katiecomma · 5 years
Happy New Year
There is something in the air today. Something like hope. Something like inspiration. Something like ambition.
It hasn’t been that way for me every year. Many times the New Year rings in with a resounding: probably be the same as last year.
But this year I have things I want to accomplish. Not resolutions, because I hate the idea of a New Year’s resolution... no, these are things I’ve carried with me from last year into this year, and I feel excited about them; they make me happy and hopeful.
And many of these things I carry forward with me are friendships.
I will tell you that a year and a half ago when I rejoined Tumblr and started writing fic I expected many things: fun, writing practice, the fulfillment of finishing something... I did NOT expect to find real, lasting, rewarding friendships. I did NOT expect fic writing to turn into a novel (or two). I did NOT expect to find a little found-family of people who support each other through everything and are always there.
Thank you to everyone who’s part of these communities that I’ve stumbled into. I know I’m not always around and active, but I appreciate you. Thank you to the people who don’t speak up so much but are there nonetheless. Thank you to everyone who’s made my life better when I didn’t expect it.
What a gift you all are!
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bookwyrm07 · 5 years
I've tried to be polite.
Tag your ships. Not just fics. All shipper posts should be tagged with the ship. Headcanons, fan art, thoughts about the show all of it needs to be tagged with the ship. Some of us block those tags so we don't have to see that shit.
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infinite-beginnings · 4 years
Alright my MacG peeps, I need your assistance. Wayyyy back in season two I made character themed friendship bracelets.
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I am hoping to update these with the new characters. I also want to switch Bozer's because I made it a video camera and he no longer makes any movies 😂 I was also thinking of trying to come up with something new for Matty because I did a phone (because she's always on the phone with them back at HQ) but that is kind of weak sauce.
So, I am hoping that you lovelies can give me ideas for simple symbols that would fit with the following characters:
Desi Nguyen
Russ Taylor
Wilt Bozer
Matilda Webber
Anddd I'm also thinking about adding some of our favorite recurring characters if I'm feeling inspired:
Jill Morgan
Mama Colton
Let me know what ideas you have and if there is anyone else you'd like to see!! Also, let me know if you have any short phrases that would be good on a bracelet. Like "Team Improv" or "Phoenix Foundation".
I look forward to hearing from y'all! Let's get psyched for season 5 together!
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shadokatninjakitty · 4 years
MacGyverites Assemble!
I'm putting this out there now, because we've only got a week to prepare.
We need to make sure MacGyver is back for a 6th season, and we need to let TBTB know NOW. So, I was thinking, remember Operation Improvise? And what we were able to accomplish? (If you're new to the fandom, ask one of us oldsters) What say we have an Operation Improvise Pt.2 on March 19th, the day MacGyver is NOT on because of a basketball tournament. Flood the timeline with MacGyver praise. Doesn't matter which character is your favorite, which ship you're sailing, which episode is your favorite, just talk about it on the 19th, ESPECIALLY at 8pm EST. Use the hashtag #MacBackfor6, along with #MacGyver.
You in?
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my gosh you wonderful talented people do you realize how immensely you inspire someone like me to write something?? anything?
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A plea to the SPNFamily
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Dear Supernatural Family,
The MacGyver fandom is in need of your help. CBS has cut season four down significantly and the show isn’t returning until 2020 instead of this fall. We fear cancellation is on the horizon.
In addition to weak promoting, they’ve never shown reruns in the US and MacGyver can’t even benefit from gaining new audience from Netflix, because CBS is keeping it locked up behind it’s own streaming site.
If you’ve been with the SPNFamily for as long as I have, you know how hard we had to fight to keep the show on the air those first few seasons. The SPNFamily knows what it’s like to be the underdog, to be cast to the side and an afterthought to the network. We also know how to lift each other up and fight for what we love.
MacGyver is about never giving up, no matter the odds, but the core of the show is about the team as a family. With this in mind, I ask, if you’re willing and able, to join us for Operation Improvise on Sept 27th 8pm ET-10pm ET October 4th 8pm ET - 9pm ET by helping us make #MacGyver trend and be noticed.
Maybe you’ve never heard of MacGyver and your interest is piqued. Or maybe you’ve checked the show out and found it just wasn’t your thing. (Admittedly, IMHO the first half of season one was rough. Of course, it could have been because I was comparing it to the original and wanted it to fail. I’ve come far, yes?)  Regardless, if you would like to help, *insert Sammy’s puppy eyes*  you can do so by simply retweeting/liking/etc tweets with #MacGyver during Operation Improvise. This would not only help #MacGyver to trend, it would also help expose it to more potential viewers.
MacGyver is not without it’s flaws, but ye gods, the heart the actors put into each and every episode is palpable. (Honest to goodness, there was no pun intended there.)
The plea is unusual, I realize. If MacGyver (OG and Reboot) has taught me anything, it’s to think outside of the box. I think asking one fandom to help save another qualifies :) Unless Rowena would like to cook somethin’ up....
I know, we’ve all lost shows that we love, and MacGyver may not even be on the chopping block. If it is, though, this may be our chance to save it–not only for the fans, but for the actors/crew.
Will you stand with us, wayward sons and daughters?
On September 27th  October 4th H50 and Magnum PI return for their new seasons. If you watch and love the shows, support them: tweet, retweet, etc, about them. But also on September 27th October 4th from 8pm ET– 9pm ET (or as long as you can keep your eyes open and your tweets tweeting), lets collectively express our love for MacGyver. Not only to remind CBS that we’re still here, we’re still waiting and we want our show back, but to show others why MacGyver is worth keeping around. Let’s be heard.
Keep it positive. There’s enough ugly in the world. Tweet about your favorite moments, favorite fanart or your own fanworks, why you love the show, or how it’s impacted your life. Tweet, retweet and so on, making sure to use the hashtag #MacGyver as you do.  
So, if you’re willing and able, raise your paperclips and pie and join me for Operation Improvise on September 27!
October 4th 8pm ET on Twitter for another round! We did well on Sept 27th (Thank you!) compared to others that had season premiers. I still believe we can get #MacGyver to trend!
Retweet and reblog at will. The more people this reaches, the better chance MacGyver has at trending on Twitter! Thank you for reading. I hope to ‘see’ you there! :) Peace, love, paperclips and pie, dragonfly
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secretlibraryoj · 5 years
MacGyver Photo Challenge - Day 30
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Day 30: Mac shirtless 😉
Challenge explained here 
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All screenshots my own 
*I can’t believe that this MacGyver photo challenge is finally done!! I have had loads of fun doing this and I hope that you have enjoyed this! I have watched so many episodes of MacGyver, every single day over the last month that I am sure that I could quote it word for word, while replaying the episode in my head... 
I am grateful and very appreciative of everyone who like and reblogged the days, thank you! I’m especially grateful to @impossiblepluto who joined in with her fabulous mood boards, I have loved every single one! @impossiblepluto you are very talented! 😍😍🥰🥰
- If I have missed anyone who has joined in, I apologise profusely, please send me whatever you did and know that I am also incredibly grateful to you!! 
I’ll make a master post of all the days and post it later today, tomorrow by the latest. 
There is another photo challenge coming up, but I’ll explain that in a different post and the differences that will happen with that. Again, it is open for anyone to join in on that one, I’m sure that you will like it! 😉
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Apparently some people don’t think that we actually care about each other, so I’m here to point out some of the most wonderful people in this fandom (the MacGyver fandom) that I consider to be dear friends of mine.
@thethistlegirl - the Jack to my Mac, literally one of my closest friends in the world.  I could go on forever, but she already knows how much she means to me, so really it would just be redundant.  Love you!!!!!
@amarilloskies - my baby, whom I love and adore.  I am always so proud of her.  She has such immense kindness for others, and she never lets the crap that gets thrown at her change who she is.  All around an incredible human being who anyone should be honored to know.
@philipsheaisbaby - another incredible human being whom I love and adore.  She has such kindness in her heart despite the things that people say about her.  Despite the hate she’s gotten, she has never once sent that hate back to others.  She always lets me vent to her, and vice versa.  I love her so much <3
@undeadoctopus7 - my actual legit sister, who, despite having hated each other for the first ten years of my life, I’ve been able to call one of my best friends for the past nine years :)
@12percentplan - my fandom mom, who is such a blessing in my life, and told me where to look for filming locations while I was in Atlanta over spring break.  Thanks mom I love you.
@mutatedsilverunicorn - just another incredible human being who is rocking life despite hardships.  She may live under a rock, but that’s one of the many reasons why I love her.  She always makes me feel refreshed, and she also showed me the wonder that is Donnie Wahlburg’s voice omg
@bisexualstokes - the amazing gif maker that we all know and love, she has always shown me such love and kindness, and supports me always.  She answers my anon asks that I’m too scared to send with my name, and reminds me that I’m loved. She deserves all the love in the world.
I also want to shoutout @deltajackdalton @telltaleclerk @patriotproblems @dannilea @super-keeper-marvel @fellowshipofteamfreewillassemble and @parkerstarks.  You guys are so incredible and I love you endlessly.  I know I’ve missed some people, but don’t doubt that I love you too.  I don’t care what people who love drama want to say, you guys are some of the kindest people I’ve ever met, and I love you so, so much.
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macgyvercairo · 5 years
Cairo Day Is Almost Here
Who’s getting EXCITED?!?
It’s almost time!!!
Who’s planning stuff?!?
Who’s getting prepared to make popcorn and read and watch and comment?!?
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tomminowrites · 6 years
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Alright folks, it’s go time.
As our MacGyverite family grows, it’s getting near impossible to keep track of all the talented creators and dedicated content sharers. So here’s a list!
Completely voluntary, super low pressure, and open to absolutely everyone who interacts with the MacGyver fandom - be it writing fiction, leaving comments, posting screenshots, or just plain shouting to each other across the void. If you have any questions or run into any bugs, let me know so I can take a wrench to it~
[ Join the Directory ] 
[ View the Masterlist ]
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katiecomma · 5 years
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bookwyrm07 · 6 years
Ya'll Need To Calm Down
Don't Expect Mac to fall apart without Jack. If Jack was to suddenly leave in the middle of season 2, then yeah, Mac would have had a really hard time.  Now? Not so much. They stopped having that kind of relationship when Mac quit Phoenix. Things never got as codependent as they were before. Mac has done several missions without Jack. Jack has done several missions without Mac. They both survived fine.
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infinite-beginnings · 5 years
Sorry I've been so out of touch my friends
I've been working 3 jobs and barely have time to breathe. But what's been going on with you guys and Tumblr land?
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shadokatninjakitty · 5 years
I just realized something...
The reason we are getting a full season 4 of MacGyver (13 eps we knew of, plus the nine we were given today= 22 episodes: a full season) is probably because of all our work on Operation Improvise. They recognized our passion for the show.
Congratuations, MacGyverites, WE DID IT!!!!
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fangirling-alot · 6 years
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Sooo tonight Lucas finally tweeted me.
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thethistlegirl · 6 years
So it just occurred to me that this is the entire MacGyver fandom right now..
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