#machine translation should suffice though lmk if you need another passage translated
tungledotedu · 9 months
every accusation is a confession.
one side is using a hospital to set up headquarters and shelter its combatants.
it's the idf. they have been using the indonesian hospital as their base for two weeks. this was reported by the medical emergency rescue committee (MER-C), a humanitarian organisation that helped build the hospital.
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here are a few sources, all in indonesian. excerpt from CNN:
"What is happening now, around two weeks ago, Israel placed its troops and [turned] [the Indonesian Hospital] into its headquarters. Previously, they accused the hospital of serving as Hamas' headquarters, and no Hamas member was there," said Sarbini.
right now, MER-C is asking for the WHO to investigate. from detik:
"We, MER-C, wish to condemn these underhanded methods carried out by Israel, which used the Indonesian Hospital as a base, fortification, and this was done to attack the fighters in Palestine," explained Sarbini. "We also ask the World Health Organization (WHO) to send a team to investigate so that this doesn't become a bad thing," he continued.
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