#lysaedion parents
throneofsapphics · 14 days
Hey can I request a next gen where lysaedion’s daughter and Evangeline are having a Big sis, Little sis bonding moment and lysandra watches them from afar, taking in the sweet moment
bonding moment
lysaedions daughter x evangeline friendship (gen fic)
summary: after evangeline shows up late, lysandra snoops to figure out why
warnings: lysandra being a little nosy
a/n: thank you for the request!
You’d now hit the legal drinking age, and as far as your parents knew your big sister was about to take you out for your very-first drink. Well… you weren’t really kidding anyone, but it was nice enough for them all to play along and pretend. 
However, there was only one person you wanted to help you get ready, and she was running late. 
You glanced up at the clock again, tapping your foot against the hardwood flooring, fingers rapping against your thighs. Nights out hadn’t really been your thing in the past, and this one just had to be perfect. 
“Relax,” your mother said. Lysandra - the Lady of Caraverre and reason you hadn’t many nights out in the past, your face and likeness being entirely too recognizable and not having inherited her gift, but also one of your closest confidants. 
“Not helping,” you responded, teeth gritted, eyes fixed on the clock. Realizing your tone was less than pleasant, you shot her your best apologetic look but she waved it off. 
A second later, the door swung open. 
Lysandra watched as you and Evangeline skittered off to your rooms, excited whispers following you down the hallway. 
It was nosy of her, horribly nosy but she wanted - needed to witness this. She wouldn’t shift to spy on you, no she had rules surrounding that, but nothing said she couldn’t stand around in the hallway to listen. Make sure you didn’t have anything too crazy planned for the night. 
Rising on silent feet, she made her way towards your rooms. 
“These ribbons are beautiful,” she heard your voice first. 
“I knew they’d suit you well,” Evangeline said proudly. That’s why her daughter had been a tad late. 
The window facing your doorway cast just enough reflection for her to make out your features, to see you wrap your arms tightly around the other girl and squeeze. She knew those hugs, loved those hugs, and watching the two of you warmed her heart. She felt a warm hand on her shoulder and leaned back into her husband. They lingered for a few brief moments, before he led her back away, giving the two of you your privacy.  
general taglist: @rowaelinsdaughter @bookishbroadwaybish @nestaismommy @erencvlt @book-obsessed124
throne of glass taglist: @i-am-a-lost-girl16
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leiawritesstories · 2 years
Now that you did a rowaelin dealing with teenagers story, do one on lysaedion!!
it would be my pleasure 😁
word count: 3.1k (oopsies)
warnings: language, exhausted parents, references to sex, emotions
"Babe?" Aedion leaned against the kitchen doorway, watching his wife finish stacking the last plates into the cupboard. After almost twenty-four years together, he knew what Lysandra did and didn't like to do.
And he knew she only organized the kitchen when she was stressed.
"Hey, babe, it's okay," he repeated, meeting her tired emerald gaze.
Lysandra sighed heavily, flicking off the light as she came to wrap her arms around her husband, pressing herself into his warmth. "I don't know how to handle this," she admitted. "It--I guess it just doesn't seem real, Aeds, no matter how long we've had to get used to the idea."
"We'll never get used to the idea of our oldest leaving for college," Aedion said softly, stroking Lys's back in soothing motions. "Shit, it feels like just yesterday we brought him home."
She nodded, sniffling quietly against his shoulder. "Yeah, it does. Gods, babe, it's like I blinked and our tiny little boy turned into a man."
"Man-child," Aedion corrected rapidly, his lips quirking.
Lysandra snorted quietly. "So insistent that our son never grow up."
"Hey," Aedion smirked, "you called me an overgrown child for gods know how long."
"Still do," she smirked right back. "I've got my reasons."
He chuckled. "Come on, babe, it's really fuckin' late and we have to leave at the ass-crack of dawn."
"Remind me again who planned it that way?" she crooned.
He grumbled something under his breath as he led her down the hall, turning off the lights as he went. Lys let him go into their bedroom; she stopped at their son's door and tapped softly.
Emerson cracked the door open, blinking sleepily. "I was about to be asleep, Mom."
"Sorry," she whispered, her gaze darting into his room, over the suitcases and boxes neatly stacked on one side.
Her son sighed, the exhale turning to a yawn. "I'm ready for tomorrow, Mom, I promise."
"I know," she said. "I...I just wanted to say goodnight, Emerson."
His lips tilted up into a sleepy little grin and, albeit a little awkwardly, he wrapped his mother into an affectionate hug. "G'night, Mom."
"Goodnight, my boy." Lysandra reached up to smooth down his dark hair. "Gods, I'll never be quite used to you being taller than me."
Emerson chuckled. "Don't worry, I know better than to try and look down at you."
"Damn right you do." She pinched his cheek, smirking at his disgruntled grumble, and let him go. "Sleep well, son."
Lysandra tasked herself with waking up the children in the morning, knowing Emerson and Sana had both set alarms but might need a little nudge and the promise of caffeine to get them up and going at so early in the morning. So she headed into the kitchen and started up a fresh pot of coffee after getting herself ready, then went to Emerson's room.
"Rise and shine, kiddo!" She stuck her head into his room, noting with pleased surprise that his lamp was on and he was awake, if not yet out of bed.
"So early," he grumbled, smashing his pillow over his head.
"Blame your father," she retorted, "this was his grand idea."
"Fine," he conceded. Then he sniffed, his nose for caffeine overpowering his longing to sleep a few more minutes. "Coffee?"
"Freshly brewed," she laughed. "Better get there before the rest of us do, though." She withdrew and moved down to the next door, taking a quick breath in preparation for dealing with her daughter.
No light showed beneath Sana's door, so Lysandra wasn't surprised to see that her daughter's room was still dark. "Morning, Sana," she said, poking her head into the room, her eyes adjusting to the dimness and finding--
"Shit!" Sana squeaked, her bedcovers rustling as she reached to her side and shook the person next to her. "Uh, hi, Mom!"
"Shit!" yelped a boy's voice, the offending intruder rapidly burying himself under Sana's comforter.
"SHIT!" Lysandra exclaimed, rapidly yanking herself out of the room and rubbing her eyes as if to cleanse the image she had very much not wanted to see at five in the morning. Pulling her phone from her back pocket, she fired off a quick text to her daughter.
>Don't even think about letting him go through your window. I'll keep Dad away.
A few minutes later, a very sheepish Sana cracked open her door. "Uh...good morning, Mom?"
"Good morning," Lysandra replied calmly, the steel in her expression belying her even speech. "Good morning to you too, Owen."
Owen, Sana's boyfriend, waved awkwardly. "Hi, Mrs. Ashryver."
Because she was a woman of her word, Lys quickly checked the hallway and then motioned her daughter and Owen to follow her out to the patio door. No doubt Owen had either come in that way or snuck through Sana's window or she'd simply brought him over when Lys and Aedion were out finishing a last-minute errand. Aedion was sufficiently occupied for now, probably in the shower from the sound of it, so she waved the two of them out. "We'll see you later, Owen."
Sans kissed her boyfriend goodbye and came back into the house, her cheeks flaming. "Um..."
"Honey." Lysandra calmly handed her daughter some coffee. "Don't worry about it."
"That scared the shit out of me," Sana mumbled, her blush barely fading.
Lys smirked. "We'll be discussing this, but since your father didn't see, I don't think he needs to have any more reasons for his blood pressure to go up, hmm?"
Her daughter loosed a huge, relieved sigh. "Oh, thank all the gods."
"I wouldn't thank the gods yet," Lys said dryly, sipping from her own coffee. "Go on and help lug all Emerson's shit out to the car, Dad wants us to leave in twenty minutes."
"As if that's gonna happen," Sana snickered. She snapped the lid onto her travel mug and headed out of the kitchen, pausing and whirling back around to give her mother a quick, fierce hug. "Thank you, Mom."
"Love you, honey," Lys murmured. She winked. "Hell, I was a slightly wild teenager once, too..."
"Stop it!" Sana squeaked, making a hasty retreat.
Lysandra snickered, knowing full well how well hinting at her and Aedion's...past affected the kids. Making sure all the dishes were in the dishwasher and the coffee pot and toaster had been unplugged, she set her coffee mug down on the counter and grabbed the small box of kitchen stuff Emerson wanted for his dorm. Since he was a freshman, he was required to live in the dorms, and he grumbled about it but she knew that he'd at least be able to enjoy some of the experience. And since he knew how to use a stove and oven, she had no doubt that he'd be the most popular guy in the hall.
"Mom!" Emerson called as soon as she walked out to Aedion's truck, carrying the box. "Thank god, we need you!"
"What now?" she sighed, pretending to be exasperated.
"Son of a bitch!" Aedion yelled from the truck bed, muffling a string of even filthier words.
Emerson took the box from Lys and rolled his eyes. "That's what."
"Babe," she sighed, hopping up next to her husband, "what the hell is going on?"
"Dropped a box on my foot," Aedion mumbled, hiding his embarrassed flush from his wife.
She sighed and made him sit down, prodding his foot to make sure he wasn't badly injured. "How'd that happen?"
"I, uh--stacking too many things," he admitted.
"Fascinating," she deadpanned.
He grumbled something about stop being right. "I know, babe, I know. I shouldn't be doing this at my age."
"Took the words right out of my mouth," she snickered. "Come on, babe, there's only a few more things and it'll all fit with plenty of room, you don't need to worry about space."
Aedion hefted a sigh himself and kissed the top of her head. "Gods, why are you always right?"
"It's my job," she grinned.
He chuckled and kissed her softly, one hand coincidentally dropping down to her ass.
"Oh my fu--god!" Emerson groaned, almost dropping the box he carried as he screwed his eyes shut, not having needed to see his parents being horny teenagers in the back of the pickup.
"Truck's seen worse, my boy," Aedion snickered gleefully, relishing in the way his son grew visibly uncomfortable. "How much left?"
"Ju--uhh--just this box and your suitcases." Emerson ran back into the house as fast as he could, blinking rapidly as if to scrub away the image to which he'd just been treated.
Both Lysandra and Aedion burst into laughter at his discomfort, finding a small way to cope with the crazy emotions of bringing their firstborn to college.
Seven hours of driving and only a few friendly family disagreements later, Aedion pulled into the parking lot of their hotel, turned off the ignition, and released a deep sigh of relief along with the rest of the family. Emerson had enrolled in Adarlan State University, which wasn't as far from home as he could have gone, but was far enough away for him to feel independent. Instead of flying, they'd opted to make the drive to move him in, taking a few days' vacation of sorts.
Aedion hopped out and went into the hotel to check in, returning shortly later with the room keycards and the printouts. "All right, we're good to go."
"Thank god," Sana grumbled, wasting absolutely no time getting out of the car and stretching herself out. "Is it just me, or does Rifthold air smell different?"
"It definitely does," Emerson agreed, jumping out from his side. "Less mountain-y."
"That's not a word," Sana scoffed, grinning wickedly.
Her brother rolled his eyes. "Thought we were out of school, Little Miss Grammar."
"Call me that one more time--"
"Nope!" Lysandra stopped her children before they could start. "Please, we just got here!"
"Sorry, Mom," both of them mumbled, slightly abashed.
She huffed. "I know you want to be free, son, but please at least try to pretend your father and I taught you something resembling manners."
"Okay," he agreed, going to grab the suitcases.
Sana grabbed her backpack out of the truck and pushed the door shut, taking her suitcase from her brother. "Thanks, Mer."
"No problem, young one."
She poked him in the back of the neck. "I'm sixteen, jackass."
"And I'm an adult," he smirked.
"Okay, Emmy," she retorted, snickering at his frustrated snarl.
"Kids," Aedion called lazily, watching the two bicker like they always had, "how about we haul our shit up to the room and get dinner?"
That, apparently, was the magic word.
Half an hour later, they'd dropped off luggage in their third-floor room, each taken a turn in the bathroom, and were back in the truck with Lysandra scrolling through the list of nearby restaurants on her phone. "Do we want burgers or Thai?"
They wanted burgers, apparently.
Though that may just have been the vocal eagerness of the two man-children in the car.
The next day, Lysandra awoke with a small heaviness in the pit of her stomach, a feeling that only built as they drove into Adarlan State University's campus, greeted by a whole host of students dressed in red and white and black, the school's colors, waving "WELCOME!!!" signs and cheering for the new freshmen. On the flip side of the overabundance of school spirit, though, there were lots of signs directing the students and families where to go, and they found Emerson's dorm building easily.
Getting his stuff into his dorm turned out to be a lot less easy.
"Goddamn move-in crowds," Aedion grumbled, his forehead damp with sweat as he set two more boxes down on the dorm floor.
With so many people moving in at once, the elevators were constantly busy and constantly had a waiting line, so the Ashryvers had opted to take the stairs and cycle from the car up to Emerson's dorm and back.
Too bad Emerson's dorm was on the fourth floor.
Aedion didn't know the last time he'd walked so many stairs, let alone walked stairs while hauling boxes and luggage.
"That's it!" Emerson grunted, plopping the last box onto the ground and huffing. "Hell, I think I just got in my lifting and cardio."
Lys and Sana appeared in the doorway a moment later, loosing sighs of relief. "Right, my boy," Lys said, wiping strands of hair away from her face, "what do you need us to do?"
Emerson braced his hands on his hips, scanning the pile of boxes and luggage and other things on the floor and his side of the room. "Dad, can you help me loft the bed?"
"Of course." Aedion checked the metal bedframe. "Simple. You grab that side, I'll get this side, we both lift."
"Good. Mom," Emerson threw her a grin, "I know how much you want to, so yeah, you can organize my clothes."
"I know they won't stay that way," Lys chuckled.
"Can you do all my desk shit?"
"That's a very broad term," Sana drawled.
Emerson rolled his eyes. "Look, you're better at putting that stuff in normal places, and if I do it, I won't be able to find shit."
"Language," Sana teased, grinning. "Yeah, I'll handle that. You try not to pop your shoulder out. And yes, Dad, I was talking to you."
"Smartass," Aedion grumbled, his lips quirking up. "Okay, on three!" He counted off and pushed and he and Emerson successfully lifted the bed into lofted position. He slapped his son a high five, quietly jarred by just how tall the boy was--almost at eye level with him.
Fuck, when did that happen?
About an hour later, they were all sorting through Emerson's stuff and slowly beginning to make his half of the room look more comfortable than the blank walls initially indicated when the door creaked open and another boy walked in, rolling a couple of suitcases behind him.
"Emerson!" the guy exclaimed, shoving his suitcases off to the side. "Bro, I didn't know you were here!"
"Selvari?!" Emerson half-shouted, abandoning the suitcase he was unpacking to grab the dark-haired boy in the bro-est bro hug Aedion had ever seen. "Shit, you're my roommate?"
"Unless you can't read, yeah," Nyx Selvari grinned. "You're stuck with me, Ashy."
"Shut up, jackass," Emerson laughed, "I might not be much, but I'd know Room 420 anywhere."
"Cheers." Nyx knocked his fist into Emerson's. "Gonna make it a--nope, nope, not saying that shit, nope!" It was like he hadn't realized Aedion and Lysandra were right there.
"Hi, Nyx," Lys laughed, grinning at her son and his friend. Nyx had played football with Emerson for years, all the way through high school, and the boys had practically grown up together. "Fancy meeting you here."
"Nice to see you again, Mrs. Ashryver," Nyx beamed. "I didn't ever check my housing except to see that I'd actually signed up for a meal plan, so I had no idea who my roommate was gonna be."
"That's funny," Lys snickered. "Mer didn't even check his student email until a week ago."
"Mom!" Emerson groaned. "Stop it!"
"Never," Lysandra smirked.
"So much for helping," another deep voice drawled, Nyx's father entering the room to plop two armfuls of shopping bags down onto the floor. "You could at least--shit, Ashryver?!"
"The one and only," Aedion smirked. "Getting a little tired, old man?"
"Fuck you," Rhysand Selvari snorted, tossing his arm around Aedion's shoulder. "Darling, look what the cat dragged in!"
"What a lovely surprise!" Feyre beamed, depositing her load of shopping bags and a large duffel bag next to the pile of stuff on the floor. "Now we know our son will have at least a little bit of sense in his life."
"Moooom!" Nyx groaned. "Really?"
"Cheer up, mijo," Feyre smirked, ruffling her son's hair. "We'll be out of your hair soon enough and you and Emerson can do whatever stupid things the new college freshmen do." She hugged both Aedion and Lys. "So good to see you again."
"You too," Lys grinned. "Have fun getting the wild one settled."
Evening had fully fallen when Emerson walked downstairs with Lys, Aedion, and Sana, the four of them all walking over to the pickup and pausing, unsure quite how to proceed. Up in the dorm, Lys had already shed a few tears, and though Aedion would deny it to hell and back, he'd shed a few tears too.
"Fuck, stop growing up so fast," he muttered, trying to mask the thickness in his voice with gruffness.
Emerson stepped into his father's embrace, squashing down a few tears of his own. "I'm not that far away, Dad."
"I know." Aedion rested his hands on his son's shoulders. "I'm so goddamn proud of you, son."
His son wiped the back of his hand across his face. "Love you too, Dad."
Lysandra pressed her son into her embrace, identical emerald-green eyes soft and shining with mingled pride and sadness. "I love you, my son." She sniffled. "Please don't do anything stupid."
He snorted a soft laugh. "I'll try, Mom. Love you." She released him, and he turned to his sister. "Have fun being the only child." Try as he might, he couldn't quite muster the swagger he'd intended.
Sana gifted him with a fierce hug, whispering something into his ear that made him snort with laughter. "Fucking gods, Sana!"
"I'm not wrong!" she beamed. "Don't let the RAs catch you hiding booze, Mer."
He snickered. "I'll try."
As Aedion reversed the truck and slowly pulled away from the parking lot, Emerson stood in the lot, a half-sad, half-excited grin on his face, and waved to his family until they rounded a corner and he fell out of sight. Lysandra exhaled shakily, dabbing a few stray tears from her face.
"It's okay, babe," Aedion murmured, sliding one hand across to link with his wife's. "He's gonna be just fine."
"I know," she whispered. "Gods, it's not easy to leave your kid at college, though."
He squeezed her hand, his thumb tracing circles on her thigh. "No, it's really not."
Back at the hotel that night, Lys curled herself as close to Aedion as possible, taking comfort in the warm, solid strength of him. He held her just as close, tangling his fingers into her soft, dark hair, feeling the heat of her mother's tears drip into his worn old sleep shirt. He pressed tender kisses to her forehead as she let her emotions pass, allowing her to reach up and brush the tears off his own cheeks.
"He needs this," she murmured, convincing herself as much as him. "He's going to do just fine, Aeds."
"He will." Aedion kissed her gently. "Because he's your son, Lys."
She sniffled. "You're a big old teddy bear, babe."
He wasn't even going to try to deny it.
TAGS: this is my general list, please lmk if you want to be tagged or not :)
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tomtenadia · 6 months
Detours to You - 25
Hello all again, here we are with another chapter. This is a nice one and after this there are still 6 chapters left. The angst is basically over. We are a few months after the last chapter. Rowan is healed and also back to work.
He gets some amazing news in this chapter and then we have Lysaedion's wedding. Also we have smut. Oh yes our two birds have finally reconnected that way too and now they can't keep their hands off each other.
Hope you will love this.
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A few more months elapsed and spring finally decided to appear in Orynth and the snow eventually began to thaw. The white of winter lead the way to the colours of the new seasons and cherry blossoms painted some of the parks pink.
Rowan was a winter person but happily admitted that spring had its own way of making everything look happier with all of its colours.
He had left HQ after a meeting with the commissioners on some of the improvements they have been working on. That had been his last meeting of the day and now he was driving towards the ice rink to pick up Maya after hockey practice. She had finished her introductory weeks and now she had started the actual training and was finally learning to play hockey. That was a first he had got to experience and his phone was bursting with pictures of his daughter in hockey gear. He and Aelin had taken her to a shop to buy all the equipment. She was proudly using the stick she had received for her birthday and for her jersey she had chosen the same number he used. She had chosen him and not Dorian and he could not contain his pride. On his way to the rink he had stopped at the dry cleaner where he had to collect his dress mess uniform. Lysandra and Aedion were finally getting married that weekend and Aelin had begged him to wear his uniform so he had agreed.
He and Aelin had improved a lot more and as soon as he was cleared to go back to work, he had taken her for a weekend in Ilium just before he was due to go back to work. They had left Maya with her grandparents and it had taken some convincing that it was a holiday they needed alone. They had to reconnect fully and finally took the last step in their relationship. They had almost spent the entire weekend in bed with just a few interludes for a swim in the sea and dinners out. It had been a perfect weekend.
The ice rink appeared in front of him and parked his TFD pickup in the car park and walked in, following the sound of the girls playing. He reached the rink and saw a few parents leaning against the barriers watching their daughters play.
He easily spotted Maya and smiled. She had perfected her skating technique quickly and they had gone out a few times together.
He noticed that they were practicing shooting techniques and he smiled when Maya kicked her puck right in the corner of the net with what meant to be a basic snapshot, fooling the goalie. He had taught her that.
He pumped his fist in the air in joy and in that instant one of the mothers walked towards him “is she yours?”
“Yes,” he answered quietly.
Aelin had explained him that at school he had won the title of DILF. He was about to celebrate until she explained him the meaning of the acronym. He had been horrified. The same story repeated itself at hockey practice.
The woman tried to keep talking to him, but Rowan managed to ignore her by adding that he was there to enjoy his daughter playing hockey. 
Maya finished half an hour later and ran to him, while carrying her duffel bag and stick “Dad!”
He lifted her in his arms and kissed her “You have been so good today.”
“Did you see me?”
He nodded and put her down “ready to go home?”
Hand in hand they walked out of the rink and drove home.
The weekend finally arrived and so did Lysandra and Aedion’s wedding. The couple had decided to get married in a steading just outside the city that offered functions. It had a big pond and the wedding was going to take place near its banks and then the owners had prepared all the tables for the meal which was all produce from their farm. 
Aelin was in hers and Rowan’s room getting ready. She and Elide were maid of honours and were wearing a long sleeveless green dress “Ro, can you zip it please?”
He came out the bathroom in his still open shirt and damp hair.
“You are not allowed to look this hot,” she stepped closer, her fingers brushing his chest. Stroking the markings in the old language where she knew Fireheart and Maya stood.
Rowan hummed “no distractions, we have a wedding to attend.”
Aelin kissed his pecs and his hands landed on her hips. Since they had taken the last step in Ilium, they had struggled to keep their hands off each other, but with a toddler next door they had been careful and did not manage to have as much fun as they wanted.
Rowan kissed her neck “You look stunning.”
“I don’t have anything underneath,” she whispered in his ear and felt Rowan pushing her against the dresser.
Aelin looked up at his eyes clouded with lust and a darker shade of green. She loved being the cause of that reaction. She had feared that after their separation their intimate life would suffer but Aelin had been wrong. The sexual tension had been building up for a while and in Ilium they had discovered that their chemistry was still explosive.
Rowan nibbled at the spot behind her ear that had the power to melt her and a whimper left her mouth. She had to talk to him, she had something important to say but her body had decided to stop responding to her.
The kiss he gave her almost reduced her to a putty “Ro…” she repeated with urgency.
He gently pulled back and caressed her face “what?”
Aelin stepped back and looked at him “I have something to tell you.”
His stare turned worried and Aelin noticed it so moved quickly back to him, grabbing his hand and placing it on her belly “I found out a few days ago.”
She stared at his expression morph from worry to pure joy as he got the meaning of her words “for real?”
Aelin nodded “I did the math and I am positive it was our sex fest in Ilium,”
Rowan laughed and pulled Aelin to him “We are having another baby?”
She looked up at him and was glad that she had not started with make up yet because at his expression, tears started to well in her eyes “Maya will be a big sister?”
Another nod “I have not told anyone because I have not been to the doctor yet and I wanted to tell you first.”
“I am coming with you, I am not missing anything this time.” He lifted Aelin in his arms and twirled on his feet until she asked him to stop because she was getting queasy.
“I love you,” he added kissing her deeply and in that instant the door flew open and Maya burst in “Mama, dad no kissy.”
Rowan went to his daughter, lifted her in his arms and stamped a loud kiss on her cheek “did nana help you dress?”
Maya climbed off him and showed her dad her green dress and the cute green trainers Aelin had bought her. Eiddwen had combed her hair in two lovely braids tied with a green ribbon.
“You are lovely, but now sit on the bed so mum and dad can finish dress up.”
“Mama, dad are you getting married too?”
Both adults stopped what they were doing and looked at each other. They had put the priority on rebuilding the foundations of their relationship but Rowan definitely wanted to marry Aelin.
“Not yet, Maya.” Added Aelin, looking at Rowan who nodded back at her. He walked to his daughter and sat at her side “Your mum and I are working on it,” he extended his hand to Aelin and she took it “For now you need to know that I love you and your mum very much.”
“But she is your princess.”
Rowan smiled and shook his head “no baby, you are my princess,” he kissed her head and then stood, enveloping Aelin in his arms “Your mum is my queen.”
Aelin melted in his arms and Maya joined them, and Rowan held in his arms his growing family.
The wedding had been perfect. Aelin and Rowan had sat together with Elide and Lorcan and Maya had been the ring bearer and she had been proud at being given such an important task. 
The ceremony had been perfect and during the vows Aelin had found herself crying, although she mostly blamed the hormones.
Now it was the after dinner and the party was in full swing. Lysandra had invited both Aelin and Rowan’s parents and Maya was busy dancing with her grandfather while Rowan had stolen Lysandra for a moment and Aelin had gone dancing with her cousin.
“So, how does it feel to be married?”
Lysandra chuckled “Marry Aelin and you will know…”
Rowan chuckled and Lysandra gasped “Are you going to propose?”
“Rowan Whitethorn,” she whispered “It’s about time.”
He smiled “we just took a detour through life but we are back on track now.”
“Good, because I want to dance at your wedding next.”
The dance came to an end and Aelin joined him again “Want to dance, chief?”
Rowan kissed her  “I have a better idea,” he took her hand and started walking away from the main party area. 
Aelin laughed when she noticed when he was going towards the barn.
Rowan paused “don’t tell me that in none of your romance books the couple doesn’t sneak away for some fun in the barn?”
Aelin pulled him closer “Oh no, chief, I have plenty of examples.”
Quickly they walked in the building and Rowan closed the door behind them and then a moment later Aelin was flush against the wall, his body caging hers “this dress has been driving me crazy,”  
Aelin’s hands found purchase in his hair while his started roving her body climbing higher up to the edge of the corset. Her breast were full and tempting him. Slowly he pulled the fabric down exposing her soft mounds. His mouth covered one of her hard peaks while the other was being tended by his hand. Aelin moaned loudly and pushed him harder against her. 
“Fuck, Rowan…”
He looked up with a happy smirk “any problems, m’lady?”
“I need you,” she breathed while her hand palmed his length in a teasing motion.
Rowan put the corset back in place and with a strong pull of his arms he lifted her on the desk, moving between her legs and getting closer to her.
“How much do you want me?” He breathed against her ear and Aelin moaned, her hand fisting in his long hair “stop teasing, chief.”
A chuckle left Rowan’s lips while his hand trailed her legs, slowly lifting the long dress. His mouth was avidly on her neck.
Aelin’s legs wrapped around his back and she slightly leaned backward on her hands “I am going commando, remember.”
The growl that left Rowan’s lips was savage and his mouth devoured her in desperation.
And when Aelin let out another obscene moan, Rowan’s finger slowly traced her core, noting how wet she was “all this for me? Gods, Aelin, you are dripping.”
She was about to let out a sassy remark when the feeling of his fingers filling her made her shatter and shorted her ability to speak. 
Gods, sex with Rowan always had the power to destroy her. She had tried with another person but it had been so mundane that she had gone home and finished herself off. It had not been Sam’s fault. He could have been decent with anyone else but she had Rowan has main reference. It had been hopeless. 
When Rowan added a third finger, Aelin saw stars and while he worked her to drag an earth shattering orgasm out of her, she grabbed one of her breasts and began teasing one of her hard peaks.
“I love when you touch yourself,” he added in a dark voice.
“Does that turn you on, chief?”
As a response Rowan stooped and fully lifted her dress, exposing her to him. A moment later his mouth was on her core and Aelin almost screamed.
“I have been hard for you since you put this dress on,” his tone had turned gruff while he kept feasting on her like a starved man. 
“Fuck me, Rowan. I need you inside of me.”
“Do you?”
Aelin knew he loved when she begged him and it turned her on to no end when their lovemaking was a bit rougher. Mala burn her, being taken in a barn was one of her fantasies.
Rowan pulled her up and then a bit forward so that her ass was lined up with the edge of the table. 
And while Rowan was unbuckling his trousers, Aelin’s finger found its way inside her causing a reaction in him “Look at me, Ae.”
That she did but at the same time she lifted her finger to her mouth and sucked it clean.
He stood in front of her, his cock in his hand, watching Aelin pleasing herself.
“Now chief, are we doing something about this?”
Rowan’s reaction was almost feral. He walked closer to her, lining himself to her entrance and in a swift motion he was inside her. Aelin groaned and collapsed on her back. He leaned forward and kissed her exposed breasts “gods Aelin.”
“More, I need more.”
He pulled her as close as possible never slowing down.
He felt her walls starting to clench and smiled and increased his speed until Aelin shattered under him, his name on her lips.
“I am not done yet with you.”
His finger went back to her clit trying to prolong her pleasure.
Aelin shattered a second time in his arms and he eventually felt the first signs that his peak was close too.
And when he did, he collapsed on her, wrapping her in his arms and leaning his forehead on hers “did it meet your fantasy?”
She kissed him “so much better.”
He gave her another kiss and then pulled back, trying to tidy himself up “I wonder if in the books they stash some cloth for the afterwards.”
Aelin laughed “no, in books they get clean magically.”
He grabbed her waist and pulled her off the table, pushing down her gown “Your hair is a bit messy.”
She snuggled closer to him “I don’t care. I’ll sneak in the bathroom on my way back.”
Giggling like two teenagers who had caused some troubles, they ran back to the main building and went to get sorted before joining again the wedding party.
@rowaelinismyotp @swankii-art-teacher @whimsicallyreading @elentiyawhitethorn @aelin-bitch-queen @bruiseonthefaceofhumanity  @mis-lil-red @thegreyj @sailorsassley @leiawritesstories @clairec79 @morganofthewildfire @sv0430 @heartless--aromantic @autumnbabylon @rowanaelinn  @susumaus98  @gracie-rosee @mybloodrunsblue @tanvee1231 @avenrebekah @whoever-you-choose-to-love  @theywillnotsingforme @universallytreepost @black-daisy-water @goddess-aelin @whispers-in-the-darkest-heart @lovely-dove-zee @athena127 @mariaofdoranelle
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SJM ask game
I saw this ask game started by @milswrites and I absolutely love it!
1) What’s your favourite SJM book?
It is a tie between ACOMAF, QOS, and CC1. Those are my top 3 and they rotate on a daily basis on which is my favorite.
2) Which is your favourite series (tog, acotar or cc)
TOG is def my favorite of the three. The story is so beautifully bookended, each book can stand by itself, the characters are amazing and they go through so much growth. I love ACOTAR because I love the relationships that are built there and the world building is so interesting. I also read ACOTAR at a very dark point in my life and reading about Feyre digging herself out of the darkness helped me do the same. I love Ruhn Dannan. Daynight is life. Enough said.
3) Who is your favourite character? (And why?)
I have to have a favorite character from each series. For ACOTAR, gwyn has whittled her way into my heart as my favorite character. Her bravery, her selflessness, her determination. We see her interact with characters who are previously shown to be extremely unaproachable and she treats them like normal people. She is healing and is in the process of building a life that is worth living. I cannot wait to read more of her journey in the next book. For TOG, my favorite characters are Aelin, Manon, and Lysandra. Aelin is forced to be so strong from such a young age, and the shit that she is put through just makes my heart ache. KOA broke my heart so many times because she felt so broken and I feel like we never got a true conclusion to it. Manon is such a prime example of Nature vs Nurture. She was Nurtured to be a heartless killer, but once she started seeing the world for what it was and seeing the injustices her people were committing, she and the 13 stood up for what was right and went up against their sister Ironteeth in battle in order to fight for a better world. Lysandra has been a favorite of mine since the first time I read her on the page. She was taken advantage of and was forced into a role outside of her command. The way she takes her own life in her hands, she puts the needs of others before her own, and was a friend to Aelin when she truly needed one will solidify her as one of my favorites. It is no surprise that Lydia is my favorite CC character. I loved her in CC2, but she CARRIED CC3. She is like the perfect mix of Rhys and Aelin and her ancestors would be proud of her and what she has done.
4) Do you have a favourite quote from one of the books?
I have a million favorite quotes. One of the ones I wouldn't mind getting a tattoo of is "Don't let the Hard days win" it is simple but so impactful and some days I need the reminder. I cannot stop crying when I read Lehabah's last conversation with Bryce. Also, I definately Bawl everytime Aelin hallucinates about her parents and her mom says, "Why do you cry, Fireheart?"
5) Favourite ship?
In no particular order: Gwynriel, Feysand, DayNight, Rowaelin, Lysaedion, Nestaq.
6) E/riel or Gwynriel? Or neither?
I think my username speaks for itself
7) Who’s the most underrated SJM character?
NESRYN MF EMPRESSES FALIQ. I love her. I know she isn't on my list of favorites but she is 100% a favorite. Her and Sartaq are just *Chef's Kiss*
8) Which character do you wish to learn more about?
Oooooh. Azriel, Gwyn, Jessiba, Lydia, VAUGHN, Lucien.
9) Are there any characters you don’t like?
Besides the bad guys? I don't care for Ithan but its not that I don't like him. He just reads like a washed up frat boy but I was impressed with his growth in CC3. It's not like I HATE him, he just isn't a favorite of mine.
10) Favourite bat boy?
It should come as ZERO surprise that Azriel is my favorite bat boy. However, if I had to choose ANY of the SJM Males to be my mate, it would be Dorian :) I would die fighting Manon for him but worth it lol
11) Favourite court?/ Which one would you most like to live in?
I most definately fit into the Night Court. Anyone who knows me knows I am a night owl and I would sleep all day and be awake at night if I could. If Eris was high lord, my second choice would be Autumn.
12) Favourite SJM villain?
I think we can all agree that Maeve is the most flushed out villian that SJM has written to date. I love to hate her.
13) If you could change one thing in any of the books what would it be?
I would get rid of all the "crumbs" for E/riel and I would make Mor more open about her sexuality with the IC from the beginning. I am fixing both in FM2M.
14) Favourite SJM theory?
Gwynriel are mates. There is way too much canonical evidence to prove otherwise.
15) Favourite Archeron sister?
16) A character you feel is over-hated/ underrated
Aedion. Leave my boy alone. Was he a dumbass? Yes. HOWEVER, think about his trauma and the BS Lysandra and Aelin pulled on him. He has had the weight of his kingdom on his shoulders for 10 years. He has been playing the game longer than he can remember, was taken advantage of by older men in the army as he worked his way up the ranks. His father's identity needed to be kept a secret to the detriment of his mother and he resents Gavriel for it. They were going to turn him into the same absentee father that he hated, and they threw his trauma in his face. He would have just been a breeding stud and would never be able to recognize his own children. It was a stab right to his heart and he was betrayed by the two people who meant the most to him in the world. Give the boy some grace.
17) Aelin, Bryce, or Feyre?
I think Aelin is the most fleshed out and goes through the most character growth. However, Bryce and Feyre have my heart. I will not choose.
18) If you wrote an acotar book what would you call it?
A Court of Scars and Shadows. Thanks @thebelladonnamoon for coming up with the perfect ACOTAR 6 title.
20) Who is your favourite acotar blogger?
Here on Tumblr, I love @acourtofthought @gwynrieldefenseatty but there are so many that I love :) And, as always, @yazthebookish
21)What fics would you recommend to people who love the series?
OH GOD. Off the top of my head for ACOTAR: ACoFD by @the-lonelybarricade (or ANYTHING by her and @separatist-apologist) ACOSAS by @thebelladonnamoon, Call Me Home by @propagandaprincess, There You Are by @sweethvilliandarlinggod
You can see my bookmarked favorite fics here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Captain_of_the_Gwynriel_Ship
TOG Favorite fics: High Infidelity by @heirofflowers, Bad Intentions by @starseternalnighttriumphant, Illicit Affairs is my ALL TIME FAVORITE by @rowanaelinn, remanents by @the_dormouse, and The Inclining of Stars by @Slytherindemigod18
CC Favorites: I havent read too many, but you can always count on Verzavar Haz by @hlizr50 to break down your soul.
Questions for writers
22) Easiest character to write for?
Probably Feyre or Gwyn. I just feel like I can get in their heads the easiest.
23) Hardest character to write for?
Rhys (so far). It is why he hasn't had a POV yet in FM2M but there will be one in a couple chapters.
24) What’s a character you’d like to write for but haven’t yet? Ooh. Some of the TOG characters. I haven't ventured outside of ACOTAR yet but one day maybe.
25) What’s a court you’d like to write about more?
Autumn wink wink. And Hybern (I know it isn't a court but still).
26) What’s a character you won’t write for and why?
I don't know if there is a character I won't write for. I think it just depends. Probably Elorcan as a couple because as much as I like them, I couldn't really write them.
27) If you could only write for one character ever again, who would you pick?
Gwyn. Easy.
28) Whats your favourite trope to write about when it comes to Azriel?
Oh gods where to start. Friends to lovers, priestess/sinner, trainer/trainee, Acceptance and Longing, Soulmates, Forced Proximity. I could go on.
29) What do you think is the best/favourite acotar fic you’ve written?
I mean definitely FM2M, but I loved writing Up Against the Wall and coming up with the idea for The Great Escape.
30) Who are your favourite friendships to write about?
Right now, the valkyrie and Mor and Feyre, Cassian and Feyre, and Lucien and Feyre.
31) For first time readers to your blog, which three fics would you recommend they read?
Obviously FM2M, you can read some of my other one shots or short fics or check out some of my favorite fics above!
This was super fun and a way to distract me from such a boring work day haha
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Okay Aelin’s plan at the end of EOS was complete bullshit for so many reasons, all of which can be lumped under 3 larger categories.
1) Probability of success during the war
This is limited, as they mentioned in the books, but Lys’s ability to trick people into thinking she’s Aelin lasts about as long as it takes for them to need her fire powers. The point of pretending Aelin was alive was to help morale and keep the bad guys from learning that she was out of the picture, but if your supposed “fire breathing” savior queen doesn’t show a single spark of power, even when a battle turns dire, that’s arguably worse for morale and does nothing to rally the people. Martyring Aelin & saying she died arguably would’ve been a better choice for this purpose.
Strategy is a huge part of war. Someone like Aelin, with magic as powerful as hers (especially bc of how effective a weapon fire was against Erawan’s forces), would be treated as a battalion all her own. War strategy relies on knowing every player on the board, every move that needs to be made. Generals (like Aedion) are factoring Aelin’s powers into a battle (how it’s fought, chances of success, etc) which means innumerable deaths and devastating losses when that power doesn’t show face. It’s actively harming the war effort — imagine if you thought you had a nuke but then it turns out your strongest weapon is a nerf gun and nobody fucking told you…
2) Aedion & Lysandra’s involvement
Was Aedion justified for how he treated Lysandra? No. Was he justified in being that angry? Yes. Lys knew what she was getting into, understood the sacrifices she was making to execute Aelin’s idiotic doppleganger plan, but nobody told Aedion. He was going to have to sleep with Lysandra just for his goddamn genetics like some prize cattle and, in one fell swoop, lost the woman he loves and cousin he should have sworn his life to. It’s also implied in EOS that he has some sexual trauma in his past, having slept with people to move up Adarlan’s ranks as fast as he did, which makes the role they expect him to play even more fucked up. Lysandra’s essentially sacrificing her entire life and any possible chance at the happy ending she wants(which, btw, I can’t fathom asking of anybody, but at least she agreed to do it on her own…I guess)
3) The likelihood (& morality) of continuing the deception post-KOA
This entire plan moving into the future hinges on some weird ideas about genetics. Yes, the “Ashryver traits” seem to be dominant and there’s a high chance of Lysaedion’s children looking like Aedion… but if they don’t? What then, pass them off as bastards? That would mean they don’t get the throne. It’s also pretty well established that magical abilities follow the same heritability as physical traits but neither Lysandra nor Aedion has magic that could be passed off as a child of Rowan/Aelin. The best case scenario is that the kids inherit Aedion’s lack of magic and it’s all seen as some cruel joke from the gods, that the offspring of two such powerful magic wielders didn’t get any of their parents’ abilities. The worst (and most likely) case is that the kids turn out to be shape-shifters and they’re still written off as bastards…so they don’t get the throne.
The other problem with putting a false queen on the throne lies in the fucking morality of it all. Aelin’s whole claim to the throne relied on divine right (or some fantasy version of it) and the idea that people who are born to a throne have the inimitable right to rule. Darrow had the right idea in QOS when he told Aelin that she didn’t have the proper upbringing to be a queen, to rule a country, and her only argument against him was “weLL iM AeLiN aShRyVEr gaLAtHyNiUS.” As though that means anything in terms of all the knowledge, temperament, and responsibility required of being a GODDAMN QUEEN.
So if Aelin deserves queenhood purely because of circumstances of birth and blood, what are they achieving by putting a lowborn shapeshifter and her illegitimate children on the throne? Does that not go against everything that was supposedly so important? It seems more like Aelin only cares about the appearance of herself/her family sitting the throne of Terrassen, which is fine as far as writing an interesting character goes, but that’s a sinister kind of corruption that should be acknowledged for what it is. If she truly wanted what was best she would let Darrow and the other northern lords lead it (or at least put Aedion on the throne working with them) because they were the ones helping Terrassen through those ten horrible years and they have the power and experience to bring the kingdom back to its former glory.
SJM writing a plan that was so clearly not going to succeed is lazy writing. She knew it didn’t have to be a foolproof plan bc she knew Aelin was going to survive & be rescued (duh) but the fact of the matter is, an author’s actions and thoughts become the characters’ actions and thoughts. To make such a poorly-thought out plan then to present it through the narrative as some kind of genius move on Aelin’s part is…bad writing. It’s just bad writing.
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rulesofdisorder · 3 years
i realized just now that aedion ashryver is getting married to a milf. good for him. good for him.
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daevastanner · 3 years
Throne of Glass Ships and their future children
Including character traits of said children and their sexualities because if SJM won’t give us NB characters or more gay rep then I will
Lysaedion: one (likely a boy and he is the straightest man you will ever meet - even though he experimented once)
They’re that couple that travels around to their families throwing out gifts from their adventures. Basically everyone’s favorite aunt and uncle. When they eventually have one kid that kid is spoiled rotten and way too smart for their own good. But smart in a “street smart courtier” sort of way. He’s also deadly AF and Aedion’s replica, except for his eyes which are Lysandra’s.
Manorian: one (for sure a little princess who is very bisexual)
Listen, I just feel like these two would really want a small family. Dorian and Manon only want a kid because they saw the joy it brought their loved ones to have children (Dorian with Chaol and Manon with Asterin). They are the super protective parents, but in a great way. In the way that it doesn’t matter what their kid has done, they’ve always got their back. They’re definitely that family that has a family motto they all take very seriously.
Elorcan: 3 (I’m thinking one girl, one boy, one non-binary)
Elorcan kinda just happen upon having kids. One day they decide they want to and while they aren’t actively trying, they stop trying to prevent it. Almost instantly they have their first kid and for Lorcan it’s like getting hit by a freight train because he realizes “oh I could get used to this having a family thing” and next thing Elide knows he’s asking for another. And she’s game so they have another. And then after some hesitation they have a third. Elide has said three is the cut-off, but Lorcan is pushing for four because he wants a small army.
Nesryn x Sartaq: 2 (one girl - an amazing archer with a rakish wit - one trans-boy - a charming prince to rival Dorian)
A very conventional royal family for the most part. The children train in both combat and politics, they are a unified front. Where they differ is that when their daughter decides she has no interest in politics, or when their son drops the bow, both Nesryn and Sartaq are the “I don’t care — whatever makes you happy” parents. They keep their kids to their word, but they never make them do anything they don’t want to do, and similar to Manorian they will go down swinging for their kids.
Chaorene: 6 (three girls - two are tom-boy warriors and one is a more feminine healer - three boys - one is an asexual replica of Chaol, another is a gentle healer, the last is a voracious reader know-it-all)
No. I’m not wrong here at all. Because this man daydreams of “raising a brood of children” with his wife someday. In TOD Yrene catches him “smiling broadly” at a baby and says he looks at it like something he “might desire.” He’s not impatient for their family to grow though what with his own mother and brother and the surprise of a first child they had. But when Yrene tells him she’s pregnant a second time he’s over the moon. And every time she breaks the news again his excitement level is always through the damn roof. And Yrene is the soccer mom type. Hyper efficient. Super encouraging. Together her and Chaol are powerhouse parents who run their family on mutual respect and honesty. Also, the first time Chaol has to discipline his children he realizes that he has a severe aversion to any sort of physical reprimand. This man is that parent that is an anti-spanking advocate. Yrene couldn’t agree more.
Rowaelin: 5 (3 girls - all mini Aelins who are slightly vain, very confident, and bossy - 2 boys - one is a mini Rowan in every way, the other is the openly gay sibling and an orchestrator of familial chaos)
Now hear me out: I think that Rowan’s desire for a big family takes Aelin completely off guard. She kinda falls into a similar ring with Lorcan where she’s not anti-children, she just doesn’t see the appeal of a big family. But the second she sees Rowan holding their first child, she has a Lorcan moment where she realizes that “damn, that man looks so fucking happy and I can get behind more of this.” She loves how active and young kids make her feel, but more than anything she loves the soft side of Rowan that they bring out. She also loves that he reads them bedtime stories, and Rowan is that dad that will do different voices for every character. Also, Rowan is the surprise home-maker husband. He sees to the kids, to the schedule, while Aelin does the majority of negotiation and ruling. It’s met with some resistance by the more traditional members of their kingdom but Rowaelin have never given any fucks and practically make giving zero fucks an art form so Rowan will make trips into town with the five of his kids, sans Aelin, to do grocery shopping. It always draws a few strange looks but Rowan thrives on it. Together Rowaelin swap up the gender roles and not just to spite sexism, but because it works for them. Rowan is tired of being a warrior and Aelin is just getting her feet wet.
A quick apology to my queer friends who I’ve recommended SJMs books to that were disappointed with the lack of representation
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talkfantasytome · 3 years
Staghorn Slopes
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Aedion and Aelin each invite their best friend to spend the winter holidays with them and Aelin's parents up at their cabin in the Staghorns. With a bit of charm and a whole lot of smiles, they even convinced Aelin's parents to let the four college students go up five days early to get some extra time on the slopes in. But it's nothing to be worried about. What could possibly happen in a large cabin with four eighteen and nineteen year olds and no parental supervision? Certainly no more than what may or may not happen once the parents get there.
Warnings: Eventual Smut; Probably Language at some point
This AU will focus on both Rowaelin and Lysaedion, and will be written from all four POVs. I am accepting prompts for this AU. I do have a general plan, but would be happy to add little scenes or shape my plan around requests and the ideas of others.
The cabin being used is entirely based off of this cabin. If you're as dorky as me when it comes to staging the scene, there's even a virtual tour to really give you a feel of the floor plan. 😄
All pieces will be posted and listed chronologically within the timeline of the AU. If something isn't posted chronologically, it'll still be listed that way.
Stonewood Cottage
Pizza's Here
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ToG Masterlist
Key: * Smut/NSFW | ^ Fluff | “ Angst | ° Character Death
Expect long stretches of time between pieces.
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sayosdreams · 2 years
🌾 A fic you really want to write but you haven’t (yet)?
Oh, @flamingveritas , there are so many. So so so many. I’m putting them under the cut so u can read them all if u like but u don’t have to
Thank you so much for this ask 🥰
Okay, so let’s ignore the fics that I need to continue/ update. Fics that want to write but haven’t include
This James Sirius Potter / Lysander Scamander story where Lys is a trans woman. I actually started plotting this bc of how much I adored the concept and it was one of those “daydream worlds I’d escape to when I’m bored” sort of things. I do want to write it someday (hopefully)
This kind of long modern AU that is centered around Aedion and Aelin’s friendship / cousin dynamic. Basically the prolongue would start off when Aedion moves in with Aelin and her parents when he’s around 6, go through her parents’ divorce and stuff, and the actual story would have a few chapters where the characters are in middle school but the main crux of the story would be in high school. The vibes I’m basing this off of is Aedion and Aelin drifting apart and Aedion being rly sad abt it. Aelin will introduce Aedion to her new friends (Rowan, + maybe the rest of the cadre) as her “second cousin” even tho she used to introduce him as her “brother”. So yeah those r the vibes. Oh also Aedion is gonna be best friends with Elide. I actually started writing this fic but idk I felt like I wasn’t doing Justice to it? Hopefully I will be able to write this
Another fic I started writing was this Rowaelin modern AU. It started off with mild angst in the first chapter which I wrote based off a prompt or smth, but then when I started writing ch 2 it went do RLYYY angsty, dark stuff. It would be the darkest fic I’ve written / thought abt writing so far (Before the Dust Settles is kind of dark in some ways I guess but that’s mostly just angst. This fic would be dark in terms of Aelin’s past trauma with Arobynn). I don’t know if I’ll finish it or not but I do think it could be an interesting story. If you’re wondering, it would be like the premise of Dark Roast No Sugar by but no coffee shop, Aelin and Rowan are exes when the story starts, and also like Rowan isn’t an investigator or anything and Aelin isn’t pregnant, and… yeah
A million Nessian fic ideas. I honestly might start doing what ppl like @ vidalinav have done where they just post the incomplete snippets of fics they don’t think they’ll finish.
I rly would like to write a Nessian fic where Cassian loses / almost loses his wings. I can’t remember the title rn but there’s a fic where Nesta shares Cassian’s pain when she touches him, so kind of like those vubes but not that premise?? It would essentially be Nesta explaining to Cassian that he is much more than his wings and his life isn’t over without them (it would sort of be a commentary of masculinity as well). Nesta would be going through her own shit abt turning into a fae, etc so Cassian would be helping her through that as well
It’s amazing that I still haven’t written a Lysaedion fic or a Teddy Lupin fic when those are some of my fav fics to read. I rly do want to write them someday
everyday I get more and more tempted to write a Regulus centric fanfic, soo I guess we shall see what happens 👀
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helion-ism · 3 years
I totally agree with your love of mates. That’s why I don’t want to see the mating bond rejection storyline as I feel like it would almost sort of de-value all the mates this far in the series? Sjm places such emphasizes on mates and their love to ignore it seems wrong. Even Rhys parents were together so that Rhys could be born, become high lord and meet Feyre. I don’t think the mating bond is wrong, it always means something. Destiny is such a big part of these books. Clearly Elain and Lucien are meant for something and if Elain rejected that without exploring it at all I feel like it would be ignoring this importance of the bond. Having a mate doesn’t get rid of your choices either, Elain can still make choices about her life. She hasn’t put the effort in to know Lucien yet or explored why they were put together. I don’t see sjm writing a book that doesn’t explore that from both Elain and Luciens pov, it would be poor storytelling. I think looking at two people who were thrown together but don’t know each other or why is a compelling story and I really hope sjm goes this way over some half assed “forbidden” love plot.
hi! aside from my personal love for the trope and how people are destined to be together, I completely agree that the mating bond means a lot to sjm and I think she‘s done a great job with it, too.
I think some people focus a lot on these negative examples that also exist in the series, but for me it‘s rather just an example that things don‘t always work out well. and I agree with you: I don‘t think sjm would just disregard what she‘s built up so far. these books are primarily romances and she likes making her characters happy, but why would she write a mating bond for them if she intends to make them go through this rejection and immense heartbreak? in my head, that doesn‘t make sense.
she could have just made azriel end up with elain, she could have planned this from the beginning and I‘m sure if written differently, people would have liked that (I think she writes romances very well). but ... the thing is, she didn‘t. she never intended to make all archeron sisters end up with the bat boys. hello? she even thought about pairing nesta with lucien. I honestly don‘t think she would change that, especially with what we‘ve seen in acosf. there are so many red flags for that ship, and it boggles my mind how they don‘t seem to see them.
I‘m currently rereading throne of glass, and the only obvious mate couple is rowaelin, but I‘m now also noticing aspects between the other ships that are very similar to the mating bond in acotar (and throne of glass, too). if I’m not mistaken,?an example is elorcan: there‘s a scene from lorcan‘s pov when urges inside of him tell him to taste and claim elide (screams mating bond to me, but elide is human, so obviously we will never know). the same applies to lysaedion and manorian.
so yes, it would be awesome to read about elain and lucien getting together when they both and everyone around them is aware that they are mates, we‘ve not seen this so far. and how amazing will the angst and yearning be when we constantly switch povs? I can‘t wait. let‘s not pretend this isn‘t more compelling than that forbidden love trope that isn‘t even forbidden love.
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throneofsapphics · 1 year
Lysa Dion's daughter arriving home with a hickey in the detail she is secretly dating her son Manorian with gavriel alive seeing the situation later they discover that they are partners but the parents discover that they got married in secret
questionable decisions
Manorian's son x Reader (Lysaedion's daughter)
Summary: Your parents figure out how you spent your week in Perranth.
Warnings: drinking, not proofread
A/N: I love this idea
She adjusted her hair, pulling it over to one side and glancing at herself in the mirror again. That asshole left a mark on her, specifically when she told him to try and avoid it. At least it wasn’t too obvious, hidden behind her ear and easily covered by her hair. 
“You said try,” he’d taunted her as she rolled her eyes. That asshole who also happened to be her husband, for gods-sake. They’d been quite drunk one night, meeting in Perranth, and found someone to marry them. Both of them were fully capable of acting sober, and thought it was a great idea at the time. In hindsight … maybe it wasn’t their smartest move. Everyone else seemed to think it was a joke. Still, neither of them had asked for a divorce. Not a soul beyond a few trusted friends knew they were together in the first place. 
“Why is there a letter addressed to “Y/n Havilliard?” You stalked over and snatched it out of his hands. Sure enough, a very official looking large envelope with that name scrawled across it rested in your hands. You turned to the side, avoiding eye contact as you held it up to the light, squinting. Probably a marriage certificate. 
“Probably a joke,” you laughed, fighting down any nerves and shifting your hair over your shoulder. 
“She’s lying.” Gavriel said mildly. “And what’s that on your neck?” 
Screwed. She was so screwed. “None of your business.” She snipped at him, and a knowing smile crossed his features. Aedion ignored that, in favor of the letter in your hands. 
“Open it.” Gavriel said, not giving her father the chance to tell her. The words were a command, and she knew she wouldn’t leave the room without opening thats gods-damned letter. 
“You’re MARRIED?” Lysandra heard Aedion yell, as she walked through the door. 
“Who’s married?” She asked, spotting Aedion clutching a paper in his hands - thick official looking paper.
“I was drunk.” You turned with pleading eyes. Both Gavriel and Aedion had slightly murderous looks on their faces and she frowned. Immediately, she spotted the small bruise on your neck and gave you a small smile. Along with the scent of a particularly deceiving perfume. You’d spent a week in Perranth, how the hell had you gotten married? And where did that bruise come from? Well, Lysandra knew how that happened. 
“And who are you married to?” 
“The King of Adarlan’s spawn.” Aedion said. She cut him a sharp look, now was not the time to bring up old grudges, even if her husband had mostly let it go. 
“I didn’t know you two were together,” she mused - eyeing the bruise again as you shifted your hair to cover it. 
“We’re not,” you replied a bit too quickly. 
“Lying.” Gavriel said from across the room. “Again.” 
Somehow, he always knew when she was lying - or even just omitting something. 
“Just.” You huffed, “forget about this.” 
“I’m supposed to forget that my daughter is married?” She raised a brow, “and didn’t invite me to the wedding?” 
“It was hardly a wedding.” She grumbled, snatching the paper back from her father. 
“At least you haven’t consummated it, you can still get it annulled.” Aedion mused. 
You, very firmly, avoided his gaze. Lysandra cut him a sharp glare, as if to say shut your gods-damned mouth. 
“I wonder how Dorian’s reacted.” She commented. “Or Manon.” 
Your face paled. 
Lysandra debated whether writing to Aelin, or convincing you to shift with her and fly to Orynth, just so you could see the Queen’s reaction in person. 
“Shift.” She announced after breakfast, “we’re going to Orynth.” 
You groaned and dragged your feet. She watched you exchange a pleading glance with Gavriel, who only shook his head, giving you a look as if to say; good luck. 
You both shifted, and took off towards Orynth. 
You shot murderous glares at your mother the entire way to the capital, debating if it would be worth her dragging you back if you turned around. Both of you shifted back a mile or so out, grabbing the clothes they’d strategically stored for the two of you. Showing up at the castle naked was not ideal. 
Your mother probably wanted to tell Aelin, and to torture you by making sure you saw your Aunt’s reaction. Dragging you to Orynth to share some gossip with the Queen. Although it was rather significant gossip - even if the marriage would likely dissolve or be forgotten. 
“And to what do I owe the pleasure?” Aelin asked, meeting you at the gates and exchanging a hug with each of you. 
“Y/n’s married.” Lysandra announced, just loud enough for her to hear. 
“Mother,” you snarled, but Aelin looked at you, her head tilted to the side. 
“To Manon and Dorian’s son?” 
Your jaw dropped, but she shrugged. “He didn’t hide his scent from Rowan well enough, we were wondering if you would tell anyone.” 
“And you didn’t tell me?” Lysandra said, in shock outrage. 
Aelin wrapped an arm around you, tugging you into her side. “I couldn’t betray our favorite niece.”
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leiawritesstories · 2 years
You did rowaelin teenagers, you did lysaedion teenagers, we all know this series won't be complete without elorcan teenagers...
then prepare yourselves for boy dad!Lorcan 👀👀
word count: 2,239
warnings: lots of language (they're Elorcan's kids), exhausted parents, injury
"I swear to the ruttin' gods--" Lorcan grumbled, swinging himself out of his truck and striding across the parking lot, clicking the key fob to lock the doors. It took him less than a minute before he strode through the automatic doors, their quiet swish completely opposing his scowl, and approached the desk. "Salvaterre."
The curly-haired lady blinked. "Are you Salvaterre, or are you here for Salvaterre?"
Lorcan suppressed the foul thing that threatened to come out his mouth. "Sorry. I'm Lorcan Salvaterre, here for Daric Salvaterre. I got a call saying he'd been brought in?"
The receptionist typed a few things into her computer. "Ah yes, Mr. Daric Salvaterre was brought in by someone who said he was a friend. May I see ID, please? Just a formality." Lorcan handed over his driver's license. She glanced at it and nodded. "All right. Daric is in Room 27, go on back."
"Thanks." Lorcan took back his license and headed through the doors into the clinic, the sterile smells of cleaner and medicine hanging in the air. He followed the signs until he reached Room 27, where he knocked a couple times on the door to make sure he wouldn't walk in on a doctor talking to his son.
"Come in."
Lorcan opened the door, his eyes immediately shooting to his oldest son. "'Ric, you alright?" He crossed the small room in a step and a half. "Shit, kid, what happened?"
"Calm down, Dad," Daric protested, though he made no move to bat his father away. "I'm fine."
"That godsdamn boot says otherwise," Lorcan retorted.
"Fair enough." Daric shifted, wincing slightly. "Shit!"
"Shit," Lorcan echoed, instinctively catching hold of his son's shoulders. "Kiddo, you're scaring me."
"I'm not a kiddo," Daric grumbled, lips twitching. "I promise I'm gonna be fine, Dad, the doctor said nothing's broken."
"Then what's wrong?"
The boy sighed. "I had a...small accident at practice?"
"Bullshit." Lorcan raised one dark brow as he sat himself down in the uncomfortable chair. "What happened?"
"Ugh, shit, you see through everything," his son complained. "It was just during a scrimmage, I got a little too tangled up with my man and we both went down, but my skate caught on his and twisted my ankle."
Lorcan winced. "And they sent you to the damn ER for that?"
"Trainer referred me," Daric explained. "Said he couldn't be sure without a scan and there's sure as hell no X-ray machines or any of that shit at school."
"Okay." Some of Lorcan's raging stress subsided. "So someone drove you here and they got a scan and said it's just twisted?"
"Pretty much, yeah," Daric affirmed. "I just had to wait here 'cause I'm only sixteen and they won't let me check myself out."
"Cause you're still a kid." Lorcan half-smirked. "Right, is the doctor coming back?"
"Yeah, I think so."
Right on cue, there was another knock on the door.
"Come in!" Daric called.
Sure enough, it was the doctor, a couple of forms in his hand. "Mr. Salvaterre?" he asked, looking to Lorcan.
"That's me." Lorcan shook the doctor's hand. "I'm this uh...rash youngster's father."
"Dr. Hesper," the man replied. "I'm sure your son's already told you, but the injury isn't as serious as it could have been. It's sprained, and he shouldn't put weight on it for at least two days and definitely shouldn't be skating for at least a week, but as long as he keeps to those guidelines, he should be back on the ice within a couple weeks and back to training and competing in a month."
"Well, that's a relief." Lorcan flashed a half-grin at his son. "Any other instructions? Medicine, whatever else?"
"We're not prescribing pain medication," Dr Hesper replied. "It's not that serious of an injury. He can have ibuprofen, Tylenol, the standard over-the-counter pain relievers, and if it starts to swell, elevate and ice for twenty to thirty minutes on and thirty minutes off."
"Okay great, thanks again, doctor."
"Of course!" Dr. Hesper shook Lorcan's and Daric's hands again, told Daric he needed to use the crutches for a week, and headed out of the room. "You're all good to go, Salvaterres."
Lorcan helped Daric get situated with the crutches and took the forms, walking beside his son as they went back out to the truck. At the door, Daric stopped, unsure quite how to swing himself up.
"Give me a hand, Dad?" he finally asked, a little grumpily.
"Course." Lorcan took the crutches and boosted his son up on his good leg, helping him swing his injured leg into the truck so he wouldn't put weight on it.
"Thanks." Daric took the crutches back and leaned into the seat, closing his eyes.
It was a rather quiet drive home.
"Holy shit!" Elide yelped, practically sprinting out of the house and out to the pickup the second she saw her oldest son on crutches. She was at Daric's side almost before Lorcan could blink, brows creased with worry. "What happened?"
"I'm fine, Mom," Daric mumbled, hopping along.
Elide planted herself in front of her son and folded her arms across her chest. "Don't you give me that crap, Daric Callum Salvaterre. What. Happened?"
Her son gulped, the use of his full name very much communicating how serious his mom was. "I sprained my ankle at practice, doc said if I follow his rules, I should be back to playing in a month."
"So...not too serious?"
"No, Mom, it's not too serious," Daric huffed. "Can I go in now? I want to sit down."
She chose to interpret his curtness as him being in some degree of pain and stepped aside. "I'll get you some ibuprofen." And she did, bringing him the medicine and some water once he was settled on the couch. "Here."
"Thanks, Mom." Daric flashed her a soft smile, exhaustion written all over his face.
Elide reached out to brush the dark hair out of his eyes. "How long until you can get back on the ice?"
"I'm on crutches for a week, so a week until I can do anything at practice and probably two until I can actually go on the ice." He sighed, frowning. "Don't fuckin' like it, though."
"Language, son." She huffed a soft sigh herself. "I know it sucks, 'Ric, but please--"
"You don't know!" he interrupted, scowling now. "God, Mom, I get you want to be sympathetic but you don't bloody know!"
Arching one dark brow dryly, Elide merely sat down on the other couch and raised her right leg, pulling down her sock to expose the scar tissue at her ankle. "Oh?"
"Shit," Daric mumbled, his cheeks flushing. "Sorry, Mom, that was stupid of me."
"I forgive you," she murmured, standing back up and ruffling his overgrown hair. "Think before you speak, son of mine." her lips curled into a little grin. "Hungry?"
"Oh yeah, I--"
"DUDE!" A slightly younger dark-haired boy burst into the living room, staring unabashedly at his brother's boot. "Dude, that's DOPE, can I sign it?"
"Matt," Elide groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose, "are you serious?"
"What?" Matthias Salvaterre, fourteen years old and his big brother's biggest fan, shrugged. "Taran said Ric had a boot!"
"Good gods above," Elide sighed. "Matt, leave your brother alone for now, I'm sure you can sign his boot after dinner."
"Ugh, fine," Matt grumbled, turning around and loping back out towards the kitchen. "DAAAAAD! What's for dinner?"
"Why don't you find out?" Lorcan's amused rumble sounded from the kitchen.
Elide chuckled. "I'll go control them. You just call out if you need anything, k?"
"Okay." Daric resettled himself and grabbed his laptop from his backpack. "Thanks, Mom."
"Love you." And she headed to the kitchen to make sure her husband and second son weren't actively burning anything down.
"Gods burn me now," Lorcan groaned, stripping off his shirt in one motion as he nudged the bedroom door shut behind him. "Remind me why we ever thought three boys would be a good idea, El?"
"Pretty sure you're the one who needs to remind me," she teased, "given that it was you who made them, babe."
"And I'd do it all over again," he purred, sliding his broad arms around her waist.
She laughed softly, leaning into his warmth. "Don't tempt me, Salvaterre."
His low chuckle rumbled in his chest. "We never had our baby girl, El..."
"Oh no you don't." She extracted herself from his embrace, strolling coolly into the bathroom. "I know we agreed we were done, but gods, Lor, you tempt me far too much."
"Not half as much as you tempt me, babe." He kissed the top of her head. And yawned, his jaw cracking.
She smirked. "Getting a little tired, babe? Age catching up with you?"
"'M'not old," he grumbled.
"Uh huh," she drawled, giggling as he playfully lunged at her. She dodged his grasp and returned to the bedroom, where she settled herself into bed and waited for her giant hulking husband to join her.
Which he did, curling himself into her side, his arms around her waist and his head leaned against her shoulder. She slipped her fingers into his loose hair, drawing a contented purr out of him as they both drifted into sleep.
Only to be awoken at some bloody unholy hour of the night when their door creaked open.
"D-Dad?" Their youngest, Taran, stood in the doorway, rubbing his eyes blearily. "Dad? Mom?"
"What is it?" Lorcan cracked his eyes open, half-propping himself up.
Their eleven-year-old son bit his lower lip. "Ric's talking in his sleep again and he doesn't sound okay."
Elide pushed herself out of bed in an instant, hurrying over to Taran. "What do you mean?"
"Hey." Lorcan slid his hand into Elide's, comforting her. "Let me go, you go back to sleep."
"I'll be fine." Lorcan kissed his wife's forehead. "I promise. Go back to sleep, El."
She sighed. "Okay."
Lorcan knelt down in front of his youngest. "What's Ric saying, kiddo?"
"I dunno." Taran's dark eyes were wide with concern. "I woke up to pee and heard him talking in his sleep and I think he said something about needing to skate."
"Shit," Lorcan muttered. "Alright, T, how about I get you back to bed and I'll go check on Daric, yeah?"
"Okay." Taran looked like he was on the verge of shaking, so Lorcan picked him up, letting the boy wrap himself into his father's hold.
"Dammit, kid, when did you get so big?" Lorcan mumbled.
"'M'growin', dad," Taran mumbled, his voice muffled in Lorcan's shoulder.
"Well, stop that," Lorcan chuckled. "Y'all growing up too fast." He got Taran settled back in his room, left the door cracked open, and went down the hall to Daric's room.
True to what Taran had said, Daric was mumbling in his sleep and rustling around in bed. Lorcan placed his ear to the barely-opened door, picking up mostly incoherent mumbles and a hint of ow shit hurts shut wanna play damn ankle.
He pushed open his oldest's door and went in, kneeling down by the side of his bed and gently shaking his shoulder. "Hey. Hey, wake up, Ric, you're scarin' me."
Daric jerked awake, disoriented, shaking himself as he realized that his dad was in his room. "Huh?"
"You're talking to yourself."
"Shit," Daric muttered. "Thought that was just dreams."
"Yeah, well, we heard you." Lorcan pressed the back of his hand to his son's forehead. "Shit, kid, you're damn warm!"
"I'm fine," Daric grumbled. "Just sleep hot, you know that."
"Fine." Lorcan raised his brows. "How's the pain?"
Daric didn't respond.
"How's the pain?"
"Not great," the boy mumbled.
Lorcan exhaled slowly. "I'm gonna get you a couple more ibuprofen, okay?" He ducked into the bathroom and grabbed a couple of the pills and some water, bringing them back and handing them to his son. "Here. Take 'em, I'm not leaving until you do."
"Thanks." Quietly, Daric took the pills, swallowing them down. "Ugh, gods, why'd this have to happen now?"
"Couldn't tell you." Instinctually, Lorcan brushed Daric's messy hair off his forehead. "You need anything else?"
"Uhh...can you--never mind, I can."
"Mm, no, tell me."
"Can you get a couple pillows under my leg?" Daric asked. "Doc said I should try elevating it when I'm sleeping if it starts hurting."
"Of course." Lorcan grabbed a couple of extra pillows and helped Daric get his boot situated atop them. "How's that?"
"S'great," his son mumbled. "Night, Dad."
"Night, son." Lorcan closed the door behind him and returned to the master bedroom, tucking himself back against Elide.
She shifted to face him, tracing her thumb across his cheek. "How is he?"
"He'll be okay," Lorcan murmured. "Gave him some more medicine and got his leg elevated."
"Good." She was silent for a moment, the worry in her brown eyes slowly dissipating. "Gods, Lor, it scared me."
"I know," he whispered, sliding his hand along her back. "Scared the hell out of me, too."
She hummed in agreement and curled into his side, her breath fanning softly against his skin. "You're the best damn dad, Lor."
He huffed. "I wouldn't say the best, but I try."
"Love you," she mumbled, her words slurring with sleepiness.
"Love you too," he whispered, twirling a lock of her soft, dark hair around his finger as he let himself fall back asleep.
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shyvioletcat · 4 years
13 & 31 ✨
13. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Lord of the Rings I mean A Court of Thorns and Roses
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
I really only have the Throne of Glass next gen babies and really only three that I use regularly.
Elsie (Elspeth): Rowaelin’s eldest and everyone’s little darling with a streak of stubbornness that rivals both her parents.
Korbin: Elorcan’s eldest, tilts towards grumpiness but has a gentleness that appears and melts everyone’s hearts. Pretends that Elsie isn’t his favourite person but she totally is.
Rue (Ruben): Lysaedion’s eldest. Aedion 2.0 except he’s got brown hair instead of blond. Big Brother of the kids without a doubt.
Ask me fic things
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rayonfrozenwings · 3 years
Thanks @aelin-godkiller <3 <3 <3
💩 - Ship that you find disgusting....
Amarantha + Anyone - sorry she's just a whole heap of gross with no remorse and I'm so glad is dead so thankfully I don't have to learn to forgive her in future books or anything.
Otherwise I'm pretty open because - its a fantasy world, and monster fucking happens, and they are all old as fuck and hopefully can change *dear lord I hope some change* and yeah - I can see potential with most.....ships.
disgusting also makes me think of who I would turn my nose up at.
This one!!
Elain + Tamlin.
makes me wanna vom.
Do I need to say why? I think not.
🌹 - OTP Ship
Always Nessian.
Ever since that special excerpt in wings and embers. Strong woman kneeing dude in the groin who she thought he thought he was god's gift to women. and just perfect. it's only gotten better. I am looking forward to glimpses in future books of these two from other peoples eyes because they aren't affectionate but they are as well. less PDA more taking each other into a spare room where people can hear and not caring. and so seeing glimpses of something that might be something or nothing is just going to give me life. I am currently slowly re-reading ACOSF and I'm just reminded by how wonderful Cassian is and what a sweetheart he is and how he would do anything for Nes. and yes. just yes. *chefs kiss*
I also love Elorcan, but I think Nessian is a little higher even though I love tog as a series more than acotar.
💤 - A Canon ship that I don't Ship
I hate it so much. I did love it - until KoA. Then I got mad. And then I got madder. And I just wish Wellesley hadn't died. Because Aedion was an asshole and I don't think what he did to Lys was fair. And I Headcanon that in the 10 years post Terrasen being saved, they are co-parenting but aren't together anymore. There's a post somewhere from a long time ago about this because yes I was mad enough to write a post. hahahahaha.
if you read this and are interested my ask box is open here, and the ask meme is here. shake head disgusting no
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imaginedhaven · 4 years
What do you think would rowaelin's kids' names? My version is (from oldest to youngest): Lena (for Elena, 23.5 y.o), Evalin (21 y.o), Rose/Rosette (13 y.o), Sam (9-10 y.o) and Lyri (for Lyria, 0.5~ y.o/Aelin still pregnant)
Rowan so very protective of his kids (as would Aelin), especially of the younger ones, and Aelin, obviously, while she's pregnant
I have this fantasy that Aelin dies giving birth to Evalin and sees her parents. Her mom convinces her to stay there, with her mate and kids. Aelin comes back, and names their daughter after her mom, and Ro is super protective of her in the next few weeks, using her coming back from the dead, again, is a valid excuse. Aelin secretly loves it though. And let's not forget Fenrys and Aedion! Rowan probably wouldn't let them anywhere close to her, but they would still come check up on her and stand guard otside the door at night.
Lorcan's chilling with Elide in their room in Orynth, he's kinda weirded out when he feels the blood oath being severed and then be renewed, because he wasn't invited to the birth and Elide decided to come by later
Also, for some reason, I imagine Evalin being mated to Anita "Ann/Annie" Ashryver, aka lysaedion daughter. They's sorta third cousins, right? So it's okay if they're together? (Evalin and Aedion's mom were cousins)
Btw, it's totally Aelin who guesses the gender of their kids. When Rowan asks her how, she tells him it's because she can comunicate with the baby, and also because a mother just knows. He absolutly melts when she calls herself a mother for the first time
They decided to name their 5th kid Lyri because she got Rhoe's brown hair and also probs because Aelin noticed Rowan was rather surprised to have four daughters and only one son, so she wanted him to have the honor of naming her.
Sorry it's so long! I couldn't help myself! If you want, I could send how I see them and what powers they'd have, it's 2 something am here, and I really value my sleep. Espcially on a Saturday!
Yes, sleep is SO important!!! I hope you’re sleeping now, lol.
I’m going to get into some of how I see post-canon in a future fic or two, so I don’t want to give all of it away JUST yet, but I can go through how I’ve been putting it together.
For names, I’ve been largely trending toward looking at traditional Scottish, Italian, and Greek names. The reason for this is that Terrasen is pretty strongly coded as the Scotland to Adarlan’s British Empire (at least to me!) while Doranelle’s and Wendlyn’s culture reads to me as Greek/Italian (Wendlyn more Greek, Doranelle more Italian, though I waffle on this more than I do on Terrasen). I don’t personally like naming children after family members because it puts a lot of pressure on the kids, at least in my mind, so I’ve sort of eschewed that route in my planning. (This extends to real life as well and has led to more than one debate with the spouse, lol).
I love your idea of Aelin either truly dying in childbirth and being sent back, or at least having a near-death experience! Rowan would freak out SO hard.
I see your Galathynius-Ashryver future match and I do like it, but hear me out: Rowaelin’s daughter falling in love with Elorcan’s son. The drama. The tense family reunions. Lorcan and Aelin grumbling about it together for centuries.
As far as guessing/knowing the genders, I could see it playing out both ways! Aelin would probably be verbal about it either way, but I could also see Rowan just quietly knowing she’s wrong but letting her have her theories. I also think you are spot on with Rowan loving Aelin calling herself a mother, these two are SO soft for each other and I love it.
By all means feel free to share more! I’m holding some of mine back, because SOMEONE asked me to put it in a fic. 😉 But I love hearing people’s ideas of what happens to these characters post canon!
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throneofglassisking · 4 years
How do they parents each react to each of their children? Like, what's every parents opinion/attitude/relationship towards each of their kids??
Rowaelin: Aelin is the parent whose mentality is “As long as they aren’t breaking too many laws, it’s fine” but when it comes to relationships, she is a complete mama bear. She wants to know every single detail about her kid’s lover, from hair color down to shoe size. Meanwhile, Rowan is more the voice of reason who tends to keep his kids in line. He’s extremely supportive of his kids, but much more quietly compared to Aelin screaming it from the rooftops of Terrasen for all to hear, and mostly lets his children try to navigate their relationships on their own, like he did with Aelin. But he will gut you if you hurt any of his children, so just a warning there. Roman is likely their favorite kid due to him helping them out with a lot of communication with other places and keeping his siblings in line, Nehemia is a good kid and they have a special place for her in their heart as the firstborn, Gabriel can be somewhat annoying due to his constant heartbreaking of the various males and females who catch his eye but they love him regardless and he did inherit Aelin’s charm, Deanna is the kid who they took all the steps for to make sure she was ok and they embrace how she’s chosen to be and support her, and Malena is young so they always try to find ways to incorporate her into things (plus she’s cute and can bend most people to her will so it’s endearing).
Elorcan: Lord Lorcan Lochan is so unbelievably soft for his son. He spoils this boy to death because he grew up on the streets of Doranelle and he wants so much better for his son. Hell, Callum could set him on fire and Lorcan would be the one apologizing. He’s a mess. Elide, however, is the parent you fear completely. She’s a wonderful mother, always having time for Callum despite being the Lady of Perranth, but if she gets wind of him causing trouble or running off from his lessons, it’s like she can suddenly teleport. She’s right there and dragging him by the ear down the street, absolutely merciless. Elide and Lorcan both adore Callum, and have never pressured him to be a warrior or a lord, as he’s always expressed a desire to see the world and learn what he can.
Manorian: Manon and Dorian share the brain cell when it comes to parenting their daughters, because when you have a kid with claws trying to carve her sister’s eyes out for ruining the portrait a certain someone gave her, and the other is a magical bomb just waiting to go off, you have to have your moments. Manon is tough on her kids, but in a much more tender way than her grandmother was because she wants them to truly be children of peace. She’s always there to help Rhiannon when an unwanted suitor is vying for her attention, or when Aster is having trouble with controlling her iron teeth coming out on instinct. Dorian is fairly lax with his daughters, but always tries to keep them in line when it comes to their heated arguments that devolve into full on fights. He helps Rhia with navigating her role as the heir to Adarlan, and he does what he can to teach Aster to control her powers. Rhiannon is the kid who they love but worry for, as most of her life she’s spent vying for her uncle and grandmother’s approval despite it being hard to gain, and they’re proud of how mature she is. Aster has many faults compared to their sister, but they love each and every one and are the reason she tends to be very self confident, since they taught her to love herself despite what others cared about, including Rhiannon.
Lysaedion: To be fair, it isn’t very hard for Lysandra and Aedion to parent the twins. Aedion is the type of dad who captures every single moment involving Gavi and Adri, because he wants to be the best father he can be to them. He’s protective of his cubs, especially when it comes to how they may be regarded by someone when one or both accidentally shift. Lysandra is more of a mom who tries her best to give advice every moment she can, especially with relationships. Gavi and Adri are both mirror opposites, even in looks, so Aedion and Lysandra tend to be able to notice which is which in terms of their personalities. Aedion and Lysandra named their kids after Aedion’s parents, but have never pressured their kids into fitting a mold because they want their children to grow into their own people, the way they didn’t get to as children.
Chaorene: Chaol and Yrene never have to really worry about Kas, except for the moments when he decides to break the rules with Aster. They both know he’s in love with her, and try their best to help him with navigating his feelings without putting his duties as the future Captain of the Guard first. Chaol is the goofy dad type, joking around with his son in an attempt to ease up with how he used to be. Yrene is definitely the mom who knows her son top to bottom. She knows if he’s going to sneak out, she knows where he frequents during his breaks, and she’s always aware of when he goes to spend time with Aster. Is it overly protective? Oh most certainly. Chaol and Yrene both love their son unconditionally, especially because he was a light in their lives after the war ended, and hope that one day they can welcome Aster into their family too.
Nestaq: Nesryn and Sartaq are very stern parents, but not the kind of stern where they expect their kids to be perfect. It’s the kind of stern where they wish for their kids to have good morals and try to steer them from looking down on others, the kind where just because they live in a palace they aren’t lazy and know how to defend themselves and do work for themselves. Nesryn and Sartaq want their kids to live their lives focused on themselves instead of on who becomes the future Emperor/Empress.
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