#madame Orby
killertoons · 8 months
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tamlovesfashion · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: The Artis Orbis- Goebel Trinket Dish with Lid Claude Monet Ceramic Novelty.
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kaantt · 3 years
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Alors alors, @kabbal m'a tagguée vous allez donc pouvoir découvrir à quel point je suis une merde en titres et en résumés.... Je préfère vous prévenir, ma façon de rédiger mes wips est plus ou moins éclatée donc ne vous attendez pas à du grand art, mais bon let's get started!
Ah et je vais vraiment pas tagguer autant de gens que j'ai de wips parce que flemme un peu mais quand même je taggue @dagss @cheryllollst @kenshi-de-kelliwich @madame-claude et @lehoedagan
La suite est sous le cut!
Kaamelott :
(Pour l'instant dans mes wips je n'ai que des fics Kaamelott mais je compte bien m'intéresser à d'autres fandoms)
Les enfants de Carmélide : Séli n'a pas l'air dans son assiette depuis quelques temps. Léodagan et les enfants tentent tout ce qu'ils peuvent pour la réconforter.
Cartes sur table : Comme tous les ans Galessin doit assister au banquet des chefs de clans. Comme tous les ans il demande à sa mère d'y assister avec lui. Sauf que cette fois celle-ci a bien l'intention de ne pas venir et demander à quelqu'un de la remplacer...
Fic de la Saint-Valentin (oui je n'ai pas de titre pour cette fic pour l'instant) : Galessin a préparé une surprise à Uinda pour la Saint-Valentin. Tout est prêt et parfait. Mais parfois les choses ne se déroulent pas comme elles le devraient.
Video meliora proboque, deteriora sequor : (cadeau d'anniversaire pour @kabbal donc il ne faut pas que j'en dise trop dessus) Je ne vais pas donner de vrai résumé juste une petite citation (qui n'est pas de moi mais elle colle bien à l'ambiance de la fic) : "C'est plus marrant d'être un pirate que de s'engager dans la marine."
Petits princes : Galessin savait bien qu'il était un sale type et ces deux petits princes étaient la seule chose qu'il n'avait pas complètement ruinée.
Copains comme cochon : (Kaamelott historically accurate AU) Guethenoc et Roparzh essayent de compter leurs cochons mais il n'y a pas d'activités plus frustrantes que celle-ci.
Le chevalier : (suite de Le second) Galessin est maintenant un chevalier de la table ronde mais il est toujours bien plus que cela.
Le renégat : (suite et fin temporaire, c'est-à-dire jusqu'à ce que KV2 et KV3 sortent, de Le second) Galessin le renégat n'oublie pas qu'il n'est pas qu'un sale traitre.
La fatalité triomphe dès que l'on croit en elle : (Infragilis-e AU) Ou comment deux grands acteurs sont devenus les jouets de la fatalité.
Ubi et orbi : (Infragilis-e AU) Ou comment Arthur et Venec se sont occupés à Rome pendant trois ans.
Autres fandoms :
Depuis quelques temps j'ai un projet plus ou moins sérieux autour de la série Nicolas Le Floch (j'en avais reparlé avec @belphegor1982 il y a quelques temps) mais je ne sais pas quelle forme concrète ça va prendre.
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sincerelybluevase · 3 years
Careful, Madam Chapter Seven
A/N: Here it is, the final chapter! Thank everyone for being so patient with this one (the first chapter was published in June 2020, insane how time flies) and for the lovely comments; they mean a lot to me! For a gorgeous preview made by @thegirlisuedtobe, click here. Tagging @alice1nwond3rland, @need-not, @mlletina, @msmaryadmitrievna, @solattea, @halewynslady.
Maxim was the first to speak. “Steady, Mrs Danvers. You wouldn’t want to shoot me.”
Mrs Danvers did not waver. She held the gun steady. Not a muscle in her face moved so that she seemed hard and resolute to me, marble-made. “Let go of Mrs de Winter, sir.”
He released my arm with a theatrical motion, raising splayed hands in mock surrender.
“Come to me, Madam.”
I went so quickly I nearly stumbled. I wished to clutch her arm, to feel the reassuring solidness of her long lean limbs, but I was afraid of what might happen; I didn’t want to set off the gun by accident.
Maxim looked at us with hatred. His face had turned cold and masklike with it. “Now what?” he asked. “You’ll shoot me, Mrs Danvers?”
“I will if you force me, sir,” she said.
“And then what, Mrs Danvers? What happens then? Have you thought about that? Should you kill me, you will hang; the law won’t take pity on you for being a woman. They’ll string you up by that thin neck of yours until you are dead.”
“They won’t if they know what you are, sir.”
“And what am I?”
She glanced at me, at my reddening cheek. “A murderer and a wife-beater.”
He laughed coldly. “That’s no reason to shoot me, now is it, Mrs Danvers? I think you and I and the law can all agree on that.”
“It is if you provoked me, if you threatened your wife and unborn child, sir.”
The laughter petered out. Still he smiled, showing his sharp canines. “You’d have to aim well then, Mrs Danvers, and kill me with one shot, because if you leave me well enough to talk, you’ll be done for. Who do you think the police and lawmen will believe: me, a gentleman with an impeccable reputation, or you, a mad, old, sexually-frustrated maid with unnatural tendencies?”
I wished to speak so I could defend her, but fear held me in its grip, petrifying and silencing me.
Mrs Danvers set her jaw and tightened her grip around the gun. “I’m a good marksman, sir. If I aim to kill, I shall.”
“Perhaps,” Maxim jeered, “but are you certain? And are you absolutely certain that, even if you kill me, you won’t go to prison? They’re harsh places, prisons. Do you want to spend the rest of your life in a cold, damp room, with only a strip of sky to remind you of what lies outside?”
Still Mrs Danvers held the gun steady, her joints seemingly locked into place. “Here’s what men like you don’t understand,” she said softly, “I gave the best years of my life to your first wife; I’m willing to lay down what years remain to me for your second.”
My love for her made a pain rise in my throat. I swallowed against the tears. I looked at Maxim, thinking he would refute her or curse at her. He did no such thing. Instead, he began to yawn, making a great show of it, his mouth opened so wide I could see the fillings in his molars. When he was done, his eyes watered. He brushed the tears away with a fingertip, then turned to me. “You shall stop this nonsense right now,” he said. He spoke as if I was a naughty child.
I shook my head. I could not speak.
A vein at his temple began to throb. I could see it jump around under the skin, writhing like a worm. “Oh, but you shall. You shall stay here, with me, and we shall forget this moment of madness. Mrs Danvers shall have to go, of course, no sane man would keep a housekeeper who pulled a gun on him, but I shan’t press charges. I’ll even give her a good reference. A woman with her qualities can work for any fine family in England. But you, my little darling, shall remain here, by my side, as my wife and the mother of my children.”
“No,” I whispered.
“No? What do you mean, ‘no’?”
“I don’t want to stay.”
He laughed in disbelief. “You don’t want to stay? Do you understand what you’re saying? Before you met me, you had no friends or kin, money, no prospects. You were an old lady’s plaything, her little whipping boy. I raised you up out of darkness. I gave you a name, a house, a reputation to uphold. Without me you have nothing and you are no one, just a grubby little schoolgirl with bad nails and a name no one can spell. Do you hear me? You are nothing!”
“She won’t be nothing. She’ll be my mine,” Mrs Danvers said.
With a roar, Maxim lunged at her. She pulled the trigger, but he knocked the gun out of her hand. The shot went wild, the bullet damaging one of the plaster leaves on the ceiling, causing crumbs to rain down dryly. The gun fell to the floor, skidded, came to rest not a step away from me.
Maxim punched Mrs Danvers in the face, once, twice, thrice. Her head snapped back. She staggered. Blood poured down her mouth and chin. She made a soft choking sound, coughed. Drops of blood flew from between her lips.
“Stop!” I meant to scream it, but it came out as a whisper.
Again Maxim struck her. This time she stumbled and fell, her skirts billowing around her like black sails. He bent over her and continued to beat her. His fists came down on her face and throat again and again and again, dull slaps of flesh against flesh.
“Maxim! Maxim, stop! You’ll kill her!” I screamed. The sound carried, though for all the good it did, I might well have kept my tongue; Maxim continued to brutally, systematically beat Mrs Danvers. She tried to sit up to fend him off, but he pushed her down. Again she rose, again he beat her down.
As a child, I had witnessed our cat playing with a mouse. It would let it run, only to smack it down with its paw before it could get away. The mouse didn’t stand a chance, yet it persisted hopelessly, just as Mrs Danvers would persist in trying to sit up until she could rise no more.  
There was only one thing to do. I bent down and took hold of the gun. It was still cool despite Mrs Danvers’ grip. I raised it and found it surprisingly heavy for its size; it almost slipped out of my clammy hand. With one eye closed I aimed the gun at Maxim, but I was shaking and dared not fire for fear of hurting Mrs Danvers.
I brought the gun to my temple instead. “Maxim, look at me,” I shouted. “I’ll kill myself! I’ll kill myself and your unborn child if you don’t stop!”
He looked over his shoulder. His face was spattered with blood, his lip curled into a snarl. He let go of Mrs Danvers’ dress, causing her to thud to the ground, and came to his feet. “Don’t!” he said. “Don’t you dare!” He stumbled to me, his hands outstretched to wrest the gun from me.
I pointed the gun at him, closed my eyes, and shot.
All of this happened many years ago. My life now is very different from the one I led at Manderley. I’ve said goodbye to England and now have no estate to call my home, no husband to lord over me. Here, my name means nothing, and my face, once plastered over every English newspaper, is just another face, easily forgotten. No one need know that I once was the second Mrs de Winter, the one who everyone knows because she killed her husband. An act in which she was justified, of course, since he had murdered his first wife and now wished to kill her, too, before putting a bullet through his own brain, but that never made the case any less sensational. Whenever I think of it – which, when I am honest, is seldom but still too often for my taste – I can’t help but smile wryly. After all, there is a cruel sort of irony to the whole affair; Maxim killed Rebecca to safeguard Manderley’s reputation, but her murder proved to be the first link in a chain of events that would lead to a nationwide scandal. If I close my eyes, I can still see the reporters pressed against the gates, pen and notepad in hand, clamouring to see me.
There are no reporters in my new life. They do not know where I am, and to the local ones I am of no interest. I live in a cool little cottage, painstakingly paid for with the money I earn with my drawing lessons; I have given away everything I inherited upon Maxim’s death, for I never desired his money even before it became tainted with murder and madness.
Every day is much the same, but that I don’t mind. There’s comfort in familiarity, safety in routine, and after all that we’ve lived through, Danny and I have a certain hankering for comfort. Besides, raising a child together provides plenty of challenges and excitement, we’ve found.
Dear Danny. She’s wonderfully patient with me. I fear I am not always easy to live with. For all my efforts, I’ve not been able to banish the past completely. It still inhabits and possesses a part of me, one that I can fight when awake but must succumb to in slumber, so that, at night, I walk the grounds of Manderley once more. In my dreams, the house and grounds have fallen victim to rot and ruin. The lawn has gone to seed, sickness has turned the chestnut tree into a bleached husk, and the rhododendrons have reared to the fantastic heights of fairy-tale briars. The house itself sags to the side, its walls pockmarked by sour rain, the windows dirty and broken.
But for all its neglect, it is not uninhabited. I do not talk of the birds and bats roosting in the rafters, nor of the mice living underneath the floorboards and the silverfish who slowly eat away the wallpaper.
The library, with its masculine smell of leather and smoke and newspaper ink, is his domain in death as it was in life. There, he paces up and down, up and down. All that pacing has worn the carpet to threads. Each night I must go to him. It does not matter that I am unwilling; my mind and feet betray me, and take me to him. He knows that I am coming and awaits me with impatience, smoking cigarettes in quick succession, littering the ground with ash and butts. His face, once so handsome in a peculiar, medieval way, is ruined by the shot that killed him. It turned his left eye to pulp and smashed the orbital bones to pieces so that the area around the eye is curiously dented.
There must have been no time for Maxim to realise my betrayal; the bullet bored itself into his brain, killing him instantly. The Maxim of my dreams, though, gives me an amused, cruel little smile. Then – just as my life has become routine, my dreams have, too, and so this next moment never varies – he opens his arms to me. I don’t want to, but I must step into his embrace. He pulls me close to him until my head rests against his chest, against the fabric of his tweed jacket turned sodden by blood and the jelly leaking from his burst eye.
“My little love,” he murmurs as he strokes my hair, his breath stinking of the grave, “you didn’t think you’d ever be free of me, now did you? I shall never let you go.”
It is then I wake, gasping and sobbing.
Danny aims to soothe me, kissing my face and folding her long arms around me. I cling to her so tightly it must hurt. She’s no longer as strong as she used to be. No one would be after what Maxim did to her. He damaged her left eye to the point of blindness. During the years, it has turned milky white. She has taken to wearing a velvet eyepatch over it to keep out the light, for even the flame of a candle upon her left eye can trigger a mighty headache. Even covered up it pains her, but she never complains.
She holds me well after the shaking has subsided, kissing my hair. I kiss her throat in return, her chin, her cool sweet mouth. I always hesitate when I reach the scars Maxim left on her face. He embossed her cheek with his signet ring, the M and W intertwined. Yet whenever I hesitate, she brings her mouth to my ear. “No need to be careful, Madam,” she whispers, and then I know.
I have someone in this world to call my own.
I have someone to love.
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claudehenrion · 6 years
Le seul ennemi,  c'est celui qui ne pense pas ''comme il faut''... Ou plutôt : comme il ne faudrait pas !
  Depuis des mois, on la considère avec indulgence. Elle parle avant de réfléchir, sans filtre : la fonction ''Buffer'' est absente, en elle. C’est ce qui fait son charme, disent certains (qui ne pensent pas comme moi !). Elle dit qu’elle préfère ''faire de la politique avec son cœur qu’avec une calculette'', mais il n’est pas interdit d’en faire avec son cerveau. De toute évidence, elle avait oublié  l’un et l’autre – le cœur et le cerveau – lorsqu'elle a osé proférer que, pour elle, il existe une ''convergence idéologique'' entre ''La manif pour tous'' et les ''terroristes islamistes'', même si ''elle ne les met pas sur le même plan'' (?). Madame est trop bonne, sa bonté la perdra.
  Personne, sans doute, n'a osé lui révéler cette ''fake news'' odieuse (pour elle) : La Manif pour tous n’a assassiné personne. Arrêtons-là : continuer dans ce sens pourrait être compris par des ‘’mal-pensants’’ dans son genre comme étant une reconnaissance que les honnêtes gens de la Manif pour tous pourrait avoir le moindre point commun avec les monstrueux terroristes islamistes ! On savait, depuis les horreurs policières commises par les robocops suréquipés de Valls (pauvres catalans, qui risquent d'avoir à ''se farcir'' ce dangereux nul !) qu'il ne fait pas bon, en France, afficher des pensées de droite, des références humanistes et oser faire passer le bonheur de l'humanité avant les idées abstraites et jamais testées avant mise en œuvre par les tenants d'un ''progressisme'' dont on ne dira jamais tout le mal qu'il faut penser. Mais au delà de cet épisode mortifère, il est écrit que des millions de Français pacifiques devront boire la coupe jusqu’à la lie, dans un renversement des valeurs, des priorités, du ''bon'' et du ''vrai''... renversant
Mais en attendant, cette déclaration irresponsable, provocante et insensée est extrêmement dangereuse dans notre société que l'aveuglement et l'incompétence des ''leaders'' qu'elle s'est librement donnés (un cas de masochisme qui passionnera les chercheurs des générations à venir , n'en doutons pas !) ont rendue hautement inflammable. Elle est dangereuse parce que cette saillie aberrante mais qui vient ''d'en haut'' (comme si ce concept avait encore un sens depuis que le destin de notre pays dépend des irresponsables-coupables de ''EnMarche'', ces socialistes qui n'ont même pas le courage d'affirmer leur appartenance à toutes les idéologies perverses qui viennent de leur côté gauche) donne ou pourrait donner un blanc-seing à toutes les manifestations de violence à l’endroit de cette partie de la population qui est réputée catholique : puisqu’ils sont comparables à des terroristes islamistes, ils doivent être châtiés comme il se doit !     Rappelons qu’en un mois, ce sont neuf églises qui ont été profanées ou vandalisées. Il y a quelques jours encore,   l’école Saint-Vincent de Sète a été taguée de façon fort inquiétante : ‘‘La seule église qui illumine est celle qui brûle’’. C’est, sans doute, ce que les cuistres au pouvoir appellent ‘’Islamophobie’’ !
  Elle est surtout dangereuse parce que, ‘’par défaut’’, elle banalise le terrorisme islamique : ‘’si ce n’est pas plus grave que cela, Daesh’’… Et aussi parce qu’elle valide l’idée que quiconque ne partage pas les idées mortifères de Marlène Schiappa, et par capillarité, du gouvernement auquel elle appartient, sera aussitôt disqualifié, diabolisé, diffamé. C’est mortel pour le débat démocratique, déjà dans un état critique... C’est au point que Alain Finkielkraut, encore traumatisé par sa récente et déplorable mésaventure, a réagi au micro de Sonia Mabrouk (Europe 1) : ''C’est ignoble. Cette idée est complètement folle''... C’est au point que même une Caroline Mécary, qui ne cache pourtant pas une franche détestation envers la Manif pour tous, a clairement exprimé sa désapprobation (elle, c’était sur CNews).
  Et comme tout devient fou et que plus rien n'a de sens, il faut que ce soit Emmanuel Macron (lui qui clame urbi et orbi vouloir lutter contre la haine qui sévit dans notre pays) qui ''sponsorise'', en ne se désolidarisant pas violemment de sa ''Féministre'' de choc (et d'électrochoc, plus encore !) l'ouverture d'un autre front de cassure de notre société, alors que la page ''Gilets jaunes'' n’est même pas encore tournée : comme l’écrit avec perspicacité 20 Minutes, ''c’est le genre de phrase qui pourrait provoquer une levée de boucliers du côté des militants de la Manif pour tous''. Et c'’est, de fait, le ''genre de phrase'' qui peut réduire à néant les anciennes postures macroniennes sur la société française, quand il disait que la partie de la population qui émargeait à ce vaste courant de pensée avait été trop humiliée. 
  Mais ça, c'était... en d'autres temps : pour un ''progressiste grand teint'' comme lui, on peut dire une chose et penser le contraire, et du moment qu'il s'agit de descendre en flammes des ''conservateurs'', tous les coups sont permis, voire recommandés. Car quelle autre explication peut-on trouver à la non-démission immédiate de cette pétroleuse ? Dans ce qui fut ''la République française'' on démissionnait un ministre pour moins qu'une faute grave attentant sans raison à la moralité et à la trahison d'une partie importante (en nombre) de la Nation...   
  A tout le moins, qui va se dévouer et aller dire à Marlène Schiappa (qui n'est pas programmée pour comprendre quoi que ce soit d'équilibré, de sage, de prudent… et qui puisse marcher) qu'elle a tout faux, et que “qui sème le vent récolte la tempête’' ? Elle est bien partie pour tout gâcher… et nous pour continuer à ‘’en prendre pleln la poire’’. Je vous souhaite un bon retour de vacances !
PS. un autre jour, je vous raconterai mes soi-disant ’'vacances” dans le midi. Les folies normatives de l'Europe et des technocrates français se complètent parfois, et malheur à qui n'est pas “aux normes’' absurdes. C'est..’’énorme’’ ! Je viens de sacrifier 10 jours à me débattre contre la folie, dans un cauchemar indicible…
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L'optique de conservation de la nature s’ inscrit dans le cadre d'une gestion patrimoniale. Sommes-nous seulement des administrateurs de la nature ? Qu'est-ce que la nature ? Nous ne vivons pas in vitro mais in vivo. Urbi et orbi… La ville et le monde, l'univers. La nature est ce qui se distingue de l'urbanisme. Plutôt que le terme nature, à forte charge émotionnelle, assez connoté, préférons le mot environnement. Nous avons devoir de vivre avec et dans notre environnement, nul rapport de domination de part et d'autre ne se fera sans perte conséquente. Si nous ressentons cet environnement comme hostile peut-être est-ce parce que nous sommes hostiles à cet environnement dans nos pratiques et notre pensée. Si nous sommes en guerre c'est sans doute d'abord contre nous-mêmes. Ne partons pas à la conquête de l'espace, contentons-nous d'explorer notre univers. Ceux qui veulent planter leurs couleurs, leurs drapeaux en tous lieux, ont un désir de domination qui indique qu'ils n'ont pas la loi chez eux, que c'est madame qui porte la “culotte” à la maison d'où la frustration de ces messieurs ! On y revient toujours au bout du compte on est face à une crise de l'heterosexualite qui ne date pas d'aujourd'hui.
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La guerra mediatica
New Post has been published on https://www.aneddoticamagazine.com/it/la-guerra-mediatica/
La guerra mediatica
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L’ennesimo episodio – quello siriano – di guerra mediatica non merita particolari commenti. Il governo siriano (che certamente non è fatto di santi, come qualsiasi altro governo di questo mondo…) dovrebbe essere davvero in preda a sindrome di follia per risolvere un problema militare piuttosto secondario lanciando gas sulla popolazione, con tutte le conseguenze negative che sono derivate per esso sul piano dell’immagine internazionale.
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helloancycruzworld · 8 years
Latest niche market research study on "H1 Otitis Media Market Pipeline Review 2017 " Published at Orbisresearch.com
Otitis Media - Pipeline Review, H1 2017, provides an overview of the Otitis Media (Ear Nose Throat Disorders) pipeline landscape.
Otitis media (OM) is any inflammation of the middle ear, the air-filled space behind the eardrum that contains the tiny vibrating bones of the ear. Symptoms include ear pain, difficulty sleeping, loss of balance, fever, headache and loss of appetite. Risk factors include age, seasonal factors and exposure to tobacco smoke or high levels of air pollution. Treatment includes antibiotics and antipyrine.
Request a sample of this report @ http://www.orbisresearch.com/contacts/request-sample/224901 .
Report Highlights Global Markets Direct's Pharmaceutical and Healthcare latest pipeline guide Otitis Media - Pipeline Review, H1 2017, provides comprehensive information on the therapeutics under development for Otitis Media (Ear Nose Throat Disorders), complete with analysis by stage of development, drug target, mechanism of action (MoA), route of administration (RoA) and molecule type. The guide covers the descriptive pharmacological action of the therapeutics, its complete research and development history and latest news and press releases.
The Otitis Media (Ear Nose Throat Disorders) pipeline guide also reviews of key players involved in therapeutic development for Otitis Media and features dormant and discontinued projects. The guide covers therapeutics under Development by Companies /Universities /Institutes, the molecules developed by Companies in Phase III, Phase II, Phase I, Preclinical and Discovery stages are 2, 3, 2, 4 and 4 respectively. Similarly, the Universities portfolio in Preclinical stages comprises 1 molecules, respectively.
Otitis Media (Ear Nose Throat Disorders) pipeline guide helps in identifying and tracking emerging players in the market and their portfolios, enhances decision making capabilities and helps to create effective counter strategies to gain competitive advantage. The guide is built using data and information sourced from Global Markets Direct’s proprietary databases, company/university websites, clinical trial registries, conferences, SEC filings, investor presentations and featured press releases from company/university sites and industry-specific third party sources. Additionally, various dynamic tracking processes ensure that the most recent developments are captured on a real time basis.
Browse the full report @ http://www.orbisresearch.com/reports/index/otitis-media-pipeline-review-h1-2017 .
Scope - The pipeline guide provides a snapshot of the global therapeutic landscape of Otitis Media (Ear Nose Throat Disorders). - The pipeline guide reviews pipeline therapeutics for Otitis Media (Ear Nose Throat Disorders) by companies and universities/research institutes based on information derived from company and industry-specific sources. - The pipeline guide covers pipeline products based on several stages of development ranging from pre-registration till discovery and undisclosed stages. - The pipeline guide features descriptive drug profiles for the pipeline products which comprise, product description, descriptive licensing and collaboration details, R&D brief, MoA & other developmental activities. - The pipeline guide reviews key companies involved in Otitis Media (Ear Nose Throat Disorders) therapeutics and enlists all their major and minor projects. - The pipeline guide evaluates Otitis Media (Ear Nose Throat Disorders) therapeutics based on mechanism of action (MoA), drug target, route of administration (RoA) and molecule type. - The pipeline guide encapsulates all the dormant and discontinued pipeline projects. - The pipeline guide reviews latest news related to pipeline therapeutics for Otitis Media (Ear Nose Throat Disorders)
Reasons to buy - Procure strategically important competitor information, analysis, and insights to formulate effective R&D strategies. - Recognize emerging players with potentially strong product portfolio and create effective counter-strategies to gain competitive advantage. - Find and recognize significant and varied types of therapeutics under development for Otitis Media (Ear Nose Throat Disorders). - Classify potential new clients or partners in the target demographic. - Develop tactical initiatives by understanding the focus areas of leading companies. - Plan mergers and acquisitions meritoriously by identifying key players and it’s most promising pipeline therapeutics. - Formulate corrective measures for pipeline projects by understanding Otitis Media (Ear Nose Throat Disorders) pipeline depth and focus of Indication therapeutics. - Develop and design in-licensing and out-licensing strategies by identifying prospective partners with the most attractive projects to enhance and expand business potential and scope. - Adjust the therapeutic portfolio by recognizing discontinued projects and understand from the know-how what drove them from pipeline.
Purchase a copy of this report @ http://www.orbisresearch.com/contact/purchase/224901 . For more information contact [email protected]
Companies Mentioned: Cellceutix Corp ContraFect Corp GlaxoSmithKline Plc Lee's Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd Madam Therapeutics BV Merck & Co Inc MerLion Pharmaceuticals Pte Ltd Otonomy Inc Yuhan Corp
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Orbis Research (orbisresearch.com) is a single point aid for all your market research requirements. We have vast database of reports from the leading publishers and authors across the globe. We specialize in delivering customized reports as per the requirements of our clients. We have complete information about our publishers and hence are sure about the accuracy of the industries and verticals of their specialization. This helps our clients to map their needs and we produce the perfect required market research study for our clients.
Contact Us:
Hector Costello
Senior Manager – Client Engagements
4144N Central Expressway,
Suite 600, Dallas,
Texas - 75204, U.S.A.
Phone No.: +1 (214) 884-6817; +912064101019
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killertoons · 1 year
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the witch is named Shylla Spellsworth and the cat with the orb is Madame Orby and his orb of mystic power!!!
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