#m edward tonks
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE SHADOW get what he deserves?” He is NEUTRAL & OPEN to finding out. 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → quirinus quirrell  pronouns → he/him identification → cis-male year of birth → september 1960 - september 1961 face claim → aramis knight blood status → half-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → researcher  for the daily prophet  future information → member of the death eaters, defence against the dark arts teacher at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry
— he is best described as ;
MYSTERIOUS, he is quiet. The kind of person who doesn’t SPEAK UNLESS SPOKEN TO, though there is a FIRE in his eyes when he speaks with CONVICTION that would make the most unassuming SIT UP & TAKE NOTE. His scent is DARK yet EXOTIC & CHANGES each time you see him, a hallmark of his time spent TRAVELLING, but there always lingers the scent of OLD PAGES & INK as he furiously scribbles in the margins of his books he’ll not even let those closest to him read.
— his story starts with ;
tw: death
Quirinus Quirrell is a name not many care to recall despite its uniqueness, possibly because the wizard who holds it has faded into the background for most of his life. The youngest child of Janani Quirrel and her husband Cyril Quirrel, Quirinius felt like he had a great deal to live up to. His mother had held a position as a well respected barrister for The Ministry of Magic, whilst his father had worked in finance for The Department of Magical Sports and Games before they both retired. A good few years his senior, Quirinius’ brother and sister were impressive also, with Maira Quirrell, a Chaser for The Holyhead Harpies in her youth and his brother Tadeen Quirrell, a respected teacher at Ilvermony. Sitting amongst them, Quirinus felt as though he too would be destined for great things, it did after all run in his family. Much younger than Maira and Tadeen, Quirinius recalls his childhood as him always struggling to be heard above the noise. It was always in a moment Quirinius, after dinner Quirinius, I have a meeting Quirinius, isn’t it so wonderful your sister made the Hufflepuff team Quirinius! 
Whatever he accomplished was never quite important enough for his parents to pay much attention to. The day his letter to Hogwarts arrived was also overpowered by the ridiculous news his brother was getting married, which had happened to arrive on the same day; which his brother to this day swears was an accident. School felt like the first opportunity to set himself apart from his family legacy. A departure from the Quirrell family legacy, he was sorted into Ravenclaw, and breathed a sigh of relief he may finally be around more like minded folk. To his horror he found that whilst people in Ravenclaw did value reading books and cleverness, they did also value showing off and throwing other people under the Knight Bus in order to get the attention they so craved. The worst offender by far was GILDEROY LOCKHART [rival/boss], a boy who Quirinius might have felt sorry for if he hadn’t been so bloody irritating. Whilst Quirinius was intent on making a name for himself at Hogwarts, Gilderoy seemingly had the same intentions and preferred to do it all by making people feel as annoyed by him as possible. 
Each year working on the school newspaper Quirinius would be subjected to writing about the time breakfast was cancelled because Gilderoy was sent hundreds of Valentine’s cards, or how he took someone to the prefect's bathroom and flooded it with so many bubbles they spilled into the corridor. He had first assumed RITA SKEETER [colleague] handed him the pieces because he could execute them well through his hatred of Gilderoy, but having gotten to know her better later in life he now considers it was a wicked form of entertainment for her. One of the silver linings about working on “The Gilderoy Show” as he’d come to call it was the entertainment it also brought is best friend and fellow journalist IRIS HOOKUM [best friend/housemate] who enjoyed making jokes about Gilderoy he was always too self-obsessed to pick up on. Quirinius main friends came from working at The Hogwarts Gazette, including the beginnings of firmer friendships with EMILIA GREY [close friend/housemate/colleague], EDWARD TONKS [close friend/housemate/colleague], BENEDICT MISSLETHORPE [close friend/housemate/colleague] and ELIZABETH BRAITHWAITE [close friend/housemate/colleague], but everyone knew Quirinius enjoyed time to himself and he spent it on his passion project. 
Like any young wizard who grew up reading The Tales of Beedle The Bard and other such stories, Quirinius had very clear ideas about light and dark magic; which is why The Dark Arts became such a fascinating subject for him. At first his interest in it was most likely to establish himself above others, people who were known to perform well in Defence Against the Dark Arts were well liked and often became fine sorcerers working for The Ministry immortalised in print. By the time he had graduated, Quirinius had learned just about all there was to know about the Dark Arts, considering himself somewhat of an expert on the topic from a purely theoretical and academic perspective. Whilst his abilities and grades certainly qualified him for a job at the Auror’s Office, Quirinius interests lay in academia and he longed for the world to sit up and notice him due to his interests and talents. Straight out of the gate, Quirinius went travelling, learning all there was to know about the Dark Arts from various corners of the globe. He was gone for almost five years and was both shocked and appalled when publishers did not want to print his findings upon him returning back to Britain. 
Out of money and refusing to get a menial job or move back in with his parents, Quirinus took the spare room in Elizabeth’s house and tried to get a job working at The Daily Prophet with the rest of his friends. Due to his lack of experience due to travelling for all that time, the best he could land was a researcher's position working to Rita Skeeter, which was to him humiliating. Quirinius watched as Rita tried to pitch ideas for pieces which were inevitably handed over to ELIAS SPENSER-MOON [colleague] and his team, keeping her in her lane and him firmly in his also. Quirinius big break came finally when of all people, his former nemesis Gideroy Lockhart joined the paper as a contributing editor, with his head even larger than it had been before. Quirinius had been begrudgingly tracking Gilderoy’s success over the years, silently wondering how someone he remembered with not a great talent for defensive magic had managed to defeat so many evil creatures. Rivalry aside, Quirinius has breathed a sigh of relief to be away from gossip and finally on some real journalism, working on a special project trying to find the origins of the one they called The Dark Lord. 
He had been wondering about The Dark Lord for some time, silently researching and keeping notes, partly out of curiosity, partly out of that unacknowledged desire for importance. At the very least, Quirinius fantasised that he could be the man who tracked him down and wondered about what he might learn from him, or what story he could sell on him at the very least. Upon being ordered to work with Gilderoy, thanks to what he assumed was Benedict trying to be kind and mentioning he had done the research in the first place, Quirinius turned over everything he had worked on over the past two years, including why he considered the death of BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest] to have been caused by a spell rather than a werewolf attack as The Ministry had claimed. It was something he had pondered for a while, before being told by Rita to drop it, but upon reflection it now seemed more important. Now under the irritating and interfering gaze of Gilderoy, Quirinius is trying is best to find out all he can about the mysterious new wizard in town and is starting by attempting to get to know the people who are likely in his opinion to know something - the Black family, who always seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
— he is a LEVEL 5 WIZARD & readied for war ;
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aparecium-rp · 2 years
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Character name: Edward Tonks Age & Birthday: 26 & [UTP] Gender & Pronouns: Male & He/Him Occupation: [UTP] Blood status: Muggleborn Previous house: Hufflepuff Affiliation: Neutral Face claim: [UTP]
[to be written by player]
Played by: Time Zone:
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Am I the only one who thinks that it's okay for people to not like the canon female love interests of M/M ships? Even if it's because of that? Like, I could see where you're coming from, but so many het non-canon ship's fans hate the male love interests.
Just for examples:
Harmione Shippers with Ron
Jacella shippers with Edward (and also probably Bedward shippers with Jacob too back in the day)
Gale x Katniss (don't know the ship name sawry) with Peeta
And also, this kind of thing just happens so much rarer with gay ships than het ships. Like the average gay shipper of wolfstar or whatever will love the canon female love interest just think she's the wrong fit (I have met many a lesbian wolfstar shipper with a crush on Tonks) while I can absolutely not say that about ships like Harmione. The minority can exist. They're not doing anything illegal.
The only time I can kind of -- kind of -- see it is the Perachel -- Percabeth thing (and that's not even gay). This is because Percabeth shippers that hate on Rachel are often the first people to say that Luke was redeemed despite him being just as much of a boundary to Percabeth as Rachel was, if not more. If anyone was blamed for that, it was more often that not Annabeth.
Even so, this can still be explained by character bias. Rachel was only in the last one and a half books, and was very much a side character, having very little to do with the main plot. Her arc was small, and she existed mainly to create drama. Luke, however, was not only present throughout all five books, being introduced at around the same time as Annabeth, but had an extremely long and complex character arc that wasn't just related to the main plot, but was one of them.
So ye leave the gays be
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breaniebree · 9 months
Kismet Characters & Family Trees Part Twelve:
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Remus Lupin (10 March 1960) GRYFFINDOR m. Nymphadora Tonks (18 May 1972) HUFFLEPUFF (1995): 1. Harry Potter (31 July 1980) m. Ginevra Weasley (11 August 1981) (2000): i) James “Jamie” Sirius Potter GRYFFINDOR (5 April 2004) m. Hadley Grace Pritchard (2005) RAVENCLAW (2029): a) Rhysand James Potter (28 May 2032) GRYFFINDOR b) Emerson Fleamont Potter (11 March 2035) GRYFFINDOR c) Flynn Harry Potter (2 July 2037) GRYFFINDOR d) Grace Ginevra Potter (18 December 2040) GRYFFINDOR ii) Albus “Alby” Fleamont Potter (1 June 2006) SLYTHERIN m. Scorpius Malfoy (6 January 2006) SLYTHERIN (2031): a) Lyra Astoria Malfoy (1 June 2037) RAVENCLAW b) Celeste Ginevra Malfoy (5 March 2039) RAVENCLAW c) Archer Kai Malfoy (6 July 2044) SLYTHERIN iii) Lily Luna Potter (3 November 2007) GRYFFINDOR m. Oakley Wood (8 January 2007) GRYFFINDOR (2028): a) Nash Oliver Wood (31 July 2030) GRYFFINDOR m. Nixie Sparks (2032) RAVENCLAW (2058): aa) Sirius Harry Wood (25 December 2061) GRYFFINDOR bb) Remus Oakley Wood (25 December 2061) GRYFFINDOR b) Noah Harry Wood (31 July 2030) GRYFFINDOR  c) Magnolia “Lia” Katherine Wood (2 May 2033) RAVENCLAW d) Zinnia “Zin” Ginevra Wood (11 August 2035) HUFFLEPUFF  e) Zahira “Zee” Sorcha Wood (11 August 2035) HUFFLEPUFF iv) Cedrella “Ella” Theodora Potter (21 October 2010) SLYTHERIN m. Spencer Kane-Nott (3 July 2010) SLYTHERIN (2036): a) Logan Theodore Kane-Nott (23 March 2040) GRYFFINDOR b) Zeke Harry Kane-Nott (21 January 2042) SLYTHERIN  c) Nolan Everett Kane-Nott (11 November 2044) RAVENCLAW d) Westley Sebastian Kane-Nott (9 December 2046) GRYFFINDOR v) Everett Arthur Potter (21 October 2010) RAVENCLAW m. Xara Scamander (13 September 2016) RAVENCLAW (2039): a) Hazel Ella Potter (2 September 2040) HUFFLEPUFF  b) Galina Xara Potter (28 April 2042) RAVENCLAW  c) Landon Everett Potter (19 June 2044) GRYFFINDOR d) Waverly Luna Potter (7 February 2046) RAVENCLAW vi) Genevieve “Evie” Zahira Potter (9 May 2012) HUFFLEPUFF m. Christian Lyon (2008) RAVENCLAW (2033): a) Leif Christian Lyon (1 October 2035) GRYFFINDOR b) Autumn Ella Lyon (21 September 2038) HUFFLEPUFF c) Winter Willow Lyon (21 December 2041) RAVENCLAW d) Summer Lily Lyon (21 June 2043) GRYFFINDOR e) Spring Rose Lyon (21 March 2047) HUFFLEPUFF vii) Henry Remus Potter (31 July 2020) GRYFFINDOR m. Daniella Zabini (7 July 2018) RAVENCLAW (2049): a) Cameron Blaise Potter (1 January 2052) GRYFFINDOR b) Aidan Hunter Potter (23 July 2055) GRYFFINDOR  c) Jameson Henry Potter (14 March 2058) GRYFFINDOR  d) Emilia Ginevra Potter (17 August 2060) RAVENCLAW viii) Hunter Colten Potter (31 July 2020) GRYFFINDOR m. Sloane Hart (2023) GRYFFINDOR (2046): a) Simon Hunter Potter (14 February 2049) RAVENCLAW b) Shay Cedrella Potter (14 February 2049) HUFFLEPUFF  c) Colin Fleamont Potter (7 March 2053) GRYFFINDOR  d) Beckett James Potter (19 June 2055) HUFFLEPUFF  e) Parker Harry Potter (24 September 2059) SLYTHERIN f) Noelle Ginevra Potter (25 December 2061) GRYFFINDOR 2. Edward “Teddy” Remus Lupin (11 April 1998) HUFFLEPUFF m. Victoire Weasley (2 May 1999) RAVENCLAW (2020): a) Liam Remus Lupin (6 February 2022) GRYFFINDOR m. Naomi Winston (2024) HUFFLEPUFF (2048): i) Andromeda Lupin (2050) HUFFLEPUFF ii) Hope Lupin (2054) RAVENCLAW iii) Lyla Lupin (2058) SLYTHERIN b) Charlotte “Charlie” Dora Lupin (9 June 2024) RAVENCLAW m. Luke Logan (2024) SLYTHERIN (2050): i) John Logan (2054) SLYTHERIN ii) Declan Logan (2059) RAVENCLAW c) Kingston Harry Lupin (17 April 2027) GRYFFINDOR m. Lorelai Robards (2030) GRYFFINDOR (2057): i) Thomas James “TJ” Lupin (2060) GRYFFINOR
Thanks to @ellieoryan7447 for taking the time and effort to create these!
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Supernova Family Tree
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I got a comment on Supernova, asking for a family tree. it turns out that creating a family tree on a computer is a lot harder than I thought it would be! Also, I went back and forth on ages, so forgive me if the dates don't perfectly line up with canon (I had to change them around for some obvious points, like Pollux and Cygnus becoming fathers at 13 based on JKR's tree).
Below you'll find the text version of the tree. I hope this helps for any of you following this Tedromeda (and soon to be Remadora) angst fest! As the story goes on and more characters are added, I'll add them to the list, but this one should be good for the time being.
Phineas Nigellus Black* (1837) m. Ursula Flint (1847) Sirius Black* (1868) m. Hesper Gamp (1870) Phineas Black (1869) - disowned Cygnus Black (1871) m. Violetta Bulstrode (1880) Belvina Black (1874) m. Herbert Burke (1869) Arcturus Black (1877) m. Lysandra Yaxley (1884)
Sirius Black* (1868) m. Hesper Gamp (1870) Arcturus Black* (1891) m. Melania Macmillan (1893) Lycoris Black (1894) - no data in Black Family Tree on HP Lexicon Regulus Black (1896) - no data
Arcturus Black* (1891) m. Melania Macmillan (1893) Lucretia Black (1925) m. Ignatius Prewett Orion Black* (1926) m. Walburga Black (1925)
Orion Black* (1926) m. Walburga Black (1925) Sirius Black* (1959) Regulus Black (1961)
Cygnus Black (1871) m. Violetta Bulstrode (1880) Pollux Black (1900) m. Irma Crabbe (1905) Cassiopeia Black (1903) - no data in BFT Marius Black (1910) - disowned Dorea Black (1920) m. Charlus Potter
Pollux Black (1900) m. Irma Crabbe (1905) Walburga Black (1925) m. Orion Black* (1926) Cygnus Black (1927) m. Druella Rosier (1927) Andromeda Black (1941) m. Byron Travers (1924)
Cygnus Black (1927) m. Druella Rosier (1927) Bellatrix Black (1950) m. Rodolphus Lestrange (1943) Alphard Black (1953) Narcissa Black (1955) m. Lucius Malfoy (1954)
Andromeda Black (1941) (ex w/ Edward “Ted” Tonks (1940)) m. Byron Travers (1924) Nymphadora Travers (1960)
Malvolio Travers (1895) m. Cressida Rowle (1901) Byron Travers (1924) m. Freya Nott (1925-1958) Malcolm Travers (1948) Claudius Travers (1949)
Joseph Tonks (1919-1957) m. Elizabeth “Elsie” Flanagan (1920) Edward “Ted” Tonks (1940) (ex w/ Andromeda Black (1941) Nymphadora Travers (1960)
*refers to oldest son/heir
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Het is Kinderboekenweek! En nu ben ik benieuwd:
Pin me hier niet op vast, maar volgens mij zijn dit ze allemaal
Keesje Kruimel, Hans Dijkhuis
Viermaal J en Janus, Hans Andreus
De blauwe boekanier, Tonke Dragt
Het kleinste sprookjesboek , Annie M. G. Schmidt, Mies Bouhuys, Eleanor Farjeon, Pieter de Zeeuw, Hans Christian Andersen en de Gebroeders Grimm[12]
Arthur en de lettervreter, Henk van Kerkwijk
2 is te veel, Henk Barnard
Ogen op steeltjes, Jan Wartena van Staatsbosbeheer
Het verdwenen plakboek,?Het Schrijverscollectief, bestaanden uit: Jan Riem, Ries Moonen, Arie Rampen, Fetze Pijlman, Hans Dorrestijn, Karel Eykman en Willem Wilmink
Wie je droomt ben je zelf, Paul Biegel
De tram is geel het gras is groen, Gertie Evenhuis
De klepel of de klok, Mies Bouhuys
Spook tussen spoken, Willem Wilmink (1980)
Je eigen tijd, Hans Dorrestijn, Alet Schouten en Willem Wilmink
Retourtje ver weg
Mijnheer van Dale en juffrouw Scholten, Kees Fens
Een tijdje later, Willem Wilmink en Paul Biegel
Houden beren echt van honing?, Midas Dekkers
De zaak Jan Steen, Karel Eykman
Die van hiernaast en van de overkant. Kinderen en boeken in Europa, Marja Baeten en Paul Arnoldussen
Duizend dingen achter deuren, Joke van Leeuwen
Het eiland daarginds, Paul Biegel
Jorrie en Snorrie, Annie M. G. Schmidt
Het wonder van Frieswijck, Thea Beckman
Het raadsel van de Regenboog, Jacques Vriens
Het weer en de tijd, Joke van Leeuwen
Fausto Koppie, Anke de Vries
Bombaaj!, Els Pelgrom
De huiveringwekkende mythe van Perseus, Imme Dros
LYC-DROP, Paul van Loon
Mijn avonturen door V. Swchwrm, Toon Tellegen
Bikkels, Carry Slee
Eiber!, Sjoerd Kuyper (2000)
Ik ben Polleke hoor!, Guus Kuijer
Boris en het woeste water, Rindert Kromhout
Het Zwanenmeer (maar dan anders), Francine Oomen
Swing, Paul Biegel
Wat rijmt er op puree?, Edward van de Vendel
Laika tussen de sterren , Bibi Dumon Tak
Kaloeha Dzong, Lydia Rood
Vlammen, Hans Hagen
De wraak van het spruitje, Jan Paul Schutten
Mees Kees - In de Gloria, Mirjam Oldenhave
Bert en Bart redden de wereld, Tjibbe Veldkamp
Het Akropolis Genootschap & De slag om bladzijde 37, Tosca Menten
Je bent super... Jan!, Harmen van Straaten
Zestig spiegels, Harm de Jonge
Per ongelukt!, Simon van der Geest
Oorlog en vriendschap, Dolf Verroen
Kattensoep, Janneke Schotveld
De eilandenruzie, Jozua Douglas
Haaientanden, Anna Woltz
De diamant van Banjarmasin, Arend van Dam (2020)
Tiril en de Toverdrank, Bette Westera
Waanzinnige boomhut verhalen, Andy Griffiths
Ravi en de Laatste Magie, Sanne Rooseboom
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t-tex-edwards · 7 months
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T. Tex Edwards is an unsung pioneer of cowpunk and honky tonk murder ballads who started out in the '70s with the punk band the Nervebreakers. Thom "Tex" Edwards' whiskey-soaked vocals already had a slight country twang to them back in 1978 even as the band performed their goofy anthems while supporting the Sex Pistols in Dallas. Drawing influence from the Flamin' Groovies and the Cramps rather than the more political end of the punk spectrum, the Nervebreakers were equally at home lampooning "You're The One That I Want" from Grease as they were playing it straight (relatively) with the Kinks' "I'm Not Like Everybody Else." Their original material was rousing and funny, and "My Girlfriend Is A Rock" was even a minor hit in San Francisco. The band never released a full-length record in their lifetime, even though they had an almost legendary local reputation. A live performance of them backing Roky Erickson at the Dallas Palladium in 1979 was released in 1992, and a posthumous CD recorded in 1980, We Want Everything!, was finally released by Get Hip in 2000.
01 - [1978] Politics 7" (2021 Remaster)
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A deluxe remastered reissue of 1978 original Wild Child Records single by badass Texas punk rock band the Nervebreakers! Like all Texas punk of the era, this is no letdown, including two smash hits on this 4-song EP. 01 - Politics 02 - My Life Is Ruined 03 - I Can't Help You 04 - My Girlfriend Is A Rock 320k 34.4 Mb DOWNLOAD LINK
02 - [1980] We Want Everything! (2000 Reissue)
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Hailing from Dallas, TX, the Nervebreakers first got together in 1973 but didn’t take off until the mid-’70s punk movement started to affect most larger urban areas of the US. The Nervebreakers quickly rose to the top of the pack in Dallas releasing three singles which are now hard to find. This CD was recorded in 1980 and was to have been their debut LP. 01 - The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly 02 - My Girlfriend Is A Rock 03 - Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls 04 - I Confess 05 - I Don't Believe In Anything 06 - I've Got A Problem 07 - How Can You Tell 08 - Strange Movies 09 - Let's Fall Apart 10 - What's Left Of Me 11 - The Race Is On 12 - Stand Up 320k 77.5 Mb DOWNLOAD LINK
03 - [1981] Girls Girls Girls Girls 7" (2011 Reissue)
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On 19 November 1980 the Nervebreakers won the "Agora's Battle Of The Bands" in Dallas TX. Their prize was free recording time at Pantego Sound Studios in Arlington, TX where these two songs were recorded. The single was originally released in 1981 on Wild Child Records, but by then the band had already parted company. Great single by Dallas 70's Punk-rock band! A-side is a catchy original track and is backed with a cool cover of a Rolling Stones classic marked with the Nervebreakers snotty style. 01 - Girls Girls Girls Girls 02 - I'd Much Rather Be With The Boys 320k 13.9 Mb DOWNLOAD LINK
04 - [2000] Hijack The Radio! (2017 Reissue)
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An anthology of mid to late '70s studio recordings, some of which ended up on the Nervebreakers' late-70s 7″ vinyl releases on Wild Child Records, some on the 1979 Texas punk LP compilation Are We Too Late For The Trend? (ESR Records), some on a volume of Italian label Rave Up Records series of American Lost Punk Rock Nuggets, and others that have up-to-now never been publicly released. Includes the original (and best) hit recording of “My Girlfriend Is A Rock”, the title anthem “Hijack The Radio!”, and punk classics like ”Why Am I So Flipped?”, “I Wanna Kill You”, and “I Love Your Neurosis”. Also included are proto-punk psych-y gems like “My Life Is Ruined” and “Beyond The Borderline”. The CD release has four additional CD-only bonus cuts including an early (different from the We Want Everything LP) take on the Troggs' great “Strange Movies”, an original 1977 demo version of “Hijack The Radio”, and from 1975, a moody slice of Syd Barrett-like proto-punk-psych called “See Me Thru”. 01 - Hijack The Radio! 02 - My Girlfriend Is A Rock 03 - Why Am I So Flipped? 04 - My Life Is Ruined 05 - I Love Your Neurosis 06 - Everything Right 07 - Missa Moses 08 - So Sorry 09 - I Wanna Kill You 10 - It's Too Late 11 - Beyond The Borderline 12 - Part Of My Love 13 - See Me Thru 14 - Strange Movies 15 - Hijack The Radio! ('77 Demo)
320k 132.1 Mb DOWNLOAD LINK
05 - [2014] I Wanna Kill You 7"
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This brilliant single features an original 1977 alternate track from The Nervebreakers' LP Hijack The Radio! while the B-side premieres "They Were Doin' The Pogo" a  newer recording. 01 - I Wanna Kill You 02 - They Were Doin' The Pogo Track 01 recorded early 1977 at Highgrove House, Dallas, TX. Track 02 recorded 2008 at Ash Creek Estates Recording, Dallas, TX. 320k 14.5 Mb DOWNLOAD LINK
Despite possessing great talents and a voice that can squeeze emotion from a stone if necessary, Roky Erickson's life and music career have been a mess; he was one of many casualties of the psychedelic '60s. So it's always a joy when another Erickson tape is discovered and the quality is superior. Erickson is in fine form for this 1979 Dallas gig with the Nervebreakers. The musicians are tight and focused as they run through classics such as "Starry Eyes," "Cold Night For Alligators," "You're Gonna Miss Me," and "Two-Headed Dog." The sound quality is sharp and far less challenging than the bootleg quality of Live at the Ritz 1987. Most exciting is the material. The obvious favorites are here, but so are "The Wind And More," "Mine Mine Mind," "Bermuda," and "White Faces," tunes he recorded with The Aliens. They're done with high spirits and some inspired guitar playing.
[1992] Live Dallas 1979
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01 - The Wind And More 02 - Starry Eyes 03 - Mine Mine Mind 04 - Bermuda 05 - Cold Night For Alligators 06 - The Interpreter 07 - You're Gonna Miss Me 08 - I Walked With A Zombie 09 - Bo Diddley's A Headhunter 10 - Two-Headed Dog 11 - Bloody Hammer 12 - White Faces 320k 120.4 Mb DOWNLOAD LINK
Edwards' first post-Nervebreakers outfit, Tex & The Saddle Tramps, left scarce but vital documentation, such as the churlish rocker "Move It!" that later would appear on The Loafin' Hyenas record and be covered by LeRoi Brothers. Still most of the T. Tex legend from the early to mid-'80s remains only in the recollections of those fortunate enough to catch him performing his offbeat brand of incorrigible country live. His growling redneck delivery is at times unhinged, but it's instantly recognizable, highly addictive, and consistently manages to hit the narrow margin between parody and reverence, often accomplishing both. He formed Out On Parole in Austin in 1984, and The Loafin' Hyenas in Hollywood in 1986, but it took until 1989 before things finally started moving forward. His first solo album -- as Tex Edwards & Out on Parole -- was a stroke of demented genius that caused a stir when cult label Sympathy for the Record Industry released it yet proved more an inspiration than the chart-topper it should have been. Pardon Me, I've Got Someone to Kill was a collection of "psycho-country" covers done with a relatively straight face and high musical pedigree -- LeRoi Brothers/Fabulous Thunderbirds alumni Mike Buck was the driving force behind the album. It's not only Johnny Cash who wrote dark country and western songs of adultery and murder; Pardon Me collects obscure, nutty gems from the likes of Johnny Paycheck (the title song), Porter Wagoner ("Rubber Room"), and Lee Hazlewood ("Girl on Death Row"), not to mention the twisted genius of Leon Payne's "Psycho." The same ground would be covered in the following decade, sometimes with song selections oddly similar to Pardon Me, but rarely with the same gravelly brilliance.
[1989] Pardon Me, I've Got Someone To Kill (2002 Reissue)
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01 - I'm A-Gonna Kill You 02 - L.S.D. Made A Wreck Out Of Me 03 - (Pardon Me) I've Got Someone To Kill 04 - The Girl On Death Row 05 - Psycho 06 - You Ain't Never Gonna Live To Love Saturday Night Again 07 - Smitty 08 - The Cold Hard Facts Of Life 09 - Dolores 10 - Beatin' On The Bars 11 - Strangler In The Night 12 - The Rubber Room 13 - Country Hix's 14 - Last Will And Testament (Of A Drinking Man) 320k 90.6 Mb DOWNLOAD LINK
The 1991 release of The Loafin' Hyenas' only LP was mostly ignored despite strong original material and another killer band. Songs like "Can't Find The Doorknob" and "Scratchin' Fleas" utilized Tex's distinctive vocals perfectly, and the drunken abandon of the band was captured, bottled, and released only in France and Japan. Further recordings followed under various guises and numerous small labels. T. Tex And The Big "D" Ramblers, DisGraceland, and T. Tex And The Sickoids were a few that made it to record, and one-off projects like 1999's 18-song Texicated Tape were mostly circulated among the faithful.
[1991] The Loafin' Hyenas
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01 - Can't Find The Doorknob 02 - Boot In The Toilet 03 - Bonehusker Stomp 04 - Goin' South 05 - Scatter 06 - Way Of The World 07 - Scratchin' Fleas 08 - Move It 09 - Klawhammer Krunch 10 - Forbidden See 11 - Diablo_Devil 12 - If Looks Could Kill 13 - Things Must Change 14 - What Goes On 320k 117.6 Mb DOWNLOAD LINK
After a long silence, the full-length Up Against the Floor was released in 1996. The Swingin' Kornflake Killers backed a slightly toned-down Edwards on a selection of offbeat covers (David Bowie's "Black Country Rock" and Conway Twitty's "Lonely Blue Boy") as well as equally memorable originals like the instant standard "Ain't No Bars In Heaven." A while later the Nervebreakers announced they were regrouping after their "slight" 27-year hiatus. T. Tex remains a pioneering, under-appreciated, and often neglected chronicler of the offbeat and eccentric traditions of country rock & roll.
[1996] Up Against The Floor (2007 Reissue)
01 - Overture: Dirtweed 02 - Ain't No Bars In Heaven 03 - Funnel Of Love 04 - One Helluva Weekend 05 - The Living & The Dead 06 - Lonely Blue Boy 07 - Iff'n I Ain't Dead 08 - How Far Down Can I Go 09 - Gonna Love My Baby Now 10 - Whiskey Trip 11 - Cat's Back 12 - Black Country Rock 13 - It's Over (Last Date) 14 - Killer Breakdown 15 - Baby (Crazy Date) 320k 133.0 Mb DOWNLOAD LINK
T. Tex Edwards - [2012] Intexicated!
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T. Tex Edwards "remains a pioneering, under-appreciated, and often neglected chronicler of the offbeat and eccentric traditions of country rock 'n' roll," notes All Music Guide. Intexicated! remedies any neglect of this wild and wooly Texas musical treasure with 19 collected odds, sods, unreleased recordings, demos, outtakes and offbeat gems from throughout his distinctively different musical career spent kicking up some seriously cool and twisted dust from the roots rocking underground. Featuring work under his own name as well as such T. Tex outfits as The Loafin' Hyenas, Tex & The Saddle Tramps and The Swingin' Cornflake Killers are such top T. Tex moments as renditions of Psycho and Lee Harvey, his classic Move It (also recorded by The LeRoi Brothers), takes on Dave Davies' Kinks hit Death Of A Clown and Baby's Got A Gun by The Only Ones, and to wrap it all up, a demo of a commercial Tex cut for the Chili's restaurant chain. It's an intexicating collection from an artist of uncommonly cool off-kilter brilliance. 01 - The Big D Ramblers - Intexicated! Part 1 02 - Purple Stickpin - Baby's Got A Gun 03 - Lithium X-mas - Love Power 04 - Out On Parole - L.S.D. 05 - Tex & The Saddletramps - Move It 06 - The Loafin' Hyenas - If Looks Could Kill 07 - The Swingin' Cornflake Killers - Cravin' 08 - Hickoids - Lee Harvey 09 - The Big D Ramblers - It's Gravity 10 - Tex & The Saddletramps - Have You Ever Spent The Night In Jail? 11 - Tex & The Saddletramps - Thirteen Women 12 - Out On Parole - Crazy Date 13 - Mechanical Bull - Blood On The Saddle 14 - Out On Parole - Psycho '84 15 - The Loafin' Hyenas - Goin' Down South 16 - Lithium X-mas - Nobody Likes Me 17 - The Toe Tags - Death Of A Clown 18 - The Big D Ramblers - Intexicated! Part 2 19 - Tex & Breakfastime - Chili's Demo 320k 139.8 Mb DOWNLOAD LINK
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period-dramallama · 9 months
Tagged by @theladyelizabeth gratias tibi agoooooo
1. How many works do you have on AO3?: Under my main pseud, 48. My darkfic pseud, 9.
3. What fandoms do you write for? A scattering of fandoms. I specialise in worldbuilding and rarepairs. My main pseud is for Tudor fiction. My other pseud is for darkfic or more explicit fic.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? For main pseud:
C'est la (petite) vie c'est la (petite) mort
Love is a stranger who'll beckon you on
So you can sleep
love hid behind the shadows
The Pelican
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? i SHOULD. I don't always. I just feel... shy? awkward? i feel like a kid discussing their powerpoint. I reply if i have something to say. but i do thank people who leave comments on rarepair fics because i'm just so happy to meet another fellow shipper. And also heartfelt comments like people who survived horrible things and see themselves in the characters, I reply to those.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
So you can sleep. Reader-Y/N is left heartbroken and watchers of the movies know the man is on his way to becoming a serial killer. My other fics i would say are either bittersweet, or have a glimmer of hope, for the characters or their world.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Love is a stranger ends on a happy note, but with troubled times ahead (the death of Edward VI, the re-catholicisation of England, the illness of Don Carlos). C'est la petite vie has a depressing beginning but bounces its way chaotically to a happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I don't write for popular ships, so i guess i don't get enough hits to find haters. Like if you read a rarepair, 99% chance you searched for that ship. And i'm a zealous tagger of dark content! The bookmark of 2/5 tho... I'd have preferred a comment saying what they liked and didn't like (because i still got a kudos and a bookmark so what gives????)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I dooooooooooo. My darkfic pseud for E, my main pseud doesn't go higher than M. I find smut a challenge to write, so I use it as an inciting incident or to explore a state of mind or a need. (Grief, guilt, power, anger, love).
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I have as a teenager on FFN.net. But I'm not a big crossover person. But i wrote a song Do You Wanna Be My Ally? To the tune of Do You Want To Build A Snowman?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? There's no incentive to steal rarepair fic. It'll only get you attention from like... 4 people. and those 4 people have probably read the original ANYWAY.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Alas, no.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I'd be down for it, but I've never been asked.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? My first OTP was Lupin/Tonks. They're how i discovered the existence of fanfic. But my all-time OTP is Jane/Rochester. Other ships wax and wane, but my enthusiasm for those two is constant.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I have unfinished WIPs on my teenage FFN.net account, because i didn't know what ending i wanted. But i usually write oneshots. I have a WIP for a gothic novel that has been on the backburner for like 6 years. But one day I hope it'll reveal itself to me.
16. What are your writing strengths? I've been told I write fear and panic well. Which is good. Also comedy. Almost always a little bit of that in there. Also readers enjoy the characters, so that too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Let's ask the reader who gave me 2 stars transitional scenes. starting and ending the scene. setting the scene. I'm not big on description and location. I'm a dialogue-heavy writer, so if the dialogue isn't working for you.... Godspeed, reader.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? Nah, i just say what language the characters are speaking in. But some of my chapter titles are in different languages.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Harry Potter because i was a spotty kid with braces.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written? Usually the fic I'm writing at the time is my favourite. My longer fics like C'est la petite vie and Love is a stranger have a special place in my heart.
But I suppose the ultimate fanfic crown must go to Turn your back on the Hanging Tree, because it was a dusty old 80k word clumsy fanfic from my teen years that I cared about enough to rewrite as a 17k word oneshot. Murder, desire, women, scheming, BLOOD- all my favourite things.
Tagging @jurijurijurious @caesarflickermans @plvtarch @thefudge @natequarter @coryo @katniiss @astridbecks... i can't recall who else i know who writes fic.
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gryffire · 2 years
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When you’re lost, I’ll find the way, I’ll be your light You’ll never feel like you’re alone, I’ll make this feel like  h o m e
edward tonks x andromeda black
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ao3feed-snape · 2 years
The Heir and The Champions
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Ua9Cvs4
by Kingsaxcul
In which, we follow the Heir of the Hunt into his fourth year, where he is drawn into a tournament he didn't enter, argues with his friends, finds love, returns to a land teeming with death, and embraces the destiny he sees reflected in Fathomless Black Eyes. (part three to The Heir of the Hunt; Sequel to Under Hunters Moon)
Words: 12620, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Heir to the Hunt
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Harry Potter, Zoë Nightshade (Percy Jackson), Hedwig (Harry Potter), Nymphadora Tonks, Edward Tonks, Andromeda Black Tonks, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Scáthach | Lancer, Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Tracey Davis (Harry Potter), Daphne Greengrass, Astoria Greengrass, Dobby (Harry Potter), Badb, Anu - Character, Macha, Fleur Delacour, Olympe Maxime, Viktor Krum, Igor Karkaroff, Cedric Diggory, Gabrielle Delacour, Artemis (Percy Jackson), The Hunters of Artemis (Percy Jackson), Peter Pettigrew, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Death Eater Characters
Relationships: Harry Potter & Zoë Nightshade, Harry Potter & Hedwig
Additional Tags: harry potter is a demigod, Dobby is a Free Elf (Harry Potter), BAMF Harry Potter, Harry Potter Has PTSD, Harry Potter Needs a Hug, Harry Potter Needs Therapy, Triwizard Tournament (Harry Potter), BAMF Fleur Delacour, Veela are Fae, BAMF Viktor Krum, BAMF Cedric Diggory, Tarot, Celtic Mythology & Folklore, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Ua9Cvs4
0 notes
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— she walked through the world as ;
name → amelia bones pronouns → she/her identification → cis-female year of birth → 1956-1957 face claim →  adria arjona blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → sexually fluid  occupation → trainee prosecution barrister in the department of magical law enforcement future information → n/a deceased  → 22nd June 1983
— she is best described as ;
She possesses an UNSHAKABLE LOYALTY towards her goals, making her a beacon of excellence among colleagues. She faces obstacles and challenges with a FIERCE TENACITY, viewing them as mere speed bumps on her road to success. Her PASSION burns like a thousand suns, INSPIRING OTHERS and setting an example of what it means to be truly great.
— her story starts with ;
Amelia Bones, a woman of remarkable strength, confidence, dedication, and loyalty, was a product of her upbringing. Her mother, an internationally renowned charms professor, and her father, a famous explorer, instilled in her a sense of order and adventure that shaped her into the remarkable person she was. Amelia was the eldest of three siblings, followed by her sister Victoria a year later, and finally, her brother Edgar two years after that. They grew up in a small cottage in a charming wizarding village in the midlands, surrounded by the natural beauty of brooks and fields of strawberries basking in golden sunlight. Their father regaled them with tales of his adventures – these stories inspired a deep longing for adventure. However, her mother's pragmatism and order kept her grounded, and all three siblings started lessons early, learning the most basic charms before even receiving their letters to Hogwarts. Her parents' teachings had instilled in her a strong work ethic and an unbreakable determination to achieve her goals. Her single-mindedness was unwavering, and once her mind was made up, it was as if her destiny had been etched in stone.
Regrettably, the once unshakeable union between Amelia's parents had begun to falter, causing her mother and sister, Victoria, to flee to France. Amelia was left devastated, feeling as though she had lost two integral pieces of herself. The absence of her mother and sister was only worsened by the fact that her father, due to work, would vanish for weeks at a time, leaving Amelia and her younger brother Edgar to fend for themselves. While Amelia appreciated the assistance of their House-Elf, Pipbsy, she yearned to take on the role of caretaker for her little brother and be the head of the household. As a result, she was forced to mature more quickly than most girls her age. Just as she thought things couldn't get any worse, her mother arrived for a visit and announced that she was taking Edgar with her, citing her concern over their father's negligence. Though Amelia pleaded with her mother to let Edgar stay, she remained steadfast in her decision. Before Amelia's eyes, her little brother vanished from the kitchen table as he apparated away with their mother. Amelia consoled herself with the belief that her family's separation was for the best. 
On arrival at Hogwarts for the first time, the Sorting Hat ultimately placed her in the house of Hufflepuff, and she chose to maintain a low profile, focusing on her school work and establishing relationships with only a few of her dorm-mates, such as CELIA ABBOTT [friend]. Amelia proved herself to be an extraordinary student, garnering great respect from her professors. However, her impressive academic achievements also drew the attention of some unkind bullies, such as RABASTAN LESTRANGE [adversary]. Despite this, she found a friend in GARRICK OLLIVANDER [friend]. As she progressed into her third year, Amelia began to blossom, opening up and forming new friendships. It was EDWARD TONKS [best friend] that she felt a connection with, seeing her younger brother in him, and the two quickly became friends. However, the most significant surprise of her entire time at Hogwarts came when her brother Edgar was called up to be sorted. Amelia gasped when she heard his name and cheered loudly when he was sorted into Hufflepuff. She had no idea that Edgar was even in the United Kingdom, let alone attending Hogwarts.
Amelia had a soft spot for underdogs. She couldn't resist lending a helping hand to those who were bullied or underestimated. Her kindness and dedication to others were some of the reasons she was appointed as a prefect in her fifth and sixth year. When her friend Ted was also appointed as a prefect, she was thrilled. Amelia had developed a motherly instinct towards Ted, and although she knew she could be a bit overbearing at times, it was only because she cared deeply for him. But when she discovered that Ted had become friends with ANDROMEDA BLACK [adversary], one of the infamous Black sisters who held extremist views about blood purity, she was suspicious. What did Andromeda want with a Muggle-born wizard? In her seventh year, Amelia was given the prestigious title of Head Girl, and she worked hard to uphold the mantle. She applied for the Auror training programme with the hopes of joining the Auror office after passing her N.E.W.T.S with flying colours. When she was offered a spot in the programme, she was ecstatic. Amelia's hard work and perseverance had finally paid off.
After six months as an Auror, Amelia's dream job no longer seemed as fulfilling as she had anticipated. The law, which she had once believed in so strongly, seemed riddled with bias and inequality. Her newfound perspective made her realise that she could make a greater difference as a member of the Wizengamot. In order to transition from the Auror Office to the Wizengamot office, Amelia enrolled in extra courses, including a year in barrister theory, before embarking on her practical training years. Her goal was to become a barrister, using her position to ensure that criminals were not given preferential treatment and that minority groups such as House-Elves and Werewolves were not discriminated against. Amelia underwent rigorous training to hone her skills. However, Andromeda, was also a trainee defence barrister, learning from the famous and talented RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE [colleague]. As the two women clashed in the courtroom, their skills and wits were put to the test, resulting in a captivating showdown – an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.
Amelia's fearless and determined nature, honed through years of training as an Auror, proved to be an invaluable asset to her investigative work. Her unyielding pursuit of justice led her down a path that ultimately led to her tragic demise. With her keen instincts and exceptional skills as an investigator, she tirelessly gathered evidence surrounding BOOKER BAGNOLD’s [friend] death, until she had enough to confront Rabastan about his suspected involvement in the murder. It was a shocking revelation that left Amelia reeling, for she had never imagined that a schoolyard bully could become a ruthless killer. But by accusing Rabastan of murder, Amelia had unknowingly sealed her own fate. It was then that JAE MULICBER [adversary], transformed into CLAUDETTE TREMBLAY [friend/romantic liason] in order to get close to Amelia and carry out the murder. It was at the Summer Solstice ball in 1983 that Amelia's story came to an abrupt end. The senseless loss of Amelia Bones left a gaping hole in the wizarding world, and her killer may never be brought to justice. Will her legacy live on as a symbol of bravery and justice, or will her death be forever shrouded in darkness?
— she was a LEVEL 6 WITCH & is now at peace ;
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rckflg · 3 years
enjoy :) hope you like this free food
i will link each character’s masterlist in this post
han solo
princess leia
luke skywalker
padme amidala
anakin skywalker
obi wan kenobi
kylo ren
general hux
poe dameron
rose tico
boba fett 
fennec shand
din djarin
paz vizsla
cobb vanth
harry potter
hermione granger
ron weasley
ginny weasley
george weasley
fred weasley
charlie weasley
bill weasley
neville longbottom
oliver wood
seamus finnegan
dean thomas
cedric diggory
luna lovegood
cho chang
fleur delacour
pansy parkinson
viktor krum
voldemort/tom riddle
bellatrix lestrange
fenrir greyback
lucius malfoy
narcissa malfoy
igor karkaroff
barty crouch sr
barty crouch jr
professor severus snape
alastor moody
sirius black
remus lupin
nymphador tonks
newt scamander
theseus scamander
black widow / natasha romanov
yelena belova
hulk / bruce banner
antman / scott lang
tasm!spiderman / peter parker
hawkeye / clint barton
hawkeye / kate bishop
echo / maya lopez
daredevil / matt murdock
mobius m. mobius
deadpool / wade wilson
negasonic teenage warhead / ellie phimister
cable / nathan summers
domino / neena thurman
storm / ororo munroe
mystique / raven darkholm
wolverine / james howlett / logan
rogue / anna marie
phoenix / jean grey
cyclops / scott summers
havok / alex summers
jubilee / jubilation lee
banshee / sean cassidy
quicksilver / pietro maximoff
angel / warren worthington
x-23 / laura kinney
magik / illyana rasputina
wolfsbane / rahne sinclair
mirage / dani moonstar
nightcrawler / kurt wagner
magneto / erik lensher
please let me know which version of the x-men characters you would like me to write for when requesting
harley quinn
black canary
renee montoya
victor zsasz
harley quinn
rick flag
captain boomerang
polka-dot man
ratcatcher 2
merry brandybuck
pippin took
bilbo baggins
thorin oakenshield
michael emerson
ace merill
denny lachance
eyeball chambers
billy tessio
carlisle cullen
esme cullen
alice cullen
jasper hale
rosalie hale
emmett cullen
edward cullen
bella swan
charlie swan
billy black
jacob black
seth clearwater
leah clearwater
paul lahote
sam uley
eliot waugh
quentin coldwater
julia wicker
alice quinn
margo hansen
penny adiyodi
kady orloff-diaz
mariana andrieski
henry fogg
vanessa ives
ethan chandler
dorian gray
brona croft
victor frankenstein
vanya hargreeves
klaus hargreeves
luther hargreeves
allison hargreeves
diego hargreeves
ben hargreeves
lila pitts
CHARMED (1998)
piper halliwell
pheobe halliwell
prue halliwell
paige halliwell
leo wyatt
cole turner
CHARMED (2018)
macy vaughn
mel vera
maggie vera
harry greenwood
abigael cain
niko hamada
tommy shelby
john shelby
arthur shelby
ada shelby
finn shelby
polly gray
alfie solomons
luca changretta
aberama gold
bonnie gold
johnny dogs
jim hopper
joyce byers
dr alexei
robin buckley
steve harrington
billy hargrove
max mayfield
fiona gallagher
ian gallagher 
carl gallagher
debbie gallagher
lip gallagher
mickey milkovich 
kevin ball
veronica fisher
male!reader platonic &/or smut & fem!platonic!reader only for ian & mickey
spencer reid
penelope garcia
luke alvez
aaron hotchner
elle greenway
kate callahan
rhycroft philostrate
vignette stonemass
nick burkhardt
hank griffin
captain sean renard
seargent wu
rosalee calvert
adalind schade
vic mcqueen
maggie leigh
tabitha hutter
9th doctor
10th doctor
11th doctor
12th doctor
13th doctor
missy / gomez!master
rose tyler
yazmin khan
river song
bill potts
captain jack harkness
toshiko sato
owen harper
the mandalorian / din djarin
javier pena
maxwell lord
whiskey / jack daniels
dave york
fransisco ‘catfish’ morales
marcus moreno
poe dameron
nathan (ex machina)
apocalypse / en sabah nur
kane (annihilation)
gomez addams ; platonic!reader or familial!reader only
rick flag
takeshi kovacs
pete koslow
erik heller
stephen holder
ed baldwin
tasm!spiderman / peter parker
443 notes · View notes
sabrinauniverse · 3 years
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i got to 700 followers one of those days and i didn’t know what to do for a celebration since i don’t have much time now that my classes are back and all. so, to celebrate, i’m doing a follow forever! if you are tagged here, i really enjoy your blog and your content and probably will be following you for a long long time. i’m very happy to have you guys on my dashboard.
i’m really grateful for all of my followers and i’m really happy u like my content and everything in here. thank you all for this new milestone!
tags under the cut so it won’t get to busy on others dashboard.
? - a @21st-century-sweetheart @aang-beifong @aangry @achilleius @ahsokastars @ajmichalka @alberthan @aleksandr-morozova @alinastarkhov @alivnas @aly-naith @anakiin @andromedaa-tonks @androominyards @anyataylorjoy @anyataylorjoyy @arianagrandre @arianagrandse @arianapopqueen @arianaweekly @ariansgrande @augustsjanes @auroraslynch @avatar-aang @azulaflirting
b - c @beauvalejulie @beif0ngs @benbarne @benslie @bestfriendsquad @bichellejones @bileifdonnelly @bisexualrights @bitchys @bitcrowry @bladesrunner @bluesrrgents @bookwyvrn @brchies @breakupwithyourgf @brekkersblog @brutalolivia @buffyscmmers @calliopes @capturingdisney @cartoon-appreciation-dweebs @catboyqrow @cattradora @charlesxsavier @chaseannabeths @christapherevans @claremcnt @clarkesplaylist @clarys-fairchild @collinear @concepts @corneliabryant @corporalki @crookedwesper @cruellesummer @cruelsomer @cyrus-goodman
d - e @daisyherondxle @damnsarge @dancewithmey @dangerouspositions @danieljradcliffe @darkshadowqueensrule @daynes @decidoeye @deenajohnsn @deenasjohnson @delilahhbard @demigod-from-hogwarts20 @deweyduck @dippingpines @dirtyhandsbrekkers @djkrel @docmcfly @drastoria @dreamofthestars @edatheowlslady @el-hoppers @elenas @ellaria @elllayelich @emma-blackthorn @este @evan-peter @evanbukley @evermored
f - h @fahey @faroqlane @fcmalyen @fedyorsivans @fierceaskatniss @filippakkosta @firesbending @flowerdepths @frays @gamorra @gayspiderman @generalobiwan @genyasafins @genyazafin @ghafa-dale @ghiblimemories @ghostin @giffing-su @glorrydays @graciesabram @greenbriarxrose @greensaplinggrace @grimreaper @gwenspendragons @harleyquivnn @harrys @hellfluencers @helloeurydice @herondaletessa @hers @hollcws @hopeurokays @hopeuroks @hqmlet @huaschengs @hugoevelyns @hunterschafer
i - k @iinej-ghaffa @ilovetvtoons @inej-ghafa @inej-qhafa @inejghafta @inejqhafa @inejsghafaa @inejz-ghafaz @insaneelbow @iorde @iseeingstars @iwatchforher @j-jadestuff @jade-thirlwall @jadespics @jadethirlwallxlm @jadewestgf @jakeperalta @janeslandrys @jimlake @jimmylang @judeduartes @judewillemgf @kadygrants @kasskalitch @kataang @katara-aang @katarasbending @kateverdeen @kazbrakkar @kazbrekkorz @kazmybeloved @kazscrows @ketterdam @ketterdarn @kieumy @kirsbataar @kitrivas @kpfun @kuuwei-yul-bo @kuweiyulbo
l - m @l-ttlmix @lavenderlemonrose @leah-clearwaters @leerilee @leighannetrash @leighpinnocx @littlemixedit-s @lizzies @lmjadethirlwall @lokiluafeyson @lordehd @loverdlx @luzvstheforcesofevil @maddiecline @madeline-kahn @madisonrooney @magnusedom @maik0s @maloretsov @marksfarrows @martacabreras @mattiasnina @maygrant @megfox @meliorn @mgnetos @miss-thirlwall @misterbrekker @mizzdestiny @montygreen @moonlightzari @mrdirtyhands @namjoonpapai @navani @navani-the-engineering-queen @nicovaralica @nina-zcnik @ninashellvar @ninaszenick @nobie @nobodynocrime @nodelinquent
o - r @obviouspov @ohmyfuturelove @ohzuko @oliviarodrigonation @oliviasrodrigo @oretsov @oretssev @ourravenboys @peraltastarkov @periedwards @perrie-edwards @perrieat @perriedward @perriesedwards @pettyzaynstan @pinksdiamonds @planet-her @poebodysnerfect @polartss @portorossos-archived @princekiem @putalittleloveonme @ramonapest @rareputation @ravkaes @recklesspath @reddriot @refercnces @regorszag @regulus-black @reinerist @remusluppn @replayfootsteps @reyskywalkeer @robertsbarbie @rodrigosolivia @roifernandez @rosebudgirls @rosequart @roxyhorrcr
s - t @s0larpower @safinssmontagov @sailorsmoon @sapphic-korra @scandinavian-punk @schrutedwight @scpphic @selwynkane @shadowandbone @shameshewentmad @shangs @sharpay @shiningstarlight @shrekfionas @shurii @sifukyoshi @sixofvillains @solarpowermv @solarspowers @somedayreprise @southerland @spdermen @ssweetener @stadwatch @starkcvsalina @starsm @startoons @suzi @takeabiteoutofthesilversandwich @taurielsilvan @taylorknowsplaces @tayorswift @team-leo-v @tgpgifs @thankunextmp3 @thebooklife @thejudgingtrash @themaruaders @theres-alight @thirliewhirl @tina-snow @tiredassbibliophile @titlecard @tormentings @toujoursdraco @tqylena @trinitymarrow @truly-vcldez @tyrellmargaery
u - z @uhkaashi @venecs @violetshells @vladandval @wasabism @watermelonsugarsigh @wespers @william-byers @wisengirl @witch-breath @womenkilling @wxsteland-bxby @wylanvanheck @yarasflor @zenik @zoya-nazyalenskys
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mendesxruel · 3 years
𝐂𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩 𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
ೃ ⊹ ૢ་༘ ۪۪̥ (𝟕𝟎𝟎 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬) ೃ ⊹ ૢ་༘ ۪۪̥
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thank you so so much for 700 you guys !! this has been such a great experience for me, i love putting out fics, headcanons and edits there for you guys, thank you so much for the support!
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welcome to the 700 followers coffe shop celebration! here you can order from our menu. enjoy your stay!
(from oct 23rd BRT 10h to oct 24th BRT 15h - 3pm)
we are now CLOSED!
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m e n u !
🧋boba - 2.99
one (1) pinterest image that reminds me of you (moots only)!
🥨 pretzel - 2.50
two (2) song or movie recommendations (pick which one you'd like)!
☕ coffee - 2.00
send me a gif of a character and i'll create a scenario based on it (pick the fandom: dead poets society, harry potter, marvel, high school musical: the musical: the series, maze runner)! - inspired by @velvetcloxds
👻 ghost cookies - 2.80
send a duo halloween costume and i'll tell you who would wear it with you - (example: bella and edward from twilight)- pick a fandom! - inspired by @cupids-crystals
🥞 pancakes - 3.00
tell me a random fact about yourself or a full description and i'll tell you who'd be your best friend and your lover (pick the fandom: dead poets society, harry potter - specify era -, marvel, high school musical: the musical: the series, star wars (prequels), maze runner)!
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lovely moots: (sorry if i didn't tag you, it doesn't let me tag more than 50 people;-;)
@ughgclden @yer-erster @amrtxntias @amourslover @aedan-mills @mollysolo @destourtereaux @sarahisslytherin @mcyt-sh1t @leossmoonn @collieflower215 @velvetcloxds @maisietheweltoncow @mentalthisone @untowardflower @alexturnerscoffeepot @enchqnting @henqtic @pretentious-strikes @transias @sammijd @ladyvesuvia @fyudorx @maybanksslut @duxpuella @neilfuckingperrydeservedbetter @neil-perry-is-alive @death-is-the-mother-of-beauty @eloquenceflores @poetofthedyingstars @canyon-perk @the-second-tonks @nightofthelivingpoet @missetbilu @tolerate-it-tomlinson @sereinegemini @queertoddanderson @queen-asteria04 @bellatrixscurls @dar-lington @tokyocupid @yourpal @miwafrosims @gerardpitts @justfangirlthingies @leydileyla @kelieah @musicallisto
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Supernova Family Tree
I got a comment on Supernova asking for a family tree. I couldn't include everyone, but this is a good start for the central characters of the story. In this AU, the timeline changes where I swap Andromeda for Alphard. I messed around with some of the other birth dates for the Black family tree, esp. Cygnus and Pollux.
Please note that I had to change quite a few dates - JKR is bad at math (among other things) - and I had to shift around a lot of the older Black generations, because the Black Family Tree in the HP Lexicon shows Pollux and Cygnus both having their children when they're 13 years old. My dates are reflected to change both the AU and having more reasonable birthdays for people to become parents. I'll draw or make a proper family tree sometime - the best I've got is scribbles on a piece of paper! These dates can be found in the notes for chapter 2.
Phineas Nigellus Black* (1837) m. Ursula Flint (1847) Sirius Black* (1868) m. Hesper Gamp (1870) Phineas Black (1869) - disowned Cygnus Black (1871) m. Violetta Bulstrode (1880) Belvina Black (1874) m. Herbert Burke (1869) Arcturus Black (1877) m. Lysandra Yaxley (1884)
Sirius Black* (1868) m. Hesper Gamp (1870) Arcturus Black* (1891) m. Melania Macmillan (1893) Lycoris Black (1894) - no data in Black Family Tree on HP Lexicon Regulus Black (1896) - no data
Arcturus Black* (1891) m. Melania Macmillan (1893) Lucretia Black (1925) m. Ignatius Prewett Orion Black* (1926) m. Walburga Black (1925)
Orion Black* (1926) m. Walburga Black (1925) Sirius Black* (1959) Regulus Black (1961)
Cygnus Black (1871) m. Violetta Bulstrode (1880) Pollux Black (1900) m. Irma Crabbe (1905) Cassiopeia Black (1903) - no data in BFT Marius Black (1910) - disowned Dorea Black (1920) m. Charlus Potter
Pollux Black (1900) m. Irma Crabbe (1905) Walburga Black (1925) m. Orion Black* (1926) Cygnus Black (1927) m. Druella Rosier (1927) Andromeda Black (1941) m. Byron Travers (1924)
Cygnus Black (1927) m. Druella Rosier (1927) Bellatrix Black (1950) m. Rodolphus Lestrange (1943) Alphard Black (1953) Narcissa Black (1955) m. Lucius Malfoy (1954)
Andromeda Black (1941) (ex w/ Edward “Ted” Tonks (1940)) m. Byron Travers (1924) Nymphadora Travers (1960)
Malvolio Travers (1895) m. Cressida Rowle (1901) Byron Travers (1924) m. Freya Nott (1925-1958) Malcolm Travers (1948) Claudius Travers (1949)
Joseph Tonks (1919-1957) m. Elizabeth “Elsie” Flanagan (1920) Edward “Ted” Tonks (1940) (ex w/ Andromeda Black (1941) Nymphadora Travers (1960)
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Harry Potter Shipping Master Post
Albus Dumbledore/Harry Potter
The Sound of Me Vomiting
Albus Dumbledore/Hermione Granger
Okay, Anon, I Guess I’ll Try
Albus Dumbledore/Rubeus Hagrid
Porque, Anon?
Albus Dumbledore/Sirius Black
They Didn’t Even Like Each Other
Albus Dumbledore/Tom Riddle
Oh God No
But How Would I Make It Work?
No, but really, Muffin, WHY WOULD ALBUS DO THIS?!
Alphard Black/Carlisle Cullen
Ah ha ha ha, no
Alphard Black/Tom Riddle
What if Alphard Got Tom M!Preg?
Arthur Weasley/Molly Weasley
Their Relationship
Barty Crouch Jr/Tom Riddle
Someone Points a Gun at My Head Again
Cedric Diggory/Cho Chang
Could They Have Lasted?
Cedric Diggory/ Harry Potter
The Pairing’s Fine, The Fics Are Filled with Rape
Cho Chang/Harry Potter
They Just Weren’t Compatible
Dean Thomas/Seamus Finnegan
I have 0 Thoughts on Dean/Seamus
Draco Malfoy/Astoria Greengrass
Who Even is Astoria?
Was Their Marriage a Good One?
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
I Hate Drarry Too
Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
I Hate Dramione
How Would I Make Dramione Work If Someone Put a Gun to My Head?
If Draco and Hermione Fell in Love, What Would They Do?
Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley
You Asked Me if a Ship Works? And You Pick This One?
Fleur Delacour/Harry Potter
Should Harry/Fleur Be a Thing?
Fleur Delacour/Nymphadora Tonks
Sure, in AU Land
Fred Weasley/Hermione Granger
Why Do People Ship Hermione/Fred? Where Did It Come From?!
Fred Weasley
What About Fred Weasley and Renesmee Cullen from Twilight?
Gilderoy Lockhart/Severus Snape
Ginny Weasley/Fleur Delacoeur
Ginny Made Her Feelings Pretty Clear with “Phlegm”
Ginny Weasley/Harry Potter
Ginny’s Not Popular and Wouldn’t Be Caught Dead Dating Luna, Also Her Marriage with Harry is a Disaster
Does Harry (Who’s Probably Gay) Date Ginny Because She’s a Tom Boy? (Ginny’s Not a Tom Boy)
Harry Marries Ginny to Marry a Weasley
Ginny, Harry, and the Deathly Hallows
Ginny, Harry, and the Post-Canon Divorce Neither Wants
Ginny Weasley/Luna Lovegood
Ginny’s Not Popular and Wouldn’t Be Caught Dead Dating Luna, Also Her Marriage with Harry is a Disaster
Ginny Weasley
I Ship Ginny With No One
Harry Potter/Bella Swan (Twilight)
Bella’s Not into That
Harry Potter/Edward Cullen (Twilight)
Look, Their Universes Don’t Even Work
Harry Potter/Hermione Granger
I Find Hermione/Harry Boring and Mostly Implausible
Would Hermione and Harry Have an Affair Post Canon?
Harry Potter/Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Well, That One Ain’t Going to Work Out
Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood
What’s the Deal with Harry/Luna?
Harry Potter/Peter Pettigrew
That Time Anon Asked Me for Despair
Harry Potter/Ron Weasley
Let’s Not Inflict Harry on Poor Ron
Harry Potter/Severus Snape
As You Can Guess, I’m Not a Fan of This One Either
Harry Potter/Sirius Black
That Time Anon Asked Me for Lolita
Harry Potter/Tom Riddle
Does it Work?! (If You Pretend Harry Isn’t Harry, Yes)
Tomarry vs. Harrymort
Harry Potter/The Weasley Twins
Doesn’t Matter Which One, They’re the Same Person
Harry Potter
Pick a Partner for Harry!
Hermione Granger/Luna Lovegood
Hermione Granger/Remus Lupin
This One’s Less Likely Than Hermione/Sirius (The Answer is No)
Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
I Find Hermione/Ron Unbelievably Boring, But Very Plausible
Who Would Ron and Hermione End Up With if Not Each Other?
What Would Hermione Do if Ron Cheated?
Would They Have Stayed Together if Harry Died in the Battle of Hogwarts?
Hermione Granger/Sirius Black
This One, Ain’t Working Either, Fellas
Hermione Granger/Tom Riddle
I Loathe Tomione Entirely
How Would I Make Tomione Work? (Through Despair)
Hermione Granger
But Who is Right for Hermione?!
James Potter/Lily Evans
Extended Thoughts on Jily
James Potter/Severus Snape
Are You Serious, Anon?
James Potter/Sirius Black
That Time Anon Asked Me About James/Regulus and My Brain Said Sirius
Does Lily Know or Suspect?
Lily Evans/Remus Lupin
Lily Evans/Tom Riddle
My Babbling (Part 1)
My Babbling (Part 2)
A Slightly More Comprehensive Explanation
Luna Lovegood/Neville Longbottom
They’re Both Nice People
Luna Lovegood/Ron Weasley
Minerva McGonagall/Tom Riddle
At Least They’re from the Same Time Period (Barring CoG)
Nymphadora Tonks/Remus Lupin
Why I Think It Was an Unhealthy Relationship
Peter Pettigrew/Remus Lupin
Peter Pettigrew/Severus Snape
Someone Seriously Asked Me About This
Peter Pettigrew/Tom Riddle
Anon, Why Have You Forsaken Me?
Petunia Dursley/Severus Snape
Would They Work? If You Mean by Toxic, Yes?
Petunia Dursley/Vernon Dursley
Did They Even Love Each Other?
Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Oh, Hell No
Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
A Toxic Wasteland That Everyone Loves
Severus Snape/Tom Riddle
But How Would You Write It, Muffin?
Severus Snape/Sirius Black
Sirius Black/Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
You Guys Really Like Patrick, Huh
Tom Riddle/Aro (Twilight)
That Thing That Happens in a Relationship When You Date Someone Too Similar So It Doesn’t Work
Tom Riddle/Azula (Avatar the Last Airbender)
You Guys Really Throw These Ships Here, Don’t You?
Tom Riddle/Bella Swan (Twilight)
Possible, though Unlikely and Won’t Lead Happy Places
Tom Riddle/Jasper Whitlock (Twilight)
I Think Anon Really Just Wanted a Sexy Lily and the Art of Being Sisyphus One-Shot Starring Hot Tom Riddle and Jasper in Riddle Incorporated, Instead They Got This Answer: No
Tom Riddle/Light Yagami (Death Note)
In that AU Where They Attend Hogwarts Together
Tom Riddle/Scarlett O’Hara (Gone with the Wind)
I Don’t Think That One’s Going to Work Out
Are There Any Healthy Canon Relationships in Harry Potter?!
Who’s Spicier: Tom or Lucius? (Shockingly, it’s Lucius)
Who’s Spicier: Tom or Lucius? II Electric Boogaloo (Also, What Are the Worst and Best Pairings with the Pair)
Which Do I Prefer: Tomione or Dramione? (Tomione, It Gives Me Ludicrous Tom)
Are There Any Plausible Gay Ships?
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