#ma muse
pulcheriebalhoud · 10 months
Nej - ma muse ( slowed + reverb )
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justgleekout · 5 months
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Struck by his beauty. Had to draw.
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lil-beanz000 · 10 months
"Trying His Hardest."
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soeurdelune · 5 months
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avatars (400 x 640): maude apatow, signés lune/soeurdelune
inspirations: paris, texas (1984, dir. wim wenders) ; the florida project (2017, dir. sean baker) ; florida blues by cruel youth, california dreamin' by bobby womack ; california by chappell roan.
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thatsrightice · 6 months
I just learned that sometimes the replacements would call Crosby and the other more experienced guys on base “old”, like Crosby is called “Old Croz”, And that just confirms for me that Crosby and Rosie are like the unofficial-official parents of the 100th bomb group flyboys.
Crosby is Mom or Ma, not like they’d ever intentionally call him that to his face. It probably started as a joke after one of the many times he blew up on a senior ranking official in defense of one of his boys, but the traits have always been there like:
Sees one of the boys getting sick and just walks up to them and puts a hand on their forehead to feel for a fever. If someone notices their friend is ill, they’ll immediately go get Croz and he’ll persuade them to sit the mission out. In fact, for most issues they’ll go to Croz because he’s smart and (usually) calm and always knows what to do
Knows everyone’s name but sometimes he’ll have to cycle through a couple before he gets the right one. If he’s super tired he’ll just be like: “whatever-your-name-is”
Visits the sick or wounded in the hospital no matter how minor the reason and he won’t shy away from holding their hand while they set bones and stuff. Sometimes he’ll bring a book and quietly read to a them
Works tirelessly planning the safest routes possible and briefs the navigators and bombardiers as thoroughly as he can
Rosie is obviously Dad, they probably call him Pa or Pops.
He’s the fun parent, leaving Croz to do a lot of the parenting. He just finds it hard to stay mad at them and often times lets them get away with nothing more than a warning
Where some of the guys in Group Ops try to distance themselves and not get too attached he fully commits himself to earning their trust. He wants to make sure they trust him both on the ground and in the air so that he knows they’ll follow him if he needs to make any last-minute decisions in the air
When one of the boys comes up to him asking for help shaving because they’d never had to back home, he gladly teaches them.
He is always telling reminding them to make good choices and it helps decrease accidents on base, just a little, because no one wants to disappoint him
Rosie is there by their side for just about every mission, especially the particularly difficult ones. Crosby will sometimes fly too, but if he’s not you can be assured that he’ll always be standing there on the control tower balcony anxiously waiting for his boys to return.
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johannestevans · 1 month
Watching Train To Busan and I'm obsessed with Ma Dong-seok as the biggest, beefiest wifeguy to ever live
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ncstya · 3 months
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she was crying on my shoulder , all I could do was hold her , only made us closer .
w. @kittybt
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kretina · 1 month
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de certa forma, foi contra a oferta de ajuda enviada por perséfone, katrina sabia que ela e hades poderiam fazer mais, que hades principalmente; mas talvez a questão ali fosse outra, se pensassem que alguém os queria ali embaixo. depois de alguns minutos, fez-se de hipócrita e deleitou-se com a comida, a qual parecia fazer meses que não sentia o gosto, ainda que estranho, mas bom ao corpo.
depois que acordou do seu esgotamento físico, soube que tadeu e aurora haviam matado a químera, aquela a qual havia sido um gatilho para si. contudo, precisou lidar com a vergonha que sentia, em como havia perdido o controle e quase colocado tudo a perder. no entanto, ainda cansada, não deixou para depois a conversa com arthur; o pediu desculpas e ele parecia ter entedido que tudo no submundo, girava para fazê-los enlouquecer. ficaram bem.
desde o surgimento das asas até o despertar, katrina ficou horas olhando para o que surgia em suas costas, sem conseguir guardá-las. não soubera como elas haviam surgido, tampouco, como fazia para não vê-las mais, a irritava, incomodava e doía. queria arrancá-las, mas apenas encolheu-se na parede mais próxima e esforçou-se para fingir que elas não existiam.
no que os olhos se fecharam, o pensamento voltou-se a sasha. em como havia o influenciado, e mesmo que não se arrependesse, sentia que devia a ele uma conversa sincera quando retornasse, talvez fosse isso que kitty gostaria que ela fizesse. maldição! a temporada no submundo estava a deixando fraca.
personagens mencionados:
@nemesiseyes @stcnecoldd @lleccmte @littlfrcak @kittybt
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pinkrose05 · 5 months
Seeing an actual number for Boothill's bounty on the poster for his event has me thinking something silly: what if he's a fan of the Stellaron Hunters for having bounties so much higher than his own?
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enby-rodimus · 9 months
i'm aware the earliest example of where blaster stands when it comes to functionism is hinted at/shown in all hail megatron where he talks about how perceptor defiled himself to become a sniper.
despite the autocracy trilogy being a huge mess, the blaster they introduced is my most favorite characterization in the continuity and to me it makes sense. blaster as a reporter who tries to bypass censorship, is at conflict with authority such as enforcers like orion pax, because while he may have stormed the senate and publicly called them out, he went right back to working for them under zeta, which blaster called out, and continues to question the newest iteration of a violent, flawed government interests me. he's not blind to the flaws of the institution and it's put him at odds with it. hell, it seems heavily implied he's even critical of functionism despite the writers failing to properly write the early days of the war and the motives of each faction.
basically, i wish blaster had his anti-autobot characterization from autocracy and circumstances forced him to join the autobots
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arainhabranca · 23 days
um estudo de estilo da 𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒉𝒂 𝒃𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒂.
cabelo e acessórios.
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guarda roupas + branco.
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maquiagem — em eventos (cima) e dia a dia (baixo).
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acessórios + jóias.
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Muse Bio: Ma
Kiden a.k.a "Ma"
A canon character from The Lion King 1 1/2
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Age: Adult Species: Meerkat Height: N/A Weight: N/A Birthday: October 2nd
(From the Disney Wiki)
"(Kiden) is a devoted and supportive mother. She is very down-to-earth about what's important and will sacrifice her time and efforts to make others happy. She is also the only meerkat who's willing to stick up for Timon when he messes up. Throughout the film, she yearns for him to fit in and be happy. When he tells her that his place is not with his colony because of his constant screw-ups, she reluctantly lets him leave in hopes that he'll find a better home. But she has a very strong attachment to Timon, as she can hardly stand being parted from him. Other traits of Ma's include bravery, devotion, a willingness to help, and forgiveness. She is also known to be sassy and strong-willed at times. Throughout the film, she tries to keep Timon's hair as neat as possible."
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yemsaiel · 8 months
spoilers for unreleased content ahead!
sorry. i didn't know what else to put
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i've been thinking about 707 ever since i read his story a month ago.. T.T
first off, kudos to cael for being so precise with his predictions. he gave exact coordinates at a specific time to ensure that MC would be safe from the hands of the empire. the catch? it was done with the confidence that his bionic clone would act exactly as he predicted. cael would never put MC under risk without having a hold on the entire situation, all things considered. who knows how long he waited until there was a 100% chance of safety?
what if 707 were to act out of the ordinary? to diverge from the path set for him, both as a product from the empire and as "cael" himself? what if he went against expectations and turned MC in? so many "what ifs", and yet cael chose this one.
now onto my baby boy 707. :) imagine living as someone else's shadow, and you don't even know whose. his actions are not his own, nor will they ever be. the one person he thought understood him refuses to paint him— even if he has the face of her love, the same voice, mannerisms, figure, intonations.. he will never truly be cael, although he is a bionic copy. if he cannot be himself as an individual, and he cannot be the person he was modeled after, what place is there for him in the world?
i love him so much! 小亚历克斯, i hope you can live a happy life and sculpt all the figurines of MC that you want. 🥺
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suavinhotinto · 8 months
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get to know haelena - pt. 1.
por ter crescido com a irmã mais velha (@bettyversions), que cantava para ela e sonhava em ser uma cantora de sucesso, haelena aprendeu desde novinha a tocar violão, mas é um talento que poucos sabem que ela tem. sempre quando se encontram com marjorie, acabavam tocando e cantando juntas, apenas as três;
gen gosta muito de gatos e o seu sonho é poder criar um, já tentou trazer alguns para o acampamento escondido para adotar, mas sempre é dedurada e precisa encontrar outro dono para o bichinho;
genevieve é loira natural, mas as vezes tonaliza o cabelo de preto por puro tédio, ela também pensa que passa uma vibe mais badass quando está com o cabelo escuro;
ela tem três piercings: um no tragus, um no hélix e outro no conch;
não consegue levar nada à sério, e a forma como lida com seus traumas é sempre enchendo a cara e nunca falando sobre o assunto;
ela tem um coração gigante, por mais que não demonstre, mas sempre tem muito medo de ser machucada, então até com amizades, haelena fica um pouco com o pé atrás. a única pessoa que a conhece verdadeiramente sempre foi sua irmã.
haelena é bissexual, mas só teve um relacionamento durante sua vida toda, que foi com samantha zimmer (@samquebrabarraco) e depois disso, tá num bloqueio emocional eterno.
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lonelimbless · 7 months
Related to the previous post. Plus, getting somewhere with her design. (and don't mind the rushed Rayman)
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mad-hunts · 4 months
happy pride month to you all! 🩷💜💙 barton himself is bisexual and is kind of a disaster in love, but he is very comfortable with his sexuality!! he will also call his bf 'mon copain' or gf 'ma blonde' without even realizing that people may not have any clue as to what he is talking about because they don't know québécois... so, yeah LOL. i, the admin, am also asexual!!
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