#mac miller a celebration of life
iicedmatchalatte · 1 year
Astro Observations p. 2🧞‍♀️
**** Hiii, I’m backkkk. Hope everyone is feeling v sexy;)
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You tend to idealize and look up to people with their moon as your mid heaven, for example my MC is In Capricorn and I adoreeeee Capricorn moons ( Amy Winehouse, Stevie Nicks, Andre 3000, Cher, Pedro Pascal)
Vesta making hard aspects to Saturn (conjunct, square, opposition) can indicate a repressed sexuality. (Can confirm— Vesta conjunct Saturn)😕
Pisces suns are NOT pushovers, most Pisces’ I’ve met have been rather feisty.
Many celebrities with Pluto in the 8th house have had tragic deaths ( Princess Diana, Aaliyah, Selena, Bruce Lee, Jimi Hendrix)
Venus in 12th house synastry are past life lovers who cannot be together in this life. (Kerry Washington and Tony Goldwyn have this aspect💀)
Most Virgos/Virgo placements are really into perfume/smelling good over all they have great hygiene
NSFW👹 Having your mars in a a water house (4,8,12) indicates being naturally very lubricated down there 👇 Same goes for synastry, having sex with someone you share these placements with, water works every time.
Having a Cancer moon may mean that in some point in your life you struggle with substance abuse.(Ex: Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Mac Miller, Lil Peep, Drew Barrymore, Natasha Lyonne) I feel that these moon signs struggle with facing reality, as they get overwhelmed with their intense emotions and cope with drugs.
I’ve noticed that most Gemini placements are apart of the LGBT community
Scorpio Suns aren’t the sexy and mysterious beings people make them to be, it’s really those Scorpio inner planets that are the enigmas
I swear every time I have 8h synastry I can feel it, I feel like a robot in their presence, my body movements are controlled; my breathing is uneven, I don’t know how to walk or speak, the tension is palpable🥵. It’s Awful.
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guxciestone · 8 months
🥂 ❛ SATURN AND THE 27 CLUB ༉‧₊˚ ˚୨୧
(how saturn affected the lives of the members of the 27 club)
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the 27 club and the conspiracies behind it have always intrigued me. i always wondered if there were any astrological connections between the members and their consequential deaths. if you have any post suggestions, i’m willing to consider them. i hope you’re having an amazing day and enjoy !!🫶🏽🤍
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what is the 27 club?
The 27 club is a popular informal list of musicians, actors, athletes and other famous people who consequently died at 27 due to overdoses, suicides, homicides, addictions, and other mysterious circumstances. The first ever recorded member of this club was Robert Johnson, the first ever rockstar. There have been multiple theories surrounding Robert’s rise to fame and his death. The most popular story was that Robert got his immaculate guitar talent from making a deal with Satan at a crossroads.
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This club has developed the notion that most celebrities tend to die at that age. Additionally, most celebrities, especially the musicians, had high-risk lifestyles. The 27 club has become a cultural phenomenon and conspiracy theory that the public and other celebrities have become aware of. In Mac Miller’s song “Brand Name”, he mentions, “To everyone who sell me drugs: Don’t mix it with that bullshit, I’m hopin’ not to join the 27 Club.” Mac Miller passed away at the age of 26 on September 7, 2018 due to a drug overdose, 4 months from his 27th birthday, almost making it into the club. The celebrities from the 27 Club I am including in this blog are: Amy Winehouse, Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Brian Jones, and Jim Morrison. They were all popular musicians.
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the theory of saturn and selling your soul
The main conspiracy that goes around as to why these famous individuals made into this club is because they may have decided to attain their desire of fame and fortune in exchange for their soul and tragic death at the age of 27. Although I do not wholeheartedly believe in this theory, it is still fascinating to consider what if this could’ve been the case for all of these stars’ deaths? Especially when there may be an astrological theory that supports it.
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Saturn is the planet of contracts, deals, and promises. This planet is infamous for bringing back karma or lessons when an obligation or promise has been broken or put to a halt, which signifies the “deal” that these celebrities make with the devil, and if the deal doesn’t perform the way it should, the person has to endure the consequences. It makes it even more convincing that in tarot the “Devil” card is ruled by Saturn.
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my theory on saturn and the 27 club
It is intriguing how all of these celebrities died at the age of 27, it makes you wonder, “What is significant about that age?” and “What did these celebrities specifically do differently than other celebrities to experience a death at that age?” After researching articles and creating my own observations, I’ve made my own theory as to how Saturn could have affected the 27 Club.
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Saturn is the planet of responsibility, maturity, and obligations. It is the reality that catches up to us when we have to grow up and take accountability for our true duties. It is the planet that we are so afraid of due to the harshness and honesty it beholds for us when it is time. At the age of 27-29 years old, every individual undergoes a Saturn Return—which is when all of that exactly happens. It is the time in which you have to take responsibility for your problems, issues, and wounds, and realize that it is up to you to create the life you need and deserve. This return is a wake-up call for individuals who suffer from addictions, mental health issues, self-esteem issues, and much more. Saturn gives you that wake-up call by giving you the karma for the reality you’ve created for yourself so far, because karma isn’t necessarily just about what you do to others, but also what you do to yourself. This may pertain to the deaths of the members of the 27 Club.
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Next, I am going to interpret each of the members’ Saturn placements to see how their Saturn Return affected them personally.
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NOTE: I am simply reading the aspects of these celebrities for entertainment and curiosity purposes; I obviously did not know them personally, and these interpretations may be incorrect. I hope you enjoy it.
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♡ amy winehouse ♡
Saturn in Scorpio in the 6th house
This indicates that Amy Winehouse may have had deep-rooted issues involving her self-care, habits, and health. There was this struggle to develop a close and intimate relationship with one’s personal wellbeing, and anything that interfered with that could have affected her. It is publicly known that Amy struggled with drug and alcohol addiction during her time and additionally dealt with other health problems such as bulimia. There were times where she repeatedly refused to go to rehab or get help. Before her Saturn Return, there may have been subconscious refusal to accept the problems that would’ve come from not taking much care of herself, and the only time when there would be acceptance of these problems is when it is too late because Saturn allows you to pick up the pieces of what you’ve put out for yourself as an adult. However, with maturity, this placement gives the individual the ability to dig deep into the depths of their nature and spirit to get to know themselves and satisfy their needs, wants, and desires in the most healthiest and effective way possible.
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Moon in Capricorn in the 7th house sextile Saturn
There is a sense of maturity and seriousness when it comes to one’s emotional fulfillment. Winehouse valued her personal relationships as it gave her a sense of security and personal contentment. It may have been particularly harder for her to express this to her closest people, considering the fact that emotions and vulnerability might have not been her forte (Capricorn) However, she also held her personal connections to a high standard–she might have held boundaries, rules, and restrictions towards her loved ones. If she sees that someone is not behaving in the way she desires, she could easily cut them off. This would have been helpful for her in developing a sense of self-respect and maintaining her well-being and health as it could help prevent attracting people into her life that could influence her in the worst ways, such as developing addictions from partners.
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Uranus in Sagittarius in the 6th sextile Saturn
Amy may have been an individual who was interested in sudden changes and unique circumstances in her work and routine. She would likely struggle in a workplace or environment that requires her to hold order and normality. She worked better in areas in which she can be independent, make her own schedule, and create her own flow. However, this placement can indicate unexpected changes in health as well–considering Amy had a 6th house stellium, health could have been an important part of her life. It seems that Winehouse would be able to maintain her sense of wellbeing and habits in a progressive and helpful way by allowing herself to create her own sense of routine. Perhaps using unique and healthy mediums of self-care would have helped (such as meditation, journaling, herbs–anything unconventional, but promising for her)
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Pluto in Libra in the 6th conjunct Saturn
This indicates that Amy had a strong sense of ambition, focus, and determination. She might have had a strong need to succeed, worked hard and pushed herself to her limits. This willpower is beneficial in helping her progress in her wellbeing and habits, especially considering that this aspect indicates sudden changes and transformations in health–either for the best or worst. However, Winehouse may have easily worked herself to poor health such as burnout and exhaustion. Additionally, individuals with this placement are often good at keeping secrets and holding their ambitions to their chest. Not to mention, they are more than likely to struggle with pessimism and this aspect can magnify realism to a huge extent.
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♡ kurt cobain ♡
Saturn in Pisces in the 7th house
This indicates the struggle to allow vulnerability and unconditional love submerge into one’s interpersonal relationships. Cobain was a sensitive, emotional, and imaginative individual who desired to hold his connections and loved ones closely. However, he might have had an issue with developing closeness in these relationships due to the fear of intimacy and being loved. Cobain could have had habits of isolating himself, distancing himself from potential connections, or developing loneliness. It was known that Kurt dealt with mental health issues such as depression. Although we are not sure of what caused Kurt’s depression, there are things we know about his life. Firstly, his parents divorced when he was young, and secondly, he also struggled with drug addiction with heroin.
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Venus in Pisces in the 7th conjunct Saturn
This indicates that one presents a loving and compassionate nature to partners and interpersonal connections. Cobain handled his relationships with a sense of selflessness and often held a huge imagination about and glamorized his partners. However, with this particular aspect, it may have been harder for him to express this true character to the people he loves and cares about–as transparency may have been one thing he struggled with. It seems that there is this fear of becoming codependent, needy, or illusioned in the realms of romance, so one tends to push themselves away from the possibility of connections with others. Furthermore, with the energy in Pisces, there could be a sense of melancholy or loneliness when he separates himself from the very relationships he longs for.
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Jupiter in Cancer in the 10th house trine Saturn
Cobain had an excellent sense of discipline as well as optimism and faith in his goals and aspirations. He was meant to be successful in the realms music, art, and creativity as he had the ability to deeply connect with the public and accentuate special emotions and feelings in the audience while maintaining a sense of realism within his imagination. He was fairly hardworking and career success came to him naturally; and it seems that Cobain would have benefited vastly from doing this. He could have found that developing professional yet close connections with the public, his audience, and business partners would have helped him miraculously in his journey towards being vulnerable with others and developing knitted and unconditional relationships.
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Midheaven in Gemini square Saturn
Kurt had the ability to communicate and express himself through mediums in his career, whether that be music, writing, teaching, and much more–it was in his path. However, it is possible that there could have been particular career blockages. Perhaps Cobain refused to integrate with the people and develop business connections with others, which could have made him struggle with expressing himself successfully to the public. He may have felt like he could not portray his image too well because of this, and it may have felt like nobody understood him and his image. Due to this, it could have been easy for Cobain to fall into deeper depression while in the public eye because it may have been another reminder of his lack of connections.
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♡ jimi hendrix ♡
Saturn in Gemini in the 6th house
There is this struggle of learning and taking advice from one’s peers in regards to your nature of order, routine, health, and responsibilities. Perhaps Hendrix lacked a sense of accountability in how he took care of himself or the habits he adapted. Perhaps he was the type to not be that interested in the regular workplace, schedules, or environment. He struggled with maintaining order in spontaneousness and control. However, it may be the other way around–perhaps there was a lack of accountability in being a workaholic, overworking himself, or pushing himself to his unforeseen limits. Peers, friends, or family members may have tried to consult him but there could have been the refusal to listen or abide. Apparently, although Hendrix did not suffer from drug addiction like most of the 27 Club members, he did have a fair fixation with alcohol, and there were times when he would get violent and abusive under the influence. There was even a time in which he had a physical altercation with his girlfriend while drunk.
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Sun in Sagittarius in the 11th house opposition Saturn
Jimi was a bohemian at heart. He lived his life in authenticity through rejoicing with others, exploring the horizons, and taking in a huge amount of knowledge. Hendrix had the core value of enjoying the present and taking in all that you can; however, he also was an advocate of being involved and gaining experience with his community. He could have been fairly popular and likable. Nevertheless, this aspect can indicate that the influence of friends or social groups could have easily led Hendrix to an irresponsible and careless path in regards to his obligations and wellbeing. There would not be a surprise if he got into alcohol or drugs though friends, cousins, communities or peers. Matter of fact, during his drug trial, Hendrix admitted that he found doses of LSD and marijuana through gifts at a fan club meeting for the Beatles.
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Mercury in Sagittarius in the 11th house opposition Saturn
Hendrix had the ability to attain incredible amounts of wisdom and was more than likely an intelligent individual. He was an expansive, open-minded, yet benevolent thinker; he was always willing to learn and challenge new customs and ideologies. He may have been particularly interested in social issues, his hopes and dreams, and connecting with communities. Furthermore, he could have been involved with many different groups of people, making him fairly known. However, there is a struggle with expressing himself through his means of communication, learning, being heard, and verbal expression. There could have been an imbalance in where to put his mental energy–either in expanding his horizons and indulging in new learning experiences or restricting himself to his duties and responsibilities. It may have been difficult for him to connect with others and he often felt distant from his peers, friends, and communities. He struggled between handling his work and advocating with his people.
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♡ janis joplin ♡
Saturn in Gemini in the 3rd house
This indicates an individual struggling with expressing oneself, connecting with others, and learning through peers when it comes to areas of communicating, their mindset, and thinking processes. Joplin was a mature, disciplined, and rigid thinker; she was wise and precise in the facts and messages she took in. She could have been an eloquent communicator as well. She was known for her strong and enduring three octave voice. However, this placement could manifest as her possibly struggling with communicating with others or developing connections with her peers and social groups. She may have been stubborn in receiving advice from her equals, and could have also struggled with negative thinking or pessimism. Apparently, when Joplin was in high school, she was one of the few to vocally oppose segregation amongst students, she endured bullying from racists and her peers. Furthermore, she was fairly a good student and popular until highschool–when she started to rebel and dress differently from other girls.
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Chiron in Leo in the 7th house square Saturn
This indicates that Janis has a wound surrounding self-expression and connecting with her true self in her interpersonal relationships. She may have struggled with feeling genuine within her romantic connections; she could have felt that she had to fight to be heard and understood by her partners. There could have been conveniences in which she felt the need to distance herself from her love affairs due to feelings of being misheard or misunderstood.
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Venus in Aquarius in the 12th house trine Saturn
Joplin was an electrifying, unpredictable, and quirky partner. She might have chosen different and special kinds of people to integrate into her love life. She thrived from eccentricity, and she desired to try new things in the matters of romance. However, she had a mystifying quality in regards to love. She was an idealist, and often had a huge imagination for her partners. She could have idolized them or put them on a pedestal. She may have dreamed about having the “perfect” lover too. She was fairly compassionate and giving towards the people she loves and cares about. This placement could also point to being a part of the LGBTQ+ community because Janis strived for unique partners and may have preferred it behind closed doors. There were tons of speculations that Joplin was lesbian, or at least bisexual, considering she had a long-term relationship with Peggy Caserta and went to gay bars before marrying her fiance Seth Morgan. Nevertheless, Joplin has innate ability to express her opinions, thoughts, and mind processes through these distinctive and thrilling connections because perhaps she felt could demonstrate her true self. This also made her a mature and stable lover as well, she was persistent and thoughtful in the matters of love.
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Midheaven in Sagittarius opposition Saturn
Janis was seen as a rebellious, hippy, jubilant, and outgoing individual in the public eye; however, the issue surrounding the relationship with her peers growing up and her struggles with feeling heard, connected, and understood by them still ran deep in her heart. She might have compensated for this lack of community or fellowship by pursuing his career endeavors, which could have been beneficial to her to an extent. It was mentioned that Janis escaped her day-to-day issues in school by diving in her passion for music and art. However, this aspect calls for one avoiding the actual issue and not being willing to fix it, which could have hurt her in the long run. There was a need to resolve the broken connection there is with associates and her immediate community and allow herself to express her thoughts and be understood and comprehended for who she is.
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♡ brian jones ♡
Saturn in Taurus in 9th house
The Rolling Stones member had a deliberate, cautious and organized mind when it came to his materialistic and mental assets in life. He may have had the fear of losing his financial security, depending on others, or lacking foundation in his life whether that be with money, relationships, or success. Furthermore, Jones had a firm and solid foundation of values and morals that he was stubborn to changing. He was intelligent and had the ability to maintain his views. He may have grown up with rigid beliefs in the household, and it may have been particularly difficult for him to change the beliefs he had surrounding security, stability, and his foundations. It has been said that Brian dropped out of college due to the fact he disliked the conformity and discipline of it, although he performed very well and was intelligent at a young age.
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Mars in Taurus in the 9th house conjunct Saturn
Jones was a disciplined, fairly motivated, and meticulous man. He was persistent and consistent when it came to his goals and aspirations. At some point in his life, graduating from college may have been an important thing for him to accomplish. This also indicates that he pursued his dreams and ambitions with the desire for security and stability in mind. However, this aspect can point to one being stuck in accomplishing their goals, whether that be from overworking, refusing to learn from failures, or pessimism.
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Mercury in Aquarius in the 5th house square Saturn
This indicates that Brian Jones struggled with mediums of communication, learning and interacting with his immediate community. He could have had issues with expressing his unique and exciting talents due to his inhibited and stubborn views and morals. Perhaps at some point, college may have prevented him from pursuing music and producing, and it made him feel misunderstood and disconnected from his versatility and creative processes. This could also point to using detrimental vices to compensate for the lack of connection with one’s hobbies and pleasures (such as addictions, investing in endeavors you aren’t interested in, punishments, and much more)
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♡ jim morrison ♡
Saturn in Gemini in the 5th house
Morrison was an intelligent, critical, and versatile individual. His special abilities were being creative and deliberate in solving problems, speaking his mind with eloquence, and handling long-term projects. However, there seems to be an issue with balance between being too reckless and feeble-minded and too critical and stubborn in the acts of creative endeavors and joys in life. It may have been hard for Jim to indulge in his hobbies, affairs, or even considering children. Morrison did not have any children nor did he have a good relationship with his parents, so all of his will went to his girlfriend.
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Chiron in Virgo in the 7th house square Saturn
Morrison has a wound surrounding the criticality, order, and sensibility. He may have had a strong sense of perfectionism and judgment when it came to his interpersonal relationships. Perhaps growing up he had to deal with harsh and fault-finding parents, friends, siblings, or partners. It could have caused him to develop a feeling of inadequacy–like he is not good enough. According to Morrison, his parents had “immense discipline” growing up and would have military-like punishments such as dressing down. He reportedly mentioned how he distanced himself from his parents over the years. This feeling of inadequacy may have caused Jim to develop a critical, self-inflicting behavior when it comes to him enjoying his personal endeavors, affairs, casual relationships, or hobbies.
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Sun in Sagittarius in the 10th house opposition Saturn
Morrison was a career-oriented individual who valued learning new things, expanding his knowledge, and experiencing new excitement through his professional endeavors and public image. However, he may have noticed that over time, prioritizing his legacy, image, and success could cause him to distance himself from his true passions and leisures. This may have influenced serious, “wet blanket” behavior and possibly becoming overly critical and strict himself.
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vertigoed · 1 year
Faded 3.0 || Rich boy! Gojo satoru
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Summary: richboy!gojo and rich fem!reader, unrequited love, heavy mentions of drug usage.
Synopsis: Satoru thought he had you all figured out - a friendship that had lasted a decade and a love that he thought was unbreakable. But then you left without a word, leaving him with nothing but unanswered questions and a broken heart.
This part inspired by the song 2009 by mac miller (rip)
Winter of 2013, aged 23, 5 years since you left.
Satoru had finally reached the point he had been longing for. He could enjoy the simple pleasures of life without being reminded of you, like watching the sunset or experiencing the first snowfall of winter. The weight that had been holding him down had lifted, and for the first time since you left, he felt like he could breathe without that suffocating feeling in his chest. The days of constantly missing you were in the past, and he was determined to keep them there.
Now, Satoru channeled all his energy into his work, deciding that being a workaholic was a better alternative to being an alcoholic. He was going through what his therapist would call the acceptance period- the final stage of grieving over a loss of a loved one and accepting that it was time to move on.
As Satoru walked down the streets of Tokyo on a chilly evening, his mind was solely preoccupied on his 5th year anniversary date with Utahime tomorrow.
He knew since the day you left, he started treating Utahime like an emotional punching bag- switching up from the caring boyfriend that he was when they first started dating, to a heartless monster.
For the majority of their relationship, he never once celebrated her birthday or their anniversary and cheated on her too many times to count with the pathetic excuse of being drunk. But, this time it was going to be different, he was determined to make up for all those times he hurt her.
Satoru wasn't sure if he was doing this out of love or guilt- but nevertheless, he felt good about himself with this newfound mental clarity.
Suddenly, he comes to a halt in his tracks as his eyes landed on a familiar figure walking towards him, wrapped in a thick coat and a scarf. He told himself his eyes were lying but as the figure drew closer, it dawns upon him who it was and his heart drops to the pit of his stomach.
It was like seeing the dead come back to life, his body froze with a mixture of shock and disbelief. And just like that, the years' worth of therapy and believing he was truly over you crumpled into dust, as the memories he despised came flooding back.
There you were, standing before him with your cheeks flushed from the cold and your eyes glistening against the moonlight. Your face mirrored his expression, equally as stunned to see him.
As you stood there, staring at each other, the silence between you was palpable. Thousands of thoughts were running through his head and he had so much to say to you, but no words could come out as he couldn't find his voice to say anything.
Instead, he just stood there for a few moments, his blue orbs staring at you intensely, until he managed to swallow the lump in his throat.
"Y/N," his voice choked and barely above a whisper. His mind was still unable to process that you were standing right in front of him. It all felt too unreal.
A single tear falls down your eye and you bite your cheek to stop yourself from crying but it was impossible.
Satoru always imagined what it'd be like to see you again, he thought he would be filled with rage, but the sight of your face made him forget all the pent up resentment he held against you.
His body had a mind of its own, he didn't know what he was doing but he took a step towards you and slowly put his long arms around your shoulders to pull you into a warm embrace.
This only unravelled the tears you were holding back, your shoulders shaking violently as you sob into his sweater. He still smelt exactly the same as you once remembered. The feeling of being in his arms felt like the home you've been yearning for every day.
"I'm sorry," your voice was barely audible in between your choked cries but you didn't have to say anything for him to know how you felt.
After a couple minutes, he pulls himself away from you and gently wiped your tears with the back of his sweater.
"Why did you leave?" his voice shook and his eyes started to swell as well, unable to control the wave of emotions rushing through him.
This only made you cry harder, covering your face with your hands as you shook your head. You were too ashamed to look him in the eyes but you knew he deserved an explanation, it was the least you could do.
"Come on, let me drive you home and you can tell me in the car," it was like he could read your mind and understood it was going to be painful for you to open up.
You let him take you to his car which was parked a few minutes down the road. As you both walked in silence, he still had his arm around you, he didn't want to let go of you ever again.
The short walk in the cold air helped you calm down a bit but your heart was still pounding in your chest as you tried to plan what to say. Satoru was the last person you expected to run into and there was nothing that could prepare you for this moment.
He opened the door for you and you get in, noticing that he still used the same bubblegum car freshener that you always hated because it smelt so artificial. You get hit with an overwhelming sense of nostalgia and you try to calm your uneven breathing.
As fucked up as it sounded, you wished you didn't run into him. Anxiety paralysed you from wanting to speak as you were afraid of what his reaction was going to be.
"I know whatever the reason was, it's hard for you to talk about it," he was the first to break the silence, you glanced over at him and his hands were tightly gripped on the wheel with his eyes firmly on the road, he continued, "But, I'm not going to lie to you and say it's okay for you to not tell me. Y-you fucking broke me when you left. I even got into a fucking car accident trying to see you for the last time and spent a week in a coma. You knew that didn't you?"
As the words of unspoken hurt that he endured came spilling out of his mouth, his tone started to get rougher. You closed your eyes, heart wrenching in pain and guilt, thinking back to Suguru's email that entailed what happened the day you left.
Of course, you were horrified and worried to death about Satoru but you were too scared at that time to check up on him. You remembered spending months just praying to a God you didn't believe, refreshing Japanese news every few hours for any updates on his recovery. You knew there was no point in telling him this though.
"I'm sorry," were the only words you could bring yourself to say.
"If you're fucking sorry, tell me why! Tell me why you left without even saying goodbye! Tell me what I did wrong? You dropped me like I'm worthless over that petty argument as if the 10 years of friendship meant shit all to you!" he yelled and slammed his hand against the wheel in frustration, "Don't you know how much I love you? I had to seek therapy to be able to live-"
His voice was raised in anger but his tone was laced with desperation, practically begging you to talk to him. You forced yourself to swallow back the bile threatening to come up.
"I killed someone," you cut him off, unable to bear the fact that he still loved you as it made your heart ache too much.
He immediately fell silent and hastily swerved to the side of the road to park up and you could feel his eyes burning into the side of your head, but you kept your head down, watching the tear drops fall onto your lap.
You then recounted the events of that fateful night- strangely enough, as hard as it was for you to talk about it, you felt relieved.
You tell him every single detail from how you were speeding while faded on xanax, to how your parents had covered it up for you. You also revealed that Utahime had seen you that night and told you to leave the country without saying anything to him, which was why you picked a fight with him, in hopes that it'd be easier for him to get over you.
Satoru listened intently, his heart broke with every word you said, feeling the pain in your voice. It took him a couple minutes to respond but it felt like a lifetime for you, petrified of how he was going to react.
There was no way he could see you the same after what you told him.
"I'm so sorry you had to go through that."
Your breath hitched at his unexpected response. Satoru never failed to surprise you with his never ending patience and kindness. You knew you didn't deserve this kind of treatment.
"No Satoru, you don't understand," you shook your head, disgusted with yourself, "I took another man's life. He was a father to a new born kid! I ruined his entire fucking family's lives as well-"
"Y/N, I can already see you've been punishing yourself enough," he interrupted you and grabbed your hand to stop yourself from crying so much, "H-hey, it's okay. I get it now, everything's going to be okay , I'm here now."
As much as you hated letting yourself be comforted by him, you remain in his arms as he leaned over to envelope you into another hug. He didn't care that your tears and snot were soaking his sweater, he just wanted to let you cry until you had no more tears left.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
After dropping you off, Satoru returned back to his penthouse with nothing but a pit of rage boiling inside of him. He was still in shock after hearing the entire story and to be frank, he was worried he wouldn't be able to control this fury.
Utahime was waiting for him on the couch, wearing nothing but a lacey slip dress and the pair of Louboutin heels that he bought for her the other week.
"Hey babe," she greeted him, getting up to kiss him but he turned his head from her to avoid her lips. The thought of her touch sent shivers down his spine.
She took a step back in confusion, unsure why he was acting like this all of a sudden.
Did he not like what she was wearing? She ran her fingers through her hair and cleared her throat, "What's wrong? Bad day at work?"
He was too consumed by his anger that he didn't know what he was going to do. With a deep breath, he tried to maintain his composure, his hands gripped into tight fists to control himself.
"I want you to leave," his voice was low and dark.
"What?" Utahime whispered in shock.
"Leave now," he kept his eyes away from her, walking over to the bar to pour himself his first drink in a year. He needed something bad to calm himself down before he did anything he knew he'd regret.
"What happened?" Utahime furrowed her brows in confusion and followed her boyfriend's steps, "What did I do?"
He slammed his glass down, almost shattering it in the process. She jumped in surprise and backed away. His hands were now shaking, even hearing her voice made him want to throw up.
"You... are a piece of work," his eyes were the darkest they've ever been and his voice shook with anger as he continued, "You made Y/N leave and you knew how hard that was for me, yet you pretended to be innocent? I let you live with me, I fund your entire lifestyle-"
"You spoke to her?" she cuts him off, mouth agape in shock and her eyes widen with what looked like fear, "She's back? Why-"
"Leave before I pack your shit up for you," Satoru knew he didn't owe her any explanation. All he wanted was to never see her again. He took a step closer to her so that their chests were almost touching and leaned down, lowering his voice, "Listen to me carefully, I tried to love you Utahime, I really did. But now? I fucking hate you, I regret all those years I spent with you, thinking you're worthy of being with me. You're fucking pathetic for what you did to Y/N-"
"She killed someone, and you're saying I'm the bad one?" Utahime interrupts him again, this time in disbelief that he was siding with you, her eyes swarmed with tears of anger, "She deserves to be in jail Satoru! You're taking a murderer's side over your own girlfriend!"
Satoru started to laugh cynically. "You're not my girlfriend. Who do you think you are? Blackmailing Y/N, taking the most important person away from me. You lied to me all these years, acting like you had no idea what happened to her but you were the reason behind all this. YOU were the reason why I spent all those years in fucking depression. I couldn't give a fuck what she's done, she's Y/N, you're you. Do you not get that?"
Utahime was left speechless and backed away, her shoulders trembled as it dawns upon her that her worst nightmare was coming true.
"I l-love you Satoru, I do," she pressed on, unable to accept what was happening, "You don't know how fucking hard it was for me to see you being in love with another girl when I gave you my everything!"
She looked up at Satoru with soaked eyes, wishing he would look at her to see how much she was hurting. But he didn't. He kept his eyes on the wall, jaw clenched and not a trace of emotion on his face.
Utahime knew she lost.
"Oh, and I want you to leave everything I bought for you. Including those shoes and that dress you're wearing."
Those were the last words Satoru had said to her as she started packing up her belongings. She quietly dropped the pile of clothes she collected in her arms, and eventually left, barefoot with nothing but her toiletry bag.
As she waited for her taxi outside the apartment complex, Utahime decided she was going to make sure you get the punishment you deserved. Within ten minutes, she lost everything that mattered to her and even if it kills her, she was going to bring you down to the depths of hell with her.
Next part willl most likely be the final chapter :)
i appreciate everyones comments and feedback,, it rlly keeps me going hehe
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icanseethefuture333 · 7 months
A reading on
North West
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The development of North's character:
Channeled song:
Rush Hour by Mac Miller
Pain by PinkPantheress
North is exactly how she presents herself - she is mischievous, a prankster, silly, creative, authentic, and honest. North enjoys being herself and does not like following trends but setting them herself. She is someone who will follow to the beat of her drum and not care what people think. North is comfortable voicing her opinion even if people think it's wrong, since it is hers and that is her right to express that. North is not afraid to speak her mind and intimidates other people in a room with her creative ideas. She will take both her parents' determination and artistic passion and turn it into something greater. Visionary is reverse so this is the shadow attribute she will embody. It is possible as she gets older, she will grow more reserved from the celebrity lifestyle and will see the negatives of it. North could be sensitive about her artwork and feel no matter what she does, people will criticize her. This is sad :(. As North gets older, her energetic personality might calm down as she gets older but this is due to the comments people make about her. North will eventually hear and see everything people said about her in childhood (calling her "crazy" and "bratty child"), thus staying out of the spotlight. People will way things like "Where is North? We miss her!" And North would think "You guys hated me all my life and now you want me back? You don't even deserve me". It's possible her visions for her art, fashion, etc, will have to be watered down or compromised in order for people to support it because they view it as too "weird" or "complex". North may often experience loneliness because she will be misunderstood by others. In adulthood, it would be necessary for her to heal from this wound in order to be at peace with herself.
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The future of North's career:
Channeled song:
Family Ties by Baby Keem ft Kendrick Lamar
Detective is in reverse which means the future of her career will possess the shadow attribute. North might fall victim to people spreading misinformation about her and she could already be experiencing this at a young age. Her parents are very famous and is the first born child, so there is a lot of pressure that she is under. This is disturbing... people have her eyes on her all the time. People want to see her highs and lows. I believe her family has a "bad publicity is still good publicity" mindset as well, so even if North doesn't want a certain news outlet to spread negative propaganda about her, there's nothing people would do to help her. This causes North to experience anxiety and so she is going to be forced to learn how to set boundaries as a child since her family won't do it for her. I believe despite the negative things people say about North, she will use her privileges for good. She might go through a spiritual awakening as she gets older or will have an epiphany about what is her destiny in life. It is possible she will use her privileges to fight for injustice. North could be involved in global politics since there is a map on the Avenger card? Or will do volunteer work in foreign places. Since this character has a mask, I believe she will do this anonymously or in private. North doesn't want to do it for the media, she actually would want to make a difference.
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North's relationship with her family:
Channeled song:
My Life by The Walls Group
North could oppose what her family wants her to do in life. They could have expectations of what goals she wishes to pursue and she will refuse this. If North had to have the option of having an inheritance or being independent, she'd choose being independent. She does not want to be controlled especially if her family is morally gray in some areas. In the future, North will be someone who would prefer to live a humble lifestyle and will be compassionate to others. North will be divinely guided in this lifetime, it is possible she has an ancestor(s) that is watching over her. Instead of living the life of glitz and glamor of Hollywood, she will instead desire to help others. I believe North could possibly use her wealth to liberate others? I heard "homelessness". So perhaps she will take a role in the system, similar to Kim. North wants to free herself from her family's traditions and beliefs. I feel strongly that her purpose is to heal generational trauma within the ancestral family.
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crucify me daddy (or how I learned to stop giving a shit about celebrities relationships and focus on the nu cold war) *insert edgy title here by Fall Out Boy* - a rant with love
So TTPD has finally graced us with it's presence and it's an amazing album. It's a mix of Folklore + Speak Now + Reputation + Midnights in one bundle. Will have to give it a few more listens before I can decide my personal favorites but Clara Bow has been stuck in my head quite a lot.
Now... elephant in the room. I am a fan of The 1975 but I am not a Matty Healy apologist by any means. Do I think he's a racist, fuck no! If so, why are pretty much all of The 1975's work r'n'b based and has a black influence and collaborations with ethnic artists. He's not dancing in a KKK outfit or anything or wearing blackface or beating up a Pakistani kid or . Why are the many artists he's supported over the years people of color or *coughs* ASIAN! FOR FUCKS SAKE HIS LAST GIRLFRIEND IS BLACK AND WAS A VICTIM OF DOMESTIC ABUSE TO WHICH HE SUPPORTED AND STOOD UP FOR EVEN GIVEN HIS SICKENING PORN TASTE!
Do I think he's a twat and an idiot who sticks his foot firmly in his mouth a lot and says and does a lot without thinking, YES! The whole Love It If We Made It incident which started the entire Matty hate mob was an honest ill thought mistake. He shouldn't have shared his own song during his BLM post, I agree. It was fairly cringe for him to kiss the gay fan and put a target on that fans back but his heart was in the right place in calling out the bullshit in the eastern areas against stuff like this.
Cum Town helped Matty through his rehab and in return he was invited as a guest to which he joined in on some edgy jokes about Ice Spice and shared his porn taste of the hardcore variety like most men watch. The episode was out for many months prior to the news of them getting together however the psycho swifties wanted any ammunition to cause a fandom jihad.
So to no one's surprise, I was expecting at least a few Matty mentions. Boy was I in for a treat. Peter, But Daddy I Love Him, The Tortured Poets Department among others.
But kudos to Taylor for actually sticking up for herself and Matty during But Daddy I Love Him. I loved Taylor before but I completely adore her for having the guts to say to those parasocial dicks who thinks everything is a coded message or an easter egg, enough is fucking enough
"I'll tell you something right now I'd rather burn my whole life down Than listen to one more second of all this bitchin' and moanin' I'll tell you something 'bout my good name It's mine alone to disgrace I don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empath's clothing"
It sickens me to see some of Swifties wish death, rape, bus crashes, , overdoses on Matty and his family. She chose to be with him, she wasn't shotgun wedding or married off to him and fuck me, imagine genuinely liking someone once you get to know them and not look at the edgy stuff they said online... crazy am i right?
Look what happened to Mac Miller, Ari's fans launched a crusade against him and he ended up doing himself in because of it
You know we're going to be nuked soon anyway... china, russia, israel or even if Trump gets re-elected. Mexico is over run with videos of people getting their faces cut off and Logan, Jake and KSI sell poison to kids and have yet to be assassinated. Life's too short to care about the relationship of two celebrities. Go touch grass, go milk a horse blindfolded, go kick a hornets nest, go burn yourself alive in front of Trump tower. Be a decent human being stop fixating on relationships of the stars
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burlveneer-music · 8 months
Dorothy Moskowitz - Rising to Eternity
Tompkins Square is proud to release “Rising to Eternity,” written and produced by singer/songwriter Dorothy Moskowitz. The album follows her acclaimed April 2023 release,' Under An Endless Sky." Moskowitz is an icon of underground culture who broke all kinds of new ground as a member of The United States of America. Led by the charismatic composer Joseph Byrd, the band released their lone eponymous album on Columbia Records in 1968. It has taken on a mythic status that has grown through the years, sampled by Diplo and Mac Miller and widely acknowledged as a visionary psychedelic classic. "Rising To Eternity" is a musical reverie about the WEBB Telescope, launched on Christmas Day of 2021. The telescope enables a more detailed exploration of the early universe than has ever been feasible before. The album will be released on Christmas Day of 2023 to commemorate the event. When asked what impelled her to consider a telescope as the subject of an album, Dorothy said: “I felt the Webb launch to be like the “moonwalk” of this century, only with our hopelessly ravaged society, no one has the heart or stomach to celebrate anything at all. It began with an instrumental tribute, but the more I wrote, the more free-form fantasy took hold. I included a life form that emerges without light or water, I explored unnamed dimensions inhabiting dark matter, and scored unlikely dialogues between forces of creation and destruction. I think that an event of this magnitude sparks peoples’ imagination if they know about it and I’d like people to know about it." It’s her first solo album, but also features work by artists with whom she’s recently collaborated such as composer Peter Olof Fransson, and writers Tim Lucas and Luca Chino Ferrari. Her daughter, vocalist Melissa Falarski contributes back up on several cuts and there is also a track by sound sculptor Larnie Fox. To her pastiche of electronica, Dorothy has added live recordings of her live piano and viola and has incorporated drone washes from NASA archival recordings.
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oldschoolhip-hop · 1 year
5 Years of Mac Miller's NPR Tiny Desk Concert Celebrated in Ink by From The Temple
From The Temple has been one of my favorite artist who always brings such charm with with wonderful pieces but he really blew me out of the water with his tribute to Mac Miller in celebration of his Tiny Desk Concert. Music is a beautiful thing with that beauty only being showcased more by FTT who brings the iconic concert to life on a canvas. The small details in the artwork are amazing from the…
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cosmicchats · 1 year
Natal Observation: Mac Miller
Time writing 2:01 AM PST
Post time: 2:35 PM PST
Malcolm James McCormick “Mac Miller”
Born Jan 19, 1992
@ 8:46 AM EST
Pittsburgh, PA
Capricorn Sun @ 28°
Cancer Moon @ 24°
Aquarius Asc @ 18°
Mac has his moon in Cancer @ 24° in his 6H of health and service. Cancer (water sign) is ruled by the moon, and being in 24th° (Pisces-water sign), it’s clear that his emotions and feelings a will be of service to others and he will be well-liked (6H cusp @ 19 degrees=Libra degree). Millions of fans are captivated by the emotion in his lyrics. Being that both is moon and degree are in water signs, it’s interesting that much of his songs have water elements in both the music sounds and his lyrics invoke themes of fluidity.
One aspect to his moon is a trine with Pluto in Scorpio @ 22° signifying that serious (Capricorn rules 22°) outlook on life and his feelings. His Pluto sits in his 9H and in his songs he often discusses traveling both literally and metaphorically. Miller’s last album before he died was Swimming (water), and the album cover he appears to be sitting at the exit door of an airplane (9H rules long distance travel) in the sky. Much of his lyrics are diving into philosophical (Sagittarius rules 9H) questions and the listener can tell it’s coming from a longing desire ex the song Aquarium:
I'm just trying to make it all make sense
As you hypothesize on how to monetize, take advantage of
All the time we all behind, get lost in this Aquarium
America, the standard of vanity when the camera's up
We become celebrities, distract from the hysteria
Confessions that I have and curiosity about life and death
Most of us will never understand it, we just like the quest
Read about the meaning of dreaming and all its messages
Sedatives that take me to God, witness his fetishes
We all in search for substance, that gives you pain and numbness
The rapper is also known for singing about topics that some may find taboo (Pluto in Scorpio), like death, suicide, addiction, sex, loss, the meaning of life and so much more. The trine to Moon in Cancer show his vulnerability to discussing these topics.
In his 12H sits his Saturn in Aquarius @ 8° where the native is faced with challenges dealing self-control and responsibilities. Although in modern astrology, Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the rule breaking rebel. In traditional astrology, it’s ruled by Saturn, which is where the discipline and their sense of duty to help the collective comes from. Mac Miller takes life seriously, and thinks deeply about the cycles of life, especially endings.
Oftentimes tormented by his thoughts and feelings about the society around him. He feels as if he has to connect people, and help people from his inner/deep thoughts (Saturn in Aquarius 12H). Almost like he has the world on his shoulders causing external challenges (Saturn sesqui Kronos), and a responsibility to the people. The inner challenge comes from the semi-square with Venus in Sagittarius @ 22°. While his Venus likes and enjoys freedom, it can sometimes be irresponsible and pleasure seeking, but also lust for power and status (Venus in his 10H), which creates an internal conflict (semi-square to Saturn) for him. That internal conflict is the responsibility to the collective vs individual comfort and pleasure. In lyrics, Miller has discussed ways his celebrity status (10H rules careers/reputation) has changed him. In the song titled Ignorant, Miller sings about the materials (Venus) he’s been able to acquire with his money he amassed juxtaposed with his song titled Self-Care, where he sings about crashing an expensive car he bought and that he needs to be saved from himself. Additionally, in the song All That ft Bun B, Mac and Bun B rap about how everything he does (being a rapper) is deeper than being a celebrity, with status, fame, money or girls.
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karo614 · 2 years
A Happy University Tapir
Hi all, I am having a very busy week now!
Although I was not involved in the event that day, I still participated in the review meeting and the celebration ceremony, which both happened this week. (●’◡’●) The review meeting only involved the event committees, which was different from the celebration ceremony. After this review meeting, my only feeling is that it is really difficult to run an event perfectly and smoothly. All the committees have worked hard! Salute (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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While for the celebration ceremony, the BOD has prepared us with Pizza Hut and KFC. There are more committees and volunteers involved in this event than I imagined. Even though we have worked together for this event for nearly three months, some people are still new faces to me. Oh, and we played a game after all of us had dinner. The game was divided into teams based on birthday months, and the real purpose was to gather all the March birthday persons, and ta-da! Happy birthday song and a cake suddenly appeared behind them! (❁´◡`❁) Sounds good, right?
(And I found that there are only two people having birthdays in June, including me 〒▽〒)
A special thing in this week will be I have celebrated three birthdays in this week! ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ It’s more interesting when one of them is celebrating Lunar birthday, one of them is celebrating Gregorian birthday, and the third one is not with me, but studying in another state.
Well, all of these are also the reason why I stayed up three nights in a row.
After the review meeting on Tuesday, some of us went straight to McDonald’s but then changed to the mamak stall due to lack of seats. There are about 20 of us, and we used eight tables in total. You can imagine how “grand” the scene was, right? Even it’s occurring in a mamak stall. Well, I went home at 1:30am that day, and I heard that they stayed up until 4am at the mamak stall o_o …
On Wednesday night, it’s one of my housemates’ Lunar birthday. A total of seven of us had an in-house celebration. All of them drank alcohol that day except me (Yeah, I’m such a good girl). The most ridiculous thing to me is that one of my housemates (not the birthday one) vomited on the grass beside the road when we were on the way home. It’s really a shame for me. Sorry for the cleaning worker because the balloons were rolling around in the corridor, out of my control at all இ௰இ
⚠️Reminder: Underage people must not drink alcohol, and adults are not encouraged to drink ❌❌❌
And finally on Thursday night, after the event celebration ceremony, we went to a dessert shop in Surian, and later when it was going to close, we then moved to the mamak stall again. (The owner abang of the mamak stall is so happy to see us again.) This time we didn’t stay up until so late but still had a struggle to wake up the next morning.
The dark circles under my eyes are making me look more and more similar with the tapir I wrote in my tutorial short story. This what a wonderful university life, isn’t it?
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They said I was crazy when I had that mental breakdown. Throwing away everything. No I got a chance to be with myself again, to see her underneath those broken wings and say, “I’ll get you out. I’ll save your life.”
And I fucking did. It may suck living alone, handling all the finances, accepting I’ll never earn the right to see Mac Miller live.. because it was my driving force for so long. And now each night I’m like grateful just to be able to spin a record, or think about him in my own mind, my own home.
I earned this peace after being sexually assaulted, manipulated, stolen from, left to die in a hospital because I was too crazy for saying “we’re all trapped in some fucked to made up system where we think social media is real life. I want my old life back. The one where I was free to be everything I imagined.”
And I’m back here now. No strings attached. No additives. Not being forced to do or conform or be anything. Whatever I feel is my best that day, I do it. My best gets better every time too. Sometimes I gotta cry a lot first.
It was worth it. It’s also a big ending to everything you ever held dear.
Be afraid.
Start over.
Get it together.
Fuck what they heard.
Being lame and being yourself are cool as fuck. It’s literal magic. People will stifle your joy to make you completely fucking miserable by accident. Emotions are strong. People will hurt you because they love you. Stay with me. Don’t leave me. Don’t grow.
Trust me.
I needed this. More than I ever knew. Does it suck to never have “made it,” the thing that everyone would thought was gonna make it big? Fuck yeah. “sometimes these breakdowns are made to break through.”
I used to hurt myself just to feel. Now, I know loss. Grief. Happiness. Peace. Determination. Relaxation. Celebration.
I’ve died in so many people’s minds at this point, I’m certain most people have this fabric of a slither of someone my parents created. They’ve got glimpses of me but at this point, anyone who feels it now around me is because they and I both made the Choice to understand each other. To accept each other.
While everything else is take, take, abandon. Live your anxiety. Take. Hate. Darkness.
I worked all my life to accept others. To speak about what I felt but to never push. Let people grow through and help them go through.
I’ve always been misunderstood.
I guess now I’ve learned to accept that about myself. Because to die is to merely stop existing. The parts of me that have hurt and been hurt, that don’t exist anymore. My peace is finally allowing my soul to rest from all the work it was doing that never really got noticed.
Mending that broken heart is hard. Crying for all the people you disappointed and made disappointed just by existing, having a loud month, way too broad of a mind. Then find comfort in a place people don’t want to ever go into.
The utopia of a mind that broke down and rebuilt. The fragments will one day unfold a beautiful masterpiece. Even if I’m the only one to ever see it.
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elxctrics · 8 hours
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(—) ★ spotted!! LEONARDO 'LEO' CABRERA on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 27 year old looks like ARON PIPER, but i don’t really see it. while the COMEDIAN/ACTOR is known for being QUICK WITTED my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be IMPULSIVE i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song THE WAY by ARIANA GRANDE feat MAC MILLER {HE/HIM, CISMALE}
˗ˏˋ * ‣ 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬    :  
connections || musings || instagram || headcanons
name: leonardo 'leo' cabrera
age: twenty seven
nicknames: leo
date of birth: january 29th, 1997
astrological sign: aquarius
place of birth: brooklyn, new york
label: the class clown
positive traits: quick witted, polite, loving, hilarious
negative traits: impulsive, fleety, moody, indecisive
characters/celebrities he’s like: pete davidson, joey tribiani from friends, nick miller from new girl, donkey from shrek, jim carrey
leo was born in brooklyn, new york to an average, working class family - his mom being a teacher at the local public high school and his dad being in the new york city fire department.
when he was just a few years old, his dad died in a tragic fire and because of that, it was just him and his mom against the world.
they moved in with his grandparents and although he lacked a father figure, he never lacked love and attention.
his mother taught him to be strong, taught him to always see the glass half full instead of half empty and truly was his rock throughout his entire life.
because of this, leo made it his mission to be a good man - to always sit with the kid who was eating lunch by themselves, to stand up for those getting picked on and bullied and to make sure his peers were respectful, especially towards girls.
but, that didn't mean he didn't have his days - days where the sadness of loosing his father so young and never getting to know him really got to him, days where life became overwhelming when people asked him what he wanted to do with his life or what he wanted to be when he got older and he had no idea, so he turned to humor as a defense mechanism.
in his high school talent show, he did his very first stand up act and won first place and his career only grew from there.
skipping out on college, he began playing comedy clubs all over new york city - some nights to a packed crowd, other nights to just one person sitting at the bar, and he truly loved being able to bring a smile to people's faces. but as much as he loved it, it didn't pay the bills.
still living in his grandparent's basement, and not having had good enough grades to get into a good college, he knew that being funny was the one thing he was always good at, as well as being charming and using those two skills, he snuck his way into snl studios one day, snuck past security and walked right into the writers room, asking them for five minutes of their time before they called security on him.
and in those five minutes, leo wowed them so much that they decided to take a chance on the kid from brooklyn and that next saturday, he premiered on his first episode of snl at just eighteen years old.
for the past nine years, he's remained a staple in the cast, as well as doing his own stand up tours and netflix specials but has especially become more known for his dating life.
he's always been a sucker for love and the fairytale and would never consider himself a player, he's just someone who unfortunately finds himself falling in love all the time and has racked up a list of notorious hollywood exes, including three ex fiancées. and if you've forgotten who they are? don't worry, he probably has their name tattooed on him somewhere.
he falls hard and fast and is unable to pump the breaks or take control over his own feelings but despite that, he's not really a player - not someone who messes with people and really is just out here looking for love.
recently, he got cast in his very first move, ace ventura, and is looking forward to venturing out into the acting world.
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little-safeplace · 4 months
One more round around the sun.
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I know what you said, no more gifts, just quality time and i stand by that, so... this isn't a gift, it's a reminder, a love letter, a poem from the bottom of my heart. Over the years I've tried to do it all, from designing to drawing, to writing and reciting, and i know its been hard, we have had our moments and, as kafka said to milena once; in a way, you are poetry material; you are full of cloudy subtleties I am willing to spend a lifetime figuring out. words burst in your essence and you carry their dust in the pores of your ethereal individuality.
So here i am, writing and drawing, dedicating and listening to the type of music one listens to when it's in love, I'm in love, I'm in love with the most beautiful human I've ever met.
and i love you. i love you for everything you are and everything you mean, for what you represent and what you do, what you say and what you think, i don't really care about things going unsaid, i know how you feel. i know I'm not an easy thing, i know i anger you and make you lose your mind but fuck, babe, you're always so good to me. so-so-so good to me.
and for that, i celebrate you, today, tomorrow and the rest of my life. if i could throw you a party, i would, even if it was just a party for two or six, or forty, i would celebrate the hell out of your life cause you deserve that. today and every day.
happy birthday my love.
anaïs nin once said to henry miller:
things I forgot to tell you:
that I love you, and that when I awake in the morning I use my intelligence to discover more ways of appreciating you.
that when june comes back she will love you more because I have loved you. there are new leaves on the tip and climax of your already overrich head.
that I love you. that I love you. that I love you.
I have become an idiot like gertrude stein. that’s what love does to intelligent women. they cannot write letters anymore.
and i love you, i know i don't forget but i love you deeply, madly and devotedly.
you're my favourite human, the only one i would actually celebrate from midnight to midnight and, baby, you deserve it.
happy birthday my love, my life, my dearest and goddess. happy birthday my soulmate.
yes, it is you, and I am in love with you and I am going to be frank with you, brutally frank, because when you have an equal you can afford to be frank.
i don't wish to keep you reading the whole day cause i'd like us to lay in bed and read, lay in bed and watch something, lay in bed and play but i just want to remind you that i love you, that i wish you the happiest of birthdays my love and that, no matter what, here you have your blade, your loyal servant.
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that's me, peeling an orange for you.
happy birthday my darling.
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clclassified · 4 months
Unveiling the Timeless Resonance of Mac Miller's "Best Day Ever
Dive into the essence of Mac Miller's iconic track "Best Day Ever" as we explore its enduring impact, lyrical depth, and the legacy it holds in the realm of hip-hop culture.
In the ever-evolving landscape of hip-hop, certain tracks transcend time, becoming emblematic of an era while retaining a timeless allure. Mac Miller's "Best Day Ever" is one such masterpiece—a sonic journey that captures the essence of youthful exuberance, introspection, and the pursuit of happiness. Released in 2011 as the title track of Miller's fifth mixtape, "Best Day Ever" not only solidified his place in the rap pantheon but also left an indelible mark on listeners worldwide.
At its core, "Best Day Ever" is an anthem of optimism—a celebration of life's highs and a poignant reflection on its lows. Miller's effortless flow and introspective lyricism are on full display as he recounts his aspirations, struggles, and the relentless pursuit of his dreams. The track opens with a buoyant piano riff, setting the stage for Miller's introspective journey, before seamlessly transitioning into an infectious chorus that echoes the sentiment of living life to the fullest.
What sets "Best Day Ever" apart is its relatability. Miller's candid storytelling invites listeners into his world, where moments of joy are juxtaposed with the harsh realities of life. From grappling with self-doubt to embracing the fleeting nature of happiness, Miller bares his soul with a rawness that resonates deeply with audiences of all backgrounds.
One of the most captivating aspects of "Best Day Ever" is its production. The beat, crafted by ID Labs, combines lush instrumentation with infectious rhythms, creating a sonic tapestry that is both nostalgic and contemporary. From the uplifting horns to the head-nodding drums, every element of the track is meticulously arranged to evoke a sense of euphoria—a sonic representation of the euphoric highs that accompany life's most memorable moments.
Beyond its infectious melodies and catchy hooks, "Best Day Ever" also serves as a poignant reminder of Miller's artistry and evolution as an artist. At the time of its release, Miller was still carving out his place in the rap landscape, yet his confidence and maturity shine through in every bar. His ability to seamlessly blend introspection with infectious energy is a testament to his talent and vision—a talent tragically cut short with his untimely passing in 2018.
Despite his passing, Miller's legacy continues to endure, with "Best Day Ever" serving as a poignant reminder of his impact on hip-hop culture. The track has been embraced by fans old and new, its timeless appeal transcending generations and musical boundaries. Whether it's blasting through speakers at a party or providing solace during moments of introspection, "Best Day Ever" remains a beacon of hope and inspiration for listeners worldwide.
Moreover, "Best Day Ever" encapsulates the spirit of resilience—a testament to Miller's unwavering determination to overcome adversity and chase his dreams. In an industry often plagued by superficiality and materialism, Miller's authenticity and vulnerability shine through, offering a refreshing perspective on fame, success, and the human experience.
In conclusion, Mac Miller's "Best Day Ever" is more than just a song—it's a testament to the power of music to transcend barriers, unite communities, and uplift spirits. With its infectious energy, introspective lyricism, and timeless appeal, "Best Day Ever" continues to resonate with listeners worldwide, solidifying its place as a classic in the annals of hip-hop history. As we continue to navigate the complexities of life, let us draw inspiration from Miller's words and live each day as if it were our best day ever.
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cl-classified · 4 months
Unraveling Mac Miller's "Best Day Ever": A Timeless Ode to Joy
Delve into the musical brilliance of Mac Miller's "Best Day Ever," a timeless anthem encapsulating the essence of joy and resilience.
In the vast landscape of hip-hop, certain songs transcend their genre to become universal anthems. Mac Miller's "Best Day Ever" is undeniably one of those tracks. Released in 2011 as the title track of his fifth mixtape, "Best Day Ever" is a sonic masterpiece that continues to resonate with listeners, years after its initial debut. In this exploration, we delve into the profound impact of this song, dissecting its lyrics, its musical composition, and its enduring legacy.
At its core, "Best Day Ever" is a celebration of life's simple joys. Over a buoyant beat crafted by renowned producers, Miller delivers verses brimming with optimism and gratitude. From waking up to a beautiful day to appreciating the love of friends and family, the song captures the essence of finding happiness in the present moment. Its infectious chorus, with its refrain of "No matter where life takes me, find me with a smile," serves as a mantra for embracing positivity in the face of adversity.
One of the most striking aspects of "Best Day Ever" is its honesty. Miller's lyrics are deeply personal, offering glimpses into his inner thoughts and struggles. In lines like "I'm a man of the hour, what more can I say? / I'm living in my prime, I feel amazing," he exudes confidence and self-assurance, yet beneath the surface lies a vulnerability that resonates with listeners on a profound level. It's this authenticity that makes the song so relatable, as Miller navigates the highs and lows of life with unwavering sincerity.
Beyond its lyrical depth, "Best Day Ever" is a testament to Miller's musical versatility. Known for his eclectic style and innovative production techniques, Miller seamlessly blends elements of jazz, funk, and electronic music to create a sound that is uniquely his own. The song's upbeat tempo and infectious melody are impossible to resist, drawing listeners in from the very first note and carrying them on a journey of pure sonic bliss.
Of course, no discussion of "Best Day Ever" would be complete without acknowledging its impact on Miller's legacy. Tragically, the young rapper passed away in 2018 at the age of 26, leaving behind a body of work that continues to inspire and influence artists around the world. While his life may have been cut short, his music lives on, serving as a beacon of hope and resilience for generations to come.
In many ways, "Best Day Ever" encapsulates everything that made Mac Miller such a beloved artist. His wit, his charm, his raw talent – it's all on display in this timeless anthem. As we listen to the song today, it's impossible not to feel a sense of nostalgia for a simpler time, yet also a renewed appreciation for the beauty of the present moment. In a world that often feels chaotic and uncertain, "Best Day Ever" reminds us to cherish the little things, to find joy in the everyday moments that make life worth living.
In conclusion, Mac Miller's "Best Day Ever" is more than just a song – it's a masterpiece. From its infectious melody to its heartfelt lyrics, it's a testament to the enduring power of music to uplift, inspire, and unite us all. As we continue to grapple with the challenges of the modern world, let us take solace in the timeless wisdom of this unforgettable track, and let its message of hope and positivity guide us toward a brighter tomorrow.
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chrisryanspeaks · 8 months
Freddie Gibbs and Madlib Announce 'Piñata' 10th Anniversary Tour
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Freddie Gibbs and Madlib are set to embark on a three-stop tour in celebration of the 10th anniversary of his acclaimed album with Madlib, Piñata. The duo will be backed by El Michels Affair, who also performed with Freddie and Madlib on their NPR Tiny Desk Concert. The album earned widespread praise upon its release, landing on numerous year-end lists, including Billboard and Rolling Stone's in 2014, and has solidified its place as one of the seminal rap albums of the 2010s in the 10 years since. The concert series featuring stops in Boston, New York City, and Chicago is set for May. Presales for local venues begin tomorrow at 10:00AM and will continue until Thursday, January 25th, ending at 10:00PM. Tickets will be available to the general public starting Friday, January 26th, at 10:00AM. Released in 2014, the collaborative album "Piñata" by Freddie Gibbs and producer Madlib is a fusion of vivid storytelling and soul-infused beats. Gibbs' compelling lyrics paint a realistic picture of street life, while Madlib's sophisticated sampling and jazz influences provide a rich background. The album also features artists like Mac Miller, Earl Sweatshirt, Raekwon, Scarface, and more, blending Gibbs' narratives with a mix of cinematic clips and eclectic musical styles. Freddie Gibbs, with a vast collection of over 20 mixtapes, eight EPs, four solo albums, and four major collaborative projects, has significantly impacted the music world. His joint work with The Alchemist on "Alfredo" garnered a 2021 GRAMMY nomination for Best Rap Album. His latest achievement is the release of "$oul $old $eparately," marking over 15 years in the industry and his first major-label album. Gibbs has also ventured into acting, with roles in the film "Down With The King" and TV shows like "Bust Down" (Peacock) and "Power Book IV: Force" by 50 Cent. Secure your tickets for Freddie Gibbs' 10-year anniversary concerts above and keep an eye out for more updates. Check out “Scarface” below:   Read the full article
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audiofuzz · 8 months
Freddie Gibbs and Madlib Announce 'Piñata' 10th Anniversary Tour
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Freddie Gibbs and Madlib are set to embark on a three-stop tour in celebration of the 10th anniversary of his acclaimed album with Madlib, Piñata. The duo will be backed by El Michels Affair, who also performed with Freddie and Madlib on their NPR Tiny Desk Concert. The album earned widespread praise upon its release, landing on numerous year-end lists, including Billboard and Rolling Stone's in 2014, and has solidified its place as one of the seminal rap albums of the 2010s in the 10 years since. The concert series featuring stops in Boston, New York City, and Chicago is set for May. Presales for local venues begin tomorrow at 10:00AM and will continue until Thursday, January 25th, ending at 10:00PM. Tickets will be available to the general public starting Friday, January 26th, at 10:00AM. Released in 2014, the collaborative album "Piñata" by Freddie Gibbs and producer Madlib is a fusion of vivid storytelling and soul-infused beats. Gibbs' compelling lyrics paint a realistic picture of street life, while Madlib's sophisticated sampling and jazz influences provide a rich background. The album also features artists like Mac Miller, Earl Sweatshirt, Raekwon, Scarface, and more, blending Gibbs' narratives with a mix of cinematic clips and eclectic musical styles. Freddie Gibbs, with a vast collection of over 20 mixtapes, eight EPs, four solo albums, and four major collaborative projects, has significantly impacted the music world. His joint work with The Alchemist on "Alfredo" garnered a 2021 GRAMMY nomination for Best Rap Album. His latest achievement is the release of "$oul $old $eparately," marking over 15 years in the industry and his first major-label album. Gibbs has also ventured into acting, with roles in the film "Down With The King" and TV shows like "Bust Down" (Peacock) and "Power Book IV: Force" by 50 Cent. Secure your tickets for Freddie Gibbs' 10-year anniversary concerts above and keep an eye out for more updates. Check out “Scarface” below:   Read the full article
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