#aemon (son of jaehaerys i) targaryen
gotham-at-nightfall · 6 months
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Valyrian Couples: Part II
Aegon IV Targaryen, Naerys Targaryen and Aemon (son of Viserys II) Targaryen
Daemon I Blackfyre and Daenerys (daughter of Aegon IV) Targaryen
Brynden Rivers and Shiera Seastar
Aelor Targaryen and Aelora Targaryen
Aerion "Brightflame" Targaryen and Daenora Targaryen
Jaehaerys II Targaryen and Shaera Targaryen
Aerys II Targaryen and Rhaella Targaryen
Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen
By Jota Saraiva
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midnight--sadness · 3 months
Giving dragons to non-dragonriding Targaryens.
(Note: this makes no sense in terms of timelines, it is just for fun! 😊)
Daenerys: Morning -- no great philosophical reason, I just think my girl deserves a pretty pink dragon
Daella: Viserion -- he is such a gentle dragon, she would (probably) get over her fear of them if she had him contantly cuddling her
Saera: Syrax -- a spoiled dragon for a girl who always desired attention
Viserra: Sunfyre -- the most beautiful of Alysanne's daughters must have the most beautiful dragon in the known world
Aemma Arryn: Tessarion -- the Blue Queen would match with Meleys the Red Queen, whose rider Rhaenys is Aemma's cousin
Viserys II: Rhaegal -- I feel like between Drogon and Viserion, sometimes Rhaegal is forgotten, which is also something I feel happens with Viserys, particularly in the midst of the tragedy of the Dance
Aegon IV: Syrax -- both very fertile and pampered
Naerys: Dreamfyre -- both of Dreamfyre's previous riders, Rhaena and Helaena, had twins, so I wanted to have that connection to Naerys
Daeron I: Meraxes -- the obvious Dorne connection and both Queen Rhaenys and Daeron have Velaryon mothers
Daena: Caraxes -- the Blood Wyrm being ridden by Daemon's wild granddaughter OR Meleys
Elaena: Arrax -- his coloring perfectly matches her hair OR Moondancer -- she "stole" her aunt Baela's husband and also her dragon
Daeron II: Silverwing -- only appropriate that Good Queen Alysanne's dragon is ridden by King Daeron the Good
Daemon Blackfyre: Balerion -- the Black Dread for the Black Dragon
Aegor Rivers: Vermithor -- the Bronze Fury for a perpetually angry man
Brynden Rivers: the Cannibal -- known for eating other dragons and Brynden is a supposed kinslayer OR Caraxes -- the Blood Wyrm for Bloodraven, both lean and formidable
Shiera Seastar: Seasmoke or Silverwing -- a silver dragon that matches her aesthetic
Baelor: Sunfyre -- golden like the sun of Dorne and his name "sun" like the Martell sigil, in honor of his mother Myriah Martell, and "fire" connects to the Targaryen words
Maekar: Vhagar -- a war dragon
Aemon: Viserion -- Daenerys' sweet boy for the man who so desperately wanted to protect her
Aerion: the Cannibal -- the dragon's menacing green eyes are the color of wildfire
Rhaegar: Grey Ghost -- a wild dragon, known for his elusiveness, is mysterious and avoidant of people, and would be a good companion to Rhaegar and the way no one really knew him
Rhaenys: Balerion -- she named her kitten after the Black Dread, so it is only fair that she gets to ride him
Please let me know what you think!
Do you think there is another dragon/rider combination or is there someone here you would assign another dragon?
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Do you know why no one’s attempted to bond with Vermithor until now? At least in show verse. Daemon’s ego at least seems like he would have wanted him. And the way the show’s apparently bent the lore enough to where Rhaenyra can touch him unscathed..seems like Vermithor actually inexplicably liked her lol to the point where it seems had she attempted to bond with him in her youth she may have been successful.
In show-verse, we're told that Daemon wanted Meleys (his late mother's dragon), and after Meleys rejected him and accepted Rhaenys instead, he bonded with Caraxes (Rhaenys's late father's dragon). I'm not sure exactly when all this was going on in HOTD time, but in book-verse Rhaenys was 13 and Daemon was 6 when she claimed Meleys in 87 AC (three years after Alyssa had died), and Daemon didn't claim Caraxes until he was at least 11, after Aemon died in 92 AC. But either way it doesn't matter, Jaehaerys died in 103 AC, so Vermithor wasn't freed up until then.
Now, Book!Rhaenyra first rode Syrax in 104 AC, when she was 7. Show!Rhaenyra has the same birth year, and show!Jaehaerys's death year is also the same. So Vermithor was available at the time Rhaenyra first rode Syrax (assuming that show!Rhaenya also became a dragonrider at age 7). However, it is frequently assumed that Syrax was a cradle egg (though the book says nothing one way or the other, and neither has the show). In the book Syrax is called "young" when Rhaenyra first flew her; HOTD's 1st episode script, when Rhaenyra is 14, calls Syrax "adolescent". It's quite possible Rhaenyra had no interest in Vermithor because she had her birth-bonded dragon to ride once she was big enough.
Alternatively, it's possible that the Dragonkeepers warned 7-year-old Rhaenyra away from the notably grouchy and angry Vermithor and towards a younger dragon more suitable for her age, as they did when Alyssa initially wanted to claim Balerion. In general I'd suspect that would be the case for most young dragonriders, at least the ones who weren't already bonded to cradle-egg dragons. (As Rhaenyra's sons were; it's unclear whether Sunfyre and Tessarion were cradle eggs, or bonded while very young.) And we know it was suggested that Aemond pick out a dragon egg or hatchling, before he claimed Vhagar by himself.
So yeah, I figure the Dragonkeepers would very much prefer not to see a repeat of the deeply unfortunate Aerea incident, where it was Balerion in control, taking the 12-year-old girl to his definition of home, not hers. Let alone allowing a young prince or princess to get flamed to ash on their watch. When someone young does go for a massive old dragon (Laena or Aemond with Vhagar), it seems most likely it's done where the busybody protective Dragonkeepers can't interfere... which was not Rhaenyra's situation in King's Landing.
I hope that helps!
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aeriondripflame · 10 months
wait so im new to asoiaf why do people hate jaehaerys ?
jaehaerys is the bogeyman to every woman he comes in contact with. i can’t speak for everyone when i say this is the reason (there is no shortage of hateworthy men in asoiaf… looking at you hoster tully) but for me the absolute rage i have for jaehaerys comes down to him being at the center of every targ girl’s downfall. rhaena was disinherited for him. he disinherits his own daughter on account of her sex saying well she’ll be the queen as if that is any real power in the world he sets out to create. he cages his own wife (his sister) in the prison of queenhood leaving her to quote unquote more womanly pursuits like i don’t know getting rid of first right and domestic abuse? not to mention him marrying off his very young daughters to old ass men over and over again. not to mention the saera debacle and it’s many implications for his relationship to his daughters. and then of course when he disinherited yet another woman through rhaenys (and his own firstborn son just because his heir was a woman).
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sarcasticsweetlara · 2 years
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Summary: Jocelyn likes to play cyvasse as well as watching Aemon train.
Warning: Incest, jealousy
This is a short story about how Aemon (Son of Jaehaerys I and Alysanne) and Jocelyn Baratheon came to be.
69 AC
Jocelyn loved playing strategic games like cyvasse.
Cyvasse specially was a game that required strategy, wit and calculous thinking. The only way for a woman to be praised for having those traits was playing Cyvasse. So here she was.
"You are good at this Jocelyn" Said Maegelle who grabbed her goblet of water as she accepted defeat.
It was nice having the 7 year old girl around when she was not studying.
Maegelle wanted to become a septa, and took her studies seriously but she always made time to be spent with her family.
"Yes, I like to play with Alyssa and Daella" Maegelle leaned in and asked mischievously. "Who wins more often?"
"Alyssa is a good player, and Daella is getting better at it"
"How is Daella? Is she getting better with her studies?" Maegelle trailed off, the silver-haired girl was worried about how her little sister was doing.
"She" Jocelyn grimaced "She's having trouble reading, Maegelle, she is able to read but sometimes she can not comprehend it, if someone else reads to her or explains it Daella understands better."
"I see" Maegelle whispered. "I guess it would be good for me to see her"
"I think so too, the septas get frustrated with her, and as a result Alyssa and I have help her often."
"That's kind of you Jocelyn, you know, when we were smaller I liked to be attached to Alyssa all the time and she used to get annoyed by my insistence to always be with her." They both chuckled.
"I know, but now Alyssa and you are extremely close now."
"Though no closer than Baelon and her, I wonder, had I been born a man would have father agreed to wed her to me or Baelon or Aemon?"
"That is a good question" Jocelyn stopped as she processed the whole information.
"Wait, what do you mean Aemon?" Now it was Maegelle who was startled by Jocelyn.
"I understand Baelon, I mean I think ever since the moment they understood what marriage is they knew they wanted each other, but ..." She couldn't understand why she suddenly felt her heart clenching. "Why Aemon?"
Maegelle was perplexed by her state but she still answered nonetheless.
"Well, I guess it was as since Daenerys was dead and Alyssa was the eldest daughter Father thought it would be good to wed them off."
"Oh, I understand then" Though it didn't make her feel better.
Jocelyn knew Valyrians had the custom to marry each other to keep their heritage pure, and the dragonriders, such as the Targaryens even more.
Jocelyn's own deceased mother was a Velaryon, another house of Valyrian descent and her grandmother Alarra Massey was the daughter of a Targaryen lady, and House Baratheon had also been founded by Aegon the Conqueror's half brother Orys Baratheon nonetheless.
What made her feel uneasy was the idea of Aemon marrying Alyssa.
She always knew Daenerys had been meant to marry Aemon before the Shivers cruelly took her away from them, and back then the idea didn't bother her, but now thinking about the possibility of Aemon and Alyssa marrying made her feel... Jealous?
Alyssa was her friend and that was why Jocelyn couldn't understand why the idea, even if it had been considered only, of Aemon marrying her was troublesome.
"Are you well Jocelyn?" Maegelle whispered.
Jocelyn nodded, brushing off the skin-edging feeling.
Later that evening, Jocelyn was in the library with the little two year old Saera who was the youngest of the Targaryen children, reading to her about the Valyrian dragonlords in High Valyrian.
"Iksā gevie Jocelyn" Mumbled Saera. You are beautiful Jocelyn.
"Kirimvose Saera." Jocelyn answered. Thank you Saera.
Even though Jocelyn's High Valyrian was awful when she was eight years, now she was more fluent thanks to her half-sister Alysanne, who took the time to teach her when Jocelyn came to Kingslanding 7 years ago, after two of her aunts died, her brother Boremund had stayed in Storm's End being taken care by the Maesters and their father Rogar Baratheon who was the Lord Paramount of House Baratheon and of the Stormlands. Two of her female cousins: Aelinor and Corenna came with her so Jocelyn would not feel alone.
However Jocelyn knew that another reason for her father to send her away was because he couldn't stand to see her and be reminded of his wife.
Jocelyn looked like her mother, Rogar's wife, Alyssa Velaryon.
Queen Alyssa Velaryon who had been a woman who had the silver-gold hair of Old Valyria, she had a deep set of pastel purple eyes, a lithe figure and the Valyrian otherworldly glow.
Alyssa Velaryon whom Rogar had sacrificed in order to have Jocelyn born with the hope she would be a second son.
Alyssa Velaryon who never got to meet her youngest daughter and last child that resembled her so much that it hurt anyone who had met her.
The hair of Jocelyn was of a raven black color and her eyes were of a deep dark blue thanks to her father, but her lips, her face and how she gracefully posed herself were all given by Alyssa Velaryon.
Seeing Jocelyn pained Rogar and he couldn't help but feel guilty everytime he saw her, as well as it also pained her half-siblings, King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne and that was also the reason why her sister Rhaena never tried to get close to her. She was the reminder of the woman they all had loved and lost.
"Lady Jocelyn, the queen wants to see you." A kingsguard knight stood in the door.
"I will go, just let me take Saera to the nursery first."
After Jocelyn left the little girl in her crib with a stuffed dragon she walked accompanied by the knight towards her sister's chambers.
"You wanted to see me? My queen?" The queen turned her head and stood as she saw Jocelyn.
Jocelyn curtsied and the knight nodded leaving after Alysanne waved him to leave.
"There is no need for formalities Jocelyn, you are my sister." Alysanne got closer to her jet black haired little sister.
"Your half-sister" replied Jocelyn.
"Our mother bore us from her womb." Alysanne cut her off "I remember how she talked about wanting you to be a girl, she was so excited to meet you."
"And in the end she died giving birth to me."
"She always loved you Jocelyn, do not ever doubt it." Alysanne reached and squeezed her hands.
"You look a lot like her, you are as beautiful as she was."
Jocelyn couldn't help but smile at the compliment.
"What are you planning to do today?"
Jocelyn frowned, Alysanne and her were close but usually Alysanne was busy with matters of the realm and nursing her younger children.
"Um, I guess I want to read a book my father sent to me."
Alysanne looked like she was excited.
"Why don't we go to the training yard? I'm sure you would like to see if not train."
The idea sounded interesting, after all, she thought, Baratheon women were known for their stubbornness and toughness, and she wanted to be known as someone who never backed down from a challenge.
'Yes, it was a good idea.'
"I think I could read my book another day."
Alysanne was now beaming as Jocelyn accepted.
"Well then, let's go!"
They strolled through the castle towards the training yards and the sound of metal swords clashing and woes received them.
Baelon and Aemon were sparring each other, whenever they fought they would make a show. While Aemon was taller and stronger than Baelon, Baelon was fiercer and faster than Aemon.
Baelon hit Aemon's right side and pushed him making him stumble but Aemon managed to get his balance and as Baelon approached Aemon hit him with all his strength breaking his shield and Baelon fell.
Aemon had won.
Everyone, including Alysanne and Jocelyn applauded.
As Aemon helped Baelon get back on his feet he turned to see her and Jocelyn felt as if time had stopped when Aemon's pale lilac eyes met her dark purple ones, seeing him smiling as well as his gleaming sweaty skin and tense muscles Jocelyn felt as if he was the most precious treasure she had even found.
Aemon smirked as if he knew the effect his appearance had on Jocelyn.
"Muña! (Mother!) Jocelyn!" The two boys walked towards Alysanne and Jocelyn.
"You came just in time to see me defeat Baelon" Aemon tousled his younger brother's hair but Baelon scoffed and took Aemon's hand from his hair.
"You caught me off guard, and before that I got the upper hand."
"Your words brother" Aemon shrugged.
"It's nice to see you here Jocelyn" Said Baelon
"I wanted to watch the knights, and maybe learn how to fight, I'm a Baratheon lady and all Baratheon women know how to fight."
"You also have Valyrian blood, and Valyrian women are made of steel and dragonglass." Said Aemon with a determined tone.
"I can teach you if you want to." His breathy voice made Jocelyn tremble.
"I would like that." Jocelyn smiled
They both stared into each other's eyes but their bubble was suddenly broken.
"Maybe tomorrow, Baelon and you surely are tired and I would like to see the gardens with you Jocelyn".
As soon as Alysanne took Jocelyn's arm and they walked away from Baelon and Aemon, Jocelyn turned her head and saw Baelon teasing Aemon who was blushing.
Jocelyn couldn't wait for her next visit to the training yard.
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visenyaism · 5 months
Heyy!! What are your thoughts on Jaeherys and Alysanne's daughters?
well when your father looks at you and only sees an incarnation of his own sister-wife because you were put on this earth for him to groom into a future child bride for his sons or summarily disposed of it is a bit of a crazymaking situation.
I think the reason Jaehaerys acted inexplicably genuinely shocked every single time one of his teenage daughters got to marrying age and someone suggested that they get married was because he thought that he was going to be the only man in their lives forever because there is something deeply wrong with him. and then their mom is arranging these crazyass matches with older men to live vicariously through them because she never got to choose a partner, so it really is just a complete and total psychosexual codependency enmeshment nightmare.
-think something had to be extremely wrong with valyrian tradwife never allowed to develop an independent identity Alyssa below the surface. because being named the golden child by responding positively to the grooming telling you to peg your brother and wanting to birth him an entire army of sons before dying at 23 definitely speaks to….something. where else do daemon‘s mommy issues come from
-Daella exists to be a victim and dies giving birth to her daughter who also exists to be a victim. sacrificial lamb parthenogenesis.
-Maegelle got out of everything else simply by being conceived with the explicit intention of being a living tithe. somehow the least crazy situation on this list. 
-I don’t know whether or not it is intentional that Saera is written exhibiting so many of the behaviors indicative of being a CSA victim. hypersexual alcoholic dysregulated fifteen year-old being held down and forced to watch her father chop her boyfriend in half by her mom‘s codependent female bodyguard is an experience you could throw the entire works of Sigmund Freud at and come up lacking. i hope lys was nice.
-Viserra being exiled for absorbing too much of the Targaryen grooming background radiation and getting falling down drunk at 15 before making a move on her brother. this just keeps happening to them. I’m sure it’s a coincidence. insane that Alysanne really felt like she was competing with her own daughter here because I know she was a #boymom with baelon and aemon.
-I think it’s interesting how no one mentions Gael ever again after she kills herself and no one seems to think of her at all given the fact that she’s daemon’s age and presumably would’ve interacted with any of the grandkids. I know it’s because textually she’s just an afterthought, but I think it would be interesting if her yellow wallpaper ass existence and the fact that she is basically a pet for her mother her entire life just sort of renders her posthumously unspeakable. no one wants to talk about what happened to her.
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alvsanne · 2 months
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Queen Alysanne and her seven daughters. The White Princess TV series (2017) // "Fourth of July" by Sufjan Stevens // Stained glass window commissioned by King Edward IV featuring his daughters, c. 1480 // Quote attributed to Marie-Antoinette regarding her daughter's birth, c. 1778 // The family of Leopold I by Johann Zoffany, 1776 (detail) // The White Queen TV series (2013) // // Tumblr user honeytuesday // The White Princess TV series (2017) // "Hecuba" by Euripides // "Passage" by Vienna Teng // Lady Bird (2017) dir. Greta Gerwig // "L'Innocence" by William Bouguereau, 1893 (detail) // Portrait of King Jaehaerys I, Queen Alysanne Targaryen, and their son Aemon Targaryen by Magali Villeneuve (detail) // Fire & Blood by George R. R. Martin (2018) // Game of Thrones s06e02 // House of the Dragon s01e01, s02e01, s02e04 // "Anguish" by August Friedrich Schenck, c. 1878 (detail)
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missglaskin · 9 months
I don't know how people never thought of this before, but I'm pretty sure Aemon Targaryen, son of Jaehaerys, has a size kink. Look how tall this man is, he can intimidate anyone
For this to work the reader is described as short and also afab 
Oh, he definitely has it, he’s described as standing at 6’2. You can see how he takes delight at times in teasing you of your height, watching as you struggle to reach for something before stepping in to assist, or that smug smile of his when you have to tiptoe to reach him for a kiss. 
He starts to notice the impact it has on himself- how easily he can tower over you, how small your hands feel against his as he fucks you. Allowing you time to adjust to his size, "too big" you would whimper as you squeezed his hand all while he praises you for taking him so well.
Aemon doesn’t like harming you; he’s a gentle lover. However, he enjoys the subtle control it gives him over you. How easy it is for him to crush you under his weight, aligning his hips with yours as he viciously hits your sweet spot. How easy it is to corner you against the wall, too eager that he'll hastily undo his belts and trousers to free his cock. His long fingers dig into your skin as he lifts your leg to his waist with his other hand covering your mouth to keep you quiet.
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alienoryva · 4 months
A targaryen name that only used by one person in the family ;
Aenar (Father of Daenys the dreamer)
Daenys (Daughter of Aenar the exile)
Maegon (Son of Aegon & Elaena/grandson of Daenys the dreamer & Gaemon the glorious)
Aelix (Son of Aerys/great-grandason of Daenys the dreamer)
Daemion (Youngest son of Aerys/great-grandson of Daenys the dreamer/father of lord Aerion/grandfather of the Conqueror siblings)
Aenys i (only child of Aegon the Conqueror & Rhaenys)
Aerea (Daughter of Aegon the uncrowned & Rhaena Targaryen/twins sister of septa-princess Rhaella Targaryen)
Maegelle (Sixth child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Vaegon (Seventh child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Viserra (Tenth child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Valerion (Twelfth child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Gael (Youngest/thirteenth child of Jaehaerys i & Alysanne)
Rhaenyra i (Daughter of Viserys i & Aemma Arryn)
Helaena (Daughter of Viserys i & Alicent Hightower)
Baela (Daughter of Daemon & Laena Velaryon/Twins sister of Rhaena)
Jaehaera (Daughter of Aegon ii & Helaena/Twins of Jaehaerys)
Daena (Eldest Daughter of Aegon iii & Daenaera Velaryon)
Naerys (Daughter of Viserys ii & Larra Rogarre)
Rhaegel (Third son of Daeron ii & Myriah Martell)
Maekar i (Youngest son of Daeron ii & Myriah Martell)
Aelor (Son of Rhaegel & Alys Arryn)
Aelora (Eldest Daughter of Rhaegel & Alys Arryn/Twins of Aelor)
Daenora (Youngest child/daughter of Rhaegel & Alys Arryn)
Valarr (Eldest son/child of Baelor the breakspear & Jena dondarrion)
Matarys (Youngest son/child of Baelor the breakspear & Jena dondarrion)
Rhae (Youngest daughter/child of Maekar i & Dyanna dayne)
Rhaelle (Youngest daughter/child of Aegon v & Betha Blackwood/grandmother of Robert i,stannis,renly Baratheon)
Rhaegar (Eldest son/child of Aerys the mad king & Rhaella)
Shaena (Second child/Eldest Daughter of Aerys the mad king & Rhaella)
NOTE: I didn't add the Targaryen name which only uses additional alphabet but the spelling is same (Saera & Shaera / Aemon & Aemond)
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The Prophecy - 1
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As said before, the celebration for Princess Mariana Targaryen's birth was indeed considered as the most lavish one happened in a decade.
All the lords of westeros and free cities came to king's landing to see the newborn Targaryen and participate in the hunting and tourneys conducted in the princess's honour.
A welcome feast was prepared for welcoming the lords and ladies staying at the palace.
The whole Targaryen family were sitting in a long table facing the lords with King Jaehaerys in the middle. Queen Alysanne sat on her husband's right side while Crown Prince Baelon sat on his left. His son Prince Viserys and his wife Princess Aemma sat beside him while Princess Rhaenys and her husband sat next to the Queen .
Prince Daemon was seen speaking with some lords from Lys and volantis. Recently,the young Prince had started to trade with the wealthy lords of the free cities.
Prince Baelon thought it would be a good experience for him but both the King and the Queen didn't think so as there was still raising tensions after the death of Prince Aemon Targaryen. Some lords of Lys and Braavos might have helped Dorne even though it is not proven by anyone.
Lord Rickon Stark of Winterfell had gifted books about the old gods and various dresses made of a wolf's fur hunted by him and his entourage to the little princess. He brought along his five summers past son,Cregan Stark, who curiously looked at the princess lying in the Queen's arms.
" Thank you , Lord Stark. It was nice to see all the lords gathered up for this occasion. " Queen Alysanne remarked . With all the festivities, the palace is looking very lively than ever.
" Then, you would be perplexed seeing the gift prepared by House Lannister,your grace"
 Lord Lannister said while shoving past the Lord of Winterfell. He presented a necklace huge enought to be worn by an adult made of pure gold along with other ornaments. All the jewels resembled  the lannister sigil - a Lion or silks in lannister red. Even though the gifts were harmless , the intent was apparent that lord lannister was hoping to arrange a betrothal to one of his sons. Mayhaps, the Lord had thought by being the first in line for the hand of the one day old Targaryen princess  may guarantee  them an upper hand.
  " We thank you for this wonderful gifts , Lord Lannister. I am sure my granddaughter can wear them when she becomes a lady which will 16 summers from now" 
Prince Viserys chuckled while Princess Aemma's smile tightened. She didn't want to think about her daughter's marriage only a day after her birth.
The King and Prince Baelon all had similar reactions in their faces whereas Princess Rhaenys sighed next to her husband. This was the fate expected of a Targaryen Princess - she can either marry one of her family member out of love like late Princess Alyssa or be some lady to one of the lords in westeros like late Lady Daella Arryn  .
While thinking about this ,  the members of House Targaryen didn't seem to notice a dark aura emitting from the rogue prince . His usually hot blood was boiling even higher at Lord Lannister's apparent intent . He want to cross over to his table and strangle him and his twin sons to death so that they may never think of his niece again.
However , if he want to kill every lord and heirs who were having intent of a betrothal to his niece , then Westeros won't have any lords anymore  by the time he finishes his rampage. 
Aside from that moment , the celebration went smoother with other lords gifting jewels, dresses and various land deeds for the princess.
For the next week, the royal tourney was held in the princess's honor. Several knights across Westeros had came to participate in the jousting contest. 
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The winner was obviously Prince Daemon Targaryen who had beaten against the heir of house tyrell who had broken his left arm . All the ladies who are of marriagiable age seem to lean closer towards him hoping to be crowned as his Queen of love and beauty.
With everyone's gaze turned on him , the Prince  went to the royal stand in his horse . As if reading his mind ,Princess Aemma slowly went near the stands with the Princess in her arms.
" As befitted for her , Princess Mariana Targaryen will be my Queen of Love and Beauty today." 
Prince Daemon proudly said while looking at his niece. He carefully placed the crown made up of dragon's breath on her head. The Princess was also curiously looking at him with the same intensity.
Everyone in the arena cheered as Princess Aemma displayed Princess Mariana to the crowd. Although they expected the Prince to offer the crown to a lady of a respectable House , it was acceptable for the Prince give it to his niece.However, everyone didn't seem to notice the possessiveness glinting in the Rogue Prince's eyes.
In the evening, a small celebration was held in the honor of the tourney's winner . As Prince Daemon was the winner, the royal family also attended the celebration.
The said Prince could be seen mingling with his fellow knights in the garden . While all of the sudden , Prince Baelon came to his side .
" Congratulations, son . Your mom and I are proud of you . " Even after his sister-wife's death , Crown Prince Baelon didn't remarry anyone. He still believes that she was always present near him.
" Thank you, Father. The fights were rather easy enough that I can close my eyes and still win every knights" Prince Daemon mocked his opponents .
" When I look at her eyes and hair , I see your mother in her , Daemon . It is like Alyssa had reborn again ." Prince Baelon said with pure sorrow in his eyes.
" Indeed she is , father." Prince Daemon said while looking at the sleeping form of his niece in her mother's arms.
In the future, Princess Mariana would cherish this day by being told by her Septa and maids .
Part 5
Author's Note: Sorry for the delay,guys . I am trying to balance time to write for my other stories. Do vote for the story if you sure like it.
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gotham-at-nightfall · 21 days
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Daemon meets Caraxes
By Acker
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midnight--sadness · 3 months
i love the way that a dragon's coloring is sometimes connected to its rider's family.
meraxes had silver scales and was ridden by rhaenys. rhaenys' son aenys had a dragon named quicksilver, and though we don't know her coloring, given her name and her pale white fire, it is probably silver as well. aenys' daughter alysanne had silverwing, described as a silvery dragon.
three generations of rulers who had silver she-dragons.
jaehaerys i rode vermithor, the bronze fury, and his son baelon the brave rode vhagar, who was described as bronze.
aemon and alyssa, brother and sister, both rode red dragons, caraxes and meleys, respectively.
rhaenyra has the yellow-gold syrax, and her son lucerys who rides arrax, described as having yellow fire and gold eyes and crest.
(could even connect this to aegon ii's sunfyre, who is golden and has pink membranes, matching to rhaenys' meleys and rhaena's morning, who is fully pink.)
helaena and daeron, also brother and sister, rode dreamfyre and tessarion, both blue dragons (although in different shades).
although we dont know his coloring, stormcloud, based on his name, was probably (dark) grey, which would match with the (light) grey color of seasmoke, who belonged to laenor, aegon iii's stepfather.
and of course, there is the connection between the conquerors' dragons balerion, meraxes and vhagar with dany's children drogon, viserion and rhaegal.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 5 months
“The whole point of the story is that both Rhaenyra and Aegon were unfit to rule.”
The point of the story is that in a patriarchal society, women would get usurped regardless what they do, and what kind of people they are.
Rhaena (firstborn child of King Aenys)
Rhaenys (only child of Prince Aemon, eldest son and heir of King Jaehaerys I)
Rhaenyra (firstborn child of King Viserys I)
The Dance of the Dragons is about how Rhaenyra Targaryen was usurped by her evil and greedy stepmother in favor of her own son (the story was originally called “The Princess and the Queen”).
This is an absolute monarchy. More than half of the monarchs who sat that throne, were unfit to rule. Nobody cares about that.
It’s about who is the rightful ruler.
The rightful ruler was Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen (just like Empress Matilda had been the rightful Queen of England).
And as a plus, out of all of King Viserys’ children, Rhaenyra is obviously the most qualified/most competent to sit the Iron Throne. There is no question about that.
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sweetbonniebel · 3 months
Jaes's hen jēdar
god's of the sky
Daemon x reader, Rhaenyra x reader, Qoren Martell x reader
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100 AC Dragonstone
Alysanne's youngest and most favored daughter, Gael, died during childbirth with her first child the princess y/n. Gael's death broke the good Queen, for she had outlived all but two of her children. No longer able to bear living at King's Landing and the Red Keep, Alysanne returned to Dragonstone. She died of a wasting illness on that took away most of the joys in her life, her body was cremated, and her ashes were interred on Dragonstone.
Little y/n watched curiously from her grandsire's arms her head tucked in his neck. She saw tears leaving the King's eyes, his expression somber and broken.
"My little princess." Jaehaerys whispered. With no parents of her own, the King became the guarding of his fifth grandchild. The little princess as the King affectionately called her became a crutch for the wise monarch just as her mother has been for Queen Alysanne.
His age prevented him from flying on dragon back as well as most of activities that brought him joy. Jaehaerys ordered that the crib of little y/n be moved to the chambers that once belonged to him and his sister-wife Queen Alysanne.
From then on princess y/n was always with the King. The old monarch played and read to the little child. Due to his condition Jaehaerys was bedridden for most of his days, rarely leaving his chambers. To the surprise of many his granddaughter accompanied him everywhere, to small council meeting, official suppers and many other. From then on the little princess was dubbed Jaehaerys's shadow.
101 AC Harenhall
„Mama who is that?” The great-granddaughter of King Jaehaerys princess Rhaenyra asked her mother, curiously watching the six year old girl talk to the king.
„This is your aunt, Rhaenyra.” Aemma whispered gently stroking Rhaenyra’s silver hair. „Her name is y/n. If the King allows it you two will be brought up together.”
„y/n…” Rhaenyra muttered leaning on her mothers shoulder looking intensely at the girl. „Can I show her Syrax?”
„Not today but one day my sweet” Aemma responded smiling at her daughters love for her steed.
„Aemma!” Viserys called searching for his wife. He stopped once he saw his daughter and wife awaiting at his presence.
„I am here my love.” Aemma said rising from the seat, her pregnant belly swollen and heavy. „Rhaenyra go with Daena to your nursery.”
After the death of Queen Alysanne and their two oldest sons Aemon and Baelon, Jaehaerys called upon the great council to decide the matter of succession. Fourteen claims have been brought before the council. Nine lesser claims were quickly discarded.
Archmaester Vaegon the only living son of the old king was passed over due to his vows, and Princess Rhaenys and her daughter Laena were passed over on account of their sex. The assembled lords then focused down on two major candidates: Prince Viserys Targaryen and Rhaenys's son Laenor Velaryon.
Primogeniture favored Laenor, as his mother, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, was the daughter of Prince Aemon Targaryen, who had been the eldest living son of King Jaehaerys. Yet proximity favored Viserys, who, in addition, had been the last Targaryen prince to ride Balerion.
Rhaenys stood proud with her husband Lord Corlys Velaryon and her young children at her side. Viserys along with his pregnant wife rivalled Rhaenys's claim. Despite the fondness the princess held for her cousin she despised him in this moment. She had more of a claim than Viserys but men would sooner put the realm to the torch than crown a woman.
The little girl was seated in her own little throne next to the King, she watching curiously the people before her. The soft giggles of his granddaughter brought Jaehaerys a moment of peace in this troubling moment. He was overly fond of his granddaughter, a sweet and charming babe she was, she reminded him of his first daughter, Daenerys.
In the end, the lords in the realm saw the most importance in having the male line taking precedence over the female line. While the maesters never revealed the actual numbers, it was rumored that Prince Viserys had won by a twenty to one vote.
Begrudgingly Rhaenys's supporters accepted the great council's choice. The realm decided to name Viserys the heir to the Iron Throne and prince of Dragonstone.
101 AC Red Keep 
The wise King Jaehaerys threw a great feast in honour of his granddaughters eight name day. No expense was spared, lords from all over the realm gathered in king's landing to attend the celebration.
Little y/n watched curiously from her grandfather's lap. Her little fingers playing with the material of the King's attire.
The king held fondness in his heart for his granddaughter. A happy and lively girl. So much unlike Gael, who cried restlessly. He smiled at the memory of his late daughters.
The six year old clumsily played with her food, she stared at her grandsire and the court before them.
The celebration continued lords and ladies danced, drank and ate their fill. It was almost after the hour of the owl that the guests began to return to their chambers.
"Come little princess, I must show you something."
The old king summoned the commander of the King's guard ser Gyles Morrigen, and ordered a carriage to be prepared at once.
"Your grace it is unwise for you to leave the keep at this time." Ser Gyles said unsure.
"I will hear none of it." The king muttered and the carriage took off towards the dragopit.
The little princess awoke once the carriage stopped at the gates of the dragonpit. She looked around curiously and looked back at her grandsire.
"Zaldrīzes!" The little girl mumbled holding onto the king's clothes. The king nodded and led them to where his steed the bronze fury rested. (Dragons)
"Bring Vermithor." The King ordered the stationed dragon keepers. The bronze fury lazily stepped out of the dragonpit "Issa jorrāelagon raqiros" (my dear friend)
The large beast looked at his rider than at the little girl next to the old King. In turn the girl let go of her grandsire's hand and took confident steps towards the dragon. The King watched curiously, nobody has ever dared to approach his steed with such confidence.
"Mithor!" The girl said, her chubby hands clapped. The bronze fury looked curiously at the little human before him. He laid his large head on the ground next to the baby. "Mithor" The girl repeated, as she was one step away from the beast. With no hesitance, she laid her head on the dragons snout, lightly petting his once shiny scales.
The king looked at the scene before him in awe. The blood of old Valyria was strong in his little princess, a future dragon lord he thought. Just like Aegon the conqueror has been. He watched as his granddaughter talked and petted the bronze fury. His body ached yet he smiled, moments passed in serene silence. But the pain soon became unbearable for the old King.
"Come y/n, we must return." The king said interrupting the bonding of his steed with his grandchild. The girl run up to him obediently, petting Vermithor one last time. The king took little y/n by her hand and returned to the carriage.
"You my grandchild may not have been what was desired but you are no less dear to me." He said to the child "Once I pass your brother will inherit the crown but you my little princess will claim Vermithor. You will make house Targaryen stronger than it has ever been."
"Grandsire can you tell me a story?" You pleaded sitting on Jaehaerys's bed, the king smiled.
"What would you wish to hear?" He asked quietly, his voice raspy and hoarse.
"What was grandsire Aegon like?"
"Oh sweet child... I was your age when he died. My father your great grandsire Aenys became King but he wasn't well loved."
"Then your uncle Maegor took the throne after his death." You said quietly.
"Yes, he usurped my elder brother Aegon. But many didn't think that Maegor's accession as treason, they were worried that my brother would be a weak king like our father." Jaehaerys said reminiscing his past "He was King for five years, until his mysterious death."
"Mysterious?" You questioned staring up at your grandsire's face from his lap.
"In the same day as Lord Rogar Baratheon declared me King, Maegor died impaled by the swords of the Iron Throne." The king said "Many believe that the Iron Throne is capable of killing anyone unfit of it."
"Have you ever been cut, grandfather?" You asked curiously.
"I have not, no."
"Was Aegon rejected by the throne?" Your grandsire let out a chuckle and shook his head.
"Aegon built it sweet girl. He was the one that conquered the seven kingdoms."
"Except of Dorne." You added.
"That is true, but we have won four wars against Dorne." Your grandsire noticed you were not convinced "What would you do to bring Dorne under our rule?"
You perked up at his question and thought for a moment.
"War has done nothing to bring Dorne into the seven kingdoms, perhaps a marriage would be more successful." Jaehaerys raised his long silver eyebrows.
"Who would you offer to Dorne?" He questioned curiously.
"Princess Mara has a son Qoren, I would offer an engagement to him as he is the next Prince of Dorne."
"Would you marry him?"
"If it would aid your rule grandfather then yes." You stated confidently.
"Even if you have never met him?"
You nodded cautiously.
"I can get to know him..."
"If you wish I could invite him to court." You smiled and laid down on his lap. "Your great great grandsire would be very proud of you, too smart for your own good."
You smiled up at the wise King as he caressed your hair.
"He was charismatic yet commanding, but many did not know him. His only friend was Orys Baratheon his half-brother. He spoke to my elder brothers Aegon and Viserys and myself of the conquest, of Old Valyria and the Dragonlords before him."
"Like Gaemon the Glorious?" You asked curiously
"Yes sweet girl, in 114 before the conquest he along with his father Aenar and Daenys the dreamer came to Westeros before the doom of old Valyria."
"I wish to know what Valyria was like." You murmured thinking of the ancient civilisation.
"Valyria was filled with Dragonlords, Targaryens were one of the minor houses that populated the peninsula. But through dreams we became the most powerful house in the known world."
As your grandsire told you stories of your ancestors sleep began to take over you.
In a month Prince Qoren arrived in the Red Keep, you were giddy to meet the boy. You stood behind your brothers as they welcomed him in the royal courtyard. A blush appeared on your cheeks as you saw the future Prince of Dorne.
"Your highnesses." He bowed his head as he approached you all with his entourage. Rhaenyra giggled as she saw the blush appear on your features.
"Hush." You whispered to her, she snuck out her tongue.
Qoren was not a lot older than you, only five years. Despite being only one and ten he was a handsome boy. Your grandsire to ill to receive his new guest stayed in his chambers, opting for meeting the prince during supper.
"It is a pleasure to be meeting you Prince Qoren." Viserys said, his wife Aemma standing beside him.
"His Grace has invited you to supper this evening." Aemma said leaning on Viserys's shoulder. The boy nodded and smiled.
"A great honour, thank you your highnesses."
You smiled at his charm, you couldn't wait for the supper to begin so you could meet the prince and get to know him.
Daemon however didn't seem too pleased with the Dornishman's presence, he scowled at the prince. You giggled at your brother's obvious resentment towards a boy almost ten years younger. Rhaenyra however was pleased with a new face in court.
"What do you think of him?" Rhaenyra whispered to your ear as Qoren was led away by servants to his new chambers.
"I have not even met him, therefore I cannot say."
"I bet you look forward to meeting him though." She cheekily answered placing her head on your shoulder, you giggled and nodded. Daemon's scowl seemed to grow even bigger.
Quickly hours passed and your maids appeared to dress you. A pale purple dress with wide sleeves and embroidered silver dragons at the side. You smiled gleefully as the maids tied the gown on you. Soon ser Ryam Redwyne knocked on the doors of your chambers to escort you. You smiled seeing the dark haired knight.
"Princess." He bowed his head
"Ser Redwyne." You answered a wide smile on your face "I hope you are doing well."
"With your presence princess I am." The knight answered and led you to the small council chamber where the supper was to take place.
The walk through Maegor's holdfast was quick and quaint, the spare nobles and servants bowed as you walked by them.
You saw that only your grandsire was present, you skipped towards him and placed a kiss on his wrinkled cheek. He smiled seeing you.
"Good morrow y/n" Jaehaerys said placing his bony hand on your silver locks affectionately.
"Where is everyone?" You asked sitting on his left.
"I have asked them to come later." His grace answered and you nodded "I wish to ask you something sweet girl... Do you want to marry?"
You looked a bit dumbfounded at your grandsire.
"One day, as is my duty." You answered
"Your grandmother was the one to arrange marriages for half the realm, I think she would support my intuition... I wish to know what you think of Prince Qoren once the supper is over."
"Certainly." You mumbled your conversation was cut short as the room began to fill. Viserys and his family along with Daemon, the small council along with Rhaenys and her family the last to enter was Prince Qoren himself. He sat next to you as was the King's desire.
"Princess y/n" Qoren said as glanced at you.
"Prince Qoren it is nice to meet you" You mumbled a bit shy. The curly haired boy smiled your way.
"You look very beautiful, princess." He said, a small smile on his lips.
"Thank you, you look very handsome yourself."
Jaehaerys smiled seeing his favourite grandchild happy and laughing. Soon the servants arrived with various dishes ranging from roasted pigs to pies. The cups were full of wine and laughter echoed through the small council chamber.
"Perhaps we could visit the gardens on the morrow?" Qoren asked quietly, you nodded and smiled.
"I would enjoy that very much." You answered, you said your goodbyes with the prince as he returned to your chambers. Feeling a bit tired yourself you decided to retire. The adults drank and laughed.
You laid comfortably in the canopy bed, the cool breeze of spring caressed your covered body. As you were drifting off to sleep you heard shuffling, you glanced around your room the search for the source of the noise.
"Rhaenyra?" You asked as the princess climbed into your bed. "What are you doing here? You should be in your chambers, it is late."
"Do you like him?" Rhaenyra teased and a blush appeared on your cheeks.
"Do I like who?" You answered evading her question. Rhaenyra rolled her eyes. You sighed admitting defeat.
"He is nice." You mumbled playing with your fingers. The silver haired princess smiled at your answer.
"Grandsire will be pleased then." Rhaenyra murmured "He found you a husband without much difficulty."
"I am too young to marry Rhaenyra..!" You whispered angrily.
"But you want to marry him if you do then you will become Princess y/n of Dorne!" She sang jumping on your bed.
"What if I want to marry him?"
"Marriage is boring, boys are boring!" She said her brows furrowed and a scowl appeared on her face. "You should stay with me, we would eat cake and listen to songs and dance!"
"But it won't be that way..." You said sadly "Sooner or later you and I will have to marry and produce children."
"I will never ever have children!" Rhaenyra stated crossing her arms as she sat in front of you. "The babies in mama's belly never come and that makes mama and papa sad."
"If you say so Rhaenyra." You said sadly stroking the realm's delight hair. She leaned into your touch and laid next to you, quickly falling asleep. It soon became a habit that Rhaenyra slept in your chambers instead of her own. You did not mind, at night it was awfully quiet in the Red Keep and you felt alone.
"I envy you..." You whispered when you made sure that the silver haired princess fell asleep.
You awoke early the sun was barely over the horizon, Rhaenyra sprawled herself all over your bed. You sighed and covered the girl with blankets and left her to sleep.
The castle was quiet, not wanting to bother your maids you dressed yourself. A burgundy dress with gold vines embroidered on the corsage, the sleeves reached your elbows but the material continued.
Perhaps after breaking fast with your grandsire, you will walk the garden's with Qoren. It was a pleasant thought, at your door stood ser Clement Crabb.
"Ser Clement." You said "Could you please escort me to my grandsire?" You asked politely at the elder knight.
"Of course, princess." He said and walked ahead through Maegor's holdfast.
"y/n?" Jaehaerys asked from his bed as you entered his chambers, the smell of incense abused your nose.
"Good morrow, grandfather." You said happily and skipped towards the old King. "Ser Clement could you ask for breakfast to be brought?"
The knight nodded and left the chambers.
"You seem happy." Jaehaerys stated, as you helped him sit up in his bed, placing sating pillows behind his back.
"I am excited yes. I am to spend the afternoon with Prince Qoren."
"Ah, yes..." The King nodded and smiled. "What do you think of him? Is he worthy?"
"He is... clever and thoughtful." Your voice was thin "I hope to get to know him better today. But I do enjoy his presence and look forward to the stroll."
"That is good, sweet girl. He should be honoured merely by your presence."
"Grandsire!" You chuckled at his grace's boldness.
"I know it will be some time till you are eligible to marry but I wish to give you the choice of a suitor. Gods know that forcing a Targaryen to marry only brings misery."
"Is that why you married grandmother?"
"Precisely little dragon, our mother tried to marry her off to Orryn Baratheon hearing this she came to me and we fled to Dragonstone and wed." Jaehaerys reminisced about the past, the happiest days of his life were spent on Dragonstone with Alysanne.
The servants arrived with plates of fruits and cheeses, oatmeal and pies. Ser Ryam Redwyne helped your grandsire sit in a chair on the balcony of his chambers. You laughed as you ate occasionally helping his grace.
"Your Grace." The Kingsguard interrupted, you stared curiously at the famed knight. "Prince Qoren is here." Jaehaerys nodded and the Dornish man entered.
"Prince Qoren come." He asked and the prince obliged taking a seat on your left. "My granddaughter is very fond of pomegranates... I assume that they grow abundantly in Dorne."
"Oh yes, your grace. After all Dorne is the main export of exotic fruits." The dark haired prince answered a confident smile on his lips. You caught on, your grandsire was a very smart man.
"Grandsire, I think that the fruits that grow in Dorne are not his biggest interest." You mused cutting a piece of a fruit pie.
"As the future prince of Dorne I must be well aquainted with the land I will rule. That includes the fruit." He jested, the king smiled and chuckled. Your Grandsire quickly tiered himself, you helped him to his bed as the servants took away the plates.
"Please help yourself to the leftovers." You said to the servants, they nodded thankfully and left. "Prince Qoren shall we walk to the gardens?"
"As you wish princess." He responded and took you by the arm and you walked to Rhaenys's gardens escorted by Ser Clement.
"Thank you for sparing me the time of day, your highness." Qoren spoke glancing at you with his brown orbs.
"You do not need to be so modest, my prince."
"It is not everyday I get to be graced with the presence of a princess of the realm." You smiled bashfully at Qoren.
"You are too kind."
"I cannot help it, you are perfection itself." Qoren said
"Should I be like my aunt Viserra and simply agree?" You jested, the dark haired boy chuckled.
"I would not blame you princess."
You strolled comfortably through the gardens of the red keep. The prince proved to be wonderful company, charming and funny.
"Your Highness I know that we are much too young." The prince began taking your hand in his "But I would be honoured if you considered me as a potential husband." A bit appaled and flustered you simply nodded. The prince smiled bashfully and kissed your hand.
A few letters were exchanged between King Jaehaerys and Princess Mara. The fruit of these negotiations became the betrothal of Prince Qoren Martell and Princess y/n Targaryen. If the pair were to conceive a child, Dorne would officially become a part of the seven Kingdoms. Without war or conquest the wise King, the Conciliator managed to complete the work of his grandsire. But it wouldn't happen if it weren't for his beloved grandchild, princess y/n.
Prince Qoren stayed at court for many moons but word has spread that his mother Princess Mara has fallen ill. Worried for his mother he decided to return back to the south. Tears glossed over your eyes as you learnt that Qoren had to leave.
"Do not cry princess." He said as you stared bitterly at the ground.
"I am not crying." You stubbornly said, Qoren laughed at your words.
"I will see you soon, y/n."
"Promise me you'll be back." You whispered taking the boys hand, a small smile appeared on his thin lips.
"I promise." He said and placed a kiss to your cheek, tears dropped from your red orbs as you engulfed Qoren into a hug. "We will marry soon princess and then I will never leave your side."
"Promise it! Promise it on the old Gods and the new." You said strongly into his chest.
"I Prince Qoren of House Martell, future Prince of Dorne promise by the old Gods and the new that we will marry and that I will never leave your side until the stranger comes."
"I Princess y/n of House Targaryen, promise by the old Gods and the new that I will be by your side until the stranger comes." You said your vows after letting Qoren go.
"Goodbye, princess." He whispered and pressed a kiss against your forehead.
You watched as he climbed on his sand steed, salty tears stained your cheeks as you watched him leave.
102 AC Red Keep
When the bells rung, maids and guards kept y/n away from her grandsire's chambers.
The king is dead.
Tears flowed from the red orbs of the Targaryen Princess. The halls around her felt suffocating, silence rang in her ears. She stared intently at the doors of her grandsire's chambers.
y/n ran from the stench of death and yet it followed her. The cold feeling of the stranger hot on her tail. Before she knew it, her feet had taken her to the stables. She quickly jumped on a horse that was closest to her. Without a saddle she galloped through the busy streets of King's Landing. Even in the hour of the eel, the laughter of whores and lords echoed through the city.
Tears streamed down y/n's ample cheeks. She saw the dome of the dragonpit. Easily evading the dragon keepers she snuck into the many caves of the structure, easily finding her way to the bronze fury. It was as if she was simply following after a thread. Knowing where he was despite not stepping a foot in the dragon pit before.
"Vermithor?" y/n asked looking around the vast cave littered with bones, a deep grumble made her turn her gaze. The bronze fury rested on the ground, his nostrils expelled smoke. The dragon instantly stared at the girl before him. Without a second though she threw herself at Vermithor's snout petting his horns.
"māzigon, ivestragī īlva sōvegon hēnkirī" y/n pleaded her cheek pressed against his bronze scales. Vermithor roared, one wing moved then the other, his maw opened and closed. y/n looked expectantly at the bronze fury. When the beast lowered his head in her direction she smiled and climbed atop of the old steed of her grandsire. (come, let us fly together)
"Ivestragī's jikagon, Vermithor!" The dragon roared and rised from his position moving expertly among the many corridors of the dragonpit. When the light of the moon reached her eyes she laughed excitedly. Taking Vermithors reins and deepening her seat in the brown and gold saddle. "Sōves, Vermithor!" (Let's go! Fly!)
The beast roared and spread his wings, taking flight. The dragon keepers shouted and exclaimed as they noticed the bronze fury leaving the dragonpit, atop his back the little princess laughed and smiled at the people under her. The dragon took off and y/n screamed with happiness.
Grandsire I have done what you told me. I have claimed Vermithor.
While the bells rung signalising King's Jaehaerys's death the city watched as the bronze fury circled the Red Keep. Golden fire escaping it's maw.
The body of the wise and beloved King Jaehaerys of House Targaryen, the First of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm laid wrapped in cloth at the burning pyre. Vermithor looked on from the hills at the royal funeral. The high Septon said his prayers in honour of the late King. Thousands of nobles and small folk gathered to witness the funereal of the beloved King.
"May he rest with his sister wife Queen Alysanne and their many children. The god's blessed their union and King Jaehaerys's rule. We are surrounded by the fruits of his labour."
y/n looked on with sad eyes at the pyre before her. The body of her beloved grandsire wrapped in cloth. Her gaze travelled from her cousins to her brothers. She examined their saddened expressions. Then she looked at the bronze fury, he too looked sad, his dark eyes focused on the corpse of his former rider.
"y/n, my sweet it is time." The new Queen Aemma whispered to her sister in law. The seven year old looked at the silver haired woman and nodded. The little princess let go of Rhaenyra hand and stepped forward.
Vermithor roared and his throat begun to bubble with fire. The dragon breathed at the pyre. The flames delicately caressed y/n cheek, the same way Jaehaerys used to do. Salty tears flowed from the red eyes of the little princess.
The princess y/n Targaryen became the youngest dragon rider in recorded history. On the same night as her grandsire passed she secretly mounted the bronze fury at just eight years of age. This only shows the bond that y/n held with the dragon. -From the dragon bringer by the feather and quill of Grand Maester Roland.
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the-fiction-witch · 3 months
Orland & Opheila P3
Media - House Of The Dragon Character - Aegon Targaryen Couple - Aegon X Reader Reader - Shela (Fleabottom Smallfolk Girl) Rating - Spooky Word Count - 1193
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Aegon's face turned pale as he caught sight of his brother, Aemond, pressing a blade perilously close to Shela's neck, and panic quickly overcame him. His heart raced as he grappled with the overwhelming fear of seeing her in such grave danger. In that moment, he longed to gather the children into his arms and shield them from his brother's threat, yet he understood the importance of keeping them concealed.
"I was hoping you'd disappeared," Aemon smirked his tone pointed and cruel, 
"Why are you here?" Aegon asked, 
"Mother sent me to find you,"
"Must you always obey her every whim,"
"On this occasion, yes."
"She sent me to find you, here I am,"
"Yes I understand that, why did she want you to find me? None of you have much a care for my comings and goings normally," 
"Father is dead," he said,
"Wh-what?" Aegon stuttered, 
"Father is dead." Aemon said once more, "So Mother wants you home"
"Is our father truly dead?"
"Yes. And they're going to make you king." 
"I do not wish to rule, I have to taste for duty."
"You'll get no arguments from me,"
"Then let me go. Say you couldn't find me. I will find a ship and I shall leave you will never hear from me again,"
"How I wish it could be that simple,"
"It can be. You have my word I will leave on the first ship to the east and you will never hear a word from me so long as I live. You will be king."
Aemond stopped a moment his eye glaring into Aegon's with a dark mistrust,
"I swear to you. I will. Just please... let her go. and leave us be."
"Mama!" Ophelia cried in panic having peaked out from under the bed, 
"It's okay sweetheart," Aegon spoke trying to calm her, "It'll be okay."
"Bring them out," Aemond demanded,
"No," Aegon answered,
"Bring. Them. Out." Aemon commanded tightening his grip on the tearful Shela, 
"Orland, Ophelia. Come here my darlings, come to daddy." Aegon spoke fearfully, 
Aegon watched as the twins cautiously emerged, inch by inch, from under the bed. He could see the fear in their eyes as they clutched onto his legs for security. Gently, he reached down and stroked their heads, soothing their anxieties as best as he could. Despite their trembling, Aegon was determined to keep them close, ensuring their safety and enveloping them with his love and protection.
"Please Please-" Shela begged,
But Aemond tightened his grip, "Not a word. Or I gut them both."
"No! Aemond please!" Aegon begged, "Don't hurt her. Or them. your issue is with me not with them." Aegon said,
"Fine," Aemond allowed Shela to go, tossing her to the floor with a dismissive gesture. The children, startled by the commotion, quickly rushed to her side. As they reached her, she enveloped them in a tight embrace, wiping their tears offering a sense of comfort and security. Sensing the urgency of the situation, Aegon instinctively positioned himself protectively in front of all three of them, ready to shield them from any potential harm. "You are coming with me to the castle, and to our mother." 
"No. I am not." Aegon commanded, "I am handing you the throne, and the crown on a silver platter. Take it. I don't want it and I shall never bother you again so long as you take it a go," 
"You are father's heir."
"Rhaenyra is father's Heir!" 
"You are father's first male heir. We both know the people won't accept Rhaenyra," 
"I don't care, I don't want the crown. I will not fight with her over something I don't want!" He said, "I am giving it to you!"
"... Even so, I would only be king until your son Jaehaerys came of age." 
"Not if I am not crowned,"
"Even so."
"...Then are we to speak plainly?"
"Of what?"
"Of Jaehaerys," 
"what about him?"
Aegon sighed and glared at his brother, "He is no son of mine," 
"How can you be so sure?"
"I know." Aegon answered, "I shared Helaena's bed once. The night of our wedding, for the bedding ceremony and to uphold my duty to her. But I have not shared her bed since." Aegon explained, "I know those children are not mine, so... let us speak plainly, if you take the throne and admit that they are your children, you will rule with them as your heirs."
"And you?"
"And I will leave, go east with... with my family you will not hear a single word from me I promise you," 
"why would I trust you?"
"I swear to you. On my life."
"I don't care about your life," 
"... On them. On my children. I love them with all my heart, I want to be a better man for them I want to be a father they will love and I want to cherish them. I do not want to cast them away as bastards born of a smallfolk girl, never to see their father, to forever look over their shoulders fearful of their fates for what they are." Aegon explained, his body trembling as he spoke, "I want to marry her, I want my children to be loved and kept close to me always. This is what I want not the crown so by all means bother take it, take it and do as you wish just let us go."
"You will leave the city. Tonight."
"I will I swear it." 
"If I hear you are in kings landing from dawn, I will remove your head, and hers, and theirs," Aemond warned,
"I know," Aegon nodded,
Aemond gave a solemn nod, the weight of his actions heavy upon him. He found himself contemplating if he truly desired this path, but deep down, he was unwavering in his decision. "Goodbye Aegon."
"Goodbye Brother." Aegon nodded, 
Aegon stood near the foot of the stairs, his gaze following his brother's every step as he ascended. With each passing moment, it felt as if an insurmountable distance was growing between them, deepening the ache in Aegon's heart. He couldn't shake the sense of finality, a resolute knowing that he would never lay eyes on his brother again. The thought was a heavy weight on his chest, threatening to consume him. Yet, as he turned away, it was Shela's embrace around Orland and Ophelia that provided him with a bittersweet reassurance. In that moment, he found solace in the belief that he had made the right choice, despite the pain it brought.
He fell to his knees and held Shela in his arms kissing her lips softly but the kiss full of love, when he pulled back he wiped her panicked tears and wrapped his arms around Orland and Ophelia giving both as many kisses as he could manage, 
"What.. are we to do Daddy?" Orland asked, 
Shela gazed at him, her eyes widening as a look of unease washed over her.
"...Pack all your toys little ones, we're going for a ride on daddy's dragon," He told them, 
The children were so eager to pack their toys that they didn't require any additional reminders. They meticulously gathered each and every toy, ensuring that nothing would be left behind.
"Shela we-"
"I know," she stopped him, "Pack their things, get them ready. And we shall leave... together."
"Together," He nodded giving her another kiss, 
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Much has already been said about the various ways that Jaehaerys has neglected, demeaned, and abused his daughters, so I'm going to talk about their marriages (particularly for the younger girls).
Daella and Viserra are both matched off to much older men who already have heirs of their own from a first wife - any children of theirs would inherit nothing. Then there's Saera - Jaehaerys considered all of her teenage companions to be promising matches, except they're really not. They are heirs, but Houses Mooton, Connington, and Beesbury aren't particularly impressive. They're not Lords Paramount (Rodrik Arryn - Daella) and they're not even prominent vassals (Theomore Manderly - Viserra).
So, what gives? Why is Jaehaerys organizing such terrible marriages for his daughters?
My theory: he's intentionally organizing bad matches as a means of limiting the number of half-Targaryens who could one day challenge for the Iron Throne.
The formative experience of his childhood was Maegor usurping the Throne, and one of the challenges of his early reign was Rogar Baratheon attempting a coup to crown his niece Rhaella (who may or may not have been Aerea). Queen Rhaena could have pushed her own claim after Maegor died, and Jaehaerys is lucky that she didn't. Then there's Aerea, an angry teenage girl who was upset about losing her position as heir and upset about being stuck on Dragonstone with her mother, who went and claimed Balerion when left unsupervised. Imagine if she'd successfully commanded Balerion to fly to King's Landing to push her claim - that's not a fight Jaehaerys and Alysanne could have won.
Branches of House Targaryen are a threat. Nieces and nephews and cousins with Targaryen blood are a threat. If preventing that threat means marrying all of his girls off to old men and letting their children inherit nothing, then so be it. Aemon and Baelon are the only ones who really matter.
Jaehaerys wanted to give Alyssa to his heir Aemon, but Alysanne insisted she was "for Baelon," so he accepts this one branch while keeping an eye on them. He ensures his sons are close and sets up Baelon as a future Hand of the King for Aemon. Viserys and Daemon don't receive cradle eggs, and neither one of them claims a dragon (or is allowed to claim, if I were to guess) until after their father Baelon becomes heir apparent. When an eventual succession crisis arrives, Jaehaerys settles the issue clearly and publicly through a Great Council.
As for the other possible branches? Even if all of his younger daughters had married, even if all of them had sons, those sons wouldn't be in any position to challenge the Throne. Maybe a half-Targaryen Lord Arryn would be a threat; a third son of House Arryn wouldn't be, nor would a fourth son of House Manderly. A half-Targaryen Lord Mooton or Connington or Beesbury could never muster an army or gather enough support for his claim. If his daughters have daughters? As evidenced by Aemma, they'll have no better prospects than a Targaryen prince as husband.
His daughters have no value as people who deserve happiness. They're either brides for his sons, tools to be used, or obstacles to be removed.
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