#lyrics from transdermal celebration by ween
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speci-society · 2 years
23 and 29 for the music asks?
23: a song you think everyone should hear
OOH hay can i give like Three answers? Ive got 3 answers for 3 reasons
1. Transdermal Celebration - Ween
I've got a few Ween songs I'd recommend to people with the main purpose of showing a good sample of Ween outside of just Ocean Man or their genea reputation for making weird garbage music (which dont get me wrong, I like the weird garbage music, i'm a fan of The HIV Song, it's just that its not everyones taste). This is probably the best one out of those good samples tho, just because it's a good showcase of some Ween staples- weird but interesting lyrics that may or may not be about LSD, and REALLY good instrumentals that not only itch a specific part of your brain that responds to Good Music, but tenderly gives it a full massage and an arousing slap on the ass before tucking it into bed while making out with it. Listen and you'll get what i mean
2. Tardigrade Song - Cosmo Sheldrake
This one's pretty simple, i've loved cosmo sheldrake since middle school and especially this song, and i just think more people should know about his music! Also itches that part of my brain that responds to Good Music but this song (and by extension every other Cosmo Sheldrake song) instead takes it on a journey to a fairy circle in a swamp to visit The Bug King and his valued allies in The Flock Of The Marsh and then you're knocked out and dropped in a forest behind your house, even if you don't have Trees behind your house?
3. Arabesque - Coldplay
Also pretty simple, good coldplay song that I don't think got a whole lot of attention. I don't have a brain analogy for this one it's just good
29: a song that you remember from childhood
Ok Ig im doing 3 for this one too?????
1. Don't Panic - Coldplay
I basically was born to this album lmfao? Like Parachutes was on on various cds in the house for basically as long as I can remember. I listened to it pretty much every night up until i was about 6 and it rotated between this cd of african lullabies that my grandma found, and it basically stayed in a rotation of various other albums up until late 2020 when my schedule was shifted enough to where playing cds out loud to sleep to didnt really make sense in my house. As in. I was staying up too late lmfao. But anyway Dont Panic is the first song on that album, and it was definitely the album that I listened to the most as a young child, so its the first one thay comes to mind for childhood songs
2. How Does The Sun Shine? - They Might Be Giants
YAYYYY I GET TO TALK ABT TMBG NOW truthfully i didn't get super into tmbg untim a couple years ago BUT. my grandma bought me that science album when i was 6 and it was absolutely a favorite. Like probably my favorite album that wasn't coldplay when i was little. And this was my favorite track from there! Meet the elements was a close second
3. This Sound - EnV
A bit of a weird one, also from a bit later on in young childhood (about 9 or 10) but this was when I first got spotify and i GUESS just started dicking around looking at soundtracks to video games id mever heard of?? Or probably it saw that the only albums i saved were Every Coldplay Album, minecraft soundtrack(s) and terraria soundtrack(s) amd suggested a bunch of indie game osts including the original Binding of Isaac (NOT rebirth but the og), Crypt of the Necrodancer, Super Meat Boy, and Electronic Super Joy here. I also partially credit me finding a bunch of osts for various well known indie vames for me now vastly preferring indie games to basically any triple a games or series. Like I see artists make lineups of indie game characters and i can point out the names of about half of them and at the very least, what game they represent for a good 50-75% of them. No clue if i can do the same for like triple a series' ohtside of ones everhoen knows (mario link master chief etc) i just have my roots in very specifically indie games and their music lmfao
4. Kisses In The Wind - Rosie Ledet
This is one of my grandma's favorite songs! She played it a bunch while she was cooking when i was little! Good song, all there is to it
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kickerofelves · 3 years
Deaner had been keeping the story of using Carlos Santana’s guitar and gear to himself for over a decade, yet finally felt it was time to share the incredible tale. Check out what the guitarist wrote:
I think enough time has passed where I can finally tell my favorite Ween story of all-time. The businesses and the people involved have long since closed their doors and moved on for good and hopefully the people involved (and Carlos himself, if it comes to that) will have a good sense of humor about this story.
In 2003 Ween released our album Quebec on Sanctuary Records. We worked on the album for two years in our beach house in Holgate, NJ, a rented house in the Pocono Mountains of PA, the garage behind Aaron’s house in Pt. Pleasant, PA, my upstairs guest room, and finally Andrew Weiss’s living room in NJ. We also worked at Water Music in Hoboken, NJ and Graphic Sound Studios in Ringoes, NJ. It was not a great period in our personal lives, Aaron was going through a divorce and I was partying way too hard myself — it was some dark shit. The record is one of my favorites, but it is a depressing album lyrically. It was not an easy record to make either, as evidenced by the amount of places we worked, trying to find the right environment. There are demos available online that I posted where you can hear the process at work, we racked up our normal batch of like 6 dozen songs or more before whittling it down to what was finally released, 15 tunes.
I am a huge fan of Carlos Santana. He is one of my favorite guitarists of all-time. He is playing better these days than ever before in my opinion. His music is more radio friendly, for sure, but as a guitarist he has aged like a fine wine. Only Neil Young, Prince, and a small handful of others can make that claim as they become members of the AARP.
We were working in Andrew’s living room on the song “Transdermal Celebration,” our drummer Claude Coleman had just gotten into a horrific car crash and left us without a drummer for the recording and ensuing tour. Eventually it worked itself out where the record took so long to complete that Claude made enough of a recovery to do the world tour with us supporting Quebec. In the meantime though, even though Claude had played on some of the demos, drumming on the album was left up to me, Josh Freese, and Sim Cain.
“Transdermal Celebration” had been recorded three times by this point, with a drum machine, with Claude playing drums, and the final take on the album which features Josh Freese. It was the eventual single from the album. So, we’re in the middle of this session and I get a phone call from my roadie (nameless) who also worked for a backline company (nameless) that supplied amps, drums, lights, etc. to bands touring in the Northeast. My roadie told me that Carlos Santana’s equipment (including his guitars) had arrived via a trucking company that night at their depot. Carlos was recording an appearance on “Good Morning America” the next morning and his equipment was to be delivered to the set in NYC in a few hours.
What needed to be done was immediately clear to me, I had an opportunity to play the solo on “Transdermal Celebration” through Carlos Santana’s amplifier and guitar. I had one shot at it, it meant taking a hard disk recorder to a storage space where all of Carlos’ stuff was sitting in transit. I arrived at 2 a.m. We (very carefully) unpacked his equipment and set up his stage gear and in one take I recorded the guitar solo for “Transdermal Celebration” (the one that appears on the album, playing through Carlos Santana’s guitar, pedalboard and amplifier. The whole thing took 10 minutes and we were terrified we were going to get caught. A lot of people would have lost their jobs. We got the fuck outta there really fast after that. So the solo on “Transdermal Celebration” was played through all of Santana’s shit in what resembled an early morning bank heist or something…
Of course a story like this requires visual proof, so here it is. Don’t tell anyone about these please.
-Dean Ween 6/14 [link]
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mytastessuck · 3 years
Ween: Quebec
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LAh, Quebec. Hated upon its release, nowadays considered Ween's best album. Listening to this album, modern-day listeners may wonder why this album received such a chilly reception when it came out. Well, in between Gener's divorce, Claude's near-fatal car accident and just a general shitty time to be members of the band, the mood of this album felt drearier and noticeably more cynical than their other records. In some respects, this album is heavier than The Oneness and sloggier than The Pod. But its rawness works to its advantage in that this is one of the realest examples of art I've ever listened to and the fact that Ween could get this out while going through the wringer says a lot about their talent, determination and how blessed they are by the Boognish.
Let's get started.
1. It's Gonna Be A Long Night
As far as Motorhead tributes go, this is most likely the best. Try to find a better parody of Lemmy's voice. Don't try. You'll be embarrassing us both. This track goes hard as fuck while still being something you blast out your window while you pick your niece up from school. Bonus points for the scream at the end.
2. Zoloft
Best tribute to a drug I've ever heard. Only pussies sing about cocaine and heroin. Real musicians give tributes to behavioral-modifying over-the-counter pills that let you deal with jackasses all day. Ween knows their drugs and they know who the real hero is.
3. Transdermal Celebration
Ladies and Gentleman, my second favorite song of all time.
When I heard this song for the first time, I broke down in tears. The guitar work (thanks to Carlos Santana's stolen guitar, oddly enough), the beautifully sung lyrics, the sheer mental imagery...I can't put it into words which makes me a really shitty reviewer now that I think of it but that's what you guys came for. I have three different versions of this song on my playlist and really, nothing makes me feel closer to understanding what it's all about besides this song and another one. This song...is universe.
4. Among His Tribe
A peaceful song about a day in the life of a man in a tribe. Pretty chill fare. Very cool to mellow out to while imagining how people from you might leave. Always a nice venture.
5. So Many People In The Neighborhood
A nice paranoid ditty about your neighbors. Bizarre instrumentation but it asks an important question about your neighbors: are they good people?
...They aren't.
6. Tried And True
A nice song to sing along with when you're around other people. If some brave soul asks where the song's from, say it's from the 60s. Hell, tell them it was by Harry Nilsson. That'll put an old dog toy in their craw.
7. Happy Colored Marbles
Here we get to the meat of the album, where one side of a man wonders about people's mental state why the other side just thinks about playing with marbles. Well, we don't have to pay any attention to the first part. It's not like it foreshadows anything about where the tone is going with the son---WOAH, THAT'S FUCKING LOUD! Jesus, is this what they play to get the guys on Twitch to scream like that?
8. Hey There Fancypants
Ah, finally after all that horrid nonsense, we finally get to listen to proper music! Yes, this is a delightful tune that one can play in front of beloved Queen Victoria before we are taken into the Royal Loo in order to perform the Sacred Cunnlingus, as one is wont to do. Yes, if those Ween folks focused more on making music like this instead of all that other dreck, we might actually be able to do something about this Indian problem once and for all!
9. Captain
A song to be played at night while you're sailing back to shore as you see a storm gathering overhead. No other situation is appropriate.
10. Chocolate Town
Time to head down to Chocolate Town where all the folks look at you like you don't belong there, whether you were born and raised there or not. That's the vibe I get from this song or not. Seriously though, nice of Ween to creep a bit of darkness into such a pleasant sounding song. Always a sucker for that shit.
11. I Don't Want It
Love how this song manages to capture the feeling of how it feels to watch a relationship crumble before your eyes without being able to stop it. The divorce really shows it swinging dick in the latter half of the album and its super apparent on this track. I don't want to wish this situation on any of you but for those that have experience this...remember to hold onto the memories.
12. The Fucked Jam
Ugh, this song always makes me uncomfortable. I don't know if it's the voices or the instrumentation or chiptune-like mumbling but...yeah, this song just weirds me out in the wrong way. Nothing offensive here though.
13. Alcan Road
Ah, finally back on solid ground. Nice tune to trip out to while imagining yourself levitating up a mountain. Nice shit and a real step up.
14. The Argus
One of Ween's more downcast songs and it earns its tune by being one of their darker works. May the Argus cast his compassion upon us indeed.
15. If You Could Save Yourself (You'd Save Us All)
Gene really airs it all out on this track and fuck, it's some of the rawest shit I've heard in music. He lets out all of the frustration he had about the marriage in one song and he kills it in a way that Taylor Swift, Eminem, or Carly fucking Simon could only aspire to. Great way to vent about divorce and great way to end an album.
Album Score: ℵ0+4605/10
Next time, we review White Pepper, probably Ween's second most underrated album. See you then.
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speci-society · 2 years
hey guys do you want a really long LIST of SONGS that basically is only interesting to me
here’s a lost of my top 5 songs from 3 artists/bands that mean the most to me musically and artistically (Coldplay, Lemon Demon, Ween) as well as just 5 other songs not from those artists but are songs that i also like a lot right now
5. Don’t shit where you eat- oooghhh just a nice easy listening song
4. Hey There Fancypants- ashamed to say i haven’t listened to Quebec all the way through but I’ve listened to most of it and idk! I just like fun sillygoofy songs. also there’s this fan music video that was uploaded on youtube in like 2006? And it’s so fun, im not a music video person im a “i make my OWN imaginary mvs in my HEAD and OCCSIONALLY on paper” but i like that music video so so so much
3. Ocean Man- I mean this song was my introduction to Ween so yeah ofc its on here lol? And also that it’s just a great song Lol?
2. Transdermal Celebration/Buckingham Green- I’m not cheating by putting 2 in one slot bc these songs both itch the same part of my brain that likes epic ween songs that for some reason I associate almost exclusively with Terraria bc I listened to them at around the same time I was getting back into terraria in 2019 lmfaooooooo
1. Waving My Dick In The Wind- IM NOT BEING IRONIC ABOUT THIS. This is 1000000% genuine this is my favorite ween song of all time and always has been and more than likely always will be. Tbh it’s in my top 3 fav songs of all time i’ve ever liked from any artist. It’s got memories attached to it. It’s one of my favorite songs to play on guitar. This song is literally like a part of my being. Yeah bitch i AM waving my dick in the wind. You really SHOULDVE seen ol jimmy wilson dance. If it all goes right i’ll be in your arms tonight. yeah bitch
honorable mentions: Freedom of ‘76, Wayne’s Pet Youngin’, I Can’t Put My Finger On It, all of The Mollusk, everything I’ve heard off of Quebec so far
yes it is a little funny having Coldplay wedged between lemon demon and ween but i’ve been listening to coldplay nonstop since i was born and that’s not an exaggeration. My great grandma bought my parents a cd of Parachutes around when I was born
5. Talk- man this song just makes me feel a way. it’s so nice. i’ve got so many good things associated with it. Minecraft is the biggest one btw for some reason. Probably bc i listened to this album a lot in 4th grade when i was suuuuuper into Minecraft for the first time. also a coldplay song i relate to in lyrics more than most coldplay songs
4. Violet Hill- VASTLY UNDERRATED. i fucking love angry coldplay songs so much. there’s angrier songs that exist i know. but we’re talking about this band. 
3. Arabesque- mmm best song from Everyday Life  no contest! Half of the song is a saxophone solo! This is a coldplay song I literally made an oc to and unlike some of the others I made when i was 9 my boy stuck around. shoutout to my oc Pixie. yeah bitch you are two angles of the same view
2. Hurts Like Heaven- i have so many good associations w this song. This album came out when i was i think 8 or 9? Like. PRIME age when I was starting to get into art and writing. I made several ocs to this song. It means just so much to me. the whole album does tbh. It was the first concert I went to and it was one of the best experiences of when i was that age
1. Viva La vida- i mean what would I be saying about myself if it wasn’t high on the list anyway. Genuinely the best Coldplay song I think. Not even remotely controversial i think but still
Honorable mentions: God Put A Smile On Your Face, High Speed (tied for number 5 tbh), Champion Of The World, Cry Cry Cry, A Head Full Of Dreams, Any of them that make me Bawl my Eyes Out it’s a lot to list. you can imagine which ones
5. The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny- then GANDALF THE GREY and GANDALF THE WHITE and MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL’S BLACK KNIGHT and BENITO MUSSOLINI and the BLUE MEANIE and (i mean its a classic. number 5 on a top 5 list feels right)
4. Spiral Of Ants- SONGS THAT MAKE ME CRY one time i wrote about the emotional impact this song has on the album as a whole for a school project. i wonder if i still have it saved somewhere. i hope i do
3. Bill Watterson- NUMBER ONE CATCHIEST SONG EVARRRR and its about STALKING THE CREATOR OF CALVIN AND HOBBES yknow there’s this music camp i go to every summer and next year is the first year i’m gonna be a counselor, and all the counselors and volunteers get to perform a song on their own during one of the lunch periods in the week and ik its about 11 months away but i think this is the song im gonna play. its so much fun to play. whip out a guitar right now and look up “bill watterson lemon demon chords” its so good on the ears
2. Eighth Wonder- top most feel good songs ever tbh. more songs need to be exactly like Eighth Wonder. this is what i want my music to be like when i make music. if you arw Mad. -_- Okay if you are Hate Eighth Wonder -_- Okat BUT   We are not fighting :3
1. The Ocean- THIS IS A SONG ABOUT ME. BTW. if my dna and brain matter were cloned to be put into an analyzer that could turn dna and brain matter into a song it would just come out with The Ocean by Lemon Demon again. 
Honorable mentions: Amnesia Was Her Name (consider this at number 6), Spring Heeled Jack (consider this um. tied with number 6), The Satirist’s Love Song, Sundial, Lifetime Achievement Award, Action Movie Hero Boy (which is my dad’s favorite lemon demon song), Reaganomics, Soft Fuzzy Man which is my favorite song to play on guitar
TOP 5- OTHER SONGS (not necessarily in a hard order this time)I 
5. Suburbia Overture (etc.) by Will Wood- I only just listened to (some of) The Normal Album like a week ago but DAMN im kind of madly in love with all of it. there has gotta be a genre of like.. works that satirize suburb/WASP/fundamentalist culture. shit like this album and Moral Orel and that one video about how Christmas with the Kranks is a movie about a cult, it all exists in the same space in my brain yknow? I’m calling it “suburban horror” but theres gotta be an actual name for it right
4. Come Along by Cosmo Sheldrake- not to brag but listen ive liked cosmo sheldrake since like 2017. i dont even use tiktok. apparently one of his songs was mega popular on tiktok for a bit. i wouldnt know i dont use tiktok MY POINT IS this song fucks. top 10 songs i make imaginary animations to
3. I Palindrome I by They Might Be Giants- if Ween, Lemon Demon and Coldplay are the 3 artists that mean the most to me, TMBG is the 4th of those artists. shoutout to every other TMBG song but this one’s here bc it’s the one i’ve been listening to the most lately. catchy. i love it
2. Income Tax by P’tit Belliveau- my mom showed me this song a few months ago and i don’t speak a lick of french but yeah bro. J’fais rinque d’avoir mon income tax return. sometimes i just go around the house and all i’ve got in my head is “J’fais rinque d’avoir mon income tax return Tonight we gonna watch it burn” and if you listen to it the same thing WILL happen to you
1. I Don’t Feel Like Dancin by Scissor Sisters- what a crime it is that they made this song the most danceable song on earth! im sure that was intentional but What a crime nonetheless
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