#c; hektor
jealous-of-josie · 2 months
At Hektor's
Josie had gotten off of work a bit earlier than anticipated for what was supposed to be a very late night. Thank goodness for George pulling Kyle out of the office for a date, if she had to guess. She was meant to get a lift home from Jonathan, but he wouldn't be expecting her for another couple of hours after he'd finished up work of his own. So she debated for a minute what to do with herself. Normally in that sort of circumstance she would kill time at Hektor's since the diner was quite close by, but she'd been avoiding it like the plague since Magnus Bane's party. In truth, she didn't remember everything from the night with a great sort of clarity, but she did remember that she'd spent a fair amount of it pestering Hektor. And then it hit her then that she really ought to apologize, rather than avoid him outright. Right?
In any case, she was at the diner just in time to see the last few customers leaving. He was bound to be closing in a few minutes, given the late hour. But she took a chance anyways and stepped inside of the door, the familiar bell chiming above her to announce her entrance. And as soon as she caught the fae's eye she could feel her panic start to swell a little. "Oh... um... I know you're about to close, but I just-" She cut herself off, fiddling with the sleeves of her cardigan nervously. "Well, I was hoping we could talk for a minute? So I could apologize for the other night and everything."
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
No more summer event waifus give me a summer event with only the old men actually
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littlesparklight · 8 months
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The lineup up top was actually an impulse addition and I was lazy with it I c/p the headshots shhhh and Odysseus at the end and even MORE of an impulse addition, but yes. Mostly here for heights/body-build comparisons, circa Iliad-era. (From left to right: Patroklos, Achilles, Ajax, Paris, Aeneas, Hektor, Agamemnon, Menelaos and the rat bastard man extraordinaire Odysseus. Tallest is Aeneas at 193 cm ; shortest is Odysseus at 158 cm thereabouts.)
The headshots I drew imagining them to be from the start of the war, landing at Troy, so that's why everyone looks cleaner compared to the lineup!
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a-d-nox · 9 months
deiphobus, the trojan prince (asteroid 1867)
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Deiphobus is another one of those Trojan heroes you can find in the Iliad. Most relevantly, Athena took the shape of Deiphobus to antagonize his brother, Hector, into staying in the battle and fighting Achilles. Believing that it was his brother, Hector threw his spear at Achilles but missed, when he turned to ask his brother for another spear "Deiphobus" was gone. Hector realized that it was the gods that messed with his mind - Achilles then killed Hector. After the death of Paris (which Deiphobus may have been involved in), Deiphobus was given Helen of Troy as his war boon. Helen, of course, objected - during the sacking of Troy, it was either Odysseus, Menelaus, of Helen herself who killed and mutilated Deiphobus. IN MY OPINION Deiphobus in a chart can indicate a) the theft of one's identity, b) where others assume you are behind something that you aren't, c) where you gain what people most desire, d) where others come to despise you, and/or e) bodily mutilation.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of deiphobus along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of deiphobus AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede deiphobus!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: hektor (624), athene (881), pallas (2), achilles (588), paris (3317), helena (101), menelaus (1647), odysseus (1143), and ulysses (5254)!
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eighthdoctor · 8 months
Would it be pretentious to recommend either the Iliad or the Odyssey as translated by Emily Wilson for your to-read list? She translated it specifically to be understandable and pleasing to the ear- I’m listening wing the the audiobook kid the Iliad right now and I’m a) not getting lost b) understanding it and c) honestly having an extremely good time. It manages to retain all the beautiful simile and turn of phrasing while also avoiding being so dense as to be unreadable. There’s a few passages (particularly from Book 5-6 concerning Hektor) that are making me feel shrimp emotions
it would NOT be pretentious AND they are already on my to-read list so good job XD however the list is extraordinarily long so i will get to them in approximately 5-10 business years.
how does she handle the ship list tho
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battlinghurricanes · 1 year
hey if this is in any way invasive i apologize i do not mean to make you uncomfortable & obviously you do not have to answer…
for some reason the obsession i had with the iliad a year or so ago has come back full force & im looking everywhere for content lol so i was going through my likes and some tags and i found one of your posts about a gender hektor fic and fuck i got so excited lol i searched for it on ao3 & i didn’t find it so i guess it never got published
but i just had to ask did it ever get finished? what was it about?
anyway i love all of your work! youre a very talented writer and you’re literally carrying the hektor/andromache ao3 tag on your back !!!!!! so thank you 4 that
Ohhh this is very sweet, I'm so touched that you've found my writing so enjoyable and care to know more about it <3!!! Thank you so much for the kind words!
You're right, I never finished my Hektor gender fic so it hasn't been published. At the moment, I'm neck deep in another Very Long fic for a different fandom that I'm adamantly hoping I can finish, so I'm not currently working on this one. However, I am genuinely determined to finish it some day because I have a majority of it written, more of it planned out, and it means a lot to me. I reread the wip several weeks ago and there are a few small places I want to rework now, but I think it's very strong and it deserves to be finished up. Right now it's at ~18k words.
Essentially, the fic is a rather indulgent take with Hektor sometimes finding an urge to see himself in a new light, and grappling as that leads him towards more femininity. The initial idea rooted itself in the concept of gentleness and delicacy in the midst of a war, and how the extremities of war would really warp and alienate those concepts. I see Hektor struggling with gentleness, both as something he fears he doesn't deserve to receive anymore (alongside deeply longing for it in the midst of all the violence), and something he fears he's not capable of embodying in a meaningful way. The fic's mostly focused on him finding and longing for that in aspects of femininity, but also involves how that internal conflict shapes so many other parts of his life. I found the emotional core compelling enough to write, and even though looking at it through the lens of gender queerness is still quite indulgent and improbable, I do find it fits it surprisingly well, too. It’s also a Troy Wins au, because it felt a lot more satisfying to explore that way.
For you my friend, I'll share some excepts that I particularly like c:
“...you cannot keep shirking your duty ... why you feel the need to waste your time on jewelry and perfume and daintiness ... no- that’s not...you need to focus on the war on our doorstep...”
Hektor berates Paris for the nth time, even when he knows it’s no use. But his little brother simply refuses to muster himself and do what he needs to do to help the city. It makes their relationship grow more and more contentious.
That grieves him, in truth.
Hektor’s exasperation and increasing anger towards Paris is well familiar by now. It leaves him prickly and drained when they fight. Though, in the past months, he’s noticed something else and something new.
Not always, only in some particular moments, he feels something else towards Paris. The sight of him puts a tight, aching cinch in his chest. He can’t identify it, can’t prevent it. He tried once to allow for it, but when he opened his mouth, the feeling didn’t find its place in the words rebuking Paris for his avoidance of battle.
So now he always swallows down the inexplicable sensation, ignoring it, and hoping it will someday go away.
It’s quite difficult to grasp the full picture in the little mirror, so abruptly he tosses it aside and kicks around his big, bronze plated shield from where it rests against the wall.
The shape distorts the images somewhat, and the scratches obscure it, but in it Hektor sees himself donned in the flowing dress. His lips purse into a thin, tight line as he all but glares at his reflection. It’s not... repellant; in fact, on a solely surface level, he finds it kind of nice. But with that comes an overpowering feeling that he should not be wearing this. Much less have put it on himself. It may not be disgusting on him, but he is disgusting in it.
The cadence of his breathing has gone so strained and unnatural that a choked gasp escapes him as he hurriedly tugs off the dress. Hektor puts it back into Andromache’s chest as neatly as he can manage then reclaims his own clothes, and he hates himself for missing the sensation of the dress.
The feeling only grows as he lopes down the palace halls, distracted and thrown off track. No one he crosses paths with presumes to interrupt him, at least, until he bumps into Deiphobus, who always presumes he could use a disruption.
Deiphobus reverses direction to fall in step with him. “You look agitated,” he informs him bluntly.
“I am agitated,” Hektor growls.
“I was just about to guess that-! Ohh, I know you so well.” Hektor rolls his eyes. “Luckily for you, I have some wine that pairs perfectly with agitation, you just have to try it.” Slinging an arm across his shoulders, Deiphobus steers him towards his room and Hektor decides he could damn well use some wine right now.
Dei pours them both a cup once they reach his room. He sits, but Hektor stays on his feet as he takes a long, unceremonious draught before setting the wine aside, earning an amused snort.
“Do you think I would make a good king?”
Deiphobus cocks his head and he eyes him sharply. “Yeah,” he states like it’s obvious.
“Now?” Hektor clarifies demandingly. Dei furrows a brow, and Hektor can tell he doesn’t take his meaning. “Do you believe that as I am now?” he elaborates. “I’m not talking about when we were young, when I spent most all my time preparing to be king one day. For as anxious as I was about it then, even I ultimately believed I could be a good king. Maybe not great, but good.”
He juts his chin frustratedly to stretch the tight muscles of his neck. “That was a long time ago. Do you think the same holds true now?”
Deiphobus purses his lips in a thin, tight line, staring acutely at Hektor, watchfully. The piercing gaze is his only answer. Hektor waits as well for a minute. Then asks, “Do you think I’m a good warrior?”
Deiphobus blinks once. “Yes,” he replies.
“I think so too,” Hektor states. “Not just good, but great. And I’m beginning to fear what makes a great warrior, makes a bad king.”
Her fond attention weighs on him, not heavy but grounding. “You’re very pretty and I like you a lot. Anything after that would be redundant, really.”
Hektor turns his head and the clink of gold chimes in his ears and the cool touch of metal brushes his neck for a heartbeat. He tries to focus on the prickling in his fingers and the flutter of heart, he tries to glean something from his reaction, but it can’t hold his attention. Perhaps part of what’s stopped him from grasping the nature of his feelings is that the unfamiliar sensation of unfamiliar adornments keep him acutely alert and aware of himself. Their physical presence is demanding.
“How do you like them?” Andromache inquires. Hektor licks his lips and hesitates, unsure what he thinks. “How do you feel?” she offers instead.
“...Tense,” Hektor elects to answer. It’s not a condemnation, disparaging the experience. He doesn’t feel... uncomfortable, like he had before, like he expected to feel. Andromache’s company blunts the harshest sharp edge of his self loathing, though he is still tense.
“Well, that’s never all that uncommon for you,” she comments. That’s... true enough, really. Hektor is a bit prone to- oh, fine- extremely prone to tension and stress. He blames it on his raucous family, mostly.
He considers himself as objectively as possible. “Wearing these feels like I’ve been preened.” He picks the word as best he can. The finery feels like particular care has been doled onto him.
“Good, you deserve to feel pampered,” she declares heartily. The words catch Hektor off kilter. He takes in and releases a measured breath.
He wears the earrings for the better part of an hour until one snags his hair and he carefully removes them.
He exhales, then smiles softly and pecks another kiss to her skin. “You’ll want for nothing while you’re with child. I’ll give you anything and everything you ask.”
“Oh?” Andromache returns. When Hektor looks up and meets her eye, though muted by tiredness, he sees humor glinting there. “Do you mean to say that all this time before now, you’ve been willing to deprive me?”
Disguising the warmth running through his heart, Hektor sticks his nose up with a huff. “That’s such a harsh way to put it. I’ve always been willing to give you almost anything.” Andromache hums pointedly. “But yes, now that you’re pregnant, if you even go so far as to try to cheat again to suggest that the horses love you more than me...” He dramatically takes in and releases a deep, steadying breath. “I will let you.”
“Oh such noble sacrifices you’re willing to make for me now,” Andromache crows, rolling her eyes, “where did I find such a selfless husband?” She pokes the tip of his nose. “I have never once cheated to gain the horses’ favor- for your information- because I’ve never needed to. Every one of them loves me the most.”
Hektor pinches his expression and swallows like he’s forcing down something sour. Gazing at her, he bravely says, “Yes, of course they do, dear.”
Andromache snorts loudly and Hektor breaks with a wide grin. He snuggles up beside her and she drags up the blankets, shielding them from the chill. “I don’t think we can afford to stop competing over the horses. If they stop receiving their regular bribes, they’ll hate both of us.” Hektor hums in concession. “I fear that bodes ill for how spoiled our baby will be,” she muses.
Hektor tilts his head thoughtfully. “Oh, I don’t think it’s cause for worry. I think the horses turned out great, and the gods know they’re all just big babies.”
Andromache’s shoulders shake with laughter. “You’re a fool!” she informs him.
Hektor gazes at her dark eyes, his mind swimming with warm fondness. “A happy one,” he declares, and Andromache shivers then pulls him into a kiss.
He feels like there’s nothing of him left. He has no avocations. He barely has any friends, at least any that aren’t his family too. Not that they mean less to him, but his family above all he feels obliged to, always he has put them above himself. They have needed him to. He can never truly separate that from any one of them, despite- because of- his endless love for them.
Of the rest... several already died. His companionship with Polydamas started fracturing early in the war. When Podes would implore that they drink together, he had to decline so many times he eventually stopped asking. Only Eniopeus and Helen really put up with him still. (She’s technically family too.)
If he could be detached, severed from his responsibilities, his family, his home, Hektor imagines he’d simply fade away, hollow and untethered on his own. Hektor can’t define himself outside of Troy. Brother. Leader. Protector. Trojan. Troy Troy Troy.
He doesn’t feel... bitter about losing those parts of himself, after all, they’re worth nothing in the face of what he can- what he needs to do for Troy. And yet, that does little to keep him from feeling empty and pained at their absence. It leaves him wounded and wanting even as he tells himself over and over that things are better this way, that the needs of his people deserve his time and strength over his trifling wants. Every last piece.
But Hektor’s only mortal and a mortal heart is selfish and fragile.
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I also really relate that BBDW turned around my opinion on Nu. I have a thing where it's obviously not like I inherently dislike characters who are pretty horrible and insane (a lot of my favorite BB characters are exactly this) but they have to have more complexity and ability to make their personality work with the story that's going on and especially when Nu came back in CP/CF I was left kinda like "why did they do that :/" and just kind of viewed it as them bringing her back for gameplay/people like her purposes which annoyed me. I think I could best describe it as what you were saying about Nu being a very static character who doesn't have any interesting dynamics or threads in the story beyond Ragna and general PFD stuff and now (at the time in my eyes) they were trying to shove her back into a plot that had gotten VERY busy since her death in CT. But BBDW at least made her revival make sense enough so I could begin to drop my gripe that Nu was a character they were trying to push back into the story for no reason and then I was able to be more open to them changing her to flesh her out as a character more. It was just one of the many things they were playing the long game on. Man this is just making me wish BBDW had a bit more time and now I'm getting sad lol there's a lot in CF that didn't make sense and kind of annoyed me that seemed like was getting answered or elaborated upon in DW.
I remember rumors going around that the original plan was to leave Nu, and later Lambda, dead after their respective games. The general story goes “Mori intended to have Nu’s story end there, but since BB is a fighting game and fans wanted their main back, Lambda was developed to replace her. She was also intended to die permanently after her story, but then BOTH of them were popular, so there was a studio push to bring both back.”
I haven’t found a source on this, though, so who knows. If it is true, that there was some executive meddling behind how it all happened, an interesting connection could be drawn to Mori’s latest interview about Studio Flare- where one of the studio philosophies his company is dedicated to is that they won’t prioritize audience requests or market desires over the integrity of the story they want to tell. I also recently heard some rumors that Central Fiction’s development was rushed to release in time for ESports, which led to a lot of scenes being cut, character arcs being rushed or dropped, etc. If true, that too would add some perspective on BlazBlue’s progression as a whole and on the growing rift between Mori and Arc System Works.
However, as I said, for now these are just rumors. They paint an interesting narrative, but don’t take them at face value until we can source some of these claims.
True or not, my point here is that you’re MORE than onto something here- Nu was an incredible character with a solid arc and death that just… have you ever read the Iliad? You know that scene where Hektor’s corpse is tied to a chariot and dragged in circles around the city? Nu post-CT felt a lot like that… Whatever the executive intentions were, she was being kept alive in the story long past the point where she needed to be left to rest.
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Which, as you touched on, really made the situation in BBDW all the more impactful. It felt to me like, as a character and narrative asset, she was finally being approached with real intention. Like, she was being written, as a full character, who needed care, purpose, and narrative intent- all of which were finally being given to her, whereas in the C-series proper she had subsisted entirely on gameplay necessity/utility.
This makes me start to wonder how it could have been done better. I can understand both competing needs- her story is over, the narrative needs her gone, but as a character in a fighting game the game itself needs her to stay. Perhaps I’m naive, but the answer seems simple: keep her out of the story but leave her as an unlockable character for the fighting game portion only.
The biggest problem left in that solution is that newer players would lack context, but that seems like more of an opportunity than anything. Give her an arcade mode and/or story mode that is an engaging retelling of her arc from Calamity Trigger. If you’re really worried, add some kind of note/page/thing at the start or end of her route that briefly explains that this character’s story is from a previous game. Then you’ve turned your issue (her not being in the story, confusing her new players) into profit (it’s a fucking advertisement now. You want to see this cool new waifu you found??? awesome, here’s some stuff for her, if you want more go buy our other game where she’s in the spotlight!)
It’s kind of like, she had been failed/messed up so bad, that the amazing way she was handled in BBDW really surprised me. It’s so easy for any writer or studio to end up in a position where a character is written into a corner and they just… stay underwhelming forever. There’s not always the need or the time to go back and try to improve things. That, too, I would assume, was part of Mori’s desire to make BBDW and later his own studio. I’ve spoken several times about my thoughts on mobile games being a unique market that allows for more writer freedom and more room to take chances than mainline video games right now- and Mori’s interview heavily implies that Studio Flare was designed to try to free himself and his coworkers from the current industry norms.
Ultimately, like you, god DAMN do I mourn BBDW. For that exact reason, really. We both know Mori has a lot more to say about the world of BlazBlue, HE knows these stories were left unfinished, and BBDW was probably the best chance any of us would have to get those stories told. With the death of the game, it seriously looks like the rest of BlazBlue will forever be buried somewhere between the depths of Mori’s mind and all the red tape of intellectual property law.
I really hope I’m proven wrong!
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JGP Baltic Cup Preview
Welcome to week six of the Junior Grand Prix, the JGP Baltic Cup, the second of two weeks in Gdansk, Poland. It is also the final week for Pairs.
Entries & Results: http://www.isuresults.com/results/season2223/jgppol2022/ Stream: https://www.youtube.com/c/isujuniorgrandprix
Schedule (Local Time):
10/6: Women’s Short 9:00; Pairs Short 16:15; Men’s Short 18:20
10/7: Rhythm Dance 9:00; Pairs Free 12:00; Women’s Free 14:15
10/8: Men’s Fee 12:15; Free Dance 17:25
The Men’s competition is very open, but the frontrunner looks to be Takeru Amine Kataise of Japan. His competition will come from South Korea, the US, Japan and Italy. 
In the Women’s event, the favorite looks to be Jia Shin of South Korea, who looks for her second win the season. Other contenders will come from Japan and South Korea.
In the Pairs event, the battle for gold looks to be between Sophia Baram and Daniel Tioumentsev of the US and Anastasia Golubeva and Hektor Giotopoulos Moore of Australia. Baram and Tioumtensev have the higher score this season by about five points. 
The bronze medal favorites look to be Violetta Sierova and Ivan Khobta of Ukraine, but they could face some competition from Chloe Panetta and Kieran Trasher of Canada.
In the Ice Dance event, the favorites for gold are last week’s gold medalists, Nadiia Bashynska / Peter Beaumont of Canada. The favorites for silver are week three gold medalists Daria Grimm and Michail Savitskiy of Germany. The favorites for gold look to be Angelina Kudryatseva and Ilia Karenkevich of Cyprus.
Final Qualification
There are more skaters looking to cement a place in the Final in December. Pairs finalists will be decided this week.
In the Men’s event, Rio Nakata of Japan has a shot at qualifying after a second-place finish in week three. Another second-place finish would secure it, but a bronze might give him a shot, as well. After a third-place finish last week, Raffaele Francesco Zich of Italy also has a shot. A second-place finish here would secure it. 
After a fourth-place finish in week two, Minkyu Seo of South Korea has a shot at qualifying - a win would secure it. Robert Yampolsky of the US has an outside shot at qualifying - a win here would secure it.
In the Women’s event, favorite Jia Shin of South Korea has the best shot - she needs only to medal to secure her spot. Minsol Kwon of South Korea and Auymi Shibayama of Japan both have a very good shot - they both need a silver to secure her spot, but a bronze would keep them in contention. Ami Nakai of Japan needs at least a silver. A win would secure.
In the Pairs event, the two teams almost sure to qualify are favorites Baram / Tioumentsev (USA), and Golubeva / Giatopoulos Moore (AUS). Both teams need only to place in the top five in order to secure a spot. 
Another team that has a very good chance at qualifying is Sierova / Khobta (UKR). After a second-place finish last week, they need only to place in the top four in order to qualify. Another team that has a chance is Panetta / Trasher (CAN). They need to win at least bronze to secure a spot.
Kemp / Elizarov (CAN) who had a second-place finish in week three, have an outside chance at qualifying. In order to secure a spot, they would need to place at least in the top four, which would likely mean mistakes from the top four teams. A fifth-place finish would put them in a tie with Murakami / Moriguchi (JPN), which they would lose. 
In the Ice Dance, both Bashynska / Beaumont (CAN), and Grimm / Savitskiy  (GER) have the best path to the Final. Both teams need only to medal to secure their spots in the final.
Skaters to Watch
As a reminder, these are not necessarily podium contenders, but just skaters to keep an eye on and are in no particular order.
Men - Minkyu Seo (KOR), Francois Pitot (FRA), Lev Vinokur (ISR), Rio Nakata (JPN), Takeru Amine Kataise (JPN), Robert Yampolsky (USA), Raffaele Franceso Zich (ITA), Konstantin Supatasvhili (GEO), Anthony Paradis (CAN), Adam Hagara (SVK)
Women - Mia Kalin (USA), Elyce Lin-Gracey (USA), Josephine Lee (USA), Ami Nakai (JPN), Minsol Kwon (KOR), Jia Shin (KOR), Ayumi Shibayama (JPN), Siwoo Song (KOR), Sarina Joos (SUI), Ginevra Lavinia Negrello (ITA), Marie Elise Kaljuvere (EST)
Pairs - There’s only ten pairs so I say just watch them all!
Ice Dance - Angelina Kudryatseva / Ilia Karenkevich (CYP), Jordyn Lewis / Noan McMillian (CAN), Darya Grimm / Michail Savitskiy  (GER), Iryna Pidgaina / Artem Koval (UKR), Chaima Ben Khalifa / Everest Zhu (CAN), Nadiia Bashynska / Peter Beaumont (CAN), Helena Carhart / Volodymyr Horoviy (USA), Eliana Peal / Ethan Peal (USA)
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hektorplm · 2 months
Hola, Hektor! En nombre de LIVEFORARTS, me gustaría invitarles a explorar el mundo del arte con nosotros disfrutando de las instalaciones que podemos ofrecerles en exclusiva. Aquí es donde promovemos a personas creativas al nivel mundial, ayudándolas a vender sus objetos de arte y compartiendo ideas con artesanos del mismo campo de actividad. Nuestro objetivo principal es formar una gran comunidad de talentosos artistas de todo el mundo. -liveforarts. c o m
Con mucho gusto.
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asterioshq · 5 months
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Caça a Bandeira
Há séculos, o Acampamento de Asterios realiza simulações de batalha com o intuito de treinar seus campistas para o que poderão enfrentar no mundo exterior, sejam monstros, outros seres mitológicos e até mesmo traidores dos deuses. Honrando esta tradição, uma das simulações mais famosas sempre foi a tradicional “Caça a Bandeira”. 
Uma atividade voltada a preparar os campistas em combate físico, estratégias de guerra, trabalho em equipe e sobrevivência.
A prática, infelizmente, perdeu-se ao longo dos anos, mas com o retorno de Phyllis e sua posse como professora de combate, uma nova edição foi anunciada e os alunos já começam a ser sorteados em seus times e as regras anunciadas.
Que o melhor time ganhe!
Os campistas serão sorteados em quatro times. Vermelho, azul, amarelo e verde. Independente de seus chalés e paternidades divinas.
Cada time escolherá um local dentro da floresta selvagem para fincar sua bandeira e definir sua base, uma vez fincada a bandeira a mesma só poderá ser retirada do local por membros de outra equipe.
Caso a bandeira seja roubada por um time e recuperada, o time que a recuperou terá trinta minutos para voltar a fixar ela no local original, caso contrário, perderá 1 ponto para cada minuto extra.
Todos os campistas terão faixas da cor de seu time amarradas ao seu braço, retirar a faixa do inimigo o fará ser considerado ferido e derrotado. O mesmo deverá retornar a sua base para receber outra faixa e retornar ao jogo. Enquanto estiver sem sua faixa, o mesmo não poderá ser atacado ou atacar outros participantes. 
É proibido fazer pessoas sem faixa de prisioneiros, o mesmo não se aplica a pessoas ainda dentro do jogo.
O jogo se inicia às 8h e se encerra às 15h.
As faixas e bandeiras capturadas só serão contabilizadas as que tiverem na base do time ao final do jogo.
No final do jogo, a pontuação será contabilizada por:
5 pontos para cada faixa inimiga em sua base
25 pontos para cada bandeira inimiga em sua base.
Os times serão anunciadas no final do dia de hoje, sendo eles:
Time Azul: Zale, Jude, Seraphine, Odessa, Verona, Dahlia, Yumi, Casper, Rajeshri, Elara, Antonn
Time Vermelho: Althea, Ndari, Steven, Argos, Kalyani, Rudi, Magnolia, Vito, Oski, Theron, Daewoo
Time Amarelo: Lola, Ajla, Vega, Ravenna, Leonardo, Rowan, Liese, Devon, Lion, Alabama
Time Verde: Amber, Vincenzo, Hektor, Julian, Frederich, Kyungseok, Cassie, Mara, Ambrose, Hikari
Roteiro de ganha e perda de pontos do jogo:
Início do Jogo (8h):
Os quatro times se reúnem em suas bases, cada um planejando sua estratégia para capturar faixas e bandeiras inimigas.
Os jogadores estão equipados com suas faixas de equipe amarradas ao braço e prontos para a batalha.
Desenvolvimento do Jogo:
Time Azul decide enviar um grupo de ataque para a base do Time Vermelho enquanto mantém a defesa na própria base.
Time Vermelho envia patrulhas para proteger sua bandeira enquanto planeja uma emboscada para o Time Azul.
Time Amarelo opta por uma estratégia mais cautelosa, enviando pequenos grupos para explorar a floresta e coletar informações sobre os movimentos dos outros times.
Time Verde concentra-se em construir armadilhas ao redor de sua base para impedir invasões.
Meio do Jogo (11h):
O Time Azul consegue invadir a base do Time Vermelho e capturar sua bandeira, ganhando 25 pontos. No entanto, durante a retirada, são emboscados pelo Time Vermelho e perdem 3 membros, reduzindo sua capacidade de defesa.
O Time Amarelo descobre a localização da base do Time Verde e inicia uma operação para roubar sua bandeira.
O Time Verde, alertado pela emboscada ao Time Azul, reforça suas defesas e frustra a tentativa do Time Amarelo de roubar sua bandeira.
Fim do Jogo (15h):
O Time Azul, apesar das perdas, consegue recuperar sua bandeira e fixá-la em sua base dentro do prazo de 30 minutos, garantindo seus 25 pontos.
O Time Vermelho mantém sua bandeira protegida e captura faixas do Time Azul e do Time Amarelo, garantindo pontos extras.
O Time Amarelo, não conseguindo capturar nenhuma bandeira, concentra-se em defender sua própria base e coletar faixas inimigas para minimizar suas perdas.
O Time Verde, com suas defesas eficazes, não perde sua bandeira e captura faixas de outros times, acumulando pontos importantes.
Resultado Final:
Time Azul: 25 pontos (bandeira capturada) + pontos adicionais por faixas capturadas.
Time Vermelho: 25 pontos (bandeira protegida) + pontos adicionais por faixas capturadas.
Time Amarelo: Pontos apenas pelas faixas capturadas.
Time Verde: Pontos apenas pelas faixas capturadas.
O Time Vermelho emerge como o vencedor devido à sua habilidade de defesa e captura eficaz de faixas inimigas, seguido de perto pelo Time Azul, que conseguiu recuperar sua bandeira e realizar algumas capturas. O Time Amarelo e o Time Verde tiveram um desempenho menos destacado, principalmente devido à sua falta de sucesso na captura de bandeiras inimigas.
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blueonwrestling · 11 months
I got some WXW star ratings from a few shows of theirs i've watched.
wXw Femmes Fatales 2023
Nicole Matthews vs. Hyan - 3.75 stars
wXw World Tag Team Festival 2023
Astronauts (Fuminori Abe & Takuya Nomura) vs. The Second Gear Crew (1 Called Manders & Mance Warner) - 4 stars
Frenchadors (Aigle Blanc & Senza Volto) vs. RENEGADES (Mizuki Watase & Shigehiro Irie) - 3.75 stars
Astronauts (Fuminori Abe & Takuya Nomura) vs. RENEGADES (Mizuki Watase & Shigehiro Irie) - 4 stars
Axel Tischer vs. Peter Tihanyi - 4.25 stars
Axel Tischer vs. 1 Called Manders - 3.75 stars
Ava Everett (c) vs. Nicole Matthews - 3.75 stars
Amboss (Laurance Roman & Robert Dreissker) (c) vs. Dennis Dullnig & Hektor Invictus vs. RENEGADES (Mizuki Watase & Shigehiro Irie) - 4 stars
Go watch the entire 4 shows tho if you have the time, thought it was very fun and a good different experience to watch.
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gaetaniu · 1 year
Gli ingredienti anidri dell'asteroide Ryugu provengono da lontano, lo suggerisce un nuovo studio
A: Ryugu visto da Hayabusa2. B: La “pietra” C0002 raccolta da Hayabusa2. C: Immagine al microscopio elettronico di una sezione di C0002. D: Immagine all’infrarosso con clasti anidri. E: Spettri di un granello ricco di silicati amorfi, di una particella cometaria, dell’asteroide primitivo Hektor e della cometa Hale-Bopp. Gli spettri infrarossi dei grani anidri dell’asteroide carbonioso Ryugu…
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honeyblockm · 1 year
could i maybe get 10, 23 and maybe 18 with this part from i speak as one about to die bc it lives in my head rent free?
Karl’s god despises him. Sapnap is so dearly beloved of the gods and he doesn’t even know. Quackity pledges to no power higher than himself. 
          was it for this  was it for
Quackity was killed by a god. Sapnap was killed by a mortal. Karl will die last. Time will do him in.
aha i found the ask game this was about
10- Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
yeah poems haunt me all the time. so many ghosts in here. to me it means it sticks in my head and kind of bounces around in there. to name a few ummm. the ones that are more haunting (experiencing the horrors/pos when i think about them): split mouth by franny choi. the fourth hour of the night by frank bidart. the war of vaslav nijinsky ALSO by frank bidart. this one is not a poem but attack helicopter by isabel fall. this one short story from diagram magazine where there was a goat head stuck in a rock.
23- Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what’s around you as you work. Paint me a picture.
oh well a lot of it is done on the car. it is very crowded and i am frequently carsick. my legs are squeezed into one tiny space bc the rest of it is taken up by my backpack. ideal writing conditions. idk i write wherever i have time and access to my phone or computer or a notebook. one page of bed [dis]assembly was written completely in the margins of an ap chemistry packet while i was in class actually.
18- Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
oh boy. karl's pov is so wacky in this fic bc he's in the present but also in the past and in the future all at once and also bc of this able to do, like, meta? as well? the epic highs and lows of being kassandra. sometimes he even gets to address the reader. in spite of them taking on roles and paralleling certain iliad characters, no one in the iliad au is meant to be, like, a 1:1 comparison. sapnap is hektor-like in his character but he's achilles when put next to quackity's patroclus-inspired death. etc. i know i wrote an extra part of the iliad au that i can't find bc it's in some other document but karl's backstory pre-war was that he was somewhat of your typical hero! goin on adventures doing cool things and mostly traveling around. doing things the Inbetween wanted until he decided he wanted to stay with Q and Sapnap and that pissed the Inbetween off a bit. sapnap being favored by the gods is something inspired by apollo's weird little gay thing with hektor and the rest of the trojans.
in my reading of the iliad and other myths, i think my interpretation of the gods (at the time this fic was written) was something along the lines of the gods of the homer cinematic universe as like, Law. they represent these big things. they're the kings of kings. the makeup of the universe. They represent the immutability of fate. Things That Have To Happen. a lot of which i feel like c!quackity fights against in his arc, so it felt fitting to have him recognize the existence of these deities and still, vainly, try to reject their hold on him. uh. that's kind of bleak. but he does die in this au because of divine meddlings so that's on him ig. (so anyways this doesn't mean i think q isn't religious in canon or other au's, just in the context of what gods mean in this one).
the blockquote in the middle of the passage is pulled from anne carson's translation of aeschylus' agamemnon. it's a kass quote:
kassandra: [scream] [scream] evil life evil luck evil I / am just this sound look the / cup of my pain is already poured / out why / did you bring me / here was / it for this / was it for this / was it for
kassandra suffered more than jesus. fr.
but yeah i liked that part bc i thought it was neat to put the fiance's respective religious alignments and fates side by side. something about quackity rejecting the authority of the gods but still unable to escape their will. sapnap bearing the favor of the heavens but ultimately war is a mortal conflict, something that strips away beliefs about heroism and honor and gods, so he dies anyways. karl experiencing the horrors of doomed by the narrative and also aware of the narrative. pog
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joseandrestabarnia · 1 year
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Título: Sarcófago con tapa y 4 fragmentos sueltos 
Artista/Creador: Autor desconocido, realizado en un taller ático. 
Fecha: 180-220 d.C. 
Medio: Mármol 
Dimensiones: 134 × 211 × 147 cm (52 3/4 × 83 1/16 × 57 7/8 pulg.) 
Lugar: Atenas, Grecia (Lugar creado) 
Cultura: romana 
Número de objeto: 95.AA.80 
Títulos alternativos: Sarcófago con la vida de Aquiles 
Cuatro episodios separados de la vida del héroe griego Aquiles decoran los costados de este sarcófago romano. El frente muestra a Aquiles profanando el cadáver del héroe troyano caído Hektor arrastrándolo detrás de su carro. Un extremo corto muestra a Aquiles poniéndose su armadura, y el otro muestra a Odiseo descubriendo a Aquiles escondido entre las hijas del rey Lykomedes en Skyros. La parte posterior inacabada del sarcófago muestra una batalla de griegos y centauros. Esta escena probablemente también se refiera a la vida de Aquiles, ya que fue educado por el centauro Quirón. La vida de Aquiles fue un tema popular para la decoración de los sarcófagos romanos. 
En la tapa, un hombre y una mujer se reclinan en un sofá tapizado. Las cabezas de las figuras han quedado sin terminar. Si estaban destinados a ser retratos de los difuntos, este trabajo, por razones ahora desconocidas, nunca se completó. 
El entierro en un sarcófago era una costumbre popular durante el período de aproximadamente 150 a 250 d. C. Los sarcófagos se producían en masa en algunos centros, uno de los cuales era Atenas. Los sarcófagos atenienses estaban tallados en los cuatro lados y, a menudo, coronados con figuras reclinadas. 
Información e imagen de la web del Getty Museum. 
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maerchenbound · 4 years
@originlist​ (Hektor)
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       Hans looks up from his notebook; he’s commandeered a folding chair from some other room into the labs.  “There you are!” it doesn’t seem to bother him that they’ve never seen each other before.  “Good grief, what a late group of servants.  We’re supposed to depart in ten minutes.”
         His has a surprisingly deep voice that contrasts with his childish appearance.  After he’s done with whatever sentence he’s writing, he caps the pen and puts in his pocket and shuts the book, which starts to float over his shoulder with some form of magecraft.
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hurricanes-art · 3 years
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Priam who hurls the strong ash spear...
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