#m marianne macmillian
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE ADVOCATE get what he deserves?”  He was NEUTRAL & is sadly DECEASED.“
— he walked through the world as ;
name → Booker Bagnold pronouns → he/him identification → cis-male year of birth → 1957-1958 face claim → jordan bolger blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → heterosexual occupation → representative for the department for the regulation and control of magical creatures future information → n/a deceased  → 31st October 1982
— he was best described as ;
The EARTHY smell of heavy RAIN hitting dirt, mixed with SWEETNESS of freshly cut FLOWERS and the warm secent of PARCHEMENT. He is the ECLECTIC music playing from a RECORD as an echoing laugh brings joy to the room. He is the CARING & LOYAL shoulder to cry on, offering SUPPORT & ENCOURGEMENT. The OPTIMISM of those ready to break the mould, INSPIRING those around him to strive for GREATNESS.
— his story started with ;
Booker Bagnold was a truly remarkable individual, whose kind and loyal nature endeared him to all who had the pleasure of knowing him. His heart was so deep and giving that it was impossible for him to stop spreading inspiration wherever he went. The younger child of MILLICENT BAGNOLD [mother], the then-Senior Undersecretary to The Minister for Magic, and Rutherford Bagnold, a wizarding tech genius, Booker's childhood was one of pure bliss. Although his older brother, HARRISON BAGNOLD [sibling], was a bit of a brooder and didn't spend much time with him, Booker still held him in high regard. They lived in a modern home in Wimbledon, and Booker cherished his room – his safe space – which had a breathtaking view of the green belt that ran behind their house. He would spend hours gazing out the window, watching the animals frolic in the forest and occasionally catching sight of a magical creature. The Bagnold family had a penchant for travel, and they frequently embarked on adventures to international Quidditch games and Millicent's birthplace in Ireland.
During the summer holiday before Booker was set to embark on his first year at Hogwarts, he vividly recalled a conversation with Harrison. The latter was preparing for an event, and let out a heavy sigh before revealing that when he was Booker's age, their parents were hardly ever present in his life. Unlike Booker, he was compelled to attend numerous events and they never went on any trips together. However, Harrison pointed out that their parents had a complete change of heart after Booker's birth. Booker, being the compassionate person he was, tried to consolidate him, but despite his efforts Harrison vehemently disagreed, insisting that their parents simply loved Booker more. Unfortunately, this remark struck a chord with Booker, and he began to feel guilty for how his parents treated him. Booker began to blame himself for Harrison not having the same childhood experiences as him and became more in on himself in their presence, declining their offers to enjoy himself instead standing by his brother’s side dutifully in the hope to make it up to him.
Sorted into Hufflepuff, he was ushered to his dorm deep within the castle. It was there that he met his soon-to-be best friend, EDWARD TONKS [best friend], they connected instantly and their friendship stayed strong throughout Hogwarts and into adulthood. Being a loyal friend, along with his disliking of injustice, Booker often found himself standing up for Ted against bullies like RABASTAN LESTRANGE [adversary] and his group of friends, CAIUS BURKE [adversary], XERXES ZABINI [adversary], AURELIA ROOKWOOD [adversary] and KERVENS BORGIN [adversary]. His stance and advocacy lead to him making other friends along the way including ELIZABETH BRAITHWAITE [close friend], MARIANNE MACMILLAN [friend], LAURENCE ABBOTT [friend], and CELIA ABBOTT [friend/potential love interest]. But he found a real friend in LANA CROUCH [best friend] though his interests. He saw a lot of himself in Lana, she was a bright girl lost in a big family trying to find her way, which he noticed she did when she began taking an interest in magical creatures, much to Booker’s delight. When he wasn’t caring for magical creatures in the forest with Hagrid or reading up on them in the library with Lana, he was pouring himself over Celia, their relationship blossoming into something more than just a friendship.
Booker Bagnold's infatuation with Celia lingered beyond the walls of Hogwarts, and into their twenties. Meanwhile, Booker's passion for magical creatures had paid off, and he landed a position in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures alongside Lana, and it wasn’t long before Booker found himself in the being division which dealt with magical creatures that possessed human-like intellect, including werewolves, vampires, giants, and centaurs. However, Booker was quickly disillusioned by the rampant discrimination he encountered in the wizarding community towards these creatures. He was appalled by the way his colleagues, like WALDEN MCNAIR [adversary] treated injured werewolves and altered centaur testimonies to fit the wizarding community's expectations. These creatures were sentient beings who deserved to be treated with respect and dignity, and Booker reported these incidents to Aurors such as HESTIA JONES [acquaintance] and barristers like RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE [acquaintance]. Unfortunately, their responses were unsatisfactory, always too busy to listen to him and tied up in other projects. Soon Booker realised that he needed to take more drastic measures to aid magical beings in the wizarding community. 
Fortunately, his mother had been appointed Minister for Magic at this time, and he arranged a meeting with her to voice his concerns and suggestions. While she was receptive, she requested that Booker gather the signatures required for the Wizengamot to consider a law that prohibited the discrimination of magical beings in the wizarding community. She warned him that not everyone would share his views, and he would need to gather a significant number of signatures. Booker began by approaching his colleagues, but while some refused to sign, such as Walden, while others signed without hesitation. He then turned to his friends, including Celia. To his surprise, Celia disagreed with his views, which caused their budding romance to falter. Despite this setback, Booker remained committed to his mission to make the wizarding community more inclusive, collecting as many signatures as he could. The night of the Halloween ball in 1982 is when Booker's tale came to its tragic end. Booker moved through the ballroom with vigour, trying to persuade as many guests as possible to sign his petition. The pure-bloods snarled at him, and those who were aware of his intentions avoided him. His brother, was particularly angry at Booker bringing his petition, snatching it from him and ripping it up in front of his very eyes. 
Enraged, Booker fled the ballroom, smacking into Rabastan Lestrange upon his exit to the balcony by mistake. Always game for a fight, Rabastan quickly dug his teeth into Booker, mocking him and his cause and a wand battle broke out between the two. As Rabastan wiped blood from the corner of his mouth, Booker noticed something change in his face. Before Booker could even call for help, Rabastan cast a spell that tore a ferocious, werewolf-like gash through his chest. The world fell silent as he tumbled over the balcony railing, with the wind rushing past him and screams echoing through the air, narrowly missing MARLENE MCKINNON [potential love interest] who he had hoped to meet later that evening for a kiss and a dance in the darkness. After his untimely death, Rabastan framed SILAS CRUMP [acquaintance] for the murder. As the mystery surrounding Booker's death unfolded, his petition lay neglected on Harrison’s desk, pieced back together, gathering dust as the ink slowly faded from its pages. Would his legacy perish with him, or would someone pick up the mantle of his cause, fighting for the rights and equality of creatures in the wizarding world?
— he was a LEVEL 5 WIZARD & is now at peace ;
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE EMPRESS get what she deserves?” She is in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX & OPEN to finding out. 
— she walks through the world as ;
name → miray weasley née polat pronouns → she/her identification → cis female year of birth → september 1955 - september 1956 face claim → elçin afacan blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → stay at home mother future information → mother of fred, george, ronald, and ginvera weasley further information → based on molly weasley
— she is best described as ;
A SHOULDER to lean on in a time of need. She is LOYALTY and LOVE without expectations, with a HEART worn for all to see. She is the WARM FIRE one finds on the coldest of nights. Keeping those near SECURE in her arms as they’re wrapped up in a HUG. Though don’t be fooled by the KIND smile and GENEROUS support, she is PROTECTIVE if those she calls FAMILY are put in harm's way.
— her story starts with ;
Having a name that was included in the Sacred Twenty-Eight came with high expectations for all members, the Polat family had been no different. Youngest in the family, Miray had always had a comfortable life living at Polat Hall in London. Her father worked in the ministry in the Department of Magical Education, being on the board of Governors at Hogwarts, while her mother was employed at a healer shop in Diagon Alley. When her parents weren’t busy working their jobs, they were being invited to the grand parties of society, more often than not accepting the invitation and choosing to leave their children at home. Her mother would leave Miray in the capable hands of her older twin brothers FURKAN POLAT [brother] and GORKEM POLAT[brother], though the younger girl didn’t mind as she was inseparable from the boys at a very young age. They took her under their wings and became her protectors and her very best friends. As the trio grew older, the party invitations began to extend to them as well and Miray found she’d close in on herself as she met with new people and famous families. With her family’s constant encouragement, Miray found herself opening up more and more with each event she attended.
Knowing that she may see the familiar faces of fellow Sacred Twenty-Eight members CECELIA ABBOTT [acquaintance] and MARIANNE MACMILLIAN [acquaintance] when she got to Hogwarts excited her, though the nerves kicked in the closer it got to September. Despite her brothers speaking highly of their experiences at Hogwarts, Miray was nervous to enter this new phase in her life. She was ecstatic to learn about her magic but she didn’t want to leave the safety of Polat Hall for the unknown that was Hogwarts castle. But with the promise that the twins were always a shoulder for her to lean on no matter what house she was sorted into, the witch boarded the scarlet train almost bursting with excitement. It didn’t take long for the sorting hat to sort her into Hufflepuff where she was welcomed with open arms. The love and acceptance she felt from her new house settled any nerves she had left about starting her magical journey and she found it easy to extend a hand of friendship to her roommates, DORIS PURKISS [best friend] and GRACE HAYWOOD [best friend].
It was easy to find her rhythm at Hogwarts, her studies were her main focus with her favorite classes being potions and herbology after growing up watching her mother use all sorts of herbs and plants for work. But she knew when to let loose and have a good time, mostly thanks to the influence of her older brothers, who more often than not were throwing or attending parties left and right and felt gracious enough to invite her along with them. But by the time the twins graduated, Miray had found herself quite a mom friend in her friend group that consisted of students from all houses, including the friendship of fellow Sacred Twenty Eight member ARTHUR WEASLEY [husband]. Having met at KALEB JOHNSON’s [friend] birthday party in the Gryffindor common room, Miray was captivated by Arthur’s quirky love for all things Muggle as well as his bravery in standing up to the purists that walked the stone halls. He seemingly cared little for making an image of a proper wizard, something her mother surely would hate, and more towards the protection and acceptance of those deemed lesser. Arthur was a reflection of herself and it was inevitable they would fall into each other’s arms.
As graduation came and went, Miray and Arthur came out of Hogwarts seriously involved with each other. Miray felt as though he was her soulmate, her other half, and she knew he was the one she wished to marry. But it was a topic she struggled to bring up to her parents, knowing that Arthur’s family wasn’t quite the type of family they wanted her to marry into even with the Weasley name. While Arthur accepted a job at the Ministry, Miray followed along her mother and began work at the healer shop with her. She didn’t have a particular career path in mind but she enjoyed knowing she was working on potions and herbs to help people in need. Only six months post graduation Miray was shocked to discover she was pregnant, a scary discovery as her and Arthur weren’t even married yet, so she confided in DAISY HOOKUM [friend]. The women had never been super close but they both held a mutual love for Arthur that prompted a budding friendship between them, Daisy was the support Miray needed and the hand she held as she told Arthur the news. It was only after Daisy had left the couple to revel in the news of their future child that Arthur held Miray close and told her all about the Order of the Phoenix and his involvement.
With the knowledge that things were no longer right in the Wizarding World, Miray could understand Arthur’s urge to elope rather than wait. She accepted his proposal and they quickly planned an elopement before the end of 1981 with only Furkan and Gorkem as their witnesses. Despite the happiness she felt being Arthur’s wife and preparing for their first child, it only lasted so long and soon enough she was opening the letter that had her world come crashing down. Her parents had been clear with the disownment, reasoning that the Polat family couldn’t support their one and only daughter’s choice to marry a blood traitor Weasley. The letter was followed quickly by one from her brothers, both seething at their parents' decision and promising they’d never abandon her, but it took all of her energy to hand the letter to her new husband before she fell into his arms with tears. She loved Arthur and she wouldn’t ever change their decisions, but it broke her heart that her parents would throw her away because she had found the love of her life. When William was born, Miray leaned heavily on the support of Arthur and his family, they became her new family and Miray welcomed her new normal with open arms.
Now surrounded by love and support, it was no surprise when Miray fell pregnant with their second child, Charlie, in 1982. But with the world was descending into chaos and Miray often found herself home alone with the boys while Arthur was sent away for the Order. In her opinion, 1983 was the worst year for them, specifically the Summer Solstice ball. LILIAS ROSMERTA [friend] rushed off to St. Mungo’s, ALASTOR MOODY [acquaintance] sending her husband off, the ballroom erupting in spells when all Miray wanted to do was get home to her children. It was as if time slowed down when KINGSLEY SHACKLEBOLT [acquaintance] approached her and told her Arthur was now in St. Mungo’s, the witch racing off to be at his side. Having moved through the rest of that year on eggshells, Miray had hoped the birth of their third son, Percy, would bring happiness back into their life but the last few years have shown that Arthur is risking his life everyday for their family. Miray is always there to heal him and the rest of the members when they return from fights, ready to be the shoulder to lean on when things get too tough, fully becoming the emotional support many of the fighters need in this dark world.
— she is a LEVEL 6 WITCH & readied for war ;
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