together, they could be “playing house” by themselves. Maybe they don’t do domestic activities together - for example, maybe they don’t sit down together for dinner and instead eat separately.
“On and on, so far gone
On and on, I'm so far gone”
^ This part can have multiple meanings in my opinion. “So far gone” could be referring to Frank still being in love with Gerard - it’s not something he can escape. On the other hand, it could be referring to the distance between them mentally and physically. Gerard also seems to put a wall around himself when it comes to Frank. He also lives in LA which is thousands of miles away from NJ where Frank lives.
The chorus repeats - skipping it for now
“What have I waited for?
I'm running out of time
I'm running out of time”
^ I’m not entirely sure about this part, but I think it could be Frank debating with himself about making a move on Gerard or telling him how he still feels. Like, a small part of him still believes he can make things right with Gerard.
“I'd give up everything all for a glimpse”
^ I think this is kind of self explanatory at this point.
Other parts of the song repeat like “So far gone” and the chorus
“I'm looking for a sign
I'm looking for a sign
I'm looking for a sign
I did it right”
This is Frank questioning his past choices and wondering if they were correct. However, I think Frank has already gotten his “sign” that he did it right - he loves his family more than anything and says he wouldn’t change anything. 
But there may be part of him that still mourns over what he and Gerard could have been.
And that’s my analysis! This song and this interpretation kills me, but I had to get it out my system and share my brain worms with others.
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If you want to take a stroll down memory lane, these were just some of ode2's theories: Lynz is a cheater who basically kept Gerard isolated for years, she also threatened to kill frank and financially abuses her family. She also might be homophobic and thinks she saved Gerard from being a raging homosexual. No Shows is about Gerard ending MCR because Lnyz wanted him to, and also "kiss an enemies hand" -> Frank choosing Jamia. "She's sweet as battery" refers to giving head, some random Frank song references something about batteries and a cross but long story short battery=penis -> Frank's "cross" to bear is being a man, and Gerard could never settle down with a man. Yeah...moving on, Gerard used social media and Lola to send spiteful indirect messages to Frank for years. Gerard also used UA characters to "kill" a symbolic representation of Frank. That's all I remember/could find. Yes I am insane for keeping details of fandom drama but I loved their utter conviction in these theories.
i can't even like bring myself to scroll their blog at length bc some of the shit they are absolutely convinced of in like the smuggest way it's like. it makes literally Zero sense but u know she thinks she's so much smarter than everyone for Noticing the Pattern and that's kinda nuts !! also i remember seeing something on her old blog abt how she knows so much bc she's been around since at least 2006 and i'm like have u been like this the whole time ? aren't you tired ?
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awsugar · 2 years
idk whats with tumblr users gassing up lynz
i really think this new wave of fans just doesn't know all the drama and the details and they think she slays i think theres also a level of wanting to think that gerard would like them for loving his wife the way ppl stan jamia for no reason at all....
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saintxgerard · 2 years
You guys gotta stop putting Lynz on my dash, please give me some Jamia image instead I am begging
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hollygolightlyclub · 1 year
Tag Directory (basic)
Note: this list is subject to minor changes! Also, not every single tag I've ever used is included in this, just the more frequent ones/what I can think of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Word Count
0-999, 1-9k, 10-19k, 20-29k, 30-39k, 40-49k, 50-59k, 60-69k, 70-79k, 80-89k, 90-99k, 100k+
G, T+, M, E
supernatural elements, scifi/fantasy, horror, classics, adventure, mystery, drama, humor, slice of life, coming of age, romance, porn without plot
Monogamous: frank/gerard, frank/mikey, gerard/ray, mikey/ray, frank/ray, mikey/pete, gerard/lynz, frank/jamia, alicia/mikey, bert/gerard, bert/frank, gerard/grant, frank/grant, gerard/patrick, rarepair
Polyamorous: frank/gerard/ray, bert/frank/gerard, frank/gerard/grant
Platonic: mikey & gerard, frank & gerard, frank & mikey
Fic Type
series, sequel, companion piece, oneshot, chaptered, short, long
Alternate Media
art, podfic/podfic available, quiz
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l3monbunny · 9 months
does anyone else remember those old mcr frerard fics that made lynz and jamia abusive girlfriends that gerard and frank had to find comfort in each other from. because i do
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kungfugrip · 4 years
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yearning and manifesting
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frnk-iero-simp · 4 years
Who the fu— yALL cANNOT be seriOus 😭💀💀
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sapnaptwt2 · 4 years
forget the boys i will now be gay fr each of their wives.
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edgy-sewer-rat · 4 years
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Happy Mother’s Day!
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iwonthepage4nt · 4 years
Im not like yall Lynz simps. I’m in love with Jamia.
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