#vasya ranskahova murdock
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the OCs + name meanings [4/4]
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Vasya and Maggie both love icecream and have both taken Matt’s icecream.
“First my mom steals my icecream and now my daughter? What kind of world do we live in?”
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Nika and Marie start a vampire cult on accident in middle school.
Richard goes up to Vasya and asks, “Your friends with Nika and Marie, right?” “Да?” “Is it true?” “…is what true?” “That they’re… you know. Vampires?” “… yes. Totally.”
Richard goes up to Marie and hands her a jar of blood to be given to Nika. Marie later goes to Nika and hands her the jar of blood. “I think this has gone too far. Richard bled into a jar for you.” “Oh… eugh.”
Ravdí yells at Nika and Vasya at one point, “Go back to Russia!” Vasya yells back, “Нет! It’s cold there!” While Nika yells back, “Only if you go back to Greece with your stupid toga!” Jack chokes on his milk.
In their senior year of highschool Richard goes to Marie and says, “Vampire!” She just slowly looks up at him and stares. Then, “I should hug you for that. We are about to graduate in three weeks. And you just called me that? What is this? Eighth grade?”
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that moment when you have to learn a new language just to write something stupid
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The OCs: Vasya Ranskahova-Murdock
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Full Name: Vasilisa Vladimirovna Ranskahova-Murdock
Nicknames: Vasya/Vasi/Vas (from Jack) Vasya/Vassa/Vasochka/Ptichka (and many others from Vladimir), Vasi (from Matt), Bella/Passerotta (from Michael), and  Yaa yǐi (from Jamie). Typically her friends and family always call her Vasya or Vasi.
Emojis: 👑⚖️🍨⛸🇷🇺
Birthday: November 21st.
Place of Birth: She was born in Kazan, Tatarstan.
Sexuality: Polyamorous asexual bisexual
- Her parents, Röstäm and Tanya, were twenty-four and twenty-one when they had her unplanned and couldn’t handle a baby at the time. After much talking they decide it’d be best for the baby to put her up for adoption.They had plans to get married but after putting their baby up for adoption, they break up.
Tanya is half Russian-half Tatar and was in school to be a nurse and stays single as a traveling nurse. Röstäm becomes a technician and later marries  Adelä and the two have one child who is a year and a half younger than Vasya named  Mälikä.
Tanya finds out that she’s an inhuman with healing abilities when exposed to terrigen mist and she wonders if her daughter is the same as her. Vasya is and is fifteen when she herself goes through terrigenesis. 
- Vasya is born Märyäm.  When Matt and Vladimir adopt her she’s beginning to babble a bit in both Tatar and Russian. The first five words she learns in English are ‘dildo’, ‘daddy’, ‘magic’, ‘no’, and ‘peanut’.
- She begins doing ballet when she’s six years old because at four she saw her Aunt Natasha, Auntie Lena, and Dyadenka Tolya all showing off their ballet skills and trying to out pirouette each other . She thought it looked like a lot of fun and asked to be taught ‘how to spin like a fairy princess’.
Vladimir and Matt allow her to join a ballet class once she’s seven years old. 
This is how she meets Marie. They’re in the same class when they’re seven and Marie begins talking smack. Vasya decks her right in the face. It’s the start of a beautiful friendship between Vasya and Marie and Vasya and Peyton.
- Vladimir teaches her a few songs on the piano when she’s nine. Her favorite is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. She never takes lessons and can’t play very well.
- When she’s fifteen she begins ice skating because “It’s sort of almost like ballet but with knives on my feet!” Vladimir just about fell out laughing while Matt, “Of course that’s why you like it.”
- Vladimir does her hair in a bun for ballet even when she’s a teenager. Matt goes shopping with her to buy her things for ballet and later ice skating.
- She had a kids crush on Piotr and Aunt Marci for the longest time.
- Matt taught her and Jack how to punch correctly when they were small children. His reasoning being, “The point of punching someone is that you want them to get hurt, not you.”
Vasilisa sometimes goes to Fogwell’s when she really needs to blow off steam but prefers going to the ice rink. After Dimitri, Matt and Vladimir found her there more often than the ballet studio or ice rink.
- For Vasya’s, Jamie’s, and Michael’s first date together, Vasya brings them to Fogwell’s. When Jamie asked what they were going to be doing Vasilisa pointed to the ring and said, “Well, you two are gonna get your butts in that ring and then Imma kick em.”
- In her kindergarten class for Father’s Day, when she and Jack made cards for Matt they took macaroni and glued it to the paper to spell out ‘World’s bestest daddy!’ since they didn’t quite fully understand just how braille worked.
Matt cried the happiest of tears as he ran his fingers over the macaroni letters.
- She, Jack, and Nika were all in the same kindergarten class and had to spell out their full names. Jack began crying. Nika glared at the teacher with angry tears and yelled, “You’re a communist bitch!” And Vasya threw her pencil at the floor and yelled, “And a dirty fascist bastard!”
Yelena, Natasha, Vladimir, and Matt laughed so hard once they left the principal’s office with their child(ren)
- Her favorite fairy tales include The Firebird and Princess Vasilsa, Tsarevna Frog, and East of the Sun, West of the Moon. Her favorite Disney princess is Tiana.
- As a small child she really liked frogs and kissed quite a few in hopes that one would turn into a prince. Not because she wanted to be a princess but so she could be rich and live in a palace.
- Anatoly bought Vasya and Jack a book full of Russian fairytales while Vladimir bought her and Jack a book of many fairy tales when they were children.
-  When she was two Vladimir and Matt had to fight with her to take her pacifier away. She really couldn’t stand not having it.
- When she was four she had a really horrible habit of chewing on the ends of her hair. It would drive Matt and Vladimir crazy.
-She’s three when Jack is adopted and for the first few months she didn’t like having to share her parents at all.
They share a room and end up becoming super close the older they get. Many say their relationship is unhealthily co-dependent. They both cry when she’s at the airport about to leave to study abroad in Russia.
-Vladimir calls her ‘little bird’ and Michael calls her ‘little sparrow’ because she loves birds. As a kid she loved watching the pigeons fly around and when she begins doing ballet she sometimes feels like she can fly too.
- When she’s fifteen she plays the firebird in her ballet class spring performance. She practiced non-stop and couldn’t stop smiling for days after the performance.
- Jamie calls her ‘darling’ in Thai and only occasionally in English.
- Vladimir once forgot to pick her up from ballet practice and Jack from soccer because he found puppies for sale when they were seven.
The dogs are Lina, Laika, Joan, and Thurgood; a Siberian husky, an East Siberian Laika, a bolonko, and a Caucasian shepherd. Vladimir named Lina and Laika and made a deal with Matt that he could name the other two if he could please keep the dogs.
(”You can name two of them!” “No.” “But Matyusha!” “N. O. No.” “Damn, Matvey! I wish you enjoyed sucking my dick as much as you enjoy sucking the fun out of my life!” “Why are you such a four year old?!” “Please!” “Fine! Shit.”)
Matt names them Joan, after Saint Joan of Arc, and Thurgood, after Thurgood Marshall.
- Lina likes to curl up on Vasya’s feet while Joan lays up on the pillows right next to Vasya’s head. Thurgood sleeps curled up on the foot of Jack’s bed while Laika likes to lay right next to Jack.
- Her favorite subjects in school are government and history.
- Her comfort foods include Jamie’s home made sticky rice with bananas, Michael’s home made ravioli, Vladimir’s ptichye moloko, and ice-cream. Matt made mac-n-cheese too much and she’s not overly fond of it anymore. Matt says, “You are no child of mine.”
- She dates Nika for a couple of months but it doesn’t last very long. It’s a mutual break up but they pretend the other broke their heart so that Yelena/Vladimir will give them chicken nuggets/ice-cream.
Matt and Natasha were so onto them both but didn’t say a word to Vladimir or Yelena..
- Richard tries to ask her out but gets turned down much to the joy of Vanessa, Wilson, Vladimir, and Matt. 
He never blames her and both just go on with their lives and he keeps his crush on her to himself. She’s oblivious and doesn’t notice. Everyone else just pities him and tries to set him up on other dates. The dates never end well.
- Ian and Vasilisa surprisingly get along pretty well so when Ian and Maddie begin dating they both go to Vasya to talk about any problems or what have you to her. She feels stuck in the middle when the two are in an argument and has to tell them to just get over themselves.
- Jamie, Michael, and Vasya end up officially dating near the end of her senior year of high school.
Vladimir can’t stand Michael and would pay to shoot him. Michael rolls his eyes and calls him ‘Mrs. Ranskaho’ many times and says, “Don’t be jealous that some of us can run the mafia better.
Vasilisa snickered the first time that Jamie and Michael had dinner over because, “Wow. Girls really do end up marrying their dad’s in a way. Jamie is in school to be a lawyer like Daddy and Michael runs the mafia like Papa did.”
Matt and Vladimir were unamused while Jack had to leave the room because he started laughing so hard.
- She, Dani, and Lucy have totally had a girl’s night of being vigilante heroes much like this. Matt, Vladimir, Luke, Jessica, Misty, and Danny knew even though the girls think they didn’t.
All three of these girls know how to fight and defend themselves and their parents all know that they go out to fight because their daughters are horrible secret keepers.
- As a child she loved going to Nelson and Murdock and playing in Matt’s office. She would pretend to be a lawyer and sometimes play secretary when no one else could get to the phone.
This would result in her answering the phone with a very happy, “Daddy’s office! ... nuh uh! You sound like a little girl!” And a very agressive hang up. Foggy and Matt both just stood still in shock, mouths open. Auntie Marci had to leave for a moment as she laughed.
- In highschool she decides to pursue a ballerina career and her senior year decides she wants to study abroad in Russia for a year.
Of course this doesn’t happen as Dimitri wrecks her life. And once she’s home again she eventually decides to become a lawyer.
Matt tears up just a little bit but then just rolls his eyes in exasperation when she jokes, “It’s because Aunt Marci is the best lawyer and I want to be like her.” In actuality she wants to do the same thing Matt does, put away the people that deserve to be locked away, like Dimitri, and protect the innocent.
- She names her son after her Dyadenka Tolik. Jack nicknames him ‘Smolya’ and the name sticks for the rest of that poor child’s life.
Jamie and Michael have a daughter named Aranya. She gets nicknamed ‘Ari’. And three years after Ari’s birth, Vasya becomes pregnant with Alessia, who gets nicknamed Lia.
- Rebuilding the relationship with Michael and Jamie takes a lot of work and patience from Jamie and Michael but after time, they’re a very happy couple.
- Vasya and Jamie were once on opposing sides for a case and Michael felt the tension so bad that he left to stay with Matt and Vladimir until the case was over.
- She gets a pet borzoi and names it Cat (”After Catherine the Great!”)
Jamie has a Siamese cat named Pringles and Michael tells them “You get that horse and that rat out of our apartment.”
“Don’t talk about our babies like that!”
6 Songs that she probably has on her phone/fit her well:
I Don’t Know by Erika
In Your/My Dreams by Kristina Si
You Should See Me In a Crown by Billie Eilish
Suitcase by Suitcase
Pupsik by Tina Karol
Try Everything by Shakira
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- When Sam and Bucky adopt Sasha from Samara, Sam brings Clint and Bucky brings Natasha for support.
- When Natasha and Yelena adopt Nika from Brest, Yelena brings Vladimir and Natasha brings Clint as support. Bucky is appalled to the highest degree. “I brought you when I was adopting!” “And I brought Clint. He’s my best friend.”
- When Matt and Vladimir adopt Vasya from Kazan, Matt brings Natasha while Vladimir brings Yelena. Nika gets to tag along since Yelena and Natasha don’t want to leave their two year old with anyone for a month. Foggy is appalled but then nods in complete understanding when Matt says, “Foggy I wanted you to come with us but I was not, under any circumstances, leaving this continent with both Vladimir and Yelena.”
- When Jack is adopted Matt is sure to bring Foggy. Vladimir still brings Yelena.
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Really all I could think about during this one scene was Vladimir deciding to teach smol Vasilisa how to swim. "Alright, ptichka, jump in the lake." "... why?" "You need to learn to swim." "But... Papa it's cold?" "Need to learn to swim. Go on. Jump." "... Papa why..."
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Yo, if you watch The OA, there is a scene in the first ep where the actor who plays Vladimir Ranskahov is on the show cradling a little russian child and it was totally my headcanon for your oc Vasilisa and Vladimir 😱😱😱
💜💜💜💜 Tbh that is the only reason I want to watch that show; for Vladimir and Vasilisa feels. I hear Nikolai (whatever his character’s name may be) calls the little girl ‘cabbage’ and I’m like dawwww!
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that moment when you make an angsty oneshot even angstier by making a sequel
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Even though Vasya is actually the younger sibling she's still treated as the older one. "My brother could get away with murder." Jack probably without even looking up from his phone, "Yeah that's because Papa would help me hide the body." Matt, "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that."
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I like how all the ocs that started out as enemies became either friends, best friends, or frienemies. Jack and Richard. Peyton and Jamie. Marie and Vasya. And then you have Vasya and Richard where she will forever never like him.
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I only ever write angst for smol Vasya
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Vladimir and Matt adopting Vasya then Jack always warms my heart so much because it's just so...
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Vasya: 7, 9 and 11
Alright first off, I don’t know why but I really like these numbers? Anywho!
7) This character’s favorite character:I feel like Vasilisa would get really into the vampire stuff (along with Nika and Darla) and so her favorite book series would be Vampire Academy and Bloodlines and her favorite character is Rose.I feel like she connects to Rose Hathaway on a spiritual level.I feel like she would say, “I’d like Lisa more if she wasn’t so annoying. Queen of boring me to tears!” And “There can only be one Vasilisa and it is not her.”
9) What calms them when they are upset:Icecream when sad upset. She’ll eat a whole carton and doesn’t care. She’ll go to Fogwell’s when angry upset and she’ll go to town punching at the punching bag.
11) This character’s favorite piece or pieces of clothing:Her favorite outfit is flats, some black tights that are a bit torn at the knees, and a light gray t-shirt that has a picture of a taco on it saying ‘Bonjour!’ She loves it. “I dress for comfort. I call my look hobo-chic.”Vladimir, “I call it you are broke.”Michael, “I call it you like dressing like a poor peasant.”Jamie, “I call it sad.”Jack, “I like the taco on your shirt.”Matt, “And the shirt is soft.”
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