#mälikä batyrshina
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the OCs + name meanings [4/4]
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Domestic AU:
Vasya’s weekend in Kazan.
A/N: Had a little bit of free time today and was inspired so this happened. 
I imagine for this that Mälikä and Vasya are speaking Russian. Vasya still hasn’t fully learned Tatar, just the basics. I feel like this is what she’d post if she had instagram.
“I was thinking about us going to Pushechnyy Dvor,” Mälikä explained happily as she led the way. “It’s one of my favorite restaurants. Because it’s kind of shitty.”
Vasya grinned. “That makes sense.” And it did; being from New York, Vasya had her fair share of shitty restaurants that she loved to frequent. Sometimes you just had to have the nastiest pizza imaginable or the sloppiest Chinese fast food you could find.
Mälikä flushed slightly. “I mean...” she trailed off. Coughed to clear her throat and shrugged in mild embarassment. “Some of the desserts are homemade. Those are the best. It’s all I get really because sometimes the actual food makes me feel like I’m going to be sick.” She flushed a deeper pink than her baby pink hijab and felt the urge to cover her face. Making her favorite restaurant sound appealing while also being certain not to get her sister’s hopes outrageously high was proving to be difficult.
But Vasya was only half listening. She was far too entranced by the sights around her. The architecture and bright colors of some of the buildings just fascinated her in a way that she didn’t know how to put words to.
She had been to Kazan before of course. The first two years of her life before being adopted. Then the time when she was fourteen and had snuck away from home. Though this, well this was just different. She was there with her sister and allowed to be. She was wandering the streets without an adult because this time she was an adult. She didn’t have her parents with her this time and it made her feel homesick for New York, her parents, her brother and friends. Jamie and Michael.
With that thought her heart fluttered nervously in her chest and she forced her anxiety away with much effort, turned her attention to her younger half sister who was still happily babbling away.
Mälikä giggled, face still a light pink. “Like, it’s not bad necessarily. It’s just not the best. And some of the food doesn’t taste that great,” she waved her hand and hummed in thought. She wasn’t doing a very good job of defending the restaurant but she didn’t want to get her sister’s hopes up too high.
Vasya thought it was cute. She and her sister were a lot alike in habit.
“Are we going to the mosque finally?” Vasya asked with a warm grin.
Three years ago Mälikä hadn’t had the chance to take her to the Qolşärif Mosque and it had been a place that the younger girl was excited to show off to her sister. And with Vasya’s question asked, Mälikä very excitedly nodded.
As they entered the building there was a cloakroom where Mälikä began to shrug off her jacket and hang it up. Vasya quickly followed suit, then trailed after the other girl upstairs toward the second floor. Mälikä led the way to a table that had a small vase of bright flowers in the center. Within a few moments they were placing their orders, Mälikä asking for tea and Vasya asking for a coffee. They decided they would split their dessert, a decent decent amount of çäkçäk. Vasya made a soft little ‘ooh’ noise as their server placed the plate in front of them and said with only a hint of an accent, “Räkmät!”
The server smiled. “Isan bul!”
Vasya took a picture of the çäkçäk as Mälikä  nodded her head in approval.
“You’re getting better at Tatar!” She said, impressed by her sister.
Vasya hummed in pleasure as she took her first bite of the çäkçäk. It was definitely delicious, Mälikä hadn’t been wrong about that. But it wasn’t nearly even half as good as her Dyadenka Tolya’s.
The two began to eat their treat, conversation flowing between them easily. They usually chatted online a couple times every other week at the very least so they knew about most things going on in the other’s life.
Vasya laughed softly as Mälikä complained about being put into another dance class. Her mother was constantly wanting for Mälikä to truly put forth effort in learning traditional Tatar dances. Something that Mälikä couldn’t force herself to really care about even if she were paid. Vasya on the other hand was very interested in the subject, much to the shock of literally no one.
Mälikä hummed in thought as Vasya told her about being in the Bolshoi ballet. Gave her sister a sympathetic smile as Vasya sheepishly admitted to being very homesick and ready for holidays so that she could go back home.
Once finished eating they paid and left for Qolşärif Mosque.
Vasya stared in wide eyed wonder as she took in the huge building. Beautiful, gleaming white walls with the most beautiful shade of blue for the roof.
Mälikä grinned and threw an arm over her sister’s shoulders, knocking the elder girl’s equilibrium off slightly in surprise. “Pretty, isn’t it?”
Vasya nodded. “Absolutely stunning,” she breathed out.
Not for the first time, Vasya wondered what her life would have been like had she not been adopted. Would she have gone to this mosque with Mälikä and their father?
Mälikä took Vasya by the hand and led her into the mosque. They toed their shoes off and Mälikä led the way up a staircase so that Vasya could look down and see the whole floor of the mosque.
Vasya glanced up and was once again at a loss for words as she took in the beautiful ceiling. White, golds, and blues decorated the ceiling in intricate patterns. The light coming in through the stained glass windows was just as beautiful as the rest of the building. She took out her phone to capture the moment in picture, excited at being able to tell her parents and Jack about her weekend trip to Kazan.
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Later that night, Vasya happily responded to her brother and cousin but rolled her eyes and decided to just skip over Richard’s comment as it was the norm for him to make such comments on her posts. Her happy smile began to fade as she saw the notifications stating that PadThaiQueen and vivalamoretti had liked her pictures. Neither commented. Just as they hadn’t for the past month.
Against her will a sigh escaped her mouth and she decided that maybe it’d be best if she just went to sleep now.
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Vasilisa and Mälikä make me cry laugh because 'queen' 'queen' which makes me think 'moon moon'. "GOD DAMN IT MOON MOON!"
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