#m; originlist
parallelord · 3 years
@originlist​ asked:
“How did you not notice?!” from emialter. sir please dont gesture at ur coworker's injuries while you still have a safetyless gun in your hand and youre annoyed
          “It happens!” Berserker purses his lips, “I’m going to be pissed off if you shoot me when I’m already full of glass, kid.”  He turns his eyes to glare at the big gashes across his side, as if that will make it go away faster.  If anything he’s more embarrassed that a coloutura managed to launch him into a shop window when he wasn’t paying attention than anything about the actual injury.
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         He leans against the nearest wall, tail splayed out for balance.  “Just... give me a minute.”
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maerchenbound · 4 years
@originlist​ (Hektor)
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       Hans looks up from his notebook; he’s commandeered a folding chair from some other room into the labs.  “There you are!” it doesn’t seem to bother him that they’ve never seen each other before.  “Good grief, what a late group of servants.  We’re supposed to depart in ten minutes.”
         His has a surprisingly deep voice that contrasts with his childish appearance.  After he’s done with whatever sentence he’s writing, he caps the pen and puts in his pocket and shuts the book, which starts to float over his shoulder with some form of magecraft.
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oncepresent · 4 years
@originlist (starter call)
        Chaldea feels great.  The ability to just wander where he wants is great, even if it being all inside makes it a bit claustrophobic sometimes.  No matter, he’s used to that kind of thing.  Right now, Princes is exploring the 4th floor, poking into all the rooms that aren’t locked, which has been mostly empty or abandoned offices so far.  He wonders where all these people went so suddenly, though he feels like he knows the answer intuitively.
          Eventually he finds a larger room, tucked into the corner of one of the outer walls.  It looks like a common room, but judging by the dust, it’s not used all that often.  No matter, there’s still another servant inside, with a somewhat odd aura.  Princes drops a thick book or two off the shelves with his powers to announce his presence before walking into the room and peering over both of the stranger’s shoulders with two sets of eyes.
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          “Hey.  What are you doing in here?” he asks with one mouth and little preamble.
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truelifeof · 4 years
@originlist (starter call)
         It’s not that he really hates the sort of half-being before a summoning is finished, when his existence stirs in the Grail.  It’s a hell of a lot better than the alternative, which is non-existence, but he can’t say he likes it either.  As much as Billy prefers to be left to his own devices, it’s a kind of stillness that he finds disquieting.  Idle hands are the devil’s playthings, or whatever that old preacher said when he was a kid, though that probably wasn’t what he meant.
            Still, almost as soon as he has legs, Billy strides out of the summoning circle to get a better look at the situation and just plum move around.  “Hey there,” he raises his hands up as he stretches, grinning at his new Master.  “I’m Archer, Billy the Kid, but call me Billy.”
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             “I’m kind of the new kid on the block, but I think I can make this worth your while,” looks like a lab from some movie, Billy couldn’t claim to know what any of it was for even if he mostly knows what a computer is now.  Feeling like he’s stretched enough, he sticks out his hand for the Master to shake.  “Whaddya say?”
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viijaya · 2 years
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maledicti-oculi · 2 years
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originlist asked: [ HELP ]  for the taller muse to use the advantage of their stature to shield the shorter one from something. lancelot shielding medusa from getting spotted by someone she doesn't want to talk to, simply because he is the tallest muse i got and medusa can have a friend she feels short around sometimes ‘TOL AND SMOL’ PROMPTS|Accepting
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🐍— ❝You...❞ She began, when the knight shifted to shield her from them. It was a unfamiliar feeling, to be shielded by the hero. To be protected, like a maiden in distress. She was a monster, not some damsel that needed his protection, yet her feet remained where they were to watch as Berserker protected her. Shielded her from her elder sisters from seeing that she too was in this place. She wasn’t ready to see them, ready to know who they felt after what had happen in the past. So, instead of fighting the other servant. She simply leaned against his back, hands pressed against him to hint that she was okay with his interface. His scent was alluring, that of steel and flowers. It was a smell, she could enjoy if she had a chance to. 
❝Thank you. Berserker..... ❞ 
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praediitus · 4 years
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mxcorruption · 3 years
"Ummm... M—Master...? I... Ummm... I—I know... I know I... I barely got a hug ever in my life as... As a living... P—person, but... Can you... Uhhh... Like...? Let me go...? Please?"
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patereuropae · 4 years
@originlist​ replied ; fun fact my grandmother got bored and ended up tracing my familys genaeology all the way back to charlie. [me pointing at him] you are my (some steps removed) dad. boogie woogie woogie
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OHMYGOSH DEZ THAT´S SO FRIGGIN COOL!! WOWIE!! that must have taken ages!! but imagine how cool! ur sort of like..... a royal or something!!
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charlie -kneeling down-: psspsspsspss! come to your father´s arms!! i´m right here!!
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blackflg · 4 years
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@originlist​ said : “ i’ve made a terrible fool of myself, which isn’t unusual. so, here i am, playing avoidant. “ from salieri ahaha 
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                    ❝ When haven´t you made a complete fool out of yourself? this is nothing new. ❞ were the avenger´s words that managed to nonchalantly slip past her lips. ❝ Tch.... Get a grip of yourself or you´ll become dead weight for everyone.  ❞ Her words were cold and abrupt, and although she was clear on mentioning the word ´everyone´, deep down, it did not include her, and she hated it...... being held back-- carrying a weight, it was something she had done in the past, something that had brought her nothing but pain. She hated it, she despised herself for not being able to burry this side of her, and it was precisely this hidden side, deep down her altered core, the one that contained a small portion of that compassionate girl who once fought for her people, that refused on giving up, that refused on abandoning the other avenger despite the weight it carried onto her.
How many times have you been underestimated? how many times have you commited mistakes yet kept marching onwards? Remember how you were abandoned as well when you could no longer be useful? 
This was no time to lament the past, it was time to emerge back from the flames.
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Pulling the staff of her flag out of the ground, her gloves tightened around it as her pride began to rise once again; ❝ Come on. Get up. I´m not letting you crawl away because you made a dumb mistake. You´ll get up again and we´ll prove what the avenger class can do. ❞
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parallelord · 3 years
@originlist asked:
“I know you can manage it, you just don’t *have* to.” from laurel, casting some cure spells. if u wanna have a mage around
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           More than anything, Berserker is confused by the gesture, as if she had said ‘You don’t have to cut paper’ to a pair of scissors.  “It’s what I do, lady.”  A couple large splinters from a tree he disintegrated in the fight work their way back out of his neck.  Even if he definitely feels the pain, it just doesn’t occur to him that she might be concerned about that.
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parallelord · 4 years
originlist replied to your post: america singularity: 1783 white house: a big...
the singularity also has you WALK ACROSS AMERICA as if that wouldnt take MONTHS so bold of u to accuse fgo writers of doing research on america
maybe medb just illegally downloaded the plans for the white house off the internet and had her minions build it lmao
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oncepresent · 4 years
originlist replied to your post: they could take or leave you, so they took you and...
pulls out the kiddie leash
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       “Is this any way to treat your liege?!” he’s straining in two different directions against the leashes, hoping one of his bodies will escape Salieri’s notice long enough to escape.
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maledicti-oculi · 3 years
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🐍— How amusing to was to torment the Alter Archer, having help from the Berserker made it even more sweet. ❝Poor boy, doesn’t know how to become a man.❞
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parallelord · 4 years
originlist replied to your post: headcanon that Cu Alter, being King of America,...
bersercu: yeah just walk like 2 miles and thats the recon point lancer, crying: what the fuck does that mean
    nobody’s realized he’s using fahrenheit because he’s a giant ocean lizard man and it seems entirely possible at this point that he’s walking around in 60c weather
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