#lysimachus sayeed
kamilah-is-queen · 1 month
Al Hayba- Sayeed’s (Pt. II)
Pt. I
Author’s Note: SPOILERS! Basically, in case this doesn’t make sense, is the Sayeed’s are an arms smuggling clan. They smuggle weapons through the Lebanese mountainside through land in their name, hence they are like a mafia. It’s unsafe for Amy to leave because their rivals have got wind of her being in town, and they plan to use Amy as a bargaining tool against the family. But, the Sayeed’s can’t just come out and say they are an illegal gang, so they try to keep it under wraps from Amy. Hope this helps!
Pairing: Kamilah Sayeed x MC (Amy Parker)
Warning: Violence
Tags: @ta-sayeed, @kamilahtopme, @nydeiri, @rhonda-sayeed, @helpconfusedpersonhere, @millasayeed, @vonda-be-real, @livvynka, @queenkamilah, @leenasayeed, @skylarkxxyy, @choicesgrp, @ilove-kamilah-sayeed, @justavampirefan, @iamsimpforpoppy, @friendlybuddy, @darlingnikki-prince
Everyone, including guards stepped out of their respective SUV’s upon their arrival at the cemetery. Amy helped her mother-in-law Nahid out of the car as Kamilah led the men in carrying the casket.
Amy watched as she held one corner of the casket on her shoulder, setting a swift walking pace towards the graveyard. Amy decided to walk behind the group to walk with Nahid, who walked briskly despite her old age thanks to her cane.
She decided it wasn’t the right time to question Nahid about the brunette, who she assumed was her daughter.
The burial was over quickly, everyone dispersing into their own respective groups to converse about Lysimachus.
Amy however, stayed at his grave. She bit her cheek hard as she began to cry, unable to hold her emotions back anymore. She cried into her hands to muffle the sobs, but it didn’t do any good.
She felt warm arms wrap around her gently, looking up to see a teary-eyed Mona.
‘It’s okay, he’s in a better place now.’ Mona’s voice smiled through her glossy eyes, wiping the tears off Amy’s cheeks as she began to calm.
‘That doesn’t make me any less selfish, I wish he didn’t have to leave me, alone.’ Amy sighed shakily, resting a bouquet of flowers on the raised dirt before taking a step back.
‘You aren’t alone, you have us. You’ll always have us no matter what it is that you need.’
‘Thank you, truly.’ Amy offered a subtle smile, leaning into Mona’s gentle, reassuring squeeze.
Back at home…
‘Amy, we should talk.’
She turned at the sound of her name, the brunette standing at a distance, sipping tea, her eyes on Amy.
Amy nodded silently, following her to a private living room. The brunette beckoned Amy to sit as she herself took a seat on the sofa, pouring Amy a small cup of tea. She only began speaking once Amy had taken a seat.
‘My name is Kamilah Sayeed, elder sister of your late husband. Despite my brother not mentioning us, we are all here to support and protect you as your family.’
Amy took a small sip of the tea, a wave of tranquility passing over her as she felt the hot liquid warm her insides.
‘Thank you. I appreciate your hospitality, but my daughter and I cannot stay much longer. Her school starts soon and I must return to work.’
Kamilah sipped from the small cup in her hand, staring at the picture hanging on the far wall. It was of her and Lysimachus in the mountains, both adorning hunting rifles with bright grins on their faces.
‘It is unsafe for you for return to Canada.’ Her sharp tone oozed through her words, prompting Amy to raise her eyebrows in confusion.
‘I don’t think I understand.’
Kamilah set down the cup and turned her head to look at Amy, a look of annoyance setting on her face.
‘There is no need for you to understand, but there is a need for you to listen.’
Amy frowned deeply, even more confused.
‘I can’t just put my life back in Canada on hold because I’ve come here, Kamilah.’ Her voice rose an octave as she became increasingly frustrated.
‘You wouldn’t be putting your life on hold, you’d be continuing it here. Excuse me.’
And with that, Kamilah left.
‘God she is so annoying.’ Amy grumbled, running her hands through her hair as she tried to make sense of her situation.
It kept her up at night, trying to find an answer as to why she couldn’t just go back to her normal life with Cam, despite Lysimachus being gone.
She sighed, deciding that coffee would sooth her pounding headache that resulted from all the overthinking.
Amy quietly got out of bed, careful not to disturb Cam. She tiptoed downstairs as everyone had retired in their rooms for the night.
Everyone, except one.
Amy jumped as she turned the corner, surprised to see Kamilah sitting in an armchair that faced the fireplace.
‘Oh! My god you scared me. I didn’t think anyone would be up.’
Kamilah remained silent as she focused on the item in her hand, the picture from earlier. Her finger stroked the image of Lysimachus’s face silently, clearly distracted by her own thoughts.
‘Would you like coffee?’ Amy asked, tilting her gaze towards Kamilah who dismissed her with a brief head shake.
Amy quickly returned with her mug, settling on the armchair beside Kamilah’s. She folded a blanket across her legs and hummed as the fire warmed her feet. ‘Cold night, isn’t it?’
Kamilah set the picture frame aside, leaning towards the fireplace to poke the logs. ‘Quite.’
Amy noticed how the bright orange embers of the fire reflected off of Kamilah’s deep brown eyes, the fire crackling softly as she watched the reflection of the flames rise the woman’s iris’s.
Kamilah sat back in the chair once more, pulling her black wool shawl tighter across her shoulders. ‘How long did you know Lysimachus?’
Amy tapped her chin with her finger, squinting her eyes as she thought.
‘Just shy of twelve years.’
Kamilah began to light her cigarette, her eyes still on the fire as she took a large puff.
‘And you loved him?’
Amy squeezed the mug a little tighter. ‘With everything in me. I would give anything to have him back.’
Kamilah simply nodded, blowing the smoke out from her nostrils. She raised a cigarette towards Amy, who shook her head.
‘I don’t smoke.’ Amy smiled, watching as Kamilah put the cigarette back in its case.
The pair sat in silence for minutes, the only sound that broke the silence was the occasional tick of a clock.
‘I don’t mean to be rude, but’ Amy bit her lip nervously before she continued ‘you’re awfully stoic, considering your brother has just passed sway.’
Kamilah inhaled from her cigarette again, exhaling deeply.
‘Everyone grieves differently.’
‘True, true.’ Amy resisted the urge to pinch herself. Why would she say something so stupid!?
‘Recalling fond memories of him lessens the pain for me, oddly enough.’
Amy sat up a little, clearly intrigued. ‘Can you tell me about that picture?’
Kamilah picked up the frame and handed it to Amy as she stubbed the end of her cigarette into the flame.
‘Lysimachus and I greatly enjoyed hunting, following in our father’s footsteps, he would say.’
Amy smiled as she gazed over the picture, ‘it looks beautiful.’ She handed the frame back to Kamilah, their fingers brushing briefly.
They both went quiet for a while longer before Kamilah stood, flicking her cigarette in the fire.
‘Get some rest, it’s late.’
Amy watched Kamilah walk off as she quietly said goodnight in response. It was late, and she was exhausted. She trudged her way back up to where Cam was sleeping and tucked in for the night.
But Kamilah didn’t plan on sleeping. No, she had business to take care of. She carefully set her shawl on the foot of her bed before quietly exiting the house.
Chahine straightened as she approached the car. ‘He’s in the warehouse, yes?’
‘Yes Kamilah.’
‘Then let’s go.’
They both entered the black GMC and drove away into the night, towards a warehouse miles into the Lebanese countryside.
Kamilah took a black pistol from the glove compartment of the car, tucking it in the holster at her hip as she exited the vehicle, with Chahine on her heels.
Inside, was a man suspended in the air by ropes that held his wrists together, a bloody cloth covering his mouth too.
His eyes widened at the sight of Kamilah as he wreathed, blood dripping from his shirt already. She rolled up the sleeves of her shirt, slowly making her way towards the man, knowing the suspense would kill him.
‘Well well well, if it isn’t the rat himself.’ She tugged the cloth off of his mouth as he began the beg for mercy.
She yanked the neck of his dirtied vest, making him grunt in pain as the ropes dig into his skin.
‘Listen to me closely, pig. You cannot pretend to join our clan, only to leak the location of our warehouses to our rivals, and then come begging for mercy.’
Kamilah cut the rope that suspended him, causing him to fall awkwardly on the stone floor. He scrambled to stand and run away but couldn’t as his legs were tied together.
She unholstered her gun and aimed at the man’s forehead.
‘I will make an example of you.’
At the last second, she aimed instead at his foot, firing the gun as she screamed in pain. Blood instantly began seeping from the wound, as she kneeled at his side.
‘Be a good boy and run off to your master now. And tell him who did this to you.’
She cut the ropes that bound his feet and watched as he limped off, hurriedly. Kamilah holstered the gun once more, nodding to Chahine as they left the warehouse.
She washed her hands in a stream nearby, wiping her hands on a towel that Chahine handed to her.
‘He handled that well, don’t you think?’ Chahine chuckled as soon as he uttered the words, prompting Kamilah to grin faintly.
‘Let’s see if he survives long enough to deliver the message.’
Soon enough, they were back at the villa. Kamilah thanked Chahine, despite him being her right hand man in all of her business affairs.
Once inside her room, Kamilah changed into her pajamas and settled into the thick covers of her bed. Dawn was fast approaching, so she’d only get a few hours of sleep. But that didn’t matter.
If there was one thing that Kamilah Sayeed valued more than her family, it was her business. And she would stop at nothing to uphold the Sayeed’s reputation regarding it.
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clansayeed · 4 years
oh and speaking of custom edits... I finally got what I needed to start trying to redo and improve on my old Lysimachus Sayeed design, right?
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now... I’ve been staring at this for like 2 hours so I’ll probably hate it later and see all the flaws but for right now... not too bad actually?
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thelucyaddams · 5 years
Part Two
Part One
A/N: Here comes part two of my fanfic. Btw. English isn’t my first language so I apologise if there are major mistakes.
MC’s name: Lucy
MC x Kamilah
Words: 1569
“You want to seduce Dracula?!”
Lily laughed at the suggestion of her friend who blushed slightly.
“I can totally pull it off!”
“I don’t like this!”, Kamilah said with a frown.
“It’s not like we have another plan.”
“Look we wait until we arrive at the castle. Maybe we get another chance once we’re there but if not… I’ll do anything that helps us.”, Lucy said determined.
Kamilah sighed and nodded. She didn’t like the idea of that idiot touching Lucy, her precious human. There must be another way and Kamilah will find it, that’s a promise.
Adrian gave her a reassuring glance. He knew something was going on between his assistant and his closest friend.
One night after they defeated Adam Vega and when Lucy and her had met more often privately he had asked her about it. Kamilah wanted to deny it. She wanted to say that it’s just for fun. But Adrian knew better and Kamilah knew that he knew her to well. She couldn’t lie to him just like she never could lie to her brother Lysimachus.
“Is there anything left we should know about Dracula? Or his guests?”, Jax asked to make sure nothing goes wrong. He has always been the overcautiously one.
“His guests shouldn’t be much of a problem. There’s no one I know we should be overly careful around. But Vlad is.. eccentric and it makes him unpredictable. We must not underestimate him.”, Adrian answered his question. 
Jax sighed.
“As long as The Order doesn’t surprise us again.”, he said.
Adrian tensed up as Jax mentioned The Order. He immediately had to think about Serafine and what happened at the club in Paris. Adrian clenched his fists and silently swore to safe her as soon as possible. 
Lucy noticed his hardened expression and laid a reassuring hand on his arm. The CEO looked at her with sadness and anger lingering in his eyes.
“We will find a way to safe her somehow. But first we must concentrate on getting the Eye of Bathory.”, Kamilah said who also sensed what was bothering him.
Adrian nodded as the rest of their ride to Draculas party went on in silence.
With the hint of a smirk on his lips Lysimachus entered the huge castle of Dracula. A lot of vampires were already there and having fun. They danced, talked, drank and ate whatever they found at the buffet
Some people turned around to look at him as he walked past them wearing a formal outfit in black and red and looking all handsome. His black hair was perfectly styled, the sides trimmed just as his dark stubbled beard.
His dark eyes scanned the crowd but Vlad seemed to not be there yet. Lysimachus smirked. Of course he would attend his own party fashionably late and let them all wait. 
Other then that he only knew a few faces but not very well. 
He sighed as he made his way to where the drinks were. Again he sighed. There wer the finest wines, champagne, whiskey and other fancy kind of drinks. But where was his good cold beer? Lysimachus rolled his eyes and mumbled something about rich people. 
He was just about to grab a glas of wine as a servant walked up behind him.
“Is something amiss, sir?”, he asked politely with folded hands.
Lysimachus turned around to him.
“Excuse me, you don’t happen to have a cold bottle of beer?”, the Egyptian man asked with a slight accent.
“We might have some in the storage but Mr. Tepes wanted to only have the good drinks up here.”, the servant explained.
“I don’t care. Just bring me some. Please.”, he answered.
“As you wish, sir.”
The servant bowed and made his way to the storage to bring Lysimachus his beer.
With his hands in his pockets Lysimachus watched the crowd again. A group of young ladys looked back at him and giggled. He smiled and winked at them before he looked further around the room until the girls stood right in front of him.
“Good evening, we thought you might like some company.”, one of the girls greeted him with a sheepish smile.
“Would you like to dance with us?”, another girl asked.
Lysimachus smiled playfully as he grabbed the bottle of beer the servant finally brought him along with more bottles that were placed on the table beside all the other drinks.
With a skilled move of his thumb he opened it and took a long sip.
“Why not. Lead the way, ladys.”, he answered.
The women giggled again and put their arms around his to drag him to the dancefloor. 
Together they danced for a while. Sometimes other young men and women would join them mostly because they wanted to get close to Lysimachus. It always amused him how people tried too hard to get close to him and it was kind of fun to play along a little. 
His eyes scanned the crowd another time until they fell on a woman. He took a swig of his beer as he looked her up and down. She was really beautiful and he could sense that there was something special about her. 
After taking another swig he excused himself and danced his way to the woman. Lysimachus felt that she was human but she didn’t look like the one’s he could feed on. Not that he would do that anyways. Many years ago he stopped drinking humans blood. Instead he would hunt down animals and drink their blood. It weakened him that was no question but it get’s the job done. 
Their eyes met as she saw him coming realizing he was coming straight for her. She had beautiful brown eyes and wore a gorgeous black dress. Her red hair went down to her shoulders in slight waves and framed her face beautifully. 
“Excuse me, Miss, I couldn’t help but to admire your beauty. You don’t mind to grant me a dance do you?”, Lysimachus said a bit like a gentleman. 
Lucy blushed at his compliment and wiped a strand of hair behind her ear.
She looked in his deep brown eyes and saw a familiarity in them like she must know him but she couldn’t tell who he was. 
“Of course, I’d like to dance.”, she said and took his hand.
Lysimachus smiled and pulled her a little closer as he laid his free hand on her waist.
First they moved in silence until the vampire spoke up.
“You’re here all alone?”
“No, I’m with my friends.”
“Your friends? Humans?”
“Vampires actually.”
“Huh, that makes me curious.”, Lysimachus said.
“It’s a long story. But it means you will have to kill them first if you wanted my blood.”, Lucy answered.
Lysimachus laughed at that.
“Don’t worry, Miss…”
“Miss Lucy… I’m not after your blood. I’m just here to dance with you.”
The human smiled relaxing a little in his arms.
“I already thought you were a creep trying to flatter and seduce me until you can drink my blood.”, Lucy joked.
Lysimachus smirked and let her make a twirl before he pulled her close to him again.
“You should try Vlad Tepes then.”
“Or Priya Lacroix… and ew.. Lester.”
“Ah, so you know New York’s council. You’re from there?”
“Yes, two… no, now three council members are my friends. Do you know them?”
“No, I have heard one or two things but I don’t really care about them or the Five of Japan. I try to avoid those. It’s much better… quieter where I live.”
“Where are you from?”, Lucy asked curiously while she smelled his pleasant scent of sandalwood with a hint of jasmin.
“Egypt. I have a modest little house in Alexandria, a garage to fix cars and other vehicles and a bunch of stray cats visiting me.”, he chuckled at the last words.
“Egypt? Really? Isn’t it way too hot for you?”
“No, well, yes it would be. But I have one or two tricks up my sleeve to survive in the sun.”, he said with a wink.
“Did you say in the sun?”
Lysimachus only chuckled.
“One of my friends is from Egypt. Maybe you know her.”
“We are only a handful so maybe… Would be strange though. I know that none of them is in New York. Would you tell me her name?”
Lucy was just about to answer him as the music stopped and the crowd turned to the great staircase where a fine dressed man with long black hair came down. 
“Ah, and here comes the host himself.”, Lysimachus said with a grin.
“They dance a little too close, don’t you think?”, Kamilah stated with a frown as she watched Lucy dancing with a stranger.  
Lily followed her gaze and grinned.
“Well, he’s hot and all. There’s nothing wrong with having fun.”
Kamilah’s expression hardened even more which Lily noticed.
“Kamilah? Are you jealous?”, Lily teased her which earned her a glare from the ancient vampire. 
“No, I just want her to be careful!”, Kamilah denied.
“Suuuuure. That’s why you’re all moody watching her from afar?”
“I don’t do jealousy! Where’s Adrian? I want to dance and see if I can get closer. Just in case she needs our help!”, Kamilah said walking away. 
Lily turned around to look at an amused Jax. They broke into laughter and highfived each other. 
Part Three
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samgtt700 · 3 years
The Will of Time
Chapter Nine
Previous chapter: Chapter Eight
Kamilah x MC
A/N: sorry for the wait again but it’s my decision to split the finale into two that makes it work for me and for my readers. Hope you enjoy and working on finale now! Stay tuned! Hope you enjoy.
Alice glanced at Lysimachus, entering his human mind with ease. Her voice echoing in his mind as he stepped back and then glanced at her, curtly nodding to him. ‘Listen to me. Time is short and you must do as I say. You must get to the others and offer your blood. I know your still weak and not ready to do such a thing but it’s the only way we all walk out of here.’
‘I will. I know the costs. I’ve lost too many friends to war.’ Lysimachus answered in his head. Nodding to her.
Alice charged, using a physic blast to knock Gaius and Cleopatra out of her way as she went after Dorian. Kamilah taking out the Royal guards near her, distracting them for Lysimachus sake. Slicing her way pass two before rolling over the third and snapping his neck. Making easy work of them compared to the past times she had sparred with them.
Lysimachus sprinting across, dropping his shoulder into the Dorians follower guarding the group, knocking him into the wall behind him, lysimachus quickly stepping on his throat and twisting his leg to break his neck. Fighting two more guards, his experience in war no match for dorians weaker followers as he sliced their backs before decapitating his enemies. Their heads rolling towards Lily.
‘And I thought Kamilah was good at removing heads in style.’ She chuckled, finding the humour in the most bizarre of situations like usual. Lysimachus staring at her in confusion. ‘Hey. Get me out will you.’ She held her hands up and Lysimachus cut her bindings. ‘Thank god. I only agree when there is a hot girl involved.’
‘Not the time Lily.’ Serafine was released from her bindings, helping Cal out of his. ‘We need to cut down their numbers and isolate Gaius, Cleopatra and Dorian.’
‘Alice is isolating them.’ Lily saw Alice fighting all three with precision, having no issue holding the three of them at bay with her experience. ‘We all know what to do.’
Lysimachus knelt and offered his wrist to Adrian who nodded before sinking his teeth into him, feeding off him before breaking free of his shackles. He charged at Gaius and threw him into a nearby pillar. Serafine feeding off nearby guard with lily. Regaining their strength and rejoining the battle. Katherine escaping her binds, and sprinting across to Alex, cupping his cheek as she saw his injuries. ‘Your not joining the fighting, your in no shape.’
‘I must, they need me.’ Alex insisted. Getting to his feet weakly before falling forward into Katherines arms. ‘I have to prevent Kamilah.’
‘My step mother warned me that time could break if I failed to stop her when it mattered.’
Katherine pulled him out the way, insisting. ‘We’ll be safe here.’
Alex saw Nik pass him, aiming up Cleopatra and firing, a bolt going through her hand as she went to stab Kamilah in the back who was fighting one of Dorian’s sorcerers. ‘Not today.’
Kamilah cut the throat of the sorcerer before driving a dagger for cleopatras chest. ‘I trusted you and you betrayed my family.’ She was surprised how quick Cleopatra moved for a new vampire.
Alice ducked underneath a fire ball Dorian launched, weaving around his guards as they attacked her, focusing on her. She was shot in the back as she cut down the last one, falling to her knees, reaching behind her and ripping it out before seeing how tired and quickly launching it back and taking him out. ‘You and me. Let us end this.’
‘I’m never alone.’ Dorian smirked, Alice watching as Gaius impaled Adrian and subdued Serafine and Lily. Leaving Kamilah and her as the only vampires standing. Cal taking down the last royal guard before Gaius launched himself at the werewolf, Cal throwing him off before collapsing when she saw how bloody his fur was and Gaius’s Roman blade covered in blood and fur.
Kamilah was pushed back by Cleopatra and Gaius to be beside Alice. Lysimachus being forced back by Katherine to hide as Nik was shot in the back by guards.
Dorian, Gaius and Cleopatra charged, Alice and Kamilah fighting back to back, stopping their strikes, Alice feeling Dorian’s anger as he tried to enter her mind again but she threw it back at him, getting into his head and messing with him enough to distract him and she grabbed Kamilah’s dagger from her back pocket and stabbed him with force. Slamming him into the pillar across the room. Gaius heistating as Kamilah sliced all the way up his arm, Alice seeing Cleopatra taking advantage of Kamilah stretched out in her attack and Kamilah was sprayed in blood.
‘No!’ Kamilah dropped her daggers and caught Alice, impaled by a fire spear. Alice gritted her teeth as she pulled it out, her body not healing.
Dorian pounced, stabbing Alice with a stake. Kamilah screaming, Alice’s body vanishing before her very eyes. A rage filling Kamilah, Serafine feeling it as she managed to get to her feet. ‘No Kamilah!’ But it fell on deaf ears as Kamilah lost it, stabbing Cleopatra through the skull, her head exploding as Kamilah used force to kill her cousin. Her body turning to ash, Gaius barely dodging Kamilah daggers before he felt a dagger in in the back, Kamilah suddenly behind him and she ripped a dagger up his spine, taking his ability to walk as he fell to the ground.
Kamilah spinning her daggers in her hand, scowling and fangs ready to rip through her enemy. ‘You took everything!’
Dorian opened his hand and the fire spear landed in his hand. ‘Now you know how it feels. To lose everythingl!’ Dorian charged, Kamilah weaving around his swings with speed and striking with precision, hitting all his weak spots, stabbing him over a dozen times before stabbing him in the kneecap, taking his ability to stand on his right leg. Dorian still fighting a hopeless fight. Kamilah sneering before grabbing his spear and snapping it in half, her hand wrapping around his throat. His hands wrapping around her wrist, trying to break it to prevent her squeezing. Fighting with everything he had in him to stop her.
‘Kamilah!’ Adrian tried to stop her but Kamilah grabbed his throat and tossed him aside.
Kamilah snapped his neck, and ripped out his spine. Tossing it aside like a rag as dorians corpse hit the ground, bleeding heavily. She stepped back and took a few deep breaths. Hearing Gaius groan, trying to get up as his body healed. She knelt and picked up Gaius Roman blade, letting the tip drag along the ground. Gaius crawling to escape as kamilah impaled him with his own blade. ‘You’ve made me suffer at every turn.’ Kamilah knelt in his view, moving the bale and hearing Gaius scream. Letting him suffer.
Adrian tackled Kamilah again, ‘enough. This isn’t you!’ He pinned her in a complex hold, trying to hold for as long as his strength to hold the ancient vampire. ‘Stay down Gaius.’
Gaius couldn’t reach the blade, stuck where he was. Unable to escape, at the mercy of his enemies. ‘Your all vampires. I can feel my blood through your veins.’
Serafine felt Alice’s presence as Kamilah mangled Adrians arm to escape, seeing more of Dorians followers approach her. And she let them suffer before their death, prolonging their pain and suffering as she tore them apart. Adrian watching as the darkness overtook Kamilah.
Lysimachus dropped his sword, stepping through Kamilah’s carnage, not knowing if he could stop his sister but never realising she was capable of this. Learning a new side to her, realising how different this version of Kamilah was, how harden and cold she was. Like light had turned to darkness, the flame ignited was no longer pure. He stopped and glanced at the human version of his sister, ‘forgive me.’ He whispered before passing Adrian and serafine who tried to stop him. ‘No. I can stop her.’ He insisted, brushing them off and stepping over the bodies, finally reaching his sister who slit the throat of a follower. ‘Kamilah. Stop this madness, before it’s too late. You can come back from this. This isn’t who you are.’ He pressed his hand to her shoulder, hoping he could get through to her.
Lysimachus watched helplessly as his sister’s red eyes and fangs scowled at him, snapping his hand before plunging her dagger deep in his chest. Kamilah not registering it was her brother, as she shoved him away.
Serafine and Adrian both leapt forward, pulling Lysimachus back before she could harm him more. She pulled out his dagger and applied pressure to his chest with some curtain. ‘You’ll be ok.’ Serafine could feel where his wound was and knew his time was short without help. But feeling helpless to stop Kamilah as she raced upstairs to continue fighting anyone who opposed her. ‘She’ll slaughter everyone if we don’t stake her.’
‘I can’t.’ Adrian felt helpless. He didn’t think Kamilah would ever turn into a monster. ‘I can’t do it.’
‘We must. And you have to do it.’ Serafine pleaded. ‘Your the only one who could get close enough.’
‘She’s my sister.’ Adrian couldn’t do it, he always saw the good in everyone. Even in their darkest moments.
‘If you don’t. Everyone will die.’ Nik walked over. ‘She’s no longer herself. Alice’s death removed the last of her humanity.’
‘She’s no longer human?’ Lily asked. ‘Because the last time I checked. She wasn’t an alien.’
‘Not the time Lily.’ Adrian scowled. Turning back to Serafine and holding out his hand. ‘I’ll try to stop her without killing her, last resort.’ Serafine handed him the stake.
‘There is no coming back from his without a miracle Adrian. We’ve seen it a thousand times and we always have to make the hard choices.’ Serafine didn’t want to kill one of her dearest friend’s either but there needed to be a decision, and she doubted Kamilah could come back from it.
‘I know. I just-’
‘You never imagined it would be Kamilah we’d have to face.’
‘Yeah…’ Adrian resigned himself into the toughest decision of his life. Unable to stop what needed to be done now. ‘I’m sorry Lysimachus.’
‘I’ll go with you.’
‘No. This is something I have to do alone.’ Adrian loosened his tie, glancing at Gaius. ‘Make sure he doesn’t follow.’ Adrian made his way upstairs, following the blood trail. Stepping over the bodies, before finally coming face to face with Kamilah. Facing down his oldest and most dearest friend, drawing the stake when he saw the slaughtering of guards and servants alike.
‘They served my enemy.’
‘Kamilah. You killed innocent people.’ Adrian answered. His hand tightening around the stake before preparing himself for the toughest battle of his life. ‘You know we don’t stand for that. You don’t stand for that. We protect them.’
‘Cleopatra took everything from me.’ Kamilah glared. “Gaius took everything from me. Dorian took everything from me.’
‘Your family-’
‘They took Alice!’ Kamilah scowled.
‘You have me. You’ll always have me. Don’t make me do this Kamilah. Please.’
Alex pushed to his feet, pushing off Katherine despite her protests. Approaching Dorian’s broken spear and picking up the pieces, binding it with his magic and holding it up. Channeling his magic through it and feeling Alice’s presence before smirking. ‘She’s alive.’
Alice landed in a river, groaning as she pulled herself ashore. Her body broken and battered. Rolling onto her back and looking up at the night sky, the stars seemed peaceful but the smell of smoke and death told her a different story. Seeing the royal palace across the river Nile. Hearing screams and feeling pain. Holding her side as she stood, feeling blood soak her hand, picking up her sword with her free hand and stumbling forward. Struggling with injury and her body not healing at the pace she needed it too. ‘Come on. They need my help.’ She fell to her knees before forcing herself back up. Taking a deep breath and feeling how many ribs were broken in the fall.
Tags: @wildsayeed, @made-me-deep-blue, @iam-the-fuckin-queen, @midnightlive, @blaine-hayes, @h-doodles, @playallthechoices, @kamilahforever, @jellomello2akast, @kamilah-the-bloodqueen, @helpconfusedpersonhere, @scarlet-letter-a0114, @nydeiri, @tigerbryn11, @lifesadance96, @leenasayeed, @paodequeijofeliz-blog. @queenkamilah, @boundlessgratitude, @gaydinosaurbananamilkcarton, @kamilah-is-queen, @dimis-yiddies. @nell-crainxx, Let me know if you want to be added or if I’ve missed you, or accidentally tagged you. I’m having to comb through about four different lists! @vonda-b-real, sorry, it’s two chapters but I promise you’ll love it!
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saintfourr · 4 years
Bloodbound Poly!AU
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Eleanor Raines Jones; Clan Raines
Loves cats
She has the logical side of Adrian and the fun side of MC
She's not afraid to say what she thinks
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Mackenzie Matsuo Jones; Clan Matsuo
Loves sword films
She's very agile
She loves training with her parents
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Keenan Spencer Jones; Clan Spencer
Loves comics
Always try to make jokes for brighten the mood
Most of the time he makes references to movies or games
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Lysimachus Sayeed Jones; Clan Sayeed
Someone very honest
Loves flowers
Focused on your studies
tagging - @penda-bear
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I’ve been messing around with the nerf guns in my closet and had an idea about Amy challenging Kamilah to a nerf gun war. Not sure how good this is considering it took me 30 minutes to write today because I am bored. Let me know your thoughts. (PSA Mafia VIII will be out tomorrow, I want to know if people want all 3 endings out at once or for it to be a new ending over three days, let me know because I have no idea) 
Kamilah walked towards the penthouse from the elevator, carrying a bottle of  Karuizawa 1964 with the plan to seduce her wife, after weeks of quarantine boredom. She stopped dead in her tracks as she spotted a nerf takedown and two railblades resting outside their penthouse door. A piece of paper hastily taped to the door with Amy’s signature at the bottom. Kamilah tore it off, her eyes skimming its contents. 
Please select your weapon(s) of choice, I bought you daggers because you’re fancy. I’m hiding somewhere in our house, armed as well. The winner gets bragging rights? We can debate it after I whoop your ass. There will be no truces! This is quarantine war! No real knives Kami, I mean it... 
Kamilah pinched the bridge of her nose, flinching as she grabbed both railblades. She opened the door to the penthouse slowly, quickly placing the wine in a safe spot for later. She drew the railblades out and cautiously made her way across the kitchen. She jumped up at the sound of a small meow, as Bastet walked up to her, nuzzling her ankle. She had a small army helmet on her head, her ears poking out of the sides, a small sticky note taped on the top of the helmet. 
“What are you wearing? And what’s this?” Kamilah leaned over, removing the small sticky note from Bastet, who purred in Kamilah’s arm while Kamilah read the sticky note. 
Proceed with caution...my love. 
Kamilah rolled her eyes, placing Bastet down on the floor. She moved through the living room, peering over the couch before moving forward. Bastet followed behind, loudly meowing while clawing at Kamilah’s leg. Kamilah kneeled at the corner of the bedroom door, Bastet bumping into her, giving Kamilah a small hiss.
“You are going to give my position away.” Kamilah whispered, picking up Bastet and placing her in the doorway. Kamilah sat silently for a few minutes, listening for any sign of movement. She moved into the bedroom but paused as she saw their other kitten, Lysimachus dressed up in a military costume with a nerf bullet beside him. Kamilah raised her nerf daggers as Amy popped up from behind the bed, her own gun in her hands. 
“Victory!” Amy fired a bullet towards Kamilah who easily ducked underneath it. Amy let out a squeal as Kamilah slid towards her. Bastet and Lysimachus made their way over to the commotion, the bells on their collars jingling. 
Amy fired off two more bullets as Kamilah easily dodged them, drawing the flimsy daggers up to Amy’s neck. She slid her foot under Amy’s leg, causing her to tumblr to the ground. She pulled Kamilah down with her, Kamilah falling on top of her as they rolled beside the bed.
“Nu-uh. No way.” Amy dropped her plastic gun, pulling a sword out from under the bed, giving Kamilah a gentle but firm knock on the side with it. Amy giggled, her face flushing red at Kamilah’s confused but amused face. 
“You’re ridiculous.” Kamilah muttered, grabbing the sword by the blade.
“Heyyyy that’s cheatingggggg.” Amy whined as Kamilah rolled her eyes. Kamilah let go of the sword, after a long sigh she rolled off of Amy dramatically.
“Oh no..I have been stabbed..what will I do…?” Kamilah laid on her back, Amy cackling as she pushed herself on top of Kamilah. “This will...be the end of me...slayed by a nerf sword…” Kamilah took her hand and placed it on her forehead as she tilted her head back and forth, pretending to faint. 
“I win.” Amy whispered into her ear, sending tingles down Kamilah’s spine. She placed a kiss on Kamilah’s forehead, her lips soft against her warm skin. 
“I love you.” Kamilah said between muffled kisses, her hands finding Amy’s hips, drawing her closer. “There’s a bottle of wine in the kitchen with our names on it.” 
“Let’s go celebrate my victory over Kamilah Sayeed.” Amy stood up, turning back to help Kamilah stand as they made their way to the kitchen. Kamilah carried Lysimachus while Amy carried Bastet onto the couch. Kamilah poured two glasses of wine as they all settled in on the couch, Bastet and Lysimachus already asleep in Amy’s lap. 
“We still have to discuss my prize…” Amy rested her head on Kamilah’s shoulder, a sinful thought flooding her mind. Kamilah turned to face Amy, a playful smile spreading across her face as she leaned to Amy’s ear. 
“I have a few ideas…” Kamilah nibbled on Amy’s ear, causing her to shudder, “but...the kittens are asleep. So we’ll save it for later…” Kamilah leaned back against the couch, Amy making herself comfortable in her arms as her mind ran rampant about her prize for later. 
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Let me tell you a good story
Bloodbound Fanfiction (characters and main story belongs to Pixelberry Studios).
Pairing: Kamilah Sayeed and MC (Annie)
Information:  this takes place after Bloodbound 3, here I’m recreating how Kamilah and MC would meet if she had never gone to Raines Corporation right away.
Summary: Thirty years after meeting Annie for the first time, Kamilah is now a wife and a mother. During a regular family dinner, she decides to tell her daughter and their new son-in-law the story of how she fell in love with Annie after an unusual meeting through the hallways of NYU.
Warnings: none.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5
Let me tell you a good story - Part 4
March 2nd, 2048.
           “Do not laugh”. – Anna pointed a finger at Drake. – “I was still confused.”
           “Not laughing, I swear. It is completely reasonable that you thought she worked for Ms. Sayeed.” He nervously took a long gulp of soda.
           Kamilah was taping her fingers on the table, a sweet melody playing in her head. Nothing could disturb her peaceful life anymore. She was sitting by a beautiful wife, someone who still held her heart. In front of them, there was the most intelligent and sweet child in the world, named after Kamilah’s brother Lysimachus. Even Drake, the goofy human, was a delight company. He was the perfect balance for Lysia’s seriousness.
           “Are you ok?” Annie’s touch woke her up.
           “I’m perfect. Why don’t you go fetch the dessert while I continue for a while? I left a surprise for you in the microwave.”
           Anna jumped into the kitchen with impressionable speed. If there was one thing she loved, that was Kamilah’s volcano chocolate cake, a masterpiece perfected over years and years of repeatedly baking it.
           “Child.” Both Lysia and Kamilah said at the same time when they saw Annie’s reaction.
           “You know, it creeps me out when you two do that.” Drake scratched his arm, having goosebumps.
           “You should see when they fight!!” Anna yelled from the kitchen. “It’s like watching a couple of clones!”
           They were interrupted by someone opening the door. The flash of a sparkle on Lysia’s face told Kamilah who the person was faster than anything else. The human girl opened the biggest smile she could, but remained sat on the chair, not even losing her posture.
           “Uncle Adrian!”
           “Hi, sweetie. I’m sorry to be late, there was an emergency to solve.” He placed a soft kiss on Lysia’s forehead before shaking Drake’s hands and smiling at Kamilah. “Am I interrupting?”
           “Not at all. We were talking about the past. Actually, little brother, you arrived at the perfect moment. Now you can help me remember this part of the story.”
           “Which story?”
           “Ti storu uf ru we fil in luv.” Anna came back carrying the cake, a big piece of it already missing. Her face had chocolate all over the mouth, nose, and chin.
           Kamilah sighed. At this point, there was no need for translation anymore. Adrian only laughed and carried on. “The story of how you two fell in love? Oh, boy. Rough times. You think Kamilah is a tense person? Should’ve seen her realizing her feelings for Annie. I thought New York wouldn’t survive it.”
           “Adrian, why don’t you continue for us? We were just getting to the part you entered the story.” The vampire queen said over the table while cleaning Annie’s face with a napkin. “And you, behave. The last time you ate so much chocolate, you cried for the entire night with a stomach-ache.”
           “Yu crid the whole niti withy stumachache, bla bla bla” she mocked her wife, taking another big bite of dessert. Kamilah solemnly ignored this part.  
           “Ok, ok. Let’s see… So, after that dinner and the job proposition, Kamilah wanted to either kill or kiss Annie, it was still unclear.”
           “Hmm, both.” Answered Kamilah, watching her wife out of the corner of the eye.
 August 29th, 2018
           The sky was already dark.
           The sky is always dark when Kamilah is looking through the window. The same old dark sky she had seen for years. But, tonight, something feels different. The sight that usually calms her down, the peaceful shade of black marked by the city lights, it was suddenly not enough. There was an irritation growing inside her chest, heavy and dangerous like a bomb ready to explode. The reason of it was worse than the feeling itself. She had felt anger many times before, with better motives. Right now, Kamilah knew deep down it was stupid to be so bothered by something that small. Finally, not being able to stand her own company anymore, her fingers called the same number it always does at moments like this.
           “Hey.” Adrian’s voice surged on the other side of the line.
           “Why hasn’t she given us an answer yet?”
           “What? Who?”
           Kamilah sighed. She was so tired. Angry. Frustrated. “Why hasn’t that mewling tiny stupid woman answered our business proposal? It has been a week, Adrian. There’s a limit for my patience. I don’t have time for this.”
           “Hm, you’re mad.” He just acknowledged it, his voice a little surprised. “I didn’t know this matter to be so urgent. In fact, I remember vividly that you were the one saying not to rush things when I suggested hiring a historian. She must have given you quite the impression to make you so eager to close the deal.”
           She snorted, and Adrian was sure her eyes rolled as well. “It’s not about her. It could be anyone. I just want to put things in motion.”
           “Right.” He didn’t buy it. “Well, my friend, then I’m going to tell you the options we have, since you clearly won’t quiet down until something is done.”
           Kamilah fixed her posture immediately, ready to jump into a plan.
           “Fist: you can call one of the historians on the list I sent to you last month. Call all the fifteen options, if it suits better. They were all graduated in high profile universities and sustain the best curriculums in the country.” Adrian gave it a second of silence, and since she didn’t make a sound, he continued. “Second: throw away the idea of working with one of them and just make a deal with one of us. I don’t know any of our group who is a historian, but most of them know a lot about the past and maybe will even understand the mission better than an outsider.”
           Silence again. And then, the distant sound of Kamilah’s high heels hitting the floor, like she was impatiently trembling her leg. Adrian knew that sign. It meant none of the options were good enough for her. “Or… Third: if you do believe she’s worth it, you can always go over there and demand an answer.”
           Her eyes widened.  
           “Can I do that?”
           “Sure.” He laughed. “As long as you don’t hurt, yell or kill the poor woman.”
           That was it. The solution. She wanted the mission to start already, and if Kamilah wanted anything, no one could stop her from getting it. Much less a professor who hadn’t done the courtesy of giving a simple answer. After a couple minutes, the Egyptian found Anna’s address on the university website and head there without thinking twice. In a blink, she was already ringing the intercom, but it seemed to not be working.
           “Kamilah?” Annie was dangerously leaning on the window. “What are you doing here?”
           “We need to talk. Open the door.”
           The grumpy and ordering tone made Anna frown, but she didn’t argue. From the street, the Egyptian could hear her mumbling things in Portuguese while getting down the stairs. Even though Kamilah couldn’t understand it, she was sure it was cursing. Without saying a word to each other, they climbed the stairs to the third floor. Annie’s place was thoroughly clean and covered with the pleasant scent of vanilla. A mess of books and papers had taken over the living room, where a dining table was set: a dish with a weird sandwich, a glass of cheap wine and an opened notebook. It looked like she was working late.
           “Take a sit. Do you want to drink something? I’ve got wine, rum, whisky, gin, coffee… Water.” The sweet tone on her voice disarmed Kamilah for just a second. The professor seemed extremely tired, but even like this, she wasn’t able to be rude.
           “No, I… I’m fine. Thank you.”
           “What happened?”
           Kamilah’s arms crossed over her breasts. That confused look on Annie’s face was genuine. How could she not know why Kamilah was there? That was the last drop. It unlocked all the irritation that had been burning on the Egyptian’s chest for days. “Did you hit your head recently? Or do you suffer from diseases such as Alzheimer?”
           “Wh…What? I… No…”
           “Why the hell do you think I am here, Ms. Mali? Do you believe I am a woman who has the time to sit around waiting for you to make a simple decision? To answer a yes or no question? Look at me. Do not stare at the floor. Raise your eyes.” Kamilah approached her with such a fast movement, Annie barely saw it happening. In a second, she was standing before her, lifting the professor’s chin to make their eyes meet. “It is not polite to just disappear once a business proposal is showed to you. I do not tolerate this kind of behaviour. If you’re too much of a child yet, then maybe we were wrong to approach you in the first place.”
           Anna didn’t stop her. Didn’t move either. Kamilah saw something growing on the professor’s face, some sort of weakness she wasn’t expecting to find. Her expression was flickering between insecurity and sadness. Finally, an answer came.
           “I can’t stay.” A whisper. The palpable shame in her tone. “I’m leaving.”
            “What do you mean by that?”
           “I mean… I got fired. I’m leaving the country. I’m sorry.” She shrunk her shoulders. Somehow, the woman was getting smaller. More fragile. “It happened on Saturday morning, right after that dinner. I know it’s no excuse and should’ve called you sooner. I’m really sorry. I just thought that now that I’m no longer related to the NYU, my name and reputation wouldn’t be of any value to you. I guess… I was embarrassed to let you know and go through the whole ‘well, then we don’t want you anymore’ conversation. Either way, I am sorry. For not answering, for making you come here, for everything.”
           Kamilah was not at all prepared for this. She went from almost tearing the professor’s throat opened to drowning inside her sorrow and beautiful features. Without much thinking, the Egyptian brushed some hair behind Annie’s ears in a soft movement.
           “Are you leaving the country because of visa issues?”
           “Yes. Not the main reason though… Even if they granted me a permanent visa, I don’t have money to stay. I was a recent teacher at NYU, my payment wasn’t that high and most of it went to cover the costs of the postdoctoral course. Now I’m trying to finish some papers quickly and I still need to buy the plane tickets.”
           “I don’t care about NYU.”
           Annie’s eyes came back to Kamilah only to find an unreadable face. “What?”
           “It’s not relevant if you’re related or not to a University. That doesn’t change my stand.”
           “We still want you.”
           The professor was speechless, staring in disbelief.
           “Answer me, Annie. Will you accept the proposal?”
           Kamilah’s arms uncrossed and her hands went to rest on the hips. She saw a thousand of emotions running through the professor’s eyes in a second.
          “What about my visa?”
         “Not a problem I can’t solve. As for the money part… Adrian will discuss this with you. He’s responsible for the bureaucracies. But I can guarantee, regardless of how the conversation goes, it’s going to be way more than what NYU was paying. So, there won’t remain any obstacles forcing you to leave.”
         Anna smiled. Not because of the money. She just noticed that Kamilah had come in person not to fight, but to persuade her to say yes. That made her wonder what the Egyptian’s thoughts were right now. “I did answer, you know. When I got home, after dinner.”
       She pointed at the computer on the desk. “It’s in the draft emails part. I was going to send it on Monday morning.”
       Kamilah arched one eyebrow. “And what was the answer?”
       Instead of giving her the pleasure to hear it, Annie decided to contour the table and send the draft email that was waiting there all along. Inside Kamilah’s pocket, her cell phone immediately buzzed. She gave it a quick glance before smiling and walking towards the door.
        “I’ll see you tomorrow morning, Ms. Mali. Don’t be late.”
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kamilah-is-queen · 1 month
Al Hayba- Sayeed’s (Pt. I)
(Author’s note: This is based off of a Lebanese tv show called Al Hayba {I suggest it to anyone who hasn’t seen it} except this is a Kamilah x Amy version. Some scenes are very similar to the show’s, so no copyrighted intended or anything of the sort.)
Pairing: Kamilah Sayeed x MC (Amy Parker)
Warnings: Grief, P.S. This is going to be a looooooooooooooooong slow burn.
Tags: @ta-sayeed, @kamilahtopme, @nydeiri, @rhonda-sayeed, @helpconfusedpersonhere, @millasayeed, @vonda-be-real, @livvynka, @queenkamilah, @leenasayeed, @skylarkxxyy, @choicesgrp, @ilove-kamilah-sayeed, @justavampirefan, @iamsimpforpoppy, @friendlybuddy, @darlingnikki-prince
Amy kept a gentle hold of her nine-year old daughter, Cam as they passed through the airport security of Lebanon’s main international airport, Rafic-Hariri International Airport.
They were quickly whisked away by the airport manager for a brief meeting on the belongings they carried with them. One of which, being a casket.
‘You see…’ Amy removed her sunglasses and placed them in her lap, sighing gently. ‘My husband, Lysimachus, passed away in our home in Canada. His final wish was to be buried with his father, here in Lebanon. Hence we are in possession of the casket.’
‘I see.’ The manager offered her a small cup of tea, which she kindly denied. ‘I wish you the best of luck, Ms. Sayeed. The police are not kind to foreigners. I hope you have paperwork.’
Amy stood, smiling. ‘I never come unprepared. Thank you, sir.’ She took hold of Cam’s hand and kindly dismissed herself.
Once outside, Amy was shocked to see seven black SUV’s parked in a line, with men in black suits waiting specifically for her.
‘Ms. Sayeed, right?’ One man said, approaching her, his eyes briefly glancing down at her daughter.
‘My name is Chahine, please come with us. We’re relatives of your late husband.’
Amy frowned slightly, nodding at Cam who leapt into one of the SUV’s, and quickly pulled out her tablet.
‘How do I know you’re not lying?’ Amy eyed the man who simply handed her his phone. She took it reluctantly, still wary. ‘Hello?’
‘Amy. I’m sure you’re very suspicious of the men surrounding you, but they’re harmless. They’re relatives of your husband, and they’ve been sent there to protect you on your journey home. I’m sorry for what’s happened to Lysimachus, it’s very unfortunate.’
The voice on the other end was clearly a woman’s however it was a little raspy and deep. Her words carried a certain sharpness to them, despite speaking in a sympathetic tone.
Amy sighed, her eyes focused on her daughter in the car. ‘Thank you. I’m sorry but, you never introduced yourself.’
‘You’ll know who I am when the time is right. I’ll see you soon.’
And with that, the call ended. Amy looked at the phone before handing it back to Chahine. ‘I’m assuming that’s your boss.’
He said nothing, instead opening the door of the car for Amy to get in. She did so, kissing Cam’s head as she got settled in.
‘Are you alright, darling?’
Cam nodded silently, the video game proving too worthy of her attention. Ever since her father had passed away, Cam withdrew emotionally from everyone, even Amy. Sometimes, Amy couldn’t even get a hello out of her, let alone complete responses. Amy tried everything to help lessen the burden that her daughter carried from the death, but everyone grieved their own way. She had to respect that.
Throughout the entire car journey, Amy scrolled past photo after photo she had saved of her family, uncovering memories from years past as she felt tears rise suddenly. She quickly wiped them away and looked out the window, as the urban buildings of Beirut faded into beautiful suburban villas, and lush green mountains of the countryside.
Amy was pulled out of her thoughts as the motorcade of SUV’s halted to a stop at a police checkpoint.
‘I’ll be right back.’ Chahine stepped out of the car and began conversing with the police officer. Amy watched how the conversation quickly became heated, Chahine throwing his hands around as he yelled at the police officer, who was refusing to let them through.
‘Ugh, boys.’ Amy got out of the car and approached the men, ‘what’s going on here?’
Chahine gritted his teeth as he answered. ‘He will only let us go unless we open the casket. And he knows we can’t do that. Unlike him, we have respect for the deceased.’
The police officer opened his mouth to bite back, stopping short when Amy raised a folder full of papers.
‘Official documents from the Canadian police allowing us entry into this country with a body.’
The officer snatched the papers away and began reading the documents thoroughly.
‘Fine. You can go.’
Not long after hitting the road again did they reach a stunning stone villa. It had large black gates at the entrance where men were stationed, and a large backyard that overlooked the breathtaking Lebanese mountains.
Amy exited the car, holding out her hand to Cam who took it gently. The guards began to unload the vehicle of their belongings, leaving the body inside.
What a beautiful home, Amy thought to herself. Strange that Lysimachus never mentioned it.
The pair followed Chahine to the entrance of the house where an older woman and seemingly her daughter, were waiting.
The older woman stepped towards Amy as she approached, holding her cane aside as she held Amy in a gentle embrace.
‘Hello dear. I’m Lysimachus’s mother.’ Amy gently hugged the woman back, greeting her before the older woman’s attention fell to her daughter.
‘You must be Camille, is that right?’ Cam just looked up and nodded silently to the woman who smiled softly in return.
‘Amy, I’d like you to meet my daughter, Mona.’
Mona stepped forward and hugged Amy tightly, tears streaming down her cheeks as they pulled apart. ‘I wish we didn’t have to meet on these terms.’
Amy smiled sadly, bowing her head as she took Cam’s hand once more. ‘Likewise.’
The pair were ushered inside and presented with an array of traditional Lebanese dishes and hot tea. Amy didn’t have an appetite at all, but decided to make an effort seeing as her in-law’s were so hospitable.
‘I’m so sorry to interrupt, but could you show me where the bathroom is?’ Amy dabbed her lips with a napkin and stood, following the directions towards the bathroom.
She quickly finished and left the bathroom, stopping when she heard a familiar voice coming from the next room.
It was the woman’s from the phone call.
Amy leant against the wall silently and listened, the mysterious woman and another woman speaking quietly in Arabic. Amy cursed herself for not learning more from Lysimachus, but she was able to pick up on certain words.
She must’ve been standing there for ages, clearly stuck in her own thoughts as she failed to see the tall brunette standing beside her.
‘I know you were eavesdropping.’
Amy regained her senses, her eyes widening as she looked at the woman closely. The woman was much taller than her, despite wearing heels. She stood in an all black suit, with a lace corset top. She wore no makeup at all but her skin was flawless, her brown eyes shimmering as if they were contacts. Amy’s eyes flicked to the woman’s hands, her eyes catching on the sharp red nails that held the end of a cigarette between the fingers.
‘I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude. I just recognized your voice, that’s all.’ Amy was clearly nervous, realizing that the woman held immense power.
The woman silently took a long drag of her cigarette and left Amy alone to her thoughts as she walked outside towards the cars.
Amy shook her head, making her way back to dining room before everyone was soon loaded into the cars for the burial.
No one spoke about the woman, who was so clearly in charge. Everyone respected her, feared her in a way that they didn’t want to disappoint her.
Who was she?
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clansayeed · 4 years
Who are the designs you used for your edit on Lysimachus? It's so perfect!! I love it sm
Hey there Anon! I’m so glad you like him?? He’s definitely still a work in progress though, I have a lot of small facial structure edits I want to work on. Actually I might work on those today, thanks for jogging my memory!
The (many) hybrid parts from my Lysimachus Sayeed edit are:
face: m!Sam Dalton face hair: one of the Ian Kingsley hair designs (w/ color edits) body: Derek from AME (w/ color edits) other edits: [as of 09.06] skin tone tinted, eye shape moderately changed, a darker sort of eyeliner/shadow effect put on the eyes, eye color slightly changed, and I have plans to edit the bridge of the nose, the jaw and cheekbone positioning, and other small things to try and get closer to Kamilah’s overall facial features. I also want to edit the skin and hair sheens too, now that I can see it from a ‘distance’ in a way
all of the transparents and bases are courtesy of the choices assets database all manipulations/edits are mine, please don’t copy or steal for your own edits without permission; feel free to shoot me a PM if you’d like it for your own! (not assuming you would, Anon, I just add that disclaimer to all of my edit stuff just in case)
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thelucyaddams · 5 years
Part One
A/N: Just had this idea of Lysimachus being alive and being reunited with Kamilah. It will have more parts. Hope you like it :).
MC's name: Lucy
MC x Kamilah
Words: 1124
Dead. That's what he had told him about his sister. For thousands of years he made sure he wouldn't find out the truth, made him his soldier, his slave and then when he wasn't useful anymore he left him all alone in this world.
He still remembers his first encounter with him. The Undying Centurion appeared on the battlefield all of a sudden and killed many soldiers without getting hit and by the time he had to face him his whole life changed.
Today he wasn't an honored soldier anymore.  Now he was just a man wandering through the streets of Alexandria in Egypt and living a simple life. He was a teacher for History and Sports at a local school. Working with children was something he enjoyed very much. Sometimes he would even give extra lessons for students that needed more help. Lysimachus never minded.
Fixing and tuning cars and motorbikes was a hobby of his. He even dealt with them. Cars have interested him ever since they were invented and to cruise around town in the middle of the night was something he enjoyed very much. Especially when driving fast. 
Apart from that he liked to train fighting with and without a weapon. Once a week Lysimachus taught children and teenagers how to protect themselves. He developed a very own style and thought it's important for them to know what to do in dangerous situations. 
Fighting reminded him of his sister. Kamilah always wanted to train with him and show him what she was capable of. She wanted to prove herself although Lysimachus told her how proud he was and how skilled she already was. It was never enough. Kamilah was a real perfectionist.
A nostalgic expression was on his face as he looked at the old rag doll. It was one of Kamilah's few toys from when they were children and it was one of the two things he had to remember her. The second item was a necklace with a small wooden horse-shaped pendant. She had let it made for him and gave it to him before he went to war. Lysimachus would always treasure it and it reminded him of their bickering about his wooden horse. The one his uncle had given him. Every time Kamilah tried to tease him by stealing that damn toy and he would always manage to get it back until she did it again.
Lysimachus smiled a little. He dearly missed those times and especially her. His dear sister. A tear managed its way down his cheek as he put the doll in an inside pocket of his jacket. The only place it belonged to was near his heart. 
His gaze fell on his packed suitcase. Vlad Tepes also known as Dracula invited him to his ball in Prague. He did it often but Lysimachus only attended it a few times. Lysimachus met him in Rome for the first time. It was when he was on a class trip. One night Lysimachus strolled through a market at night and eventually ran into Vlad. The fellow vampire was very flirty as he noticed and Lysimachus found it very amusing at times. No matter how much Vlad tried to seduce him Lysimachus wouldn't grant him more than one or two kisses now and then. It's driving Vlad mad because one thing was sure. The kisses of a Sayeed weren't just normal kisses.
With one last glance through his small bedroom Lysimachus took his suitcase and left his home.
It was a small house with two floors with only the bare necessities. There were his bedroom, a small guest room and a bathroom on the second floor. Downstairs were the living room with a cooking area in a separated corner of the room. Also there was a small room where he could wash his laundry and another bathroom but without a shower. 
Outside was a small courtyard with a garage next to his house. There was also a water pump in his courtyard where he spotted three black stray cats lying around.
He smiled and walked up to them. The cats always came here and begged for water but also for food and attention. 
The cats looked up curiously. One walked between his legs and affectionately leaned its side against his shin. Lysimachus knelt down so he could pet them.
"I won't be here for a few days. Take care of my home would ya?", he whispered while petting them lovingly.
Lysimachus used the water pump to fill the bucket underneath it with fresh water. The cats liked to drink from there.
"See ya soon.", he said one last time before he got into his car and finally made his way to the airport. It was a blue sports car, one of the few luxuries he would spend his savings on. 
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Over the years he built up quite a fortune and could live like rich people if he wanted. But he didn’t because that’s not who he was and who he wanted to be.
"Kamilah! Lily!", Lucy shouted through the airport as she spotted her friends.
She grinned and jumped right into Kamilah's arms who was a little stiff at first but melted into the hug a little. Before the vampire could say anything Lucy pulled her into a long loving kiss which she returned.
They had missed each other badly and when Kamilah heard about what happened in the club with Serafine and the Order she couldn't help but to worry about her cute little human. The one person that crashed through her perfectly build up walls like it was a piece of cake and filled her heart with a warmth she hadn't felt in a long time. A feeling she never knew she was still capable of feeling it.
Lucy proved her wrong. First she denied it of course. But over time she allowed herself to lean into the feelings Lucy made her feel and it filled her with happiness and joy.
Maybe if they manage to stop Gaius and survive... Maybe she can take the next step and truly live again. A life she would like to share with her precious human by her side. A time where Gaius isn't any more but a memory.
Eventually they parted and Lucy was pulled into a tight hug by Lily.
"Don't you forget about your bff!", she complained playfully. 
Lucy chuckled.
"I could never forget you, Lily Spencer.", Lucy said emphasizing her name teasingly.
"Come, let's go to my office and talk about important things.", Kamilah said already making her way for the exit.
"You have an office here?", Jax asked.
"I have one in every capital city.", Kamilah answered.
"Tz, should've known. Will never understand you rich guys."
Kamilah just ignored his comment and the gang finally made their way to her office.
Part Two
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ask-kamilah-sayeed · 6 years
I just imagined you and Lysimachus as babies cuddling looking like two little beans 😭😭😭
*She chuckles, quite warmly*It seems like such a long time ago. Our mother was always telling us how sweet we looked. 
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samgtt700 · 4 years
The Will of Time
Chapter Eight
Previous Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven
Tags: @wildsayeed, @made-me-deep-blue, @iam-the-fuckin-queen, @evexofxtime, @kamilah-sayeed-let-me-love-you, @h-doodles, @playallthechoices, @kamilahforever, @kamilahsayeet2063, @kamilah-the-bloodqueen, @helpconfusedpersonhere, @scarlet-letter-a0114, @nydeiri, @tigerbryn11, @lifesadance96, @paodequeijofeliz-blog, @belvoiresqueenbee, @lifesadance96, @nighthuntresskatherine, @ayushixo, @jellomello2akast, @nell-crainxx, Let me know if you want to be added or if I’ve missed you!
A/N: sorry for the 141 day wait. It’s been a rough few months for me but I’m feeling good, I’m in a good place and I would to thank my followers and fans for their patience. You lot have needed it for this wait. But enjoy and I promise the next chapter will have much less of a wait time. I have big plans so stay tuned!
Kamilah’s nails scratched at the floor weakly, her nails broken and brittle. Trying to move into the corner to avoid the sunlight in her pitch black prison cell. Her eyes stinging as the sunlight hit her face. The chains dragging behind her, bloodying her ankles.
‘Kamilah... where is your brother?’ Dorian asked, his voice echoing in the darkness.
Kamilah managed to sit up, pulling herself into the darkness. ‘If I knew. I still wouldn’t tell you.’ She sneered back, gritting her teeth.
‘Tsk tsk.’ Dorian tapped his foot into the ground, the metal in his leather boots rattling. ‘Not the answer I was after again. You could end your suffering.’
‘I will always suffer for my family.’ Kamilah wouldn’t hesitate to protect her family no matter the personal cost to herself.
Dorian opened his palm, flames engulfing his hand. Heating the carving blade in his palm Gaius handed him. ‘You know what to do.’ Dorian nodded to Gaius. ‘They will come for her and they will die for their mistake.’
Alice shot up, sweat dripping down her body, her breathing rapid, her chest pounding. Her hand touching her temple, a vision unlike anything she had seen before. As if it she was peering in on the present, rather than the past. She could feel the pain Kamilah was experiencing as the visions continued to occur whilst she was awake. Feeling the carving knife, the hairs on the back of her neck standing up as her body tensed up.
‘You can save her Alice.’ Dorians voice lingered, a foul odour in the air that the cold egyptian wind wouldn’t whisk away.
‘Enough.’ Alice shouted in her mind. Startling Dorian as she got up and walked across the room, blocking him out. Sliding down the wall outside for some space. Needing to calm down. The anxiety of her past creeping back in, would she be enough to save the ones she loved.... it still played in the back of her mind now, unable to save Jax that day. His sacrifice a reminder of the burden placed upon her shoulders. The discovery of her heritage had explained so much about her powers, but also left her with more questions.
‘You look like hell.’
Alice turned. Lysimachus holding a cup of what she hoped was coffee. ‘Is that coffee?’
‘I do not have coffee but this is something Adrian gave me.’ He sat down beside her.
Alice took a small sip before smiling, giggling to herself, remembering all the times Kamilah had a bottle of bourbon with her despite it seeming impossible. ‘I think bourbon at this hour is not appropriate. Not for breakfast.’
‘Is this not breakfast drink?’ Lysimachus stared into the cup. ‘It is good.’
‘Not for everyone.’ Alice handed Lysimachus back the cup. ‘Not this early.’
Lysimachus tried to get up but groaned. ‘How bad?’
‘You need something you can’t get here in your time.’ Alice answered. ‘We call them a hospital. Not that we like to go to them.’
Lysimachus nodded. ‘I’ll be ok. Trust me. Survived worse. Just need to keep moving.’ Alice taking his hand in a tight grip, not wanting to be alone and wanting to let her wife sleep in. ‘You know more about my family than a stranger should. How do you know so much about my sister and I?’
‘This won’t make sense but your sister...’ Alice glanced at Kamilah. ‘Is sleeping over in that bed. She isn’t the sister we were with before though.’
‘Just tell it to me straight Alice.’ Lysimachus asked.
Alice nodded. ‘You died. And Kamilah’s my wife, she was turned by Gaius in this time. She’s been through so much but when she talks of you. She gets this faraway look. Like she’s reliving all the memories of you.’
Lysimachus glanced in Kamilah’s direction. ‘What happened to me?’
‘You died in battle from what I know.’ Alice knew only little snippets of Lysimachus, but this time with him she began to understand her wife so much more. ‘This time I’ve spent with you, with your family. I’ve learnt so much.’
Lily and Cal walked up. Stopping as Alice turned to them, lysimachus staring at them oddly. ‘Who are they?’
‘Is he speaking- omg that is awesome. He’s speaking ancient Egyptian!’ Lily squealed.
Adrian walked up. ‘How’s the bourbon?’
‘Not breakfast appropriate apparently.’ Lysimachus softly chuckled. ‘It’s amazing.’
‘He’s definitely a Sayeed.’ Adrian laughed to himself, rubbing the back of his neck before loosening his tie. ‘We’ll need to be properly introduced over a bottle of bourbon when all this is over.’
‘Everyone ok?’ Alice asked.
‘Your blood.’ Adrian handed Alice a bag of blood, ‘and Dorian-’
‘I dreamt of him.’ Alice sighed. ‘He had Kamilah, badly injured. She was being tortured but I could feel her pain. We were linked.’
‘Maybe human Kamilah. It would explain the poorly written tattoo on Kamilah’s arm?’ Lily pointed out as some writing appeared on Kamilah’s skin. ‘He’s writing a location and time on her skin.’ Lily read it. ‘The royal palace. Dusk. Alice, Lysimachus and Kamilah.’
Adrian woke Kamilah. ‘Morning.’ He pulled her arm out to read. ‘This is fascinating how he’s manipulating time. I’ve never seen anything like this, not even in my time with Gaius. None of this makes sense.’
‘It’s obviously a trap.’ Lily said.
‘You think?’ Kamilah stood, putting her jacket on. Seeing her brother stare strangely at her. ‘It’s been a long time.’
Adrian glanced at Lily. ‘Shall I tell the others?’
‘Can you Ask Serafine to come up, I need to talk to her.’ Kamilah asked.
Alice got up, walking over and squeezing Kamilah’s hand. ‘I’ll give you two a minute.’
‘Thank you.’ Kamilah teary eyed reply did not go unnoticed as Alice wiped a tear on her cheek. Kamilah leant in and kissed Alice, slow and deep. ‘I love you.’
‘I love you too.’ Alice let Kamilah go. ‘I’ll prepare my weapons.’
Kamilah nodded, watching Alice walk away before hearing a chuckle. ‘No wonder she gave me such funny looks.’
Kamilah turned to her brother, moving to sit on the edge of his bed. ‘She hasn’t told me much of your time together but if I remember what we use to get up to. I’d say she enjoyed herself.’
‘What happened to me?’
‘You were stabbed in battle. Fighting the romans. By then. Cleopatra was grasping at straws for power and all her allies had abandoned her but us two remained. Loyal to our cousin.’ Kamilah explained. ‘Learning of your death. It was one of the hardest moments in my life. But I grew stronger for it, like every difficult moment.’
‘Alice. She’s too good for you.’ Was all Lysimachus answered with. Laughing.
Kamilah smirked. ‘Hands off.’
‘Don’t think I could win if I tried. That woman only has eyes for you. Even ah, other you noticed it?’ Lysimachus was a little unsure, everything had changed and he had zero understanding of it. ‘So... we’ve been-’
‘Yes. I won’t lose you again.’ Kamilah wouldn’t go through it again, she wouldn’t allow herself to lose her brother all over again after just getting him back. ‘We’ll figure it out.’
‘There isn’t anything to figure out. I am dead where your from and you’ve made it just fine without me. You know what you have to do.’ Lysimachus didn’t mince words. ‘Use me as bait and leave me to die. Get Alice, yourself and... yourself out?’
Kamilah smirked before shaking her head, sighing aloud. ‘You are not playing the hero. We all go home. Together.’
Lysimachus grasped her hand. ‘I won’t be the cost of your happiness.’
‘I just got you back.’ Kamilah sat. Staring into his eyes. ‘It’s been over two thousand years since I last sat in front of you.’
Lysimachus pulled his sister into a hug. ‘And you’ll be fine for the next two thousand years without me.’
Kamilah didn’t want to sacrifice her brother. She didn’t want to lose him again after just getting him back. ‘I won’t lose you. Not again.’
‘Kamilah...’ Serafine coughed into her hand, breaking the twins apart. Kamilah stood and straightened her suit. ‘Sorry to interrupt but you wanted-’
‘Ah yes.’ Kamilah stepped over. Glancing back at Lysimachus, ‘I suggest you suit up for battle brother.’ She nodded to him. ‘The rest of you will need to get in unnoticed pass the guards. Alice, Lysimachus and I will go through the front door.’
‘You want us to sneak in I’m assuming?’ Serafine asked.
‘Yes. I have the palace in my head. You need to access and use it.’ Kamilah asked. ‘Please Serafine, I want to keep my family-’
‘No need, mom amie, we are family.’ Serafine pressed her hand into Kamilah’s shoulder, an unspoken message between the two as serafine accessed what she needed to. Their wasn’t words needed between old friends, between family. ‘Good luck Kamilah. Be safe.’
Kamilah made her way downstairs to the others, all preparing for battle. Alice sharpened her blade in the corner by Lily who checked her crossbow was in working order. ‘Lily.’
Lily saw the glance Kamilah gave her on approach. ‘Got ya.’ She scurried away to give them privacy. Alice standing and putting her blade aside.
‘You okay?’
‘I need to ask something of you.’
‘You know you can ask anything of me...’ Alice gigged. ‘I’m not your wife just for flattery.’
Kamilah shook her head before lifting Alice’s chin, their eyes meeting. ‘If you have the chance. Get Lysimachus and human me out. I will find my own way out.’
‘Kamilah...’ Alice sighed, grasping Kamilah’s hand and gently squeezing. ‘We save everyone together.’
‘Just promise-’ Kamilah pleaded as her hand caressed Alice’s cheek, ‘I can’t lose my brother again.’
‘And we won’t.’ Alice rested her hand over Kamilah’s. ‘We will walk out together because we know it’s a trap. But Lysimachus and you know this battlefield better than them. They think your walking into their trap but use it against them.’ She pressed her lips to Kamilah’s, her eyes falling shut as her lips explored Kamilah’s, nibbling at Kamilah’s lower lip and feeling her rapid heartbeat as she pulled back breathless.
‘You two ready?’ Lysimachus stood behind them, his white uniform standing out in the crowd, his leather armour strapped into place. His curved egyptian sword strapped to his side, ‘be like old times for us.’
Kamilah nodded, stepping over to Lysimachus, adjusting the same strap she always had. ‘If it gets too much. Tell us.’
‘I’ll be okay.’ Lysimachus answered, slapping his sisters hand away. ‘Stop fussing over me. I’m not bloody Cleopatra.’ He walked out first.
Alice smirking before following her wife outside. Mounting her horse before Kamilah jumped up behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist. ‘I love you.’ She glanced behind her to Kamilah whose only response was to pull herself closer. Tightening her grip on Alice.
‘I love you too.’ Her words were whispered in Alice’s ear, meant only to be heard by her.
Alice dismounted at the Royal palace, guards escorting them to the main doors. Kamilah and her sharing a glance before entwining their hands, a gentle squeeze the only reminder they needed to know they were in this together. This was their fight, and they had each other’s back to the end of time.
‘Hand your weapons over.’
‘You don’t need our weapons.’ Alice played with their minds, walking inside ahead of the other two.
‘Did she just-’ Lysimachus couldn’t believe his eyes as the guards walked off. Kamilah not batting an eye at it. He quickly followed. Struggling for breath but hiding it from his sister. Not wanting her to worry as they entered. Guards and servants alike leaving as Alice spared a glance in their direction. Worried what was to come as it almost emptied on their way to the throne room.
Cleopatra sat on her throne, Gaius and Dorian flanking her. Her wine goblet full of fresh blood, it trailed down her lips, drinking it openly, caring little for their opinions as the dead servant provided her foot rest.
‘Cousins.’ She licked her lips. ‘You don’t look like you’ve aged well Kamilah.’ Kamilah clenched her fists but didn’t respond when Alice gently squeezed her wrist. ‘Your just in time for tonight’s entertainment.’
Lysimachus stepped forward. Hand on his sword, ‘tonight’s entertainment?’
Cleopatra raised her hand. Two guards escorting human Kamilah out. ‘The death of the Sayeed bloodline.’
‘I’m very much alive and plan to be tomorrow.’ Kamilah finally spoke. ‘We have no quarrel with you cousin.’
‘You are in my kingdom. My world.’ Cleopatra stood. Gaius twisting his lips in a smug smirk. ‘You will bend to my will, or die.’
‘I don’t bend to anyone’s will.’ Kamilah stood defiant.
‘Nor do I.’ Lysimachus nodded to her.
‘My parents should have had you two killed the day your father revolted against us. But they saw you two as innocents.’ Cleopatra sneered, ‘you have traitors blood. But they swept it under the rug.’
‘Liar!’ Human Kamilah spat at the ground towards Cleopatra.
Dorian screwed his fist, human Kamilah falling to her knees in agony, holding her hand. Alice glanced at her wife, seeing her eyes close tight, trying to block out the pain, her past reminding her of the intense pain she went through, how she held out despite how much it felt like her head was going to explode. Alice couldn’t stand to watch the pain her loved one was in.
‘Enough!’ Alice stepped forward, Dorian knocking Kamilah unconscious with one final blast, her body crumbling to the ground. ‘You called us here! For what?! For you to parade around like your someone important. History doesn’t take kindly to you!’
Gaius glared. “She is my queen.”
‘Thank god I’m not your queen anymore.’ Kamilah felt a chill down her spine still hearing those words.
‘Your mine.’ Alice winked at her.
‘I can feel my blood through your veins. You disgusting filth.’
Alice pulled out her blade. Sharp and reflecting in the moonlight. ‘Enough of your bullshit Gaius. Your no god. Or king. Just ashes to be reclaimed by the Earth.’ She stood in front of the Sayeed twins ready for whatever was to come.
‘You sure about that?’ Dorian smirked. Serafine dragged out in chains beside the others, each of them bloodied and beaten, Adrian’s difficulty to breath, feeling how broken his body was. Lily’s side burnt by fire, how desperate they were for blood, like it had been sucked out of them, the goodness and essence of it, unlike anything she had seen before. Cal’s fur torn up as he was tossed like a rag doll to the ground, turning back into a human, his body littered in bruises, Katherine helping Alex in, unconscious and heavily bleeding. Whatever back up plan to get them out was gone, they only way out now was through Dorian Cleopatra and Gaius. They had to die or they would, the terms were simple and there was no negotiating with the enemy, no pleading or begging. ‘You want to kill everyone you care about? You want to watch everyone you love die?’
Alice noticed Nik was missing, the only member of the team absent. She wasn’t sure what to make of it, but knew he was in the palace somewhere.
‘Well?’ Gaius pulled out his blade with his only arm, ready for a fight. Ready to make the kill.
Alice hesitated. Staring down Dorian approaching, flames rising from his hands. His soldiers appearing from the shadows, ready for a fight. Serafine managing to get to her hands and knees, nodding to her. Her voice echoing in her mind. ‘Stop him... at any cost.’ Alice tightened the grip on her blade, her knuckles whitening. Her breath unsteady and her heart pounding but then she felt the calming presence beside her as her daggers unsheathed together. And then Lysimachus pulling out his Egyptian sword and scraping it along the palace floor. The Sayeed family would fight together. For their family. For their home.
Dorian sneered before gritting his teeth. ‘You choose death then.’
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wildsayeed · 5 years
i need PB (and everyone who doesn’t read BB or thinks it’s overrated or even cliché) to understand that when i say i need more Bloodbound books i don’t only say it because i’m obsessed with Kamilah Sayeed (yes, i do sometimes but not always hahah)
please hear me out.
I need to discover what the hell is a bloodkeeper, i want answers to all the questions everyone (even Rheya) seems to have... I want to know why MC’s mom was distant sometimes, I want to know more of all the characters’ history... c’mon kamilah’s 2,060+ years old! this bitch has been through literally everything! agh there’s just SOOO MUCHH stuff to be told and explained!! those weird dreams and random voices from Book 2??? hello????? i’m still REALLY confused over those!!
i want to see Kami and Adrian when they were young and helping each other on their hard times. what are their purposes in life? do they even have one after all these years?? why’s kamilah so badass??? I want to see Lysimachus and know more about him and Kamilah’s history in general... I want to know more of Adrian’s too and I want to see the first time Jax found a sword and fell in love with them.
i want to know how Lula was turned and how old she actually is? why are the Lis here so different to all of the others from the rest of the books?? they don’t get jealous, cool, but... none of them ever mentions polyamory either or being okay with it like,, how does that even work??? do you just hook up with everyone and that’s it? are there actually any feelings involved? do they just ignore it because there’s so much chaos and things going around and they prefer solving this and leaving love and romance to the last minute? is it literally not important to them?? do any of those thoughts have to do with the fact that they live “forever”???????
there’s just SO much stuff to dig and every chapter that is released only rises more and more questions that yes, i do love my Li and i want to keep seeing them, but damn it! i also want answers to all the history and literally everything that’s mentioned! these books are full of interesting stuff and WILL make tons of profit for PB. i don’t understand why they need to leave so much stuff unknown!
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emma-nation · 5 years
Without You - Bloodbound AU (Chapter 12) *For You Sequel*
Summary: Gaius is back. While coming up with a plan to take him down, the gang must deal with some new life-changing events.
Genre: Angst/Adventure/Romance
Rating: T - Warning for violence and language
Tag List: @begging-for-kamilah, @lulu-the-cat, @ilovekamilahsayeed, @zoe6111, @kennaxval (If you want to be tagged in future chapters/fics of this pairing let me know!)
- English is my second language, please forgive me for any mistakes.
- Hope you enjoy it, your reviews and likes are always appreciated.
- My apologies for the delay. I’m not having much time to work on my fics.
Kamilah stood frozen, watching as Amy’s body fell limp on the ground. Her paralyzed eyes looking straight into hers, as her blood streamed across the room, in the direction of the magical seal Lysimachus created to trap Gaius.
In contact with her blood, the seal erupted in blue flames and he was no longer able to use his powers as Maker.
“Your stupid whore!” He shouted angrily at Priya. “You don’t even know what you’ve just done, do you?”
“Actually I do…” Priya smirked. “It’s the end of the line for you, Old Ass.”
“You could’ve used her blood! Even a dirty blood as yours would become the purest. How does it feel, huh? To know you lost the opportunity of becoming the most powerful Vampire living in this planet? Let me guess, he hid that from you.”
Priya stared at him in silence, conflicted. Kamilah knew perfectly what Gaius was doing, he knew Priya’s weaknesses and was using them to manipulate her.
She didn’t care. Only one thing was in her mind, Amy. Her Amy. She was dead in front of her. She took a few steps and kneeled right beside her.
“Amy…” she squeezed the girl’s hand.
Her soft and warm skin was now pale and cold. There was no pulse or any signs that she still had a single bit of life in her body. The heartbeats Kamilah loved so much to hear no longer existed. Inside of Amy’s chest was only silence. A silence she was very familiar with.
At distance, Priya and Lysimachus argued. She accused him of lying and omitting information to force her to join the plan.
“Kamilah!” Lysimachus looked at her and yelled. “What are you doing? Kill him, now!”
But she couldn’t move. It was like time had stopped around her and all she could see was Amy’s corpse lying in front of her. She looked down to her hands, they were completely covered by her fiancée’s blood. Her head started hurting again, forcing her into memories that she fought hard to forget…
—– Flashback —–
Venice, Italy -  1540
Kamilah stared at the small package she had just acquired. A silver ring, engraved with a rare diamond found in a tomb in Egypt recently. A small smile formed in the corners of her mouth.
She entered a small door that lead to a wooden staircase. She followed her way to a small studio, the one she had been living in the last eight months with Elena Fontana, a young artist she was sponsoring, and also her lover.
“Elena?” She called, not hearing a response. “I’m home ”
She looked around, spotting no signs the young woman was even there. She furrowed her brows confused. Being a newly Turned Vampire, Elena was insecure of leaving the house alone. Especially with the rumors of a skilled Hunter being around, mercilessly taking lives of all supernatural creatures that dared to cross his path.
Kamilah started having a bad feeling about it. An intuition that something had happened to Elena in her absence. Sometimes her bloodlust would be out of control and she’d accidentally hurt the mortals she was feeding from, what could attract them negative attention. Kamilah placed the ring inside a drawer and locked it with a key.
“It was too soon anyways,” she thought.
“K-Kamilah,” a female voice came from the bedroom, “what are you doing home so early? I-I thought you weren’t supposed to be here until dawn.”
Elena suddenly emerged in the living room.
“The meeting ended earlier than planned. Why do you look so nervous? What have you been up to while I was out?”
“My new Vampire senses, they did magic for my art! I finished a whole set of paintings in only a few hours! I’ve never been so inspired.”
She grabbed Kamilah’s hand and took her to the bedroom, where she examined her surroundings, observing five wonderful paintings.
“Oh my god. This is…” she took one the paintings in her hands, to examine it closer, “amazing. You’re finally going to achieve the recognition you deserve.”
“All thanks to you, amore mio.”
Elena embraced her from behind, placing a soft kiss on her neck. Though the windows were covered by heavy curtains, Kamilah was bothered by the rain that started falling outside.
“What’s wrong, Kamilah?” Elena asked.
“Nothing, just… the rain outside, the grey clouds… it’s giving me a bad feeling.”
“But you were just excited! Kamilah, you should start a career as a dramatic poet, you’ve got talent.”
She ignored Elena’s attempts to lighten her mood.
“Are you hungry?” She asked. “It has been almost two days since you last fed.
"I’m afraid to lose control again,” Elena’s expression darkened.
“You’ll never learn if you don’t practice enough. Like your paintings.”
She brushed off a strand of Elena’s hair that was falling over her face and caressed her exposed cheek.
“It’s not, my art is a gift. This is a curse.”
“It depends on how you see it.”
“True, knowing I’ll spend the rest of my life with you, that’s a gift.”
Kamilah kissed her forehead and the two of them went out into the night. They only had a couple of hours before the sunrise.
When they returned, Elena was upset. Once again she failed to tame her instincts. While Kamilah drank only a small amount of blood, she almost killed a man. They went straight to bed, where they fell asleep quickly. Elena didn’t want much physical contact at the moment, she wanted to be left alone, what Kamilah respected.
She woke up hours later in a hurry. As she opened her eyes, she could barely see anything with a distorted vision and a foggy head. Her heart was also racing abnormally… She only had time to dodge an attack, a stake pointed to her chest.
A male figure escaped through the open window before she could have any reaction. Kamilah quickly closed and covered it with the heavy curtains again. The sunlight affected Elena more than herself.
“Elena?” She turned around, looking for the young artist. But all she could find, were her ashes, spread over her side of the bed.
It couldn’t be. Elena. Her sweet Elena was dead.
—– End Of Flashback —–
Kamilah’s head was spinning, making her see Amy’s blood mixed with Elena’s ashes in her hands. A wave of darkness filled her soul and suddenly all the humanity she still had left was gone. Her instincts should be fully taking control of her body and turning her into a killer machine, but instead, she felt nothing, only pure emptiness.
“I failed to protect you… like I failed to protect her…”
“Kamilah!” Lysimachus was attempting to get her attention. For some reason, she couldn’t focus on his voice, everytime she did, memories of the day he was taken by the Romans started to erupt in her mind. She struggled against them.
“… failed to protect Lyimachus.”
The darkness inside was becoming unbearable. She grabbed one of her daggers, pointing it straight to her heart.
“What are you–?” He stopped. “Your psycho son of a bitch!”
The sound of someone being tackled to the ground and being repeatedly punched, finally caught some of her attention. She turned around, noticing her brother attacked Jameson. All she had time to see was his heart being removed, as well as his body turning into ashes.
“Kamilah, he was using his hypnotic tricks to mess with your head,” Lysimachus yelled. “Wake up, sister. Resist it!”
She observed Amy’s body again, then the puddle of blood by her side. She started having a strange sensation. A image started to form inside it, calling her, sinking her into it…
—– Flashback —–
Venice, Italy -  1540
Late night in a tavern, two men were chatting, in the most secluded table.
“King Gaius Augustine, I have the honor to announce your enemies will no longer bother your majesty.”
“Wolf Of Venice, you really do justice to your name,” Gaius stroked his cheek. “Who would say you could become such a loyal servant?”
Gaius delivered him the payment.
“But, My King, this is so much more than we arranged.”
“I know. There’s one last favor I need from you,” he handed him a piece of paper with an address.
“T-This is Kamilah Sayeed and her lover’s address.”
“Yes, and your killing them both.”
“She’s rumored to be one of the oldest Vampires around, making her highly powerful and fast.”
Gaius smirked and pushed a small vial in his direction.
“It won’t be a problem, once they drink this. It’s acts like a drug in our system, making us weak and stunned. Give it to a mortal of your trust, make sure to place it at the right place in the right time, when they go out hunting for a prey.”
—– End Of Flashback —–
When Kamilah returned to reality her eyes were burning red in rage. She dropped her dagger and turned her attention to Gaius.
“You ordered my death too… and you poisoned us! This is why I failed to protect her!”
“If you’re not My Queen, you won’t be anyone else’s,” Gaius spoke.
She grabbed the ceremonial stake Lysimachus found at Wright’s office, carved with ancient inscriptions. As it made contact with Amy’s blood, a blue flame erupted from it’s sharp tip.
“I. Am. Not. Your. Queen!“ she angered and lunged in his direction. "Not anymore.”
“You hid that from me, Hunter?” Priya questioned him. “You didn’t told me everything this mortal’s blood could do, so I wouldn’t have another choice but joining your plan!”
“Priya, I didn’t know it until recently and… would you even consider it? Take Amy’s life to obtain power, instead of killing him?”
“It’s easy for you to say. You’re not the weakest. You’re powerful, influent… The Council always underestimated me! They treat me like I’m still a filthy whore.”
“Stop! Can’t you see he’s playing games with your mind?”
“You’re exactly like–”
They both stopped, staring at the ground where Kamilah was kneeled near Amy’s body. Her eyes were wide and paralyzed in some sort of shock state.
“Kamilah!” Lysimachus yelled. “What are you doing? Kill him, now!”
She wouldn’t listen. A single tear streamed down her cheek.
“I failed to protect you… like I failed to protect her…” she started mumbling.
“… failed to protect Lyimachus.”
“What the…”
The more he tried to get her attention and take her out of that state, more she’d go deeper into it. In an act of desperation and trauma, she grabbed one of her daggers and pointed to her chest. Gaius started to laugh hysterically.
“My Queen, so much for nothing… for you to be come frail and vulnerable because of a mortal.”
“Kamilah, darling,” Priya shouted. “It’s not time for reminisce on our personal tragedies. Go there and kill him, before he escapes. The Kamilah I know wouldn’t do it. She’s brave, tough, short-tempered…”
“The Kamilah I know wouldn’t do it,” Lysimachus thought. He knew that. He never expected this attitude coming from his twin sister. If she was strong enough to keep fighting by herself for five years after he was taken, how did she suddenly became so fragile? Then, he looked to a dark corner of the room, noticing they were not alone. Jameson was hiding behind a wooden column, doing some movements with his hands. He was using the hypnosis the was partially inside Kamilah’s brain to control her.
“What are you–?” He stopped. “Your psycho son of a bitch!”
Without thinking twice, he tackled him to the ground and started punching them repeatedly. What finally caught some of Kamilah’s attention. Wasting no more time, he shoved his hand inside Jameson’s chest, extracting his heart.
“I’m sorry, master. I failed…” he said, before vanishing into ashes.
“Kamilah, he was using his hypnotic tricks to mess with your head,” Lysimachus yelled. “Wake up, sister. Resist it!”
She looked to Amy’s blood again. Lysimachus approached, noticing Amy’s powers were showing her something… a vision from her past… something she never imagined. Kamilah returned to reality, in all her strength and power.
“You ordered my death too… and you poisoned us! This is why I failed to protect her!” Her eyes were blood-red in anger.
“If you’re not My Queen, you won’t be anyone else’s,” Gaius spoke.
“Show him who you are,“ Lysimachus smirked and threw something to his sister. The ceremonial stake he took from Wright’s office. The one that could kill Gaius or any other ancient vampires, if used correctly. When she dripped it in Amy’s blood, blue flames started burning in the tip.
“This is badass,” Priya grinned. “Do it, Kamilah. Take down his Old Ass for good!”
“I. Am. Not. Your. Queen!” Kamilah smirked and lunged into Gaius direction. She stopped, aware she couldn’t enter the seal. “Not anymore.”
Kamilah aimed at his heart, but before she could give the final blow, Gaius grabbed her wrist.
“You’re coming with me, My Queen.”
“Let me go,” she struggled, trying to free herself, her feet was just crossing the line between the circle and the outside. Though she was strong, Gaius was even stronger, she wouldn’t be able to escape his grip.
Lysimachus looked at Priya and winked.
“What?” She asked.
“Remember what I told you… before we enter here.”
In a flash, he threw himself at Gaius, restraining him by the arms.
“Kamilah, now. Stake him!”
His sister did as ordered. The stake teared through Gaius flesh, striking him exactly in the heart. The blue flames spread, consuming his entire body so intensely that it hurt their eyes.
“No,” he yelled. “Kamilah, you’ll r…”
When Lysimachus opened his eyes again, there was nothing but Gaius’ ashes inside the magical seal with him.
“It’s over,” he said. “We defeated him.”
“Brother,” Kamilah opened her eyes too. “But… you…”
“I couldn’t let him take you.”
The seal started to close, it was a matter of seconds before it consumed him too.
“How can I un-do it?” Kamilah asked. “There got to be a way!”
“You’ll need an element to counter the magical forces. It’s useless now, sister. We don’t have time…”
“I’m not losing you again.”
“That’s okay, sister,” he extended his hands, touching her for the last time. “I’m thankful for these months we had together.”
“Shit!” Priya shouted. “Think fast… an element to counter magical forces… something witches hate… of course!”
Lysimachus and Kamilah exchanged confused glances as she approached the circle and grabbed the dagger he gifted her, opening a gash on her palm. As her blood dripped on the seal, the flames settled and started fading…
“What do they hate more then Vampire’s blood? We’re cursed creatures. Undead beings…”
“There’s actually a functioning brain  inside her head,” Kamilah teased.
Noticing he was finally safe, Lysimachus went in their direction, hugging them both at the same time.
“You know that it could’ve gone seriously wrong and killed us all,” he told Priya.
“But it worked!”
“It seems like it.”
Kamilah went back to Amy’s side, taking her in her arms and healing the cut on her neck.
“How long is it going to take, after we do the blood transfusion?”
“Only a few hours,” Lysimachus tried to assure her, but inside he wasn’t completely secure. There were no guarantees the spell had actually worked.
“Is this how being dead feels like?” That was Amy’s first thought before she could actually open her eyes. She felt afraid of what was waiting for her on the other side.
Everything was dark. Distantly, all she could hear were voices. Kamilah, Lysimachus, Gaius… they were on battle. A battle that would decide the fate of both humans and Vampires. She got up and started running in their direction, but she couldn’t. It was like she was trapped on an endless world of darkness.
“Kamilah,” she called, hoping her fiancée would be able to hear, but as expected, there was no response.
After a while the voices silenced and she was completely alone. She sat down and started crying. That place gave her chills.
“There you are,” she looked up, noticing Lysimachus’ witch friend was standing in front of her.
“A-Are you dead too?” She asked, fearing the spell had gone wrong.
“Technically, no. But since we’re linked I felt you were in trouble and created a portal to find you. Get up, it’s time to return to your body.”
“How do I return?”
“Focus on yourself, on your body. You should get pulled back instantly.”
Amy closed her eyes, thinking about herself. Images of her body, lying on her bed at Kamilah’s penthouse, started to form inside her brain. She started being pulled when another force stopped her.
“I-I can’t…” she cried. “Something is not letting me!”
“Try again,” the witch told. “You’re too anxious.”
She tried, over and over again, only to fail repeatedly.
“I don’t wanna die…”
“Weird. Stay here, I’ll be right back.”
Amy sighed, displeased at the fact she was alone again. She wondered if the witch would even be able to return for her rescue. She closed her eyes, attempting to come back one more time, when she felt someone approaching.
“Amy, I’ve been waiting for you,” a female voice echoed in the darkness.
“Huh?!” She looked around, not seeing anyone.
“You need me…” the voice spoke again, “and I need you.”
A stunningly beautiful figure appeared in front of her.
“W-Who are you?”
“You’re my fate, Amy. Now come, join me. Your soul will give me the power I need to live again.”
“This is how some groups called me, but I’ve had other names in different eras, different places… you call me as you want, my sweet Amy.”
Her voice was intoxicating, poisoning… for an instant, Amy felt she was under a spell she couldn’t escape. She felt Keaseth’s soul calling for hers, drawing hers.
“No,” she resisted. “I can’t do this.”
“You did, Amy. At the time you agreed to sacrifice yourself for a purpose, you agreed to join me.”
Amy tried to run, but Keaseth appeared in front of her. It was like she was everywhere in the darkness, in every corned she attempted to run to.
“Help,” she screamed. “Somebody help me!”
“They can’t hear you, Amy. It’s only you and me now, we’ll become one.”
The darkness disappeared and Amy saw herself in the temple again, the same one where Mrs. Wright attempted to sacrifice her. Keaseth was waiting for her to open the sarcophagus and enter, so they could merge.
“Dammit! I don’t wanna do this,” Amy closed her eyes, but a force keep pushing her into that direction and nothing she did was able to stop it. The First Vampire had a supernatural force like no one she had even seen before.
When she opened her eyes again, she was standing in front of her sarcophagus. Her hand moving involuntarily to open it.
“No,” she tried to resist it, “it’s a nightmare. Only another nightmare…”
“Amy! Stop!” Lysimachus’ witch friend had returned. “What are you doing?”
“I don’t wanna do this, she’s forcing me,” Amy pointed to Keaseth, who was standing next to the sarcophagus, smiling.
“Oh my god! S-She’s real!”
“I don’t care, just make her stop. Please.”
“My children,” Keaseth shook her head, “your forces are nothing compared to mine. You could never defeat me.”
“But maybe,” the witch started casting a spell, “my ancestors can. The same who trapped you inside this place before!”
She opened a portal and a white light invaded the whole room. Amy couldn’t see anything, but she could hear thousands of voices. Voices of witches of all eras and generations, with one only mission, to banish Keaseth again.
“No,” she yelled. “Amy, you need to help me. Come merge with me, you were born for this!”
“I make my own destiny,“ Amy answered.
"There will be consequences. Be ready to face them.”
Whatever she had to face, Amy didn’t care. All she wished for was to live a normal life with Kamilah, where she would be able to work, travel the world and start a family someday.
“Permission granted,” a voice coming from the portal told her. “If that’s what you wish for, you shall now return to your body.”
Amy nodded with a small smile on her face, before closing her eyes and feel she was being pulled back to her body.
Kamilah placed the earphones and played that file one more time. She closed her eyes, paying attention on the heartbeats. Heartbeats she could no longer find in Amy’s chest.
Eight hours had passed since they finished the ritual and she was showing no signals of coming back to life. Kamilah found a note, blinking on Amy’s cell phone screen, asking her to turn on her laptop.
When she did, her pain only got more intense. Amy made a video saying goodbye, telling her to promise she’d still be happy. How she was supposed to be happy without the one person that made her feel happiness?
“Hey, sister,” Lysimachus entered the room. “You should feed. It’s been a while…”
“I’m not hungry.”
“Of course you are, the last time you…”
“You said she was going to come back,” she interrupted. “You promised me!”
“It may take a while.”
“Who are you trying to fool? Amy’s dead. She isn’t showing any improvement!”
Her brother sighed and looked at the girl, who was lying on the bed.
“I’m gonna talk to my friend, she’ll explain me what’s going on.”
Kamilah stared at him in silence, before recomposing herself. It wasn’t his fault. In truth, she almost lost him too. If wasn’t for Priya, the one person she didn’t trust at all, the seal would’ve consumed him along with Gaius. He wrapped his arms around her in a protective manner.
“What happened during the battle?” He asked. “What that monster was forcing you to see?”
“Memories from my past,” Kamilah answered. “From when you were captured, from when the Wolf Of Venice killed my lover.”
“And then? What made you return to your senses?”
“Amy’s blood. It showed Gaius closing a deal with that Hunter. He wanted me dead too, and as he knew it was impossible to kill me naturally, he poisoned us, so we’d be asleep. I didn’t feed much from a man that night, as for Elena… she almost killed him. That’s why I woke up in time to save myself. I lament I couldn’t save her too, but…”
“But?” Her brother raised his eyebrows curious.
“If she had survived, I wouldn’t have met Amy. And after this vision, I feel better about it. I have the feeling she knows why I couldn’t save her and that she’s happy for me.”
“I’m sure she is,” Lysimachus kissed her forehead. “I’ll bring Amy back, no matter what, okay? I promised her she’d marry you and I promise you the same, sister. On Saturday, you’ll be the most beautiful bride this planet has ever seen.”
“Stop,” she rolled her eyes, punching him slightly in the arm. “You’re making me blush and I hate it.”
“Of course,” he dragged her to a mirror. “With a twin like me, everyone will know where you’ve got your good looks from.”
“Oh, shut up.”
“Okay, I’ll be right back…” he started leaving the room, suddenly Kamilah remembered one small detail.
“You’re forgetting something important.”
“What is it?”
“I’m older. You’ve got the good looks from me, little brother.”
He didn’t answer, making Kamilah smile in satisfaction. Back when they were children, Lysimachus always hated to be reminded she was born first.
“Five minutes is not even a difference!” He yelled from the corridor, making her let out a small laugh before she returned to Amy’s side.
"Ouch!” Priya complained as they entered the car. “Ouch, ouch… it hurts!”
“What’s wrong?” Lysimachus asked.
“My skin, it’s burning! My Daylight Ring isn’t working.”
“But why? What have you done? Did you break any of the rules?”
“Of course not!”
He quickly closed the windows, preventing the sunlight from entering the car.
“That little witch better have a good explanation,” Priya grunted as they parked the car in front the small building.
Lysimachus knocked at his friend’s door, obtaining no answer. He felt a shiver going down his spine. If something happened to her, it meant Amy’s life was also threatened. Using his skills, he picked the lock and rushed inside.
She was nowhere to be found. He only wasn’t able to check one room. The one she used for magic. He couldn’t forcefully open that door, he’d be violating the witches’ rules.
Lysimachus called her name once again.
“Just a minute,” she finally answered. “We’re in trouble here.”
He sat on the living room to wait. Priya complaining all the time about her ring. He sighed, trying to not lose his patience. How could she be so selfish in a moment like this? When Amy’s life was in danger.
"Do you think I messed it up?” She asked. “Amy, I mean. Kamilah is going to kill me.”
“Of course not, you did as I told you.”
“But then, why my ring isn’t working? It’s obvious, I killed an innocent mortal.”
“Oh my god,” what she said made sense, what scared him even more.
About half an hour later, the female witch appeared in the living room.
“Sorry, it took longer than planned…” she panted, “but we did it. Amy is back to her body.”
Lysimachus sighed in relief.
"This is why I came to you. It’s been almost nine hours and she hadn’t returned yet.”
“Keaseth was trapping her. She wanted Amy’s soul to come back to life.”
“Really?!” His eyes widened in surprise. Though he was 2064 years old, so far all he had ever listened about the First Vampire were myths and legends.
“Yes, we had a hard time to banish her.”
“Do you think she will cause us trouble in the future?”
“I’m not sure, she’s determined but, Amy’s a tough one, she’ll know how to protect herself.”
“Enough with the First Vampire bullshit,” Priya whined. “I want to know why my ring isn’t working!”
“It’s simple,” the witch answered. “You violated one of the rules.”
“I didn’t, I only killed Amy because of the ritual, and because you assured she’d live again.”
“Hmmm…” the young female paused for a second, as if she was waiting for a response from her ancestors. “Basically, you insulted the witches. You violated a sacred magical seal. With your Vampire blood, what makes it ten times worse.”
“I did it to because someone went on a suicidal mission to kill Gaius. I saved Hunter’s life, this should be taken in consideration!”
“You still can have it back,” the witch assured. “All you have to do is to beg for the witches’ forgiveness.”
Priya rolled her eyes before starting yelling “I’m sorry” at random places of the room. Lysimachus controlled himself to not laugh.
“On your knees, to show you regret what you’ve done.”
Priya angrily followed the witch’s suggestion.
“Explain your reasons.”
“I only did it to save H… I mean, Lysimachus.”
“Because I ca… we’re friends. And Kamilah shouldn’t lose her fiancée and brother in the same day, right?”
Lysimachus couldn’t hold it anymore, he burst into laughs.
“It’s only a temporary suspension,” his friend whispered. “I’m only testing if she can be trusted. And torturing her a little bit.”
Amy coughed as the air returned to her lungs. She still felt dizzy, making it hard for her to finally open her eyes.
“What you did was absolutely stupid, Amy. You knew you were going to die! You didn’t even consider how I was going to feel about it!”
“Good morning to you too, Kamilah,” she mumbled.
When she was finally able to see the female vampire, she was sitting by her side on the bed, with a scowl on her face, fighting hard to hide a smile.
“I thought you were dead.”
“But I’m not,” Amy sat down to hug her and she retributed, with all the strenght of a 2064 years old Vampire.
“Ouch! You’re gonna kill me for real…”
“You’re never doing this again.”
“I hope not, it wasn’t a very pleasant experience.”
Kamilah buried her face on her chest to hear her heartbeats. Amy stroked her hair, noticing how desperate she looked, for thinking she had lost her. After a quiet moment together, she sighed, ready to know about the battle against Gaius and tell Kamilah what happened.
“How was the battle?” Amy asked, still caressing Kamilah’s soft hair. “Was it hard to defeat him?”
“Not really,” she told, face still buried on her chest. “But I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Did he try anything with you?”
She didn’t answer. Amy didn’t push her. She knew when Kamilah felt comfortable enough she’d eventually tell her.
“I almost couldn’t make it, you know?” Amy changed the subject. “S-She was trapping me there. She wanted to use me to come back to life.”
“Who, Amy?” Kamilah faced her again. “Who are you talking about?”
“The First Vampire.”
Amy told her everything that happened while she was out of her body.
“They were able to contain her for a while, but something tells me she won’t be giving up.”
“We won’t let it happen,” Kamilah enlaced her fingers with hers. “And if she finds a manner… we’ll fight together.”
Amy gave her a small smile, before drawing her for a kiss.
“So, Kamilah Sayeed, there’s no escape now. We’re getting married.”
“I’m not going anywhere. Are you?”
“Not at all. Actually, I’m looking forward for that SPA day you promised me.”
“Hmmm I was thinking, we should extended our stay. Would you like go, right now?”
After reuniting with Lysimachus, Priya, Lily and Adrian, Amy said goodbye again, before entering Kamilah’s car.
“I can’t believe it,” Lily had teary eyes, “next time I see you, it’ll will be on your wedding day.”
“Yes, Lil and I’m sure you’ll be the hell of a bridesmaid!”
Next: Kamilah and Amy are getting married! Will they finally say ‘yes’? Stay Tuned!
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Three’s a Dream Pt7
Pt1  Pt2  Pt3  Pt4  Pt5  Pt6
“Amy, we’re going to be late,” Kamilah called, grabbing a pear.
“Sorry, I’m coming,” she called back.
Getting Amy out of bed in the morning was becoming increasingly more difficult, but Kamilah didn’t mind. After all, she was working hard growing their baby. The least she could do was let her sleep in a little.
Amy strolled out, hand on her stomach. She was starting to show and she felt self-conscious in her normal clothes, despite Kamilah’s reassurances.
“Hi beautiful,” she said as she walked over towards her. “How are my loves this morning?”
Amy smiled. Kamilah was so sweet as she dealt with pregnancy symptoms, she couldn’t help but love her more each day. “We’re doing well,” she replied. “Ready for our check-in with the doctor.”
“Great,” Kamilah replied with a smile. “Let’s get going. Here, breakfast.”
Amy smiled begrudgingly. “Thank you,” she replied.
They climbed into the car, Kamilah driving them to the doctor’s office as Amy ate the pear. Kamilah had taken to playing classical music whenever the baby was in the car.
“It stimulates their brain,” she’d argued. Amy was grateful that Kamilah cared so much about little bean’s well-being, and equally grateful that she and Lily would have a role in their life so they could have some fun every once in a while.
“Nervous?” Kamilah asked as she turned into the parking lot of the doctor’s office.
“Excited,” Amy replied. “We might hear the heartbeat today.”
Kamilah grinned as she shifted the car into park. “Me too,” she said, her heart racing. She couldn’t help but worry that something would be wrong, but she allowed herself to experience a little bit of joy and excitement for what was to come.
Exiting the car, she went to the passenger door and opened it for Amy.
“I can open my own door,” she said. “I’m barely showing.”
“Hey,” Kamilah said. “You and our baby deserve the best.”
Amy smiled, taking her hand as they walked into the doctor’s office. They settled into the waiting room, other moms in different stages of their pregnancies sitting around them.
Amy laid her head on Kamilah’s shoulder, the warmth making her feel so comfortable. Kamilah smiled down at her as she cuddled close, her heart full of love and joy.
“Sayeed,” the nurse called. Kamilah stood, helping Amy up. They followed the nurse to a room where Kamilah helped Amy change into a gown.
“I love you,” Kamilah said absently as she folded Amy’s clothes.
“I love you too,” Amy said smiling. A knock on the door interrupted the moment.
The nurse got Amy situated, setting up for the ultrasound. “Alright,” she said. “Do you want to hear your baby’s heartbeat?”
“Yes,” Amy said, breathing gently.
The nurse positioned the wand, looking at the screen. “Here’s your baby,” she said, switching the sound on. “And here is your baby’s heartbeat.”
A strong whooshing sound echoed through the room. “Oh,” said Amy, tears forming.
Kamilah stood by her shoulder, her breath caught in her lungs. That was her child, strong heart beating. “Oh wow,” she said, trying to blink away the tears.
“Oh,” said the nurse, brows furrowing.
“What is it?” asked Kamilah, stomach dropping. “Is something wrong?”
“Um, no,” said the nurse. “Nothing is wrong, there’s just something unexpected here…”
She moved the wand around some more, positioning it on Amy’s stomach. She cleared her throat.
“Here,” she said, pointing to the screen and moving the wand slightly. “Here is your second baby.”
“What?” asked Amy, shocked.
“You’re having twins,” the nurse said, removing the wand from Amy’s stomach.
“Twins?” asked Kamilah, eyes wide. Tears streamed down her face as she thought of her own twin brother, Lysimachus.
“I’ll give you two a moment,” said the nurse, turning and exiting the room.
“Twins,” Amy repeated, trying to wrap her head around the news. She turned her head, looking at Kamilah. “Kami?”
Kamilah pulled herself back, looking down at Amy. “Twins,” she said, a huge smile breaking out on her face. “We’re having twins.”
Amy breathed a sigh of relief, seeing the happiness on her face. She couldn’t help the tears streaming down her cheeks. “I--I don’t know what to say.”
“Oh Amy,” Kamilah breathed, pulling her into a hug. “I’m so happy, baby. I’m so happy.”
Amy smiled, returning the hug. “Me too, Kami. Me too.”
After a few minutes had passed, the nurse came back in with a photo of their babies and got Amy cleaned up.
“Congratulations, you two,” she said as she left the room so that Amy could change back into her clothes.
Kamilah helped Amy get dressed and they headed to the car. As they walked down the hall, Kamilah slipped her hand into Amy’s. Amy turned and looked at her, smiling wide.
“Twins,” she said, once again.
“Twins,” Kamilah replied, smiling. “Twice the love, twice the experiences, twice the wonder.”
“I’m scared,” Amy admitted.
“Me too,” replied Kamilah. “But I know that with you by my side, we can do anything.”
Amy smiled. “Of course,” said Amy, squeezing her hand. “We’re the best team.”
Kamilah opened the car door, waiting for Amy to climb in before closing it and walking over to the drivers side.
“Oh gosh,” said Amy, thinking about the news. “Now we have to tell our friends.”
Kamilah’s eyes widened. “Now we have to tell Lily,” she said, fear in her eyes.
Amy took her hand, taking a deep breath. “We’ve got this,” she assured her.
Kamilah nodded. “Together.”
Part 8
Tag list: @h-doodles @scarlet-letter-a0114 @wildsayeed @lightning-fury  @galaxyside-0 @blogsupitssam  @ilovetaylor13m @la-guera-69 @adrianrainesworld @iam-the-fuckin-queen @hela-odinsdottir @jen825 @sheyah @lifesadance96 @theoblivionforest @kamilahsayeed-owns-me @sayeedbound @scaryqueenbee @kamilahismyqueen
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thequeenb · 5 years
Destiny (part 1)
A request from @lightning-fury
Pairings: KamilahxMC
"What is meant to be always finds a way"
Kamilah was never used on having a relationship neither she was willing to. But Amy came in her life and she was drawn to that woman.
The cold and cynical woman she always was softened under Amy's gaze even she never admitted it. Everything was perfect the first few months, Kamilah cleared her schedule for Amy and spent time with her even texting her something she wasn't familiar with. But all that changed on one specific night.
Amy walked inside Kamilah's office furiously knowing when you play with fire you get burned
"Are you serious??" Amy yelled crossing her arms as Kamilah was surprised she saw her Infront of her, in her office, while she work. No one disturb her when she works. "Who let you in?" Amy laughed sarcastically not believe what was happening "Do i need permission??" Kamilah didn't bother to listen to a mewling mortal, especially while filling in documents that until "I ASKED A QUESTION" Amy now sounded really serious "am i a toy to you? A slut you fuck and then leave???" "Amy if you could j-" but Amy made the decision she wish she never made "look Kamilah you use me and-" but she stopped when she found herself pinned against the wall, Kamilah was Infront of her, eyes red and her sharp fangs out. "Listen to me mortal" she started holding Amy's hands tight "Ouch you hurt me Kamilah!!" But she didn't listen, it was like another person was inside her. "No one. Disturb me. When i work." Kamilah said angrily still holding Amy "Who even are you?? You hurt me Kamilah!!" But she didn't listen to her she wasn't planning to. "You think you matter?" Kamilah's angry voice echoed in Amy's mind. Maybe it was a nightmare, please let it be a nightmare. Kamilah pushed Amy hard, making her land on the floor. "Are you crazy??!!" Amy tried to stand up but Kamilah's strength was unbeatable, she was at her mercy. "Why do you think you are so special? You were just a person to pass my time with when i was free" Kamilah said laughing sarcastically "you really thought i would fall in love with a mortal like you". Amy stood there, tears falling from her eyes, how could she not see it before? Those words cut deeper than a knife in Amy's heart she stared at Kamilah in disbelief. "I will go.." it was all she could say with her shaky voice but before she had a chance to go Amy felt two sharp fangs cut deep into her neck this cant be happening can it? She cares Amy she will stop..she will stop..she.. will..
But Kamilah took it to far this time, drinking Amy's blood like her life depended on it. Amy fell unconscious as she caught her, blood dripping down her chin "That will teach you a lesson" she smirked as she carried her to her car. What happened to Kamilah? The one who used to not care about her safety as long as Amy was safe?
Amy tried to open her eyes even if she couldn't. She heard voices and conversations, she felt needles in her hands but she believed it was just a dream, until she opened her eyes. "Great you are awake Miss Parker" a nurse said reading her clipboard "You fainted last night, Miss Sayeed informed us about the incident, you had a deep mark in your neck that we tried our best to recover but rather than that your health is fine you should be able to leave tomorrow, if you need anything dont hesitate to call me" and like that she left Amy alone. What the hell happened? but then flashbacks came back
"Kamilah stop!!!" Amy moaned in pain not believing what is happening, is that really Kamilah? Is this just another nightmare" "Please..it hurts" she tried to push Kamilah away even if she failed, until everything started to spin around her as she closed her eyes.
"No.." she said as tears run down her cheeks. The woman she trusted with her life failed her. Did she pretended all these months? Was she always this cruel and she was so blind in love to notice? Her head was hurting so she decided to rest, in hope her tears will stop that way.
"Thank you very much" Amy said to her nurse as she was exiting the hospital. The sun went down so she wrapped her hands around herself trying her best not to cry. How could she do this? Until now she never found a logical explanation to what caused that behaviour.
Amy walked by Priya's club one drink never hurt anybody.
As she entered the loud music made all her thoughts disappear so she walked to the bar "One dry martini" she ordered as the barman gave her a smile "here you go Miss". Amy drank it in one shot feeling the alcohol burn her throat. Before she could get up she felt a cold hand on her shoulder "Well well" Priya said smiling widely, Amy wasn't in the mood to speak as she waved at her "Follow me, to much loud music here" she said pulling the girl to her large office
Amy sat in one of the huge leather chairs as Priya did the same "Now then to what i owe this pleasure?" The fashion designer said holding Amy's leg "i needed a drink" Amy said coldly, even Priya sensed that something was wrong "Hmm..What happened hm? You dont seem well" is that a genuine concern by Priya Lacroix? Was she really ready to talk about it? But she needed to get it out of her chest so she explained to the vampire what happened watching Priya's eyes turn red "That two faced bitch!!" she said shocked "i knew grandma wasn't as she showed she was" Amy started sobbing running her hands to her hair "Shhh dont cry" Priya said pulling her into her hug, Amy felt safe, like someone really cared about her well being, she enjoyed the warmth "You know you cant sit crying like someone weak would..my forte is revenge" Priya said smiling widely "and you can make her pay". Amy took those words very seriously.
2 months had passed and Amy was weak and vulnerable sitting on her couch all day. She never told anyone what happened but then she touched her wound tears forming in her eyes. "Ouch..". Kamilah never healed her, she left her at her own luck. How could she be so heartless? Amy swears she saw vulnerability in Kamilah's eyes, but then again maybe she was wrong. Amy stood up feeling dizzy as she approached a mirror. She looked at the bite, it was hurting to much. Was that her punishment? Her thoughts were to much to handle as she fell to the floor crying. You can make her pay..you can make her pay.. "I will make her pay" she finally said wiping her tears.
"Are you sure you will be ok?" Lily said as she watched Amy pack her things "absolutely Lil, its a one time opportunity" Amy decided to build her own future, she found someone who was interested in her ideas and wanted to proceed further into giving her a chance. "Dont forget to call me" Lily said wiping her tears "Oh come here" Amy said hugging her best friend goodbye as she walked to her taxi.
Los Angeles, 10pm 3 months later
Amy succeeded to be the best at what she did, many doors opened for her when her ideas were fascinating and helped the company rise to the top. "And our outcome has increased to 30 million dollars a month" Amy said proudly looking over at her boos who nodded in disbelief.
When the meeting ended her boss called her in his office. Amy has been waiting for this month's now. "Hello Amy take a sit" the old man said crossing his hands. "You are remarkable, you sacrifice everything in a little amount of time for this company" Amy smiled "I am determinated at what i do sir" "Please call me Harry" he said smiling. "So the reason i called you here is because i am actually retiring" Amy tried to hide her excitement "And i couldn't think of a better person to rule this empire, you made me proud" Harry said extending hands with Amy "I wont disappoint you i promise"
Everything she ever wanted was right in her hands, she had power glory but what she missed the most was revenge, revenge on the one who broke her as a person and made her feel weak. She stroked her wound reminding herself how cruel Kamilah was its time for you to pay.
Since she decided to make a new beginning she never looked back, she didn't pick up phone calls and didn't rest..what she desired was revenge. Amy was sitting on her couch with a glass of wine trying to think of a way to ruin Kamilah's life. What does she care about the most? Hmm..oh i know..her stupid clan she thought smiling widely. "You will regret Kamilah Sayeed".
New York city, 11pm
"Karen bring me more documents please" Kamilah said sitting back on her chair. She haven't tried to find Amy nor she was planning to, she knew she was to good for her and she decided to push her away the cruel way. Months passed by and no one heard of her. Adrian told Kamilah she would try seek happiness and no turning back. "Here you go Miss Sayeed" Karen said handing her the documents and then leaving her alone with her thoughts. Today was her and her brother's birthday, she smiled to herself thinking back to their good memories.
Even if 2000 + years had passed she could never forget him.
"Come on it will be fun" Lysimachus said as he grabbed Kamilah's hand "You will get us in trouble" she said rolling her eyes but she loved when she had the chance to spend time with her brother.
But her thoughts were interrupted by the open TV she had in her office, she was about to close it when a familiar name popped in the screen.
"Former millionaire Amy Parker made her way to the top in a small amount of time working for Mister Harry's Financial Company, yesterday the Empire was handed to the brilliant young woman only 23 years old".
That was enough to see as Kamilah closed the TV. She was surprised to see how Amy who once was a weak woman was now actually building her own empire. But she couldn't care less so she continued her job without ever thinking about it. Big mistake.
Amy was attending her party to celebrate her achievement in a beautiful red short Armani dress and sparkly diamonds all around her neck,ears and fingers. Months ago she wouldn't care less for expensive tastes and clothes, but her life changed, she changed. She walked with grace around the large living room of her mansion clicking her glass. Everyone stopped whatever they did as silence fell into the room. "I would like to thank you all for coming tonight to celebrate my success" she said smiling "i want to thank Mister Harry for believing in me" her eyes fell on him who nodded greatfully "and i wish you all a lovely night, enjoy our goods" and like that the room filled with cheers and people chatting about a variety of things.
"Miss Parker they are here" her personal guard said. "Lead them to my office" Amy said grabbing another glass of wine.
As she walked in her large office she was greeted by two women, desperate ones.
"Well well, is there is something i can give you? Wine? My blood?" she said laughing for a brief second and then crossed her legs, her expression serious and scary. "They attacked us again, they are unstoppable, stupid Council" one of the women said as Amy was deep in thought "they dont have mercy for clanless do they?" she drank her wine thinking of possible ways to help.
When she came in Los Angeles the first person she spoke to was a Clanless vamprire that soon became her very good friend. She helped as much as she could given the opportunity and she didn't hesitate to tell them about the Council and their secrets.
"With all due respect but weren't you close to the council members? Especially the strongest one Kamilah Sayeed?" the other woman asked as Amy's expression changed to an unreadable one "Yes. Yes i was" she said like she had poison in her mouth and needed to spit it out "i am sorry i didn't want to-" but Amy held up a hand "Dont, you just gave me a brilliant idea" she said smiling widely.
Tag list: @@galaxyside-0 @scarlet-letter-a0114 @la-guera-69 @amorettemcsky @ilovetaylor13m @idkbutkamilah
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