#bb dracula
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Sent by @livelaughlovechai
‘Contrary to the popular opinion, I kinda liked the route they took for Dracula, definitely wouldn't mind seeing other literary characters in the that quirky ass way lmao’
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lucyllawless · 3 months
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linguisticparadox · 2 years
Since I know y'all are dying to see it, here's the manga's rendition:
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the-crow-binary · 3 months
More drunk Benedict. Also Isaac is there ❤️
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telling-tragedy · 1 year
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this is so unserious
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benedict-belmont · 8 months
Who in your family are you closest to?
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hojiteaversion · 5 months
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randomphrases · 1 year
this is going to make me cry i know it
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What strikes me upon a reread with May 8th is that though Jonathan’s reactions to a few things seem almost absurd based on what happens to him and what he witnesses (i.e. “that’s annoying” after Dracula Yeets his mirror) it does actually make perfect sense
1) understanding that this is written and has some level of stream of consciousness makes these sudden shifts make more sense, as good ol J.H. is just writing down what comes to mind in the moment
2) Jonathan is trying to avoid panicking in the face of abject fear, which definitely colors his previous entries in a different light
The tone is immediately different between May 7th and May 8th, which clues the reader into the mindset “what changed? What happened?”
And what happened was that prior to May 8th Jonathan still had some plausible deniability about his prisoner status with the Count, but after witnessing one too many strange things (I.e. mirror) it has pushed him past the point of extending the Count the benefit of the doubt or supposing it’s just cultural differences. He now knows he’s a prisoner.
And to his credit, he does begin to panic as soon as he realizes and tries to find a way out before he resolves himself to play along
But before that, if you witnessed something startling or horrifying that you didn’t understand and couldn’t immediately cope with it, is it not reasonable that your brain would latch onto the next most innocuous thing? Even if it didn’t make sense to focus on it?
I can attest that sometimes when something terrible happens your brain chooses that moment to focus on the least important shit. I honestly think it is Jonathan’s coping mechanism, at least while he can still cling to denial as a mental defense, and that’s including the fact that he chose to write those bits down
Imagine the reaction he didn’t write down?
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cjvno · 4 months
PLAYA PRIVADA  ·  Maven dijo: "Es casi un crimen que estemos trabajando con lo lindo que está el día" / @imaven
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Perdida en las hojas que tienen como autor a Edgar Allan Poe, no es hasta que escucha al belga que voltea a verle, era bueno verle de buen humor. "Mayor es el crimen con este sol" se llevo la mano a la cara a pesar de traer lentes y un gorro encima, se reclino de nuevo en la reposera, sabía que tenía sobrilla encima pero eso no significaba que no le podía dar el sol "¿Cómo te va Maven? ¿Ya te bronceaste?" termino de bajar el ipad para poder admirarlo mejor, media sonrisa le ilumina el rostro.
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lycrabustier · 1 year
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Some sweet Bram Stoker's Dracula BBS pngs.
The Movie BBS, NYC
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tisiphonewolfe · 1 year
In honour of Dracula Daily coming back, I present to you all this snippet from Bound by Stone and Blood, where Almyra is exploring the Vismoores' castle:
She took to counting doors, running her fingers along the rough stone walls and marking them - she hoped, not noticeably - with a dent as she went, showers of dust piling on the ancient green velvet that was rumpled along the floors. When she rattled their bronze handles, she found most locked. There seemed to be three staircases; one central spiral, and two that crept around the sides of the building in tandem. Some areas had been roped off, with hastily-scrawled signs hanging from them; “Go no further! Dangerous ground beyond!” Growing fed up of going in circles, Almyra had at one point scrambled over the rope to find rotten, hole-addled floorboards, fallen walls, and leaking ceilings. Wrinkling her nose at the overpowering stench of mould, she turned back. Finding herself back in a more lived-in part of the place, she began to discover unlocked doors and the trappings of a regularly-used great house. There was a library, squares of dimly-lit shelves surrounding a comfortable nook filled with plush well-worn armchairs. Books were sprawled open in stacks on lacquered tables, and a pair of reading glasses was carelessly perched on the arm of one chair. The chairs sat facing a wood-burning stove, the chimney of which stretched far towards the distant ceiling. Almyra could tell as she picked up a book, that even though they were not dusty, they were ancient. The dry smell told her that the paper was yellowed before she even opened one. A neatly-written journal, bookmarked at a page which began; ‘There are certainly odd deficiencies in the house, considering the extraordinary evidences of wealth which are round me.’ Almyra snorted. “You don’t say.”
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gatheringfiki · 5 months
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AUpocalypse - Summary
Thank you so much for all your responses - I had a blast with this event and I hope you did too! Please don't forget to comment and reblog, if you've enjoyed the entries ;)
We've given it a few extra days just in case, but it's time to do the summary of all responses:
Week 1: Drama, Action or Adventure
Memoirs of Hadrian AU by @youuuuegg
The Mummy AU by @silvermoon-scrolls
The Bourne Identity AU by @i-am-still-bb
Brideshead Revisited AU by @i-am-still-bb
Three Musketeers AU by @linane-art
Dracula AU by @youuuuegg
The Mummy AU by @king-on-carven-throne
with bonus The Mummy AU ficlet by @linane-art
Civil War AU by @i-am-still-bb
Moodboard by @stelly38
Week 2: Historical, Fantasy or Sci-Fi
An AU by @stelly38
Memoirs of Hadrian by @youuuuegg
Hawkins AU by @king-on-carven-throne
Sherlock/Watson AU by @metztlilua
Star Trek AU by @silvermoon-scrolls
The Mummy AU by @lazysaturdayonthebeach
Week 3: Comedy, Romance or Fairytale
Guardians of the Galaxy AU by @silvermoon-scrolls
Little Mermaid AU by @youuuuegg
Everafter AU by @king-on-carven-throne
Cinderella AU by @linane-art
Sense and Sensibility AU by @king-on-carven-throne
Please let us know ASAP if we’ve missed anything!
Coming up next: FiKi Week 2024! Stay tuned ~
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sorenblr · 9 months
Prepare those calzones rojos and don't choke til you swallow that twelfth grape.
Any "best of '23" lists you wanna expose to this here tumblr audience?
I've waited until the very end to answer this, since my yearly vacation lines up with the last week of December, allowing maximum time to devote to "gaming like a monster". I still didn't play shit for new games this year, but I am confident that every title on this list makes Baldur's Gate 3 and Tears of the Kingdom look like a bunch of muddy, wet shit:
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Heart of the Killer
The 8th and penultimate episode in thecatamites' Anthology of the Killer series, which in aggregate is the most compelling project to come out of the medium in recent memory. Follow zinester and aspiring murder victim BB as she navigates a strange world of maniac killers and maniac killer paraphernalia. Combines the warm trappings of pulp horror and associated genre schlock with the profound literary sense and humor of the author. Boasts the rare perfect art design.
This one features 'liminal spaces' and is about the regulation and dictation of desire. Oh shit!
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Varney Lake
Another 'pixel-pulp' title by the Argentine LCB Studio, this time a King or Bradbury-esque portrait of mournful childhood nostalgia set in the summer of 1954. Three friends find a dracula in the woods and he turns out to be basically just a stand-up kind of guy. Sincere, intelligent writing and gorgeous CGA-inspired art that transcends mere imitation of that style.
Pseudo-sequel to the fantastic Mothmen 1966 and best enjoyed in sequence with that game.
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Stomp Plonk
It's just good old-fashioned fun to stomp and plonk around in Marek Kapolka's wordless fantasy world. The character designs and animation here bring me a lot of joy. Sometimes a game just needs to be a collection of little cretins.
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Sharply designed 3D metroidvania based on an earlier game jam project. Strangely melancholic tone and a nice, expressive moveset. One of the more engaging translations of the genre to 3D.
You can tell the developer didn't expect so many eyes on this because the protagonist has her big goat ass hanging all the way out and they had to include a toggle for pants in the options menu.
Honorable Mentions:
Shards of God: point-and-click agatha christie murder mystery set on a dune-esque desert planet. good
Orbo's Odyssey: kinetic 3d platformer. movement funny... but good?? slay 4 golden draculas
Kowloon's Curse: Lost Report: any game with an explorable desktop w/ fake sites and shit is good
Tommy Gun Witches: if you haven't seen the main promo screen for this game, there's still time for you to correct that
DOCTRINESPACE: cool twine game about a future where crypto bullshit is king, and the doctrines are hotter than ever
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: mostly about killing chinese police officers and any civilians foolish enough to enter your line of sight. kane and lynch are craaaaazy!
2023 games that I would like to have played but couldn't squeeze in: Blasphemous 2, Crypt Underworld, Bahnsen Knights, Knuckle Sandwich, 24 Killers etc.
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benedict-belmont · 8 months
This is amazing! Another forgemaster, Hi!
*waves my hand above my head at you.*
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thesnicketfile · 1 year
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Three illustrations by Mike Mignola - with a portrait of Lemony Snicket on the left - all from the upcoming “Illuminated Edition” of Carlo Collodi’s Pinocchio by Beehive Books.
BB press publisher Josh O’Neil talked about the project and how Lemony Snicket got involved:
We were like, 'Lemony Snicket would be the perfect person to write an intro for this.' I'm a huge fan of his work and there's so much spiritually in common with his books and with Pinocchio. I reached out to him, and he got back to me and said, "I don't want to write an intro for this book, but I have something I want to pitch you: I want to do a full text annotation of Pinocchio, the premise being that I'm encountering it for the first time and it's this legendary, almost Lovecraftian text that drives people insane when they read it because it’s so bizarre.” So the premise is, Lemony Snicket is slowly being driven insane by reading Pinocchio. That was such an intriguing and brilliant idea.
Mr. Mignola, for his part has said: "I was probably in my early teens when I first read Carlo Collodi’s Pinocchio. I was blown away by just how different it was than the Disney film—It was just such a crazy thing. I’d never read anything like it." And, “I really think between this and Dracula, this is what’s formed whatever the hell it is I do, my sensibilities.”
You can donate to the project until April 21, and secure your own copy here.
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