#booker bagnold
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE ADVOCATE get what he deserves?”  He was NEUTRAL & is sadly DECEASED.“
— he walked through the world as ;
name → Booker Bagnold pronouns → he/him identification → cis-male year of birth → 1957-1958 face claim → jordan bolger blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → heterosexual occupation → representative for the department for the regulation and control of magical creatures future information → n/a deceased  → 31st October 1982
— he was best described as ;
The EARTHY smell of heavy RAIN hitting dirt, mixed with SWEETNESS of freshly cut FLOWERS and the warm secent of PARCHEMENT. He is the ECLECTIC music playing from a RECORD as an echoing laugh brings joy to the room. He is the CARING & LOYAL shoulder to cry on, offering SUPPORT & ENCOURGEMENT. The OPTIMISM of those ready to break the mould, INSPIRING those around him to strive for GREATNESS.
— his story started with ;
Booker Bagnold was a truly remarkable individual, whose kind and loyal nature endeared him to all who had the pleasure of knowing him. His heart was so deep and giving that it was impossible for him to stop spreading inspiration wherever he went. The younger child of MILLICENT BAGNOLD [mother], the then-Senior Undersecretary to The Minister for Magic, and Rutherford Bagnold, a wizarding tech genius, Booker's childhood was one of pure bliss. Although his older brother, HARRISON BAGNOLD [sibling], was a bit of a brooder and didn't spend much time with him, Booker still held him in high regard. They lived in a modern home in Wimbledon, and Booker cherished his room – his safe space – which had a breathtaking view of the green belt that ran behind their house. He would spend hours gazing out the window, watching the animals frolic in the forest and occasionally catching sight of a magical creature. The Bagnold family had a penchant for travel, and they frequently embarked on adventures to international Quidditch games and Millicent's birthplace in Ireland.
During the summer holiday before Booker was set to embark on his first year at Hogwarts, he vividly recalled a conversation with Harrison. The latter was preparing for an event, and let out a heavy sigh before revealing that when he was Booker's age, their parents were hardly ever present in his life. Unlike Booker, he was compelled to attend numerous events and they never went on any trips together. However, Harrison pointed out that their parents had a complete change of heart after Booker's birth. Booker, being the compassionate person he was, tried to consolidate him, but despite his efforts Harrison vehemently disagreed, insisting that their parents simply loved Booker more. Unfortunately, this remark struck a chord with Booker, and he began to feel guilty for how his parents treated him. Booker began to blame himself for Harrison not having the same childhood experiences as him and became more in on himself in their presence, declining their offers to enjoy himself instead standing by his brother’s side dutifully in the hope to make it up to him.
Sorted into Hufflepuff, he was ushered to his dorm deep within the castle. It was there that he met his soon-to-be best friend, EDWARD TONKS [best friend], they connected instantly and their friendship stayed strong throughout Hogwarts and into adulthood. Being a loyal friend, along with his disliking of injustice, Booker often found himself standing up for Ted against bullies like RABASTAN LESTRANGE [adversary] and his group of friends, CAIUS BURKE [adversary], XERXES ZABINI [adversary], AURELIA ROOKWOOD [adversary] and KERVENS BORGIN [adversary]. His stance and advocacy lead to him making other friends along the way including ELIZABETH BRAITHWAITE [close friend], MARIANNE MACMILLAN [friend], LAURENCE ABBOTT [friend], and CELIA ABBOTT [friend/potential love interest]. But he found a real friend in LANA CROUCH [best friend] though his interests. He saw a lot of himself in Lana, she was a bright girl lost in a big family trying to find her way, which he noticed she did when she began taking an interest in magical creatures, much to Booker’s delight. When he wasn’t caring for magical creatures in the forest with Hagrid or reading up on them in the library with Lana, he was pouring himself over Celia, their relationship blossoming into something more than just a friendship.
Booker Bagnold's infatuation with Celia lingered beyond the walls of Hogwarts, and into their twenties. Meanwhile, Booker's passion for magical creatures had paid off, and he landed a position in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures alongside Lana, and it wasn’t long before Booker found himself in the being division which dealt with magical creatures that possessed human-like intellect, including werewolves, vampires, giants, and centaurs. However, Booker was quickly disillusioned by the rampant discrimination he encountered in the wizarding community towards these creatures. He was appalled by the way his colleagues, like WALDEN MCNAIR [adversary] treated injured werewolves and altered centaur testimonies to fit the wizarding community's expectations. These creatures were sentient beings who deserved to be treated with respect and dignity, and Booker reported these incidents to Aurors such as HESTIA JONES [acquaintance] and barristers like RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE [acquaintance]. Unfortunately, their responses were unsatisfactory, always too busy to listen to him and tied up in other projects. Soon Booker realised that he needed to take more drastic measures to aid magical beings in the wizarding community. 
Fortunately, his mother had been appointed Minister for Magic at this time, and he arranged a meeting with her to voice his concerns and suggestions. While she was receptive, she requested that Booker gather the signatures required for the Wizengamot to consider a law that prohibited the discrimination of magical beings in the wizarding community. She warned him that not everyone would share his views, and he would need to gather a significant number of signatures. Booker began by approaching his colleagues, but while some refused to sign, such as Walden, while others signed without hesitation. He then turned to his friends, including Celia. To his surprise, Celia disagreed with his views, which caused their budding romance to falter. Despite this setback, Booker remained committed to his mission to make the wizarding community more inclusive, collecting as many signatures as he could. The night of the Halloween ball in 1982 is when Booker's tale came to its tragic end. Booker moved through the ballroom with vigour, trying to persuade as many guests as possible to sign his petition. The pure-bloods snarled at him, and those who were aware of his intentions avoided him. His brother, was particularly angry at Booker bringing his petition, snatching it from him and ripping it up in front of his very eyes. 
Enraged, Booker fled the ballroom, smacking into Rabastan Lestrange upon his exit to the balcony by mistake. Always game for a fight, Rabastan quickly dug his teeth into Booker, mocking him and his cause and a wand battle broke out between the two. As Rabastan wiped blood from the corner of his mouth, Booker noticed something change in his face. Before Booker could even call for help, Rabastan cast a spell that tore a ferocious, werewolf-like gash through his chest. The world fell silent as he tumbled over the balcony railing, with the wind rushing past him and screams echoing through the air, narrowly missing MARLENE MCKINNON [potential love interest] who he had hoped to meet later that evening for a kiss and a dance in the darkness. After his untimely death, Rabastan framed SILAS CRUMP [acquaintance] for the murder. As the mystery surrounding Booker's death unfolded, his petition lay neglected on Harrison’s desk, pieced back together, gathering dust as the ink slowly faded from its pages. Would his legacy perish with him, or would someone pick up the mantle of his cause, fighting for the rights and equality of creatures in the wizarding world?
— he was a LEVEL 5 WIZARD & is now at peace ;
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unravellingpromo · 2 years
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The year is 1986, London has faced no greater threat than it does today. People have begun to go missing; posters line the cobbled walls, as weeping families plead for information over the radio and in the papers. Bodies slowly began to be found, first one, then two, until it became too difficult to count them all. Among the unfortunate individuals that remain unnamed, the death of the Minister’s son Booker Bagnold was the catalyst for the mass hysteria. It creeped into Wizarding London like a silent fog until the country was overcast in a thick smog of conspiracy and fear that tightly grips its people.
What once was a force that began as a whisper, The Dark Lord is now acknowledged by the Minister herself. His Death Eater followers are his physical presence, anonymous individuals hidden behind silver masks that threaten the very fabric of society. The institution claiming to protect the wizarding community, the Ministry of Magic, is losing respect, reputation and control. With the government in disarray, its people are vulnerable and open for the taking. The Order of The Phoenix has taken it upon themselves to stand ready to combat the darkness, searching for sorcerers to stand up and burn with them.
The question is: When they call your name, how do you wish to be remembered?
main. rules. plot. characters. apply.
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE NONCONFORMIST get what she deserves?” She is NEUTRAL & OPEN to finding out.“
— she walks through the world as ;  
name → cordelia davis pronouns → she/her identification → cis-female year of birth → september 1953 - september 1954 face claim → adelaide kane blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → healer on the ‘dangerous' dai llewellyn ward: for serious bites at st mungo's hospital future information → aunt of ernest macmillan, aunt of tracey davis
— she is best described as ;
The scent of ELEGANT PERFUME as it lingers down a STERILE HALL. She is the MILLION DOLLAR SMILE that BREAKS HEARTS and the BRAVERY to face ADVERSARY & LEAP into the UNKNOWN. HEADSTRONG enough to face life other than how it was intended for her, a lone GILDED BOAT on UNEASY OPEN WATERS.
— her story starts with ;
tw: death, tw: blood
Every first born will say the same thing. Expectation sits squarely on your shoulders. Born the future head of the Davis family, Cordelia Davis was to all who knew her, the perfect pure-blood daughter. The Davis family were an old pure-blood wizarding family from Kerry in Ireland who came over in the 1920s to set up Moribund’s an exclusive members only club, with a strict wealthy, pure-blood and anti-blood traitor policy. Interwoven with the usual lessons taught to children like Cordelia, were things like how to manage a business and extensive background on the wizarding families in Britain, including who were paying members of Moribund’s and which of their children would be in her academic year. Groomed to one day take over Moribund’s, Cordelia never had a moment to consider if she might want to choose another life other than the one that was being set out for her. Her siblings were not subject to the same level of conditioning as Cordelia, though her younger brother AJAX DAVIS [brother] was forced to sit in on some of her lessons. 
Their family had clear idas. Cordelia would run the business and her brother to marry into The Twenty-Eight and further strengthen the Davis line. Her youngest sibling ROSALINE DAVIS [sister] was their loose cannon, too difficult for her parents to wrangle when there was no need to do so. The Davis family weren’t in the Sacred Twenty-Eight, but Moribund’s made them just as good as. Sorted into Slytherin, she was fortunate enough to be in the same year group and house as LUCIUS MALFOY [former close friend], DECIUS FLINT [former partner/former close friend], EVAN ROSIER [former close friend] and ALFHILD ROWLE [former close friend] who were all paying pure-blood members of Moribund’s. Cordelia was a good fit for their group of friends, as was EMMA VANITY [former best friend] and INES MORENO [former best friend], whose families also paid their hefty club fees. Cordelia quickly rose in ranks at school, she looked exquisite in a ballgown and could take your money at poker. 
She didn’t have any friends who were even half-bloods, let alone muggle-borns and believed wholeheartedly that she was born into a position of power because as a result of good breeding. It was this way of thinking that landed her on the arm of Decius Flint. A very respectable member of the Twenty-Eight. Cordelia doted on him and loved him with all her heart and soul. It wasn’t just his title or family line that she was interested in, Decius longed to give her exactly what she wanted, a happy life filled with marriage and children who would one day inherit Moribund’s. Graduating a slug club member, a prefect, head girl and with a boyfriend most parents longed to secure for their own child, Cordelia was the envy of every debutant the year she came out. She sparkled amongst them and smirked privately as she read her name in the scandal sheets and considered how far she’d managed to advance her family reputation even in such a short while. Had the killings not began in London, Cordelia might have achieved the gilded life she’d always dreamed of. 
The day BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest] fell to his death in the fountain, she was only a few feet away. But that wasn’t the end of it. Although Cordelia wanted to assume the role as wife and mother in her later years, her younger years would be spent with a hands-on approach at Moribund’s, training the ideal staff and knowing the business inside and out before she let it run itself. Missing persons posters plastered the alleyway, with bodies found not too far from the club. The world had begun to make Cordelia feel nervous. Knowing this, Ines traded in her late night favourite spot at The Grave Affair to drink with Cordelia and keep her company. She loved her for it and although they had often sparred for popularity points in the past, in adulthood Ines was her very best friend. Her loss was of great pain to Cordelia. Just outside the club, Cordelia tried to stop the bleeding, holding on to Ines’ neck which now had giant claw marks running down it. Ines died in her arms that night and Cordelia’s life changed. 
Once a sociable witch, Cordelia became a prisoner inside the Flint family home. Her relationship with Decius came to an end when he told her he’d been sleeping with ANASTASIA SIMINOVA [adversary], blaming her disinterest in him and her lack of understanding for the reason. Home in her childhood bed, Cordelia considered how meaningless it all was. She’d spent her entire life working towards something that would never happen. Her relationship or her best friend couldn’t be saved and something had taken it from her. Cordelia’s decision to break with her family was not instantaneous, in fact the final straw came over dinner when Cordelia let her thoughts on blood purity be known. Though it was something she had once held in the highest regard, it was clear to her how little it mattered. It hadn’t spared Ines’ life and Decius had willingly left her for a half-blood. The world had changed and things like certain people liking you, or having pretty babies with someone who could leave you in an instant or you were expected to ignore their wandering eye, did not seem like a valuable way to spend her life. 
Her statements shocked her parents but Cordelia no longer cared. She wasn’t devoting her life to an institution she didn’t believe in and her parents had two more children anyhow. Taking her inheritance, she answered a spare room ad in The Daily Prophet and moved in with follow healers SAMUEL WAINSCOTT [close friend/housemate] and POPPY POMFREY [close friend/housemate] and Poppy’s younger sister PRIMROSE POMFREY [close friend/housemate]. Everyone from her old life wasn’t interested in associating with her anymore except for her brother and sister, although that was also away from prying eyes due to the reputation of Moribund’s. Cordelia’s life was different but she was happy. For once in her life she had a purpose she’d chosen for herself and that was to try and save victims in a silent war she already knew was being fought. Cordelia was drawn to the Dangerous' Dai Llewellyn Ward, tending after multiple bite and scratch victims all at the hands of a wolf. Times have grown darker and Cordelia is sure that the creatures are in some way playing a part. Although her friends think she’s crazy, Cordelia is sure she’s on to something and will stop at nothing to prove she’s right.
— she is a LEVEL 7 WITCH & readied for war ;
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE ROUGE PRINCESS get what she deserves?” She is NEUTRAL & CLOSED to finding out.
— she walks through the world as;
name → claudette tremblay née delacour pronouns → she/her identification → cis female year of birth → september 1954 - september 1955 face claim → vanessa kirby blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → bisexual occupation → private investigator at a brief case in carkitt market future information → n/a
— she is best described as ;
As POISED as a ballerina on point, she is the DASHED FREEDOM of a pegasus, who longs for LIBERTY but who is doomed to fail with clipped wings. HEADSTRONG, while she dons champagne crystals and delicate heels, her lack of materialistic desires leaves her as RADIANT as the SUN chasing the night. Grounded in reality, while their WIT is captivating, they are as BEAUTIFUL as the gartered KNIFE at their thigh; silent in DISCIPLINED DEFIANCE.
— her story starts with ;
tw: death
Born amongst purist rhetoric with her three siblings, LYNETTE DELACOUR [sister], DOMINIQUE DELACOUR [brother] and AIMEE DELACOUR [sister], they lavished in the allure of the French aristocracy as idealistic as a fairytale; but for her it was a mere inconvenience. Tedious were the restrictions that came with being a family deemed royalty, which she had no mind of following. Abandoning etiquette lessons in favor of exploration with partner in crime GABRIEL DUMONT [best friend]; despite her mother’s efforts, her heart was boisterous with a lust of life that was difficult to quench. Hiding among muggles, Claude found herself encapsulated by them. Riveting conversations with a sense of normality filled the simplicity she craved that was lacking in their manor. After her uncle disgraced the family and ran off with his harlot; her father stepped up as the sole male heir. The line passed to a man who never wanted to be seen high, though his love for his family outweighed any of his desires. Out of any, Claudette was most like her father. The last thing she wished, was to disappoint her family like her uncle had. While she longed for normality; she knew it was merely a fantasy. Instead she bit her tongue, stood straighter and smiled, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t throw in a quick witted remark to put even the most pompous of noble sorcerers in their place. 
With Beauxbatons, came escapism, freedom and life. Corralled by RAPHAEL FRANCOIS [close friend] and Gabriel, they dueled until sunset and acted as each other’s wingmen. While many of the girls spent their days gushing over romance, beauty potions and braided hair like her sister Lynette, Claude saw no interest; instead she sought liberty and her own voice. Bolstering the determination to stand up for others against the likes of ALEXANDRA ROSIER [rival] and her entourage, Claude made friends in unexpected places; particularly in Muggle-Born JACQUELINE LEJEUNE [best friend]. While her oldest sister sought to be friends with the ‘right people’, Claude made genuine friendships to last a lifetime. Possessing a politically inclined mind, summers brought time with her father at learning the intricacy of his work at the ministry. Leading to her quick decision to study to become an Auror much to her mother’s dismay. She excelled in her studies, although she was often in trouble for her quick wit and prejudiced demeanor; she was an excellent student. Acquiring a job as an Auror within the Ministère des Affaires Magiques de la France after graduation; she’d found a profession she loved and a witch in whom to hold her affection. 
EVANGELINE SELWYN [former partner/potential love interest], was someone that Claudette never expected. A summer whirlwind romance the pair quickly fell deeply for one another. Encapsulated in each other’s arms, the problems of the world seemed to evaporate at the simple brush of a hand. Despite having to hide their relationship from Claudette’s family, the pair were passionately connected. Summer turned to years. Having met at twenty two, after four years together it felt as though nothing could pull them apart. Unfortunately fate had other plans with Claudette’s mother orchestrating an arranged marriage to pure-blood ALEXANDER TREMBLAY [husband/potential love interest]. Outraged, having sacrificed her freedom for so many years, her heart was non-negotiable. Desiring to love freely, she refused. Unbeknownst to anyone, she was planning to propose to Evageline. Visiting home one last time to share news with her siblings, her plans of a quick escape were rifled. With her mother discovering her intentions, she trapped her in her room; adamant that she couldn’t stand idle and let her ruin the family for a ‘wishful fantasy’. Charmed locks, no wand and no means of escape. Despite efforts to contact Eva, it was too late. With word from Gabriel that she’d left back to England heartbroken thinking Claudette had changed her mind.
With the love of her life gone, Claudette caved. Accepting Xander’s hand, having spent little time with her ‘beloved’, a day that many dreamed of was one she was dreading. Holding him guilty for her unhappiness she became cold and aloof. Transferring across seas with rumors of war encapsulating London, she disguised the move as playing ‘happy fiance’. Knowing her heart was really set on protecting one particular witch no matter the cost. While she had prepared herself for chaos, it was unlike anything she’d experienced. With the murder of BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest] and the rise in creature attacks, The Ministry was scrabbling to hold onto control in a society struck with chaos. Investigations only led to empty leads and convenient evidence that the Ministry blindly agreed to to fit their own narrative. Political warfare on the wise, any claims against what those in power wished were dismissed. However their silence shattered with the solstice of summer 1983 tearing the community to shreds. Fighting against masked figures who claimed to be ‘Death Eaters’, the witch had been helping civilians to safety one moment before a blow to the head turned everything black. Awaking only to be found in handcuffs for the murder of AMELIA BONES [close friend/former romantic liaison].
Detained and awaiting trial for a crime she didn’t commit, with the invasion of her mind it was proved Claudette’s innocence and that the guilty was under the influence of Polyjuice potion. Despite The Ministry’s statement, the hate spiraled towards her was maddening. Returning from Italy, Alexander became her saving grace. Averting the tabloids eager for a statement from the ‘killer’, his valiant protection eased her. For the first time she saw him as a person and not a pawn in her parents' schemes. Hidden in the Tremblay house, the witch was confined for her own safety. Leaving only under the disguise of beauty potions at the cusp of night. With the world unstable, her constant became Xander. His support, especially after being fired for ‘appearance sake’, kept her steady. While proud, it was against her better judgment that she let herself fall. And just like he had her, when MASON TREMBLAY [rival/brother in law] was found guilty for Amelia’s murder it was Claude that held him strong. Xander believed in their union, promising that in time their love would grow. Hopeful, they married privately as a commitment to each other outside of their families. Despite reservations, she didn’t feel obligated to his hand like she’d once did. She’d chosen him. Not out of sacrifice to her heart, but because of it. 
Going out on her own to investigate cases piling desks high, while ANNABETH PEBWORTH [former colleaguer/friend] warned her against it with the danger rising, it isn’t in her nature to stay on the side lines. That was until PRUDENCE OWENS [friend/colleague] approached with a card and an offer of a new place of residence. A Brief Case was filled with ex-aurors and those thrown out by the system were a breath of fresh air. Their bite for the truth filled Claudette with pride as they helped those the ministry ignored. While her work has her reluctantly investigating PERSEPHONE WILKES’ [acquaintance] distrusting claims against GENEVIEVE AVERY-WILKES [person of interest] she can’t help but be more captivated by her own personal investigations. Gathering memories of civilians from the night of the solstice, Claudette is trying to identify suspected Death Eaters; and who framed her. Those eager to forget give theirs gladly, but with the rising turbulence honesty is something lacking. Attempting to gain the trust of socialites LUCRETIA FAWLEY [person of interest] and VERUCCA BUCKTHORN-SNYDE [person of interest], Claude hopes their memories could be the missing piece she needs. However with their alliances unknown, can she afford to put herself on the line if it leads to more false trails?
— she is a LEVEL 8 WITCH & readied for war ;
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE WHITE KNIGHT get what he deserves?” He is in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX & CLOSED to finding out. 
name → james potter pronouns → he/him identification → cis male year of birth → september 1959 - september 1960 face claim → darren barnet blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → auror for the department of magical law enforcement at the ministry of magic future information → husband of lily evans, father of harry potter
— he is best described as ;
UNWAVERING LOYALTY. He is a FIRM HANDSHAKE after a game of or a PAT ON THE BACK in a time of SUPPORT. He is a BOYISH SMILE when no one is looking and the comforting scent of the EARTH after it RAINS or the taste of a BEER by the FIREPLACE on an AUTUMN evening with friends. He’s the first boy you write LOVE LETTERS to yourself about, wishing you knew more.
— his story starts with ;
tw: death, tw: blood
A legendary man; James Potter’s name rings around Wizarding London as loud as the toll of Big Ben. To most he is a beloved former school boy who grew into a respected auror, whilst others would speak of him in a less favourable light. Born to Fleamint and Euphima Potter, James was an only child and raised in a large and beautiful home. The Potters were an old family in the city and highly respected amongst high society, both for their name and their contribution to modern day wizarding cosmetics. Childhood was glittering parties and rubbing shoulders with Ministry Officials, models and designers that clutched bubbling drinks. Like any loving parents, the Potters filled their son’s head with dreams and each night he slept soundly knowing the world was his oyster, he only needed to go out and grasp it.  Hogwarts presented an opportunity for James to fan his feathers in front of a larger audience and he wasted no time in doing so before the sorting hat touched his dark curls. 
James spotted SIRIUS BLACK [best friend/housemate] upon entering the train and immediately became intrigued. He had seen Sirius in his parents circles, though he was aware the Black family preferred to cart out their nieces to public parties rather than their eldest son. They told the same jokes and both immediately rushed to the windows of their carriage when they saw a fight unfolding in the aisles. As soon as James saw PETER PETTIGREW [best friend/housemate] put away his wand and give LARKIN MULCIBER [adversary] a right hook to the jaw, James knew he had to be his friend. Sorted into Gryffindor, he was excited to be with like-minded people and was overjoyed to be seated with Peter and Sirius at the table. But there was someone else sitting there that would come to be just as prominent in his life. It didn’t take long for James to learn that wrapping Gryffindor around his little finger was incredibly easy, but others were not so easily persuaded. LILY EVANS [close friend/potential love interest] was one of them. 
No matter how many outlandish displays of affection he threw her way, asking her to be his valentine by spelling her name into fireworks in The Great Hall, defending her honour when people dared to insult her, she was adamant she wanted nothing to do with him. Although his antics did not capture Lily’s attention they did capture those of the faculty, but James had cunning a plan to get around that. REMUS LUPIN [best friend/housemate] was a fellow Gryffindor who had the favour of a number of the teachers including ALBUS DUMBLEDORE [leader/former headmaster] and had future prefect written on his forehead. James made it his mission early on to befriend him, finding the task more difficult than he’d anticipated due to how aloof he was, despite being friendly and easy to speak to. Then in second year, with help from Peter and Sirius, they learned his closely guarded secret. Remus was a boy in need of love and acceptance. From that point onward they were inseparable. Peter was his joy, Sirius was his right hand and Remus was his conscience, which he often needed to spot the holes in his hairbrained schemes. 
Remus had been the one to tell him that mercilessly bullying Lily’s gatekeeper SEVERUS SNAPE [adversary] was a bad idea. Or that dating her best friend MARLENE MCKINNON [close friend/former partner] to get her attention, would not get him the attention he was after. James didn’t really know how to win with her and was surprised when suddenly she began being kind to him, but by the time she had, he had more on his mind than winning her over. Just before final year, James had opened his front door to find Sirius sobbing in the street holding his bags. His family had finally severed all ties with him and their friendship meant more to Sirius now than it ever had before. Seventh year saw James a decorated Quidditch Captain and Head Boy, but when he looks back on that time he remembers how he tried to be there for his friends. Soothing their worries and providing a laugh when needed; and how all of the childishness that came before, of flirting with girls and bullying other boys felt meaningless in comparison. 
Upon graduating, James moved to London with Remus, Sirius and James. Unlike his friends he had a clear vision of what he wanted to do and was eagerly accepted onto the Auror training programme where he excelled in his position. He was happy in his job, keeping the streets of the city safe at night and partying with his friends in the evening. It was all he’d ever wanted. But James remembered the day it all suddenly changed. Just past midnight he ran to Marlene, her dress soaked in blood, a look of horror on her face like she’d never seen before. BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest], was dead and one of his close friends had been uncomfortably close to the event. James threw everything he had into the case, working hard to find the person who had done it and fighting the twists and turns that came their way. He couldn’t have foreseen however, how connected it all was, until the day that Dumbledore extended an invitation to join The Order of The Phoenix. James had noticed the amount of missing person’s cases piling up on his desk and the deaths that went unsolved. 
It was the musings, he thought of a tired auror that something larger was at play and then suddenly they had an answer. THE DARK LORD [adversary]. A mysterious figure who Dumbledore was adamant was the hand of death behind it all. To take his mind off things, James has been privately working the cold case of missing socialte ROSALIE FLINT [person of interest], who disappeared three years ago. Many disappearence and attacks including the death of Booker, were attributed to werewolves, prompting the Ministry to look more closely at the members of Wizarding London who may be hiding in plain sight. James has been doing his best to investigate crimes he believes might be related to werewolves, with the help of his mentor HESTIA JONES [close friend/mentor] at The Order’s HQ to ensure Remus’s job remains in tact and he stays out of the crosshairs of some diffiuclt cases which could be pinned on his best friend in panic. Something feels wrong to James about Rosaline’s disappearance and although to many she’s just a pure-blood socialte, he is certain a little research she could fit into a bigger picture no one has seen.
— he is a LEVEL 7 WIZARD & readied for war ;
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE LEADER get what she deserves?” She is NEUTRAL, UNPLAYABLE & CLOSED to finding out.“
name → millicent bagnold pronouns → she/her identification → cis-female year of birth → september 1932 - september 1933 face claim → gina torres blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → pansexual occupation → minister for magic for wizarding britain at the ministry of magic in wizarding london future information → n/a
— she is best described as ;
All the CLASS of an aged IRISH WHISKEY in a CRYSTAL cut glass with the POWER it packs when it touches your THROAT. She is pure STRENGTH, a DEPENDABLE & STURDY figure COLD like a STATUE & just as difficult to push down. She has taken the LAW into her two CAPABLE hands & handles it with CARE & ATTENTION without a single QUIVER. But deep in her eyes is the PAIN & SUFFERING only those who have experience true LOSS will know, though the only eyes to see it are her OWN within a REFLECTION. 
— her story starts with ;
Born in a small cottage in Killarney, Millicent had no idea what lay ahead of her. The village was small and was mostly overgrown, a place where sorcerers go to retire. Her parents owned a simple antique bookshop and led simple lives, never leaving the village unless absolutely necessary. Regardless of this quaint upbringing, Millicent’s spirit refused to be contained and leapt at any opportunity that would mean freedom. Ambitious, dedicated and intelligent, she was soon sorted into Ravenclaw in record time when she arrived at Hogwarts, where her fellow housemates would only push her to be better, be greater. At heart, Millicent was a perfectionist, and thus pushed herself beyond her boundaries constantly. She never shied away from a challenge, taking on extra assignments and proving that she was right when she was questioned, even by professors. This, of course, gained her a reputation as a girl that was bossy. Millicent would argue if boys in her class were as forward thinking as her, would they be called the same, or perhaps if she were from sacred twenty-eight families. When she had an opinion she aired it, no matter how much it made the likes of Abraxas Malfoy roll his eyes. Growing up, there had not been much diversity amongst leaders and thus their world reflected the view of those in power. 
There were lots of pure-blood men and not just pure-blood men, mostly sacred twenty-eight or adjacent. Millicent realised that in order to be respected like those who had been elected, she’d have to act like one, but try and not lose herself in the process. She began watching those who wielded power and how they managed it, Horace Slughorn, CIRCE GREENGRASS [acquaintance], anyone she deemed successful or someone who influences others around them. She took down notes of how to act like them, how to dress like them. Millicent began holding herself differently and the older she got the more conviction she had in the way that she spoke. Milicent knew she was intelligent, she knew that one day she would be somebody very important and not because of her last name, her blood type or how much money her family had. When she got to the top it would have been because she deserved it, and damn did she know she did. Unlike many young people fresh out of Hogwarts, Millicent was sure of herself and that alone made her excel quickly in her political career. Whilst not making many friends in Hogwarts due to her academic-oriented mindset, she had made a connection with Rutherford Bagnold, a Gryffindor boy who admired her courage and determination.
Both career-orientated, with Millicent working as junior undersecretary to the Minister for Magic and Rutherford in the magical invention industry, they understood one another and respected their desire to climb to the top. During her position as junior undersecretary, Millicent learnt another valuable lesson, that time was valuable and that it should not be wasted on unnecessary questions or conversations. She began to build an encyclopaedic knowledge of the ins and outs of the Ministry and along with her perfectionism, she began to run a tight ship. It wasn’t long until she received a promotion to senior undersecretary. She loved her job, and sure, she was the second-best to a man, but she had gone further than she could have hoped for and already had an impressive influence over the Ministry staff. She attended meetings and press conferences with Harold Minchum, the Minister for Magic at the time and learnt everything she could from him. It was at this point where she finally felt comfortable enough to start a family. It wasn’t long until Rutherford proposed, they had a fairytale wedding that pleased both families present in Ireland. The newly-wed couple moved into a house in Wimbledon and gave birth to their first son, HARRISON BAGNOLD [son]. 
As much as Millicent loved Harrison, she found being a parent difficult. For the first time in her life she had something other than her work to focus on, even with her husband he looked after himself. Harrison needed her in a way that no one ever had and although she wouldn’t admit it openly other than to Rutherford, Millicent struggled in her early years as a mother, trying to tend to her job and her family and do the best she could at both. Rutherford took the brunt of the parenting when Millicent went back to work when Harrison was two, she longed to be with him more and wondered if he’d have turned out different if she did. But Millicent knew her task and her dream were bigger than Harrison, she wanted to be the Minister for Magic to make the world a better place and that better place she desired a little bit more after her son was born, because she wanted it better for him and for her grandchildren. By the time Millicent had her second child BOOKER BAGNOLD [son], her outlook on parenting had somewhat changed. She was harder on herself with Harrison and harder on him as a result, she wanted him to be perfect and for her parenting to be perfect but when Booker came along she wanted something else, for him to be happy and for their family to be as well. 
In free periods she’d take the boys to Quidditch matches and gave Booker the freedom he needed away from Millicent’s work events, the same events that Harrison now attended by choice, standing by his mother’s side, a well-spoken little gentleman that made her very proud. What felt like a couple of years passed quickly and soon Booker was attending Hogwarts too. The couple quickly adapted to their children not being at home again and threw themselves back into work, which quickly paid off for Millicent. She was promptly promoted to Advisor to the Minister for Magic. It was at this point that small cases of missing sorcerers started popping up, a trend formed and Harold Michum decided to allocate an Auror team to investigate the disappearances. What she didn’t know was that this issue would soon become hers. In 1980 Millicent was appointed Minister for Magic. Her carefully orchestrated plan had worked and well placed friendships voted her into power. Harold’s legacy had been that he had run a tight ship, however all those that had known Millicent knew that it had been her ship all along. She had proved all those that had doubted her wrong and more importantly, proved to herself that she was capable of achieving her dreams and more as long as she put her mind to it. In 1980 she became the Minister for Magic, Millicent knew that her time wouldn’t be straight forward, but she didn’t know difficult it could be. 
In 1983, Millicent lost her youngest son, forced to watch as his body was fished out of the fountain in her workplace whilst her husband and eldest child screamed and cried with grief. Millicent has never truly recovered from that event. All she wanted to do was retreat into bed with her husband and grieve the loss of her child, but she was the Minister and the people needed her to lead. She had not thought much about creature control until Booker had died, it had never felt like a real issue, though her son had brought it to her attention several times with his position. It was a cruel irony that it was a werewolf that had killed her son, when all he wanted was to protect them. With the help of ALICIA AVERY JONES [colleague] Millicent had the entire weight of the auror’s office thrown behind finding her son’s killer, but people kept going missing, getting attacked or dying. ROSALIE FLINT [person of interest], INES MORENO [person of interest], BENJY FENWICK [person of interest], AMELIA BONES [person of interest] one after the other. Some days it was too much to cope with. Then the alley attacks happened. She knew it wouldn’t make her popular amongst some, it might even cost her some votes, but Millicent knew this was a problem that had gone far enough and now she was going to tackle it the only way she knew how. Head on.
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE INNOCENT ONE get what he deserves?” He is NEUTRAL, IMPRISONED & CLOSED to finding out. 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → ashton whitley silas crump  pronouns → he/him identification → cis-male year of birth → september 1941 - september 1942 face claim → josh hartnett blood status → muggle-born (werewolf) sexual orientation → pansexual occupation → criminal future information → n/a
— he is best described as ;
SAD eyes that have seen too MUCH. The scent of CIGARETTES and WHISKEY, like a night out you’d like to FORGET that’s etched into your BRAIN. He is a BROKEN man, once STRONG & SURE but years of DIFFICULT memories have FRAGMENTED him until he is a shell of the person he once was. But through the DARKNESS, there’s a FIRE. A GLIMMER of HOPE, that clings to him like a scent he can’t quite shake. 
— his story starts with ;
An American werewolf once roaming the streets of London, Silas was born in Chicago, the eldest son of muggle business owner Christopher Whitley and his socialite wife Melissa O’Neil. Silas and his younger sister Rhiannon were raised with all the splendour their family name afforded. As the eldest in their family and the Whitley family’s only son, Silas was heir to the Whitley Whiskey fortune and would be designated the family distillery that sat proudly on the outskirts of Chicago alongside their lavish home. The Whitley family had been Whiskey men since the 1800s, the first and smallest distillery they owned was the one next to their home, after their family brand had expanded most operations took place where they had more land leaving the Chicago distillery as mostly a tourist destination and occasional playground for Silas and his younger sister. When strange things began to happen to Silas, Rihannon was the first person to notice. When some of his mother’s things would go missing the finger would be pointed at Silas though he’d sworn he hadn’t seen them. The day answers were finally offered to Silas he arrived home to a brown owl sitting on the bike rack, a letter in its mouth addressed to him. 
Of course his parents had found the whole thing ludacris at first assuming it to be a hoax until Silas and his sister brought them proof they could no longer deny. Whiskey was what made their family famous. But the blend hadn’t been simply alcohol, it had been mixed with a potion and passed down. Ivermony was unlike anything Silas could have imagined, a beautiful castle which sat on the highest peak of Mount Greylock in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts, the building itself was incredible and Silas felt lucky to be able to attend there. Silas enjoyed learning, particularly about the wizarding world and longed to find a place he fit amongst them. An experienced potioneer like his ancestors, Silas could brew anything he put his mind to, becoming popular amongst the students at Ilvermorny for his ability to mix muggle alcohol and potions into mind blowing elixirs. It was this talent that helped him catch the eye of Silas’ first girlfriend, OPHELIA DELACOUR [former partner]. Popping the question on her ninetieth birthday the pair got to work planning the wedding. Every other waking moment was spent at the factory with his father manufacturing their first blend of Whitley’s Wizard Whiskey which they would first serve to the world at the wedding. 
After perfecting the formula Silas visited the pub with his friends, stumbling home drunk in the dark and attempting to find a taxi. But it wasn’t a taxi that found Silas that night. A beautiful woman who he had been speaking to that evening followed him into the alleyway behind the pub. Transforming into a beast before his very eyes, she bit Silas on the neck before sliding away into the dark. Managing to get home, Silas tried to hide what he had become. Brewing himself wolfsbane and drinking it religiously, Silas got into a new routine. Locking himself in the distillery on a full moon away from the eyes and ears of his family. Before he had known it the wedding was upon him. The night before his wedding Silas forgot to take his potion and after celebrating his last night of freedom and returned to the distillery to chain himself up for a difficult night ahead. Passing out in the chains due to the alcohol, he was unaware of a figure in the distillery attempting to untie him until it was too late. The next morning Silas awoke in the distillery to the sight of his sister torn to shreds on the floor in front of him and his whole world collapsing in on him. 
Ashton Whitley could not live with what he had done, but Silas Crump might have a better life elsewhere dealing with the pain. London was where he chose to drown his sorrows, taking up a job in The White Wyvern before he was kicked out for draining their alcohol supply. That was when she found him. KAMALI SKENDER [partner] could smell their kind. The happiest Silas had been in a long while was at Le Cirque Des Rêves. Though the circus was composed mostly of creatures and shady figures, Silas was grateful to find himself hired as an alchemy act rather than a werewolf, dazzling punters with his ability to mix weird and wonderful drinks they enjoyed during the show. Kamali became the mentor he had never had, a werewolf who showed him that after the bite life goes on. CORIN HALE [daughter] eased a lot of the pain that still tore apart his soul, she became something of a daughter to him. His life was complicated but it was as happy as it could have been, until the night BELLATRIX BLACK [adversary] and RABASTAN LESTRANGE [adversary] appeared one evening in the audience. 
Cornering Silas in a back alley in the centre of town, the pair revealed they had received information about his background and attempted to black mail him into joining a group they were building that would benefit people like Silas.  Frightened that the truth would become known about his sister, Silas packed up his belongings and attempted to skip town before he was stopped by Corin. Silas hadn’t wanted to drag her into his mess but knowing she would follow him and risk her own safety he took her with him and the two left the circus. Silas had gotten as far as Nottingham before Bellatrix and Rabastan caught up with him, casting a memory charm on Silas and making off into the night with Corin. When Silas looked around him Corin was gone.. The moon had been full when she had disappeared, they had been taking their potion and he knew Corin wouldn’t leave him. Making his way back to London, Silas sought the help of defence lawyer RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE [acquaintance], knowing well that as soon as Corin was reported missing the finger would be pointed his way. Silas doesn’t remember a lot from that night, other than two figures and a flash of light before everything went dark. 
But as his memory slowly began to improve another body showed up similar to that of his sister. BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest], torn to pieces and floating in a fountain with his name attached to the murder. Silas had gone on the run, splitting his time speaking with Rodolphus and his other lawyer ANDROMEDA BLACK [acquaintance] and searching for Corin. Their legal assistance was top notch and even Silas could see the holes in the Ministry’s case. Coming out of hiding, Silas stood trial at the Ministry and watched in horror as CLARICE FARIBAULT [acquaintance] told the court about Silas pattern of behaviour and how he had murdered his sister all those years ago. The judges voted and Silas lost, booking himself a one way ticket to Azkaban whilst Rodolphus had his head in his hands and Andromeda shed a single tear, promising to look for Corin. Now in Azkaban Silas life is at its lowest. Incarcerated for a crime he didn’t commit and with his daughter still missing Silas would stop at nothing to get back to her and is waiting for the right time to make his way back to London. All he needs is the right moment.
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— she walked through the world as ;
name → amelia bones pronouns → she/her identification → cis-female year of birth → 1956-1957 face claim →  adria arjona blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → sexually fluid  occupation → trainee prosecution barrister in the department of magical law enforcement future information → n/a deceased  → 22nd June 1983
— she is best described as ;
She possesses an UNSHAKABLE LOYALTY towards her goals, making her a beacon of excellence among colleagues. She faces obstacles and challenges with a FIERCE TENACITY, viewing them as mere speed bumps on her road to success. Her PASSION burns like a thousand suns, INSPIRING OTHERS and setting an example of what it means to be truly great.
— her story starts with ;
Amelia Bones, a woman of remarkable strength, confidence, dedication, and loyalty, was a product of her upbringing. Her mother, an internationally renowned charms professor, and her father, a famous explorer, instilled in her a sense of order and adventure that shaped her into the remarkable person she was. Amelia was the eldest of three siblings, followed by her sister Victoria a year later, and finally, her brother Edgar two years after that. They grew up in a small cottage in a charming wizarding village in the midlands, surrounded by the natural beauty of brooks and fields of strawberries basking in golden sunlight. Their father regaled them with tales of his adventures – these stories inspired a deep longing for adventure. However, her mother's pragmatism and order kept her grounded, and all three siblings started lessons early, learning the most basic charms before even receiving their letters to Hogwarts. Her parents' teachings had instilled in her a strong work ethic and an unbreakable determination to achieve her goals. Her single-mindedness was unwavering, and once her mind was made up, it was as if her destiny had been etched in stone.
Regrettably, the once unshakeable union between Amelia's parents had begun to falter, causing her mother and sister, Victoria, to flee to France. Amelia was left devastated, feeling as though she had lost two integral pieces of herself. The absence of her mother and sister was only worsened by the fact that her father, due to work, would vanish for weeks at a time, leaving Amelia and her younger brother Edgar to fend for themselves. While Amelia appreciated the assistance of their House-Elf, Pipbsy, she yearned to take on the role of caretaker for her little brother and be the head of the household. As a result, she was forced to mature more quickly than most girls her age. Just as she thought things couldn't get any worse, her mother arrived for a visit and announced that she was taking Edgar with her, citing her concern over their father's negligence. Though Amelia pleaded with her mother to let Edgar stay, she remained steadfast in her decision. Before Amelia's eyes, her little brother vanished from the kitchen table as he apparated away with their mother. Amelia consoled herself with the belief that her family's separation was for the best. 
On arrival at Hogwarts for the first time, the Sorting Hat ultimately placed her in the house of Hufflepuff, and she chose to maintain a low profile, focusing on her school work and establishing relationships with only a few of her dorm-mates, such as CELIA ABBOTT [friend]. Amelia proved herself to be an extraordinary student, garnering great respect from her professors. However, her impressive academic achievements also drew the attention of some unkind bullies, such as RABASTAN LESTRANGE [adversary]. Despite this, she found a friend in GARRICK OLLIVANDER [friend]. As she progressed into her third year, Amelia began to blossom, opening up and forming new friendships. It was EDWARD TONKS [best friend] that she felt a connection with, seeing her younger brother in him, and the two quickly became friends. However, the most significant surprise of her entire time at Hogwarts came when her brother Edgar was called up to be sorted. Amelia gasped when she heard his name and cheered loudly when he was sorted into Hufflepuff. She had no idea that Edgar was even in the United Kingdom, let alone attending Hogwarts.
Amelia had a soft spot for underdogs. She couldn't resist lending a helping hand to those who were bullied or underestimated. Her kindness and dedication to others were some of the reasons she was appointed as a prefect in her fifth and sixth year. When her friend Ted was also appointed as a prefect, she was thrilled. Amelia had developed a motherly instinct towards Ted, and although she knew she could be a bit overbearing at times, it was only because she cared deeply for him. But when she discovered that Ted had become friends with ANDROMEDA BLACK [adversary], one of the infamous Black sisters who held extremist views about blood purity, she was suspicious. What did Andromeda want with a Muggle-born wizard? In her seventh year, Amelia was given the prestigious title of Head Girl, and she worked hard to uphold the mantle. She applied for the Auror training programme with the hopes of joining the Auror office after passing her N.E.W.T.S with flying colours. When she was offered a spot in the programme, she was ecstatic. Amelia's hard work and perseverance had finally paid off.
After six months as an Auror, Amelia's dream job no longer seemed as fulfilling as she had anticipated. The law, which she had once believed in so strongly, seemed riddled with bias and inequality. Her newfound perspective made her realise that she could make a greater difference as a member of the Wizengamot. In order to transition from the Auror Office to the Wizengamot office, Amelia enrolled in extra courses, including a year in barrister theory, before embarking on her practical training years. Her goal was to become a barrister, using her position to ensure that criminals were not given preferential treatment and that minority groups such as House-Elves and Werewolves were not discriminated against. Amelia underwent rigorous training to hone her skills. However, Andromeda, was also a trainee defence barrister, learning from the famous and talented RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE [colleague]. As the two women clashed in the courtroom, their skills and wits were put to the test, resulting in a captivating showdown – an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.
Amelia's fearless and determined nature, honed through years of training as an Auror, proved to be an invaluable asset to her investigative work. Her unyielding pursuit of justice led her down a path that ultimately led to her tragic demise. With her keen instincts and exceptional skills as an investigator, she tirelessly gathered evidence surrounding BOOKER BAGNOLD’s [friend] death, until she had enough to confront Rabastan about his suspected involvement in the murder. It was a shocking revelation that left Amelia reeling, for she had never imagined that a schoolyard bully could become a ruthless killer. But by accusing Rabastan of murder, Amelia had unknowingly sealed her own fate. It was then that JAE MULICBER [adversary], transformed into CLAUDETTE TREMBLAY [friend/romantic liason] in order to get close to Amelia and carry out the murder. It was at the Summer Solstice ball in 1983 that Amelia's story came to an abrupt end. The senseless loss of Amelia Bones left a gaping hole in the wizarding world, and her killer may never be brought to justice. Will her legacy live on as a symbol of bravery and justice, or will her death be forever shrouded in darkness?
— she was a LEVEL 6 WITCH & is now at peace ;
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE CHARIOT get what he deserves?” He is NEUTRAL & OPEN to finding out.“
— he walks through the world as ;
name → harrison bagnold pronouns → he/him identification → cis-male year of birth → september 1956 - september 1955 face claim → daryl mccormack blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → sexually fluid occupation → ambassador to the united states for the international confederation of wizards in the department of international magical co-operation at the ministry of magic
future information → n/a
— he is best described as ;
CONSIDERED ELEGANCE. He is a GLEAMING PAIR OF CUFFLINKS, pressed into a BRILLIANT CRISP SHIRT, and a WINNING SMILE that would charm even the most determined folk to part ways with a VOTE. He is the SMOOTH and CALMING voice at the table, the FIRM HANDSHAKE guiding you down his path and handing you a pen to sign.
— his story starts with ;
tw: death
The only surviving child of Minister for Magic MILLICENT BAGNOLD [mother], Harrison is the most beloved kind of celebrity. Good looking, intelligent and a heartbreaking backstory to boot. Millicent explained to him young, that the key to high society was networking. With his mother high in the political world, Harrison saw himself as the equal to children like LUCIUS MALFOY [close friend] despite missing out on a spot in The Sacred Twenty-Eight. It was only when he began attending events as he got older he could see the difference. The Bagnolds weren’t as rich, not as much land or staff - and that was where the lying began. Harrison would lie about his family’s wealth for years to come. “Fake it till you make it.” He told himself in the mirror and his parents tried hard to buy him all that was necessary to keep up with the charade. Harrison wondered if his demanding behaviour in childhood led to his parents preferring his younger brother’s company to his, though as an adult he wouldn’t exactly blame them for it. BOOKER BAGNOLD [sibling] was nothing like Harrison, content to play in the dirt and study insects rather than help his parents work a room. 
The way his mother and father split their time and attention between the boys had always been a source of pain to Harrison. Harrison and his brother were the heir and the spare and everyone in their family knew it too. Arriving at Hogwarts, Harrison was sorted into Gryffindor and quickly established himself as the true lion amongst the pussycats, buddying up quickly with fellow alpha KALEB JOHNSON [best friend] who quickly became his best friend. Harrison and Kaleb ruled Gryffindor, but on the Quidditch pitch they had some competition. ELEZAR SMITH [best friend], MICHAEL THOMAS [best friend] and CRISTIANO PARKINSON [best friend], made up the strongest Ravenclaw team for quite some time. What began as a fact finding mission for the boys, ending up in them meeting their best friends and from there on the group were inseparable. They surrounded themselves with just as popular witches, revolving in the same circle as Cristiano’s twin sister ANDRESSA PARKINSON [close friend], ISOLDE CROUCH [close friend], LUCILLE JONES [best friend], her twin sister FLORENCE JONES [close friend] and BERTHA JORKINS [close friend]. 
Undoubtedly the most popular boys in their year, they were untouchable and enjoyed watching the witches in their year battle for power and fight over them as they did. For Harrison there was only one woman for him. The only person who thought of herself as highly as he did, Lucille was his love, but a chip on his shoulder and a wandering eye would be their downfall. Harrison began seeing CORNELIUS CRABBE [former romantic liaison] in their final year. Like Harrison, Lucille longed to be a member of The Twenty-Eight, but even the beauty of a veela and her impressive political connections couldn’t buy her that. He had no idea how to even explain his on-and-off feelings to her because he didn’t even understand them himself. He found himself approaching a close friend, ANASTASIA SIMINOVA [close friend] about it first. She had been there for him a lot, after her best friend GENEVIEVE AVERY [close friend] began dating Cristiano and the two found common ground in their love for secrecy. His friends all found out when they caught him kissing a member of the Hufflepuff team at a party. Him and Lucille broke up not long afterwards.
Harrison had proven he was not just good at making friends, but adversaries as well. EDRICK SELWYN [rival] was an overly competitive Slytherin he enjoyed challenging, though he would later find such connections would follow him into adulthood. Harrison had been given the position as an Ambassador for the International Confederation of Wizards at quite a young age, many thought because of his mother. Whilst it allowed him to travel, he reported directly to Edrick’s father HARRELSON SELWYN [boss], who had an intense dislike of him, ensuring he had to always be on his game. When his mother became Minister for Magic, a sense of relief washed over Harrison. He had been lying for so long it felt good to be true at last. ROSALINE DAVIS [partner], came along at the right time. A pure-blood from a good name, although a purist one, she had designs on being the future wife of a Minister and escaping her family. His life seemed perfect, except for one thing. His brother. Whilst Harrison worked hard to maintain their image, Booker seemed intent on destroying it, going as far as to critique their own mother’s policy on creatures and accusing the Ministry of foul play.
Halloween night in 1982, a heated argument began between the brothers over a petition that Booker had started to rally for creature rights. It got heated and Harrison disarmed Booker before disappearing into the party with Rosaline. An hour later he was floating in the fountain. It was an unlikely friend who helped him with his grief. LILIAS ROSMERTA [close friend] an old Gryffindor drinking buddy she wanted to carry on Booker’s legacy by furthering his petition. The pieces didn’t add up that Booker was killed by a wolf, he believed someone on the other side of the bench was to blame. Harrison attended The Yule Ball with the intention of networking with suspicious characters and keep an eye out for who might have wanted his brother dead. One moment Harrison was speaking to Lucius and BILLIUS WEASLEY [close friend] then he was watching himself behave in a way much unlike himself. Under the imperius curse he listened helplessly as a voice whispered over and over in his mind that no thoughts of his own could form. Harrison followed JONATHAN REEVES [person of interest] and his girlfriend ROSALIE FLINT [person of interest] into a private room. 
He watched as his own hand pointed his wand at Jonathan and cast a killing curse at the man. Rosalie valiantly dived in front of the curse, killing her instantly. Internally Harrison screamed, horrified at the scene he had unwillingly created, the everything went black. When he awoke it was in a strange place with Lilias and her sisters by his side, all staring at him with their wide blue eyes. Harrison had been asleep for quite some time, presumed missing with no memory past the moment he drank his champagne with Lucius and Billius. Harrison has been trying hard to remember what has transpired but no matter how much he works with Lilias his brain has fogged over. Determined to get to the bottom of Booker’s death, Harrison has vowed to try and remember the evening and get back to his life as though nothing has happened in order to slip under the radar and find Booker’s killer. Harrison is convinced his brother’s death is part of a plot to overthrow his mother, though if he just pulled a little bit harder on such a thread he would find a whole world unravel he didn’t even know existed. 
— he is a LEVEL 6 WIZARD & readied for war ;
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"Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE LOVER get what he deserves?” He is NEUTRAL & CLOSED to finding out.” 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → edward “ted” tonks pronouns → he/him identification → cis-male year of birth → september 1957 - september 1958 face claim → tom holland blood status → muggle-born (metamorphmagus) sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → photographer for the daily prophet  future information → member of the order of the phoenix, husband of andromeda black, father of nymphadora tonks
— he is best described as ;
SALT TAFFEY, as he passes by, the strong SWEET smell fills your nostrils which can only be associated with the pure HAPPINESS he brings, like a piece of whitby rock in all of it’s twiriling BRIGHT COLOURS, combined with the SALT of the SEA which reminds you he’s not one to be UNDERESTIMIATED. He is the COLOURS of the SKY, CHANGING & TRANSFORMING with the day, showing off it’s BEAUTY & INDIVIDUALITY even during a CALM MORNING or a STORMY NIGHT.
— his story starts with ;
tw: death
Edward Tonks lived what muggles would consider a normal life, until strange things began to happen. Growing up in the seaside town of Whitby in North Yorkshire, Ted spent his childhood down by the sea with friends, his memories stuck lovingly on his bedroom walls, taken on the polaroid camera his parents carried at all times. The extra family member in Ted’s life, The Little Mermaid Inn was owned by his parents and sat proudly by the seafront. The most popular spot for fish and chips in the town and tourists far and wide travelled the country just to taste their famous dish. Nothing in the world had made his parents wonder if their child was anything more than their perfect normal little boy. Until unusual things began to plague The Little Mermaid. Sliver trouts rained from the ceiling in the kitchen, crabs began to sing as they moved around in their tank and one day he miraculously transformed his head into a codfish as he was eating fish fingers with a girl from his school he’d had a crush on at table twenty-three, which caused her to run away and scream in terror. 
The word at The Little Mermaid was that a sea witch’s curse had been placed on the building or that the noise of the fryer late into the night had disturbed sirens that were rumoured to sing by the rocks just beyond the sea front. When his letter arrived to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, both he and his parents thought it was a joke, but the more they read the letter and the more they considered the strange goings on that had occurred, it seemed less and less like a clever practical joke. He was grateful they tried their best to understand his new world, giving his hand a squeeze as they ventured to Diagon Alley and telling friends he’d been accepted to a culinary school for gifted children to explain why he’d ever have left the only home he adored. Hogwarts School was incredibly different to Whitby, though thankfully they did at least serve fish and chips. The strange names for things were incredibly confusing and when he was sorted into Hufflepuff he was glad of the sorting due to the people around him, but he had little idea what the hell a Huffepuff was or how it differed from any other houses everyone seemed to be so passionate about. 
GORKEM POLAT [close friend] and his twin brother FURKAN POLAT [close friend] were more than happy to show him the ropes at Hogwarts, explaining what needed to be explained, though he found them to unreliable narrators about anything other than quidditch. Life in Hufflepuff was easy and relaxing for Ted, cleaning up on the quidditch pitch and attending parties in the common room, all under the nose of hopeful head girl and prefect AMELIA BONES [former best friend]. Aside from his BOOKER BAGNOLD [former close friend] who he’d met in his dorm, Ted’s main group of friends he found at The Hogwarts Gazette where he got a position in third year as the school’s photographer, being the best at working a camera due to his many years playing with his parent’s. The paper felt like the best environment for him to stretch himself creatively and his photo essays did not go announced by those around him. Younger Ravenclaw EMILIA GREY [close friend/colleague/housemate], quickly became quite jealous of his talents and upon realising he was able to transform himself into different forms to help get better pictures and better contacts, she changed her tune and demanded they work together on most of her stories. 
Ted was happy to oblige, he was always in the business of making friends rather than being divisive, which lead to him forming long lasting bonds with ELIZABETH BRAITHWATE [close friend/colleague/housemate], BENEDICT MISSLETHORPE [close friend/colleague/housemate], QUIRINUS QUIRRELL [close friend/colleague/housemate] and IRIS HOOKUM [close friend/housemate] whilst working at the paper. His friends came from various backgrounds and whilst people like Amelia and Iris came from established pure-blood families within the wizarding world, Ted soon discovered not everyone was like them. Ted had the displeasure of being in the same year group as RABASTAN LESTRANGE [adversary] and his group of friends, CAIUS BURKE [adversary], XERXES ZABINI [adversary], AURELIA ROOKWOOD [adversary] and KERVENS BORGIN  [adversary] who thought they were entitled to everyone’s time and attention because they were pure-bloods, which to Ted just meant their parents were more interested in furthering pointless long standing agreements than their children’s happiness. There was one pure-blood in their group who intrigued him however, who seemed different from her friends. Ted had noticed ANDROMEDA BLACK [potential love interest] when he was seated behind her in a Potions lesson. 
A quiet witch, she was easily the smartest person in the room, which he suspected was why Amelia was so adamant he kept away from her, though he knew it was because she longed to simply protect him. But Ted was a curious soul and somewhere between talking in class and  bumping into her at random they established some form of friendship. Ted was very fond of Andromeda and although he had meaningful relationships with other witches she was always the constant crush in his life. Leaving school and having made Head Boy in his final year to Amelia’s Head Girl, Ted moved to London and secured a job at The Daily Prophet, moving in with the friends he had made at school. A talented boy who was quick on his feet, Ted quickly made an enemy of fellow photographer ADRIAN CAVERLEY [rival] who had gone for a job in Investigative Reporting working under ELIAS SPENCER-MOON [boss] that ultimately went to Ted. Working with Elias has been a huge step in Ted’s career, though it has come at the expense of his personal life as it meant long hours and taking constant owls from the very demanding Elias. Working under such a big name, Ted has managed to stay out of the spotlight, until his job suddenly threw him into it. The night Booker died, Ted had been taking pictures of the event as a favour when it suddenly turned into a crime scene. 
Working during the period was incredibly hard for him, due to his close relatiosnhip with Booker and Ted was invested in finding his killer. When SILAS CRUMP [person of interest] was discovered and imprisoned Elias couldn’t have been happier but the verdict didn’t sit right with Ted, he had been reseraching the werewolves of London for some time and a family man down on his luck didn’t seem like the right person to attack a known advovate for creature equality. Though Booker’s death had rocked Ted, it was the passing of Amelia that broke his heart. Grief stricken, Ted took a leave of abscence to return to his hometown but the more he was away the more he was consumed in her’s and Booker’s case. Back in London, Ted is adamant he will proove if MASON TREMBLEY [person of interest] and Silas Crump conspired to kill two known advocates for justice and their motive behind the attacks. With his photo evidence on his side, Ted plans to use the photos and the word of the people who knew the defendants. The person who put Mason away, CLARICE FARIBAULT [person of interest] and an old friend of his who defended Silas, Andromeda Black.
— he is a LEVEL 6 WIZARD & a LEVEL 4 METAMORPHMAGUS readied for war ;
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unravellingpromo · 2 years
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The year is 1986, London has faced no greater threat than it does today. People have begun to go missing; posters line the cobbled walls, as weeping families plead for information over the radio and in the papers. Bodies slowly began to be found, first one, then two, until it became too difficult to count them all. Among the unfortunate individuals that remain unnamed, the death of the Minister’s son Booker Bagnold was the catalyst for the mass hysteria. It creeped into Wizarding London like a silent fog until the country was overcast in a thick smog of conspiracy and fear that tightly grips its people.
What once was a force that began as a whisper, The Dark Lord is now acknowledged by the Minister herself. His Death Eater followers are his physical presence, anonymous individuals hidden behind silver masks that threaten the very fabric of society. The institution claiming to protect the wizarding community, the Ministry of Magic, is losing respect, reputation and control. With the government in disarray, its people are vulnerable and open for the taking. The Order of The Phoenix has taken it upon themselves to stand ready to combat the darkness, searching for sorcerers to stand up and burn with them.
The question is: When they call your name, how do you wish to be remembered?
main. rules. plot. characters. apply.
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unravellingpromo · 2 years
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The year is 1986, London has faced no greater threat than it does today. People have begun to go missing; posters line the cobbled walls, as weeping families plead for information over the radio and in the papers. Bodies slowly began to be found, first one, then two, until it became too difficult to count them all. Among the unfortunate individuals that remain unnamed, the death of the Minister’s son Booker Bagnold was the catalyst for the mass hysteria. It creeped into Wizarding London like a silent fog until the country was overcast in a thick smog of conspiracy and fear that tightly grips its people.
What once was a force that began as a whisper, The Dark Lord is now acknowledged by the Minister herself. His Death Eater followers are his physical presence, anonymous individuals hidden behind silver masks that threaten the very fabric of society. The institution claiming to protect the wizarding community, the Ministry of Magic, is losing respect, reputation and control. With the government in disarray, its people are vulnerable and open for the taking. The Order of The Phoenix has taken it upon themselves to stand ready to combat the darkness, searching for sorcerers to stand up and burn with them.
The question is: When they call your name, how do you wish to be remembered?
main. rules. plot. characters. apply.
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unravellingpromo · 2 years
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The year is 1986, London has faced no greater threat than it does today. People have begun to go missing; posters line the cobbled walls, as weeping families plead for information over the radio and in the papers. Bodies slowly began to be found, first one, then two, until it became too difficult to count them all. Among the unfortunate individuals that remain unnamed, the death of the Minister’s son Booker Bagnold was the catalyst for the mass hysteria. It creeped into Wizarding London like a silent fog until the country was overcast in a thick smog of conspiracy and fear that tightly grips its people.
What once was a force that began as a whisper, The Dark Lord is now acknowledged by the Minister herself. His Death Eater followers are his physical presence, anonymous individuals hidden behind silver masks that threaten the very fabric of society. The institution claiming to protect the wizarding community, the Ministry of Magic, is losing respect, reputation and control. With the government in disarray, its people are vulnerable and open for the taking. The Order of The Phoenix has taken it upon themselves to stand ready to combat the darkness, searching for sorcerers to stand up and burn with them.
The question is: When they call your name, how do you wish to be remembered?
main. rules. plot. characters. apply.
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Can you give some prompts for Rita?
"Her nose job is real atomic. All she needs is an old knife scar. Yeah, she's so dull, come on rip her to shreds. She's so dull, come on rip her to shreds." - Rip Her To Shreds, Blondie (1976) [x]
A notorious gossip, Rita is respected, loved, reveared, hated and feared. You could write about Rita's professional life, maybe the first time her column was published, the first time she recieved backlash or the first time someone recognised her in the street. You could get inside the mind of Rita, is she strictly business, does she care about the people she's dragging, does she care about any negative press she gets for being so cutting? Was there a point she maybe cared and now doesn't? Consider what brought her here and how she deals with fame and all the dark things that come with it.
"It was so strange the way he held my hand. I wanted more than just a one night stand. He had a way of makin' me believe. That he was mine and that he'd never leave." - Pretender, Madonna (1984) [x]
Losing out on someone you like is always hard, losing out to your best friend is even worse. You could stage your sample at the event where Rita watched AUGUSTUS ROOKWOOD [former romantic liaison] kiss her former best friend EMMA SQUIGGLE [rival/former best friend/colleague]. How was Rita feeling during the moment? Did she have to take time out for herself? Did she keep it professional? You could write about how the moment further fuelled her to push forward and achieve her goals and potentially how it impacted her relationships with others. Is she less trusting now? Is she more cold? Consider how this event impacted her and her actions.
"We all know the chosen toys. Of catty girls and pretty boys. Make up that face. Jump in the race. Life's a kick in this town." - This Town, The Go-Go's (1981) [x]
tw: death
Once happy about writing just gossip, Rita's career has expanded somewhat as some for her favourite subjects keep dying. You could write about the death of BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest] and how this has changed her career. Does Rita like this style of journalism, does she feel more fulfilled uncovering a killer, or does she only really care about her readership and popularity? You could stage the sample at the wedding of GENEVIEVE AVERY-WILKES [adversary/person of interest] she attended to stalk HARRISON BAGNOLD [person of interest] and ROSALINE DAVIS [person of interest] and her thoughts leading up to the death of Genevieve’s new husband, which stopped her plans, but gave her a new story.
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Any prompts for Rabastan please? It's been a while :)
"I had everything within my reach. I had money and stuff. Each and every call. Too much but never enough. Tear it up and watch it fall." - Never Land (A Fragment), The Sisters of Mercy (1985) [x]
A boy from a polished background, you could stage your sample around Rabastan's relationship with his family. It was the dream of his father for Rab to follow him and his brother into a job at the Ministry, but little do they know he's gotten a full time job with THE DARK LORD [leader]. You could stage your sample about the night he was going to tell his family he was not going into politics, how they all reacted, who wanted to talk him round. It would be good to flash between the scene and Rabastan's thoughts, knowing he was keeping a huge secret from them and his thoughts on the state of the world.
"I've done some things I really can't describe. I've made some mouths open pretty wide. And I am licensed - trained and bona fide.' - Who Do You Think We Are, Alice Cooper (1981) [x]
Thought of amongst some of the death eaters as a loose cannon, you could choose to explore a moment in which Rabastan has snapped. The murder of BOOKER BAGNOLD [victim] at Halloween in 1982 or the moment he told AMELIA BONES [victim/former adversary], during a dule her suspicions around him were correct. You could use these moments to explore his mindset and how his normally calm mind unravells when in the grips of rage.
"I find it hard to tell you 'cause I find it hard to take. When people run in circles it's a very, very. Mad World." - Mad World, Tears For Fears (1983) [x]
RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE [sibling], is possibly the most important person in Rabastan's life. As well as his brother, he's one of his closest friends which meant keeping his secret even harder. You could write about the moment Rodolphus confronted Rabstan about his involvment in Amelia's death and he was forced into telling Rodolphus about his activities. Consider how Rabastan felt finally telling him, his fears, his hopes for the future or even his guilt that his brother would offer to corrupt his cases to keep Rabastan our of jail.
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unravellingpromo · 1 year
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The year is 1986, London has faced no greater threat than it does today. People have begun to go missing. Posters line the cobbled walls, as weeping families plead for information over the radio and in the papers. Bodies slowly began to be found, first one, then two, until it became too difficult to count them all. Among the unfortunate individuals that remain unnamed, the death of the Minister’s son BOOKER BAGNOLD was the catalyst for the mass hysteria. It creeped into Wizarding London like a silent fog until the country was overcast in a thick smog of conspiracy and fear that tightly grips its people.
What once was a force that began as a whisper, The Dark Lord is now acknowledged by the Minister herself. His DEATH EATERS followers are his physical presence, anonymous individuals hidden behind silver masks that threaten the very fabric of society. The institution claiming to protect the wizarding community, the Ministry of Magic, is losing respect, reputation and control. With the government in disarray, its people are vulnerable and open for the taking. THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX has taken it upon themselves to stand ready to combat the darkness, searching for sorcerers to stand up and burn with them.
THE QUESTION IS...When they call your name, how do you wish to be remembered?
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