#m v | love is blind ( clint barton defectivexfragmented )
apocketfullofmuses · 2 years
@defectivexfragmented​ | Matt & Clint
He’d only been asleep four hours when he woke, the sound of Clint’s soft breathing next to him being the first thing to register in his ears; the other sounds of the city would intrude on his senses soon enough, but he held onto the sound of his boyfriend’s inhales and exhales for as long as he could.  Once that all too brief moment was over, Matt slowly slipped out of bed, bare feet padding quietly towards the kitchen - he didn’t have long until Clint would be awake, and he fully intended for the archer to wake to the smell of breakfast cooking.  Walking by the table, Matt let his fingers skim over Clint’s bow where he’d left it the night before; he’d never really been one for patrolling with a partner, but being out there with Clint had just worked - and hearing the criminals of Hell’s Kitchen lose their shit when they realized they weren’t just facing Daredevil, but Hawkeye too, had made it even more worth it.
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It didn’t take him long to get some bacon and eggs cooking, before moving on to pancakes.  The apartment was full of the smell of food when he heard Clint stirring in the bedroom, just as he’d hoped.
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apocketfullofmuses · 2 years
“You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.” (Matt, Clint)
It was a very rare night off for Matt; Hell's Kitchen had been reasonably quiet on the Daredeviling front for a couple of days, and Foggy had all but shoved him out of the office while encouraging him to go home and spend some time with Clint. Surprising even himself, Matt hadn't needed all that much encouragement. He'd stopped by his favorite Thai place on the way home and picked up dinner.
The impromptu date night had turned out to be exactly what Matt had needed - and his boyfriend's words and steady heartbeat told him he wasn't the only one who'd needed this night. They were sat on the floor of Matt's living room, the remnants of their dinner set aside; Matt absentmindedly ran his fingers through Clint's hair where his head rested in the lawyer's lap.
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"There can't have been that many good things happen to you if I'm the best," Matt murmured, light laughter in his voice, though the smile on his lips gave away what he truly meant - Clint was the best part of his life.
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apocketfullofmuses · 2 years
“ unexpected guest “ (Matt, finding beat up and bloody Clint)
It was the smell of the blood that hit him first, the metallic taste of it in the air when he breathed in; for half a second Matt tensed, ready for a fight, his footsteps as light as he could make them as he moved further through his apartment, and then the familiar scent of Clint broke through the blood. "Clint?" Listening for a moment, a relived sigh slipped from the lawyer's lips when he heard the reassuring sound of his boyfriend's heartbeat - however bad he was injured, at least it wasn't the worst it could be.
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Stepping into the bedroom, Matt moved to kneel by the bed, a gentle hand searching out for Clint, while pulling off his own cowl with the other. A brush of light fingers over the archer's face told him those injuries were bad enough. "Hey, I'm here, baby - I'm gonna get the first aid kit an-and get you patched up." He didn't know if Clint was even conscious enough to hear him, but he was talking more to reassure himself than Clint right now anyway.
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