#m watches spop
mara-defense-squad · 1 year
adora is the type of drunk to run full speed away from you for no reason when you're trying to get them home safe this is canon btw
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
Entrapdak appreciation on this blog? What a pleasant sight.
I've shipped them hard from the very first time I watched SPOP. I find it a ironic and a little sad that the most compeling couple of a show, which's main selling point is LGBT representation, is a m/f couple.
Entrapdak deadass gets way better development, even though they had like 10x less screentime than Catradora (and, like anon before pointed out, they don't even need to KISS to show that they are genuinely in love).
The best kind of fictional couple, honestly. You don't need to see them kiss, you just feel the love they have for each other pouring out of everything they say and do.
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kayray-art · 1 year
the fact i didn’t pick up on any of the m/f ships in spop besides seamista is still so insane to me— like i really watched all the bow/glimmer and entrapta/hordak scenes and said “they are such good pals”
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spopsalt · 7 months
This will be a bit more of a personal rant / ramble about spop if that's okay!
So like I was around 11 when the first season of spop came out. My sister followed Nate and was very excited for the project so we watched it, and we both really liked it!!
So each time every season came out we watched it and came up with fan theories and all that jazz! Keep in mind, we never really rewatched seasons in between. So we watched season 2, waited around half year and then watch season 3 when it came out. So we never watched season 2 again in between those months. This makes it that you forget some things, but that was alright.
I think this is the way the show is meant to be watched. It was enjoyable, we came up with theories, we came up with ships, we bonded with the characters. Season 4 was my favourite season because of all the tension and drama!!
And then well, season 5 was a bit of a letdown, but yeah sure! That's fine, y'know. I am not a shipper at all, my sister is aware at this point that her ships are never really popular so she didn't have her hopes up (she ships glimmadora). She also followed Nate so she knew that he liked c//a and stuff.
Anyways, when the show was finished, people really started watching it because of the lgbt representation. This always felt weird to me? It didn't make sense? I didn't watch Spop with the idea in mind that c//a would become canon in the end. Which made the show a whole lot easier to watch.
I also felt like.. it wasn't really the point of the show at all? There was just a kiss at the end that was about the romance the show had gotten, I didn't get it (im aromantic asexual so maybe that's why).
I have a lesbian friend (they/she) for example, who watched the show for c//a. Which is fine, they really like it and they relate to c/tra, due to trauma and stuff. It's just that it felt so.. weird talking to them about the show. Because everything about the show kinda felt like it was about c//a for them? Just like how you anti-spop blogs talk about how c//a shippers can make any scene about c//a. That's how it felt. Now I didn't really mind, but it felt odd to me.
Either way. At some point, me and my sister finally convinced my other sister to join our rewatch. Which was,, tough. Well, it was alright, in the sense that, I just focused on my favourite characters and (platonic) relationships. (Entrapta! Scorpia! Glimmer!! Adora!!! :D!!)
But the c//a kiss at the end made me physically cringe. (Literally)
I don't really have a point to make! I just believe that Spop isn't meant to be binge-watched? I feel like? I really really enjoyed my first watch, and I have very conflicted feelings about it (due to nostalgia too. dt being the first enban ive ever seen on tv?? mindblowing!!).
I like it. But also as an emotional abuse survivor, it also is just.. tough. All in all it's just, a bit, disappointing?
I guess that's it :) that's my ramble.
I'm not sure if anyone has any similar experiences, as pretty much everyone I know watched it after all seasons came out and it has risen in popularity.
Have a nice day!! Love ur blog
Awwwww thanks for your kind words, also it's ok, the ask buttons says "Rant with Me!" for that reason, I love hearing rants! But yeah, I personally was never that big of a fan, but it's good that you like it! But yeah the representation is definitely bad, the only bisexual character get in m x f ships, which is fine, ofc bisexual people don't have to date only people of the same gender, but...they never show attraction towards other people of the same gender?! The only bi characters get in m x f ships, one of them was extremely rushed, and one of them was creepy considering it looked like an adult dating a teen. Also the main couple is literally just a victim falling back into the cycle and kissing her sister who literally gave her trauma.
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apoli-meow · 1 year
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My gf is watching spop and pointed this out.
Thx M, now I can't unsee it.
Don't ask why I was gone for so long. I swear the hs woy is coming, I already wrote wander's post I'm just not in the mood to draw woy rn.
Idk why but the whole time I was just drawing my dsmp college au designs........ Don't ask why. Selective art block.
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justkarama · 1 year
"Canon MLM pairing would outshine Bumblebee."
That's a weird reason not to have more LGBTQA+ representation. What's next, there shouldn't be a FtM trans character, because it would outshine May - a MtF trans character?
There shouldn't be a bisexual male character, because it would outshine Blake - a bisexual female character?
There shouldn't be a nonbinary human character, because it would outshine CC and Little/Somewhat - nonbinary animal characters?
There shouldn't be gay male characters, because it would outshine Ilia and Coco - canon lesbian characters? Besides theres already good enough gay characters, like Scarlet (remember him? He existed in V3 for 10 seconds) and Pilot Boi (he's dead and there's no mention of him being gay in the story).
Outside of Fairgame, I can't say there is any other popular MLM ship in the RWBY fandom and even if Fairgame is popular, Bumbleblee is still the more popular ship. WLW ships that aren't Bumblebee or Whiterose already don't get much spotlight and now there shouldn't be any canon MLM ship, because Bumbleblee might not be Miss Popular anymore?
LGBTQA+ representation shouldn't be a competition. We're a community, meant to support one another and that includes caring about other identities getting representation outside of our own.
"There's already enough shows with MLM stories."
You mean, MLM stories where the watchers didn't get queerbaited? Where the MLM couples got happy endings? Where MLM romance got writen with respect? Where MLM shippers didn't get accused for not letting "guys just be friends", forcing romance, fetishising gay people etc. ???
MLM stories where the romance are treated normal and writers putting work into the romance the same they would have done for straight F/M couple??
And just because there are shows with MLM romance in USA, doesn't mean any other place have MLM shows too.
"There's already enough shows with MLM romance."
In the whole word or are you talking about USA, be specific here, ok?
But why did Bumbleblee have to become canon in the first place? There is already enough WLW ships in animation.
Rupphire from SU, Korrasami from TLOK, Catradora from SPOP, Lumity from TOH, Harlivy from DC, Bubbline from Adventure Time, Caitvi from Arcane, Harumichi from Sailor Moon etc.
If RWBY fans want to see WLW representation, why don't they just watch other shows?🙄 No need to force in WLW romance in this story, because what if the WLW ship takes away the spotlight from the F/M ships?🥺
I won't deny there isn't a problem of how MLM relationships gets treated vs how WLW relationships get treated by media and fandoms, but it shouldn't mean MLM have to stop existing. It doesn't mean wanting to see MLM couples on screen is bad and that you don't care about WLW couples. MLM romance still has to deal with homophobia. Just like WLW romance does.
But God forbit a person wants there to be a slight bit of MLM representation in a 10 years old show where most romance is F/M and the on-screen gay romance is mainly WLW (Ilia's crush on Blake, Saphron and Terra, Bumblebee)
Not really much to say you've basically said everything that needed to be said and I agree with it all
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agrebel18 · 1 year
OK but shouldn't huntlow have allowed to be more explicit? It seems that all the m/f ships are being pushed aside these days
if you mean explicit as in more screentime, then HELL YEAH, I love what they have now, but I would've wanted more of these cuties 🥺 but if you mean explicit as in more straight-forward with more blushes, flirting and dating labels, then I AGREE AND DISAGREE WITH YOU AT THE SAME TIME!!
I agree in terms of the show getting shortened and wanting more of them because they're so dang lovable, but I disagree that "they're getting pushed aside" because as far as I know, the only m/f ships that have gotten LESS SCREENTIME than the main queer couple(s) THAT I KNOW OF is Hunter x Willow, Glimmer x Bow or Glimbow?? (I don't watch SPOP so idk what their ship name is) and Tao x Elle from Heartstopper to a specific point, which isn't that many compared to some of the same sex romance rep and queer rep that STILL gets censored TO THIS DAY, which is sadly a lot :(
Lastly, I think that even with the shortened screentime, the crew and show did a good job showing the parallels they both have with each other, and how much they care for each other, and made them good friends that JUST HAPPEN to have crushes on each other, and they didn't ignore the strong friendships they both have with other characters!!!
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agentbeeswrites · 2 years
This is going to be a rant about shows being cancelled and the state of streaming services and media.
I'm mad about Warrior Nun being canceled. I'm mad about First Kiss. I'm mad about Gentleman Jack, Legends of Tomorrow (and the whole lot of DC shows), The Owl House, Charmed. Older canceled shows like One Day at a Time, Dark Matter, Wonderfalls, Sweet/Vicious, the Hulu & Freeform Marvel shows (The Runaways, Cloak & Dagger), Teenage Bounty Hunters, Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Wynonna Earp. Carnival. Warehouse 13. STUMPTOWN! I'm never going to stop screaming about the tragedy of that one. There are tons more. I don't have hours to list them all.
It sucks when a good show gets canceled. It sucks when you look for more content, and all you can find is the same show starring the same kind of tough, cishet, white dude that's in its seventh season and has three spinoffs. There is never an abundance of queer content. It feels like there is when we get lucky enough to have multiple shows in a year, but it's nothing compared to cishet content.
Things began to change with Netflix a few years before COVID. I want to point to COVID and blame it for everything, and it certainly did have a big impact on production costs, but the fact is that Netflix (specifically) has been reluctant to have any show last for more than two or three seasons because then it has to pay everyone more. They'd rather cancel and start up a new show.
There's a problem with streaming services and access in general, though. You've probably started to watch an older show on Netflix (one that they license) and found that it would be leaving the service at the end of the month. It might be available on another service, or it might not be available anywhere.
And then there's the issue of licensing.
If you have a physical copy because the company who produced it included selling physical media in the deal or budget for the show, you can always rewatch it and relive the good times. But if it's a streaming-only show, there's a very low chance it will ever be legally sold on physical media.
Remember the Marvel shows on Netflix? I want to own more than one season of Jessica Jones. Guess how many seasons were released on disc? If you guessed "one," then you are correct. Even Daredevil only had two seasons released on disc, and it was a breakout hit.
Remember Wynonna Earp? IDW used Kickstarter to fund the box sets. They didn't even go through a major distributor.
I'll never see Sweet/Vicious on disc. I'll never own She-Ra on blu-ray. The Runaways, Cloak & Dagger (I know it's not queer, but I love that show, ok?), Sense8, Arcane, Dead to Me, Derry Girls, Paper Girls, ALOTO, Gentleman Jack - I'll probably never be able to buy any of them legally.
Yes, I know that the first three seasons of SPOP were released on DVD. Where's the rest of it? Where's my blu-ray release?
The best and worst thing the digital age has given us has been streaming services. You have a huge library of content at your fingertips that can be taken away at any moment.
Just look at the shit show that is HBO Max after the Warner/Discovery merger. Shows are getting cut from that service faster than I can keep track of. Shows that may never see the light of day again (or ever, in the case of per-release properties) because WB/D holds the rights and is shoving them into storage in an attic. We are watching shows become lost media.
I'm getting tired of my shows being canceled. I'm getting tired of them being locked behind one particular service in a landscape where every company has to have its own platform. Streaming was supposed to be the alternative to cable, but they're squeezing us for more and more and giving us less and less for it.
But I'm tired of there being fewer and fewer legal ways to consume content offline. Even in the 90s and early 2000s when shows were cut down at alarming rates, we still had physical media. For example, Shout Factory was well known for putting out obscure or classic shows and movies with a big enough fan base.
(Note to self: buy that Facts of Life set before it disappears for another 20 years.)
We may need to go back to smaller companies making their own content. I don't know. It feels like the streaming wonderland is collapsing, and I don't know what system will rise from the ashes.
I used to joke that knowing me was getting to experience a list of shows that were canceled before their time. It's still true.
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queerenteen · 3 years
Every time I see someone say that Seamista and Glimbow are hetero couples I die a little on the inside
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queueh0lic · 4 years
excuse me??? why is this so intimate and cute??? is this allowed???
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mara-defense-squad · 1 year
It's funny how, despite the whole "Princesses are violent instigators who don't know how to control their powers" is very clearly Horde propaganda but. The first princess Adora ever meets is Glimmer. Who is very much a violent instigator and at the beginning of the series was not so great at managing her powers -
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morglien · 4 years
when adora first transforms into she ra it's truly powerful. I'm so glad they captured it like this.
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eerna · 4 years
after being stuck in a limbo for a couple days, I officially decided fuck it, let’s try SPOP again,
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fedoraphe · 4 years
she-ra s5: *shows me catra angst*
me, sobbing: FUCK
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asiryn · 4 years
i feel bad for angella :(
also......guys, keeping secrets is NEVER a good idea!!!!
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homingpigecns · 4 years
that said...... i will finish watching b n h a when bkdk becomes canon :')
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