#maegor targaryen (son of aerion)
aurora-light-blog · 2 years
In world where bastards can be legitimize, it can be logical to assume that the opposite is possible. A trueborn son or daughter can be made into a bastard. This doesn’t necessary mean that there is a claim of adultery such as Daeron the Good. A person is simply deemed a bastard by the king. Sadly, there is the real-life example of Henry the Eighth who Illegitimized both his daughters Elizabeth and Mary. While Elizabeth had unfounded rumors of being a bastard child, Mary had none but was still made a bastard legally. What are some probably examples in Westerosi history of royal princes or princesses being made bastards?
The first one is Daemon Targaryen. With Jaehaerys and Viserys appointment as king, there was more needed to make Rhaenyra legit heir. As several fans had pointed out by having Rhaenyra declared heir, King Viserys would be supporting Andal law. This is something that would be dangerous to his position especially with Rhaenys and Laenor around (since Baelon *uncle* superseded main daughter hence Viserys on the throne). The easiest way around it is to declare Daemon illegitimized, hence the only viable heir would be Rhaenyra. There would be no issue of adhering to Andal law, which states a daughter comes before uncle, which could be used against King Viserys.
There is evidence to back this up – the title Rogue Prince. As with his other title, Lord Fleabottom, this was meant as an insult. The title ‘Rogue Prince’ might have hinted at Daemon no longer being a legal prince. An example of this is character Rego Draz who was called “Lord of Air.” This title mocked that he wasn’t actually a lord. Furthermore, rogue means liar first (I always thought that it meant only villain). A “liar prince” is awful close to a “fake prince.” Though Princess Elizabeth and Princess Mary were commonly referred to as princesses by most people, legally they were simply Lady Mary and Lady Elizabeth with no line in the succession unless their brother Edward deemed it so. Daemon could have been under the same situation.
The next instance of illegitimized prince and princesses comes from the Great Council of 233. The strongest case of this is Maegor son of Aerion and Princess Daenora. If Maegor lived long enough, he would have to deemed illegitimized in order to safeguard King Aegon the 5th reign and not have another Blackfyre incident. Daenora is the mostly likely princess who had her title removed and made illegitimized. Why? Both her sister and brother were declared heirs to the throne. She would have a strong legal claim to the throne. Likely the Great Council made her simply Lady Daenora. There is still a chance that Maegor’s claim and Vaella’s claim were placed under ineligible like a septon prince or septa princess. They could retain their title but have no right to the line of successions.
Though, Daenora and Daemon are the most likely illegitimized. Still, why is there no mention of this? Propaganda. King Viserys was held as a good king, so no one would write something unflattering about him especially which would make Daemon look better (for real life examples see Richard the 3 or Queen Matilda). Also, the Great Council wouldn’t have allowed anything negative to be said about it. If bastards are viewed in low regard, making someone a bastard would be a vile action with no way of sugar coating it. Those are my thoughts, which I used for my recent fanfiction “The Worm has Turned.” Thanks for reading 😊
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targsource · 6 months
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by riotarttherite on twitter
featuring: King Maekar (1), Lady Dyanna Dayne (2), Prince Daeron (3), Princess Vaella (4), Prince Aerion (5), Prince Maegor (6), Princess Daella (7), Princess Rhaelle (8), King Aegon V (9), Queen Betha Blackwood (10)
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highgardenart · 10 months
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Prince Aerion Targaryen, Princess Daenora Targaryen, and their son: Prince Maegor.
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coldraindropsss · 10 months
Family portraits
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The Royal Families of The Seven Kingdoms: Part 5
By Jota Saraiva
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Every Member of House Targaryen
Only a few spoke up for Aerion Brightflame's son Maegor; an infant king would have meant a long, contentious regency, and there were also fears that the boy might have inherited his father's cruelty and madness.
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cheryroseart · 2 months
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Commission of Daenora Targaryen and her son Maegor Targaryen for @/nevaehh_355 on instagram 🤍
The two dragons on the left representing Aelora and Aelor. And the bird and the dragon on the right representing her and her husband, Aerion. 💌
.Please don’t repost without credits❕
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novembermorgon · 3 months
could you tell us more about myrielle and aerion’s twin sons?
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whew . ok .
left is maegor right is aenys . maegor is a few minutes older than aenys
neither of these guys are anything like their namesakes. maegor from birth is small and weak and sickly - he's pretty easy to get along with and agreeable by targaryen man standards, very polite and soft-spoken. to me he's almost like a rapunzel figure in that myrielle keeps him inside most days because she fears he'll get hurt or sick - she dotes on him and cares for him but never truly offers him much freedom to do as he wishes, the way she does aenys. he wants to go out and wants to experience new things and be more bold like his brother but every time there's sort of a block in that he doesn't have the courage to or myrielle convinces him that he can't. he, in a sense, is raised more like a princess than a prince and sort of falls into that role despite his status. i feel like he's drawn to more feminine ways of presenting himself and more ladylike activities; dancing, singing, sewing, reading ..
whereas aenys is the complete opposite - he's essentially just a copy paste of his dad LOL definitely aerion's golden boy . he's strong and bold and good at fighting, does all his dad asks of him, goes off with him to hunts and tourneys and charms people at court without really needing to try . of course being a copy paste of aerion targaryen also means he's kind of an asshole and if youre hanging around at court and you think about him being a prince with real power for too long your stomach probably hurts a little . aerion telling him tales of how he aimed for the horse during one of his jousts once to win and aenys going ohhh!!! yess!! so cool!! i also want to be in the business of fighting dishonorably. gets a little too heated in the training yard with the other lord's sons and knocks someone's teeth out and they have to put him in timeout once a week.
they're. hmm. i think there's an inherent sort of resentment there between them that begins as soon as they're born, just by virtue of being so different, and by being named Maegor and Aenys. you cannot escape your fate you cannot escape the cycle of your family etc. and i think that there's a lot of things here that kind of work against them .... aenys resenting maegor for just so happening to be older and therefore being heir despite he himself feeling as if he's better suited, maegor wanting the freedoms that aenys is given by virtue of being their father's favourite and being a second son with less responsibility. they can find a thousand reasons to hate each other, but at the same time they do love each other and know that they are, inherently, tied together by virtue of being twins. the twins we see in asoiaf are very insistent on the fact that they are tethered, they are one soul in two bodies, they will never truly be apart.
aenys hates maegor for being weak and for being heir even though their father doesn't like him, even though he has none of the qualities aenys loves about himself, even though he's more like a daughter than a son - and even still, he loves maegor, he wants to keep maegor safe from the horrors of the world before anybody else ruins him and takes all that's good about him away from him. maegor hates aenys because he's rude and terrible to him, because he's never respected him, but loves him so dearly because he's the only person in the world who will look on his flaws and be able to feel some sense of genuine pity or affection - the only person who will always feel a responsibility to love him so entirely and wholly because they are twins and have that bond that will never go away no matter what.
in my mind the themes of gender in asoiaf is very interesting especially in relation to the targs in that their relationships are .. a lot stranger .. in a lot of cases. you are twin brothers, but your brother is more like a girl than a boy. you know that if things had been only the slightest bit different, you would most definitely be betrothed to each other because your family traditions demand it of you. how would your love be different, then? would it be any different at all? would that be better? would it fix any of our problems? what am i meant to feel for my brother when every part of our family history is built on a wife's suffering, an incestuous misery that never has an end, when we are so nearly brother and sister ...?
they're complicated . and difficult to describe ... a relationship built on shame and not understanding each other and not understanding what you feel for each other .
i'm a little undecided atm what to do with maegor .. he is a bit of a mystery in my mind but when he's ~15 give or take aenys suffers a little (bad) jousting incident and ends up with a bad leg that he pretends isn't there because he doesn't want to be deemed weak by his father or by court and a case of head trauma that makes him Worse . sort of henry viii esque . he eventually marries a velaryon girl ...
there's also the secret third sibling (bastard sister) but i'll discuss her some other time ....
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 8 months
Okay but imagine Aegon the conqueror and Tyrell!reader. His third wife. According to history she is the most beautiful wife. Imagine Visenya and Rhaenys pleasuring her and getting her ready for Aegon. Imagine she is the mother of Maegor and gave birth to him by the old valyrian method. Visenya was so involved with the birth that she too is called Maegor's mother. Imagine your second son, Aerion. Two mad Targaryens from you.
According to history books Visenya was obsessed with you, more than Aegon. You were often found in her room, serving her, pleasuring her. An obsession that Maegor picked up on. But your sons can do no wrong in your eyes.
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While the pre-Aegon I targs receive almost no focus in any published material, how do you think it may have changed in precedent at the Great Councils if there was a ruling Lady of Dragonstone in the ancestry? When I first read F&B, I almost thought there would be a retcon with the Valyrians to be Salic / Agnatic and that would factor into the precedent of the great council of 101. There’s also a pro-daemon argument for agnatic seniority up to Daemon that I would’ve loved to have GRRM explore
Oh, but there was a ruling lady of Dragonstone:
Gaemon Targaryen, brother and husband to Daenys the Dreamer, followed Aenar the Exile as Lord of Dragonstone, and became known as Gaemon the Glorious. Gaemon's son Aegon and his daughter Elaena ruled together after his death. After them the lordship passed to their son Maegon, his brother Aerys, and Aerys's sons, Aelyx, Baelon, and Daemion. The last of the three brothers was Daemion, whose son Aerion then succeeded to Dragonstone.
And we know that Elaena was a Lady in her own right and not just her husband's, because Aerys and Daemion and Aerion had wives, but they aren't spoken of as "ruling together". Therefore Aegon and Elaena's situation must have been with her on the same level as him. But alas, that didn't seem to help much with later succession arguments.
I suppose there might be an agnatic seniority argument, but I can also see that they specifically factored in female heirs and "a daughter before an uncle" of male-preference primogeniture:
As the glad tidings of Rhaena’s birth spread across the land, the realm rejoiced…save, perhaps, for Queen Visenya. Prince Aenys was the unquestioned heir to the Iron Throne, all agreed, but now an issue arose as to whether Prince Maegor remained second in the line of succession, or should be considered to have fallen to third behind the newborn princess. [...] The boy, named Aegon after his grandsire, was born to Lady Alyssa and fathered by Prince Aenys. [...] While many still debated whether Prince Maegor or his niece, Rhaena, should have precedence in the order of succession, it seemed beyond question that Aegon would follow his father, Aenys, just as Aenys would follow Aegon.
BTW, if you're interested, you can see an essay by an actual lawyer stating that the precedent of the Great Council of 101 was no legal precedent at all.
But anyway, you're not the only one who wishes F&B had gone into far greater detail about various legal and social decisions of the Targaryens. @goodqueenaly has gone into it at length, in particular about the politics of matchmaking, and the lack of it in F&B...
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coineagan · 1 month
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King Aegon I Targaryen
Son of Lord Aerion Targaryen & Lady Valaena Velaryon.
Brother of Queen Visenya Targaryen & Queen Rhaenys Targaryen.
Husband of Queen Visenya Targaryen & Queen Rhaenys Targaryen.
Father of King Aenys I Targaryen & King Maegor I Targaryen.
Reigned as King from 1 to 37 AC.
Dragonrider of Balerion.
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daenystheedreamer · 3 months
i have a feeling you want to tell us about your ocs, i for one i’m curious
OKAY YAY I WILL TALK AHOUT THEM funnily enough though i get asked to post about ocs more than i post about them like i should be posting more but i forget... this post will be about KINGS OF OMAEGORVERSE TIMELINE
important concepts:
visenya & tyanna used valyrian blood magic on prince viserys the son of aenys (canonically squired for maegor and killed by him in retribution for percieved murder of visenya by alyssa). he's not an omega thats just a joke i dont have concrete thoughts on the biology of it all. i think it would be fun if he had tyanna or visenya's womb... oo or alys harroway's
maegor introduced the concept of a "wife in the blood" and a "wife in the faith" so he could have his cake and eat it too in regards to betrothing his kid to both aerea targaryen and a hightower oc
this is my sick and twisted psychopath joker au oc timeline. prepare yourself ^_^
rules until 66ac when his nephewwife viserys and daughter daenys kill him
consort(s): ceryse hightower who retires to the hightower after the viserys thing cos she's like "yeah this is the line in the sand for me" and grooms her niece to marry maegor's heir, tyanna and alys like in canon and then prince viserys random son of aenys no one remembers except me
child(ren): jaehaerys, viserra and daenys
ruled 66-92 AC
named after canon jaehaerys who gets killed by maegor in this. viserys wanted to name him that and maegor though it was funny.
physically and emotionally abused by maegor cos he wasn't masculine enough in childhood. bad bad childhood. got the stoicism beat into him. has an oedipus complex towards viserys
consort(s): princess aerea targaryen (betrothed from birth, she dies the same way she does in canon but its during her bachelorette party), lady maris hightower (ceryse's niece, my fave)
child(ren): aegon, aerion, helaena, daenerys, viserys, maegelle
ruled 92-99 AC
his life and rule was marked by his rivalry towards his twin brother aerion and their shared obsession with their sister helaena. was his mummy's favourite and the rejection by his father def made him who he is. however after his brother aerion killed the high septon and got exiled, the roles switched and he became daddy's favourite and abandoned by mummy
consort(s): queen jocasta lannister (daughter of viserra, bit crazy, mad that she's the wife-in-the-faith when she's more closely related to aegon than daenaera is) queen daenaera velaryon (half baratheon half velaryon, more normal but gets depression later) both his wives hate each other and despise jaehaerys a bit for obviously being in love with his sister (weirdo..)
child(ren): by daenaera- monterys, lucerys, jacaerys by jocasta: rhaena laena jaehaerys helaena aegor by helaena: rhaegar (bastard)
ruled 99-120 AC elected king by a great council since aegon's kids were too young. daenaera also absconded to dragonstone and locked her kids in with her + no one trusted jocasta and her kids
jaehaerys is super weird about viserys cos kid viserys looks like a clone of mummy viserys. tries to beat masculinity into viserys like maegor did to jaehaerys. viserys is a bit whimpering and limp wristed likes playing with his sisters and a bit scared of his older brothers. shoving the kid into the training yard and to the kingsguard to toughen him up did NOT help. he just got a bunch of dogs basically
consort(s): alyssa arryn (alyssa was affianced to aerion targaryen, but aerion killed the high septon and got exiled which was a bit of a downer one could say so she was then married to his younger brother viserys. alyssa is undiagnosed paranoid schizophrenic and becomes enamoured with a red priestess >:))
child(ren): visenya/aegon/rhaenys (failed blood magic babies) maegor/daenys/alysanne (successful blood magic babies)
not technically a queen, but ruled 120-128 AC
viserys dies but his heir daeron (jacaerys' son by aerion and helaena's bastard son daemon, dont worry about it) is still 6 years old so daenerys swoops in and takes the role of daeron's regent.
consort(s): corlys velaryon (oc but like barely its jsut corlys from canon)
child(ren): valaena velaryon, laenor velaryon (he's straight here), naerys velaryon
ruled 128-136 AC
son of prince jacaerys (the child of king aegon i and queen daenaera) and daemon of qohor the bastard son of helaena and aerion. dont worry about the genders its a whole thing
obsessed with joining dorne to westeros. thought dorne was soooo cool. nymeria kin. though KL politics were a distraction and loved glory etc. pov youre told youre a god king from birth etc. hes gay but normal about it
consort(s): princess maryam martell to peacefully join dorne to the seven kingdoms but they never married. their wedding ended up being a slaughter committed ostensibly by dornish rebels who didnt wanna be westerosi but actually by his uncle jaehaerys (son of aegon and jocasta)
ruled 136-144 AC
son of aegon ii and jocasta lannister. huge inferioty complex and soooo mad that he's not the heir. orchestrates the death of his nephew daeron. he's very affable and personable and counters daeron's "lets go to war and get glory" with "that costs money asshole". he's at court while daeron is playing with dorne and makes friends there.
consort(s): princess aerea (bastard daughter of helaena and aerion, she dies before he becomes king. his great love that he never really understood and basically killed) queen alysanne tully 'red alys' (his wife-in-the-faith who double married him with aerea) queen alysanne targaryen 'blue alys' (replacement wife when aerea died, daughter of viserys i and his wife alyssa arryn. she's a blood magic baby) queen alysanne hawthorne 'aly hawberry' (originally a mistress, married her in 144AC right before he died)
child(ren): FUCK okay by aerea- elaena by red alys- maegor, jaehaera, aegon, viserra, aemond, aerys by blue alys- viserys daenerys naerys vaella rhaelle by aly hawberry- aelinor aemma aethan waters
ruled 144-147 AC
his elder brothers maegor and viserys were killed in a jfk style assassination by their sister elaena and he became king immediately after they and their father all died so its bad for him. went crazy trying to solve their deaths. killed by the most devout (faith of the seven) to put his brother aerys on the throne
consort(s): queen lianna redwyne (she was swapping with her twin sister larissa though. aegon was being gaslit by literally everyone in his life lmfao)
child(ren): helaena, baela, saera (saera was larissa's, though aegon and everyone thought she was lianna's)
ruled 147-184 AC
radicalised/groomed by the faith as a child. obsessed with his sister rhaelle. obsessed with religion and finding meaning in life but also in using the faith to not have to feel guilty for being a huge POS
his reign was hijacked by his nephew hugor stone who became the youngest high septon and who led a sect who became the "faith protectorate".
consort(s): lady agnes blackwood (never consummated cos he was obsessed with his sister, she ran off to the iron islands) queen rhaelle, queen helaena hightower
child(ren): by rhaelle- aemond aegon daeron helaena by helaena hightower- alysanne maegelle
ruled 184-204 AC
raised in the religious hell that was aerys' reign. when his sister helaena was confined to the maidenvault (yeah i kept that, aerys makes it) he tried to break her out with aemond and got sent to a septry as punishment. rhaelle switched him with a cousin and sent him to dorne instead where he was raised by daeron i's sister daena who had wed the prince of dorne. married her granddaughter. eventually besieged king's landing and took the throne for himself. forced his father to abdicate and kept him locked up.
after he became king, he tried to keep things cordial with the faith protectorate without just wiping them out. well they staged a coup and killed his wife and nearly killed him but it failed he just got major brain damage and his wife died :( his son baelor ends up mercy killing him
consort(s): tyshara dayne 'the evening star'
child(ren): baelor, rhae, daenys. his sister helaena later has some bastard kids with a knight of the kingsguard and he pretends they're his bastards by a random maid
ruled 204-?
im up to about here on my family tree. not 100% on where everything will go from here on out
he's called the bloody for having killed his grandfather aerys and for killing some faith millitants during that coup when he was 9
consort(s): princess rohanne martell 'the rosy dawn' (she's half-martell :)) also has some dalliances with a baelon plumm and a barbrey bolton
child(ren): aerea, aegon, aemon, aenar
married his sister aerea, remarried to a teora hightower after she died
born princess naerys targaryen. MEGA crazy. omegafies the guy her dad arranged for her to marry. rules as king aerys >:)
thats my current list ^_^ it gets hazy after aerys im still building my masterpiece. this has been in the works since omg april last year (though i restarted in september last year) so the concept is now a year old, happy borthdayyy
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
how do you think jaehaerys and alysanne would handle raising a child with aerion brightflame-style madness? I know there's an argument to be made that all the "mad" targaryens are products of trauma but like, maybe being raised by jaehaerys is enough to drive a kid to do budding serial killer shit. they'll obviously handle it differently depending on whether the mad child is a boy or a girl but maybe jaehaerys would stop coddling a son if he reminded him of maegor.
now first of all, i think like you said, that growing up in That Family is trauma enough to drive you insane, and even a cursory look through real life monarchs will show you that a lot of these bitches were deeply unhappy with their lives and not even a little prepared for what was coming for them. i think all that plus jae & aly’s shitty parenting is plenty of trauma lol.
but second of all.....okay i actually had to sit with this for a while. this is what people mean when they say jaehaerys is only considered a good king because he's completely untested. all his opps are cartoonishly stupid like morion or rogar's dumb brothers and the few he does beat...he's not actually that important in beating (see: Maegor, the pirates in Tarth, etc). and all his sons are picture perfect boys! aemon and baelon have zero personality whatsoever; they never contradict him, they never argue with him, they never show themselves to have any sort of unsavory proclivities, they're perfectly content with the incestuous marriages picked out for them. vaegon is shuffled off to the maesters because he's a nerd and he's happier for it. all of jaehaerys' other sons die in the cradle! this man has NO SPICE!!!
ANYWAYS!!!!!! third of all (did i even make a second point besides yet again i hate jaehaerys? whose to say), i think so long as the kid is born after aemon and baelon, he's probably not a problem. there's ways jaehaerys can deal with a crazy ass third or fourth born son the same way he deals with having a nerd for a son. he can send him to the wall, to the maesters, to the faith, to the kingsguard. Baelon lives for quite a number of years so even tho he pre-deceases his father, there's still not likely a succession issue here. jaehaerys is also likely to pay way more attention to his sons, notice some weird behavior, and just go "ok this one is being given to the Wall haha yes we LOVE the north" or something. and if the kid remains dragonless, he can deal with a "targaryen crazy" son the way he deals with the women he considers "targaryen crazy" aka rhaena, aerea, and saera which is to say he can just banish them. a targaryen without a dragon is just not particularly powerful, especially one is way down in the line of succession. he can deprive them of the ability to cause damage because he has complete say over the dragons, then he can ignore the problem as it grows worse and worse until it explodes, and go "well i did everything a parent is meant to do and you're a loser so exile."
is this a mean answer. maybe. but i don't think jaehaerys is the sort of parent who could successfully handle a child with empathy problems or mental health issues (look at the way he talks to daella), and when we look at the way he treats vaegon and saera, we see him just ignore them until they're having little meltdowns in his face, then they get shuffled off, and i think that's likely to be his approach.
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highgardenart · 10 months
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Prince Maegor Targaryen
“Aerion Brightfire’s son was born in 232 AC, and given the ominous name of Maegor by his sire…”
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The Royal Families of The Seven Kingdoms: Part 1
By Jota Saraiva
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diamondperfumes · 1 year
The assertions that Dany will "succumb" to her family's allegedly "evil legacy" or the "taint" in her blood require pathologizing her for being an abuse victim borne of rape and incest, buying into bioessentialist "genetics is destiny" argument, and decontextualizing most of the passages from her book arc. This post, with a song juxtaposed with out-of-context quotes from Dany's chapters, is an excellent example.
"Every child knows the Targaryens have always danced too close to madness." The only "mad" Targaryens were Rhaegel, Aerion, Aerys II, and Viserys III. If you want to stretch it, you can include Baelor, though he was more pious and fanatic than mad. Maegor was cruel but lucid. Rhaegar was not mad, despite being Aerys II's son. And the narrative has distanced Dany from Aerys II several times, because one of ASOIAF's central theses is not "you are your father's child," but "you can overcome your father."
"She could not look behind her, must not look behind her" is not Dany "refusing to look at her family's history." This is taken from her fever dreams in AGOT Dany IX, and what she can't look back at is an icy breath that would cause her a "death worse than death, howling forever alone in the darkness." It's the first time Dany sees the Others in her dreams, and she is the only other character in AGOT to dream of them, the other character being Bran.
"I made a horror just as great, but surely they deserved it. Harsh justice is still justice." This is Dany feeling guilty for crucifying 163 slavers. How is that a sign of madness or refusal to confront her family legacy? It's actually a sign that Dany has empathy even for the worst of humanity, even for her enemies. Also, crucifying slavers isn't evil. It's odd that the same fandom that calls Dany a slaver, slave trader, slave profiteer, and slavery enabler, also calls her a tyrant or mad for crucifying slavers. What is she supposed to do with slavers? What is the "proper" way to handle them?
The mother of monsters passage is more proof that Dany is introspective and self-critical. In children's media, shounen anime, and Marvel movies, a villain may unironically call themselves a monster, but in more complicated, nuanced, adult literature, characters who call themselves monsters usually aren't bad people. They're the self-deprecating, humble, and thoughtful characters who are reflecting on their flaws and mistakes. Again, if Dany is someone who refuses to think about the dark side of her family, she would not agonize over the consequences of using her power. Monstrosity is associated with being stigmatized, ostracized, and alienated by hegemonic forces in society, and those characters who identify with monstrosity often have something to reveal about the violence of the status quo and the normalization of oppression.
George is deconstructing the coin quote, not reinforcing it. Madness/greatness, ice/fire, east/west, north/south, sun/moon, pain/pleasure, love/hate, are all dichotomies in the novel that George sets out to show can unite in some way. As I said, most Targaryens were not "mad," and I find it odd that for a fandom as progressive as it frames itself to be, the ableist stereotyping of "foreign otherized race from the East is genetically predisposed toward madness" isn't something fans problematize more.
Dany longing for the house with the red door and wanting to rest, laugh, plant trees and see them grow, are also seen as signs of madness because of her statelessness and homelessness. If a teenage girl has been raped and abused, and is herself a product of rape and abuse, and comes from an exotic Eastern family, then apparently her longing for home is actually a bomb waiting to detonate inside her, because she's unfit to belong anywhere. It's shocking that this mentality is seen as media literate or subversive.
"Dragons plant no trees" has already been disproven by Dany's arc itself. Dany reclaims fire and blood by the end of ADWD because she realizes the peace in Meereen is false (which it is). Jon Snow goes from wanting to hire glassblowing apprentices to plant crops in greenhouses to grow food, to abandoning his vows and declaring war to save his sister, and then dies. Why is that not seen as a sign of "succumbing to madness?" The acts are narratively paralleled. Perhaps––and this may be crazy, but stay with me––the thesis of FeastDance is that you cannot grow, build, and heal a nation in soil watered with blood. No such rebuilding or regrowing is possible unless and until real change occurs, and for real change to happen, the corrupt old guard cannot stay alive.
Certainly TWOW will be a darker book for every viewpoint character, but it's interesting to see how a combination of pathologizing Dany for her gender, ethnicity, genes/biology, trauma, and stateless/rootless/homeless status as an exile/diaspora, with decontextualizing her chapters, quotes, and passages, and an overall misunderstanding of the themes of ASOIAF, to single Dany out as a "dark" character who won't be able to "outrun" her "negative family history."
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