#m marlene mckinnon
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE QUEEN OF WANDS get what she deserves?” She is in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX & is CLOSED to finding out. 
— she walks through the world as ;
name → lily evans pronouns → she/her identification → cis female year of birth → september 1959 - september 1960 face claim → ellie bamber blood status → muggle-born sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → researcher in the spells and curses research wing at the ministry of magic future information → wife of james potter, mother of harry potter
— she is best described as ;
— her story starts with ;
tw: death
Raised in Cokeworth to a muggle librarian and a muggle school teacher, her upbringing was relatively simple. Her home was dreamed up and doodled on the back of pieces of notepaper when her parents were young, with ivy growing up the walls and beautiful flowers adorning their cottage garden. Lily and her older sister PETUNIA EVANS [sibling/adversary] were named after those flowers, securing a special bond Lily thought they’d share forever. Her sister was her best friend, until the day it became clear that Lily Evans was different. When she was seven years old, playing in the garden with her sister Lily noticed as she and Petunia danced and twirled the flowers in their garden danced too, singing a merry tune as she had once seen in a film. Lily realised she could do extraordinary things, she blew a dandelion into butterflies and could make a bud bloom in her hands. Lily considered herself special, her sister did not. Petunia became jealous of her, saying cruel and spiteful things about Lily’s abilities until tears rolled down her cheeks. A freak was what she called her and her best friend became her adversary. A young boy in Spinner's End became a place of safety for Lily, SEVERUS SNAPE [adversary/former best friend]. 
A quiet boy, who sometimes appeared awkward in his own skin, Lily brought out some confidence in him, a look of awe in his eyes as she made nature transform into something even more beautiful. Severus told her the magic of the world behind the curtain from her own. Apparently she was a witch, like Severus’ mother and one day she would arrive home from school to a letter from PROFESSOR ALBUS DUMBLEDORE [former professor/leader] telling her she had been selected to attend a magical school for people just like them. Sure enough her letter arrived and Petunia was delighted to hear Lily would be moving away to boarding school, comparing it to a prison rather than a place of education. Lily did not want to leave on bad terms with her sister, but as she boarded the train for school just aged eleven she knew their relationship was well and truly over. Sorted into Gryffindor, Lily quickly befriended a few fellow lions she was fortunate enough to be sharing a dorm with that year. MARLENE MCKINNON [best friend], MARY MACDONALD [best friend], and DORCAS MEADOWES [best friend] were unique characters who made the transition to her new life easier. 
Mary was her rock during the process, also a Muggle-Born, they were bubbly, friendly and seemingly unphased by the hustle and bustle of their new world. Lily attempted to follow suit and the beginning of classes signalled a new found confidence for Lily as it quickly became established amongst her peers that she was an incredibly talented witch. A firm favourite of her professors, particularly Professors Slughorn and Fltwick, Lily’s talents began to attract her both positive and negative attention at school, as people flocked to be her friend and ask for her help with their studies. JASPER AVERY [adversary] was particularly jealous of Lily’s talents and frequently made it known he believed her to be lesser, due to her blood status. Lily however, would never be deterred and garnered a bit of a reputation for late night duels by The Black Lake to take down those who dared to challenge her and put their abilities where their mouth was. Lily had thick skin and a sharp mind, which meant cleverly orchestrated insults often followed the sting of her spells. It was this fire that attracted the unwanted attention of JAMES POTTER [close friend/potential love interest/former adversary], a fellow Gryffindor, who Lily found terribly arrogant.
To Lily, James, SIRIUS BLACK [close friend/former adversary] and PETER PETTIGREW [close friend/former adversary] were self-entitled bullies who had found entertainment in making fun of others, namely Severus- though these dynamics quickly shifted. In her fourth year after a stern talking to from McGonagall about her fighting, Lily accepted a position as a prefect with REMUS LUPIN [close friend] and began to see things differently without blood red rage. Her once good friend had sought the company of Avery and LARKIN MULICBER [adversary] another boy Lily despised due to his disgusting treatment of Mary which had left her beaten and bruised. Lily couldn’t understand why he would associate with such people and when she caught him calling her a mudblood with his ‘friends’ and heard James Potter of all people defending her, Lily had little time for his antics. She was still not convinced of James and his friends, but her mind was made up on Severus. From then onwards, Lily was ice cold towards him, not even bothering to insult him but rather looking through him with as much disdain as she could muster. 
After graduating both a prefect, head of her class and Head Girl- Lily was anxious to get her life started. As much as she loved her parents, she had no desire to spend any time with her sister and quickly moved into a house-share with American witch PRUDENCE OWENS [housemate] and JONATHAN REEVES [housemate] whom Lily vaguely remembered from school. It was jarring living with people she’d never met after spending so much time with her friends, but strangely Lily liked the separation and enjoyed the oddities of her two flatmates who couldn’t be any different from her. Prue and Jon mostly kept to themselves, which worked for Lily who enjoyed staying in her room after a long day at work. Lily accepted a position working for The Ministry of Magic in their Spells and Curses research department, studying spells and trying to push the limits of magic as they knew it. The job suited Lily perfectly, with a curious disposition and a joy of learning she hoped would never fully be quenched in her role. She saw her job as somewhat academic and didn’t realise how important it would become until people began disappearing. It was because of her skillset that Lily was asked to join The Order of The Phoenix, a secret underground group, it seemed most of her friends had been drafted into by their former headmaster. 
When BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest] died on Halloween in 1983 everyone suspected a werewolf attack but PANDORA FORTESCUE [friend/colleague] thought differently, though no one quite paid any attention. A whimsical witch, though she was talented, people often overlooked her- but Lily was in awe of Pandora and paid attention to her research, though admittedly long after the Booker case was closed by the Ministry. It had irritated Lily that no one had listened to Pandora and privately Lily began working with her on the case, conducting research into what they thought might have caused the wounds on Booker and looked for any similarities. Annoyingly when ROSALIE FLINT [person of interest] went missing there was no body for her and Pandora to look over and BENJY FENWICK’s [person of interest] vampire attack seemed to be just that. Lily parked her research for some time, irritated that hers and Pandora’s theory didn’t quite seem to fit. Booker hadn’t been attacked by a werewolf, that much she was sure of- even if Benji had and Rosalie had just gone missing. With bated breath Lily waits for the next person to fall, as ghoulish and gruesome as it sounds. Lily knows the Ministry or perhaps their feared rival organisation are framing creatures. All she needs is proof and motive, so maybe her quiet and secretive housemate Jonathan, might be a good place to start.
— she is a LEVEL 7 WITCH & readied for war ;
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bimoonphases · 19 days
@wolfstarmicrofic September 4 - prompt 4: Muggle [word count 727]
Remus had known it was a bad idea from the start. But it had been the last day of the summer holidays and he knew that in less than twenty-four hours he would be bound for another school year of pining after one Sirius Black with no chances at all, so when Jason had winked at him over the hedge of his parents’ garden he had left aside the book he had been reading and had followed him to the empty building of the village school, where they had as usual climbed up to the abandoned attic. Still, the sheer stupidity of that idea had become evident some minutes before, when he had been rearranging his tie in their crowded train compartment and Marlene had leaned over, her eyes sparkling.
“Is that a hickey, Remus?” she had said, way too loud.
And of course, everyone had turned to look at him. He had felt his cheeks heat up and had passed a hand on his neck, cursing internally the fact he had been too caught up in the moment to tell Jason to not leave visible marks.
“Are you dating someone?” Lily lowered her book and turned to him, beaming.
“No, no, I’m not,” he said quickly. “It was just a summer thing, it’s over.”
He risked a glance at Sirius, who was staring at him with a blank look on his face, his head in Mary’s lap while she was braiding his hair.
“Pity,” Mary smiled. “You’re quite a catch, any girl would be lucky to have you.”
“Or boy,” Lily pointed out.
“Same difference,” Mary shrugged. “Anyone would be lucky to have our Remus.”
“Yeah, we all know that,” Sirius said from her lap.
“So anyway, who was it?” Peter asked over his chess manual.
“Yes Moony, tell us more,” James tossed aside his Quidditch magazine. “Did you break the heart of a witch or wizard who happened to pass by your village?”
Remus sighed, seeing there was no escaping his friends.
“It was just a boy from my parents’ neighbourhood and I told you there were no hearts involved,” he heard Sirius snort at that. “And he’s a Muggle.”
“Of course he is,” Lily nodded, looking back at her book.
“What do you mean ‘of course’, Evans?” Sirius sat up.
“Face it Black, we Muggles are way better than all of you lot in the snogging department,” Lily smirked.
“Damn right we are,” Marlene nodded, high-fiving Mary over Sirius’s head.
“You wound me, Evans,” James dramatically placed a hand over his heart.
“Then my job here is done,” Lily smiled. “Besides, me and Remus have Prefects rounds to do,” she added, getting up.
“Come on, it can’t be true,” Sirius said. “Surely it depends on the single person?”
“I can confirm Muggle girls kiss way better than witches,” Peter piped up.
Remus rolled his eyes and adjusted his Prefect badge on his robes, following Lily outside. But as soon as they had started down the corridor, their compartment door opened again.
“Moony! Moony, wait!” Sirius’s voice said.
“I’ll wait for you in the next carriage, Remus,” Lily rolled her eyes.
Remus sighed and turned around to face Sirius, trying his very best not to let his eyes linger on his lips.
“Is it really true?” Sirius asked. “That Muggles are better at kissing than wizards?”
“I wouldn’t know,” Remus gritted his teeth. “I’ve never kissed a wizard.”
“You really haven’t?” Sirius liked his lips.
Come to think of it, the one of the day before wasn’t the dumbest idea Remus had had lately. No, the gold medal would have to go to the fact that without even thinking he reached out for Sirius’s shirt and pulled him closer, for once staring into those silver eyes without blushing.
“Do you want to help changing that?” he whispered.
And as Sirius nodded, he closed the gap between them, finally planting his lips over the other boys’, who made a strangled sound and pulled him even closer.
“You were right,” Remus said, when they came up for air. “It does depend on the single person.”
“I don’t really care,” Sirius panted. “Kiss me again.”
Lily would be angry at him for missing his prefect duties, but Remus didn’t care at the moment. Maybe it wouldn’t be another year of pining after Sirius Black again after all.
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have you drawn masc lily to match the fem marauders…
yes i have but ages ago, so i here you go!
(mary and marlene pull this type of shit every year)
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Marls *giving the best performance of his life*: hundreds of gingers are brutally murdered every christmas-“
L: “it’s april?”
Marls: “-sign our petition to help put a stop to this madness”
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close up of the petition bc you know the marauders were up for it
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lily0evans0gf · 4 months
sirius: from now on we’ll be using code names. you can address me as “eagle 1” sirius: mary, code name, “been there done that” sirius: remus, is “currently doing that” sirius: james, “it happened once in a dream” sirius: marlene, “if i had to pick a girl”
sirius: and lily, “eagle 2”
lily: oh thank god
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loserboyfriendrjl · 11 days
recovered addict sirius black who sometimes still goes to the meetings and meets sobering up marlene mckinnon who’s ten years younger than him and he adopts her as a younger sister and takes care of her and invites her to stay in his place when things get rougher and offers her the healthy family she never had
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vomits0cutely · 5 months
Marlene: gaslighting doesn’t work on me
Mary: ..oh?
Marlene: because I already don’t trust my, terrible, memory and I don’t care what really happened
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lulublack90 · 6 months
New chapter. The girls are back and Sirius makes a plan.
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marlbles · 26 days
an expert from the new wolfstar fanfic i’m writing inspired by if we were villains by m.l. rio and the secret history by donna tartt:
Remus sat face-to-face with Rita Skeeter. The astounding world-famous journalist, who decided she needed to interview Remus. Remus Lupin, the convicted criminal who brutally ended the 5 lives of some of his closest peers. The monster, the living devil he was.
And Rita wanted the full story, truth or not.
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juniperpyre · 8 months
marauders & co. coffee orders
lily: black coffee with honey and cinnamon or a honey latte with 2%. she's easy
james: he tries every new drink. if there's nothing new he'll ask for a surprise and tip $10, or get a Real masala chai since he actually prefers tea
sirius: rose and cardamom latte with whole milk. seasonal drinks in the winter but he pretends they are not seasonal drinks
remus: earl grey with milk and one sugar. when they're mad at someone they drink it black
peter: he switches it up, just not as much as james. a vanilla latte with skim is ol' reliable
mary: she likes matcha and green tea lemonades. barring those options she gets a mocha
marlene: refuses to go anywhere but her own hand selected local coffee shops. has been a barista. asks for a real macchiato, if they don't have that she asks for the barista's favorite. this is obnoxious when anyone else does it but marlene pulls it off
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE REBEL get what he deserves?” He is in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX & CLOSED to finding out. 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → sirius black pronouns → he/him identification → cis male year of birth → september 1959 - september 1960 face claim → conan gray blood status → pure-blood  sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → bartender at the leaky cauldron in diagon alley future information → n/a
— he is best described as ;
Everything about him screams REBELLION. He is the familiar scent of CIGARETTE SMOKE and MOTORCYCLE OIL on a vintage LEATHER JACKET that your mother told you to be wary of. He is the INFECTIOUS GRIN of a PRIVATE JOKE shared between FRIENDS, the person who makes you LAUGH till your ribs are sore and a FAMILIAR FRIEND who is with you to till the END even when you’ve been left in the COLD. 
— his story starts with ;
tw: death
Fearless is how they describe him. Destined to become the Black family’s greatest achievement or their greatest disappointment. Sirius often questioned the nature of his reality. Why his family lived in an enchanted house off a busy muggle street, but despised the very people they had chosen to live amongst. Sirius prided himself on his practicality, his parents had a certain distaste for it. ORION BLACK [father] and his wife WALBURGA BLACK [mother] were traditionalists and outwardly expressed their preference to keep to their own kind. As such, Sirius and his younger brother REGULUS BLACK [sibling] were raised in stuffy ballrooms and the children’s tables of family dinner parties alongside their cousins BELLATRIX BLACK [cousin], ANDROMEDA BLACK [cousin] and NARCISSA BLACK [cousin] whose ability to perfectly fit into the picture the Black family had created made him feel even more like the black sheep than he did at 12 Grimmauld Place. The only members of his family he had truly ever gotten along with was his brother and Andromeda, but he found his relationships with them strained the older they grew. 
The “rot”, as his mother so eloquently described it, set it in early with Sirius. He had experimented talking with muggle children and once was insolent enough to bring home a comic book one of them had given him to read, which had promptly been thrown in the fire by Walburga. Age eleven, he was already quite unruly, refusing to adhere to his parents wishes and outwardly teasing those in society his mother tried best to integrate him in with. Hogwarts was Sirius’ first real chance to live beyond the shackles of society, to make friends of his own, although it was still under the watchful eyes of his family. A playful sense of humour and a boyish grin plastered across his face, Sirius made friends quickly and became inseparable from JAMES POTTER [best friend/housemate] and PETER PETTIGREW [best friend/housemate] from the moment the trio had bonded over their newly united hatred in LARKIN MULCIBER [adversary]. Sirius enjoyed like minded, loud people who weren’t afraid to stand up to a ridiculous system based on money and how far back you could trace your family tree. James understood that better than anyone and although he made many friends at school James was more like family to him than even his own brother was.  
Sirius Black achieved legend status quite quickly at Hogwarts. Part of the most notorious group of boys, which included him, James, Peter and their later addition REMUS LUPIN [best friend/housemate], he was notorious. Star beater of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, rebel with a cause and popular with the girls in his year, Sirius’ life at school was a stark contrast to the one he led back home. Proudly he plastered the walls of his bedroom with pictures of his friends and posters of scantily clad muggle models and motorcycles he ensured would stay put with a very powerful sticking charm. It was only a matter of time before things would come to a head. Then suddenly, in the middle of dinner after yet another heated argument, his mother marched over to their family tree and blasted his face from the wall. He was sixteen. Something he had always suspected would happen, but that felt strange when it finally had. The Potter family took him in, but even their love couldn’t make up for the anger balled inside him. 
Sirius took to partying more heavily, cutting classes to flirt and smoke by The Black Lake with MARLENE MCKINNON [close friend/potential love interest], much to the dismay of his girlfriend at the time MAREN ROSMERTA [former girlfriend/close friend], and acting out in dangerous ways. Having discovered Remus’ was a werewolf earlier into their time at school, Sirius thought it might be clever to give their long term rival SEVERUS SNAPE [rival] a fright by tricking him down to The Shrieking Shack on a full moon where Remus usually shifted his form. The prank alongst Severus killed, had it not been for a quick intervention from James. Remus was bitterly hurt by the whole experience and Sirius tried to buckle down shortly afterwards, ashamed of his own behaviour. Upon leaving school Sirius had no money to his name and no real desire to contribute to a society he was vehemently against. Instead he decided to lead his life in a way that would make him the happiest, whilst also making his parents livid. Sirius moved in with his three best friends in an enchanted flat near Farringdon and got two part-time jobs, one at a motorcycle shop in muggle London and another as a bartender at The Leaky Cauldron alongside Peter. 
For the first time in his life Sirius felt at ease and happy, playing pranks with his best friends in their flat, doing shots with Marlene on a Saturday night and making bets with Peter behind the bar at work as they laughed long into their shifts. It hadn’t been the life he had envisioned for himself as a young boy, it was better. The day the first body was found at The Ministry of Magic, Sirius tried to remain optimistic. The Minister’s son was found dead in the fountain, a suspected werewolf attack the papers later reported. But things like that could happen, powerful people often sadly ended up the targets of horrible acts. He tried to get on with his life as though nothing had happened, something that became more difficult the more James and Remus, who worked for The Department of Magical Law Enforcement, got deeper into the case. But it was not until their former professor ALBUS DUMBLEDORE [leader/former headmaster] turned up at their doorstep with ALICE YEN [friend], ALASTOR MOODY [friend/mentor] and FRANK LONGBOTTOM [friend] from his friend’s work. Apparently they had been closely watching the boys and had decided that their connections and their outward demeanour qualified them for a secret institution. 
By this point more people had been going missing. Some turned up dead, others were never to be seen again. His worst fear was that the deaths were connected, what he couldn’t have imagined was how dangerous the connection was. THE DARK LORD [adversary] was what he called himself. He moved through the night, collecting followers from all walks of life who were rumoured to have joined his ranks. Sirius’ own family being one of them. Sirius didn’t take much convincing to join up with The Order of The Phoenix and quickly set himself the task of investigating into his own family. Given The Dark Lord’s attitude to muggles and muggleborns, it wasn’t too shocking a prospect that the Black family would be interested in a regime that put people like them on top. Around work, Sirius is diligent in his research, covertly asking questions about his family's movements and occasionally targeting them in brief conversation when he thinks they might be amenable. Regulus and Andromeda have become his main targets, the less bloodthirsty members of the Black family if anyone were to give him information out of pity or love it was likely to be them and Sirius will stop at nothing to find out what they are up to, before they are too far gone for him to be able to save from themselves. 
— he is a LEVEL 5 WIZARD & readied for war ;
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birlwrites · 10 months
lmao that's so funny to think about. like, s/o here are my one thousand family members, no not all of them are alive and Everyone's name starts with m. yes our kids' names will also start with m no we don't have a choice also you're a McKinnon now, no you still don't have a choice. and this is all before the poor now-a-mckinnon is told they Will be moving into the labyrinth they call a house, no you don't really have a choice in that either?
aghslhgksdjfls the people i mentioned in the tags of my last mckinnon ask, magnolia and her husband, are actually the Rebels of the family because they named their children PAMELA and JANET. AND THE SURNAME IS HYPHENATED THEY'RE NOT JUST MCKINNONS
magnolia and orson: we just felt there were only so many M names in the world and so many of them are already taken
malcolm, felicula, mortimer, euphrosyne, maya, melanie, sharon, maxwell, and helen, aka magnolia's grandparents, parents, siblings, and siblings' partners: 🤨🤨🤨does not compute????
possibly the most amusing case is 6-year-old carol seely, whose dad remarried into house mckinnon (sorta? not legally so, more of a domestic partnership thing as he's now partners w a man and it's the 70s, but w/e, house mckinnon doesn't care, *chanting* One Of Us! One Of Us!) - like at least the adults sort of have a choice WGHWLEGKJWLFJS
i actually had the most difficulty coming up with the names of the people who married into the mckinnon family because i had to keep reminding myself that their names didn't need to start with m. so then i look at my list and see 'helen' and go ???that can't be right???
if you choose to become a ghost that's basically like. retiring your name like sports teams retire jersey numbers WJGLWEHGKJ. no one else gets to be called marigold because cousin marigold is STILL HERE and WILL CONTINUE TO BE HERE. THEY DRAW THE LINE AT NAME REPETITION
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mcrcki · 8 months
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"shit, hey-- esther right?" marlene recognized her from the other month, complaining about the holidays in a little anti social corner. it was nice to run into a familiar face against amidst the crowd. "you having a good time? cause i have been dying over here trying to find something fun to do.. they don't talk about how boring these parties are when you're single."
@irresistiibles for esther mckinnon
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centuriesrpg · 2 years
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redemptioninterlude · 2 years
@midxnights​ - james !
On hands and knees, she ducks down, the DUNGEONS prove themselves a twisting mess of janky movement, finding so much different here versus that which she now called home. Being here feels like waging civil war, this is where she’s meant to be by the hand of her own family name, and yet, she isn’t, saved by her own rebellious streak that waved on bright within her. Maybe that’s a saving grace, maybe not, it’s hard to tell when you don’t know where you stand with your family anymore, and all the people you’ve ever known growing up have turned their back on you... save a notable few, like Sirius Black, who shared in that same tug of discontent. James gets it and doesn’t, his life’s been built on grace and luck and the kindness extended by others, and for that, she’s both envious and happy for him. “Are you ready?” her voice a quiet hiss, glancing back at James, expression pulled into a grim smirk.
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It’s meant to be all fun and games. A time for them both! And all she’s got to do is continue on, as they turn a corner and spy, within their little eyes, the entrance to the private rooms. Malfoy’s got a crest over his, the twat, and it’s the BIG, FAT RED TARGET that they’d hoped it’d be, a grin on her lips as her spine straightens, her wand, at hand. But it isn’t what’s in that one that’s meant to kickstart the night, beautifully folded origami creatures in the other, slipped beneath the crack of his door. The sort of magicked items that light up and cause havoc, the ultimate proverbial wooden horse, meant to draw their target out into the open.
- @midxnights​ ( for a new follower starter )
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loves4ge · 1 year
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and then they were roommates james potter x fem!reader idiots to lovers college au
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"you're getting kicked out?" lily whispered, shock enveloping her words. you were just as shocked as she was, your grip on on your phone tightening.
"yeah. apparently her boyfriend's moving in or something, i don't know." you rolled your eyes; you had never liked your previous roommate but she did offer the best rent and did her share of chores. though her boyfriend was a douche and you hated having to see him pretty much everyday.
you groaned, slipping farther down in your seat. lily sympathetically patted your back when her phone started buzzing.
"oh it's marlene," lily mentioned, picking up her phone to reply. the two were the grossest couple to be around; you still put up with it though.
"what's she saying?" you laid your head on your arms on the table in front of you, tilted in a way that you could see lily rapidly type something.
"oh lord, you're probably gonna love marlene more than i do at this point - she knows someone who needs a roommate!"
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"so you're james potter?" you ask, flashing a smile at the bespectacled boy, his messy brown hair seemed messy in the way that he spent two hours minimum every morning on it.
"yep, pleasure to meet you." he reached out his hand, mirroring your grin. charming.
"the pleasure's all mine." you shook his hand, his grip was warm and firm. and he was handsome. and lean. and tall.
"let me show you around." he guided you inside, showing you the kitchen which was open and connected to the lounge. the two bedrooms were on opposite ends of the house and each had their own bathroom which you were extremely thankful for.
after the (short) tour, you both ended up sitting on the stools around the kitchen island drinking soft drinks from the fridge.
"so, what is it that you do?" you asked, wiping the condensation from the can on your dark jeans. the white tee you wore was sticking to your skin from the heat. you'd have to ask about the air con later.
"i'm doing photography at uni. what about you?" he said, taking another a sip of his cherry-flavored drink. you don't get how he could like something so sweet.
"literature. i met lily in my first class actually." you remember the sparkling redhead who somehow wiggled into your life and never left.
"ah, mckinnon's girl, right?" he asked, as if he vaguely remembered lily from a group hangout.
"yeah." with that you fell into a slightly awkward silence although you both didn't mind the quiet. you could hear the fizz of your drinks, as you both drank. you looked straight ahead, only looking at him through your peripheral vision. he, apparently, didn't know of such etiquette because he rested his head on his arm on the kitchen island, staring at you openly.
you tried to ignore it but now the heat was getting to you and your jeans started to feel uncomfortable. your can of coldness was empty. james was still staring. you zeroed in on one of the fridge magnets even though you couldn't really make out what was it trying to show because of the distance.
"does the air con not work?" you turned your head to look at him. at the sound of your voice, he lifted his head and grinned.
"no, it works." his answer made you feel a little ridiculous. and here you thought you were being considerate, assuming his air con broke or something.
"then why don't you have it on?"
"i don't get hot that easily." this man was getting even more ridiculous. you couldn't help but laugh.
"oh my god. go," you shove him off his stool, "turn it on for me?" you tilt your head, looking at him through your eyelashes in a last-ditch effort to persuade him.
"'m going." you blow a kiss noisily, getting up and grabbing both empty cans and throwing them in the dustbin.
later, you settled into bed. half your things were still packed into flimsy cardboard boxes that lily helped tape to perfection. you were grinning as you pulled out your phone to message lily.
u were right i probably love marlene more than you do rn
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thetorturedpoetsfest · 3 months
Welcome to Day 1 of The Tortured Poets Fest!
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Click the links listed below to check out all of the content our lovely Tortured Poets have created for all of us today! (and go to our bio to access the rest of the AO3 Collection)
✍️ Down on all fours (demanding more) by the_prettiest_wolf_star
Ships: Marlene McKinnon/Sirius Black, Marlene McKinnon/Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Rating: E
A spiked drink starts Sirius' heat while Remus is too far away to provide any relief. So he turns to his best friend for help.
🕯 one more time by @takenbytheview
Ship: Pansy Parkinson/Neville Longbottom
Rating: M
The first time Pansy Parkinson looks in his window is an accident.
Or: Four evenings in Hogsmeade, inspired by Taylor Swift’s Tortured Poets Department album.
🗝is it something I did? by sun_litsoul (art)
Ship: Regulus Black & Sirius Black
Rating: Gen
Sirius and Regulus made a pinky promise that they would always stay together.
But with time passing the promise got broken and all that is left is the question "is it something I did?"
📜 Tell Me Something by Hope_Belle
Ship: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
Rating: M
Two years after the war, the Ministry launched The Cultural Reconciliation Initiative, anonymously assigning a Muggle-born to a convicted Death Eater for regular correspondence as a part of their probation.
Hermione is locked away in her secret garden of books and predictability, enrolled in The Healer Academy in Edinburgh and set on being normal.
Draco has never been normal but after standing trial, discovering Muggle London, and befriending Neville Longbottom of all people, he's even less so. Studying for his Potions Mastery in Paris was always a part of the plan but realizing his anonymous pen pal is Hermione Granger? That was certainly not.
🖌 The Tortured Poets Department by @whoopsiesnodaisies
Ship: Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Rita Skeeter
Rating: T
Rita Skeeter is a broke journalist and all she wants is a good story and a paycheck. She catches the eye of Bellatrix Black and ends up far more invested and intrigued than she had ever planned to be.
But at the end of the day, she's a journalist, and she has a job to do.
𓇢𓆸 turn your back on mother nature by @poetskings
Ship: Regulus Black/James Potter
Rating: E
The first thing he notices is the beach view. For what the shitty motel cost, it’s really quite stunning. The sea is rough but welcoming, a deep, dark blue that contrasts with the red flags fluttering in the light breeze.
Regulus makes his way over to the window, opening it and feeling the breeze wisp through his hair, so soft it feels like a caress. Hello, it says, are you ready for what comes next?
Or, James has been chasing storms for as long as he's known what a storm is, and Regulus is his favourite one to chase.
Be sure to check our page for Day 2’s reveals! Until then, Tortured Poets <3
🩶 Your mods,
@wolfpadx @multiimoments @heartsoncover @lemonlans @mercurial-witch @steveahoi damagecontrol & shewritesmaybe
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