#maegor targaryen (son of aerion and daenora)
targsource · 6 months
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by riotarttherite on twitter
featuring: King Maekar (1), Lady Dyanna Dayne (2), Prince Daeron (3), Princess Vaella (4), Prince Aerion (5), Prince Maegor (6), Princess Daella (7), Princess Rhaelle (8), King Aegon V (9), Queen Betha Blackwood (10)
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highgardenart · 10 months
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Prince Aerion Targaryen, Princess Daenora Targaryen, and their son: Prince Maegor.
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coldraindropsss · 10 months
Family portraits
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aurora-light-blog · 2 years
In world where bastards can be legitimize, it can be logical to assume that the opposite is possible. A trueborn son or daughter can be made into a bastard. This doesn’t necessary mean that there is a claim of adultery such as Daeron the Good. A person is simply deemed a bastard by the king. Sadly, there is the real-life example of Henry the Eighth who Illegitimized both his daughters Elizabeth and Mary. While Elizabeth had unfounded rumors of being a bastard child, Mary had none but was still made a bastard legally. What are some probably examples in Westerosi history of royal princes or princesses being made bastards?
The first one is Daemon Targaryen. With Jaehaerys and Viserys appointment as king, there was more needed to make Rhaenyra legit heir. As several fans had pointed out by having Rhaenyra declared heir, King Viserys would be supporting Andal law. This is something that would be dangerous to his position especially with Rhaenys and Laenor around (since Baelon *uncle* superseded main daughter hence Viserys on the throne). The easiest way around it is to declare Daemon illegitimized, hence the only viable heir would be Rhaenyra. There would be no issue of adhering to Andal law, which states a daughter comes before uncle, which could be used against King Viserys.
There is evidence to back this up – the title Rogue Prince. As with his other title, Lord Fleabottom, this was meant as an insult. The title ‘Rogue Prince’ might have hinted at Daemon no longer being a legal prince. An example of this is character Rego Draz who was called “Lord of Air.” This title mocked that he wasn’t actually a lord. Furthermore, rogue means liar first (I always thought that it meant only villain). A “liar prince” is awful close to a “fake prince.” Though Princess Elizabeth and Princess Mary were commonly referred to as princesses by most people, legally they were simply Lady Mary and Lady Elizabeth with no line in the succession unless their brother Edward deemed it so. Daemon could have been under the same situation.
The next instance of illegitimized prince and princesses comes from the Great Council of 233. The strongest case of this is Maegor son of Aerion and Princess Daenora. If Maegor lived long enough, he would have to deemed illegitimized in order to safeguard King Aegon the 5th reign and not have another Blackfyre incident. Daenora is the mostly likely princess who had her title removed and made illegitimized. Why? Both her sister and brother were declared heirs to the throne. She would have a strong legal claim to the throne. Likely the Great Council made her simply Lady Daenora. There is still a chance that Maegor’s claim and Vaella’s claim were placed under ineligible like a septon prince or septa princess. They could retain their title but have no right to the line of successions.
Though, Daenora and Daemon are the most likely illegitimized. Still, why is there no mention of this? Propaganda. King Viserys was held as a good king, so no one would write something unflattering about him especially which would make Daemon look better (for real life examples see Richard the 3 or Queen Matilda). Also, the Great Council wouldn’t have allowed anything negative to be said about it. If bastards are viewed in low regard, making someone a bastard would be a vile action with no way of sugar coating it. Those are my thoughts, which I used for my recent fanfiction “The Worm has Turned.” Thanks for reading 😊
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cheryroseart · 2 months
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Commission of Daenora Targaryen and her son Maegor Targaryen for @/nevaehh_355 on instagram 🤍
The two dragons on the left representing Aelora and Aelor. And the bird and the dragon on the right representing her and her husband, Aerion. 💌
.Please don’t repost without credits❕
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atopvisenyashill · 1 year
i have decided to break down all the wild potential female line claimants to the iron throne thru the targaryen line because why not let’s go:
obviously there's our "modern" targaryen daughters: daenerys, rhaella, shaera, and rhaelle. that one is easy to explain in part because it's mostly incest, lol. it goes like so (mind you, i'm cutting out male siblings that don't inherit for now) -
Aegon V + Betha Blackwood -> Jaehaerys II, Shaera, Rhaelle (also Duncan & Daeron)
Jaehaerys II + Shaera -> Aerys + Rhaella -> Daenerys
Rhaelle + Ormund Baratheon -> Steffon Baratheon. Steffon + Cassandra Eastermont = Robert, Stannis, and Renly.
so rhaella & shaera's lines are the same as their brothers, and rhaelle is the grandmother of the baratheon kings, which means like the targaryen main line, all of their lines will be dead or illegitimate as well (rip myrcella, tommen, shireen, aegon vi, and daenerys tho).
that leads you up from aegon v to maekar’s daughters, and since we are at a time period where no main character was alive, i made a little graphic to explain easier. let's start with daeron ii (since he's maekar's father anyway) and work backwards:
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there’s several ladies in this grouping: rhae, daella, aelora, daenora, and vaella. we know ‘recently’ a targaryen married the evenstar, and timeline wise, it can only be Rhae or Daella, likely to selwyn’s grandfather. which means claimant number one is selwyn & brienne as king & princess of dragonstone claimant. hell yeah.
there’s two “dead end” branches next. maekar has a granddaughter, vaella, but given she’s described as “simple” it’s likely she never married. daeron & myriah, meanwhile, had no daughters but their son rhaegel had two, aelora and daenora. aelora married her brother aelor but aelora killed herself several years after aelor died (it’s a wild story but not relevant). no children. daenora married into maekar’s line tho, to aerion brightflame and had a son, maegor targaryen, who was passed over for aegon v. we do not know if he married or had kids bc it’s not listed and it’s not like there’s a cadet targaryen house anywhere so if he did marry, probably all daughters.
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even further back is aegon the unworthy who had one daughter: daenerys. yes that’s right, our second claimant for king and princess of dragonstone is doran and arianne martell (and then, haha, elia and aegon vi AGAIN, love nobility family trees). and then technically, because the martells are normal and don’t die off every two generations, probably a few offshoot martell cousins. and a reminder that minus mysterious maegor, we have no living male line descendants potentially hanging around either. but back to the targ line.
viserys ii had naerys who married aegon iv so their line is the same. aegon iii, his brother, had three daughters.
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daena has daemon blackfyre and given that he was legitimized, you could make the argument that the blackfyres have a claim lmao, so any female line daemon kids could be fair game. then you have elaena targaryen who had several legitimate children: viserys plumm, & robin, laena, jocelyn, and joy penrose. that’s right my esteemed readers our third claimant for king and prince of dragonstone is phillip & dennis plumm!
*loud boos bc they’re not even a great house or a house that used to be kings, they’re just some random nobles in the westerlands* shut up i’m not finished!!
through elaena, the only targ pulling her weight out here to populate the family tree, we have our fourth claimant as well: Old Penrose of the Parchments for King on the Iron Throne!
there’s no reason laena, jocelyn, and joy did not marry but we have no info on them so just know if they married some random landed knight, we also have some random dude walking around the stormlands who could be the next king of westeros.
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then we get JAEHAERYS but to keep with ignoring men in this post, i entitled it “alyssa’s line.”
baby visenya, who was a stillbirth & jaehaera, who died before having children, are the two “dead end” lines from the dance. before them is viserys, who had helaena but helaena’s heirs are aegon ii’s heirs.
now, jaehaerys had daenerys, alyssa, saera, viserra, daella, and gael. daenerys died before having children as did viserra. gael & saera had no legitimate children. that leaves alyssa and daella. daella had aemma arryn, who married back into the targ family tree to have rhaenyra. alyssa also married back into the family tree and had three sons, viserys, daemon, and aegon. aegon died as a baby, we know viserys, but daemon had two daughters with laena velaryon: baela and rhaena. laena herself is also a distant claimant through the female line - aemon, jaehaerys’ first born son, and jocelyn baratheon had rhaenys, the queen that never was, who had laena. through baela we get our fifth claimant for king of westeros, the literal toddler montereys velaryon! rhaena is kinda tricky - she had no children in her first marriage, and six daughters in her second to garmund hightower but he was the third son and his oldest brother had six kids so it’s not likely the hightower line descends from rhaena however it would be really funny if it did so for the sake of making myself laugh i give you our sixth claimant to the seat of house targaryen, king leyton hightower and prince of dragonstone baelor breakwind. this puts a lot of people in the running tbh, bc leyton has a million kids. his daughters marry and have kids with an ambrose, a tyrell, a cupps, and a redwyne (and a mormont but jorah and lynesse have no children).
(it would require all the hightower male heirs to die [not likely, there’s three of them] AND mad maid malora as well to get to alerie but king and queen mace and alerie tyrell with willas as prince of dragonstone is so fucking funny to me. hey daeron how olenna’s ass taste now.)
before jaehaerys, we have aenys, who had rhaena the boss bitch & alysanne. alysanne’s line is jaehaerys’ obviously, and rhaena married her brother aegon the uncrowned. they had two girls, aerea and rhaella, but neither lived to see adulthood. maegor never had living kids, which brings us back to aegon, who had only sons, and visenya and rhaenys, who married their brother.
i actually had a point to this which is that there is just no one sitting on that fucking chair at the ending because there is no one left alive to sit on it that the lords would choose. they’re not crowning a penrose or a plumm and they’re certainly not crowning my girls arianne and brienne however hilarious i think that would be. i think “westeros breaks up along weird new borders” makes sense just due to that alone - the north will push for independence (maybe parts of the riverlands will want to stick with the north), dorne isn’t likely to be thrilled about some random ass king, the iron islands is…the iron islands, so the only kingdoms that might actually want to stick together are the stormlands, the reach, the crownlands, the vale, and the westerlands, but also, all of these bitches hate each other right now & a lot of them are gonna bite it so who knows.
anyways tldr female line targaryen claimants include these wild choices for King & Heir:
Selwyn and Brienne of Tarth
Doran and Arianne Nymeros Martell of Dorne
Any female line Blackfyres
Phillip and Dennis Plumm of the Westerlands (so minor we don’t even know where their seat is lmao)
Old Penrose of the Parchments
Montereys Velaryon of Driftmark
Leyton and Baelor Hightower of Oldtown
Through Leyton, who has a whopping 10 children, we have House Ambrose, Cupps, Redwyne, and of course, the fat flower himself, House Tyrell as claimants eight thru like, fifty.
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viscardiac · 1 year
it's been a Dayne day for some reason. you could even say a Day-ne. (ba dum ts). ALRIGHT BUCKLE UP FUCKOS IT'S TIME FOR VISCARDI'S NEW FAVE DELUSION (Dayne edition)
Fire and Blood cuts off at a particular point in Targaryen rule, the end of Aegon III's regency. He rules as king for 20 more years, before an early death. Then, his son, Daeron I, takes over, and The Bullshit™ with Dorne begins. Dornish takeover, which results in Dorne being brought into the Seven Kingdoms by his cousin nephew whatever Daeron 2 (electric boogaloo) later on.
Now. The Daynes are just. Overall. we don't really know jackshit about them. GRRM says he can't divulge their words bc it's a huge ass spoiler. My reasoning is bc they do become relevant later on, esp with the choice of Dyanna Dayne as wife to then Prince Maekar. Shit happens in Dorne and in court and i think that might be the reason why there's a postpone of the release of F&B2, aside from the obvious TWOW ordeal. I do think that's also why the choice of where to cut off might be there and not at the end of the dance or after his reign. F&B2 likely does contain context that helps with some of the unsolved things still going on in ASOIAF.
Anyways. We have Lady Dyanna Dayne, who gives birth, aside from Aegon, Aemon, and Daeron, to the three people of interest for this, Aerion, Daella, and Rhae. According to Aemon, Rhae and Daella have had children, and Aerion has had a wife, his cousin, Daenora, and with her, he had a son, whose "ill fated" name was Maegor. Aerion died guzzling down greek fire as we all know, but the fates of 1) Daella, 2) Rhae, 3) Daenora, and 4) Maegor are unknown aside from "existed" and "procreated" in the women's case. Those four are the only unnacounted for trueborn Targaryens we got. Everyone else was given a final location, like in Saera's case, where she was known to be in Volantis.
We have no idea who do Rhae and Daella are married to, if they indeed do get married. In Maegor's case, we don't even know if he made it past infancy. Daenora herself could have gotten married again, she was young when Aerion got himself killed.
My working theory here is that one of those folks married into house Dayne. Whoever those folks married, they're unnacounted for in the main tree. They were not given the name Targaryen. And it would have made sense to a certain degree that it was into Dyanna's house. It could have been any of them, but I sure as fuck would like if it was baby Maegor because it would be Particularly Funny.
I might be wrong, and i might not be, who knows. Something is UP with the Daynes and it happened after the conquest of Dorne.
Note: I do not account this as a secret targ theory because they're Not Targs. Whoever married into the house had their kids named Dayne and so on and so forth amen.
This has been me for this Day-ne's bullshit. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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goodqueenaly · 2 years
so I've been compiling a list of all the Targaryens whose cause of death we know, and almost all of those missing from the list are women: Septa Rhaella, Daena the Defiant and her sisters, Daenora and her son Maegor, Vaella, Aegon V's sisters Daella and Rhae, Dany's grandmother Shaera and her sister Rhaelle. do you have any theories or worries about how these women may be revealed to have died in F&B 2?
What, me worry about GRRM falling back on death in childbirth in order to get rid of female characters? What, me worry about GRRM showing less interest in female characters compared to their male counterparts? Who could ever have gotten that idea?
(Also I’m assuming you’re only talking about female Targaryens by birth who died post-Fire and Blood Volume 1, because we also don’t know exactly how Visenya died, or Rhaena daughter of Aenys I, or Jaehaerys and Alysanne’s daughter Saera, or if we’re being really technical Aenys’ youngest daughter, Vaella - and that’s not even counting Jaehaerys and Alysanne’s maternal half-sister and later daughter-in-law Jocelyn Baratheon.)
Anyway, yes, I am definitely concerned. My current position is that until and unless we have information guaranteeing that any given female Targaryen did not die in childbirth, I’m mentally preparing myself for news that they died in childbirth. Aegon III’s sisters Baela and/or Rhaena? May have died in childbirth. (I don’t like to think of the implications of killing the former like that in the context of her possibly declining marriage to Alyn and his relationship with Elaena.) Daenora? May have died in childbirth. (Unless she is more like The Accursed Kings’ Clemence of Hungary as the wife of the partial-Louis X-like Aerion Brightflame - I’ll have to think about that in another post.) Maekar’s daughters Daella and/or Rhae? May have died in childbirth. (Although hopefully the former’s possible romance with Dunk will save her.) Egg’s daughter Rhaelle? May have died in childbirth.
And even if childbirth isn’t involved, that doesn’t mean we’ll necessarily get any information on what ultimately happened to these ladies. Given how little GRRM apparently wished to have Dowager Queen Alyssa, crown princess Jocelyn Baratheon, or Princess Alyssa involved in the lives of their royal children, I don’t have a lot of confidence in, say, Queen Shaera lasting long after the accession of Jaehaerys II. Given how little GRRM detailed the lives or ultimate fates of the princess (and would-be heiress)-turned-septa Rhaella and the mentally disabled Princess Gael, I’m not at all confident that GRRM will spend much time on the fate of the princess-turned-septa Rhaena or the mentally disabled would-be heiress Vaella. The lack of any mention of Daena in TWOIAF, especially in connection with her son’s eventual rebellion (remember that she would only have been 51 at the time of the First Blackfyre Rebellion), doesn’t give me a lot of confidence in her surviving long past the birth of Daemon.
(Still hoping that Princess Elaena lives to be 70 and not only gets to be GRRM’s favorite sort of character - the sassy, confident, smart older woman/widow - but specifically sticks up for Egg’s secret marriage for love with Betha Blackwood, using both her own history of marrying for love and her seniority within the royal family. Give me one nice thing, GRRM!)
But hey, GRRM is a great writer! I would love Fire and Blood Volume 2 to tell us a lot more about all of these ladies, and I’m willing to trust that the author has the talent to do just that.
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King Maekar Targaryen had four sons.
Daeron, who died of a lovers pox that he had caught from a whore. He left behind a daughter, Vaella.
Aerion, who combusted into flames after drinking wildfyre. For 'unknown reasons', he believed that he would transform into a dragon. He left behind his cousin-widow Princess Daenora Targaryen, daughter of Prince Rhaegel Targaryen and Alys Arryn, and his nearly one year old son, Prince Maegor Targaryen. (His parents were not siblings, and his grandparents were not siblings. He had a pretty clean genetic slate, but mental illnesses are mental illnesses.)
Aemon, who was sent to the Citadel to become a maester by the paranoid King Daeron II Targaryen, later joined the Night's Watch. He believed that he'd somehow be used to overthrow his brother... yeah.
Aegon, who willing lived his life as a peasant and was never meant to be, nor was he raised to be king.
King Maekar Targaryen also had two daughters.
Daella, for some unknown reason, she had a bastard daughter with the hedge knight (later kingsgaurd) who attacked her elder brother. She was later married to Lord Penrose to save her ruined reputation. Her bastard daughter had the luck of marrying the Lord of Tarth.
Rhae, who married Lord Jasper Arryn and bore him two sons and one daughter.
In 232 AC, the line of succession was clear.
The throne would pass from Maekar to Aerion, as Daeron had already passed. Then Aerion committed his folly, and you know the rest.
Maekar never declared Aegon to be his heir, for Aegon simply was not his heir. Maegor, son of Aerion, was. Directly. Sons before daughters, daughters before uncles. Had Maekar not died at Starpike in 233 AC, it is certain that he would have raised and groomed Maegor to be his heir.
If this was not the case, then he would have declared for Aegon. He had the time, the will, and the power. He was no Viserys I who waved the title of heir around like a bone for dogs to chase.
One way or another, a Great Council was called. Instead of following the direct line of succession, Aegon was chosen over Maegor. No one wanted a long regency.
Aenys Blackfyre could have one, but Brynden Rivers wrongfully imprisoned and murdered Aenys for 'the greater good'. Chances are that he just wanted Blackwood blood on the throne, considering his mother is a Blackwood and Aegon married a Blackwood.
All in all, this story is about Maegor Targaryen and one way his story could have gone.
You can read here.
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ao3feed-tywin · 1 year
in fire and in gold
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3WK61Sj
by alaessa
The Silver Boy known as Bloodraven probably wants me dead in a cold grave for making a mess like this.
Oh, yeah, I don’t care.
 SI fic
Words: 2473, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms, Game of Thrones (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Categories: F/M
Characters: Alysanne | Aegon V Targaryen daughter, Tywin Lannister, Aegon V Targaryen, Betha Blackwood, Daenora Targaryen, Maegor Targaryen (Son of Aerion), Vaella Targaryen (Daughter of Daeron), Kiera of Tyrosh (A Song of Ice and Fire), Rhae Targaryen (Daughter of Maekar I), Daella Targaryen (Daughter of Maekar I), Jaehaerys II Targaryen, Monford Velaryon, Lucerys Velaryon (Master of Ships Under Aerys II), Minisa Whent, Olenna Tyrell, Hoster Tully, Brynden "Blackfish" Tully, Tytos Lannister, Tytos Lannister's Second Mistress, Joanna Lannister, House Lannister Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire), House Stark Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire), Brynden "Bloodraven" Rivers, Jenny of Oldstones (A Song of Ice and Fire), Duncan Targaryen, Ghost of High Heart (A Song of Ice and Fire), Old Gods (A Song of Ice and Fire), Valyrian Gods (A Song of Ice and Fire), Melisandre (A Song of Ice and Fire), Steffon Baratheon, Rhaelle Targaryen Baratheon
Relationships: Tywin Lannister/Original Female Character(s), Jaehaerys II Targaryen/Shaera Targaryen, Betha Blackwood/Aegon V Targaryen, Maegor Targaryen (Son of Aerion)/Original Character(s), Rhae Targaryen/Monford Velaryon, Daella Targaryen/Endrew Tarth, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Self-Insert, self insert is alysanne, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical Behavior, Arranged Marriage, Political Alliances, Canon-Typical Misogyny, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Death, Miscarriage, Dubious Morality, grey characters, Dark, Butterfly Effect, Explicit Sexual Content, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Azor Ahai Prophecy | The Prince That Was Promised, Aegon’s dream, but i still believe it was daenys’, Morally Ambiguous Character, Ships secondary to plot, Targcest | Targaryen Incest (A Song of Ice and Fire)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3WK61Sj
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feanoryen · 2 years
How much dragon blood does each Targaryen have?
Aerion (100%) + Valaena (50%) = Visenya, Aegon, Rhaenys (75%)
Aerion is presumably full Targaryen making him 100% and Valaena was said to have a Targ mother making her 50%.
Aegon (75%) + Rhaenys (75%) = Aenys (75%)
Aegon (75%) + Visenya (75%) = Maegor (75%)
If Aenys was Aegon's son, which is the most likely scenario, than he's 75%. If he isn't, he'd be 37.5% but I'll consider him legitimate since Aegon clearly did.
If Maegor had a father at all and wasn't conceived through magic, it couldn't be anyone but Aegon.
Aenys (75%) + Alyssa (12.5%) = Rhaena, Aegon, Viserys, Jaehaerys, Alysanne (43.75%)
Alyssa was likely 12.5% Targaryen because we know her mum was a Westeroi lady of House Massay, who were a Fist Men house, and if we assume her assume her father Aethan was Aegon, Visenya, & Rhaenys's first cousin and the son of half-Targaryen Valaena's brother, he would be 25% Targ, making Alyssa 12.5%.
Aegon (43.75%) + Rhaena (43.75%) = Aerea, Rhaella (43.75%)
Jaehaerys (43.75%) + Alysanne (43.75%) = Aemon, Baelon, Alyssa, Maegelle, Vaegon, Daella, Saera, Viserra, Gael (43.75%)
Everything looks self explanatory here but as you can see, I'm not listing children who died as adolescents.
Aemon (43.75%) + Jocelyn (6.25% or 12.5%) = Rhaenys (25% or 28.125%)
Baelon (43.75%) + Alyssa (43.75%) = Viserys, Daemon (43.75%)
The reason for the confusion on Jocelyn & Rhaenys is Orys Baratheon, who was rumored to be Aerion's bastard son and Jaehaerys I apparently believed in this theory but it's not completely confirmed.
However, if Orys is indeed half-Targ, then Rogar, Jocelyn's father and Orys's grandson would be 12.5% Targaryen like his wife Alyssa.
Rhaenys (25% or 28.125%) + Corlys (6.25%) = Laena, Laenor (15.625% or 17.1875%)
Viserys (43.75%) + Aemma (21.875%) = Rhaenyra (32.8125%)
Viserys (43.75%) + Alicent (0%) = Aegon, Helaena, Aemond, Daeron (21.875%)
(If your wondering why I added Rhaenys's kids but not any other female Targaryen's kids, it's because hers were Dragonriders meaning Laena and Laenor were basically Targs without having the last name Targaryen.)
Since Corlys is the son of Daemon Velaryon, who is the brother of presumably 12.5% Targaryen Alyssa Velaryon and it's unlikely Corlys's mother was the blood of the dragon herself due to how little houses had it at the time, I think Corlys is most likely 6.25% Targ.
Rhaenyra (32.8125%) + Harwin (0%) = Jacaerys, Lucerys, Joffrey (16.4%)
Rhaenyra (32.8125%) + Daemon (43.75%) = Aegon, Viserys (38.275%)
Daemon (43.75%) + Laena (15.625% or 17.1875%) = Baela, Rhaena (29.6875% or 30.46875%)
Aegon (21.875%) + Helaena (21.875%) = Jaehaerys, Jaehaera, Maelor (21.875%)
If Rhaenyra's Velaryon boys were Leanor's bio sons the numbers would have been different obviously but who were they trying to fool?
Aegon (38.275%) + Daenaera (?%) = Daeron, Baelor, Daena, Rhaena, Elaena (a little over 19.1375%)
Viserys (38.275%) + Larra Rogare (0%) = Aegon, Aemon, Naerys (19.1375%)
We don't know how much dragon blood Daenaera had exactly but it certainly wasn't a lot given she was from one of the lesser branches of the Velaryon family and her mother being from a lesser Crownlands family, was unlikely to have any Targ blood herself.
As for Larra Rogare, she was indeed Valyrian. However, most Valyrians aren't dragonlords and it's unlikely Larra's family had dragon blood as it would have at least been implied it she did.
Aegon (19.1375%) + Naerys (19.1375%) = Daeron, Daenerys (19.1375%)
Nothing much to say here and even if Daeron was father by Aemon, as unlikely as it is, he would still have the same amount of Targ blood.
Daeron (19.1375%) + Myriah (0%) = Baelor, Aerys, Rhaegel, Maekar (9.56875%)
Self explanatory.
Baelor (9.56875%) + Jena (0%) = Valarr, Matarys (4.784375%)
Rhaegel (9.56875%) + Alys (0%) = Aelor, Aelora, Daenora (4.784375%)
Maekar (9.56875%) + Dyanna (0%) = Daeron, Aerion, Daella, Aegon, Rhae (4.784375%)
While Queen Aelinor Penrose was a Targaryen cousin, nothing similar has been said on Jena Dondarrion, Alys Arryn, & Dyanna Dayne.
Daeron (4.784375%) + Kiera (0%) = Vaella (2.3921%)
Aerion (4.784375%) + Daenora (4.784375%) = Maegor (4.784375%)
Aegon (4.784375%) + Betha (0%) = Duncan, Jaehaerys, Shaera, Daeron, Rhaelle (2.3921%)
I did start rounding because everything was getting unnecessarily long.
Jaehaerys (2.3921%) + Shaera (2.3921%) = Aerys, Rhaella (2.3921%)
Self explanatory.
Aerys (2.3921%) + Rhaella (2.3921%) = Rhaegar, Viserys, Daenerys (2.3921%)
Also self explanatory.
Rhaegar (2.3921%) + Elia (?%) = Rhaenys, Aegon (a bit more than 1.196%)
I’m not sure exactly how much dragon blood Elia carries but I’m I think she had at least a quarter of the amount Rhaegar did.
She is decended from the 19.1375% Targaryen, Princess Daenerys and I think there are less generations between the daughter of Aegon IV and Elia than there are between Daeron II and Rhaegar because Elia’s mom had her at and older age and Aerys & Rhaella had Rhaegar incredibly young.
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reignof-fyre · 3 years
Targaryen Name Meanings
Aenar: famous wealth
Gaemon: Gae meaning glad, and mon meaning gateway  
Aegon: sword’s edge, struggle
Maegor: mae meaning bitter; pearl, gor meaning brave; grave; proud 
Baelor: bae meaning inspired, lor meaning to catch, sift 
Aelyx: variation of Alex meaning defender and helper of mankind 
Aerys: relative of the word  “Aeris” which means “air, atmosphere or weather” could also be related to Ares, god of war and courage.  
Aenys: from the island. ae meaning fire and nys meaning the divine one. Variant of Ennis
Baelon: bae meaning inspired and lon meaning noble  
Daerion: dae meaning greatness and rion meaning king; water  
Jaehaerys: jae meaning good fortune, and haerys being a variant of Harris/harry meaning home ruler/ son of Harry  
Aemon:  Wealthy protection, prosperity, fortune, riches . Variant of Eamon
Maekar: mae meaning bitter; pearl, kar meaning curly haired  
Aerion: ae meaning fire, rion meaning king; water   
Duncan: brown warrior
Maelor: mae meaning bitter; pearl, lor meaning catch; sift  
Viserys: vis meaning force; power; might; compulsion, erys being a variant of Eris, goddess of discord  
Rhaegel: rhae meaning flowing; protection, gel meaning yellow
Rhaegar: rhae meaning flowing, protection. gar meaning spear 
Aemond:  variation of Armond meaning soldier
Daemon: guardian spirit
Daemond: guardian spirit
Aegor: variant of aegir meaning of the Gods
Maegon: strong, capable
Vaegon: vae meaning a mighty ruler and gon meaning a spirited man
Valarr: variant of valor and reference to the beings created by J.R.R Tolkien the Valar that have angelic powers.
Vaelor: worthiness, bravery
Maelys: chief or prince
Haegon: enclosure, protected place
Gael: glad, Gaelic
 Aelora: crown of victory
Alysanne: noble
Aerea: ae meaning fire and rea meaning flowing
Aemma: variant of Emma meaning whole, universal
Baela: demon (bae meaning inspired, la meaning the sun)
Daella: variant of Daniella meaning god is judge
Daena: that which is seen or observed
Daenys: dae meaning greatness, nys meaning the divine one
Daenerys: greatness, lady
Daenaera: variant of Dana meaning generosity, era meaning Earth, Muse, wind or air, it also means a very long duration of time
Daenora: dae meaning greatness, Nora meaning honour
Elaena: variant of Elena meaning torch, light; moon
Helaena: variant of Helena meaning shining light
Jaehaera: jae meaning good fortune, and haera a variant of Hera meaning protectress
Visenya: vis meaning force; power; might; compulsion and enya meaning fire
Rhaella: rhae meaning flowing and ella meaning her, she
Rhaelle: rhae meaning flowing and Elle meaning her, she
Rhaenyra: rhae meaning flowing, nyra meaning rise; Beauty of Goddess Saraswati (Hindu goddess of knowledge, music, art, speech, wisdom, and learning.)
Rhaenys: rhae meaning flowing, nys meaning divine one
Jaenara: jae meaning good fortune, Nara meaning happy
Laena: lane or lae meaning victory of the people, and na meaning graceful, elegant, delicate
Maegelle: Mae meaning bitter; pearl, and gelle meaning to yell or yellow colour
Naerys: Lord, chief, manliness, courage, hero, lady
Rhaena; rhae meaning flowing and na meaning elegant, delicate, graceful
Rhae: flowing
Visenna: Vis meaning force; power; might; compulsion, enna meaning fright, sword, female eagle, bird-like, grace, favour
Rhalla: flower
Saera: variant of Sara/Sarah meaning Princess
Shaena:  beautiful
Valaena: val meaning strong, healthy and aena meaning strength, desired, bird, voice, song, sound, the juniper tree
Vaella; lament or cry
Viserra: Vis meaning force, power, might, compulsion, erra meaning god/goddess of war, great
(For names Visenya, Viserra, Visenna, Viserys etc the nickname Viz means vision, force, power, might, compulsion)
Men/women married into Targaryen family
Orys Baratheon (Targaryen Bastard): a person who lived on a bank, or on the edge of a hill
Argella: refuge
Alyssa: noble
Allicent: variant of Allison meaning noble
Dyanna: variant of Diana meaning heavenly, divine
Betha: life
Alyn: handsome, cheerful
Ceryse: love; loved one
Jeyne: God is gracious
Tyanna: Princess, devoted to christ
Elinor: God is my light
Ormund: red
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asongofsilks · 2 years
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Daenerys Targaryen (b. 284 AC): The youngest child of King Aerys II and his wife Rhaella. When Robert's Rebellion broke out, Aerys sent his pregnant queen to Dragonstone, where she died giving birth to Daenerys. She and her older brother Viserys were smuggled to safety by Ser Willem Darry, who cared for them in a house in Braavos, but after his death she and Viserys ended up wandering the Free Cities. They eventually find refuge at Magister Illyrio's in Pentos, where Viserys concocts a plan to reconquer Westeros with a Dothraki army and weds Dany to Khal Drogo to gain this army. Dany finds strength on the Dothraki sea and settles as a khaleesi, whilst Viserys is killed for disrespecting their customs and threatening his pregnant sister. When Drogo succumbs to infection following a wound, Daenerys tries to revive him with the help of Mirri Maz Duur using black magic, but her unborn son Rhaego is slain for the sacrifice and Drogo is only brought back to be trapped in his dead body. Dany smothers him and burns Mirri Maz Duur on his funeral pyre, where she enters the fire and hatches three dragons out of dragons' eggs that have turned to stone. Now with her own small but loyal band, she travels first to Qarth and then to Slavers' Bay, looking for the means to reconquer Westeros. But rather than purchase fighting slaves, she makes war on the slave cities and devastates Astapor and Yunkai. After taking Meereen, she decides to stay and rule over the city rather than see it fall into chaos. However, she is unable to enact a lasting peace between the freedmen and former slave owners, and after a child is killed by her dragon Drogon, she locks up his brothers (Drogon does not let himself be captured). As part of the attempt to stop attacks on the freedmen, she marries Hizdahr zo Loraq. However, at the reopening of the fighting pits, Drogon returns and spreads devastation until Dany mounts him and flies out of the city. Drogon flies to the Dothraki sea, where the khalasar of Khal Jhaqo, an old enemy, finds her. Fancast: Emilia Clarke.
Daenora Targaryen (b. approx. 215 AC): Youngest child of Prince Rhaegel Targaryen and his wife, Alys Arryn. She was sister to Aelor and Aelora Targaryen. She was married to her cousin, Aerion Targaryen, and had a son, Maegor, with him before his death by drinking wildfire. She was not considered as an heir for her uncle, King Aerys I, and the Great Council of 233 AC passed over her son's claim on account of his infancy and his father's madness. Fancast: Reese Witherspoon.
Daenys Targaryen (b. approx. 128 BC): The daughter of Aenar Targaryen, a dragonlord of the Valyrian Freehold. She foresaw the destruction of Valyria twelve years before it happened. Her father heeded her visions, sold all their holdings in the Freehold, and moved the family to the island of Dragonstone, which became the first seat of the Targaryens in Westeros. She was married to her brother Gaemon, who was later called Gaemon the Glorious, and they ruled Dragonstone together. Fancast: Emily Baldoni.
Princess Daeryssa (Age of Heroes): A princess who, the songs say, was once saved from giants by the legendary knight Serwyn of the Mirror Shield. (My own headcanon: Though likely retconned out of existence, I thought Daeryssa might be a king's daughter from any of the small kingdoms of the age of Heroes, maybe with a mother of Valyrian blood.) Fancast: Seychelle Gabriel.
Dalla (main series era): A serving woman at Dragonstone, part of Stannis Baratheon's staff. Fancast: Jessica Baglow.
Dalla (d. 300 AC): The wife of Mance Rayder, chosen King-Beyond-the-Wall to lead the Free Folk in their flight from the Others. She dies giving birth to her son during the battle between Mance's forces and the army of Stannis Baratheon. Fancast: Julia Ormond.
Dancy (main series era): A prostitute at Chataya's establishment in King's Landing. Fancast: Cintia Dicker.
Danelle Lothston (b. approx. 190 AC): The last of her House, she was the Lady of Harrenhal and Head of House Lothston in her own right. She wore armour and led men into battle, notably when she called her banners to end the Second Blackfyre Rebellion in its infancy at Whitewalls. During the reign of Maekar I, she reportedly turned to the dark arts, which caused her madness and the downfall of the Lothston line. People still tell stories of her bathing in blood and eating children. Fancast: Oksana Butovskaya.
Danny Flint (probably lived after the Conquest): She was a girl who joined the Night's Watch, pretending to be a boy. However, when her secret was found out, she was raped and murdered by her sworn brothers. Her song claims that her ghost still walks the Nightfort. Fancast: Ava Acres.
Darla Deddings (lived 130 AC): During the Dance of the Dragons, rioteers in King's Landing attempted to rape Lady Darla and her brother was killed defending her. Fancast: Kaitlyn Dever.
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laannie0803 · 4 years
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El príncipe Aerion Targaryen, apodado Aerion Llamabrillante o Aerion el Monstruo, fue el segundo hijo del rey Maekar I Targaryen y Lady Dyanna Dayne. Su emblema personal era el dragón tricéfalo Targaryen de gules, con dos de las cabezas amarilla y naranja respectivamente, en campo de sable.
Aerion es uno de los ejemplos más representativos de la locura latente de la Casa Targaryen. Cruel y arrogante, pensaba que era un dragón en forma humana. De acuerdo a Raymun Fossoway, el príncipe era toda cortesía y sonrisas delante de su padre, pero mostraba su verdadera naturaleza y carácter delante del resto de personas.
Siendo jóvenes, en una ocasión arrojó al gato de su hermano Aegon a un pozo, lo que le valió el odio de éste. En otra, visitó a Aegon en su habitación durante la noche, poniéndole un cuchillo en sus partes íntimas y bromeando acerca de que podría hacerle convertir en una hermana con la que poder casarse.
En 209 d.C., Aerion viajó a Vado Ceniza para el torneo que se celebraba. Allí confundió Ser Duncan el Alto con un mozo de cuadras, ordenándole que se ocupara de su caballo. Aerion parecía a punto de desafiar a su primo Valarr Targaryen en una justa, pero finalmente se decantó por Ser Humfrey Hardyng. El príncipe Aegon, escudero de Duncan bajo la identidad de Egg, quería que Humfrey matara a Aerion. Aerion mantuvo baja su lanza y empaló al caballo de Humfrey, dejando a la montura morir en una dolorosa agonía, lo que Aegon consideró intencional. Tras este incidente, el prínciper Aerion fue descalificado, y Ser Humfrey acabó con la pierna rota al caérsele encima su propio caballo.
Aerion se sintió insultado por un espectáculo de titiriteros en el que se representaba la muerte de un dragón. Aerion atacó a los titiriteros, rompiendo los dedos de una chica llamada Tanselle y destruyendo las marionetas. Duncan fue arrestado tras golpear y patear al príncipe. Después de que el príncipe Baelor Targaryen le recordara a Duncan que podía solicitar un juicio por combate, Aerion solicitó un juicio de Siete. Aerion sobornó a Ser Steffon Fossoway, uno de los campeones iniciales de Duncan, con la posibilidad de conseguir un señorío, para unirse al bando de los acusadores. Uniéndose a Aerion, estaban su hermano Daeron, su padre el príncipe Maekar, y tres caballeros de la Guardia Real, Ser Willem Wylde, Ser Donnel del Valle Oscuro y Ser Roland Crakehall. El tío de Aerion, el príncipe Baelor, se unió al bando de Duncan.
Durante el juicio, Aerion cargó contra Duncan y lo sacó de su montura con un lucero del alba. Duncan se negó a ceder, y utilizó sus habilidades para derrotar al príncipe en un combate cuerpo a cuerpo. Duncan obligó a Aerion repetir que retiraba su acusación ante Lord Ashford, poniendo fin al juicio. Baelor Rompelanzas murió por las heridas recibidas en el transcurso del juicio de Siete. Tras terminar el torneo, su padre Maekar lo envió a Lys, donde se quedó por unos años. Es posible que haya engendrado algunos bastardos durante su estadía.
Durante su exilio se unió a los Segundos Hijos. Posteriormente regresó a Poniente en algún momento antes de 219 d.C., año en que estalló la Tercera Rebelión Fuegoscuro y en la que participó activamente.
En el 232 d.C. su prima y esposa, la princesa Daenora Targaryen, le dio un hijo, Maegor. Ese mismo año Aerion murió al beber una copa de fuego valyrio, creyendo que se transformaría en un dragón. Su hijo, aun muy pequeño, luego fue olvidado en asuntos de sucesión. Poseía un huevo de dragón con vetas doradas y plateadas.
Prince Aerion Targaryen, nicknamed Aerion Brightflame or Aerion the Monster, was the second son of King Maekar I Targaryen and Lady Dyanna Dayne. His personal emblem was the Gules Targaryen three-headed dragon, with two of the heads yellow and orange respectively, on the saber field.
Aerion is one of the most representative examples of the latent madness of House Targaryen. Cruel and arrogant, he thought he was a dragon in human form. According to Raymun Fossoway, the prince was all polite and smiles in front of his father, but he showed his true nature and character in front of other people.
When they were young, he once threw his brother Aegon's cat into a well, which earned him his hatred. In another, he visited Aegon in his room during the night, putting a knife to his private parts and joking that he could make him become a sister to marry.
In 209 AD, Aerion traveled to Ashford for the tournament that was being held. There he mistook Tall Ser Duncan for a groom, ordering him to take care of his horse. Aerion looked about to challenge his cousin Valarr Targaryen in a joust, but ultimately settled on Ser Humfrey Hardyng. Prince Aegon, Duncan's squire under the identity of Egg, wanted Humfrey to kill Aerion. Aerion kept his spear down and impaled Humfrey's horse, leaving the mount to die in painful agony, which Aegon deemed intentional. Following this incident, Prince Aerion was disqualified, and Ser Humfrey had his leg broken when his own horse fell on him.
Aerion was insulted by a puppeteer show depicting the death of a dragon. Aerion attacked the puppeteers, breaking the fingers of a girl named Tanselle and destroying the puppets. Duncan was arrested after hitting and kicking the prince. After Prince Baelor Targaryen reminded Duncan that he could request a trial by combat, Aerion requested a trial of Seven. Aerion bribed Ser Steffon Fossoway, one of Duncan's early champions, with the possibility of securing a lordship, to join the accusers' camp. Joining Aerion were his brother Daeron, his father Prince Maekar, and three knights of the Kingsguard, Ser Willem Wylde, Ser Donnel of the Dark Valley, and Ser Roland Crakehall. Aerion's uncle, Prince Baelor, joined Duncan's side.
During the trial, Aerion charged Duncan out of his mount with a morning star. Duncan refused to budge, and used his abilities to defeat the prince in hand-to-hand combat. Duncan forced Aerion to repeat that he was withdrawing his accusation from Lord Ashford, ending the trial. Baelor Spearbreaker died from wounds received in the course of Seven's trial. After finishing the tournament, his father Maekar sent him to Lys, where he stayed for a few years. You may have spawned some bastards during your stay.
During his exile he joined the Second Sons. He later returned to Westeros sometime before 219 AD, the year in which the Third Fuegoscuro Rebellion broke out and in which he actively participated.
In 232 A.D. his cousin and wife, Princess Daenora Targaryen, bore him a son, Maegor. That same year Aerion died while drinking a cup of Valyrian fire, believing that he would transform into a dragon. His son, still very young, was later forgotten in matters of succession. It possessed a dragon egg with golden and silver veins.
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atopvisenyashill · 9 months
What would've happened if Cersei and Jaime only had daughters?
To be completely honest, I think Robert goes hard in the PAINT for his daughters to inherit after him. Joffrey (Jocelyn, perhaps) will almost definitely be a handful the realm is not prepared to deal with because if we think a son of Robert, Cersei, and Jaime was going to be insane that's nothing compared to what an oldest girl and heir presumptive is going to be like. She's not likely to be as strong willed and kind as Myrcella because Mycrella is like that due to the abusive behavior of her parents and older brother; more like, we'd have a sort of mini-Cersei who believes other women are weak, that might makes right, and that as the heir presumptive she is worth more than all others around her. She's not likely to be quite as violent as Joffrey but Saera Targaryen did just fine torturing the court fool instead of innocent cats, so it's likely our Jocelyn Baratheon is going to act similarly.
At the same time - if Tommen comes out a girl, Cersei is going to start getting desperate to have a boy. Maybe she and Jaime get riskier and start fucking more often, where they're more likely to get caught. Maybe Cersei switches to other men and if Jaime gets wind of that (if the main series is anything to go by) he is going to react badly. While all this is going on, Jon Arryn and Robert are discussing succession. I'm saying it again but I think Robert is stubborn enough in the same way Balon and Stannis are, and would push his daughter to be named Crown Princess over Stannis or Renly, and that brings up all the issues that Rhaenyra (and Rhaena and Daenerys the First and Rhaenys) would bring up, the main issue of which is: CAN THE IRON THRONE PASS TO A WOMAN???
Slight historical detour here: Despite Maester Munkin's bitch ass opinions (if you recall, when debating whether Baela or Rhaena should be Aegon III's heir, Munkin simply says that a woman can't sit the Iron Throne because even though there is no other option but the dragon twins, because as Rhaenys says, men would rather put the realm to the torch than let a woman rule over them), and yet after the Dance there is a point where the Crown's heir is a woman despite male relatives being alive. Aerys I acknowledges Aelora (daughter of his next closest sibling, Rhaegel) as his heir but when Aelora dies, he doesn't then acknowledge Daenora as his heir (even though she's Rhaegel's youngest) but Maekar as his heir. And mind you, little Maegor is put forth not as Daenora's heir but as Aerion's heir instead (and then dismissed on account of being a literal infant). So women can be heirs potentially, if the King feels like it, but they can't inherit nor can their children. You can see where the problem is here, lol, lmao.
I think Jon Arryn is going to continue pushing for a male heir but at the same time, Jon has his female line backup heir ready in Harry Hardyng and the Vale has been ruled by an heiress turned Ruling Lady before in Jeyne Arryn. If Robert pushes for it, there's certainly a chance Jon agrees that from now on the Iron Throne will follow Andal law, wherein a daughter comes before an uncle. Indeed, Stannis also sticks by Andal law (he tells Renly directly that Renly would be heir over Shireen, because it's assumed Shireen would be his heir. After that, he makes sure to tell his men directly that Shireen is the new heir. Stannis, at least, also feels that Andal law should prevail so it's not a far stretch that Robert would agree and fight Jon Arryn over this). That makes the marriage match for Jocelyn Baratheon 100% more important because her husband's family must be aware that they may have to help fight for her claim AND it gives Dorne a potential in to push for absolute primogeniture.
This ripples out to Dany and Viserys in Essos. If Dany can make an actual claim to inherit something (because right now, her claim is tenuous at best under Targaryen rule! Women are not allowed to sit the throne!!) because the Throne is now a bit more egalitarian AND she has dragons? I do think she catches Varys' attention a little earlier in that scenario.
(if Robert really wants to he can engage Joffrey to Robb. You'd run into the same issues with Corlys/Laenor/Lucerys though since there haven't been enough prince-consorts to explain what an heir would do if he's consort, vs an heiress like Myriah was required to give up her seat to her younger brother. This would mean an earlier - and likely longer - conversation with Ned about betrothals. If Robert really wants his heir to marry a Stark, he can tell Ned that Robb can marry Jocelyn and either his second born inherits or Bran can inherit and Robb gives up his claim to Lord of Winterfell and set the precedent one way or the other. Then he'd do well to look at Dorne and the Reach for Myrcella and Tommen because he needs to shore up support while the girls are still young if he wants to avoid another gender based civil war. Otherwise, looking to the Reach, the Marches, and Dorne is an excellent idea to head off any rebellion issues. Most of the Blackfyre supporters were in the Marches and the Reach which makes sense because the Marches have a continuous geographic & ethnic based beef with Dorne, and the Reach is filled with shitty fantasy catholics. If he gets most of them on his side like Daeron II tried to, he can get in front of any rebellions coming from Stannis or Renly loyalists early).
Of course....the problem is that the children aren't actually Robert's. So while he's going ham on making sure his daughter is inheriting, Stannis and Jon are still getting suspcious as to why all three kids look golden haired, and Jaime and Cersei are still sneaking around...what happens then? Mess, is what happens, hahahaha.
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riotarttherite · 4 years
Aelinor Penrose looks so good in your latest piece! I love my under-appreciated Targaryen Queen who deserved so much more! Honestly, all the queens are beautiful. Your art is highkey inspiring!
(((I’m so sorry I had missed these two messages!!!!!)))
Thank you so much!!! I have so many questions about the Targs of that era! We can’t help but keep making headcanons!
My my, so nice last picture! Aelinor is my favourite (dunno why), Jena is the most beautiful, Dyanna is the most innocent looking and Alys is the most mother-like lady of them. Cool that great artists wonder about them sometimes too. Where you get these ideas for them? Anyway wonderful piece as always! 
Thank you for your sweet message!!!  The pose for the piece comes from a Little Women photoshoot, the BBC serie one. I needed four women posing together and LW was right there eheh (someone on Instagram commented that they looked like sisters, it was such a cute comment!). Honestly I didn’t think hard about them or have many headcanons, but I took the advice someone gave me here on Tumblr to make the next Arryns blonde, so I had a blonde Alys. A little headcanon I have is that both Alys and her daughter Daenora are pretty fiercely spirited, like, Alys had to tend to Rhaegel, and grow up their daughters and son. Daenora is married to Aerion and I don’t want to think she was asoiaf’s n.34809384 wife that is a victim to her husband. I imagine that, while not at all cruel like Aerion, she was a little wickedly minded and was interested in dark arts too. Maybe she was friends with Shiera?? She let Aerion do his things, maybe humoring him a little, and definitely had a lover or two behind his back. She was absolutely on board with naming their son Maegor lmao. She definitely was not too sad when Aerion drank his lil wildfire cocktail though 😂
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