#maestro comes out of my piano and im just like
hyperfixationsposting · 4 months
i need to know what the maestro’s reaction would be to being called hot because i think it’d be so funny- they pop out of a piano to scare someone and instead of running away the person is just like “ ... wow, you’re hot. ” 😭.
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ralexsol · 3 months
watching "Listen" from 12 and then directly afterwards "The Devil's Chord" from 15 was the wrong decision on my part. it only made the devil's chord that much more painful. like listen isn't like an insanely good episode or anything but it. actually feels like a sci-fi show. and it has a very touching ending with clara and kid doctor.
a better comparison would be with "Robot of Sherwood" from 12 vs. devil's chord. they're both the 2nd episode of their respective doctors, with the plot being the companion's "i've always wanted to go to-" dream. both are EXCELLENT companion dreams: robin hood and the beatles. both have INSANE levels of potential for shenanigans between people of legendary status and doctor + companion. but um. one is done incredibly and the other is. not.
Robot of Sherwood: start in the TARDIS with doctor & companion. wanna see robin hood, oh but robin hood is not real - and wow, an idea held by a character in the intro scene will actually play a key role in both the comedy AND emotional charge for the entire episode! for the rest of the episode, you have robin hood as the 3rd protagonist in TONS of scenes, with iconic characters as his merry men and the sheriff making appearances. and look, an actual sci-fi thing going on! the guards are robots and they're stealing gold for their spaceship! cool!! and then the emotion-based ending of the doctor and robin relating over being legendary heroes who will only be remembered as such.
The Devil's Chord: start in unknown location with piano guy and his student. that's fine, it's setting up the plot, sure. get some fun piano playing and holy shit okay the villain is right here and just immediately showing their entire hand and purpose?? okay so they're killing people because they want music to themself. okay, they seem cool enough, there must be some interesting thing about them that we'll learn later. switch to TARDIS, wanna see the beatles, let's go!, montage of them watching famous musicians be shit at EMI studios. oh hey it's george martin the producer of the beatles thats fun!! annnnnnd he has more lines than ringo and george combined and this is basically the last time we will see half of the beatles! um. okay. i am dead serious half the beatles have about 2-3 lines between them and they only speak in 1 fucking scene. there's a cool scene with paul & doctor and ruby & john, i really liked how they explained the disappearance of music and the inherent terror everyone seemed to feel of the maestro (the villain) coming to get them. the scene on the rooftop is cool! im a pianist and i love orchestral music so i really liked that. but i was so terrified she was going to start singing at any moment because i cannot handle any more cringe-worthy songs in this show i just can't. this is not a musical. anyway, the whole episode falls apart when you realize oh the beatles arent actually what this episode is about and oh the maestro is literally just the character that you saw in the intro scene and they have no twist motive and no emotional charge and yeah they're the toymaker's kid so they're a "force of nature" and not an alien with cool science and they just want allll the music. and then there's long "fight" scenes and then john and paul save the day without saying a single word in a 15-second long total shot. and then there's a fully fever-dream level dance and song montage.
i dont know too much about peoples' opinions on 15 so far cause ive had spoiler tags blocked for months, but from what i HAVE seen, it's been really positive. am i blind? am i stupid? am i bigoted????? why dont i like the vibes of this season?? maybe im just spiraling because ive been so hyped to watch the beatles episode as a beatles fan for MONTHS and just can't cope with ringo and george being written out. ive only seen 3 episodes w 15. i so hope it gets better. please let it be better. if they do another musical number i will kill something. i will spontaneously combust.
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certifiedgoofball · 4 months
so i finally watched the devil's chord and i. AUGH!!!! UEUHGH!!!!!!! i watched space babies a couple days ago and it was good ofc but i felt like it was missing something but devil's chord was literally fucking PERFECT. it was scary and emotional and silly and weird all at the same time and i almost cried and i got so many goosebumps and i just AAHH!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE EP UNDER THE CUT. GIANT RANT. I AM AUTISM.
i already have a giant bias towards the episode cuz one of my longest interests has been music and instruments but oh my fucking GOD the way they talked about music and hearing classical songs that i knew almost sent me to tears IM NOT JOKING. ruby playing the piano was so awesome and hearing saint saen's danse macabre made me feel like i was going to ascend into the heavens. putting doctor who and classical music, two of my biggest interests, together, was the best thing imaginable. I LITERALLY CANT DESCRIBE HOW HAPPY THIS EPISODE MAKES ME.
SECONDLY, I LOVED MAESTRO. like the toymaker (who i also adore so SO incredibly much), they have this silly evilness to them that makes them so INTERESTING!!! and then finding out maestro is the child of the toymaker was EVERYTHING. BECAUSE IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. jinkx monsoon, the person that plays maestro, says some stuff about them that explains why i love them so much. "When human rules don't apply to you, you get to do whatever you want. You don't have to worry about whether your emotions make sense to people because you don't have to answer to them." and "What I love about Maestro is that, while objectively evil, they are an artist, they have a mission statement. " THESE ARE THE EXACT REASONS I LOVE THE TOYMAKER AND MAESTRO SO MUCH. both of them are other-worldly beings. they're gods of their own realms. they're dramatic and passionate and so dead-set on getting what they want. but its not just about getting what they want, its about having fun with it and turning it into a show. because what's the point in going out if you cant go out with a BANG?
something else i loved was the doctor in this episode. ncuti gatwa's doctor, like david tennant's, is so extremely emotional and passionate and it makes me want to SOB. the doctor mentioning his granddaughter? TEARS IN MY EYES. "i can only smile like this because ive lost so much" SOBBING ON THE FLOOR. the 15th doctor has already been so emotional and i know im gonna cry so so much while he's around. BUT THATS SOMETHING I LOVE ABOUT DOCTOR WHO. because it can be so silly and weird and funny and then it can turn around and be spine-chilling and emotional ALL IN THE SAME EPISODE. because when you think about it, the story of the doctor is HEARTBREAKING. and when that side of him comes out you HAVE to expect the waterworks.
AND THEN RUBY THE ENTIRE EPISODE ???? i know theres something up with her and i just OH MY GOD!!! BECAUSE THE SNOW??? THIS EPISODE AND LAST EPISODE? AND THE SOUND OF CHRISTMAS?????? im gnawing on the bars of my enclosure I NEED TO KNOW. shes so interesting I CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT because its like who's her mom?? whys she able to do the snow thing?? how did she have a song in her ????? AND MAESTRO SAYING THINGS LIKE "no he couldnt be there" "the old one couldn't've been there" WHO IS THAT. WHAT DO YOU MEAN.
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terranceholdsapencil · 4 months
Okay I watched the devils chord now so some thoughts and moments under the cut
S14e03 "the devil's chord" doctor who spoilers
-knocking from inside a piano after someone played a tritone is actually the coolest fucking entrance
-"Henry, get away from him" "Them." "What" "Me." "What." "Im - them" "Youre who?" "YOure who"
Half of this is actually just the way maestro says things it DOES something to me
ANd its playing on the JUKEBOX
-the way theyre walking around the tardis after changing. California soul in the background. Im in love theyre having so much fun.
-"nineteen sixty thrEEHEHEHEY!"
-fun and humming conga line music on a zebra crossing. Im in LOVE
-"How do we get in? Wont they ask who we are?" "ngE"
-the way 15 and ruby giggle.
-"Ive got a dog and hes called fred"
-"You take John Lennon Ill take Paul McCartney"
-susan mentioned. One referenced. I miss them. Also susan is not dead. I dont care if she never turns up again. She is not dead because I said so.
-something about the way 15 leans on the wall and looks at the city while ruby plays
-the orchestra tuning in on her playing after a while. Maybe its cause Im so happy theres new doctor who but I got goosebumps
-the arpeggio giggle oh my god I LOVE IT
-the tuning fork??? Even ignoring the gorgeous outfit the TUNING FORK???
-at this point I wanted to look if there was a german dub (cause thats my native language). There wasnt. But there was a czech dub, and Im half czech. So I turned that on for a second. And let me tell you, Maestros voics in the czech dub?? Once again. I am IN LOVE.
-sincr when can the sonic just turn off sound
-the workaround with the water was actually great
-i couldnt take "i dont know, Ruby, that is the point, I dont. know." "BUT YOU ALWAYS KNOW-" "I DONT. " seriously cause ruby basically just met him. And literally just last ep he didnt know things. This moment doesnt hit because the first part doesnt ring true yet. I think thats my general problem?? I LOVE ruby and 15 but theyre so familiar and close and stuff but theyve known each other for a VERY SHORT real time, considering this ep supposedly comes directly after the last and the last literally starts directly after she entered the tardis.
-"i was born in 2004" that feels fake cause my best friend was born in 2004. Theres no way youre only 2 years older and youre a doctor who companion and Im just a sad dude
-i will be honest I was very much very disappointed by the fact we actually got to see the destroyed future. I totally expected she comes back in crying or something and we have to fill in the gap. Instead we see cgi broken london. BUT that allowed for maestros fucking iconic entrance with the shoe shot so I am not mad
-maestro being the toymakers child works surprisingly well thats lots of fun
-the way maestro lay on the piano? Iconic. Absolutely iconic. I love them. Gorgeous. Beautiful. Camp af. Fun. Pure. I-co-nic.
-more maestro saying things in the greatest fucking way possible:
-"Im going sOlO. :D"
-"A gEnius 💁"
-"I sAid gEniuSss. And you might be brIght. And hot. And... (dun-dun-dun) timey-wImey"
That totally got me I replayed this like 10 times instead of continueing to watch the ep. I can only repeat myself: In. Love.
-tardis with the lights out?? GORGEOUS. My eyes have been blessed. Beautiful. I love her so much shes my everything.
-"Im sorry im sorry *kiss kiss*. Dont hate me"
the way he apologises to her tardis and the doctor forever
-when they got out of the tardis he said something in a different language. The subtitles say its turkish. Does anyone know what he said?
-"I thought that was non-diegetic"
First: iconic that the score was actually heard in universe. Love it. Great idea. You totally get me with that.
Secondly: does that line imply the doctor always hears the score? Cause he said HE thought it was non-diegetic. Does he hear his own themes? Does it ruin emotional moments? If hes doing a speech does it distract him?
-"Playing love-sick sOngs for heartbroken lesbians, and thAt just makes me hungry for all those delicious songs"
-they had a music battle. They had a music battle with personified music and basically won. Not only that. Personified music actually said the words "mUsic bAttle". So stupid. Maybe I love it.
-no matter what I think of the idea of a music battle with personified music, the actual music battle was so much fun to watch. I loved it. Im gonna rewatch it.
-"Ive experienced everything"
No you havent thats the point. Im actually mad at that line. No he hasnt. The reason he travels is to find whatever he hasnt experienced yet. Literally JUST LAST EP he was completely baffled by the space babies and the bogeyman. This ep he was overwhelmed by the stolen music. He has experience ALOT, possibly more than anyone before him, but not everything. Never everything.
-honestly i think its rude to call this a beatles episode when they were basically not in it at all. Ian listened to the beatles back in classic who and they looked at a concert and the presence of the beatles in that episode is almost bigger to me than them in this ep.
-the musical number at the end. So stupid. So silly. I love it. Thats insane. But fun. But stupid. But fun. Also hello Henry Arbinger looking at the musical number
-was the rain during the musical number for real? Where'd it come from?? They were INSIDE. Was that just for the fun time? Because the snow in space babies was important.
-the zebra crossing making music. Im in love. I wanna. I want to dance on it too. So much fun. The stripes are even glowing.
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kris-py-president · 4 months
My (real time) reactions to the doctor who episodes that came out today
(S1, E2- space babies)
The intro is so beautiful. It's so pretty I'm gonna cry.
The Rani mentioned
The doctor is being so open about everything it's so refreshing. "I am so, so glad to be alive" BABEEEE AS YOU SHOULD BE!!!
I know there's dinosaurs out there because I've seen the trailer a million times
Star trek mentioned (and is also real???)
Ok so we're getting a ton of trailer clips in the first few minutes of the episode, which i find very interesting
I didn't know I needed the doctor hugging very intelligent, articulate, deep fake babies in space until I got it
He just made the space station fart, didn't he.
Oh, shit!! she gets a key already?? Wow.
(It was good I'm just. Did they have to say space babies so much?)
(S1, E3- The devils chord)
This guy is so chill. I should take piano lessons again.
FOUR KNOCKS ???? FOUR KNOCKS IM GOING BATSHIT ???? (I live in delulu land)
Maestro scares me. They frighten me.
How is that guy so calm, id be crying
THAT is some top notch fourth wall breaking right there
Oh they're so slay. Oh this is so cool. Oh. Shef's kiss. The SWAG.
Susan mentioned :( (ouchie ouch)
This feels like they're fighting a zelda boss
Honestly I didn't see that twist coming ;)
Oh yeah, I'm getting Marry Poppins vibes from this for sure. Disney's got their hands all up in here.
Ruby's mystery intrigues me. Also, I love how they've made this doctor carefree and lighthearted, but then he has an absolute breakdown when he thinks he can't beat the Maestro.
I *dont* like how it feels like they're trying to have the doctor lore drop all of their biggest secrets just because 'he's more open now'. I mean, honestly, who meets someone and then one adventure later reveal to them that you had kids and they're all dead now. That's some pretty heavy stuff to lay on your new friend, bro. It feels... out of touch(?) With the rest of the show.
Other than that, im really looking forward to that "ruby is a timeless child" reveal. We all know it's coming.
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Aristocats Au (Pt.1)
Patton and his sons had a much better life than most cats, plenty of space to run, all the food and drink they could want, whenever they wanted. And of course Thomas was absolutely wonderful to the five of them.
"Remus! Careful up there!" Patton called as the oldest of his children stood at the head of the carriage. His brother Roman was secure on the saddle alongside their butler, Orion. Logan was content lay in Thomas' lap, cleaning his fur. The youngest, Virgil, preferred to hide under Patton's arm.
"Are we almost there?" Virgil said quietly, he looked faint.
"Dont worry darling, it's only a little ways away," Patton said, cleaning off the top of Virgil's head. He was certainly glad they didnt go out at night, trying to find Virgil with all that black fur of his, it was like having a storm cloud for a kitten.
Eventually they made it home, Patton was the first to hop out of the carriage, waiting in turn for each of his sons.
"Roman, Remus, do you have something to say to Emile?" Patton said, looking up at the horse.
"Thank you Mr. Emile for letting us ride on your back," Roman and Remus said in unison before rushing to the door. Logan pushed them aside and clambered through on his own. Then came the twins, each trying to shove one another out of the way to get through first, until Virgil decided to shove the both of them out of the way.
"Hey!" Remus wriggled his way through the door, followed closely by Roman. Patton followed quickly after, and had only just gotten through when he heard a sharp mewl of pain.
"Papa papa! Remus isnt playing fair!"
"He started it!" Remus said.
"Gentlemen do not start fights but they can finish them." Virgil said, sticking his tongue out slightly.
"Now boys, there'll be no need for fighting and awful things like that, we're very safe here," Patton said, checking over the three to make sure there were no serious injuries.
"Now Roman, Remus, you go practice your painting alright?" Patton said.
"Papa can we watch before we start our music lesson?" Virgil said, looking up at his father.
"Of course we can," Patton said, smiling. He, Virgil, and Logan watched as the two kittens rushed over to a table and began setting up paints. Eventually the canvas in front of them was coated in shades of orange and brown, and other fall colors.
"Its Orion!" Logan called out as the twins finished.
"Yeah! Old picklepuss Orion!" Virgil finished.
"Old picklepuss- now now darlings, Orion has always taken such good care of us, and I'm sure you know he loves us all very much," Patton said.
"Alright, now let's get to your songs shall we?" Patton said, guiding Virgil and Logan over to the piano. Patton picked each kitten up by the scruff of his neck, dropping Logan off on the chair in front of the piano, and Virgil off at the top before settling into the chair next to it. Logan took a few moments to stretch before playing, but of course, Virgil had already gotten impatient.
"I'm ready maestro," Virgil said, tilting his head slightly towards the grey and black kitten. Logan glared at him before dragging his paws across the piano, earning a yelp from Virgil as he lifted his tail, which was now crooked.
"Papa papa! He did it again!" Virgil whined, shaking slightly to get his fur back in place.
"Now boys, play nice," Patton said.
"Yes papa," the boys said in unison. Logan began playing the piano, Patton and Virgil joining in later with vocals. The twins appeared a little later, hopping onto the piano with paws covered in paint and sawdust.
As the cats heard footsteps coming down the stairs they leapt off of the piano, Patton dragging his tail along the paint splotches to clean it up as he left.
"Creme de la creme a la Orion, just how you like it," Orion spoke as he walked through the door, placing bowls in proportionate sizes to each cat in front of them. They'd just begun to drink when a black rat scurried it's way out from a crack in the wall.
"Good afternoon Remy," Patton said as he lifted his head up.
"Good afternoon Patton, I was wondering if I could give this a try, see, I've brought my own cracker," Remy held up a square saltine.
"Of course," Patton said, moving out of the way. The cats had gotten about halfway through the bowl before a feeling of drowsiness began to set in, and a few moments later they were fast asleep.
There was only one cat who hadnt seemed to take the full effects of whatever they'd been given, and Remus was certainly not enjoying the ride. The motorcycle was loud, but louder still was the sound of dogs chasing them. This continued on for ages, until the basket they were in tumbled out of the side car, and landed next to a river, tattered and splintered.
It was a few minutes before the other cats woke up, Patton searching frantically for the three kittens no longer in the basket.
"Logan! Virgil! Roman!"
"I-Im here papa-" Virgil whimpered, Patton turned to see his youngest trapped between branches of a sapling.
"Oh dont worry darling I've got you, dont worry," Patton rushed over and picked Virgil out by the scruff of his neck, setting him back in the basket next to Remus, who quickly lay across him to help him warm up.
"Papa?" Roman's voice piped up next, from further away. A frog ribbitted nearby, and Roman posed the question again before the frog let out a loud bellow, causing Roman to flee back toward the basket.
"Logan! Logan darling where are you!" Patton called, searching around for him before finally discovering the small kitten laying in a mud puddle, struggling to get up. Patton plucked him out of the precarious situation and placed him in a shallow puddle nearby to wash off before he got in the basket.
"Papa I'm scared," Virgil said, now so close to Remus that, had Remus' fur been black rather than borne and white, they could have been attached.
"Itll be alright, just stay in the basket darlings," Patton said, ushering the kittens closer with his tail before laying down.
"Who did this to us?" Roman said, hiding under Patton's arm.
"I think I had a dream about it," Remus said, the other three kittens looked up at him.
"Yeah, we were all riding and bouncing along- and Orion was there, and there were dogs to," Remus said.
"So Orion did this to us?" Logan said.
"Dont be silly, even if he had been driving us out, I'm sure he wasnt purposely malicious," Patton said, now covering the kittens with his tail, hoping to lull them back to sleep despite the raging storm outside. Patton himself stayed awake, now concentrated on the worry Thomas must be going through if he'd realized they were gone.
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